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 * $Id: MsgKey.java,v 2005/09/08 11:03:11 suresh_emailid Exp $
package com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.serializer.utils;

This class is not a public API, It is used internally by serializer and is public, in the Java sense, only because its use crosses package boundaries.

This class holds only the message keys used when generating messages.

/** * This class is not a public API, * It is used internally by serializer and is public, * in the Java sense, only because its use crosses * package boundaries. * <p> * This class holds only the message keys used * when generating messages. */
public class MsgKey {
An internal error with the messages, this is the message to use if the message key can't be found
/** An internal error with the messages, * this is the message to use if the message key can't be found */
public static final String BAD_MSGKEY = "BAD_MSGKEY";
An internal error with the messages, this is the message to use if the message format operation failed.
/** * An internal error with the messages, * this is the message to use if the message format operation failed. */
public static final String BAD_MSGFORMAT = "BAD_MSGFORMAT"; public static final String ER_RESOURCE_COULD_NOT_FIND = "ER_RESOURCE_COULD_NOT_FIND"; public static final String ER_RESOURCE_COULD_NOT_LOAD = "ER_RESOURCE_COULD_NOT_LOAD"; public static final String ER_BUFFER_SIZE_LESSTHAN_ZERO = "ER_BUFFER_SIZE_LESSTHAN_ZERO"; public static final String ER_INVALID_UTF16_SURROGATE = "ER_INVALID_UTF16_SURROGATE"; public static final String ER_OIERROR = "ER_OIERROR"; public static final String ER_NAMESPACE_PREFIX = "ER_NAMESPACE_PREFIX"; public static final String ER_STRAY_ATTRIBUTE = "ER_STRAY_ATTRIBUTE"; public static final String ER_STRAY_NAMESPACE = "ER_STRAY_NAMESPACE"; public static final String ER_COULD_NOT_LOAD_RESOURCE = "ER_COULD_NOT_LOAD_RESOURCE"; public static final String ER_COULD_NOT_LOAD_METHOD_PROPERTY = "ER_COULD_NOT_LOAD_METHOD_PROPERTY"; public static final String ER_SERIALIZER_NOT_CONTENTHANDLER = "ER_SERIALIZER_NOT_CONTENTHANDLER"; public static final String ER_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_POSITION = "ER_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_POSITION"; public static final String ER_ILLEGAL_CHARACTER = "ER_ILLEGAL_CHARACTER"; public static final String ER_INVALID_PORT = "ER_INVALID_PORT"; public static final String ER_PORT_WHEN_HOST_NULL = "ER_PORT_WHEN_HOST_NULL"; public static final String ER_HOST_ADDRESS_NOT_WELLFORMED = "ER_HOST_ADDRESS_NOT_WELLFORMED"; public static final String ER_SCHEME_NOT_CONFORMANT = "ER_SCHEME_NOT_CONFORMANT"; public static final String ER_SCHEME_FROM_NULL_STRING = "ER_SCHEME_FROM_NULL_STRING"; public static final String ER_PATH_CONTAINS_INVALID_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE = "ER_PATH_CONTAINS_INVALID_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE"; public static final String ER_PATH_INVALID_CHAR = "ER_PATH_INVALID_CHAR"; public static final String ER_NO_SCHEME_INURI = "ER_NO_SCHEME_INURI"; public static final String ER_FRAG_INVALID_CHAR = "ER_FRAG_INVALID_CHAR"; public static final String ER_FRAG_WHEN_PATH_NULL = "ER_FRAG_WHEN_PATH_NULL"; public static final String ER_FRAG_FOR_GENERIC_URI = "ER_FRAG_FOR_GENERIC_URI"; public static final String ER_NO_SCHEME_IN_URI = "ER_NO_SCHEME_IN_URI"; public static final String ER_CANNOT_INIT_URI_EMPTY_PARMS = "ER_CANNOT_INIT_URI_EMPTY_PARMS"; public static final String ER_NO_FRAGMENT_STRING_IN_PATH = "ER_NO_FRAGMENT_STRING_IN_PATH"; public static final String ER_NO_QUERY_STRING_IN_PATH = "ER_NO_QUERY_STRING_IN_PATH"; public static final String ER_NO_PORT_IF_NO_HOST = "ER_NO_PORT_IF_NO_HOST"; public static final String ER_NO_USERINFO_IF_NO_HOST = "ER_NO_USERINFO_IF_NO_HOST"; public static final String ER_SCHEME_REQUIRED = "ER_SCHEME_REQUIRED"; public static final String ER_XML_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED = "ER_XML_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED"; public static final String ER_FACTORY_PROPERTY_MISSING = "ER_FACTORY_PROPERTY_MISSING"; public static final String ER_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED = "ER_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED"; // DOM Exceptions public static final String ER_FEATURE_NOT_FOUND = "FEATURE_NOT_FOUND"; public static final String ER_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED = "FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED"; public static final String ER_STRING_TOO_LONG = "DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR"; public static final String ER_TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR = "TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR"; // DOM Level 3 load and save messages public static final String ER_NO_OUTPUT_SPECIFIED = "no-output-specified"; public static final String ER_UNSUPPORTED_ENCODING = "unsupported-encoding"; public static final String ER_ELEM_UNBOUND_PREFIX_IN_ENTREF = "unbound-prefix-in-entity-reference"; public static final String ER_ATTR_UNBOUND_PREFIX_IN_ENTREF = "unbound-prefix-in-entity-reference"; public static final String ER_CDATA_SECTIONS_SPLIT = "cdata-sections-splitted"; public static final String ER_WF_INVALID_CHARACTER = "wf-invalid-character"; public static final String ER_WF_INVALID_CHARACTER_IN_NODE_NAME = "wf-invalid-character-in-node-name"; // DOM Level 3 Implementation specific Exceptions public static final String ER_UNABLE_TO_SERIALIZE_NODE = "ER_UNABLE_TO_SERIALIZE_NODE"; public static final String ER_WARNING_WF_NOT_CHECKED = "ER_WARNING_WF_NOT_CHECKED"; public static final String ER_WF_INVALID_CHARACTER_IN_COMMENT = "ER_WF_INVALID_CHARACTER_IN_COMMENT"; public static final String ER_WF_INVALID_CHARACTER_IN_PI = "ER_WF_INVALID_CHARACTER_IN_PI"; public static final String ER_WF_INVALID_CHARACTER_IN_CDATA = "ER_WF_INVALID_CHARACTER_IN_CDATA"; public static final String ER_WF_INVALID_CHARACTER_IN_TEXT = "ER_WF_INVALID_CHARACTER_IN_TEXT"; public static final String ER_WF_DASH_IN_COMMENT = "ER_WF_DASH_IN_COMMENT"; public static final String ER_WF_LT_IN_ATTVAL = "ER_WF_LT_IN_ATTVAL"; public static final String ER_WF_REF_TO_UNPARSED_ENT = "ER_WF_REF_TO_UNPARSED_ENT"; public static final String ER_WF_REF_TO_EXTERNAL_ENT = "ER_WF_REF_TO_EXTERNAL_ENT"; public static final String ER_NS_PREFIX_CANNOT_BE_BOUND = "ER_NS_PREFIX_CANNOT_BE_BOUND"; public static final String ER_NULL_LOCAL_ELEMENT_NAME = "ER_NULL_LOCAL_ELEMENT_NAME"; public static final String ER_NULL_LOCAL_ATTR_NAME = "ER_NULL_LOCAL_ATTR_NAME"; public static final String ER_WRITING_INTERNAL_SUBSET = "ER_WRITING_INTERNAL_SUBSET"; }