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package com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.serializer.utils;

import java.util.ListResourceBundle;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;

An instance of this class is a ListResourceBundle that has the required getContents() method that returns an array of message-key/message associations.

The message keys are defined in MsgKey. The messages that those keys map to are defined here.

The messages in the English version are intended to be translated. This class is not a public API, it is only public because it is used in com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.serializer.

/** * An instance of this class is a ListResourceBundle that * has the required getContents() method that returns * an array of message-key/message associations. * <p> * The message keys are defined in {@link MsgKey}. The * messages that those keys map to are defined here. * <p> * The messages in the English version are intended to be * translated. * * This class is not a public API, it is only public because it is * used in com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.serializer. * * @xsl.usage internal */
public class SerializerMessages_sv extends ListResourceBundle { /* * This file contains error and warning messages related to * Serializer Error Handling. * * General notes to translators: * 1) A stylesheet is a description of how to transform an input XML document * into a resultant XML document (or HTML document or text). The * stylesheet itself is described in the form of an XML document. * * 2) An element is a mark-up tag in an XML document; an attribute is a * modifier on the tag. For example, in <elem attr='val' attr2='val2'> * "elem" is an element name, "attr" and "attr2" are attribute names with * the values "val" and "val2", respectively. * * 3) A namespace declaration is a special attribute that is used to associate * a prefix with a URI (the namespace). The meanings of element names and * attribute names that use that prefix are defined with respect to that * namespace. * * */
The lookup table for error messages.
/** The lookup table for error messages. */
public Object[][] getContents() { Object[][] contents = new Object[][] { { MsgKey.BAD_MSGKEY, "Meddelandenyckeln ''{0}'' \u00E4r inte i meddelandeklassen ''{1}''" }, { MsgKey.BAD_MSGFORMAT, "Formatet p\u00E5 meddelandet ''{0}'' i meddelandeklassen ''{1}'' underk\u00E4ndes." }, { MsgKey.ER_SERIALIZER_NOT_CONTENTHANDLER, "Serializerklassen ''{0}'' implementerar inte org.xml.sax.ContentHandler." }, { MsgKey.ER_RESOURCE_COULD_NOT_FIND, "Resursen [ {0} ] kunde inte h\u00E4mtas.\n {1}" }, { MsgKey.ER_RESOURCE_COULD_NOT_LOAD, "Resursen [ {0} ] kunde inte laddas: {1} \n {2} \t {3}" }, { MsgKey.ER_BUFFER_SIZE_LESSTHAN_ZERO, "Buffertstorlek <=0" }, { MsgKey.ER_INVALID_UTF16_SURROGATE, "Ogiltigt UTF-16-surrogat uppt\u00E4ckt: {0} ?" }, { MsgKey.ER_OIERROR, "IO-fel" }, { MsgKey.ER_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_POSITION, "Kan inte l\u00E4gga till attributet {0} efter underordnade noder eller innan ett element har skapats. Attributet ignoreras." }, /* * Note to translators: The stylesheet contained a reference to a * namespace prefix that was undefined. The value of the substitution * text is the name of the prefix. */ { MsgKey.ER_NAMESPACE_PREFIX, "Namnrymd f\u00F6r prefix ''{0}'' har inte deklarerats." }, /* * Note to translators: This message is reported if the stylesheet * being processed attempted to construct an XML document with an * attribute in a place other than on an element. The substitution text * specifies the name of the attribute. */ { MsgKey.ER_STRAY_ATTRIBUTE, "Attributet ''{0}'' finns utanf\u00F6r elementet." }, /* * Note to translators: As with the preceding message, a namespace * declaration has the form of an attribute and is only permitted to * appear on an element. The substitution text {0} is the namespace * prefix and {1} is the URI that was being used in the erroneous * namespace declaration. */ { MsgKey.ER_STRAY_NAMESPACE, "Namnrymdsdeklarationen ''{0}''=''{1}'' finns utanf\u00F6r element." }, { MsgKey.ER_COULD_NOT_LOAD_RESOURCE, "Kunde inte ladda ''{0}'' (kontrollera CLASSPATH), anv\u00E4nder nu enbart standardv\u00E4rden" }, { MsgKey.ER_ILLEGAL_CHARACTER, "F\u00F6rs\u00F6k att skriva utdatatecken med integralv\u00E4rdet {0} som inte \u00E4r representerat i angiven utdatakodning av {1}." }, { MsgKey.ER_COULD_NOT_LOAD_METHOD_PROPERTY, "Kunde inte ladda egenskapsfilen ''{0}'' f\u00F6r utdatametoden ''{1}'' (kontrollera CLASSPATH)" }, { MsgKey.ER_INVALID_PORT, "Ogiltigt portnummer" }, { MsgKey.ER_PORT_WHEN_HOST_NULL, "Port kan inte st\u00E4llas in n\u00E4r v\u00E4rd \u00E4r null" }, { MsgKey.ER_HOST_ADDRESS_NOT_WELLFORMED, "V\u00E4rd \u00E4r inte en v\u00E4lformulerad adress" }, { MsgKey.ER_SCHEME_NOT_CONFORMANT, "Schemat \u00E4r inte likformigt." }, { MsgKey.ER_SCHEME_FROM_NULL_STRING, "Kan inte st\u00E4lla in schema fr\u00E5n null-str\u00E4ng" }, { MsgKey.ER_PATH_CONTAINS_INVALID_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE, "S\u00F6kv\u00E4gen inneh\u00E5ller en ogiltig escape-sekvens" }, { MsgKey.ER_PATH_INVALID_CHAR, "S\u00F6kv\u00E4gen inneh\u00E5ller ett ogiltigt tecken: {0}" }, { MsgKey.ER_FRAG_INVALID_CHAR, "Fragment inneh\u00E5ller ett ogiltigt tecken" }, { MsgKey.ER_FRAG_WHEN_PATH_NULL, "Fragment kan inte st\u00E4llas in n\u00E4r s\u00F6kv\u00E4g \u00E4r null" }, { MsgKey.ER_FRAG_FOR_GENERIC_URI, "Fragment kan bara st\u00E4llas in f\u00F6r en allm\u00E4n URI" }, { MsgKey.ER_NO_SCHEME_IN_URI, "Schema saknas i URI" }, { MsgKey.ER_CANNOT_INIT_URI_EMPTY_PARMS, "Kan inte initiera URI med tomma parametrar" }, { MsgKey.ER_NO_FRAGMENT_STRING_IN_PATH, "Fragment kan inte anges i b\u00E5de s\u00F6kv\u00E4gen och fragmentet" }, { MsgKey.ER_NO_QUERY_STRING_IN_PATH, "Fr\u00E5gestr\u00E4ng kan inte anges i b\u00E5de s\u00F6kv\u00E4gen och fr\u00E5gestr\u00E4ngen" }, { MsgKey.ER_NO_PORT_IF_NO_HOST, "Port f\u00E5r inte anges om v\u00E4rden inte \u00E4r angiven" }, { MsgKey.ER_NO_USERINFO_IF_NO_HOST, "Anv\u00E4ndarinfo f\u00E5r inte anges om v\u00E4rden inte \u00E4r angiven" }, { MsgKey.ER_XML_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Varning: Versionen av utdatadokumentet som beg\u00E4rts \u00E4r ''{0}''. Den h\u00E4r versionen av XML st\u00F6ds inte. Versionen av utdatadokumentet kommer att vara ''1.0''." }, { MsgKey.ER_SCHEME_REQUIRED, "Schema kr\u00E4vs!" }, /* * Note to translators: The words 'Properties' and * 'SerializerFactory' in this message are Java class names * and should not be translated. */ { MsgKey.ER_FACTORY_PROPERTY_MISSING, "Egenskapsobjektet som \u00F6verf\u00F6rts till SerializerFactory har ingen ''{0}''-egenskap." }, { MsgKey.ER_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Varning: Kodningen ''{0}'' st\u00F6ds inte av Java runtime." }, {MsgKey.ER_FEATURE_NOT_FOUND, "Parametern ''{0}'' k\u00E4nns inte igen."}, {MsgKey.ER_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Parametern ''{0}'' k\u00E4nns igen men det beg\u00E4rda v\u00E4rdet kan inte anges."}, {MsgKey.ER_STRING_TOO_LONG, "Resultatstr\u00E4ngen \u00E4r f\u00F6r l\u00E5ng och ryms inte i DOMString: ''{0}''."}, {MsgKey.ER_TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR, "V\u00E4rdetypen f\u00F6r detta parameternamn \u00E4r inkompatibelt med f\u00F6rv\u00E4ntad v\u00E4rdetyp. "}, {MsgKey.ER_NO_OUTPUT_SPECIFIED, "Den utdatadestination som data ska skrivas till var null."}, {MsgKey.ER_UNSUPPORTED_ENCODING, "En kodning som inte st\u00F6ds har p\u00E5tr\u00E4ffats."}, {MsgKey.ER_UNABLE_TO_SERIALIZE_NODE, "Noden kunde inte serialiseras."}, {MsgKey.ER_CDATA_SECTIONS_SPLIT, "CDATA-sektionen inneh\u00E5ller en eller flera avslutningsmark\u00F6rer (']]>')."}, {MsgKey.ER_WARNING_WF_NOT_CHECKED, "En instans av Well-Formedness-kontrollen kunde inte skapas. Parametern well-formed har angetts till sant men Well-Formedness-kontrollen kan inte utf\u00F6ras." }, {MsgKey.ER_WF_INVALID_CHARACTER, "Noden ''{0}'' inneh\u00E5ller ogiltiga XML-tecken." }, { MsgKey.ER_WF_INVALID_CHARACTER_IN_COMMENT, "Ett ogiltigt XML-tecken (Unicode: 0x{0}) hittades i kommentaren." }, { MsgKey.ER_WF_INVALID_CHARACTER_IN_PI, "Ett ogiltigt XML-tecken (Unicode: 0x{0}) hittades i bearbetningsinstruktionsdata." }, { MsgKey.ER_WF_INVALID_CHARACTER_IN_CDATA, "Ett ogiltigt XML-tecken (Unicode: 0x{0}) hittades i inneh\u00E5llet i CDATASection." }, { MsgKey.ER_WF_INVALID_CHARACTER_IN_TEXT, "Ett ogiltigt XML-tecken (Unicode: 0x{0}) hittades i teckendatainneh\u00E5llet f\u00F6r noden." }, { MsgKey.ER_WF_INVALID_CHARACTER_IN_NODE_NAME, "Ett ogiltigt XML-tecken/ogiltiga XML-tecken hittades i {0}-noden med namnet ''{1}''." }, { MsgKey.ER_WF_DASH_IN_COMMENT, "Str\u00E4ngen \"--\" \u00E4r inte till\u00E5ten inom kommentarer." }, {MsgKey.ER_WF_LT_IN_ATTVAL, "Attributv\u00E4rdet \"{1}\" som associeras med elementtyp \"{0}\" f\u00E5r inte inneh\u00E5lla n\u00E5got ''<''-tecken." }, {MsgKey.ER_WF_REF_TO_UNPARSED_ENT, "Den otolkade enhetsreferensen \"&{0};\" \u00E4r inte till\u00E5ten." }, {MsgKey.ER_WF_REF_TO_EXTERNAL_ENT, "Den externa enhetsreferensen \"&{0};\" till\u00E5ts inte i ett attributv\u00E4rde." }, {MsgKey.ER_NS_PREFIX_CANNOT_BE_BOUND, "Prefixet \"{0}\" kan inte bindas till namnrymden \"{1}\"." }, {MsgKey.ER_NULL_LOCAL_ELEMENT_NAME, "Det lokala namnet p\u00E5 elementet \"{0}\" \u00E4r null." }, {MsgKey.ER_NULL_LOCAL_ATTR_NAME, "Det lokala namnet p\u00E5 attributet \"{0}\" \u00E4r null." }, { MsgKey.ER_ELEM_UNBOUND_PREFIX_IN_ENTREF, "Ers\u00E4ttningstexten f\u00F6r enhetsnoden \"{0}\" inneh\u00E5ller elementnoden \"{1}\" med ett obundet prefix, \"{2}\"." }, { MsgKey.ER_ATTR_UNBOUND_PREFIX_IN_ENTREF, "Ers\u00E4ttningstexten f\u00F6r enhetsnoden \"{0}\" inneh\u00E5ller attributnoden \"{1}\" med ett obundet prefix, \"{2}\"." }, { MsgKey.ER_WRITING_INTERNAL_SUBSET, "Ett fel intr\u00E4ffade vid skrivning till den interna delm\u00E4ngden." }, }; return contents; } }