 * Copyright (c) 2018, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
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 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.
package jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.markup;

import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;

import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind;
import javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.PackageElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;

import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.AbstractMemberWriter;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.Contents;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.HtmlConfiguration;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.MarkerComments;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.SectionName;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.Content;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.builders.MemberSummaryBuilder;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.DocFile;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.DocLink;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.DocPath;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.DocPaths;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.VisibleMemberTable;

import static jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.VisibleMemberTable.Kind.*;

Factory for navigation bar.

This is NOT part of any supported API. If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or deletion without notice.

/** * Factory for navigation bar. * * <p> * <b>This is NOT part of any supported API. If you write code that depends on this, you do so at * your own risk. This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or deletion without * notice.</b> */
public class Navigation { private final HtmlConfiguration configuration; private final Element element; private final Contents contents; private final DocPath path; private final DocPath pathToRoot; private final Links links; private final HtmlTree fixedNavDiv; private final PageMode documentedPage; private Content navLinkModule; private Content navLinkPackage; private Content navLinkClass; private MemberSummaryBuilder memberSummaryBuilder; private boolean displaySummaryModuleDescLink; private boolean displaySummaryModulesLink; private boolean displaySummaryPackagesLink; private boolean displaySummaryServicesLink; private final Map<Position, Deque<Content>> topBottomNavContents; private Content userHeader; private Content userFooter; private final String rowListTitle; private final Content searchLabel; private static final Script FIXED_NAV_SCRIPT = new Script("<!--\n" + "$('.navPadding').css('padding-top', $('.fixedNav').css(\"height\"));\n" + "//-->\n"); public enum PageMode { ALLCLASSES, ALLPACKAGES, CLASS, CONSTANTVALUES, DEPRECATED, DOCFILE, HELP, INDEX, MODULE, OVERVIEW, PACKAGE, SERIALIZEDFORM, TREE, USE; } enum Position { BOTTOM(MarkerComments.START_OF_BOTTOM_NAVBAR, MarkerComments.END_OF_BOTTOM_NAVBAR), TOP(MarkerComments.START_OF_TOP_NAVBAR, MarkerComments.END_OF_TOP_NAVBAR); final Content startOfNav; final Content endOfNav; Position(Content startOfNav, Content endOfNav) { this.startOfNav = startOfNav; this.endOfNav = endOfNav; } Content startOfNav() { return startOfNav; } Content endOfNav() { return endOfNav; } }
Creates a Navigation object for a specific file, to be written in a specific HTML version.
  • element – element being documented. null if its not an element documentation page
  • configuration – the configuration object
  • fixedNavDiv – the fixed navigation for the header navigation
  • page – the kind of page being documented
  • path – the DocPath object
/** * Creates a {@code Navigation} object for a specific file, to be written in a specific HTML * version. * * @param element element being documented. null if its not an element documentation page * @param configuration the configuration object * @param fixedNavDiv the fixed navigation for the header navigation * @param page the kind of page being documented * @param path the DocPath object */
public Navigation(Element element, HtmlConfiguration configuration, HtmlTree fixedNavDiv, PageMode page, DocPath path) { this.configuration = configuration; this.element = element; this.fixedNavDiv = fixedNavDiv; this.contents = configuration.contents; this.documentedPage = page; this.path = path; this.pathToRoot = path.parent().invert(); this.links = new Links(path); this.topBottomNavContents = new HashMap<>(); this.rowListTitle = configuration.getResources().getText("doclet.Navigation"); this.searchLabel = contents.getContent("doclet.search"); populateNavContents(Position.TOP); populateNavContents(Position.BOTTOM); }
Populate the navigation contents for top and bottom navigation
  • position – the position of the navigation bar on the page
/** * Populate the navigation contents for top and bottom navigation * * @param position the position of the navigation bar on the page */
private void populateNavContents(Position position) { Deque<Content> queue = new ArrayDeque<>(); Content skipNavLinks = contents.getContent("doclet.Skip_navigation_links"); switch (position) { case TOP: queue.addLast(links.createAnchor(SectionName.NAVBAR_TOP)); queue.addLast(links.createLink(SectionName.SKIP_NAVBAR_TOP, skipNavLinks, skipNavLinks.toString(), "")); queue.addLast(links.createAnchor(SectionName.NAVBAR_TOP_FIRSTROW)); queue.addLast(links.createAnchor(SectionName.SKIP_NAVBAR_TOP)); topBottomNavContents.put(position, queue); break; case BOTTOM: queue.addLast(links.createAnchor(SectionName.NAVBAR_BOTTOM)); queue.addLast(links.createLink(SectionName.SKIP_NAVBAR_BOTTOM, skipNavLinks, skipNavLinks.toString(), "")); queue.addLast(links.createAnchor(SectionName.NAVBAR_BOTTOM_FIRSTROW)); queue.addLast(links.createAnchor(SectionName.SKIP_NAVBAR_BOTTOM)); topBottomNavContents.put(position, queue); break; default: break; } } public Navigation setNavLinkModule(Content navLinkModule) { this.navLinkModule = navLinkModule; return this; } public Navigation setNavLinkPackage(Content navLinkPackage) { this.navLinkPackage = navLinkPackage; return this; } public Navigation setNavLinkClass(Content navLinkClass) { this.navLinkClass = navLinkClass; return this; } public Navigation setMemberSummaryBuilder(MemberSummaryBuilder memberSummaryBuilder) { this.memberSummaryBuilder = memberSummaryBuilder; return this; } public Navigation setDisplaySummaryModuleDescLink(boolean displaySummaryModuleDescLink) { this.displaySummaryModuleDescLink = displaySummaryModuleDescLink; return this; } public Navigation setDisplaySummaryModulesLink(boolean displaySummaryModulesLink) { this.displaySummaryModulesLink = displaySummaryModulesLink; return this; } public Navigation setDisplaySummaryPackagesLink(boolean displaySummaryPackagesLink) { this.displaySummaryPackagesLink = displaySummaryPackagesLink; return this; } public Navigation setDisplaySummaryServicesLink(boolean displaySummaryServicesLink) { this.displaySummaryServicesLink = displaySummaryServicesLink; return this; } public Navigation setUserHeader(Content userHeader) { this.userHeader = userHeader; return this; } public Navigation setUserFooter(Content userFooter) { this.userFooter = userFooter; return this; }
Add the links for the main navigation.
  • tree – the content tree to which the main navigation will added
/** * Add the links for the main navigation. * * @param tree the content tree to which the main navigation will added */
private void addMainNavLinks(Content tree) { switch (documentedPage) { case OVERVIEW: addActivePageLink(tree, contents.overviewLabel, configuration.createoverview); addModuleLink(tree); addPackageLink(tree); addPageLabel(tree, contents.classLabel, true); addPageLabel(tree, contents.useLabel, configuration.classuse); addTreeLink(tree); addDeprecatedLink(tree); addIndexLink(tree); addHelpLink(tree); break; case MODULE: addOverviewLink(tree); addActivePageLink(tree, contents.moduleLabel, configuration.showModules); addPackageLink(tree); addPageLabel(tree, contents.classLabel, true); addPageLabel(tree, contents.useLabel, configuration.classuse); addTreeLink(tree); addDeprecatedLink(tree); addIndexLink(tree); addHelpLink(tree); break; case PACKAGE: addOverviewLink(tree); addModuleOfElementLink(tree); addActivePageLink(tree, contents.packageLabel, true); addPageLabel(tree, contents.classLabel, true); if (configuration.classuse) { addContentToTree(tree, links.createLink(DocPaths.PACKAGE_USE, contents.useLabel, "", "")); } if (configuration.createtree) { addContentToTree(tree, links.createLink(DocPaths.PACKAGE_TREE, contents.treeLabel, "", "")); } addDeprecatedLink(tree); addIndexLink(tree); addHelpLink(tree); break; case CLASS: addOverviewLink(tree); addModuleOfElementLink(tree); addPackageSummaryLink(tree); addActivePageLink(tree, contents.classLabel, true); if (configuration.classuse) { addContentToTree(tree, links.createLink(DocPaths.CLASS_USE.resolve(path.basename()), contents.useLabel)); } if (configuration.createtree) { addContentToTree(tree, links.createLink(DocPaths.PACKAGE_TREE, contents.treeLabel, "", "")); } addDeprecatedLink(tree); addIndexLink(tree); addHelpLink(tree); break; case USE: addOverviewLink(tree); addModuleOfElementLink(tree); if (element instanceof PackageElement) { addPackageSummaryLink(tree); addPageLabel(tree, contents.classLabel, true); } else { addPackageOfElementLink(tree); addContentToTree(tree, navLinkClass); } addActivePageLink(tree, contents.useLabel, configuration.classuse); if (element instanceof PackageElement) { addContentToTree(tree, links.createLink(DocPaths.PACKAGE_TREE, contents.treeLabel)); } else { addContentToTree(tree, configuration.utils.isEnclosingPackageIncluded((TypeElement) element) ? links.createLink(DocPath.parent.resolve(DocPaths.PACKAGE_TREE), contents.treeLabel) : links.createLink(pathToRoot.resolve(DocPaths.OVERVIEW_TREE), contents.treeLabel)); } addDeprecatedLink(tree); addIndexLink(tree); addHelpLink(tree); break; case TREE: addOverviewLink(tree); if (element == null) { addPageLabel(tree, contents.moduleLabel, configuration.showModules); addPageLabel(tree, contents.packageLabel, true); } else { addModuleOfElementLink(tree); addPackageSummaryLink(tree); } addPageLabel(tree, contents.classLabel, true); addPageLabel(tree, contents.useLabel, configuration.classuse); addActivePageLink(tree, contents.treeLabel, configuration.createtree); addDeprecatedLink(tree); addIndexLink(tree); addHelpLink(tree); break; case DEPRECATED: case INDEX: case HELP: addOverviewLink(tree); addModuleLink(tree); addPackageLink(tree); addPageLabel(tree, contents.classLabel, true); addPageLabel(tree, contents.useLabel, configuration.classuse); addTreeLink(tree); if (documentedPage == PageMode.DEPRECATED) { addActivePageLink(tree, contents.deprecatedLabel, !(configuration.nodeprecated || configuration.nodeprecatedlist)); } else { addDeprecatedLink(tree); } if (documentedPage == PageMode.INDEX) { addActivePageLink(tree, contents.indexLabel, configuration.createindex); } else { addIndexLink(tree); } if (documentedPage == PageMode.HELP) { addActivePageLink(tree, contents.helpLabel, !configuration.nohelp); } else { addHelpLink(tree); } break; case ALLCLASSES: case ALLPACKAGES: case CONSTANTVALUES: case SERIALIZEDFORM: addOverviewLink(tree); addModuleLink(tree); addPackageLink(tree); addPageLabel(tree, contents.classLabel, true); addPageLabel(tree, contents.useLabel, configuration.classuse); addTreeLink(tree); addDeprecatedLink(tree); addIndexLink(tree); addHelpLink(tree); break; case DOCFILE: addOverviewLink(tree); addModuleOfElementLink(tree); addContentToTree(tree, navLinkPackage); addPageLabel(tree, contents.classLabel, true); addPageLabel(tree, contents.useLabel, configuration.classuse); addTreeLink(tree); addDeprecatedLink(tree); addIndexLink(tree); addHelpLink(tree); break; default: break; } }
Add the summary links to the sub-navigation.
  • tree – the content tree to which the sub-navigation will added
/** * Add the summary links to the sub-navigation. * * @param tree the content tree to which the sub-navigation will added */
private void addSummaryLinks(Content tree) { List<Content> listContents = new ArrayList<>(); switch (documentedPage) { case CLASS: if (element.getKind() == ElementKind.ANNOTATION_TYPE) { addAnnotationTypeSummaryLink("doclet.navField", ANNOTATION_TYPE_FIELDS, listContents); addAnnotationTypeSummaryLink("doclet.navAnnotationTypeRequiredMember", ANNOTATION_TYPE_MEMBER_REQUIRED, listContents); addAnnotationTypeSummaryLink("doclet.navAnnotationTypeOptionalMember", ANNOTATION_TYPE_MEMBER_OPTIONAL, listContents); } else { TypeElement typeElement = (TypeElement) element; for (VisibleMemberTable.Kind kind : summarySet) { if (kind == ENUM_CONSTANTS && !configuration.utils.isEnum(typeElement)) { continue; } if (kind == CONSTRUCTORS && configuration.utils.isEnum(typeElement)) { continue; } AbstractMemberWriter writer = ((AbstractMemberWriter) memberSummaryBuilder.getMemberSummaryWriter(kind)); if (writer == null) { addContentToList(listContents, contents.getNavLinkLabelContent(kind)); } else { addTypeSummaryLink(memberSummaryBuilder.members(kind), memberSummaryBuilder.getVisibleMemberTable(), kind, listContents); } } } if (!listContents.isEmpty()) { Content li = HtmlTree.LI(contents.summaryLabel); li.add(Entity.NO_BREAK_SPACE); tree.add(li); addListToNav(listContents, tree); } break; case MODULE: if (displaySummaryModuleDescLink) { addContentToList(listContents, links.createLink(SectionName.MODULE_DESCRIPTION, contents.navModuleDescription)); } else { addContentToList(listContents, contents.navModuleDescription); } if (displaySummaryModulesLink) { addContentToList(listContents, links.createLink(SectionName.MODULES, contents.navModules)); } else { addContentToList(listContents, contents.navModules); } if (displaySummaryPackagesLink) { addContentToList(listContents, links.createLink(SectionName.PACKAGES, contents.navPackages)); } else { addContentToList(listContents, contents.navPackages); } if (displaySummaryServicesLink) { addContentToList(listContents, links.createLink(SectionName.SERVICES, contents.navServices)); } else { addContentToList(listContents, contents.navServices); } if (!listContents.isEmpty()) { Content li = HtmlTree.LI(contents.moduleSubNavLabel); li.add(Entity.NO_BREAK_SPACE); tree.add(li); addListToNav(listContents, tree); } break; default: break; } }
Add the navigation summary link.
  • members – members to be linked
  • vmt – the visible member table
  • kind – the visible member kind
  • listContents – the list of contents
/** * Add the navigation summary link. * * @param members members to be linked * @param vmt the visible member table * @param kind the visible member kind * @param listContents the list of contents */
private void addTypeSummaryLink(SortedSet<? extends Element> members, VisibleMemberTable vmt, VisibleMemberTable.Kind kind, List<Content> listContents) { if (!members.isEmpty()) { addTypeSummaryLink(null, kind, true, listContents); return; } Set<TypeElement> visibleClasses = vmt.getVisibleTypeElements(); for (TypeElement t : visibleClasses) { if (configuration.getVisibleMemberTable(t).hasVisibleMembers(kind)) { addTypeSummaryLink(null, kind, true, listContents); return; } } addTypeSummaryLink(null, kind, false, listContents); }
Add the navigation Type summary link.
  • typeElement – the Type being documented
  • kind – the kind of member being documented
  • link – true if the members are listed and need to be linked
  • listContents – the list of contents to which the summary will be added
/** * Add the navigation Type summary link. * * @param typeElement the Type being documented * @param kind the kind of member being documented * @param link true if the members are listed and need to be linked * @param listContents the list of contents to which the summary will be added */
private void addTypeSummaryLink(TypeElement typeElement, VisibleMemberTable.Kind kind, boolean link, List<Content> listContents) { switch (kind) { case CONSTRUCTORS: if (link) { addContentToList(listContents, links.createLink(SectionName.CONSTRUCTOR_SUMMARY, contents.navConstructor)); } else { addContentToList(listContents, contents.navConstructor); } break; case ENUM_CONSTANTS: if (link) { if (typeElement == null) { addContentToList(listContents, links.createLink(SectionName.ENUM_CONSTANT_SUMMARY, contents.navEnum)); } else { addContentToList(listContents, links.createLink( SectionName.ENUM_CONSTANTS_INHERITANCE, configuration.getClassName(typeElement), contents.navEnum)); } } else { addContentToList(listContents, contents.navEnum); } break; case FIELDS: if (link) { if (typeElement == null) { addContentToList(listContents, links.createLink(SectionName.FIELD_SUMMARY, contents.navField)); } else { addContentToList(listContents, links.createLink(SectionName.FIELDS_INHERITANCE, configuration.getClassName(typeElement), contents.navField)); } } else { addContentToList(listContents, contents.navField); } break; case METHODS: if (link) { if (typeElement == null) { addContentToList(listContents, links.createLink(SectionName.METHOD_SUMMARY, contents.navMethod)); } else { addContentToList(listContents, links.createLink(SectionName.METHODS_INHERITANCE, configuration.getClassName(typeElement), contents.navMethod)); } } else { addContentToList(listContents, contents.navMethod); } break; case INNER_CLASSES: if (link) { if (typeElement == null) { addContentToList(listContents, links.createLink(SectionName.NESTED_CLASS_SUMMARY, contents.navNested)); } else { addContentToList(listContents, links.createLink(SectionName.NESTED_CLASSES_INHERITANCE, configuration.utils.getFullyQualifiedName(typeElement), contents.navNested)); } } else { addContentToList(listContents, contents.navNested); } break; case PROPERTIES: if (link) { if (typeElement == null) { addContentToList(listContents, links.createLink(SectionName.PROPERTY_SUMMARY, contents.navProperty)); } else { addContentToList(listContents, links.createLink(SectionName.PROPERTIES_INHERITANCE, configuration.getClassName(typeElement), contents.navProperty)); } } else { addContentToList(listContents, contents.navProperty); } break; default: break; } }
Add the navigation Type summary link.
  • label – the label to be added
  • kind – the kind of member being documented
  • listContents – the list of contents to which the summary will be added
/** * Add the navigation Type summary link. * * @param label the label to be added * @param kind the kind of member being documented * @param listContents the list of contents to which the summary will be added */
private void addAnnotationTypeSummaryLink(String label, VisibleMemberTable.Kind kind, List<Content> listContents) { AbstractMemberWriter writer = ((AbstractMemberWriter) memberSummaryBuilder. getMemberSummaryWriter(kind)); if (writer == null) { addContentToList(listContents, contents.getContent(label)); } else { boolean link = memberSummaryBuilder.getVisibleMemberTable().hasVisibleMembers(kind); switch (kind) { case ANNOTATION_TYPE_FIELDS: if (link) { addContentToList(listContents, links.createLink(SectionName.ANNOTATION_TYPE_FIELD_SUMMARY, contents.navField)); } else { addContentToList(listContents, contents.navField); } break; case ANNOTATION_TYPE_MEMBER_REQUIRED: if (link) { addContentToList(listContents, links.createLink( SectionName.ANNOTATION_TYPE_REQUIRED_ELEMENT_SUMMARY, contents.navAnnotationTypeRequiredMember)); } else { addContentToList(listContents, contents.navAnnotationTypeRequiredMember); } break; case ANNOTATION_TYPE_MEMBER_OPTIONAL: if (link) { addContentToList(listContents, links.createLink( SectionName.ANNOTATION_TYPE_OPTIONAL_ELEMENT_SUMMARY, contents.navAnnotationTypeOptionalMember)); } else { addContentToList(listContents, contents.navAnnotationTypeOptionalMember); } break; default: break; } } }
Add the detail links to sub-navigation.
  • tree – the content tree to which the links will be added
/** * Add the detail links to sub-navigation. * * @param tree the content tree to which the links will be added */
private void addDetailLinks(Content tree) { switch (documentedPage) { case CLASS: List<Content> listContents = new ArrayList<>(); if (element.getKind() == ElementKind.ANNOTATION_TYPE) { addAnnotationTypeDetailLink(listContents); } else { TypeElement typeElement = (TypeElement) element; for (VisibleMemberTable.Kind kind : detailSet) { AbstractMemberWriter writer = ((AbstractMemberWriter) memberSummaryBuilder. getMemberSummaryWriter(kind)); if (kind == ENUM_CONSTANTS && !configuration.utils.isEnum(typeElement)) { continue; } if (kind == CONSTRUCTORS && configuration.utils.isEnum(typeElement)) { continue; } if (writer == null) { addContentToList(listContents, contents.getNavLinkLabelContent(kind)); } else { addTypeDetailLink(kind, memberSummaryBuilder.hasMembers(kind), listContents); } } } if (!listContents.isEmpty()) { Content li = HtmlTree.LI(contents.detailLabel); li.add(Entity.NO_BREAK_SPACE); tree.add(li); addListToNav(listContents, tree); } break; default: break; } }
Add the navigation Type detail link.
  • kind – the kind of member being documented
  • link – true if the members are listed and need to be linked
  • listContents – the list of contents to which the detail will be added.
/** * Add the navigation Type detail link. * * @param kind the kind of member being documented * @param link true if the members are listed and need to be linked * @param listContents the list of contents to which the detail will be added. */
protected void addTypeDetailLink(VisibleMemberTable.Kind kind, boolean link, List<Content> listContents) { switch (kind) { case CONSTRUCTORS: if (link) { addContentToList(listContents, links.createLink(SectionName.CONSTRUCTOR_DETAIL, contents.navConstructor)); } else { addContentToList(listContents, contents.navConstructor); } break; case ENUM_CONSTANTS: if (link) { addContentToList(listContents, links.createLink(SectionName.ENUM_CONSTANT_DETAIL, contents.navEnum)); } else { addContentToList(listContents, contents.navEnum); } break; case FIELDS: if (link) { addContentToList(listContents, links.createLink(SectionName.FIELD_DETAIL, contents.navField)); } else { addContentToList(listContents, contents.navField); } break; case METHODS: if (link) { addContentToList(listContents, links.createLink(SectionName.METHOD_DETAIL, contents.navMethod)); } else { addContentToList(listContents, contents.navMethod); } break; case PROPERTIES: if (link) { addContentToList(listContents, links.createLink(SectionName.PROPERTY_DETAIL, contents.navProperty)); } else { addContentToList(listContents, contents.navProperty); } break; default: break; } }
Add the navigation Annotation Type detail link.
  • listContents – the list of contents to which the annotation detail will be added.
/** * Add the navigation Annotation Type detail link. * * @param listContents the list of contents to which the annotation detail will be added. */
protected void addAnnotationTypeDetailLink(List<Content> listContents) { TypeElement annotationType = (TypeElement) element; AbstractMemberWriter writerField = ((AbstractMemberWriter) memberSummaryBuilder. getMemberSummaryWriter(ANNOTATION_TYPE_FIELDS)); AbstractMemberWriter writerOptional = ((AbstractMemberWriter) memberSummaryBuilder. getMemberSummaryWriter(ANNOTATION_TYPE_MEMBER_OPTIONAL)); AbstractMemberWriter writerRequired = ((AbstractMemberWriter) memberSummaryBuilder. getMemberSummaryWriter(ANNOTATION_TYPE_MEMBER_REQUIRED)); if (writerField != null) { addAnnotationTypeDetailLink(ANNOTATION_TYPE_FIELDS, !configuration.utils.getAnnotationFields(annotationType).isEmpty(), listContents); } else { addContentToList(listContents, contents.navField); } if (writerOptional != null) { addAnnotationTypeDetailLink(ANNOTATION_TYPE_MEMBER_OPTIONAL, !annotationType.getAnnotationMirrors().isEmpty(), listContents); } else if (writerRequired != null) { addAnnotationTypeDetailLink(ANNOTATION_TYPE_MEMBER_REQUIRED, !annotationType.getAnnotationMirrors().isEmpty(), listContents); } else { addContentToList(listContents, contents.navAnnotationTypeMember); } }
Add the navigation Annotation Type detail link.
  • type – the kind of member being documented
  • link – true if the member details need to be linked
  • listContents – the list of contents to which the annotation detail will be added.
/** * Add the navigation Annotation Type detail link. * * @param type the kind of member being documented * @param link true if the member details need to be linked * @param listContents the list of contents to which the annotation detail will be added. */
protected void addAnnotationTypeDetailLink(VisibleMemberTable.Kind type, boolean link, List<Content> listContents) { switch (type) { case ANNOTATION_TYPE_FIELDS: if (link) { addContentToList(listContents, links.createLink(SectionName.ANNOTATION_TYPE_FIELD_DETAIL, contents.navField)); } else { addContentToList(listContents, contents.navField); } break; case ANNOTATION_TYPE_MEMBER_REQUIRED: case ANNOTATION_TYPE_MEMBER_OPTIONAL: if (link) { addContentToList(listContents, links.createLink(SectionName.ANNOTATION_TYPE_ELEMENT_DETAIL, contents.navAnnotationTypeMember)); } else { addContentToList(listContents, contents.navAnnotationTypeMember); } break; default: break; } } private void addContentToList(List<Content> listContents, Content tree) { listContents.add(HtmlTree.LI(tree)); } private void addContentToTree(Content tree, Content content) { tree.add(HtmlTree.LI(content)); } private void addListToNav(List<Content> listContents, Content tree) { int count = 0; for (Content liContent : listContents) { if (count < listContents.size() - 1) { liContent.add(Entity.NO_BREAK_SPACE); liContent.add("|"); liContent.add(Entity.NO_BREAK_SPACE); } tree.add(liContent); count++; } } private void addActivePageLink(Content tree, Content label, boolean display) { if (display) { tree.add(HtmlTree.LI(HtmlStyle.navBarCell1Rev, label)); } } private void addPageLabel(Content tree, Content label, boolean display) { if (display) { tree.add(HtmlTree.LI(label)); } } private void addOverviewLink(Content tree) { if (configuration.createoverview) { tree.add(HtmlTree.LI(links.createLink(pathToRoot.resolve(DocPaths.INDEX), contents.overviewLabel, "", ""))); } } private void addModuleLink(Content tree) { if (configuration.showModules) { if (configuration.modules.size() == 1) { ModuleElement mdle = configuration.modules.first(); boolean included = configuration.utils.isIncluded(mdle); tree.add(HtmlTree.LI((included) ? links.createLink(pathToRoot.resolve(configuration.docPaths.moduleSummary(mdle)), contents.moduleLabel, "", "") : contents.moduleLabel)); } else if (!configuration.modules.isEmpty()) { addPageLabel(tree, contents.moduleLabel, true); } } } private void addModuleOfElementLink(Content tree) { if (configuration.showModules) { tree.add(HtmlTree.LI(navLinkModule)); } } private void addPackageLink(Content tree) { if (configuration.packages.size() == 1) { PackageElement packageElement = configuration.packages.first(); boolean included = packageElement != null && configuration.utils.isIncluded(packageElement); if (!included) { for (PackageElement p : configuration.packages) { if (p.equals(packageElement)) { included = true; break; } } } if (included || packageElement == null) { tree.add(HtmlTree.LI(links.createLink( pathToRoot.resolve(configuration.docPaths.forPackage(packageElement).resolve(DocPaths.PACKAGE_SUMMARY)), contents.packageLabel))); } else { DocLink crossPkgLink = configuration.extern.getExternalLink( packageElement, pathToRoot, DocPaths.PACKAGE_SUMMARY.getPath()); if (crossPkgLink != null) { tree.add(HtmlTree.LI(links.createLink(crossPkgLink, contents.packageLabel))); } else { tree.add(HtmlTree.LI(contents.packageLabel)); } } } else if (!configuration.packages.isEmpty()) { addPageLabel(tree, contents.packageLabel, true); } } private void addPackageOfElementLink(Content tree) { tree.add(HtmlTree.LI(links.createLink(DocPath.parent.resolve(DocPaths.PACKAGE_SUMMARY), contents.packageLabel))); } private void addPackageSummaryLink(Content tree) { tree.add(HtmlTree.LI(links.createLink(DocPaths.PACKAGE_SUMMARY, contents.packageLabel))); } private void addTreeLink(Content tree) { if (configuration.createtree) { List<PackageElement> packages = new ArrayList<>(configuration.getSpecifiedPackageElements()); DocPath docPath = packages.size() == 1 && configuration.getSpecifiedTypeElements().isEmpty() ? pathToRoot.resolve(configuration.docPaths.forPackage(packages.get(0)).resolve(DocPaths.PACKAGE_TREE)) : pathToRoot.resolve(DocPaths.OVERVIEW_TREE); tree.add(HtmlTree.LI(links.createLink(docPath, contents.treeLabel, "", ""))); } } private void addDeprecatedLink(Content tree) { if (!(configuration.nodeprecated || configuration.nodeprecatedlist)) { tree.add(HtmlTree.LI(links.createLink(pathToRoot.resolve(DocPaths.DEPRECATED_LIST), contents.deprecatedLabel, "", ""))); } } private void addIndexLink(Content tree) { if (configuration.createindex) { tree.add(HtmlTree.LI(links.createLink(pathToRoot.resolve( (configuration.splitindex ? DocPaths.INDEX_FILES.resolve(DocPaths.indexN(1)) : DocPaths.INDEX_ALL)), contents.indexLabel, "", ""))); } } private void addHelpLink(Content tree) { if (!configuration.nohelp) { String helpfile = configuration.helpfile; DocPath helpfilenm; if (helpfile.isEmpty()) { helpfilenm = DocPaths.HELP_DOC; } else { DocFile file = DocFile.createFileForInput(configuration, helpfile); helpfilenm = DocPath.create(file.getName()); } tree.add(HtmlTree.LI(links.createLink(pathToRoot.resolve(helpfilenm), contents.helpLabel, "", ""))); } } private void addSearch(Content tree) { String searchValueId = "search"; String reset = "reset"; HtmlTree inputText = HtmlTree.INPUT("text", searchValueId, searchValueId); HtmlTree inputReset = HtmlTree.INPUT(reset, reset, reset); HtmlTree searchDiv = HtmlTree.DIV(HtmlStyle.navListSearch, HtmlTree.LABEL(searchValueId, searchLabel)); searchDiv.add(inputText); searchDiv.add(inputReset); tree.add(searchDiv); } private void addFixedNavScript(Content tree) { tree.add(FIXED_NAV_SCRIPT.asContent()); }
Get the navigation content.
  • top – true if the top navigation bar is to be printed
Returns:the navigation contents
/** * Get the navigation content. * * @param top true if the top navigation bar is to be printed * @return the navigation contents */
public Content getContent(boolean top) { Content contentTree = new ContentBuilder(); if (!configuration.nonavbar) { Deque<Content> queue; Content tree = HtmlTree.NAV(); HtmlTree navDiv = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.DIV); if (top) { queue = topBottomNavContents.get(Position.TOP); fixedNavDiv.add(Position.TOP.startOfNav()); navDiv.setStyle(HtmlStyle.topNav); } else { queue = topBottomNavContents.get(Position.BOTTOM); tree.add(Position.BOTTOM.startOfNav()); navDiv.setStyle(HtmlStyle.bottomNav); } navDiv.add(queue.poll()); HtmlTree skipLinkDiv = HtmlTree.DIV(HtmlStyle.skipNav, queue.poll()); navDiv.add(skipLinkDiv); navDiv.add(queue.poll()); HtmlTree navList = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.UL); navList.setStyle(HtmlStyle.navList); navList.put(HtmlAttr.TITLE, rowListTitle); fixedNavDiv.setStyle(HtmlStyle.fixedNav); addMainNavLinks(navList); navDiv.add(navList); Content aboutDiv = HtmlTree.DIV(HtmlStyle.aboutLanguage, top ? userHeader : userFooter); navDiv.add(aboutDiv); if (top) { fixedNavDiv.add(navDiv); } else { tree.add(navDiv); } HtmlTree subDiv = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.DIV); subDiv.setStyle(HtmlStyle.subNav); HtmlTree div = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.DIV); // Add the summary links if present. HtmlTree ulNavSummary = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.UL); ulNavSummary.setStyle(HtmlStyle.subNavList); addSummaryLinks(ulNavSummary); div.add(ulNavSummary); // Add the detail links if present. HtmlTree ulNavDetail = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.UL); ulNavDetail.setStyle(HtmlStyle.subNavList); addDetailLinks(ulNavDetail); div.add(ulNavDetail); subDiv.add(div); if (top && configuration.createindex) { addSearch(subDiv); } if (top) { fixedNavDiv.add(subDiv); fixedNavDiv.add(queue.poll()); fixedNavDiv.add(Position.TOP.endOfNav()); tree.add(fixedNavDiv); HtmlTree paddingDiv = HtmlTree.DIV(HtmlStyle.navPadding, Entity.NO_BREAK_SPACE); tree.add(paddingDiv); addFixedNavScript(tree); } else { tree.add(subDiv); tree.add(queue.poll()); tree.add(Position.BOTTOM.endOfNav()); } return tree; } return contentTree; } }