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package javax.lang.model.element;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.annotation.AnnotationTypeMismatchException;
import java.lang.annotation.IncompleteAnnotationException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.lang.model.type.*;
import javax.lang.model.util.*;

Represents a program element such as a module, package, class, or method. Each element represents a static, language-level construct (and not, for example, a runtime construct of the virtual machine).

Elements should be compared using the equals(Object) method. There is no guarantee that any particular element will always be represented by the same object.

To implement operations based on the class of an Element object, either use a visitor or use the result of the getKind method. Using instanceof is not necessarily a reliable idiom for determining the effective class of an object in this modeling hierarchy since an implementation may choose to have a single object implement multiple Element subinterfaces.

Author:Joseph D. Darcy, Scott Seligman, Peter von der Ahé
See Also:
/** * Represents a program element such as a module, package, class, or method. * Each element represents a static, language-level construct * (and not, for example, a runtime construct of the virtual machine). * * <p> Elements should be compared using the {@link #equals(Object)} * method. There is no guarantee that any particular element will * always be represented by the same object. * * <p> To implement operations based on the class of an {@code * Element} object, either use a {@linkplain ElementVisitor visitor} or * use the result of the {@link #getKind} method. Using {@code * instanceof} is <em>not</em> necessarily a reliable idiom for * determining the effective class of an object in this modeling * hierarchy since an implementation may choose to have a single object * implement multiple {@code Element} subinterfaces. * * @author Joseph D. Darcy * @author Scott Seligman * @author Peter von der Ah&eacute; * @see Elements * @see TypeMirror * @since 1.6 */
public interface Element extends javax.lang.model.AnnotatedConstruct {
Returns the type defined by this element.
See Also:
Returns:the type defined by this element
/** * Returns the type defined by this element. * @return the type defined by this element * * @see Types * @see ExecutableElement#asType * @see ModuleElement#asType * @see PackageElement#asType * @see TypeElement#asType * @see TypeParameterElement#asType * @see VariableElement#asType */
TypeMirror asType();
Returns the kind of this element.
Returns:the kind of this element
/** * Returns the {@code kind} of this element. * * @return the kind of this element */
ElementKind getKind();
Returns the modifiers of this element, excluding annotations. Implicit modifiers, such as the public and static modifiers of interface members, are included.
Returns:the modifiers of this element, or an empty set if there are none
/** * Returns the modifiers of this element, excluding annotations. * Implicit modifiers, such as the {@code public} and {@code static} * modifiers of interface members, are included. * * @return the modifiers of this element, or an empty set if there are none */
Set<Modifier> getModifiers();
Returns the simple (unqualified) name of this element. The name of a generic type does not include any reference to its formal type parameters. For example, the simple name of the type element java.util.Set<E> is "Set". If this element represents an unnamed package or unnamed module, an empty name is returned. If it represents a constructor, the name "<init>" is returned. If it represents a static initializer, the name "<clinit>" is returned. If it represents an anonymous class or instance initializer, an empty name is returned.
See Also:
Returns:the simple name of this element
/** * Returns the simple (unqualified) name of this element. The * name of a generic type does not include any reference to its * formal type parameters. * * For example, the simple name of the type element {@code * java.util.Set<E>} is {@code "Set"}. * * If this element represents an unnamed {@linkplain * PackageElement#getSimpleName package} or unnamed {@linkplain * ModuleElement#getSimpleName module}, an empty name is returned. * * If it represents a {@linkplain ExecutableElement#getSimpleName * constructor}, the name "{@code <init>}" is returned. If it * represents a {@linkplain ExecutableElement#getSimpleName static * initializer}, the name "{@code <clinit>}" is returned. * * If it represents an {@linkplain TypeElement#getSimpleName * anonymous class} or {@linkplain ExecutableElement#getSimpleName * instance initializer}, an empty name is returned. * * @return the simple name of this element * @see PackageElement#getSimpleName * @see ExecutableElement#getSimpleName * @see TypeElement#getSimpleName * @see VariableElement#getSimpleName * @see ModuleElement#getSimpleName * @revised 9 * @spec JPMS */
Name getSimpleName();
Returns the innermost element within which this element is, loosely speaking, enclosed.
See Also:
Returns:the enclosing element, or null if there is none
/** * Returns the innermost element * within which this element is, loosely speaking, enclosed. * <ul> * <li> If this element is one whose declaration is lexically enclosed * immediately within the declaration of another element, that other * element is returned. * * <li> If this is a {@linkplain TypeElement#getEnclosingElement * top-level type}, its package is returned. * * <li> If this is a {@linkplain * PackageElement#getEnclosingElement package}, its module is * returned if such a module exists. Otherwise, {@code null} is returned. * * <li> If this is a {@linkplain * TypeParameterElement#getEnclosingElement type parameter}, * {@linkplain TypeParameterElement#getGenericElement the * generic element} of the type parameter is returned. * * <li> If this is a {@linkplain * VariableElement#getEnclosingElement method or constructor * parameter}, {@linkplain ExecutableElement the executable * element} which declares the parameter is returned. * * <li> If this is a {@linkplain ModuleElement#getEnclosingElement * module}, {@code null} is returned. * * </ul> * * @return the enclosing element, or {@code null} if there is none * @see Elements#getPackageOf * @revised 9 * @spec JPMS */
Element getEnclosingElement();
Returns the elements that are, loosely speaking, directly enclosed by this element. A class or interface is considered to enclose the fields, methods, constructors, and member types that it directly declares. A package encloses the top-level classes and interfaces within it, but is not considered to enclose subpackages. A module encloses packages within it. Enclosed elements may include implicitly declared mandated elements. Other kinds of elements are not currently considered to enclose any elements; however, that may change as this API or the programming language evolves.
See Also:
API Note:Elements of certain kinds can be isolated using methods in ElementFilter.
Returns:the enclosed elements, or an empty list if none
@jls8.8.9 Default Constructor
@jls8.9 Enum Types
/** * Returns the elements that are, loosely speaking, directly * enclosed by this element. * * A {@linkplain TypeElement#getEnclosedElements class or * interface} is considered to enclose the fields, methods, * constructors, and member types that it directly declares. * * A {@linkplain PackageElement#getEnclosedElements package} * encloses the top-level classes and interfaces within it, but is * not considered to enclose subpackages. * * A {@linkplain ModuleElement#getEnclosedElements module} * encloses packages within it. * * Enclosed elements may include implicitly declared {@linkplain * Elements.Origin#MANDATED mandated} elements. * * Other kinds of elements are not currently considered to enclose * any elements; however, that may change as this API or the * programming language evolves. * * @apiNote Elements of certain kinds can be isolated using * methods in {@link ElementFilter}. * * @return the enclosed elements, or an empty list if none * @see TypeElement#getEnclosedElements * @see PackageElement#getEnclosedElements * @see ModuleElement#getEnclosedElements * @see Elements#getAllMembers * @jls 8.8.9 Default Constructor * @jls 8.9 Enum Types * @revised 9 * @spec JPMS */
List<? extends Element> getEnclosedElements();
Returns true if the argument represents the same element as this, or false otherwise.
  • obj – the object to be compared with this element
API Note:The identity of an element involves implicit state not directly accessible from the element's methods, including state about the presence of unrelated types. Element objects created by different implementations of these interfaces should not be expected to be equal even if "the same" element is being modeled; this is analogous to the inequality of Class objects for the same class file loaded through different class loaders.
Returns:true if the specified object represents the same element as this
/** * Returns {@code true} if the argument represents the same * element as {@code this}, or {@code false} otherwise. * * @apiNote The identity of an element involves implicit state * not directly accessible from the element's methods, including * state about the presence of unrelated types. Element objects * created by different implementations of these interfaces should * <i>not</i> be expected to be equal even if &quot;the same&quot; * element is being modeled; this is analogous to the inequality * of {@code Class} objects for the same class file loaded through * different class loaders. * * @param obj the object to be compared with this element * @return {@code true} if the specified object represents the same * element as this */
@Override boolean equals(Object obj);
Obeys the general contract of Object.hashCode.
See Also:
/** * Obeys the general contract of {@link Object#hashCode Object.hashCode}. * * @see #equals */
@Override int hashCode();

To get inherited annotations as well, use getAllAnnotationMirrors.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p> To get inherited annotations as well, use {@link * Elements#getAllAnnotationMirrors(Element) * getAllAnnotationMirrors}. * * @since 1.6 */
@Override List<? extends AnnotationMirror> getAnnotationMirrors();
/** * {@inheritDoc} * @since 1.6 */
@Override <A extends Annotation> A getAnnotation(Class<A> annotationType);
Applies a visitor to this element.
  • v – the visitor operating on this element
  • p – additional parameter to the visitor
Type parameters:
  • <R> – the return type of the visitor's methods
  • <P> – the type of the additional parameter to the visitor's methods
Returns:a visitor-specified result
/** * Applies a visitor to this element. * * @param <R> the return type of the visitor's methods * @param <P> the type of the additional parameter to the visitor's methods * @param v the visitor operating on this element * @param p additional parameter to the visitor * @return a visitor-specified result */
<R, P> R accept(ElementVisitor<R, P> v, P p); }