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package jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util;

import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
import java.net.URI;
import java.text.CollationKey;
import java.text.Collator;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.RuleBasedCollator;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationValue;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier;
import javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement.RequiresDirective;
import javax.lang.model.element.PackageElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeParameterElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.ArrayType;
import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType;
import javax.lang.model.type.ErrorType;
import javax.lang.model.type.ExecutableType;
import javax.lang.model.type.NoType;
import javax.lang.model.type.PrimitiveType;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeVariable;
import javax.lang.model.type.WildcardType;
import javax.lang.model.util.ElementFilter;
import javax.lang.model.util.ElementKindVisitor9;
import javax.lang.model.util.Elements;
import javax.lang.model.util.SimpleElementVisitor9;
import javax.lang.model.util.SimpleTypeVisitor9;
import javax.lang.model.util.TypeKindVisitor9;
import javax.lang.model.util.Types;
import javax.tools.FileObject;
import javax.tools.JavaFileManager;
import javax.tools.JavaFileManager.Location;
import javax.tools.StandardLocation;

import com.sun.source.doctree.DocCommentTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.DocTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.DocTree.Kind;
import com.sun.source.doctree.ParamTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.SerialFieldTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.CompilationUnitTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.LineMap;
import com.sun.source.util.DocSourcePositions;
import com.sun.source.util.DocTrees;
import com.sun.source.util.TreePath;
import com.sun.tools.javac.model.JavacTypes;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.SearchIndexItem;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.BaseConfiguration;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.CommentUtils.DocCommentDuo;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.Messages;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.Resources;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.WorkArounds;
import jdk.javadoc.internal.tool.DocEnvImpl;

import static javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind.*;
import static javax.lang.model.element.Modifier.*;
import static javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind.*;

import static com.sun.source.doctree.DocTree.Kind.*;
import static jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.builders.ConstantsSummaryBuilder.MAX_CONSTANT_VALUE_INDEX_LENGTH;

Utilities Class for Doclets.

This is NOT part of any supported API. If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or deletion without notice.

Author:Atul M Dambalkar, Jamie Ho
/** * Utilities Class for Doclets. * * <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or * deletion without notice.</b> * * @author Atul M Dambalkar * @author Jamie Ho */
public class Utils { public final BaseConfiguration configuration; public final Messages messages; public final Resources resources; public final DocTrees docTrees; public final Elements elementUtils; public final Types typeUtils; public final JavaScriptScanner javaScriptScanner; public Utils(BaseConfiguration c) { configuration = c; messages = configuration.getMessages(); resources = configuration.getResources(); elementUtils = c.docEnv.getElementUtils(); typeUtils = c.docEnv.getTypeUtils(); docTrees = c.docEnv.getDocTrees(); javaScriptScanner = c.isAllowScriptInComments() ? null : new JavaScriptScanner(); } // our own little symbol table private HashMap<String, TypeMirror> symtab = new HashMap<>(); public TypeMirror getSymbol(String signature) { TypeMirror type = symtab.get(signature); if (type == null) { TypeElement typeElement = elementUtils.getTypeElement(signature); if (typeElement == null) return null; type = typeElement.asType(); if (type == null) return null; symtab.put(signature, type); } return type; } public TypeMirror getObjectType() { return getSymbol("java.lang.Object"); } public TypeMirror getExceptionType() { return getSymbol("java.lang.Exception"); } public TypeMirror getErrorType() { return getSymbol("java.lang.Error"); } public TypeMirror getSerializableType() { return getSymbol("java.io.Serializable"); } public TypeMirror getExternalizableType() { return getSymbol("java.io.Externalizable"); } public TypeMirror getIllegalArgumentExceptionType() { return getSymbol("java.lang.IllegalArgumentException"); } public TypeMirror getNullPointerExceptionType() { return getSymbol("java.lang.NullPointerException"); } public TypeMirror getDeprecatedType() { return getSymbol("java.lang.Deprecated"); } public TypeMirror getFunctionalInterface() { return getSymbol("java.lang.FunctionalInterface"); }
Return array of class members whose documentation is to be generated. If the member is deprecated do not include such a member in the returned array.
  • members – Array of members to choose from.
Returns:List List of eligible members for whom documentation is getting generated.
/** * Return array of class members whose documentation is to be generated. * If the member is deprecated do not include such a member in the * returned array. * * @param members Array of members to choose from. * @return List List of eligible members for whom * documentation is getting generated. */
public List<Element> excludeDeprecatedMembers(List<? extends Element> members) { List<Element> excludeList = members.stream() .filter((member) -> (!isDeprecated(member))) .sorted(makeGeneralPurposeComparator()) .collect(Collectors.<Element, List<Element>>toCollection(ArrayList::new)); return excludeList; }
Search for the given method in the given class.
  • te – Class to search into.
  • method – Method to be searched.
Returns:ExecutableElement Method found, null otherwise.
/** * Search for the given method in the given class. * * @param te Class to search into. * @param method Method to be searched. * @return ExecutableElement Method found, null otherwise. */
public ExecutableElement findMethod(TypeElement te, ExecutableElement method) { for (Element m : getMethods(te)) { if (executableMembersEqual(method, (ExecutableElement)m)) { return (ExecutableElement)m; } } return null; }
Test whether a class is a subclass of another class.
  • t1 – the candidate superclass.
  • t2 – the target
Returns:true if t1 is a superclass of t2.
/** * Test whether a class is a subclass of another class. * * @param t1 the candidate superclass. * @param t2 the target * @return true if t1 is a superclass of t2. */
public boolean isSubclassOf(TypeElement t1, TypeElement t2) { return typeUtils.isSubtype(t1.asType(), t2.asType()); }
  • e1 – the first method to compare.
  • e2 – the second method to compare.
Returns:true if member1 overrides/hides or is overriden/hidden by member2.
/** * @param e1 the first method to compare. * @param e2 the second method to compare. * @return true if member1 overrides/hides or is overriden/hidden by member2. */
public boolean executableMembersEqual(ExecutableElement e1, ExecutableElement e2) { // TODO: investigate if Elements.hides(..) will work here. if (isStatic(e1) && isStatic(e2)) { List<? extends VariableElement> parameters1 = e1.getParameters(); List<? extends VariableElement> parameters2 = e2.getParameters(); if (e1.getSimpleName().equals(e2.getSimpleName()) && parameters1.size() == parameters2.size()) { int j; for (j = 0 ; j < parameters1.size(); j++) { VariableElement v1 = parameters1.get(j); VariableElement v2 = parameters2.get(j); String t1 = getTypeName(v1.asType(), true); String t2 = getTypeName(v2.asType(), true); if (!(t1.equals(t2) || isTypeVariable(v1.asType()) || isTypeVariable(v2.asType()))) { break; } } if (j == parameters1.size()) { return true; } } return false; } else { return elementUtils.overrides(e1, e2, getEnclosingTypeElement(e1)) || elementUtils.overrides(e2, e1, getEnclosingTypeElement(e2)) || e1.equals(e2); } }
According to The Java™ Language Specification, all the outer classes and static inner classes are core classes.
/** * According to * <cite>The Java&trade; Language Specification</cite>, * all the outer classes and static inner classes are core classes. */
public boolean isCoreClass(TypeElement e) { return getEnclosingTypeElement(e) == null || isStatic(e); } public Location getLocationForPackage(PackageElement pd) { ModuleElement mdle = configuration.docEnv.getElementUtils().getModuleOf(pd); if (mdle == null) return defaultLocation(); return getLocationForModule(mdle); } public Location getLocationForModule(ModuleElement mdle) { Location loc = configuration.workArounds.getLocationForModule(mdle); if (loc != null) return loc; return defaultLocation(); } private Location defaultLocation() { JavaFileManager fm = configuration.docEnv.getJavaFileManager(); return fm.hasLocation(StandardLocation.SOURCE_PATH) ? StandardLocation.SOURCE_PATH : StandardLocation.CLASS_PATH; } public boolean isAnnotated(TypeMirror e) { return !e.getAnnotationMirrors().isEmpty(); } public boolean isAnnotated(Element e) { return !e.getAnnotationMirrors().isEmpty(); } public boolean isAnnotationType(Element e) { return new SimpleElementVisitor9<Boolean, Void>() { @Override public Boolean visitExecutable(ExecutableElement e, Void p) { return visit(e.getEnclosingElement()); } @Override public Boolean visitUnknown(Element e, Void p) { return false; } @Override protected Boolean defaultAction(Element e, Void p) { return e.getKind() == ANNOTATION_TYPE; } }.visit(e); }
An Enum implementation is almost identical, thus this method returns if this element represents a CLASS or an ENUM
  • e – element
Returns:true if class or enum
/** * An Enum implementation is almost identical, thus this method returns if * this element represents a CLASS or an ENUM * @param e element * @return true if class or enum */
public boolean isClass(Element e) { return e.getKind().isClass(); } public boolean isConstructor(Element e) { return e.getKind() == CONSTRUCTOR; } public boolean isEnum(Element e) { return e.getKind() == ENUM; } boolean isEnumConstant(Element e) { return e.getKind() == ENUM_CONSTANT; } public boolean isField(Element e) { return e.getKind() == FIELD; } public boolean isInterface(Element e) { return e.getKind() == INTERFACE; } public boolean isMethod(Element e) { return e.getKind() == METHOD; } public boolean isModule(Element e) { return e.getKind() == ElementKind.MODULE; } public boolean isPackage(Element e) { return e.getKind() == ElementKind.PACKAGE; } public boolean isAbstract(Element e) { return e.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.ABSTRACT); } public boolean isDefault(Element e) { return e.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.DEFAULT); } public boolean isPackagePrivate(Element e) { return !(isPublic(e) || isPrivate(e) || isProtected(e)); } public boolean isPrivate(Element e) { return e.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PRIVATE); } public boolean isProtected(Element e) { return e.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PROTECTED); } public boolean isPublic(Element e) { return e.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PUBLIC); } public boolean isProperty(String name) { return configuration.javafx && name.endsWith("Property"); } public String getPropertyName(String name) { return isProperty(name) ? name.substring(0, name.length() - "Property".length()) : name; } public String getPropertyLabel(String name) { return name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf("Property")); } public boolean isOverviewElement(Element e) { return e.getKind() == ElementKind.OTHER; } public boolean isStatic(Element e) { return e.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.STATIC); } public boolean isSerializable(TypeElement e) { return typeUtils.isSubtype(e.asType(), getSerializableType()); } public boolean isExternalizable(TypeElement e) { return typeUtils.isSubtype(e.asType(), getExternalizableType()); } public SortedSet<VariableElement> serializableFields(TypeElement aclass) { return configuration.workArounds.getSerializableFields(this, aclass); } public SortedSet<ExecutableElement> serializationMethods(TypeElement aclass) { return configuration.workArounds.getSerializationMethods(this, aclass); } public boolean definesSerializableFields(TypeElement aclass) { return configuration.workArounds.definesSerializableFields(this, aclass); } public String modifiersToString(Element e, boolean trailingSpace) { SortedSet<Modifier> set = new TreeSet<>(e.getModifiers()); set.remove(Modifier.NATIVE); set.remove(Modifier.STRICTFP); set.remove(Modifier.SYNCHRONIZED); return new ElementKindVisitor9<String, SortedSet<Modifier>>() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); void addVisibilityModifier(Set<Modifier> modifiers) { if (modifiers.contains(PUBLIC)) { sb.append("public").append(" "); } else if (modifiers.contains(PROTECTED)) { sb.append("protected").append(" "); } else if (modifiers.contains(PRIVATE)) { sb.append("private").append(" "); } } void addStatic(Set<Modifier> modifiers) { if (modifiers.contains(STATIC)) { sb.append("static").append(" "); } } void addModifers(Set<Modifier> modifiers) { String s = set.stream().map(Modifier::toString).collect(Collectors.joining(" ")); sb.append(s); if (!s.isEmpty()) sb.append(" "); } String finalString(String s) { sb.append(s); if (trailingSpace) { if (sb.lastIndexOf(" ") == sb.length() - 1) { return sb.toString(); } else { return sb.append(" ").toString(); } } else { return sb.toString().trim(); } } @Override public String visitTypeAsInterface(TypeElement e, SortedSet<Modifier> p) { addVisibilityModifier(p); addStatic(p); return finalString("interface"); } @Override public String visitTypeAsEnum(TypeElement e, SortedSet<Modifier> p) { addVisibilityModifier(p); addStatic(p); return finalString("enum"); } @Override public String visitTypeAsAnnotationType(TypeElement e, SortedSet<Modifier> p) { addVisibilityModifier(p); addStatic(p); return finalString("@interface"); } @Override public String visitTypeAsClass(TypeElement e, SortedSet<Modifier> p) { addModifers(p); return finalString("class"); } @Override protected String defaultAction(Element e, SortedSet<Modifier> p) { addModifers(p); return sb.toString().trim(); } }.visit(e, set); } public boolean isFunctionalInterface(AnnotationMirror amirror) { return amirror.getAnnotationType().equals(getFunctionalInterface()) && configuration.docEnv.getSourceVersion() .compareTo(SourceVersion.RELEASE_8) >= 0; } public boolean isNoType(TypeMirror t) { return t.getKind() == NONE; } public boolean isOrdinaryClass(TypeElement te) { if (isEnum(te) || isInterface(te) || isAnnotationType(te)) { return false; } if (isError(te) || isException(te)) { return false; } return true; } public boolean isError(TypeElement te) { if (isEnum(te) || isInterface(te) || isAnnotationType(te)) { return false; } return typeUtils.isSubtype(te.asType(), getErrorType()); } public boolean isException(TypeElement te) { if (isEnum(te) || isInterface(te) || isAnnotationType(te)) { return false; } return typeUtils.isSubtype(te.asType(), getExceptionType()); } public boolean isPrimitive(TypeMirror t) { return new SimpleTypeVisitor9<Boolean, Void>() { @Override public Boolean visitNoType(NoType t, Void p) { return t.getKind() == VOID; } @Override public Boolean visitPrimitive(PrimitiveType t, Void p) { return true; } @Override public Boolean visitArray(ArrayType t, Void p) { return visit(t.getComponentType()); } @Override protected Boolean defaultAction(TypeMirror e, Void p) { return false; } }.visit(t); } public boolean isExecutableElement(Element e) { ElementKind kind = e.getKind(); switch (kind) { case CONSTRUCTOR: case METHOD: case INSTANCE_INIT: return true; default: return false; } } public boolean isVariableElement(Element e) { ElementKind kind = e.getKind(); switch(kind) { case ENUM_CONSTANT: case EXCEPTION_PARAMETER: case FIELD: case LOCAL_VARIABLE: case PARAMETER: case RESOURCE_VARIABLE: return true; default: return false; } } public boolean isTypeElement(Element e) { switch (e.getKind()) { case CLASS: case ENUM: case INTERFACE: case ANNOTATION_TYPE: return true; default: return false; } }
Get the signature. It is the parameter list, type is qualified. For instance, for a method mymethod(String x, int y), it will return {@code(java.lang.String,int)}. * * @param e }
/** * Get the signature. It is the parameter list, type is qualified. * For instance, for a method {@code mymethod(String x, int y)}, * it will return {@code(java.lang.String,int)}. * * @param e * @return String */
public String signature(ExecutableElement e) { return makeSignature(e, true); }
Get flat signature. All types are not qualified. Return a String, which is the flat signature of this member. It is the parameter list, type is not qualified. For instance, for a method mymethod(String x, int y), it will return (String, int).
/** * Get flat signature. All types are not qualified. * Return a String, which is the flat signature of this member. * It is the parameter list, type is not qualified. * For instance, for a method {@code mymethod(String x, int y)}, * it will return {@code (String, int)}. */
public String flatSignature(ExecutableElement e) { return makeSignature(e, false); } public String makeSignature(ExecutableElement e, boolean full) { return makeSignature(e, full, false); } public String makeSignature(ExecutableElement e, boolean full, boolean ignoreTypeParameters) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append("("); Iterator<? extends VariableElement> iterator = e.getParameters().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { VariableElement next = iterator.next(); TypeMirror type = next.asType(); result.append(getTypeSignature(type, full, ignoreTypeParameters)); if (iterator.hasNext()) { result.append(", "); } } if (e.isVarArgs()) { int len = result.length(); result.replace(len - 2, len, "..."); } result.append(")"); return result.toString(); } public String getTypeSignature(TypeMirror t, boolean qualifiedName, boolean noTypeParameters) { return new SimpleTypeVisitor9<StringBuilder, Void>() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); @Override public StringBuilder visitArray(ArrayType t, Void p) { TypeMirror componentType = t.getComponentType(); visit(componentType); sb.append("[]"); return sb; } @Override public StringBuilder visitDeclared(DeclaredType t, Void p) { Element e = t.asElement(); sb.append(qualifiedName ? getFullyQualifiedName(e) : getSimpleName(e)); List<? extends TypeMirror> typeArguments = t.getTypeArguments(); if (typeArguments.isEmpty() || noTypeParameters) { return sb; } sb.append("<"); Iterator<? extends TypeMirror> iterator = typeArguments.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { TypeMirror ta = iterator.next(); visit(ta); if (iterator.hasNext()) { sb.append(", "); } } sb.append(">"); return sb; } @Override public StringBuilder visitTypeVariable(javax.lang.model.type.TypeVariable t, Void p) { Element e = t.asElement(); sb.append(qualifiedName ? getFullyQualifiedName(e, false) : getSimpleName(e)); return sb; } @Override public StringBuilder visitWildcard(javax.lang.model.type.WildcardType t, Void p) { sb.append("?"); TypeMirror upperBound = t.getExtendsBound(); if (upperBound != null) { sb.append(" extends "); visit(upperBound); } TypeMirror superBound = t.getSuperBound(); if (superBound != null) { sb.append(" super "); visit(superBound); } return sb; } @Override protected StringBuilder defaultAction(TypeMirror e, Void p) { return sb.append(e); } }.visit(t).toString(); } public boolean isArrayType(TypeMirror t) { return t.getKind() == ARRAY; } public boolean isDeclaredType(TypeMirror t) { return t.getKind() == DECLARED; } public boolean isErrorType(TypeMirror t) { return t.getKind() == ERROR; } public boolean isIntersectionType(TypeMirror t) { return t.getKind() == INTERSECTION; } public boolean isTypeParameterElement(Element e) { return e.getKind() == TYPE_PARAMETER; } public boolean isTypeVariable(TypeMirror t) { return t.getKind() == TYPEVAR; } public boolean isVoid(TypeMirror t) { return t.getKind() == VOID; } public boolean isWildCard(TypeMirror t) { return t.getKind() == WILDCARD; } public boolean ignoreBounds(TypeMirror bound) { return bound.equals(getObjectType()) && !isAnnotated(bound); } /* * a direct port of TypeVariable.getBounds */ public List<? extends TypeMirror> getBounds(TypeParameterElement tpe) { List<? extends TypeMirror> bounds = tpe.getBounds(); if (!bounds.isEmpty()) { TypeMirror upperBound = bounds.get(bounds.size() - 1); if (ignoreBounds(upperBound)) { return Collections.emptyList(); } } return bounds; }
Returns the TypeMirror of the ExecutableElement for all methods, a null if constructor.
  • ee – the ExecutableElement
/** * Returns the TypeMirror of the ExecutableElement for all methods, * a null if constructor. * @param ee the ExecutableElement * @return */
public TypeMirror getReturnType(ExecutableElement ee) { return ee.getKind() == CONSTRUCTOR ? null : ee.getReturnType(); }
Return the type containing the method that this method overrides. It may be a TypeElement or a TypeParameterElement.
/** * Return the type containing the method that this method overrides. * It may be a {@code TypeElement} or a {@code TypeParameterElement}. */
public TypeMirror overriddenType(ExecutableElement method) { return configuration.workArounds.overriddenType(method); } private TypeMirror getType(TypeMirror t) { return (isNoType(t)) ? getObjectType() : t; } public TypeMirror getSuperType(TypeElement te) { TypeMirror t = te.getSuperclass(); return getType(t); }
Return the class that originally defined the method that is overridden by the current definition, or null if no such class exists.
Returns:a TypeElement representing the superclass that originally defined this method, null if this method does not override a definition in a superclass.
/** * Return the class that originally defined the method that * is overridden by the current definition, or null if no * such class exists. * * @return a TypeElement representing the superclass that * originally defined this method, null if this method does * not override a definition in a superclass. */
public TypeElement overriddenClass(ExecutableElement ee) { TypeMirror type = overriddenType(ee); return (type != null) ? asTypeElement(type) : null; } public ExecutableElement overriddenMethod(ExecutableElement method) { if (isStatic(method)) { return null; } final TypeElement origin = getEnclosingTypeElement(method); for (TypeMirror t = getSuperType(origin); t.getKind() == DECLARED; t = getSuperType(asTypeElement(t))) { TypeElement te = asTypeElement(t); if (te == null) { return null; } VisibleMemberTable vmt = configuration.getVisibleMemberTable(te); for (Element e : vmt.getMembers(VisibleMemberTable.Kind.METHODS)) { ExecutableElement ee = (ExecutableElement)e; if (configuration.workArounds.overrides(method, ee, origin) && !isSimpleOverride(ee)) { return ee; } } if (t.equals(getObjectType())) return null; } return null; } public SortedSet<TypeElement> getTypeElementsAsSortedSet(Iterable<TypeElement> typeElements) { SortedSet<TypeElement> set = new TreeSet<>(makeGeneralPurposeComparator()); for (TypeElement te : typeElements) { set.add(te); } return set; } public List<? extends DocTree> getSerialDataTrees(ExecutableElement member) { return getBlockTags(member, SERIAL_DATA); } public FileObject getFileObject(TypeElement te) { return docTrees.getPath(te).getCompilationUnit().getSourceFile(); } public TypeMirror getDeclaredType(TypeElement enclosing, TypeMirror target) { return getDeclaredType(Collections.emptyList(), enclosing, target); }
Finds the declaration of the enclosing's type parameter.
  • values –
  • enclosing – a TypeElement whose type arguments we desire
  • target – the TypeMirror of the type as described by the enclosing
/** * Finds the declaration of the enclosing's type parameter. * * @param values * @param enclosing a TypeElement whose type arguments we desire * @param target the TypeMirror of the type as described by the enclosing * @return */
public TypeMirror getDeclaredType(Collection<TypeMirror> values, TypeElement enclosing, TypeMirror target) { TypeElement targetElement = asTypeElement(target); List<? extends TypeParameterElement> targetTypeArgs = targetElement.getTypeParameters(); if (targetTypeArgs.isEmpty()) { return target; } List<? extends TypeParameterElement> enclosingTypeArgs = enclosing.getTypeParameters(); List<TypeMirror> targetTypeArgTypes = new ArrayList<>(targetTypeArgs.size()); if (enclosingTypeArgs.isEmpty()) { for (TypeMirror te : values) { List<? extends TypeMirror> typeArguments = ((DeclaredType)te).getTypeArguments(); if (typeArguments.size() >= targetTypeArgs.size()) { for (int i = 0 ; i < targetTypeArgs.size(); i++) { targetTypeArgTypes.add(typeArguments.get(i)); } break; } } // we found no matches in the hierarchy if (targetTypeArgTypes.isEmpty()) { return target; } } else { if (targetTypeArgs.size() > enclosingTypeArgs.size()) { return target; } for (int i = 0; i < targetTypeArgs.size(); i++) { TypeParameterElement tpe = enclosingTypeArgs.get(i); targetTypeArgTypes.add(tpe.asType()); } } TypeMirror dt = typeUtils.getDeclaredType(targetElement, targetTypeArgTypes.toArray(new TypeMirror[targetTypeArgTypes.size()])); return dt; }
Returns all the implemented super-interfaces of a given type, in the case of classes, include all the super-interfaces of the supertype. The super-interfaces are collected before the super-interfaces of the supertype.
  • te – the type element to get the super-interfaces for.
Returns:the list of super-interfaces.
/** * Returns all the implemented super-interfaces of a given type, * in the case of classes, include all the super-interfaces of * the supertype. The super-interfaces are collected before the * super-interfaces of the supertype. * * @param te the type element to get the super-interfaces for. * @return the list of super-interfaces. */
public Set<TypeMirror> getAllInterfaces(TypeElement te) { Set<TypeMirror> results = new LinkedHashSet<>(); getAllInterfaces(te.asType(), results); return results; } private void getAllInterfaces(TypeMirror type, Set<TypeMirror> results) { List<? extends TypeMirror> intfacs = typeUtils.directSupertypes(type); TypeMirror superType = null; for (TypeMirror intfac : intfacs) { if (intfac == getObjectType()) continue; TypeElement e = asTypeElement(intfac); if (isInterface(e)) { if (isPublic(e) || isLinkable(e)) results.add(intfac); getAllInterfaces(intfac, results); } else { // Save the supertype for later. superType = intfac; } } // Collect the super-interfaces of the supertype. if (superType != null) getAllInterfaces(superType, results); }
Lookup for a class within this package.
Returns:TypeElement of found class, or null if not found.
/** * Lookup for a class within this package. * * @return TypeElement of found class, or null if not found. */
public TypeElement findClassInPackageElement(PackageElement pkg, String className) { for (TypeElement c : getAllClasses(pkg)) { if (getSimpleName(c).equals(className)) { return c; } } return null; }
TODO: FIXME: port to javax.lang.model Find a class within the context of this class. Search order: qualified name, in this class (inner), in this package, in the class imports, in the package imports. Return the TypeElement if found, null if not found.
/** * TODO: FIXME: port to javax.lang.model * Find a class within the context of this class. Search order: qualified name, in this class * (inner), in this package, in the class imports, in the package imports. Return the * TypeElement if found, null if not found. */
//### The specified search order is not the normal rule the //### compiler would use. Leave as specified or change it? public TypeElement findClass(Element element, String className) { TypeElement encl = getEnclosingTypeElement(element); TypeElement searchResult = configuration.workArounds.searchClass(encl, className); if (searchResult == null) { encl = getEnclosingTypeElement(encl); //Expand search space to include enclosing class. while (encl != null && getEnclosingTypeElement(encl) != null) { encl = getEnclosingTypeElement(encl); } searchResult = encl == null ? null : configuration.workArounds.searchClass(encl, className); } return searchResult; }
Enclose in quotes, used for paths and filenames that contains spaces
/** * Enclose in quotes, used for paths and filenames that contains spaces */
public String quote(String filepath) { return ("\"" + filepath + "\""); }
Parse the package name. We only want to display package name up to 2 levels.
/** * Parse the package name. We only want to display package name up to * 2 levels. */
public String parsePackageName(PackageElement p) { String pkgname = p.isUnnamed() ? "" : getPackageName(p); int index = -1; for (int j = 0; j < MAX_CONSTANT_VALUE_INDEX_LENGTH; j++) { index = pkgname.indexOf(".", index + 1); } if (index != -1) { pkgname = pkgname.substring(0, index); } return pkgname; }
Given a string, replace all occurrences of 'newStr' with 'oldStr'.
  • originalStr – the string to modify.
  • oldStr – the string to replace.
  • newStr – the string to insert in place of the old string.
/** * Given a string, replace all occurrences of 'newStr' with 'oldStr'. * @param originalStr the string to modify. * @param oldStr the string to replace. * @param newStr the string to insert in place of the old string. */
public String replaceText(String originalStr, String oldStr, String newStr) { if (oldStr == null || newStr == null || oldStr.equals(newStr)) { return originalStr; } return originalStr.replace(oldStr, newStr); }
Given an annotation, return true if it should be documented and false otherwise.
  • annotation – the annotation to check.
Returns:true return true if it should be documented and false otherwise.
/** * Given an annotation, return true if it should be documented and false * otherwise. * * @param annotation the annotation to check. * * @return true return true if it should be documented and false otherwise. */
public boolean isDocumentedAnnotation(TypeElement annotation) { for (AnnotationMirror anno : annotation.getAnnotationMirrors()) { if (getFullyQualifiedName(anno.getAnnotationType().asElement()).equals( Documented.class.getName())) { return true; } } return false; }
Returns true if this class is linkable and false if we can't link to it.

NOTE: You can only link to external classes if they are public or protected.

Returns:true if this class is linkable and false if we can't link to the desired class.
/** * Returns true if this class is linkable and false if we can't link to it. * * <p> * <b>NOTE:</b> You can only link to external classes if they are public or * protected. * * @return true if this class is linkable and false if we can't link to the * desired class. */
public boolean isLinkable(TypeElement typeElem) { return (typeElem != null && (isIncluded(typeElem) && configuration.isGeneratedDoc(typeElem))) || (configuration.extern.isExternal(typeElem) && (isPublic(typeElem) || isProtected(typeElem))); }
Returns true if an element is linkable in the context of a given type element. If the element is a type element, it delegates to isLinkable(TypeElement). Otherwise, the element is linkable if any of the following are true:
  • it is "included" (see doclet)
  • it is inherited from an undocumented supertype
  • it is a public or protected member of an external API
  • typeElem – the type element
  • elem – the element
Returns:whether or not the element is linkable
/** * Returns true if an element is linkable in the context of a given type element. * * If the element is a type element, it delegates to {@link #isLinkable(TypeElement)}. * Otherwise, the element is linkable if any of the following are true: * <ul> * <li>it is "included" (see {@link jdk.javadoc.doclet}) * <li>it is inherited from an undocumented supertype * <li>it is a public or protected member of an external API * </ul> * * @param typeElem the type element * @param elem the element * @return whether or not the element is linkable */
public boolean isLinkable(TypeElement typeElem, Element elem) { if (isTypeElement(elem)) { return isLinkable((TypeElement) elem); // defer to existing behavior } if (isIncluded(elem)) { return true; } // Allow for the behavior that members of undocumented supertypes // may be included in documented types TypeElement enclElem = getEnclosingTypeElement(elem); if (typeElem != enclElem && isSubclassOf(typeElem, enclElem)) { return true; } // Allow for external members return isLinkable(typeElem) && configuration.extern.isExternal(typeElem) && (isPublic(elem) || isProtected(elem)); }
Return this type as a TypeElement if it represents a class interface or annotation. Array dimensions are ignored. If this type ParameterizedType or WildcardType, return the TypeElement of the type's erasure. If this is an annotation, return this as a TypeElement. If this is a primitive type, return null.
Returns:the TypeElement of this type, or null if it is a primitive type.
/** * Return this type as a {@code TypeElement} if it represents a class * interface or annotation. Array dimensions are ignored. * If this type {@code ParameterizedType} or {@code WildcardType}, return * the {@code TypeElement} of the type's erasure. If this is an * annotation, return this as a {@code TypeElement}. * If this is a primitive type, return null. * * @return the {@code TypeElement} of this type, * or null if it is a primitive type. */
public TypeElement asTypeElement(TypeMirror t) { return new SimpleTypeVisitor9<TypeElement, Void>() { @Override public TypeElement visitDeclared(DeclaredType t, Void p) { return (TypeElement) t.asElement(); } @Override public TypeElement visitArray(ArrayType t, Void p) { return visit(t.getComponentType()); } @Override public TypeElement visitTypeVariable(TypeVariable t, Void p) { /* TODO, this may not be an optimimal fix. * if we have an annotated type @DA T, then erasure returns a * none, in this case we use asElement instead. */ if (isAnnotated(t)) { return visit(typeUtils.asElement(t).asType()); } return visit(typeUtils.erasure(t)); } @Override public TypeElement visitWildcard(WildcardType t, Void p) { return visit(typeUtils.erasure(t)); } @Override public TypeElement visitError(ErrorType t, Void p) { return (TypeElement)t.asElement(); } @Override protected TypeElement defaultAction(TypeMirror e, Void p) { return super.defaultAction(e, p); } }.visit(t); } public TypeMirror getComponentType(TypeMirror t) { while (isArrayType(t)) { t = ((ArrayType) t).getComponentType(); } return t; }
Return the type's dimension information, as a string.

For example, a two dimensional array of String returns "[][]".

Returns:the type's dimension information as a string.
/** * Return the type's dimension information, as a string. * <p> * For example, a two dimensional array of String returns "{@code [][]}". * * @return the type's dimension information as a string. */
public String getDimension(TypeMirror t) { return new SimpleTypeVisitor9<String, Void>() { StringBuilder dimension = new StringBuilder(""); @Override public String visitArray(ArrayType t, Void p) { dimension.append("[]"); return visit(t.getComponentType()); } @Override protected String defaultAction(TypeMirror e, Void p) { return dimension.toString(); } }.visit(t); } public TypeElement getSuperClass(TypeElement te) { if (isInterface(te) || isAnnotationType(te) || te.asType().equals(getObjectType())) { return null; } TypeMirror superclass = te.getSuperclass(); if (isNoType(superclass) && isClass(te)) { superclass = getObjectType(); } return asTypeElement(superclass); } public TypeElement getFirstVisibleSuperClassAsTypeElement(TypeElement te) { if (isAnnotationType(te) || isInterface(te) || te.asType().equals(getObjectType())) { return null; } TypeMirror firstVisibleSuperClass = getFirstVisibleSuperClass(te); return firstVisibleSuperClass == null ? null : asTypeElement(firstVisibleSuperClass); }
Given a class, return the closest visible super class.
  • type – the TypeMirror to be interrogated
Returns: the closest visible super class. Return null if it cannot be found.
/** * Given a class, return the closest visible super class. * @param type the TypeMirror to be interrogated * @return the closest visible super class. Return null if it cannot * be found. */
public TypeMirror getFirstVisibleSuperClass(TypeMirror type) { return getFirstVisibleSuperClass(asTypeElement(type)); }
Given a class, return the closest visible super class.
  • te – the TypeElement to be interrogated
Returns:the closest visible super class. Return null if it cannot be found..
/** * Given a class, return the closest visible super class. * * @param te the TypeElement to be interrogated * @return the closest visible super class. Return null if it cannot * be found.. */
public TypeMirror getFirstVisibleSuperClass(TypeElement te) { TypeMirror superType = te.getSuperclass(); if (isNoType(superType)) { superType = getObjectType(); } TypeElement superClass = asTypeElement(superType); // skip "hidden" classes while ((superClass != null && hasHiddenTag(superClass)) || (superClass != null && !isPublic(superClass) && !isLinkable(superClass))) { TypeMirror supersuperType = superClass.getSuperclass(); TypeElement supersuperClass = asTypeElement(supersuperType); if (supersuperClass == null || supersuperClass.getQualifiedName().equals(superClass.getQualifiedName())) { break; } superType = supersuperType; superClass = supersuperClass; } if (te.asType().equals(superType)) { return null; } return superType; }
Given a TypeElement, return the name of its type (Class, Interface, etc.).
  • te – the TypeElement to check.
  • lowerCaseOnly – true if you want the name returned in lower case. If false, the first letter of the name is capitalized.
/** * Given a TypeElement, return the name of its type (Class, Interface, etc.). * * @param te the TypeElement to check. * @param lowerCaseOnly true if you want the name returned in lower case. * If false, the first letter of the name is capitalized. * @return */
public String getTypeElementName(TypeElement te, boolean lowerCaseOnly) { String typeName = ""; if (isInterface(te)) { typeName = "doclet.Interface"; } else if (isException(te)) { typeName = "doclet.Exception"; } else if (isError(te)) { typeName = "doclet.Error"; } else if (isAnnotationType(te)) { typeName = "doclet.AnnotationType"; } else if (isEnum(te)) { typeName = "doclet.Enum"; } else if (isOrdinaryClass(te)) { typeName = "doclet.Class"; } typeName = lowerCaseOnly ? toLowerCase(typeName) : typeName; return typeNameMap.computeIfAbsent(typeName, resources::getText); } private final Map<String, String> typeNameMap = new HashMap<>(); public String getTypeName(TypeMirror t, boolean fullyQualified) { return new SimpleTypeVisitor9<String, Void>() { @Override public String visitArray(ArrayType t, Void p) { return visit(t.getComponentType()); } @Override public String visitDeclared(DeclaredType t, Void p) { TypeElement te = asTypeElement(t); return fullyQualified ? te.getQualifiedName().toString() : getSimpleName(te); } @Override public String visitExecutable(ExecutableType t, Void p) { return t.toString(); } @Override public String visitPrimitive(PrimitiveType t, Void p) { return t.toString(); } @Override public String visitTypeVariable(javax.lang.model.type.TypeVariable t, Void p) { return getSimpleName(t.asElement()); } @Override public String visitWildcard(javax.lang.model.type.WildcardType t, Void p) { return t.toString(); } @Override protected String defaultAction(TypeMirror e, Void p) { return e.toString(); } }.visit(t); }
Replace all tabs in a string with the appropriate number of spaces. The string may be a multi-line string.
  • text – the text for which the tabs should be expanded
Returns:the text with all tabs expanded
/** * Replace all tabs in a string with the appropriate number of spaces. * The string may be a multi-line string. * @param text the text for which the tabs should be expanded * @return the text with all tabs expanded */
public String replaceTabs(String text) { if (!text.contains("\t")) return text; final int tabLength = configuration.sourcetab; final String whitespace = configuration.tabSpaces; final int textLength = text.length(); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(textLength); int pos = 0; int lineLength = 0; for (int i = 0; i < textLength; i++) { char ch = text.charAt(i); switch (ch) { case '\n': case '\r': lineLength = 0; break; case '\t': result.append(text, pos, i); int spaceCount = tabLength - lineLength % tabLength; result.append(whitespace, 0, spaceCount); lineLength += spaceCount; pos = i + 1; break; default: lineLength++; } } result.append(text, pos, textLength); return result.toString(); } public CharSequence normalizeNewlines(CharSequence text) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); final int textLength = text.length(); final String NL = DocletConstants.NL; int pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < textLength; i++) { char ch = text.charAt(i); switch (ch) { case '\n': sb.append(text, pos, i); sb.append(NL); pos = i + 1; break; case '\r': sb.append(text, pos, i); sb.append(NL); if (i + 1 < textLength && text.charAt(i + 1) == '\n') i++; pos = i + 1; break; } } sb.append(text, pos, textLength); return sb; }
The documentation for values() and valueOf() in Enums are set by the doclet only iff the user or overridden methods are missing.
  • elem –
/** * The documentation for values() and valueOf() in Enums are set by the * doclet only iff the user or overridden methods are missing. * @param elem */
public void setEnumDocumentation(TypeElement elem) { for (Element e : getMethods(elem)) { ExecutableElement ee = (ExecutableElement)e; if (!getFullBody(e).isEmpty()) // ignore if already set continue; if (ee.getSimpleName().contentEquals("values") && ee.getParameters().isEmpty()) { removeCommentHelper(ee); // purge previous entry configuration.cmtUtils.setEnumValuesTree(e); } if (ee.getSimpleName().contentEquals("valueOf") && ee.getParameters().size() == 1) { removeCommentHelper(ee); // purge previous entry configuration.cmtUtils.setEnumValueOfTree(e); } } }
Returns a locale independent upper cased String. That is, it always uses US locale, this is a clone of the one in StringUtils.
  • s – to convert
Returns:converted String
/** * Returns a locale independent upper cased String. That is, it * always uses US locale, this is a clone of the one in StringUtils. * @param s to convert * @return converted String */
public static String toUpperCase(String s) { return s.toUpperCase(Locale.US); }
Returns a locale independent lower cased String. That is, it always uses US locale, this is a clone of the one in StringUtils.
  • s – to convert
Returns:converted String
/** * Returns a locale independent lower cased String. That is, it * always uses US locale, this is a clone of the one in StringUtils. * @param s to convert * @return converted String */
public static String toLowerCase(String s) { return s.toLowerCase(Locale.US); }
Return true if the given Element is deprecated.
  • e – the Element to check.
Returns:true if the given Element is deprecated.
/** * Return true if the given Element is deprecated. * * @param e the Element to check. * @return true if the given Element is deprecated. */
public boolean isDeprecated(Element e) { if (isPackage(e)) { return configuration.workArounds.isDeprecated0(e); } return elementUtils.isDeprecated(e); }
Return true if the given Element is deprecated for removal.
  • e – the Element to check.
Returns:true if the given Element is deprecated for removal.
/** * Return true if the given Element is deprecated for removal. * * @param e the Element to check. * @return true if the given Element is deprecated for removal. */
public boolean isDeprecatedForRemoval(Element e) { List<? extends AnnotationMirror> annotationList = e.getAnnotationMirrors(); JavacTypes jctypes = ((DocEnvImpl) configuration.docEnv).toolEnv.typeutils; for (AnnotationMirror anno : annotationList) { if (jctypes.isSameType(anno.getAnnotationType().asElement().asType(), getDeprecatedType())) { Map<? extends ExecutableElement, ? extends AnnotationValue> pairs = anno.getElementValues(); if (!pairs.isEmpty()) { for (ExecutableElement element : pairs.keySet()) { if (element.getSimpleName().contentEquals("forRemoval")) { return Boolean.parseBoolean((pairs.get(element)).toString()); } } } } } return false; }
A convenience method to get property name from the name of the getter or setter method.
  • e – the input method.
Returns:the name of the property of the given setter of getter.
/** * A convenience method to get property name from the name of the * getter or setter method. * @param e the input method. * @return the name of the property of the given setter of getter. */
public String propertyName(ExecutableElement e) { String name = getSimpleName(e); String propertyName = null; if (name.startsWith("get") || name.startsWith("set")) { propertyName = name.substring(3); } else if (name.startsWith("is")) { propertyName = name.substring(2); } if ((propertyName == null) || propertyName.isEmpty()){ return ""; } return propertyName.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase(configuration.getLocale()) + propertyName.substring(1); }
Returns true if the element is included, contains @hidden tag, or if javafx flag is present and element contains @treatAsPrivate tag.
  • e – the queried element
Returns:true if it exists, false otherwise
/** * Returns true if the element is included, contains &#64;hidden tag, * or if javafx flag is present and element contains &#64;treatAsPrivate * tag. * @param e the queried element * @return true if it exists, false otherwise */
public boolean hasHiddenTag(Element e) { // prevent needless tests on elements which are not included if (!isIncluded(e)) { return false; } if (configuration.javafx && hasBlockTag(e, DocTree.Kind.UNKNOWN_BLOCK_TAG, "treatAsPrivate")) { return true; } return hasBlockTag(e, DocTree.Kind.HIDDEN); }
Returns true if the method has no comments, or a lone @inheritDoc.
  • m – a method
Returns:true if there are no comments, false otherwise
/** * Returns true if the method has no comments, or a lone &commat;inheritDoc. * @param m a method * @return true if there are no comments, false otherwise */
public boolean isSimpleOverride(ExecutableElement m) { if (!configuration.summarizeOverriddenMethods || !isIncluded(m)) { return false; } if (!getBlockTags(m).isEmpty() || isDeprecated(m)) return false; List<? extends DocTree> fullBody = getFullBody(m); return fullBody.isEmpty() || (fullBody.size() == 1 && fullBody.get(0).getKind().equals(Kind.INHERIT_DOC)); }
In case of JavaFX mode on, filters out classes that are private, package private, these are not documented in JavaFX mode, also remove those classes that have @hidden or @treatAsPrivate comment tag.
  • classlist – a collection of TypeElements
  • javafx – set to true if in JavaFX mode.
Returns:list of filtered classes.
/** * In case of JavaFX mode on, filters out classes that are private, * package private, these are not documented in JavaFX mode, also * remove those classes that have &#64;hidden or &#64;treatAsPrivate comment tag. * * @param classlist a collection of TypeElements * @param javafx set to true if in JavaFX mode. * @return list of filtered classes. */
public SortedSet<TypeElement> filterOutPrivateClasses(Iterable<TypeElement> classlist, boolean javafx) { SortedSet<TypeElement> filteredOutClasses = new TreeSet<>(makeGeneralPurposeComparator()); if (!javafx) { for (Element te : classlist) { if (!hasHiddenTag(te)) { filteredOutClasses.add((TypeElement)te); } } return filteredOutClasses; } for (Element e : classlist) { if (isPrivate(e) || isPackagePrivate(e) || hasHiddenTag(e)) { continue; } filteredOutClasses.add((TypeElement)e); } return filteredOutClasses; }
Compares two elements.
  • e1 – first Element
  • e2 – second Element
Returns:a true if they are the same, false otherwise.
/** * Compares two elements. * @param e1 first Element * @param e2 second Element * @return a true if they are the same, false otherwise. */
public boolean elementsEqual(Element e1, Element e2) { if (e1.getKind() != e2.getKind()) { return false; } String s1 = getSimpleName(e1); String s2 = getSimpleName(e2); if (compareStrings(s1, s2) == 0) { String f1 = getFullyQualifiedName(e1, true); String f2 = getFullyQualifiedName(e2, true); return compareStrings(f1, f2) == 0; } return false; }
A general purpose case insensitive String comparator, which compares two Strings using a Collator strength of "TERTIARY".
  • s1 – first String to compare.
  • s2 – second String to compare.
Returns:a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second.
/** * A general purpose case insensitive String comparator, which compares * two Strings using a Collator strength of "TERTIARY". * * @param s1 first String to compare. * @param s2 second String to compare. * @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first * argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second. */
public int compareStrings(String s1, String s2) { return compareStrings(true, s1, s2); }
A general purpose case sensitive String comparator, which compares two Strings using a Collator strength of "SECONDARY".
  • s1 – first String to compare.
  • s2 – second String to compare.
Returns:a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second.
/** * A general purpose case sensitive String comparator, which * compares two Strings using a Collator strength of "SECONDARY". * * @param s1 first String to compare. * @param s2 second String to compare. * @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first * argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second. */
public int compareCaseCompare(String s1, String s2) { return compareStrings(false, s1, s2); } private DocCollator tertiaryCollator = null; private DocCollator secondaryCollator = null; private int compareStrings(boolean caseSensitive, String s1, String s2) { if (caseSensitive) { if (tertiaryCollator == null) { tertiaryCollator = new DocCollator(configuration.locale, Collator.TERTIARY); } return tertiaryCollator.compare(s1, s2); } if (secondaryCollator == null) { secondaryCollator = new DocCollator(configuration.locale, Collator.SECONDARY); } return secondaryCollator.compare(s1, s2); } private static class DocCollator { private final Map<String, CollationKey> keys; private final Collator instance; private final int MAX_SIZE = 1000; private DocCollator(Locale locale, int strength) { instance = createCollator(locale); instance.setStrength(strength); keys = new LinkedHashMap<String, CollationKey>(MAX_SIZE + 1, 0.75f, true) { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Entry<String, CollationKey> eldest) { return size() > MAX_SIZE; } }; } CollationKey getKey(String s) { return keys.computeIfAbsent(s, instance :: getCollationKey); } public int compare(String s1, String s2) { return getKey(s1).compareTo(getKey(s2)); } private Collator createCollator(Locale locale) { Collator baseCollator = Collator.getInstance(locale); if (baseCollator instanceof RuleBasedCollator) { // Extend collator to sort signatures with additional args and var-args in a well-defined order: // () < (int) < (int, int) < (int...) try { return new RuleBasedCollator(((RuleBasedCollator) baseCollator).getRules() + "& ')' < ',' < '.','['"); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } return baseCollator; } } private Comparator<Element> moduleComparator = null;
Comparator for ModuleElements, simply compares the fully qualified names
Returns:a Comparator
/** * Comparator for ModuleElements, simply compares the fully qualified names * @return a Comparator */
public Comparator<Element> makeModuleComparator() { if (moduleComparator == null) { moduleComparator = new Utils.ElementComparator() { @Override public int compare(Element mod1, Element mod2) { return compareFullyQualifiedNames(mod1, mod2); } }; } return moduleComparator; } private Comparator<Element> allClassesComparator = null;
Returns a Comparator for all classes, compares the simple names of TypeElement, if equal then the fully qualified names.
/** * Returns a Comparator for all classes, compares the simple names of * TypeElement, if equal then the fully qualified names. * * @return Comparator */
public Comparator<Element> makeAllClassesComparator() { if (allClassesComparator == null) { allClassesComparator = new Utils.ElementComparator() { @Override public int compare(Element e1, Element e2) { int result = compareNames(e1, e2); if (result == 0) result = compareFullyQualifiedNames(e1, e2); return result; } }; } return allClassesComparator; } private Comparator<Element> packageComparator = null;
Returns a Comparator for packages, by comparing the fully qualified names.
Returns:a Comparator
/** * Returns a Comparator for packages, by comparing the fully qualified names. * * @return a Comparator */
public Comparator<Element> makePackageComparator() { if (packageComparator == null) { packageComparator = new Utils.ElementComparator() { @Override public int compare(Element pkg1, Element pkg2) { return compareFullyQualifiedNames(pkg1, pkg2); } }; } return packageComparator; } private Comparator<Element> deprecatedComparator = null;
Returns a Comparator for deprecated items listed on deprecated list page, by comparing the fully qualified names.
Returns:a Comparator
/** * Returns a Comparator for deprecated items listed on deprecated list page, by comparing the * fully qualified names. * * @return a Comparator */
public Comparator<Element> makeDeprecatedComparator() { if (deprecatedComparator == null) { deprecatedComparator = new Utils.ElementComparator() { @Override public int compare(Element e1, Element e2) { return compareFullyQualifiedNames(e1, e2); } }; } return deprecatedComparator; } private Comparator<SerialFieldTree> serialFieldTreeComparator = null;
Returns a Comparator for SerialFieldTree.
Returns:a Comparator
/** * Returns a Comparator for SerialFieldTree. * @return a Comparator */
public Comparator<SerialFieldTree> makeSerialFieldTreeComparator() { if (serialFieldTreeComparator == null) { serialFieldTreeComparator = (SerialFieldTree o1, SerialFieldTree o2) -> { String s1 = o1.getName().toString(); String s2 = o2.getName().toString(); return s1.compareTo(s2); }; } return serialFieldTreeComparator; }
Returns a general purpose comparator.
Returns:a Comparator
/** * Returns a general purpose comparator. * @return a Comparator */
public Comparator<Element> makeGeneralPurposeComparator() { return makeClassUseComparator(); } private Comparator<Element> overrideUseComparator = null;
Returns a Comparator for overrides and implements, used primarily on methods, compares the name first, then compares the simple names of the enclosing TypeElement and the fully qualified name of the enclosing TypeElement.
Returns:a Comparator
/** * Returns a Comparator for overrides and implements, * used primarily on methods, compares the name first, * then compares the simple names of the enclosing * TypeElement and the fully qualified name of the enclosing TypeElement. * @return a Comparator */
public Comparator<Element> makeOverrideUseComparator() { if (overrideUseComparator == null) { overrideUseComparator = new Utils.ElementComparator() { @Override public int compare(Element o1, Element o2) { int result = compareStrings(getSimpleName(o1), getSimpleName(o2)); if (result != 0) { return result; } if (!isTypeElement(o1) && !isTypeElement(o2) && !isPackage(o1) && !isPackage(o2)) { TypeElement t1 = getEnclosingTypeElement(o1); TypeElement t2 = getEnclosingTypeElement(o2); result = compareStrings(getSimpleName(t1), getSimpleName(t2)); if (result != 0) return result; } result = compareStrings(getFullyQualifiedName(o1), getFullyQualifiedName(o2)); if (result != 0) return result; return compareElementTypeKinds(o1, o2); } }; } return overrideUseComparator; } private Comparator<Element> indexUseComparator = null;
Returns a Comparator for index file presentations, and are sorted as follows. If comparing modules and/or packages then simply compare the qualified names, if comparing a module or a package with a type/member then compare the FullyQualifiedName of the module or a package with the SimpleName of the entity, otherwise: 1. compare the ElementKind ex: Module, Package, Interface etc. 2a. if equal and if the type is of ExecutableElement(Constructor, Methods), a case insensitive comparison of parameter the type signatures 2b. if equal, case sensitive comparison of the type signatures 3. finally, if equal, compare the FQNs of the entities
Returns:a comparator for index file use
/** * Returns a Comparator for index file presentations, and are sorted as follows. * If comparing modules and/or packages then simply compare the qualified names, * if comparing a module or a package with a type/member then compare the * FullyQualifiedName of the module or a package with the SimpleName of the entity, * otherwise: * 1. compare the ElementKind ex: Module, Package, Interface etc. * 2a. if equal and if the type is of ExecutableElement(Constructor, Methods), * a case insensitive comparison of parameter the type signatures * 2b. if equal, case sensitive comparison of the type signatures * 3. finally, if equal, compare the FQNs of the entities * @return a comparator for index file use */
public Comparator<Element> makeIndexUseComparator() { if (indexUseComparator == null) { indexUseComparator = new Utils.ElementComparator() {
Compares two elements.
  • e1 – - an element.
  • e2 – - an element.
Returns:a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second.
/** * Compares two elements. * * @param e1 - an element. * @param e2 - an element. * @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first * argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second. */
@Override public int compare(Element e1, Element e2) { int result; // first, compare names as appropriate if ((isModule(e1) || isPackage(e1)) && (isModule(e2) || isPackage(e2))) { result = compareFullyQualifiedNames(e1, e2); } else if (isModule(e1) || isPackage(e1)) { result = compareStrings(getFullyQualifiedName(e1), getSimpleName(e2)); } else if (isModule(e2) || isPackage(e2)) { result = compareStrings(getSimpleName(e1), getFullyQualifiedName(e2)); } else { result = compareNames(e1, e2); } if (result != 0) { return result; } // if names are the same, compare element kinds result = compareElementTypeKinds(e1, e2); if (result != 0) { return result; } // if element kinds are the same, and are methods, // compare the method parameters if (hasParameters(e1)) { List<? extends VariableElement> parameters1 = ((ExecutableElement)e1).getParameters(); List<? extends VariableElement> parameters2 = ((ExecutableElement)e2).getParameters(); result = compareParameters(false, parameters1, parameters2); if (result != 0) { return result; } result = compareParameters(true, parameters1, parameters2); if (result != 0) { return result; } } // else fall back on fully qualified names return compareFullyQualifiedNames(e1, e2); } }; } return indexUseComparator; } private Comparator<TypeMirror> typeMirrorClassUseComparator = null;
Compares the FullyQualifiedNames of two TypeMirrors
/** * Compares the FullyQualifiedNames of two TypeMirrors * @return */
public Comparator<TypeMirror> makeTypeMirrorClassUseComparator() { if (typeMirrorClassUseComparator == null) { typeMirrorClassUseComparator = (TypeMirror type1, TypeMirror type2) -> { String s1 = getQualifiedTypeName(type1); String s2 = getQualifiedTypeName(type2); return compareStrings(s1, s2); }; } return typeMirrorClassUseComparator; } private Comparator<TypeMirror> typeMirrorIndexUseComparator = null;
Compares the SimpleNames of TypeMirrors if equal then the FullyQualifiedNames of TypeMirrors.
/** * Compares the SimpleNames of TypeMirrors if equal then the * FullyQualifiedNames of TypeMirrors. * * @return */
public Comparator<TypeMirror> makeTypeMirrorIndexUseComparator() { if (typeMirrorIndexUseComparator == null) { typeMirrorIndexUseComparator = (TypeMirror t1, TypeMirror t2) -> { int result = compareStrings(getTypeName(t1, false), getTypeName(t2, false)); if (result != 0) return result; return compareStrings(getQualifiedTypeName(t1), getQualifiedTypeName(t2)); }; } return typeMirrorIndexUseComparator; }
Get the qualified type name of a TypeMiror compatible with the Element's getQualified name, returns the qualified name of the Reference type otherwise the primitive name.
  • t – the type whose name is to be obtained.
Returns:the fully qualified name of Reference type or the primitive name
/** * Get the qualified type name of a TypeMiror compatible with the Element's * getQualified name, returns the qualified name of the Reference type * otherwise the primitive name. * @param t the type whose name is to be obtained. * @return the fully qualified name of Reference type or the primitive name */
public String getQualifiedTypeName(TypeMirror t) { return new SimpleTypeVisitor9<String, Void>() { @Override public String visitDeclared(DeclaredType t, Void p) { return getFullyQualifiedName(t.asElement()); } @Override public String visitArray(ArrayType t, Void p) { return visit(t.getComponentType()); } @Override public String visitTypeVariable(javax.lang.model.type.TypeVariable t, Void p) { // The knee jerk reaction is to do this but don't!, as we would like // it to be compatible with the old world, now if we decide to do so // care must be taken to avoid collisions. // return getFullyQualifiedName(t.asElement()); return t.toString(); } @Override protected String defaultAction(TypeMirror t, Void p) { return t.toString(); } }.visit(t); }
A generic utility which returns the fully qualified names of an entity, if the entity is not qualifiable then its enclosing entity, it is upto the caller to add the elements name as required.
  • e – the element to get FQN for.
Returns:the name
/** * A generic utility which returns the fully qualified names of an entity, * if the entity is not qualifiable then its enclosing entity, it is upto * the caller to add the elements name as required. * @param e the element to get FQN for. * @return the name */
public String getFullyQualifiedName(Element e) { return getFullyQualifiedName(e, true); } public String getFullyQualifiedName(Element e, final boolean outer) { return new SimpleElementVisitor9<String, Void>() { @Override public String visitModule(ModuleElement e, Void p) { return e.getQualifiedName().toString(); } @Override public String visitPackage(PackageElement e, Void p) { return e.getQualifiedName().toString(); } @Override public String visitType(TypeElement e, Void p) { return e.getQualifiedName().toString(); } @Override protected String defaultAction(Element e, Void p) { return outer ? visit(e.getEnclosingElement()) : e.getSimpleName().toString(); } }.visit(e); } private Comparator<Element> classUseComparator = null;
Comparator for ClassUse presentations, and sorts as follows: 1. member names 2. then fully qualified member names 3. then parameter types if applicable 4. finally the element kinds ie. package, class, interface etc.
Returns:a comparator to sort classes and members for class use
/** * Comparator for ClassUse presentations, and sorts as follows: * 1. member names * 2. then fully qualified member names * 3. then parameter types if applicable * 4. finally the element kinds ie. package, class, interface etc. * @return a comparator to sort classes and members for class use */
public Comparator<Element> makeClassUseComparator() { if (classUseComparator == null) { classUseComparator = new Utils.ElementComparator() {
Compares two Elements.
  • e1 – - an element.
  • e2 – - an element.
Returns:a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second.
/** * Compares two Elements. * * @param e1 - an element. * @param e2 - an element. * @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first * argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second. */
@Override public int compare(Element e1, Element e2) { int result = compareNames(e1, e2); if (result != 0) { return result; } result = compareFullyQualifiedNames(e1, e2); if (result != 0) { return result; } if (hasParameters(e1) && hasParameters(e2)) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<VariableElement> parameters1 = (List<VariableElement>)((ExecutableElement)e1).getParameters(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<VariableElement> parameters2 = (List<VariableElement>)((ExecutableElement)e2).getParameters(); result = compareParameters(false, parameters1, parameters2); if (result != 0) { return result; } result = compareParameters(true, parameters1, parameters2); } if (result != 0) { return result; } return compareElementTypeKinds(e1, e2); } }; } return classUseComparator; }
A general purpose comparator to sort Element entities, basically provides the building blocks for creating specific comparators for an use-case.
/** * A general purpose comparator to sort Element entities, basically provides the building blocks * for creating specific comparators for an use-case. */
private abstract class ElementComparator implements Comparator<Element> {
compares two parameter arrays by first comparing the length of the arrays, and then each Type of the parameter in the array.
  • params1 – the first parameter array.
  • params2 – the first parameter array.
Returns:a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second.
/** * compares two parameter arrays by first comparing the length of the arrays, and * then each Type of the parameter in the array. * @param params1 the first parameter array. * @param params2 the first parameter array. * @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first * argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second. */
final EnumMap<ElementKind, Integer> elementKindOrder; public ElementComparator() { elementKindOrder = new EnumMap<>(ElementKind.class); elementKindOrder.put(ElementKind.MODULE, 0); elementKindOrder.put(ElementKind.PACKAGE, 1); elementKindOrder.put(ElementKind.CLASS, 2); elementKindOrder.put(ElementKind.ENUM, 3); elementKindOrder.put(ElementKind.ENUM_CONSTANT, 4); elementKindOrder.put(ElementKind.INTERFACE, 5); elementKindOrder.put(ElementKind.ANNOTATION_TYPE, 6); elementKindOrder.put(ElementKind.FIELD, 7); elementKindOrder.put(ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR, 8); elementKindOrder.put(ElementKind.METHOD, 9); } protected int compareParameters(boolean caseSensitive, List<? extends VariableElement> params1, List<? extends VariableElement> params2) { return compareStrings(caseSensitive, getParametersAsString(params1), getParametersAsString(params2)); } String getParametersAsString(List<? extends VariableElement> params) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (VariableElement param : params) { TypeMirror t = param.asType(); // prefix P for primitive and R for reference types, thus items will // be ordered lexically and correctly. sb.append(getTypeCode(t)).append("-").append(t).append("-"); } return sb.toString(); } private String getTypeCode(TypeMirror t) { return new SimpleTypeVisitor9<String, Void>() { @Override public String visitPrimitive(PrimitiveType t, Void p) { return "P"; } @Override public String visitArray(ArrayType t, Void p) { return visit(t.getComponentType()); } @Override protected String defaultAction(TypeMirror e, Void p) { return "R"; } }.visit(t); }
Compares two Elements, typically the name of a method, field or constructor.
  • e1 – the first Element.
  • e2 – the second Element.
Returns:a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second.
/** * Compares two Elements, typically the name of a method, * field or constructor. * @param e1 the first Element. * @param e2 the second Element. * @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first * argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second. */
protected int compareNames(Element e1, Element e2) { return compareStrings(getSimpleName(e1), getSimpleName(e2)); }
Compares the fully qualified names of the entities
  • e1 – the first Element.
  • e2 – the first Element.
Returns:a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second.
/** * Compares the fully qualified names of the entities * @param e1 the first Element. * @param e2 the first Element. * @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first * argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second. */
protected int compareFullyQualifiedNames(Element e1, Element e2) { // add simplename to be compatible String thisElement = getFullyQualifiedName(e1); String thatElement = getFullyQualifiedName(e2); return compareStrings(thisElement, thatElement); } protected int compareElementTypeKinds(Element e1, Element e2) { return Integer.compare(elementKindOrder.get(e1.getKind()), elementKindOrder.get(e2.getKind())); } boolean hasParameters(Element e) { return new SimpleElementVisitor9<Boolean, Void>() { @Override public Boolean visitExecutable(ExecutableElement e, Void p) { return true; } @Override protected Boolean defaultAction(Element e, Void p) { return false; } }.visit(e); }
The fully qualified names of the entities, used solely by the comparator.
Returns:a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second.
/** * The fully qualified names of the entities, used solely by the comparator. * * @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first argument is less * than, equal to, or greater than the second. */
private String getFullyQualifiedName(Element e) { return new SimpleElementVisitor9<String, Void>() { @Override public String visitModule(ModuleElement e, Void p) { return e.getQualifiedName().toString(); } @Override public String visitPackage(PackageElement e, Void p) { return e.getQualifiedName().toString(); } @Override public String visitExecutable(ExecutableElement e, Void p) { // For backward compatibility return getFullyQualifiedName(e.getEnclosingElement()) + "." + e.getSimpleName().toString(); } @Override public String visitType(TypeElement e, Void p) { return e.getQualifiedName().toString(); } @Override protected String defaultAction(Element e, Void p) { return getEnclosingTypeElement(e).getQualifiedName().toString() + "." + e.getSimpleName().toString(); } }.visit(e); } }
Returns a Comparator for SearchIndexItems representing types. Items are compared by short name, or full string representation if names are equal.
Returns:a Comparator
/** * Returns a Comparator for SearchIndexItems representing types. Items are * compared by short name, or full string representation if names are equal. * * @return a Comparator */
public Comparator<SearchIndexItem> makeTypeSearchIndexComparator() { return (SearchIndexItem sii1, SearchIndexItem sii2) -> { int result = compareStrings(sii1.getSimpleName(), sii2.getSimpleName()); if (result == 0) { // TreeSet needs this to be consistent with equal so we do // a plain comparison of string representations as fallback. result = sii1.toString().compareTo(sii2.toString()); } return result; }; } private Comparator<SearchIndexItem> genericSearchIndexComparator = null;
Returns a Comparator for SearchIndexItems representing modules, packages, or members. Items are compared by label (member name plus signature for members, package name for packages, and module name for modules). If labels are equal then full string representation is compared.
Returns:a Comparator
/** * Returns a Comparator for SearchIndexItems representing modules, packages, or members. * Items are compared by label (member name plus signature for members, package name for * packages, and module name for modules). If labels are equal then full string * representation is compared. * * @return a Comparator */
public Comparator<SearchIndexItem> makeGenericSearchIndexComparator() { if (genericSearchIndexComparator == null) { genericSearchIndexComparator = (SearchIndexItem sii1, SearchIndexItem sii2) -> { int result = compareStrings(sii1.getLabel(), sii2.getLabel()); if (result == 0) { // TreeSet needs this to be consistent with equal so we do // a plain comparison of string representations as fallback. result = sii1.toString().compareTo(sii2.toString()); } return result; }; } return genericSearchIndexComparator; } public Iterable<TypeElement> getEnclosedTypeElements(PackageElement pkg) { List<TypeElement> out = getInterfaces(pkg); out.addAll(getClasses(pkg)); out.addAll(getEnums(pkg)); out.addAll(getAnnotationTypes(pkg)); return out; } // Element related methods public List<Element> getAnnotationMembers(TypeElement aClass) { List<Element> members = getAnnotationFields(aClass); members.addAll(getAnnotationMethods(aClass)); return members; } public List<Element> getAnnotationFields(TypeElement aClass) { return getItems0(aClass, true, FIELD); } List<Element> getAnnotationFieldsUnfiltered(TypeElement aClass) { return getItems0(aClass, true, FIELD); } public List<Element> getAnnotationMethods(TypeElement aClass) { return getItems0(aClass, true, METHOD); } public List<TypeElement> getAnnotationTypes(Element e) { return convertToTypeElement(getItems(e, true, ANNOTATION_TYPE)); } public List<TypeElement> getAnnotationTypesUnfiltered(Element e) { return convertToTypeElement(getItems(e, false, ANNOTATION_TYPE)); } public List<VariableElement> getFields(Element e) { return convertToVariableElement(getItems(e, true, FIELD)); } public List<VariableElement> getFieldsUnfiltered(Element e) { return convertToVariableElement(getItems(e, false, FIELD)); } public List<TypeElement> getClasses(Element e) { return convertToTypeElement(getItems(e, true, CLASS)); } public List<TypeElement> getClassesUnfiltered(Element e) { return convertToTypeElement(getItems(e, false, CLASS)); } public List<ExecutableElement> getConstructors(Element e) { return convertToExecutableElement(getItems(e, true, CONSTRUCTOR)); } public List<ExecutableElement> getMethods(Element e) { return convertToExecutableElement(getItems(e, true, METHOD)); } List<ExecutableElement> getMethodsUnfiltered(Element e) { return convertToExecutableElement(getItems(e, false, METHOD)); } public int getOrdinalValue(VariableElement member) { if (member == null || member.getKind() != ENUM_CONSTANT) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("must be an enum constant: " + member); } return member.getEnclosingElement().getEnclosedElements().indexOf(member); } private Map<ModuleElement, Set<PackageElement>> modulePackageMap = null; public Map<ModuleElement, Set<PackageElement>> getModulePackageMap() { if (modulePackageMap == null) { modulePackageMap = new HashMap<>(); Set<PackageElement> pkgs = configuration.getIncludedPackageElements(); pkgs.forEach((pkg) -> { ModuleElement mod = elementUtils.getModuleOf(pkg); modulePackageMap.computeIfAbsent(mod, m -> new HashSet<>()).add(pkg); }); } return modulePackageMap; } public Map<ModuleElement, String> getDependentModules(ModuleElement mdle) { Map<ModuleElement, String> result = new TreeMap<>(makeModuleComparator()); Deque<ModuleElement> queue = new ArrayDeque<>(); // get all the requires for the element in question for (RequiresDirective rd : ElementFilter.requiresIn(mdle.getDirectives())) { ModuleElement dep = rd.getDependency(); // add the dependency to work queue if (!result.containsKey(dep)) { if (rd.isTransitive()) { queue.addLast(dep); } } // add all exports for the primary module result.put(rd.getDependency(), getModifiers(rd)); } // add only requires public for subsequent module dependencies for (ModuleElement m = queue.poll(); m != null; m = queue.poll()) { for (RequiresDirective rd : ElementFilter.requiresIn(m.getDirectives())) { ModuleElement dep = rd.getDependency(); if (!result.containsKey(dep)) { if (rd.isTransitive()) { result.put(dep, getModifiers(rd)); queue.addLast(dep); } } } } return result; } public String getModifiers(RequiresDirective rd) { StringBuilder modifiers = new StringBuilder(); String sep=""; if (rd.isTransitive()) { modifiers.append("transitive"); sep = " "; } if (rd.isStatic()) { modifiers.append(sep); modifiers.append("static"); } return (modifiers.length() == 0) ? " " : modifiers.toString(); } public long getLineNumber(Element e) { TreePath path = getTreePath(e); if (path == null) { // maybe null if synthesized TypeElement encl = getEnclosingTypeElement(e); path = getTreePath(encl); } CompilationUnitTree cu = path.getCompilationUnit(); LineMap lineMap = cu.getLineMap(); DocSourcePositions spos = docTrees.getSourcePositions(); long pos = spos.getStartPosition(cu, path.getLeaf()); return lineMap.getLineNumber(pos); } public List<ExecutableElement> convertToExecutableElement(List<Element> list) { List<ExecutableElement> out = new ArrayList<>(list.size()); for (Element e : list) { out.add((ExecutableElement)e); } return out; } public List<TypeElement> convertToTypeElement(List<Element> list) { List<TypeElement> out = new ArrayList<>(list.size()); for (Element e : list) { out.add((TypeElement)e); } return out; } public List<VariableElement> convertToVariableElement(List<Element> list) { List<VariableElement> out = new ArrayList<>(list.size()); for (Element e : list) { out.add((VariableElement) e); } return out; } public List<TypeElement> getInterfaces(Element e) { return convertToTypeElement(getItems(e, true, INTERFACE)); } public List<TypeElement> getInterfacesUnfiltered(Element e) { return convertToTypeElement(getItems(e, false, INTERFACE)); } public List<Element> getEnumConstants(Element e) { return getItems(e, true, ENUM_CONSTANT); } public List<TypeElement> getEnums(Element e) { return convertToTypeElement(getItems(e, true, ENUM)); } public List<TypeElement> getEnumsUnfiltered(Element e) { return convertToTypeElement(getItems(e, false, ENUM)); } public SortedSet<TypeElement> getAllClassesUnfiltered(Element e) { List<TypeElement> clist = getClassesUnfiltered(e); clist.addAll(getInterfacesUnfiltered(e)); clist.addAll(getAnnotationTypesUnfiltered(e)); SortedSet<TypeElement> oset = new TreeSet<>(makeGeneralPurposeComparator()); oset.addAll(clist); return oset; } private final HashMap<Element, SortedSet<TypeElement>> cachedClasses = new HashMap<>();
Returns a list containing classes and interfaces, including annotation types.
  • e – Element
/** * Returns a list containing classes and interfaces, * including annotation types. * @param e Element * @return List */
public SortedSet<TypeElement> getAllClasses(Element e) { SortedSet<TypeElement> oset = cachedClasses.get(e); if (oset != null) return oset; List<TypeElement> clist = getClasses(e); clist.addAll(getInterfaces(e)); clist.addAll(getAnnotationTypes(e)); clist.addAll(getEnums(e)); oset = new TreeSet<>(makeGeneralPurposeComparator()); oset.addAll(clist); cachedClasses.put(e, oset); return oset; } /* * Get all the elements unfiltered and filter them finally based * on its visibility, this works differently from the other getters. */ private List<TypeElement> getInnerClasses(Element e, boolean filter) { List<TypeElement> olist = new ArrayList<>(); for (TypeElement te : getClassesUnfiltered(e)) { if (!filter || configuration.docEnv.isSelected(te)) { olist.add(te); } } for (TypeElement te : getInterfacesUnfiltered(e)) { if (!filter || configuration.docEnv.isSelected(te)) { olist.add(te); } } for (TypeElement te : getAnnotationTypesUnfiltered(e)) { if (!filter || configuration.docEnv.isSelected(te)) { olist.add(te); } } for (TypeElement te : getEnumsUnfiltered(e)) { if (!filter || configuration.docEnv.isSelected(te)) { olist.add(te); } } return olist; } public List<TypeElement> getInnerClasses(Element e) { return getInnerClasses(e, true); } public List<TypeElement> getInnerClassesUnfiltered(Element e) { return getInnerClasses(e, false); }
Returns a list of classes that are not errors or exceptions
  • e – Element
/** * Returns a list of classes that are not errors or exceptions * @param e Element * @return List */
public List<TypeElement> getOrdinaryClasses(Element e) { return getClasses(e).stream() .filter(te -> (!isException(te) && !isError(te))) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } public List<TypeElement> getErrors(Element e) { return getClasses(e) .stream() .filter(this::isError) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } public List<TypeElement> getExceptions(Element e) { return getClasses(e) .stream() .filter(this::isException) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } List<Element> getItems(Element e, boolean filter, ElementKind select) { List<Element> elements = new ArrayList<>(); return new SimpleElementVisitor9<List<Element>, Void>() { @Override public List<Element> visitPackage(PackageElement e, Void p) { recursiveGetItems(elements, e, filter, select); return elements; } @Override protected List<Element> defaultAction(Element e0, Void p) { return getItems0(e0, filter, select); } }.visit(e); } EnumSet<ElementKind> nestedKinds = EnumSet.of(ANNOTATION_TYPE, CLASS, ENUM, INTERFACE); void recursiveGetItems(Collection<Element> list, Element e, boolean filter, ElementKind... select) { list.addAll(getItems0(e, filter, select)); List<Element> classes = getItems0(e, filter, nestedKinds); for (Element c : classes) { list.addAll(getItems0(c, filter, select)); if (isTypeElement(c)) { recursiveGetItems(list, c, filter, select); } } } private List<Element> getItems0(Element te, boolean filter, ElementKind... select) { EnumSet<ElementKind> kinds = EnumSet.copyOf(Arrays.asList(select)); return getItems0(te, filter, kinds); } private List<Element> getItems0(Element te, boolean filter, Set<ElementKind> kinds) { List<Element> elements = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element e : te.getEnclosedElements()) { if (kinds.contains(e.getKind())) { if (!filter || shouldDocument(e)) { elements.add(e); } } } return elements; } private SimpleElementVisitor9<Boolean, Void> shouldDocumentVisitor = null; protected boolean shouldDocument(Element e) { if (shouldDocumentVisitor == null) { shouldDocumentVisitor = new SimpleElementVisitor9<Boolean, Void>() { private boolean hasSource(TypeElement e) { return configuration.docEnv.getFileKind(e) == javax.tools.JavaFileObject.Kind.SOURCE; } // handle types @Override public Boolean visitType(TypeElement e, Void p) { // treat inner classes etc as members if (e.getNestingKind().isNested()) { return defaultAction(e, p); } return configuration.docEnv.isSelected(e) && hasSource(e); } // handle everything else @Override protected Boolean defaultAction(Element e, Void p) { return configuration.docEnv.isSelected(e); } @Override public Boolean visitUnknown(Element e, Void p) { throw new AssertionError("unkown element: " + p); } }; } return shouldDocumentVisitor.visit(e); } /* * nameCache is maintained for improving the comparator * performance, noting that the Collator used by the comparators * use Strings, as of this writing. * TODO: when those APIs handle charSequences, the use of * this nameCache must be re-investigated and removed. */ private final Map<Element, String> nameCache = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Returns the name of the element after the last dot of the package name. This emulates the behavior of the old doclet.
  • e – an element whose name is required
Returns:the name
/** * Returns the name of the element after the last dot of the package name. * This emulates the behavior of the old doclet. * @param e an element whose name is required * @return the name */
public String getSimpleName(Element e) { return nameCache.computeIfAbsent(e, this::getSimpleName0); } private SimpleElementVisitor9<String, Void> snvisitor = null; private String getSimpleName0(Element e) { if (snvisitor == null) { snvisitor = new SimpleElementVisitor9<String, Void>() { @Override public String visitModule(ModuleElement e, Void p) { return e.getQualifiedName().toString(); // temp fix for 8182736 } @Override public String visitType(TypeElement e, Void p) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(e.getSimpleName()); Element enclosed = e.getEnclosingElement(); while (enclosed != null && (enclosed.getKind().isClass() || enclosed.getKind().isInterface())) { sb.insert(0, enclosed.getSimpleName() + "."); enclosed = enclosed.getEnclosingElement(); } return sb.toString(); } @Override public String visitExecutable(ExecutableElement e, Void p) { if (e.getKind() == CONSTRUCTOR || e.getKind() == STATIC_INIT) { return e.getEnclosingElement().getSimpleName().toString(); } return e.getSimpleName().toString(); } @Override protected String defaultAction(Element e, Void p) { return e.getSimpleName().toString(); } }; } return snvisitor.visit(e); } public TypeElement getEnclosingTypeElement(Element e) { if (e.getKind() == ElementKind.PACKAGE) return null; Element encl = e.getEnclosingElement(); ElementKind kind = encl.getKind(); if (kind == ElementKind.PACKAGE) return null; while (!(kind.isClass() || kind.isInterface())) { encl = encl.getEnclosingElement(); kind = encl.getKind(); } return (TypeElement)encl; } private ConstantValueExpression cve = null; public String constantValueExpresion(VariableElement ve) { if (cve == null) cve = new ConstantValueExpression(); return cve.constantValueExpression(configuration.workArounds, ve); } private static class ConstantValueExpression { public String constantValueExpression(WorkArounds workArounds, VariableElement ve) { return new TypeKindVisitor9<String, Object>() { /* TODO: we need to fix this correctly. * we have a discrepancy here, note the use of getConstValue * vs. getConstantValue, at some point we need to use * getConstantValue. * In the legacy world byte and char primitives appear as Integer values, * thus a byte value of 127 will appear as 127, but in the new world, * a byte value appears as Byte thus 0x7f will be printed, similarly * chars will be translated to \n, \r etc. however, in the new world, * they will be printed as decimal values. The new world is correct, * and we should fix this by using getConstantValue and the visitor to * address this in the future. */ @Override public String visitPrimitiveAsBoolean(PrimitiveType t, Object val) { return (int)val == 0 ? "false" : "true"; } @Override public String visitPrimitiveAsDouble(PrimitiveType t, Object val) { return sourceForm(((Double)val), 'd'); } @Override public String visitPrimitiveAsFloat(PrimitiveType t, Object val) { return sourceForm(((Float)val).doubleValue(), 'f'); } @Override public String visitPrimitiveAsLong(PrimitiveType t, Object val) { return val + "L"; } @Override protected String defaultAction(TypeMirror e, Object val) { if (val == null) return null; else if (val instanceof Character) return sourceForm(((Character)val)); else if (val instanceof Byte) return sourceForm(((Byte)val)); else if (val instanceof String) return sourceForm((String)val); return val.toString(); // covers int, short } }.visit(ve.asType(), workArounds.getConstValue(ve)); } // where private String sourceForm(double v, char suffix) { if (Double.isNaN(v)) return "0" + suffix + "/0" + suffix; if (v == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) return "1" + suffix + "/0" + suffix; if (v == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) return "-1" + suffix + "/0" + suffix; return v + (suffix == 'f' || suffix == 'F' ? "" + suffix : ""); } private String sourceForm(char c) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(8); buf.append('\''); sourceChar(c, buf); buf.append('\''); return buf.toString(); } private String sourceForm(byte c) { return "0x" + Integer.toString(c & 0xff, 16); } private String sourceForm(String s) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(s.length() + 5); buf.append('\"'); for (int i=0; i<s.length(); i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); sourceChar(c, buf); } buf.append('\"'); return buf.toString(); } private void sourceChar(char c, StringBuilder buf) { switch (c) { case '\b': buf.append("\\b"); return; case '\t': buf.append("\\t"); return; case '\n': buf.append("\\n"); return; case '\f': buf.append("\\f"); return; case '\r': buf.append("\\r"); return; case '\"': buf.append("\\\""); return; case '\'': buf.append("\\\'"); return; case '\\': buf.append("\\\\"); return; default: if (isPrintableAscii(c)) { buf.append(c); return; } unicodeEscape(c, buf); return; } } private void unicodeEscape(char c, StringBuilder buf) { final String chars = "0123456789abcdef"; buf.append("\\u"); buf.append(chars.charAt(15 & (c>>12))); buf.append(chars.charAt(15 & (c>>8))); buf.append(chars.charAt(15 & (c>>4))); buf.append(chars.charAt(15 & (c>>0))); } private boolean isPrintableAscii(char c) { return c >= ' ' && c <= '~'; } } public boolean isEnclosingPackageIncluded(TypeElement te) { return isIncluded(containingPackage(te)); } public boolean isIncluded(Element e) { return configuration.docEnv.isIncluded(e); } private SimpleElementVisitor9<Boolean, Void> specifiedVisitor = null; public boolean isSpecified(Element e) { if (specifiedVisitor == null) { specifiedVisitor = new SimpleElementVisitor9<Boolean, Void>() { @Override public Boolean visitModule(ModuleElement e, Void p) { return configuration.getSpecifiedModuleElements().contains(e); } @Override public Boolean visitPackage(PackageElement e, Void p) { return configuration.getSpecifiedPackageElements().contains(e); } @Override public Boolean visitType(TypeElement e, Void p) { return configuration.getSpecifiedTypeElements().contains(e); } @Override protected Boolean defaultAction(Element e, Void p) { return false; } }; } return specifiedVisitor.visit(e); }
Get the package name for a given package element. An unnamed package is returned as <Unnamed>
  • pkg –
/** * Get the package name for a given package element. An unnamed package is returned as &lt;Unnamed&gt; * * @param pkg * @return */
public String getPackageName(PackageElement pkg) { if (pkg == null || pkg.isUnnamed()) { return DocletConstants.DEFAULT_PACKAGE_NAME; } return pkg.getQualifiedName().toString(); }
Get the module name for a given module element. An unnamed module is returned as <Unnamed>
  • mdle – a ModuleElement
/** * Get the module name for a given module element. An unnamed module is returned as &lt;Unnamed&gt; * * @param mdle a ModuleElement * @return */
public String getModuleName(ModuleElement mdle) { if (mdle == null || mdle.isUnnamed()) { return DocletConstants.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME; } return mdle.getQualifiedName().toString(); } public boolean isAttribute(DocTree doctree) { return isKind(doctree, ATTRIBUTE); } public boolean isAuthor(DocTree doctree) { return isKind(doctree, AUTHOR); } public boolean isComment(DocTree doctree) { return isKind(doctree, COMMENT); } public boolean isDeprecated(DocTree doctree) { return isKind(doctree, DEPRECATED); } public boolean isDocComment(DocTree doctree) { return isKind(doctree, DOC_COMMENT); } public boolean isDocRoot(DocTree doctree) { return isKind(doctree, DOC_ROOT); } public boolean isEndElement(DocTree doctree) { return isKind(doctree, END_ELEMENT); } public boolean isEntity(DocTree doctree) { return isKind(doctree, ENTITY); } public boolean isErroneous(DocTree doctree) { return isKind(doctree, ERRONEOUS); } public boolean isException(DocTree doctree) { return isKind(doctree, EXCEPTION); } public boolean isIdentifier(DocTree doctree) { return isKind(doctree, IDENTIFIER); } public boolean isInheritDoc(DocTree doctree) { return isKind(doctree, INHERIT_DOC); } public boolean isLink(DocTree doctree) { return isKind(doctree, LINK); } public boolean isLinkPlain(DocTree doctree) { return isKind(doctree, LINK_PLAIN); } public boolean isLiteral(DocTree doctree) { return isKind(doctree, LITERAL); } public boolean isOther(DocTree doctree) { return doctree.getKind() == DocTree.Kind.OTHER; } public boolean isParam(DocTree doctree) { return isKind(doctree, PARAM); } public boolean isReference(DocTree doctree) { return isKind(doctree, REFERENCE); } public boolean isReturn(DocTree doctree) { return isKind(doctree, RETURN); } public boolean isSee(DocTree doctree) { return isKind(doctree, SEE); } public boolean isSerial(DocTree doctree) { return isKind(doctree, SERIAL); } public boolean isSerialData(DocTree doctree) { return isKind(doctree, SERIAL_DATA); } public boolean isSerialField(DocTree doctree) { return isKind(doctree, SERIAL_FIELD); } public boolean isSince(DocTree doctree) { return isKind(doctree, SINCE); } public boolean isStartElement(DocTree doctree) { return isKind(doctree, START_ELEMENT); } public boolean isText(DocTree doctree) { return isKind(doctree, TEXT); } public boolean isThrows(DocTree doctree) { return isKind(doctree, THROWS); } public boolean isUnknownBlockTag(DocTree doctree) { return isKind(doctree, UNKNOWN_BLOCK_TAG); } public boolean isUnknownInlineTag(DocTree doctree) { return isKind(doctree, UNKNOWN_INLINE_TAG); } public boolean isValue(DocTree doctree) { return isKind(doctree, VALUE); } public boolean isVersion(DocTree doctree) { return isKind(doctree, VERSION); } private boolean isKind(DocTree doctree, DocTree.Kind match) { return doctree.getKind() == match; } private final WeakSoftHashMap wksMap = new WeakSoftHashMap(this); public CommentHelper getCommentHelper(Element element) { return wksMap.computeIfAbsent(element); } public void removeCommentHelper(Element element) { wksMap.remove(element); } public List<? extends DocTree> filteredList(List<? extends DocTree> dlist, DocTree.Kind... select) { List<DocTree> list = new ArrayList<>(dlist.size()); if (select == null) return dlist; for (DocTree dt : dlist) { if (dt.getKind() != ERRONEOUS) { for (DocTree.Kind kind : select) { if (dt.getKind() == kind) { list.add(dt); } } } } return list; } private List<? extends DocTree> getBlockTags0(Element element, DocTree.Kind... kinds) { DocCommentTree dcTree = getDocCommentTree(element); if (dcTree == null) return Collections.emptyList(); return filteredList(dcTree.getBlockTags(), kinds); } public List<? extends DocTree> getBlockTags(Element element) { return getBlockTags0(element, (Kind[]) null); } public List<? extends DocTree> getBlockTags(Element element, DocTree.Kind... kinds) { return getBlockTags0(element, kinds); } public List<? extends DocTree> getBlockTags(Element element, String tagName) { DocTree.Kind kind = null; switch (tagName) { case "author": case "deprecated": case "hidden": case "param": case "return": case "see": case "serial": case "since": case "throws": case "exception": case "version": kind = DocTree.Kind.valueOf(toUpperCase(tagName)); return getBlockTags(element, kind); case "serialData": kind = SERIAL_DATA; return getBlockTags(element, kind); case "serialField": kind = SERIAL_FIELD; return getBlockTags(element, kind); default: kind = DocTree.Kind.UNKNOWN_BLOCK_TAG; break; } List<? extends DocTree> blockTags = getBlockTags(element, kind); List<DocTree> out = new ArrayList<>(); String tname = tagName.startsWith("@") ? tagName.substring(1) : tagName; CommentHelper ch = getCommentHelper(element); for (DocTree dt : blockTags) { if (ch.getTagName(dt).equals(tname)) { out.add(dt); } } return out; } public boolean hasBlockTag(Element element, DocTree.Kind kind) { return hasBlockTag(element, kind, null); } public boolean hasBlockTag(Element element, DocTree.Kind kind, final String tagName) { CommentHelper ch = getCommentHelper(element); String tname = tagName != null && tagName.startsWith("@") ? tagName.substring(1) : tagName; for (DocTree dt : getBlockTags(element, kind)) { if (dt.getKind() == kind) { if (tname == null || ch.getTagName(dt).equals(tname)) { return true; } } } return false; }
Gets a TreePath for an Element. Note this method is called very frequently, care must be taken to ensure this method is lithe and efficient.
  • e – an Element
/** * Gets a TreePath for an Element. Note this method is called very * frequently, care must be taken to ensure this method is lithe * and efficient. * @param e an Element * @return TreePath */
public TreePath getTreePath(Element e) { DocCommentDuo duo = dcTreeCache.get(e); if (duo != null && duo.treePath != null) { return duo.treePath; } duo = configuration.cmtUtils.getSyntheticCommentDuo(e); if (duo != null && duo.treePath != null) { return duo.treePath; } Map<Element, TreePath> elementToTreePath = configuration.workArounds.getElementToTreePath(); TreePath path = elementToTreePath.get(e); if (path != null || elementToTreePath.containsKey(e)) { // expedite the path and one that is a null return path; } return elementToTreePath.computeIfAbsent(e, docTrees::getPath); } private final Map<Element, DocCommentDuo> dcTreeCache = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Retrieves the doc comments for a given element.
  • element –
Returns:DocCommentTree for the Element
/** * Retrieves the doc comments for a given element. * @param element * @return DocCommentTree for the Element */
public DocCommentTree getDocCommentTree0(Element element) { DocCommentDuo duo = null; ElementKind kind = element.getKind(); if (kind == ElementKind.PACKAGE || kind == ElementKind.OTHER) { duo = dcTreeCache.get(element); // local cache if (duo == null && kind == ElementKind.PACKAGE) { // package-info.java duo = getDocCommentTuple(element); } if (duo == null) { // package.html or overview.html duo = configuration.cmtUtils.getHtmlCommentDuo(element); // html source } } else { duo = configuration.cmtUtils.getSyntheticCommentDuo(element); if (duo == null) { duo = dcTreeCache.get(element); // local cache } if (duo == null) { duo = getDocCommentTuple(element); // get the real mccoy } } DocCommentTree docCommentTree = isValidDuo(duo) ? duo.dcTree : null; TreePath path = isValidDuo(duo) ? duo.treePath : null; if (!dcTreeCache.containsKey(element)) { if (docCommentTree != null && path != null) { if (!configuration.isAllowScriptInComments()) { try { javaScriptScanner.scan(docCommentTree, path, p -> { throw new JavaScriptScanner.Fault(); }); } catch (JavaScriptScanner.Fault jsf) { String text = resources.getText("doclet.JavaScript_in_comment"); throw new UncheckedDocletException(new SimpleDocletException(text, jsf)); } } configuration.workArounds.runDocLint(path); } dcTreeCache.put(element, duo); } return docCommentTree; } private DocCommentDuo getDocCommentTuple(Element element) { // prevent nasty things downstream with overview element if (element.getKind() != ElementKind.OTHER) { TreePath path = getTreePath(element); if (path != null) { DocCommentTree docCommentTree = docTrees.getDocCommentTree(path); return new DocCommentDuo(path, docCommentTree); } } return null; } public void checkJavaScriptInOption(String name, String value) { if (!configuration.isAllowScriptInComments()) { DocCommentTree dct = configuration.cmtUtils.parse( URI.create("option://" + name.replace("-", "")), "<body>" + value + "</body>"); if (dct == null) return; try { javaScriptScanner.scan(dct, null, p -> { throw new JavaScriptScanner.Fault(); }); } catch (JavaScriptScanner.Fault jsf) { String text = resources.getText("doclet.JavaScript_in_option", name); throw new UncheckedDocletException(new SimpleDocletException(text, jsf)); } } } boolean isValidDuo(DocCommentDuo duo) { return duo != null && duo.dcTree != null; } public DocCommentTree getDocCommentTree(Element element) { CommentHelper ch = wksMap.get(element); if (ch != null) { return ch.dctree; } DocCommentTree dcTree = getDocCommentTree0(element); if (dcTree != null) { wksMap.put(element, new CommentHelper(configuration, element, getTreePath(element), dcTree)); } return dcTree; } public List<? extends DocTree> getPreamble(Element element) { DocCommentTree docCommentTree = getDocCommentTree(element); return docCommentTree == null ? Collections.emptyList() : docCommentTree.getPreamble(); } public List<? extends DocTree> getFullBody(Element element) { DocCommentTree docCommentTree = getDocCommentTree(element); return (docCommentTree == null) ? Collections.emptyList() : docCommentTree.getFullBody(); } public List<? extends DocTree> getBody(Element element) { DocCommentTree docCommentTree = getDocCommentTree(element); return (docCommentTree == null) ? Collections.emptyList() : docCommentTree.getFullBody(); } public List<? extends DocTree> getDeprecatedTrees(Element element) { return getBlockTags(element, DEPRECATED); } public List<? extends DocTree> getProvidesTrees(Element element) { return getBlockTags(element, PROVIDES); } public List<? extends DocTree> getSeeTrees(Element element) { return getBlockTags(element, SEE); } public List<? extends DocTree> getSerialTrees(Element element) { return getBlockTags(element, SERIAL); } public List<? extends DocTree> getSerialFieldTrees(VariableElement field) { return getBlockTags(field, DocTree.Kind.SERIAL_FIELD); } public List<? extends DocTree> getThrowsTrees(Element element) { return getBlockTags(element, DocTree.Kind.EXCEPTION, DocTree.Kind.THROWS); } public List<? extends DocTree> getTypeParamTrees(Element element) { return getParamTrees(element, true); } public List<? extends DocTree> getParamTrees(Element element) { return getParamTrees(element, false); } private List<? extends DocTree> getParamTrees(Element element, boolean isTypeParameters) { List<DocTree> out = new ArrayList<>(); for (DocTree dt : getBlockTags(element, PARAM)) { ParamTree pt = (ParamTree) dt; if (pt.isTypeParameter() == isTypeParameters) { out.add(dt); } } return out; } public List<? extends DocTree> getReturnTrees(Element element) { List<DocTree> out = new ArrayList<>(); for (DocTree dt : getBlockTags(element, RETURN)) { out.add(dt); } return out; } public List<? extends DocTree> getUsesTrees(Element element) { return getBlockTags(element, USES); } public List<? extends DocTree> getFirstSentenceTrees(Element element) { DocCommentTree dcTree = getDocCommentTree(element); if (dcTree == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<DocTree> out = new ArrayList<>(); for (DocTree dt : dcTree.getFirstSentence()) { out.add(dt); } return out; } public ModuleElement containingModule(Element e) { return elementUtils.getModuleOf(e); } public PackageElement containingPackage(Element e) { return elementUtils.getPackageOf(e); } public TypeElement getTopMostContainingTypeElement(Element e) { if (isPackage(e)) { return null; } TypeElement outer = getEnclosingTypeElement(e); if (outer == null) return (TypeElement)e; while (outer != null && outer.getNestingKind().isNested()) { outer = getEnclosingTypeElement(outer); } return outer; } static class WeakSoftHashMap implements Map<Element, CommentHelper> { private final WeakHashMap<Element, SoftReference<CommentHelper>> wkMap; private final Utils utils; public WeakSoftHashMap(Utils utils) { wkMap = new WeakHashMap<>(); this.utils = utils; } @Override public boolean containsKey(Object key) { return wkMap.containsKey(key); } @Override public Collection<CommentHelper> values() { Set<CommentHelper> out = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (SoftReference<CommentHelper> v : wkMap.values()) { out.add(v.get()); } return out; } @Override public boolean containsValue(Object value) { return wkMap.containsValue(new SoftReference<>((CommentHelper)value)); } @Override public CommentHelper remove(Object key) { SoftReference<CommentHelper> value = wkMap.remove(key); return value == null ? null : value.get(); } @Override public CommentHelper put(Element key, CommentHelper value) { SoftReference<CommentHelper> nvalue = wkMap.put(key, new SoftReference<>(value)); return nvalue == null ? null : nvalue.get(); } @Override public CommentHelper get(Object key) { SoftReference<CommentHelper> value = wkMap.get(key); return value == null ? null : value.get(); } @Override public int size() { return wkMap.size(); } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return wkMap.isEmpty(); } @Override public void clear() { wkMap.clear(); } public CommentHelper computeIfAbsent(Element key) { if (wkMap.containsKey(key)) { SoftReference<CommentHelper> value = wkMap.get(key); if (value != null) { CommentHelper cvalue = value.get(); if (cvalue != null) { return cvalue; } } } CommentHelper newValue = new CommentHelper(utils.configuration, key, utils.getTreePath(key), utils.getDocCommentTree(key)); wkMap.put(key, new SoftReference<>(newValue)); return newValue; } @Override public void putAll(Map<? extends Element, ? extends CommentHelper> map) { for (Map.Entry<? extends Element, ? extends CommentHelper> entry : map.entrySet()) { put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } @Override public Set<Element> keySet() { return wkMap.keySet(); } @Override public Set<Entry<Element, CommentHelper>> entrySet() { Set<Entry<Element, CommentHelper>> out = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (Element e : wkMap.keySet()) { SimpleEntry<Element, CommentHelper> n = new SimpleEntry<>(e, get(e)); out.add(n); } return out; } }
A simple pair container.
Type parameters:
  • <K> – first a value
  • <L> – second another value
/** * A simple pair container. * @param <K> first a value * @param <L> second another value */
public static class Pair<K, L> { public final K first; public final L second; public Pair(K first, L second) { this.first = first; this.second = second; } public String toString() { StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(); out.append(first + ":" + second); return out.toString(); } } }