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package io.undertow.server.handlers.proxy.mod_cluster;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import io.undertow.client.UndertowClient;
import io.undertow.server.HttpHandler;
import io.undertow.server.handlers.ResponseCodeHandler;
import io.undertow.server.handlers.proxy.ProxyHandler;
import io.undertow.server.handlers.proxy.RouteParsingStrategy;
import org.xnio.OptionMap;
import org.xnio.XnioWorker;
import org.xnio.ssl.XnioSsl;

Author:Emanuel Muckenhuber
/** * @author Emanuel Muckenhuber */
public class ModCluster { private static final HttpHandler NEXT_HANDLER = ResponseCodeHandler.HANDLE_404; // Health check intervals private final long healthCheckInterval; private final long removeBrokenNodes; private final NodeHealthChecker healthChecker; // Proxy connection pool defaults private final int maxConnections; private final int cacheConnections; private final int requestQueueSize; private final boolean queueNewRequests; private final int maxRequestTime; private final long ttl; private final boolean useAlias; private final XnioWorker xnioWorker; private final ModClusterContainer container; private final int maxRetries; private final boolean deterministicFailover; private final RouteParsingStrategy routeParsingStrategy; private final String rankedAffinityDelimiter; private final boolean reuseXForwarded; private final String serverID = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); // TODO ModCluster(Builder builder) { this.xnioWorker = builder.xnioWorker; this.maxConnections = builder.maxConnections; this.cacheConnections = builder.cacheConnections; this.requestQueueSize = builder.requestQueueSize; this.queueNewRequests = builder.queueNewRequests; this.healthCheckInterval = builder.healthCheckInterval; this.removeBrokenNodes = builder.removeBrokenNodes; this.deterministicFailover = builder.deterministicFailover; this.routeParsingStrategy = builder.routeParsingStrategy; this.rankedAffinityDelimiter = builder.rankedAffinityDelimiter; this.healthChecker = builder.healthChecker; this.maxRequestTime = builder.maxRequestTime; this.ttl = builder.ttl; this.useAlias = builder.useAlias; this.maxRetries = builder.maxRetries; this.reuseXForwarded = builder.reuseXForwarded; this.container = new ModClusterContainer(this, builder.xnioSsl, builder.client, builder.clientOptions); } protected String getServerID() { return serverID; } protected ModClusterContainer getContainer() { return container; } public ModClusterController getController() { return container; } public int getMaxConnections() { return maxConnections; } public int getCacheConnections() { return cacheConnections; } public int getRequestQueueSize() { return requestQueueSize; } public boolean isQueueNewRequests() { return queueNewRequests; } public long getHealthCheckInterval() { return healthCheckInterval; } public long getRemoveBrokenNodes() { return removeBrokenNodes; } public NodeHealthChecker getHealthChecker() { return healthChecker; } public long getTtl() { return ttl; } public boolean isUseAlias() { return useAlias; } public boolean isDeterministicFailover() { return deterministicFailover; } public RouteParsingStrategy routeParsingStrategy() { return this.routeParsingStrategy; } public String rankedAffinityDelimiter() { return this.rankedAffinityDelimiter; }
Get the handler proxying the requests.
Returns:the proxy handler
/** * Get the handler proxying the requests. * * @return the proxy handler */
@Deprecated public HttpHandler getProxyHandler() { return createProxyHandler(); }
Get the handler proxying the requests.
Returns:the proxy handler
/** * Get the handler proxying the requests. * * @return the proxy handler */
public HttpHandler createProxyHandler() { return ProxyHandler.builder() .setProxyClient(container.getProxyClient()) .setMaxRequestTime(maxRequestTime) .setMaxConnectionRetries(maxRetries) .setReuseXForwarded(reuseXForwarded) .build(); }
Get the handler proxying the requests.
Returns:the proxy handler
/** * Get the handler proxying the requests. * * @return the proxy handler */
public HttpHandler createProxyHandler(HttpHandler next) { return ProxyHandler.builder() .setProxyClient(container.getProxyClient()) .setNext(next) .setMaxRequestTime(maxRequestTime) .setMaxConnectionRetries(maxRetries) .setReuseXForwarded(reuseXForwarded) .build(); }
/** * Start */
public synchronized void start() { }
Start advertising a mcmp handler.
  • config – the mcmp handler config
/** * Start advertising a mcmp handler. * * @param config the mcmp handler config * @throws IOException */
public synchronized void advertise(MCMPConfig config) throws IOException { final MCMPConfig.AdvertiseConfig advertiseConfig = config.getAdvertiseConfig(); if (advertiseConfig == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("advertise not enabled"); } MCMPAdvertiseTask.advertise(container, advertiseConfig, xnioWorker); }
/** * Stop */
public synchronized void stop() { } public static Builder builder(final XnioWorker worker) { return builder(worker, UndertowClient.getInstance(), null); } public static Builder builder(final XnioWorker worker, final UndertowClient client) { return builder(worker, client, null); } public static Builder builder(final XnioWorker worker, final UndertowClient client, final XnioSsl xnioSsl) { return new Builder(worker, client, xnioSsl); } public static class Builder { private final XnioSsl xnioSsl; private final UndertowClient client; private final XnioWorker xnioWorker; // Fairly restrictive connection pool defaults private int maxConnections = 16; private int cacheConnections = 1; private int requestQueueSize = 0; private boolean queueNewRequests = false; private int maxRequestTime = -1; private long ttl = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(60); private boolean useAlias = false; private NodeHealthChecker healthChecker = NodeHealthChecker.NO_CHECK; private long healthCheckInterval = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(10); private long removeBrokenNodes = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(1); private OptionMap clientOptions = OptionMap.EMPTY; private int maxRetries; private boolean deterministicFailover = false; private RouteParsingStrategy routeParsingStrategy = RouteParsingStrategy.SINGLE; private String rankedAffinityDelimiter = "."; private boolean reuseXForwarded; private Builder(XnioWorker xnioWorker, UndertowClient client, XnioSsl xnioSsl) { this.xnioSsl = xnioSsl; this.client = client; this.xnioWorker = xnioWorker; } public ModCluster build() { return new ModCluster(this); } public Builder setMaxRequestTime(int maxRequestTime) { this.maxRequestTime = maxRequestTime; return this; } public Builder setHealthCheckInterval(long healthCheckInterval) { this.healthCheckInterval = healthCheckInterval; return this; } public Builder setRemoveBrokenNodes(long removeBrokenNodes) { this.removeBrokenNodes = removeBrokenNodes; return this; } public Builder setMaxConnections(int maxConnections) { this.maxConnections = maxConnections; return this; } public Builder setCacheConnections(int cacheConnections) { this.cacheConnections = cacheConnections; return this; } public Builder setRequestQueueSize(int requestQueueSize) { this.requestQueueSize = requestQueueSize; return this; } public Builder setQueueNewRequests(boolean queueNewRequests) { this.queueNewRequests = queueNewRequests; return this; } public Builder setHealthChecker(NodeHealthChecker healthChecker) { this.healthChecker = healthChecker; return this; } public Builder setUseAlias(boolean useAlias) { this.useAlias = useAlias; return this; } public Builder setMaxRetries(int maxRetries) { this.maxRetries = maxRetries; return this; } public Builder setDeterministicFailover(boolean deterministicFailover) { this.deterministicFailover = deterministicFailover; return this; }
Configures route parsing strategy to support none, single or ranked affinity.
  • routeParsingStrategy – strategy to use for parsing routes
Returns:this builder
/** * Configures route parsing strategy to support none, single or ranked affinity. * * @param routeParsingStrategy strategy to use for parsing routes * @return this builder */
public Builder setRouteParsingStrategy(RouteParsingStrategy routeParsingStrategy) { this.routeParsingStrategy = routeParsingStrategy; return this; }
Configures ranked affinity delimiter used for splitting multiple encoded routes when RouteParsingStrategy.RANKED is specified. Web requests will have an affinity for the first available node in the list.
  • rankedAffinityDelimiter – delimiter splitting multiple routes; typically a "."
Returns:this builder
/** * Configures ranked affinity delimiter used for splitting multiple encoded routes when * {@link RouteParsingStrategy#RANKED} is specified. Web requests will have an affinity for the first available node in * the list. * * @param rankedAffinityDelimiter delimiter splitting multiple routes; typically a "." * @return this builder */
public Builder setRankedAffinityDelimiter(String rankedAffinityDelimiter) { this.rankedAffinityDelimiter = rankedAffinityDelimiter; return this; } public Builder setTtl(long ttl) { this.ttl = ttl; return this; } public Builder setClientOptions(OptionMap clientOptions) { this.clientOptions = clientOptions; return this; } public Builder setReuseXForwarded(boolean reuseXForwarded) { this.reuseXForwarded = reuseXForwarded; return this; } } }