 * Copyright (c) 2010, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
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package jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen;

import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.io.UncheckedIOException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.FileSystem;
import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.IntFunction;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.types.Type;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.Context;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.RecompilableScriptFunctionData;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.Source;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.logging.DebugLogger;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.options.Options;

Static utility that encapsulates persistence of type information for functions compiled with optimistic typing. With this feature enabled, when a JavaScript function is recompiled because it gets deoptimized, the type information for deoptimization is stored in a cache file. If the same function is compiled in a subsequent JVM invocation, the type information is used for initial compilation, thus allowing the system to skip a lot of intermediate recompilations and immediately emit a version of the code that has its optimistic types at (or near) the steady state.

Normally, the type info persistence feature is disabled. When the nashorn.typeInfo.maxFiles system property is specified with a value greater than 0, it is enabled and operates in an operating-system specific per-user cache directory. You can override the directory by specifying it in the nashorn.typeInfo.cacheDir directory. The maximum number of files is softly enforced by a task that cleans up the directory periodically on a separate thread. It is run after some delay after a new file is added to the cache. The default delay is 20 seconds, and can be set using the nashorn.typeInfo.cleanupDelaySeconds system property. You can also specify the word unlimited as the value for nashorn.typeInfo.maxFiles in which case the type info cache is allowed to grow without limits.

/** * <p>Static utility that encapsulates persistence of type information for functions compiled with optimistic * typing. With this feature enabled, when a JavaScript function is recompiled because it gets deoptimized, * the type information for deoptimization is stored in a cache file. If the same function is compiled in a * subsequent JVM invocation, the type information is used for initial compilation, thus allowing the system * to skip a lot of intermediate recompilations and immediately emit a version of the code that has its * optimistic types at (or near) the steady state. * </p><p> * Normally, the type info persistence feature is disabled. When the {@code nashorn.typeInfo.maxFiles} system * property is specified with a value greater than 0, it is enabled and operates in an operating-system * specific per-user cache directory. You can override the directory by specifying it in the * {@code nashorn.typeInfo.cacheDir} directory. The maximum number of files is softly enforced by a task that * cleans up the directory periodically on a separate thread. It is run after some delay after a new file is * added to the cache. The default delay is 20 seconds, and can be set using the * {@code nashorn.typeInfo.cleanupDelaySeconds} system property. You can also specify the word * {@code unlimited} as the value for {@code nashorn.typeInfo.maxFiles} in which case the type info cache is * allowed to grow without limits. * </p> */
public final class OptimisticTypesPersistence { // Default is 0, for disabling the feature when not specified. A reasonable default when enabled is // dependent on the application; setting it to e.g. 20000 is probably good enough for most uses and will // usually cap the cache directory to about 80MB presuming a 4kB filesystem allocation unit. There is one // file per JavaScript function. private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_FILES = 0; // Constants for signifying that the cache should not be limited private static final int UNLIMITED_FILES = -1; // Maximum number of files that should be cached on disk. The maximum will be softly enforced. private static final int MAX_FILES = getMaxFiles(); // Number of seconds to wait between adding a new file to the cache and running a cleanup process private static final int DEFAULT_CLEANUP_DELAY = 20; private static final int CLEANUP_DELAY = Math.max(0, Options.getIntProperty( "nashorn.typeInfo.cleanupDelaySeconds", DEFAULT_CLEANUP_DELAY)); // The name of the default subdirectory within the system cache directory where we store type info. private static final String DEFAULT_CACHE_SUBDIR_NAME = "com.oracle.java.NashornTypeInfo"; // The directory where we cache type info private static final File baseCacheDir = createBaseCacheDir(); private static final File cacheDir = createCacheDir(baseCacheDir); // In-process locks to make sure we don't have a cross-thread race condition manipulating any file. private static final Object[] locks = cacheDir == null ? null : createLockArray(); // Only report one read/write error every minute private static final long ERROR_REPORT_THRESHOLD = 60000L; private static volatile long lastReportedError; private static final AtomicBoolean scheduledCleanup; private static final Timer cleanupTimer; static { if (baseCacheDir == null || MAX_FILES == UNLIMITED_FILES) { scheduledCleanup = null; cleanupTimer = null; } else { scheduledCleanup = new AtomicBoolean(); cleanupTimer = new Timer(true); } }
Retrieves an opaque descriptor for the persistence location for a given function. It should be passed to load(Object) and store(Object, Map<Integer,Type>) methods.
  • source – the source where the function comes from
  • functionId – the unique ID number of the function within the source
  • paramTypes – the types of the function parameters (as persistence is per parameter type specialization).
Returns:an opaque descriptor for the persistence location. Can be null if persistence is disabled.
/** * Retrieves an opaque descriptor for the persistence location for a given function. It should be passed * to {@link #load(Object)} and {@link #store(Object, Map)} methods. * @param source the source where the function comes from * @param functionId the unique ID number of the function within the source * @param paramTypes the types of the function parameters (as persistence is per parameter type * specialization). * @return an opaque descriptor for the persistence location. Can be null if persistence is disabled. */
public static Object getLocationDescriptor(final Source source, final int functionId, final Type[] paramTypes) { if(cacheDir == null) { return null; } final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(48); // Base64-encode the digest of the source, and append the function id. b.append(source.getDigest()).append('-').append(functionId); // Finally, if this is a parameter-type specialized version of the function, add the parameter types // to the file name. if(paramTypes != null && paramTypes.length > 0) { b.append('-'); for(final Type t: paramTypes) { b.append(Type.getShortSignatureDescriptor(t)); } } return new LocationDescriptor(new File(cacheDir, b.toString())); } private static final class LocationDescriptor { private final File file; LocationDescriptor(final File file) { this.file = file; } }
Stores the map of optimistic types for a given function.
/** * Stores the map of optimistic types for a given function. * @param locationDescriptor the opaque persistence location descriptor, retrieved by calling * {@link #getLocationDescriptor(Source, int, Type[])}. * @param optimisticTypes the map of optimistic types. */
@SuppressWarnings("resource") public static void store(final Object locationDescriptor, final Map<Integer, Type> optimisticTypes) { if(locationDescriptor == null || optimisticTypes.isEmpty()) { return; } final File file = ((LocationDescriptor)locationDescriptor).file; AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Void>() { @Override public Void run() { synchronized(getFileLock(file)) { if (!file.exists()) { // If the file already exists, we aren't increasing the number of cached files, so // don't schedule cleanup. scheduleCleanup(); } try (final FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file)) { out.getChannel().lock(); // lock exclusive final DataOutputStream dout = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(out)); Type.writeTypeMap(optimisticTypes, dout); dout.flush(); } catch(final Exception e) { reportError("write", file, e); } } return null; } }); }
Loads the map of optimistic types for a given function.
Returns:the map of optimistic types, or null if persisted type information could not be retrieved.
/** * Loads the map of optimistic types for a given function. * @param locationDescriptor the opaque persistence location descriptor, retrieved by calling * {@link #getLocationDescriptor(Source, int, Type[])}. * @return the map of optimistic types, or null if persisted type information could not be retrieved. */
@SuppressWarnings("resource") public static Map<Integer, Type> load(final Object locationDescriptor) { if (locationDescriptor == null) { return null; } final File file = ((LocationDescriptor)locationDescriptor).file; return AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Map<Integer, Type>>() { @Override public Map<Integer, Type> run() { try { if(!file.isFile()) { return null; } synchronized(getFileLock(file)) { try (final FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file)) { in.getChannel().lock(0, Long.MAX_VALUE, true); // lock shared final DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(in)); return Type.readTypeMap(din); } } } catch (final Exception e) { reportError("read", file, e); return null; } } }); } private static void reportError(final String msg, final File file, final Exception e) { final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if(now - lastReportedError > ERROR_REPORT_THRESHOLD) { reportError(String.format("Failed to %s %s", msg, file), e); lastReportedError = now; } }
Logs an error message with warning severity (reasoning being that we're reporting an error that'll disable the type info cache, but it's only logged as a warning because that doesn't prevent Nashorn from running, it just disables a performance-enhancing cache).
  • msg – the message to log
  • e – the exception that represents the error.
/** * Logs an error message with warning severity (reasoning being that we're reporting an error that'll disable the * type info cache, but it's only logged as a warning because that doesn't prevent Nashorn from running, it just * disables a performance-enhancing cache). * @param msg the message to log * @param e the exception that represents the error. */
private static void reportError(final String msg, final Exception e) { getLogger().warning(msg, "\n", exceptionToString(e)); }
A helper that prints an exception stack trace into a string. We have to do this as if we just pass the exception to DebugLogger.warning(Object...), it will only log the exception message and not the stack, making problems harder to diagnose.
  • e – the exception
Returns:the string representation of Throwable.printStackTrace() output.
/** * A helper that prints an exception stack trace into a string. We have to do this as if we just pass the exception * to {@link DebugLogger#warning(Object...)}, it will only log the exception message and not the stack, making * problems harder to diagnose. * @param e the exception * @return the string representation of {@link Exception#printStackTrace()} output. */
private static String exceptionToString(final Exception e) { final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw, false); e.printStackTrace(pw); pw.flush(); return sw.toString(); } private static File createBaseCacheDir() { if(MAX_FILES == 0 || Options.getBooleanProperty("nashorn.typeInfo.disabled")) { return null; } try { return createBaseCacheDirPrivileged(); } catch(final Exception e) { reportError("Failed to create cache dir", e); return null; } } private static File createBaseCacheDirPrivileged() { return AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<File>() { @Override public File run() { final String explicitDir = System.getProperty("nashorn.typeInfo.cacheDir"); final File dir; if(explicitDir != null) { dir = new File(explicitDir); } else { // When no directory is explicitly specified, get an operating system specific cache // directory, and create "com.oracle.java.NashornTypeInfo" in it. final File systemCacheDir = getSystemCacheDir(); dir = new File(systemCacheDir, DEFAULT_CACHE_SUBDIR_NAME); if (isSymbolicLink(dir)) { return null; } } return dir; } }); } private static File createCacheDir(final File baseDir) { if (baseDir == null) { return null; } try { return createCacheDirPrivileged(baseDir); } catch(final Exception e) { reportError("Failed to create cache dir", e); return null; } } private static File createCacheDirPrivileged(final File baseDir) { return AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<File>() { @Override public File run() { final String versionDirName; try { versionDirName = getVersionDirName(); } catch(final Exception e) { reportError("Failed to calculate version dir name", e); return null; } final File versionDir = new File(baseDir, versionDirName); if (isSymbolicLink(versionDir)) { return null; } versionDir.mkdirs(); if (versionDir.isDirectory()) { //FIXME:Logger is disabled as Context.getContext() always returns null here because global scope object will not be created //by the time this method gets invoked getLogger().info("Optimistic type persistence directory is " + versionDir); return versionDir; } getLogger().warning("Could not create optimistic type persistence directory " + versionDir); return null; } }); }
Returns an operating system specific root directory for cache files.
Returns:an operating system specific root directory for cache files.
/** * Returns an operating system specific root directory for cache files. * @return an operating system specific root directory for cache files. */
private static File getSystemCacheDir() { final String os = System.getProperty("os.name", "generic"); if("Mac OS X".equals(os)) { // Mac OS X stores caches in ~/Library/Caches return new File(new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), "Library"), "Caches"); } else if(os.startsWith("Windows")) { // On Windows, temp directory is the best approximation of a cache directory, as its contents // persist across reboots and various cleanup utilities know about it. java.io.tmpdir normally // points to a user-specific temp directory, %HOME%\LocalSettings\Temp. return new File(System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir")); } else { // In other cases we're presumably dealing with a UNIX flavor (Linux, Solaris, etc.); "~/.cache" return new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), ".cache"); } } private static final String ANCHOR_PROPS = "anchor.properties";
In order to ensure that changes in Nashorn code don't cause corruption in the data, we'll create a per-code-version directory. Normally, this will create the SHA-1 digest of the nashorn.jar. In case the classpath for nashorn is local directory (e.g. during development), this will create the string "dev-" followed by the timestamp of the most recent .class file.
Returns:digest of currently running nashorn
/** * In order to ensure that changes in Nashorn code don't cause corruption in the data, we'll create a * per-code-version directory. Normally, this will create the SHA-1 digest of the nashorn.jar. In case the classpath * for nashorn is local directory (e.g. during development), this will create the string "dev-" followed by the * timestamp of the most recent .class file. * * @return digest of currently running nashorn * @throws Exception if digest could not be created */
public static String getVersionDirName() throws Exception { // NOTE: getResource("") won't work if the JAR file doesn't have directory entries (and JAR files in JDK distro // don't, or at least it's a bad idea counting on it). Alternatively, we could've tried // getResource("OptimisticTypesPersistence.class") but behavior of getResource with regard to its willingness // to hand out URLs to .class files is also unspecified. Therefore, the most robust way to obtain an URL to our // package is to have a small non-class anchor file and start out from its URL. final URL url = OptimisticTypesPersistence.class.getResource(ANCHOR_PROPS); final String protocol = url.getProtocol(); if (protocol.equals("jar")) { // Normal deployment: nashorn.jar final String jarUrlFile = url.getFile(); final String filePath = jarUrlFile.substring(0, jarUrlFile.indexOf('!')); final URL file = new URL(filePath); try (final InputStream in = file.openStream()) { final byte[] buf = new byte[128*1024]; final MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1"); for(;;) { final int l = in.read(buf); if(l == -1) { return Base64.getUrlEncoder().withoutPadding().encodeToString(digest.digest()); } digest.update(buf, 0, l); } } } else if(protocol.equals("file")) { // Development final String fileStr = url.getFile(); final String className = OptimisticTypesPersistence.class.getName(); final int packageNameLen = className.lastIndexOf('.'); final String dirStr = fileStr.substring(0, fileStr.length() - packageNameLen - 1 - ANCHOR_PROPS.length()); final File dir = new File(dirStr); return "dev-" + new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss").format(new Date(getLastModifiedClassFile( dir, 0L))); } else if(protocol.equals("jrt")) { return getJrtVersionDirName(); } else { throw new AssertionError("unknown protocol"); } } private static long getLastModifiedClassFile(final File dir, final long max) { long currentMax = max; for(final File f: dir.listFiles()) { if(f.getName().endsWith(".class")) { final long lastModified = f.lastModified(); if (lastModified > currentMax) { currentMax = lastModified; } } else if (f.isDirectory()) { final long lastModified = getLastModifiedClassFile(f, currentMax); if (lastModified > currentMax) { currentMax = lastModified; } } } return currentMax; }
Returns true if the specified file is a symbolic link, and also logs a warning if it is.
  • file – the file
Returns:true if file is a symbolic link, false otherwise.
/** * Returns true if the specified file is a symbolic link, and also logs a warning if it is. * @param file the file * @return true if file is a symbolic link, false otherwise. */
private static boolean isSymbolicLink(final File file) { if (Files.isSymbolicLink(file.toPath())) { getLogger().warning("Directory " + file + " is a symlink"); return true; } return false; } private static Object[] createLockArray() { final Object[] lockArray = new Object[Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < lockArray.length; ++i) { lockArray[i] = new Object(); } return lockArray; } private static Object getFileLock(final File file) { return locks[(file.hashCode() & Integer.MAX_VALUE) % locks.length]; } private static DebugLogger getLogger() { try { return Context.getContext().getLogger(RecompilableScriptFunctionData.class); } catch (final NullPointerException e) { //Don't print stacktrace until we revisit this, NPE is a known issue here } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return DebugLogger.DISABLED_LOGGER; } private static void scheduleCleanup() { if (MAX_FILES != UNLIMITED_FILES && scheduledCleanup.compareAndSet(false, true)) { cleanupTimer.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { scheduledCleanup.set(false); try { doCleanup(); } catch (final IOException e) { // Ignore it. While this is unfortunate, we don't have good facility for reporting // this, as we're running in a thread that has no access to Context, so we can't grab // a DebugLogger. } } }, TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(CLEANUP_DELAY)); } } private static void doCleanup() throws IOException { final Path[] files = getAllRegularFilesInLastModifiedOrder(); final int nFiles = files.length; final int filesToDelete = Math.max(0, nFiles - MAX_FILES); int filesDeleted = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nFiles && filesDeleted < filesToDelete; ++i) { try { Files.deleteIfExists(files[i]); // Even if it didn't exist, we increment filesDeleted; it existed a moment earlier; something // else deleted it for us; that's okay with us. filesDeleted++; } catch (final Exception e) { // does not increase filesDeleted } files[i] = null; // gc eligible } } private static Path[] getAllRegularFilesInLastModifiedOrder() throws IOException { try (final Stream<Path> filesStream = Files.walk(baseCacheDir.toPath())) { // TODO: rewrite below once we can use JDK8 syntactic constructs return filesStream .filter(new Predicate<Path>() { @Override public boolean test(final Path path) { return !Files.isDirectory(path); } }) .map(new Function<Path, PathAndTime>() { @Override public PathAndTime apply(final Path path) { return new PathAndTime(path); } }) .sorted() .map(new Function<PathAndTime, Path>() { @Override public Path apply(final PathAndTime pathAndTime) { return pathAndTime.path; } }) .toArray(new IntFunction<Path[]>() { // Replace with Path::new @Override public Path[] apply(final int length) { return new Path[length]; } }); } } private static class PathAndTime implements Comparable<PathAndTime> { private final Path path; private final long time; PathAndTime(final Path path) { this.path = path; this.time = getTime(path); } @Override public int compareTo(final PathAndTime other) { return Long.compare(time, other.time); } private static long getTime(final Path path) { try { return Files.getLastModifiedTime(path).toMillis(); } catch (final IOException e) { // All files for which we can't retrieve the last modified date will be considered oldest. return -1L; } } } private static int getMaxFiles() { final String str = Options.getStringProperty("nashorn.typeInfo.maxFiles", null); if (str == null) { return DEFAULT_MAX_FILES; } else if ("unlimited".equals(str)) { return UNLIMITED_FILES; } return Math.max(0, Integer.parseInt(str)); } private static final String JRT_NASHORN_DIR = "/modules/jdk.scripting.nashorn"; // version directory name if nashorn is loaded from jrt:/ URL private static String getJrtVersionDirName() throws Exception { final FileSystem fs = getJrtFileSystem(); // consider all .class resources under nashorn module to compute checksum final Path nashorn = fs.getPath(JRT_NASHORN_DIR); if (! Files.isDirectory(nashorn)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("missing " + JRT_NASHORN_DIR + " dir in jrt fs"); } final MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1"); Files.walk(nashorn).forEach(new Consumer<Path>() { @Override public void accept(final Path p) { // take only the .class resources. if (Files.isRegularFile(p) && p.toString().endsWith(".class")) { try { digest.update(Files.readAllBytes(p)); } catch (final IOException ioe) { throw new UncheckedIOException(ioe); } } } }); return Base64.getUrlEncoder().withoutPadding().encodeToString(digest.digest()); } // get the default jrt FileSystem instance private static FileSystem getJrtFileSystem() { return AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction<FileSystem>() { @Override public FileSystem run() { return FileSystems.getFileSystem(URI.create("jrt:/")); } }); } }