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 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package io.undertow.server.handlers.proxy;

import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.net.URI;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;

import io.undertow.UndertowLogger;
import io.undertow.UndertowMessages;
import io.undertow.client.ClientCallback;
import io.undertow.client.ClientConnection;
import io.undertow.client.ClientStatistics;
import io.undertow.client.UndertowClient;
import io.undertow.server.ExchangeCompletionListener;
import io.undertow.server.HttpServerExchange;
import io.undertow.util.CopyOnWriteMap;
import io.undertow.util.Headers;
import io.undertow.util.WorkerUtils;
import org.xnio.ChannelListener;
import org.xnio.IoUtils;
import org.xnio.OptionMap;
import org.xnio.XnioExecutor;
import org.xnio.XnioIoThread;
import org.xnio.ssl.XnioSsl;

A pool of connections to a target host. This pool can also be used to open connections in exclusive mode, in which case they will not be added to the connection pool. In this case the caller is responsible for closing any connections.
Author:Stuart Douglas
/** * A pool of connections to a target host. * * This pool can also be used to open connections in exclusive mode, in which case they will not be added to the connection pool. * * In this case the caller is responsible for closing any connections. * * @author Stuart Douglas */
public class ProxyConnectionPool implements Closeable { private final URI uri; private final InetSocketAddress bindAddress; private final XnioSsl ssl; private final UndertowClient client; private final ConnectionPoolManager connectionPoolManager; private final OptionMap options;
Set to true when the connection pool is closed.
/** * Set to true when the connection pool is closed. */
private volatile boolean closed;
The maximum number of connections that can be established to the target
/** * The maximum number of connections that can be established to the target */
private final int maxConnections;
The maximum number of connections that will be kept alive once they are idle. If a time to live is set these connections may be timed out, depending on the value of coreCachedConnections. NOTE: This value is per IO thread, so to get the actual value this must be multiplied by the number of IO threads
/** * The maximum number of connections that will be kept alive once they are idle. If a time to live is set * these connections may be timed out, depending on the value of {@link #coreCachedConnections}. * * NOTE: This value is per IO thread, so to get the actual value this must be multiplied by the number of IO threads */
private final int maxCachedConnections;
The minimum number of connections that this proxy connection pool will try and keep established. Once the pool is down to this number of connections no more connections will be timed out. NOTE: This value is per IO thread, so to get the actual value this must be multiplied by the number of IO threads
/** * The minimum number of connections that this proxy connection pool will try and keep established. Once the pool * is down to this number of connections no more connections will be timed out. * * NOTE: This value is per IO thread, so to get the actual value this must be multiplied by the number of IO threads */
private final int coreCachedConnections;
The timeout for idle connections. Note that if #coreCachedConnections is set then once the pool is down to the core size no more connections will be timed out.
/** * The timeout for idle connections. Note that if {@code #coreCachedConnections} is set then once the pool is down * to the core size no more connections will be timed out. */
private final long timeToLive;
The total number of open connections, across all threads
/** * The total number of open connections, across all threads */
private final AtomicInteger openConnections = new AtomicInteger(0);
request count for all closed connections
/** * request count for all closed connections */
private final AtomicLong requestCount = new AtomicLong();
read bytes for all closed connections
/** * read bytes for all closed connections */
private final AtomicLong read = new AtomicLong();
written bytes for all closed connections
/** * written bytes for all closed connections */
private final AtomicLong written = new AtomicLong(); private final ConcurrentMap<XnioIoThread, HostThreadData> hostThreadData = new CopyOnWriteMap<>(); public ProxyConnectionPool(ConnectionPoolManager connectionPoolManager, URI uri, UndertowClient client, OptionMap options) { this(connectionPoolManager, uri, null, client, options); } public ProxyConnectionPool(ConnectionPoolManager connectionPoolManager,InetSocketAddress bindAddress, URI uri, UndertowClient client, OptionMap options) { this(connectionPoolManager, bindAddress, uri, null, client, options); } public ProxyConnectionPool(ConnectionPoolManager connectionPoolManager, URI uri, XnioSsl ssl, UndertowClient client, OptionMap options) { this(connectionPoolManager, null, uri, ssl, client, options); } public ProxyConnectionPool(ConnectionPoolManager connectionPoolManager, InetSocketAddress bindAddress,URI uri, XnioSsl ssl, UndertowClient client, OptionMap options) { this.connectionPoolManager = connectionPoolManager; this.maxConnections = Math.max(connectionPoolManager.getMaxConnections(), 1); this.maxCachedConnections = Math.max(connectionPoolManager.getMaxCachedConnections(), 0); this.coreCachedConnections = Math.max(connectionPoolManager.getSMaxConnections(), 0); this.timeToLive = connectionPoolManager.getTtl(); this.bindAddress = bindAddress; this.uri = uri; this.ssl = ssl; this.client = client; this.options = options; } public URI getUri() { return uri; } public InetSocketAddress getBindAddress() { return bindAddress; } public void close() { this.closed = true; for (HostThreadData data : hostThreadData.values()) { final ConnectionHolder holder = data.availableConnections.poll(); if (holder != null) { holder.clientConnection.getIoThread().execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { IoUtils.safeClose(holder.clientConnection); } }); } } }
Called when the IO thread has completed a successful request
  • connectionHolder – The client connection holder
/** * Called when the IO thread has completed a successful request * * @param connectionHolder The client connection holder */
private void returnConnection(final ConnectionHolder connectionHolder) { ClientStatistics stats = connectionHolder.clientConnection.getStatistics(); this.requestCount.incrementAndGet(); if(stats != null) { //we update the stats when the connection is closed this.read.addAndGet(stats.getRead()); this.written.addAndGet(stats.getWritten()); stats.reset(); } HostThreadData hostData = getData(); if (closed) { //the host has been closed IoUtils.safeClose(connectionHolder.clientConnection); ConnectionHolder con = hostData.availableConnections.poll(); while (con != null) { IoUtils.safeClose(con.clientConnection); con = hostData.availableConnections.poll(); } redistributeQueued(hostData); return; } //only do something if the connection is open. If it is closed then //the close setter will handle creating a new connection and decrementing //the connection count final ClientConnection connection = connectionHolder.clientConnection; if (connection.isOpen() && !connection.isUpgraded()) { CallbackHolder callback = hostData.awaitingConnections.poll(); while (callback != null && callback.isCancelled()) { callback = hostData.awaitingConnections.poll(); } if (callback != null) { if (callback.getTimeoutKey() != null) { callback.getTimeoutKey().remove(); } // Anything waiting for a connection is not expecting exclusivity. connectionReady(connectionHolder, callback.getCallback(), callback.getExchange(), false); } else { final int cachedConnectionCount = hostData.availableConnections.size(); if (cachedConnectionCount >= maxCachedConnections) { // Close the longest idle connection instead of the current one final ConnectionHolder holder = hostData.availableConnections.poll(); if (holder != null) { IoUtils.safeClose(holder.clientConnection); } } hostData.availableConnections.add(connectionHolder); // If the soft max and ttl are configured if (timeToLive > 0) { //we only start the timeout process once we have hit the core pool size //otherwise connections could start timing out immediately once the core pool size is hit //and if we never hit the core pool size then it does not make sense to start timers which are never //used (as timers are expensive) final long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); connectionHolder.timeout = currentTime + timeToLive; if(hostData.availableConnections.size() > coreCachedConnections) { if (hostData.nextTimeout <= 0) { hostData.timeoutKey = WorkerUtils.executeAfter(connection.getIoThread(), hostData.timeoutTask, timeToLive, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); hostData.nextTimeout = connectionHolder.timeout; } } } } } else if (connection.isOpen() && connection.isUpgraded()) { //we treat upgraded connections as closed //as we do not want the connection pool filled with upgraded connections //if the connection is actually closed the close setter will handle it connection.getCloseSetter().set(null); handleClosedConnection(hostData, connectionHolder); } } private void handleClosedConnection(HostThreadData hostData, final ConnectionHolder connection) { openConnections.decrementAndGet(); int connections = --hostData.connections; hostData.availableConnections.remove(connection); if (connections < maxConnections) { CallbackHolder task = hostData.awaitingConnections.poll(); while (task != null && task.isCancelled()) { task = hostData.awaitingConnections.poll(); } if (task != null) { openConnection(task.exchange, task.callback, hostData, false); } } } private void openConnection(final HttpServerExchange exchange, final ProxyCallback<ProxyConnection> callback, final HostThreadData data, final boolean exclusive) { if (!exclusive) { data.connections++; } try { client.connect(new ClientCallback<ClientConnection>() { @Override public void completed(final ClientConnection result) { openConnections.incrementAndGet(); final ConnectionHolder connectionHolder = new ConnectionHolder(result); if (!exclusive) { result.getCloseSetter().set(new ChannelListener<ClientConnection>() { @Override public void handleEvent(ClientConnection channel) { handleClosedConnection(data, connectionHolder); } }); } connectionReady(connectionHolder, callback, exchange, exclusive); } @Override public void failed(IOException e) { if (!exclusive) { data.connections--; } UndertowLogger.REQUEST_LOGGER.debug("Failed to connect", e); if (!connectionPoolManager.handleError()) { redistributeQueued(getData()); scheduleFailedHostRetry(exchange); } callback.failed(exchange); } }, bindAddress, getUri(), exchange.getIoThread(), ssl, exchange.getConnection().getByteBufferPool(), options); } catch (RuntimeException e) { // UNDERTOW-1611 // even though exception is unchecked, we still need // to update counts and notify callback and pool manager if (!exclusive) { data.connections--; } // skip scheduling retry, a runtime exception represents the result of a programming problem, // and as such, the client code of such exception cannot reasonably be expected to recover from them // or to handle them in any way connectionPoolManager.handleError(); callback.failed(exchange); throw e; } } private void redistributeQueued(HostThreadData hostData) { CallbackHolder callback = hostData.awaitingConnections.poll(); while (callback != null) { if (callback.getTimeoutKey() != null) { callback.getTimeoutKey().remove(); } if (!callback.isCancelled()) { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (callback.getExpireTime() > 0 && callback.getExpireTime() < time) { callback.getCallback().failed(callback.getExchange()); } else { callback.getCallback().queuedRequestFailed(callback.getExchange()); } } callback = hostData.awaitingConnections.poll(); } } private void connectionReady(final ConnectionHolder result, final ProxyCallback<ProxyConnection> callback, final HttpServerExchange exchange, final boolean exclusive) { try { exchange.addExchangeCompleteListener(new ExchangeCompletionListener() { @Override public void exchangeEvent(HttpServerExchange exchange, NextListener nextListener) { if (!exclusive) { returnConnection(result); } nextListener.proceed(); } }); } catch (Exception e) { returnConnection(result); callback.failed(exchange); return; } callback.completed(exchange, new ProxyConnection(result.clientConnection, uri.getPath() == null ? "/" : uri.getPath())); } public AvailabilityType available() { if (closed) { return AvailabilityType.CLOSED; } if (!connectionPoolManager.isAvailable()) { return AvailabilityType.PROBLEM; } HostThreadData data = getData(); if (data.connections < maxConnections) { return AvailabilityType.AVAILABLE; } if (!data.availableConnections.isEmpty()) { return AvailabilityType.AVAILABLE; } if (data.awaitingConnections.size() >= connectionPoolManager.getMaxQueueSize()) { return AvailabilityType.FULL_QUEUE; } return AvailabilityType.FULL; }
If a host fails we periodically retry
  • exchange – The server exchange
/** * If a host fails we periodically retry * * @param exchange The server exchange */
private void scheduleFailedHostRetry(final HttpServerExchange exchange) { final int retry = connectionPoolManager.getProblemServerRetry(); // only schedule a retry task if the node is not available if (retry > 0 && !connectionPoolManager.isAvailable()) { WorkerUtils.executeAfter(exchange.getIoThread(), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (closed) { return; } UndertowLogger.PROXY_REQUEST_LOGGER.debugf("Attempting to reconnect to failed host %s", getUri()); try { client.connect(new ClientCallback<ClientConnection>() { @Override public void completed(ClientConnection result) { UndertowLogger.PROXY_REQUEST_LOGGER.debugf("Connected to previously failed host %s, returning to service", getUri()); if (connectionPoolManager.clearError()) { // In case the node is available now, return the connection final ConnectionHolder connectionHolder = new ConnectionHolder(result); final HostThreadData data = getData(); result.getCloseSetter().set(new ChannelListener<ClientConnection>() { @Override public void handleEvent(ClientConnection channel) { handleClosedConnection(data, connectionHolder); } }); data.connections++; returnConnection(connectionHolder); } else { // Otherwise reschedule the retry task scheduleFailedHostRetry(exchange); } } @Override public void failed(IOException e) { UndertowLogger.PROXY_REQUEST_LOGGER.debugf("Failed to reconnect to failed host %s", getUri()); connectionPoolManager.handleError(); scheduleFailedHostRetry(exchange); } }, bindAddress, getUri(), exchange.getIoThread(), ssl, exchange.getConnection().getByteBufferPool(), options); } catch (RuntimeException e) { // UNDERTOW-1611 // even though exception is unchecked, we still need // to handle the failed to connect error connectionPoolManager.handleError(); scheduleFailedHostRetry(exchange); } } }, retry, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } }
Timeout idle connections which are above the soft max cached connections limit.
  • currentTime – the current time
  • data – the local host thread data
/** * Timeout idle connections which are above the soft max cached connections limit. * * @param currentTime the current time * @param data the local host thread data */
private void timeoutConnections(final long currentTime, final HostThreadData data) { int idleConnections = data.availableConnections.size(); for (;;) { ConnectionHolder holder; if (idleConnections > 0 && idleConnections > coreCachedConnections && (holder = data.availableConnections.peek()) != null) { if (!holder.clientConnection.isOpen()) { // Already closed connections decrease the available connections idleConnections--; } else if (currentTime >= holder.timeout) { // If the timeout is reached already, just close holder = data.availableConnections.poll(); IoUtils.safeClose(holder.clientConnection); idleConnections--; } else { if (data.timeoutKey != null) { data.timeoutKey.remove(); data.timeoutKey = null; } // Schedule a timeout task final long remaining = holder.timeout - currentTime + 1; data.nextTimeout = holder.timeout; data.timeoutKey = WorkerUtils.executeAfter(holder.clientConnection.getIoThread(), data.timeoutTask, remaining, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); return; } } else { // If we are below the soft limit, just cancel the task if (data.timeoutKey != null) { data.timeoutKey.remove(); data.timeoutKey = null; } data.nextTimeout = -1; return; } } }
Gets the host data for this thread
Returns:The data for this thread
/** * Gets the host data for this thread * * @return The data for this thread */
private HostThreadData getData() { Thread thread = Thread.currentThread(); if (!(thread instanceof XnioIoThread)) { throw UndertowMessages.MESSAGES.canOnlyBeCalledByIoThread(); } XnioIoThread ioThread = (XnioIoThread) thread; HostThreadData data = hostThreadData.get(ioThread); if (data != null) { return data; } data = new HostThreadData(); HostThreadData existing = hostThreadData.putIfAbsent(ioThread, data); if (existing != null) { return existing; } return data; } public ClientStatistics getClientStatistics() { return new ClientStatistics() { @Override public long getRequests() { return requestCount.get(); } @Override public long getRead() { return read.get(); } @Override public long getWritten() { return written.get(); } @Override public void reset() { requestCount.set(0); read.set(0); written.set(0); } }; }
Returns:The total number of open connections
/** * * @return The total number of open connections */
public int getOpenConnections() { return openConnections.get(); }
  • exclusive – - Is connection for the exclusive use of one client?
/** * @param exclusive - Is connection for the exclusive use of one client? */
public void connect(ProxyClient.ProxyTarget proxyTarget, HttpServerExchange exchange, ProxyCallback<ProxyConnection> callback, final long timeout, final TimeUnit timeUnit, boolean exclusive) { HostThreadData data = getData(); ConnectionHolder connectionHolder = data.availableConnections.poll(); while (connectionHolder != null && !connectionHolder.clientConnection.isOpen()) { connectionHolder = data.availableConnections.poll(); } boolean upgradeRequest = exchange.getRequestHeaders().contains(Headers.UPGRADE); if (connectionHolder != null && (!upgradeRequest || connectionHolder.clientConnection.isUpgradeSupported())) { if (exclusive) { data.connections--; } connectionReady(connectionHolder, callback, exchange, exclusive); } else if (exclusive || data.connections < maxConnections) { openConnection(exchange, callback, data, exclusive); } else { // Reject the request directly if we reached the max request queue size if (data.awaitingConnections.size() >= connectionPoolManager.getMaxQueueSize()) { callback.queuedRequestFailed(exchange); return; } CallbackHolder holder; if (timeout > 0) { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); holder = new CallbackHolder(proxyTarget, callback, exchange, time + timeUnit.toMillis(timeout)); holder.setTimeoutKey(WorkerUtils.executeAfter(exchange.getIoThread(), holder, timeout, timeUnit)); } else { holder = new CallbackHolder(proxyTarget, callback, exchange, -1); } data.awaitingConnections.add(holder); } }
Should only be used for tests.
/** * Should only be used for tests. * */
void closeCurrentConnections() { final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(hostThreadData.size()); for(final Map.Entry<XnioIoThread, HostThreadData> data : hostThreadData.entrySet()) { data.getKey().execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { ConnectionHolder d = data.getValue().availableConnections.poll(); while (d != null) { IoUtils.safeClose(d.clientConnection); d = data.getValue().availableConnections.poll(); } data.getValue().connections = 0; latch.countDown(); } }); } try { latch.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private final class HostThreadData { int connections = 0; XnioIoThread.Key timeoutKey; long nextTimeout = -1; final Deque<ConnectionHolder> availableConnections = new ArrayDeque<>(); final Deque<CallbackHolder> awaitingConnections = new ArrayDeque<>(); final Runnable timeoutTask = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); timeoutConnections(currentTime, HostThreadData.this); } }; } private static final class ConnectionHolder { private long timeout; private final ClientConnection clientConnection; private ConnectionHolder(ClientConnection clientConnection) { this.clientConnection = clientConnection; } } private static final class CallbackHolder implements Runnable { final ProxyClient.ProxyTarget proxyTarget; final ProxyCallback<ProxyConnection> callback; final HttpServerExchange exchange; final long expireTime; XnioExecutor.Key timeoutKey; boolean cancelled = false; private CallbackHolder(ProxyClient.ProxyTarget proxyTarget, ProxyCallback<ProxyConnection> callback, HttpServerExchange exchange, long expireTime) { this.proxyTarget = proxyTarget; this.callback = callback; this.exchange = exchange; this.expireTime = expireTime; } private ProxyCallback<ProxyConnection> getCallback() { return callback; } private HttpServerExchange getExchange() { return exchange; } private long getExpireTime() { return expireTime; } private XnioExecutor.Key getTimeoutKey() { return timeoutKey; } private boolean isCancelled() { return cancelled || exchange.isResponseStarted(); } private void setTimeoutKey(XnioExecutor.Key timeoutKey) { this.timeoutKey = timeoutKey; } @Override public void run() { cancelled = true; callback.failed(exchange); } public ProxyClient.ProxyTarget getProxyTarget() { return proxyTarget; } } public enum AvailabilityType {
The host is read to accept requests
/** * The host is read to accept requests */
The host is stopped. No request should be forwarded that are not tied to this node via sticky sessions
/** * The host is stopped. No request should be forwarded that are not tied * to this node via sticky sessions */
All connections are in use, connections will be queued
/** * All connections are in use, connections will be queued */
All connections are in use and the queue is full. Requests will be rejected.
/** * All connections are in use and the queue is full. Requests will be rejected. */
The host is probably down, only try as a last resort
/** * The host is probably down, only try as a last resort */
The host is closed. connections will always fail
/** * The host is closed. connections will always fail */