 * Copyright 2017 The Netty Project
 * The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License, version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
 * copy of the License at:
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
 * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
 * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.
package io.netty.channel;

import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator;
import io.netty.buffer.CompositeByteBuf;
import io.netty.util.internal.UnstableApi;
import io.netty.util.internal.logging.InternalLogger;
import io.netty.util.internal.logging.InternalLoggerFactory;

import java.util.ArrayDeque;

import static io.netty.util.ReferenceCountUtil.safeRelease;
import static io.netty.util.internal.ObjectUtil.checkNotNull;
import static io.netty.util.internal.ObjectUtil.checkPositiveOrZero;
import static io.netty.util.internal.PlatformDependent.throwException;

public abstract class AbstractCoalescingBufferQueue {
    private static final InternalLogger logger = InternalLoggerFactory.getInstance(AbstractCoalescingBufferQueue.class);
    private final ArrayDeque<Object> bufAndListenerPairs;
    private final PendingBytesTracker tracker;
    private int readableBytes;

Create a new instance.
  • channel – the Channel which will have the Channel.isWritable() reflect the amount of queued buffers or null if there is no writability state updated.
  • initSize – theinitial size of the underlying queue.
/** * Create a new instance. * * @param channel the {@link Channel} which will have the {@link Channel#isWritable()} reflect the amount of queued * buffers or {@code null} if there is no writability state updated. * @param initSize theinitial size of the underlying queue. */
protected AbstractCoalescingBufferQueue(Channel channel, int initSize) { bufAndListenerPairs = new ArrayDeque<Object>(initSize); tracker = channel == null ? null : PendingBytesTracker.newTracker(channel); }
Add a buffer to the front of the queue and associate a promise with it that should be completed when all the buffer's bytes have been consumed from the queue and written.
  • buf – to add to the head of the queue
  • promise – to complete when all the bytes have been consumed and written, can be void.
/** * Add a buffer to the front of the queue and associate a promise with it that should be completed when * all the buffer's bytes have been consumed from the queue and written. * @param buf to add to the head of the queue * @param promise to complete when all the bytes have been consumed and written, can be void. */
public final void addFirst(ByteBuf buf, ChannelPromise promise) { addFirst(buf, toChannelFutureListener(promise)); } private void addFirst(ByteBuf buf, ChannelFutureListener listener) { if (listener != null) { bufAndListenerPairs.addFirst(listener); } bufAndListenerPairs.addFirst(buf); incrementReadableBytes(buf.readableBytes()); }
Add a buffer to the end of the queue.
/** * Add a buffer to the end of the queue. */
public final void add(ByteBuf buf) { add(buf, (ChannelFutureListener) null); }
Add a buffer to the end of the queue and associate a promise with it that should be completed when all the buffer's bytes have been consumed from the queue and written.
  • buf – to add to the tail of the queue
  • promise – to complete when all the bytes have been consumed and written, can be void.
/** * Add a buffer to the end of the queue and associate a promise with it that should be completed when * all the buffer's bytes have been consumed from the queue and written. * @param buf to add to the tail of the queue * @param promise to complete when all the bytes have been consumed and written, can be void. */
public final void add(ByteBuf buf, ChannelPromise promise) { // buffers are added before promises so that we naturally 'consume' the entire buffer during removal // before we complete it's promise. add(buf, toChannelFutureListener(promise)); }
Add a buffer to the end of the queue and associate a listener with it that should be completed when all the buffers bytes have been consumed from the queue and written.
  • buf – to add to the tail of the queue
  • listener – to notify when all the bytes have been consumed and written, can be null.
/** * Add a buffer to the end of the queue and associate a listener with it that should be completed when * all the buffers bytes have been consumed from the queue and written. * @param buf to add to the tail of the queue * @param listener to notify when all the bytes have been consumed and written, can be {@code null}. */
public final void add(ByteBuf buf, ChannelFutureListener listener) { // buffers are added before promises so that we naturally 'consume' the entire buffer during removal // before we complete it's promise. bufAndListenerPairs.add(buf); if (listener != null) { bufAndListenerPairs.add(listener); } incrementReadableBytes(buf.readableBytes()); }
Remove the first ByteBuf from the queue.
  • aggregatePromise – used to aggregate the promises and listeners for the returned buffer.
Returns:the first ByteBuf from the queue.
/** * Remove the first {@link ByteBuf} from the queue. * @param aggregatePromise used to aggregate the promises and listeners for the returned buffer. * @return the first {@link ByteBuf} from the queue. */
public final ByteBuf removeFirst(ChannelPromise aggregatePromise) { Object entry = bufAndListenerPairs.poll(); if (entry == null) { return null; } assert entry instanceof ByteBuf; ByteBuf result = (ByteBuf) entry; decrementReadableBytes(result.readableBytes()); entry = bufAndListenerPairs.peek(); if (entry instanceof ChannelFutureListener) { aggregatePromise.addListener((ChannelFutureListener) entry); bufAndListenerPairs.poll(); } return result; }
Remove a ByteBuf from the queue with the specified number of bytes. Any added buffer who's bytes are fully consumed during removal will have it's promise completed when the passed aggregate ChannelPromise completes.
  • alloc – The allocator used if a new ByteBuf is generated during the aggregation process.
  • bytes – the maximum number of readable bytes in the returned ByteBuf, if bytes is greater than readableBytes then a buffer of length readableBytes is returned.
  • aggregatePromise – used to aggregate the promises and listeners for the constituent buffers.
Returns:a ByteBuf composed of the enqueued buffers.
/** * Remove a {@link ByteBuf} from the queue with the specified number of bytes. Any added buffer who's bytes are * fully consumed during removal will have it's promise completed when the passed aggregate {@link ChannelPromise} * completes. * * @param alloc The allocator used if a new {@link ByteBuf} is generated during the aggregation process. * @param bytes the maximum number of readable bytes in the returned {@link ByteBuf}, if {@code bytes} is greater * than {@link #readableBytes} then a buffer of length {@link #readableBytes} is returned. * @param aggregatePromise used to aggregate the promises and listeners for the constituent buffers. * @return a {@link ByteBuf} composed of the enqueued buffers. */
public final ByteBuf remove(ByteBufAllocator alloc, int bytes, ChannelPromise aggregatePromise) { checkPositiveOrZero(bytes, "bytes"); checkNotNull(aggregatePromise, "aggregatePromise"); // Use isEmpty rather than readableBytes==0 as we may have a promise associated with an empty buffer. if (bufAndListenerPairs.isEmpty()) { return removeEmptyValue(); } bytes = Math.min(bytes, readableBytes); ByteBuf toReturn = null; ByteBuf entryBuffer = null; int originalBytes = bytes; try { for (;;) { Object entry = bufAndListenerPairs.poll(); if (entry == null) { break; } if (entry instanceof ChannelFutureListener) { aggregatePromise.addListener((ChannelFutureListener) entry); continue; } entryBuffer = (ByteBuf) entry; if (entryBuffer.readableBytes() > bytes) { // Add the buffer back to the queue as we can't consume all of it. bufAndListenerPairs.addFirst(entryBuffer); if (bytes > 0) { // Take a slice of what we can consume and retain it. entryBuffer = entryBuffer.readRetainedSlice(bytes); toReturn = toReturn == null ? composeFirst(alloc, entryBuffer) : compose(alloc, toReturn, entryBuffer); bytes = 0; } break; } else { bytes -= entryBuffer.readableBytes(); toReturn = toReturn == null ? composeFirst(alloc, entryBuffer) : compose(alloc, toReturn, entryBuffer); } entryBuffer = null; } } catch (Throwable cause) { safeRelease(entryBuffer); safeRelease(toReturn); aggregatePromise.setFailure(cause); throwException(cause); } decrementReadableBytes(originalBytes - bytes); return toReturn; }
The number of readable bytes.
/** * The number of readable bytes. */
public final int readableBytes() { return readableBytes; }
Are there pending buffers in the queue.
/** * Are there pending buffers in the queue. */
public final boolean isEmpty() { return bufAndListenerPairs.isEmpty(); }
Release all buffers in the queue and complete all listeners and promises.
/** * Release all buffers in the queue and complete all listeners and promises. */
public final void releaseAndFailAll(ChannelOutboundInvoker invoker, Throwable cause) { releaseAndCompleteAll(invoker.newFailedFuture(cause)); }
Copy all pending entries in this queue into the destination queue.
  • dest – to copy pending buffers to.
/** * Copy all pending entries in this queue into the destination queue. * @param dest to copy pending buffers to. */
public final void copyTo(AbstractCoalescingBufferQueue dest) { dest.bufAndListenerPairs.addAll(bufAndListenerPairs); dest.incrementReadableBytes(readableBytes); }
Writes all remaining elements in this queue.
  • ctx – The context to write all elements to.
/** * Writes all remaining elements in this queue. * @param ctx The context to write all elements to. */
public final void writeAndRemoveAll(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) { decrementReadableBytes(readableBytes); Throwable pending = null; ByteBuf previousBuf = null; for (;;) { Object entry = bufAndListenerPairs.poll(); try { if (entry == null) { if (previousBuf != null) { ctx.write(previousBuf, ctx.voidPromise()); } break; } if (entry instanceof ByteBuf) { if (previousBuf != null) { ctx.write(previousBuf, ctx.voidPromise()); } previousBuf = (ByteBuf) entry; } else if (entry instanceof ChannelPromise) { ctx.write(previousBuf, (ChannelPromise) entry); previousBuf = null; } else { ctx.write(previousBuf).addListener((ChannelFutureListener) entry); previousBuf = null; } } catch (Throwable t) { if (pending == null) { pending = t; } else { logger.info("Throwable being suppressed because Throwable {} is already pending", pending, t); } } } if (pending != null) { throw new IllegalStateException(pending); } }
Calculate the result of current + next.
/** * Calculate the result of {@code current + next}. */
protected abstract ByteBuf compose(ByteBufAllocator alloc, ByteBuf cumulation, ByteBuf next);
Compose cumulation and next into a new CompositeByteBuf.
/** * Compose {@code cumulation} and {@code next} into a new {@link CompositeByteBuf}. */
protected final ByteBuf composeIntoComposite(ByteBufAllocator alloc, ByteBuf cumulation, ByteBuf next) { // Create a composite buffer to accumulate this pair and potentially all the buffers // in the queue. Using +2 as we have already dequeued current and next. CompositeByteBuf composite = alloc.compositeBuffer(size() + 2); try { composite.addComponent(true, cumulation); composite.addComponent(true, next); } catch (Throwable cause) { composite.release(); safeRelease(next); throwException(cause); } return composite; }
Compose cumulation and next into a new ByteBufAllocator.ioBuffer().
  • alloc – The allocator to use to allocate the new buffer.
  • cumulation – The current cumulation.
  • next – The next buffer.
Returns:The result of cumulation + next.
/** * Compose {@code cumulation} and {@code next} into a new {@link ByteBufAllocator#ioBuffer()}. * @param alloc The allocator to use to allocate the new buffer. * @param cumulation The current cumulation. * @param next The next buffer. * @return The result of {@code cumulation + next}. */
protected final ByteBuf copyAndCompose(ByteBufAllocator alloc, ByteBuf cumulation, ByteBuf next) { ByteBuf newCumulation = alloc.ioBuffer(cumulation.readableBytes() + next.readableBytes()); try { newCumulation.writeBytes(cumulation).writeBytes(next); } catch (Throwable cause) { newCumulation.release(); safeRelease(next); throwException(cause); } cumulation.release(); next.release(); return newCumulation; }
Calculate the first ByteBuf which will be used in subsequent calls to compose(ByteBufAllocator, ByteBuf, ByteBuf).
/** * Calculate the first {@link ByteBuf} which will be used in subsequent calls to * {@link #compose(ByteBufAllocator, ByteBuf, ByteBuf)}. */
protected ByteBuf composeFirst(ByteBufAllocator allocator, ByteBuf first) { return first; }
The value to return when remove(ByteBufAllocator, int, ChannelPromise) is called but the queue is empty.
Returns:the ByteBuf which represents an empty queue.
/** * The value to return when {@link #remove(ByteBufAllocator, int, ChannelPromise)} is called but the queue is empty. * @return the {@link ByteBuf} which represents an empty queue. */
protected abstract ByteBuf removeEmptyValue();
Get the number of elements in this queue added via one of the add(ByteBuf) methods.
Returns:the number of elements in this queue.
/** * Get the number of elements in this queue added via one of the {@link #add(ByteBuf)} methods. * @return the number of elements in this queue. */
protected final int size() { return bufAndListenerPairs.size(); } private void releaseAndCompleteAll(ChannelFuture future) { decrementReadableBytes(readableBytes); Throwable pending = null; for (;;) { Object entry = bufAndListenerPairs.poll(); if (entry == null) { break; } try { if (entry instanceof ByteBuf) { safeRelease(entry); } else { ((ChannelFutureListener) entry).operationComplete(future); } } catch (Throwable t) { if (pending == null) { pending = t; } else { logger.info("Throwable being suppressed because Throwable {} is already pending", pending, t); } } } if (pending != null) { throw new IllegalStateException(pending); } } private void incrementReadableBytes(int increment) { int nextReadableBytes = readableBytes + increment; if (nextReadableBytes < readableBytes) { throw new IllegalStateException("buffer queue length overflow: " + readableBytes + " + " + increment); } readableBytes = nextReadableBytes; if (tracker != null) { tracker.incrementPendingOutboundBytes(increment); } } private void decrementReadableBytes(int decrement) { readableBytes -= decrement; assert readableBytes >= 0; if (tracker != null) { tracker.decrementPendingOutboundBytes(decrement); } } private static ChannelFutureListener toChannelFutureListener(ChannelPromise promise) { return promise.isVoid() ? null : new DelegatingChannelPromiseNotifier(promise); } }