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package com.sun.imageio.plugins.tiff;

import javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.BaselineTIFFTagSet;
import javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.TIFFField;
import javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.TIFFTag;
import java.io.IOException;
import javax.imageio.IIOException;
import javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata;

public class TIFFT4Compressor extends TIFFFaxCompressor {

    private boolean is1DMode = false;
    private boolean isEOLAligned = false;

    public TIFFT4Compressor() {
        super("CCITT T.4", BaselineTIFFTagSet.COMPRESSION_CCITT_T_4, true);

Sets the value of the metadata field.

The implementation in this class also sets local options from the T4_OPTIONS field if it exists, and if it doesn't, adds it with default values.

  • metadata – the IIOMetadata object for the image being written.
See Also:
/** * Sets the value of the {@code metadata} field. * * <p> The implementation in this class also sets local options * from the T4_OPTIONS field if it exists, and if it doesn't, adds * it with default values.</p> * * @param metadata the {@code IIOMetadata} object for the * image being written. * * @see #getMetadata() */
public void setMetadata(IIOMetadata metadata) { super.setMetadata(metadata); if (metadata instanceof TIFFImageMetadata) { TIFFImageMetadata tim = (TIFFImageMetadata)metadata; TIFFField f = tim.getTIFFField(BaselineTIFFTagSet.TAG_T4_OPTIONS); if (f != null) { int options = f.getAsInt(0); is1DMode = (options & 0x1) == 0; isEOLAligned = (options & 0x4) == 0x4; } else { long[] oarray = new long[1]; oarray[0] = (isEOLAligned ? 0x4 : 0x0) | (is1DMode ? 0x0 : 0x1); BaselineTIFFTagSet base = BaselineTIFFTagSet.getInstance(); TIFFField T4Options = new TIFFField(base.getTag(BaselineTIFFTagSet.TAG_T4_OPTIONS), TIFFTag.TIFF_LONG, 1, oarray); tim.rootIFD.addTIFFField(T4Options); } } }
Encode a buffer of data using CCITT T.4 Compression also known as Group 3 facsimile compression.
  • is1DMode – Whether to perform one-dimensional encoding.
  • isEOLAligned – Whether EOL bit sequences should be padded.
  • data – The row of data to compress.
  • lineStride – Byte step between the same sample in different rows.
  • colOffset – Bit offset within first data[rowOffset].
  • width – Number of bits in the row.
  • height – Number of rows in the buffer.
  • compData – The compressed data.
Returns:The number of bytes saved in the compressed data array.
/** * Encode a buffer of data using CCITT T.4 Compression also known as * Group 3 facsimile compression. * * @param is1DMode Whether to perform one-dimensional encoding. * @param isEOLAligned Whether EOL bit sequences should be padded. * @param data The row of data to compress. * @param lineStride Byte step between the same sample in different rows. * @param colOffset Bit offset within first {@code data[rowOffset]}. * @param width Number of bits in the row. * @param height Number of rows in the buffer. * @param compData The compressed data. * * @return The number of bytes saved in the compressed data array. */
public int encodeT4(boolean is1DMode, boolean isEOLAligned, byte[] data, int lineStride, int colOffset, int width, int height, byte[] compData) { // // ao, a1, a2 are bit indices in the current line // b1 and b2 are bit indices in the reference line (line above) // color is the current color (WHITE or BLACK) // byte[] refData = data; int lineAddr = 0; int outIndex = 0; initBitBuf(); int KParameter = 2; for(int numRows = 0; numRows < height; numRows++) { if(is1DMode || (numRows % KParameter) == 0) { // 1D encoding // Write EOL+1 outIndex += addEOL(is1DMode, isEOLAligned, true, compData, outIndex); // Encode row outIndex += encode1D(data, lineAddr, colOffset, width, compData, outIndex); } else { // 2D encoding. // Write EOL+0 outIndex += addEOL(is1DMode, isEOLAligned, false, compData, outIndex); // Set reference to previous line int refAddr = lineAddr - lineStride; // Encode row int a0 = colOffset; int last = a0 + width; int testbit = ((data[lineAddr + (a0>>>3)]&0xff) >>> (7-(a0 & 0x7))) & 0x1; int a1 = testbit != 0 ? a0 : nextState(data, lineAddr, a0, last); testbit = ((refData[refAddr + (a0>>>3)]&0xff) >>> (7-(a0 & 0x7))) & 0x1; int b1 = testbit != 0 ? a0 : nextState(refData, refAddr, a0, last); // The current color is set to WHITE at line start int color = WHITE; while(true) { int b2 = nextState(refData, refAddr, b1, last); if(b2 < a1) { // pass mode outIndex += add2DBits(compData, outIndex, pass, 0); a0 = b2; } else { int tmp = b1 - a1 + 3; if((tmp <= 6) && (tmp >= 0)) { // vertical mode outIndex += add2DBits(compData, outIndex, vert, tmp); a0 = a1; } else { // horizontal mode int a2 = nextState(data, lineAddr, a1, last); outIndex += add2DBits(compData, outIndex, horz, 0); outIndex += add1DBits(compData, outIndex, a1-a0, color); outIndex += add1DBits(compData, outIndex, a2-a1, color^1); a0 = a2; } } if(a0 >= last) { break; } color = ((data[lineAddr + (a0>>>3)]&0xff) >>> (7-(a0 & 0x7))) & 0x1; a1 = nextState(data, lineAddr, a0, last); b1 = nextState(refData, refAddr, a0, last); testbit = ((refData[refAddr + (b1>>>3)]&0xff) >>> (7-(b1 & 0x7))) & 0x1; if(testbit == color) { b1 = nextState(refData, refAddr, b1, last); } } } // Skip to next line. lineAddr += lineStride; } for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { outIndex += addEOL(is1DMode, isEOLAligned, true, compData, outIndex); } // // flush all pending bits // while(ndex > 0) { compData[outIndex++] = (byte)(bits >>> 24); bits <<= 8; ndex -= 8; } // Flip the bytes if inverse fill was requested. if(inverseFill) { for(int i = 0; i < outIndex; i++) { compData[i] = TIFFFaxDecompressor.flipTable[compData[i]&0xff]; } } return outIndex; } public int encode(byte[] b, int off, int width, int height, int[] bitsPerSample, int scanlineStride) throws IOException { if (bitsPerSample.length != 1 || bitsPerSample[0] != 1) { throw new IIOException( "Bits per sample must be 1 for T4 compression!"); } // This initial buffer size is based on an alternating 1-0 // pattern generating the most bits when converted to code // words: 9 bits out for each pair of bits in. So the number // of bit pairs is determined, multiplied by 9, converted to // bytes, and a ceil() is taken to account for fill bits at the // end of each line. The "2" addend accounts for the case // of the pattern beginning with black. The buffer is intended // to hold only a single row. int maxBits = 9*((width + 1)/2) + 2; int bufSize = (maxBits + 7)/8; // Calculate the maximum row as the G3-1D size plus the EOL, // multiply this by the number of rows in the tile, and add // 6 EOLs for the RTC (return to control). bufSize = height*(bufSize + 2) + 12; byte[] compData = new byte[bufSize]; int bytes = encodeT4(is1DMode, isEOLAligned, b, scanlineStride, 8*off, width, height, compData); stream.write(compData, 0, bytes); return bytes; } }