 * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
 * Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors
 * as indicated by the @author tags.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package io.undertow.server.handlers.proxy.mod_cluster;

import io.undertow.io.Sender;
import io.undertow.server.HttpHandler;
import io.undertow.server.HttpServerExchange;
import io.undertow.util.Headers;
import io.undertow.util.HttpString;
import io.undertow.util.Methods;
import io.undertow.util.StatusCodes;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.security.SecureRandom;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

The mod cluster manager web frontend.
Author:Emanuel Muckenhuber
/** * The mod cluster manager web frontend. * * @author Emanuel Muckenhuber */
class MCMPWebManager extends MCMPHandler { private final boolean checkNonce; private final boolean reduceDisplay; private final boolean allowCmd; private final Random r = new SecureRandom(); private String nonce = null; MCMPWebManager(MCMPConfig.MCMPWebManagerConfig config, ModCluster modCluster, HttpHandler next) { super(config, modCluster, next); this.checkNonce = config.isCheckNonce(); this.reduceDisplay = config.isReduceDisplay(); this.allowCmd = config.isAllowCmd(); } String getNonce() { return "nonce=" + getRawNonce(); } synchronized String getRawNonce() { if (this.nonce == null) { byte[] nonce = new byte[16]; r.nextBytes(nonce); this.nonce = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i = i + 2) { this.nonce = this.nonce.concat(Integer.toHexString(0xFF & nonce[i] * 16 + 0xFF & nonce[i + 1])); } } return nonce; } @Override protected void handleRequest(HttpString method, HttpServerExchange exchange) throws Exception { if (!Methods.GET.equals(method)) { super.handleRequest(method, exchange); return; } // Process the request processRequest(exchange); } protected boolean handlesMethod(HttpString method) { if(Methods.GET.equals(method)) { return true; } return super.handlesMethod(method); } private void processRequest(HttpServerExchange exchange) throws IOException { Map<String, Deque<String>> params = exchange.getQueryParameters(); boolean hasNonce = params.containsKey("nonce"); int refreshTime = 0; if (checkNonce) { /* Check the nonce */ if (hasNonce) { String receivedNonce = params.get("nonce").getFirst(); if (receivedNonce.equals(getRawNonce())) { boolean refresh = params.containsKey("refresh"); if (refresh) { String sval = params.get("refresh").getFirst(); refreshTime = Integer.parseInt(sval); if (refreshTime < 10) refreshTime = 10; exchange.getResponseHeaders().add(new HttpString("Refresh"), Integer.toString(refreshTime)); } boolean cmd = params.containsKey("Cmd"); boolean range = params.containsKey("Range"); if (cmd) { String scmd = params.get("Cmd").getFirst(); if (scmd.equals("INFO")) { processInfo(exchange); return; } else if (scmd.equals("DUMP")) { processDump(exchange); return; } else if (scmd.equals("ENABLE-APP") && range) { String srange = params.get("Range").getFirst(); final RequestData data = buildRequestData(exchange, params); if (srange.equals("NODE")) { processNodeCommand(exchange, data, MCMPAction.ENABLE); } if (srange.equals("DOMAIN")) { boolean domain = params.containsKey("Domain"); if (domain) { String sdomain = params.get("Domain").getFirst(); processDomainCmd(exchange, sdomain, MCMPAction.ENABLE); } } if (srange.equals("CONTEXT")) { processAppCommand(exchange, data, MCMPAction.ENABLE); } } else if (scmd.equals("DISABLE-APP") && range) { final String srange = params.get("Range").getFirst(); final RequestData data = buildRequestData(exchange, params); if (srange.equals("NODE")) { processNodeCommand(exchange, data, MCMPAction.DISABLE); } if (srange.equals("DOMAIN")) { boolean domain = params.containsKey("Domain"); if (domain) { String sdomain = params.get("Domain").getFirst(); processDomainCmd(exchange, sdomain, MCMPAction.DISABLE); } } if (srange.equals("CONTEXT")) { processAppCommand(exchange, data, MCMPAction.DISABLE); } } return; } } } } exchange.setStatusCode(StatusCodes.OK); exchange.getResponseHeaders().add(Headers.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"); final Sender resp = exchange.getResponseSender(); final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("<html><head>\n<title>Mod_cluster Status</title>\n</head><body>\n"); buf.append("<h1>" + MOD_CLUSTER_EXPOSED_VERSION + "</h1>"); final String uri = exchange.getRequestPath(); final String nonce = getNonce(); if (refreshTime <= 0) { buf.append("<a href=\"").append(uri).append("?").append(nonce).append("&refresh=").append(refreshTime).append("\">Auto Refresh</a>"); } buf.append(" <a href=\"").append(uri).append("?").append(nonce).append("&Cmd=DUMP&Range=ALL").append("\">show DUMP output</a>"); buf.append(" <a href=\"").append(uri).append("?").append(nonce).append("&Cmd=INFO&Range=ALL").append("\">show INFO output</a>"); buf.append("\n"); // Show load balancing groups final Map<String, List<Node>> nodes = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (final Node node : container.getNodes()) { final String domain = node.getNodeConfig().getDomain() != null ? node.getNodeConfig().getDomain() : ""; List<Node> list = nodes.get(domain); if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList<>(); nodes.put(domain, list); } list.add(node); } for (Map.Entry<String, List<Node>> entry : nodes.entrySet()) { final String groupName = entry.getKey(); if (reduceDisplay) { buf.append("<br/><br/>LBGroup " + groupName + ": "); } else { buf.append("<h1> LBGroup " + groupName + ": "); } if (allowCmd) { domainCommandString(buf, uri, MCMPAction.ENABLE, groupName); domainCommandString(buf, uri, MCMPAction.DISABLE, groupName); } for (final Node node : entry.getValue()) { final NodeConfig nodeConfig = node.getNodeConfig(); if (reduceDisplay) { buf.append("<br/><br/>Node " + nodeConfig.getJvmRoute()); printProxyStat(buf, node, reduceDisplay); } else { buf.append("<h1> Node " + nodeConfig.getJvmRoute() + " (" + nodeConfig.getConnectionURI() + "): </h1>\n"); } if (allowCmd) { nodeCommandString(buf, uri, MCMPAction.ENABLE, nodeConfig.getJvmRoute()); nodeCommandString(buf, uri, MCMPAction.DISABLE, nodeConfig.getJvmRoute()); } if (!reduceDisplay) { buf.append("<br/>\n"); buf.append("Balancer: " + nodeConfig.getBalancer() + ",LBGroup: " + nodeConfig.getDomain()); String flushpackets = "off"; if (nodeConfig.isFlushPackets()) { flushpackets = "Auto"; } buf.append(",Flushpackets: " + flushpackets + ",Flushwait: " + nodeConfig.getFlushwait() + ",Ping: " + nodeConfig.getPing() + " ,Smax: " + nodeConfig.getPing() + ",Ttl: " + TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(nodeConfig.getTtl())); printProxyStat(buf, node, reduceDisplay); } else { buf.append("<br/>\n"); } buf.append("\n"); // Process the virtual-host of the node printInfoHost(buf, uri, reduceDisplay, allowCmd, node); } } buf.append("</body></html>\n"); resp.send(buf.toString()); } void nodeCommandString(StringBuilder buf, String uri, MCMPAction status, String jvmRoute) { switch (status) { case ENABLE: buf.append("<a href=\"" + uri + "?" + getNonce() + "&Cmd=ENABLE-APP&Range=NODE&JVMRoute=" + jvmRoute + "\">Enable Contexts</a> "); break; case DISABLE: buf.append("<a href=\"" + uri + "?" + getNonce() + "&Cmd=DISABLE-APP&Range=NODE&JVMRoute=" + jvmRoute + "\">Disable Contexts</a> "); break; } } static void printProxyStat(StringBuilder buf, Node node, boolean reduceDisplay) { String status = "NOTOK"; if (node.getStatus() == NodeStatus.NODE_UP) status = "OK"; if (reduceDisplay) { buf.append(" " + status + " "); } else { buf.append(",Status: " + status + ",Elected: " + node.getElected() + ",Read: " + node.getConnectionPool().getClientStatistics().getRead() + ",Transferred: " + node.getConnectionPool().getClientStatistics().getWritten() + ",Connected: " + node.getConnectionPool().getOpenConnections() + ",Load: " + node.getLoad()); } } /* based on domain_command_string */ void domainCommandString(StringBuilder buf, String uri, MCMPAction status, String lbgroup) { switch (status) { case ENABLE: buf.append("<a href=\"" + uri + "?" + getNonce() + "&Cmd=ENABLE-APP&Range=DOMAIN&Domain=" + lbgroup + "\">Enable Nodes</a> "); break; case DISABLE: buf.append("<a href=\"" + uri + "?" + getNonce() + "&Cmd=DISABLE-APP&Range=DOMAIN&Domain=" + lbgroup + "\">Disable Nodes</a>"); break; } } void processDomainCmd(HttpServerExchange exchange, String domain, MCMPAction action) throws IOException { if (domain != null) { for (final Node node : container.getNodes()) { if (domain.equals(node.getNodeConfig().getDomain())) { processNodeCommand(node.getJvmRoute(), action); } } } processOK(exchange); } /* based on manager_info_hosts */ private void printInfoHost(StringBuilder buf, String uri, boolean reduceDisplay, boolean allowCmd, final Node node) { for (Node.VHostMapping host : node.getVHosts()) { if (!reduceDisplay) { buf.append("<h2> Virtual Host " + host.getId() + ":</h2>"); } printInfoContexts(buf, uri, reduceDisplay, allowCmd, host.getId(), host, node); if (reduceDisplay) { buf.append("Aliases: "); for (String alias : host.getAliases()) { buf.append(alias + " "); } } else { buf.append("<h3>Aliases:</h3>"); buf.append("<pre>"); for (String alias : host.getAliases()) { buf.append(alias + "\n"); } buf.append("</pre>"); } } } /* based on manager_info_contexts */ private void printInfoContexts(StringBuilder buf, String uri, boolean reduceDisplay, boolean allowCmd, long host, Node.VHostMapping vhost, Node node) { if (!reduceDisplay) buf.append("<h3>Contexts:</h3>"); buf.append("<pre>"); for (Context context : node.getContexts()) { if (context.getVhost() == vhost) { String status = "REMOVED"; switch (context.getStatus()) { case ENABLED: status = "ENABLED"; break; case DISABLED: status = "DISABLED"; break; case STOPPED: status = "STOPPED"; break; } buf.append(context.getPath() + " , Status: " + status + " Request: " + context.getActiveRequests() + " "); if (allowCmd) { contextCommandString(buf, uri, context.getStatus(), context.getPath(), vhost.getAliases(), node.getJvmRoute()); } buf.append("\n"); } } buf.append("</pre>"); } /* generate a command URL for the context */ void contextCommandString(StringBuilder buf, String uri, Context.Status status, String path, List<String> alias, String jvmRoute) { switch (status) { case DISABLED: buf.append("<a href=\"" + uri + "?" + getNonce() + "&Cmd=ENABLE-APP&Range=CONTEXT&"); contextString(buf, path, alias, jvmRoute); buf.append("\">Enable</a> "); break; case ENABLED: buf.append("<a href=\"" + uri + "?" + getNonce() + "&Cmd=DISABLE-APP&Range=CONTEXT&"); contextString(buf, path, alias, jvmRoute); buf.append("\">Disable</a> "); break; } } static void contextString(StringBuilder buf, String path, List<String> alias, String jvmRoute) { buf.append("JVMRoute=" + jvmRoute + "&Alias="); boolean first = true; for (String a : alias) { if (first) { first = false; } else { buf.append(","); } buf.append(a); } buf.append("&Context=" + path); } static RequestData buildRequestData(final HttpServerExchange exchange, Map<String, Deque<String>> params) { final RequestData data = new RequestData(); for (final Map.Entry<String, Deque<String>> entry : params.entrySet()) { final HttpString name = new HttpString(entry.getKey()); data.addValues(name, entry.getValue()); } return data; } }