
import io.ebean.FetchPath;
import io.ebean.Query;
import io.ebean.annotation.DocStore;
import io.ebean.annotation.DocStoreMode;
import io.ebean.plugin.BeanType;
import io.ebean.text.PathProperties;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiEbeanServer;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.PersistRequest;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.PersistRequestBean;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptor;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanProperty;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.InheritInfo;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployBeanDescriptor;
import io.ebeanservice.docstore.api.DocStoreBeanAdapter;
import io.ebeanservice.docstore.api.DocStoreUpdateContext;
import io.ebeanservice.docstore.api.DocStoreUpdates;
import io.ebeanservice.docstore.api.mapping.DocMappingBuilder;
import io.ebeanservice.docstore.api.mapping.DocumentMapping;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

Base implementation for much of DocStoreBeanAdapter.
/** * Base implementation for much of DocStoreBeanAdapter. */
public abstract class DocStoreBeanBaseAdapter<T> implements DocStoreBeanAdapter<T> { protected final SpiEbeanServer server;
The associated BeanDescriptor.
/** * The associated BeanDescriptor. */
protected final BeanDescriptor<T> desc;
The type of index.
/** * The type of index. */
protected final boolean mapped;
Identifier used in the queue system to identify the index.
/** * Identifier used in the queue system to identify the index. */
protected final String queueId;
ElasticSearch index type.
/** * ElasticSearch index type. */
protected final String indexType;
ElasticSearch index name.
/** * ElasticSearch index name. */
protected final String indexName;
Doc store deployment annotation.
/** * Doc store deployment annotation. */
private final DocStore docStore;
Behavior on insert.
/** * Behavior on insert. */
protected final DocStoreMode insert;
Behavior on update.
/** * Behavior on update. */
protected DocStoreMode update;
Behavior on delete.
/** * Behavior on delete. */
protected final DocStoreMode delete;
List of embedded paths from other documents that include this document type. As such an update to this doc type means that those embedded documents need to be updated.
/** * List of embedded paths from other documents that include this document type. * As such an update to this doc type means that those embedded documents need to be updated. */
protected final List<DocStoreEmbeddedInvalidation> embeddedInvalidation = new ArrayList<>(); protected final PathProperties pathProps;
Map of properties to 'raw' properties.
/** * Map of properties to 'raw' properties. */
protected Map<String, String> sortableMap;
Nested path properties defining the doc structure for indexing.
/** * Nested path properties defining the doc structure for indexing. */
protected DocStructure docStructure; protected DocumentMapping documentMapping; private boolean registerPaths; public DocStoreBeanBaseAdapter(BeanDescriptor<T> desc, DeployBeanDescriptor<T> deploy) { this.desc = desc; this.server = desc.getEbeanServer(); this.mapped = deploy.isDocStoreMapped(); this.pathProps = deploy.getDocStorePathProperties(); this.docStore = deploy.getDocStore(); this.queueId = derive(desc, deploy.getDocStoreQueueId()); this.indexName = derive(desc, deploy.getDocStoreIndexName()); this.indexType = derive(desc, deploy.getDocStoreIndexType()); this.insert = deploy.getDocStoreInsertEvent(); this.update = deploy.getDocStoreUpdateEvent(); this.delete = deploy.getDocStoreDeleteEvent(); } @Override public boolean hasEmbeddedInvalidation() { return !embeddedInvalidation.isEmpty(); } @Override public DocumentMapping createDocMapping() { if (documentMapping != null) { return documentMapping; } if (!mapped) return null; this.docStructure = derivePathProperties(pathProps); DocMappingBuilder mappingBuilder = new DocMappingBuilder(docStructure.doc(), docStore); desc.docStoreMapping(mappingBuilder, null); mappingBuilder.applyMapping(); sortableMap = mappingBuilder.collectSortable(); docStructure.prepareMany(desc); documentMapping = mappingBuilder.create(queueId, indexName, indexType); return documentMapping; } @Override public String getIndexType() { return indexType; } @Override public String getIndexName() { return indexName; } @Override public void applyPath(Query<T> query) { query.apply(docStructure.doc()); } @Override public String rawProperty(String property) { String rawProperty = sortableMap.get(property); return rawProperty == null ? property : rawProperty; }
Register invalidation paths for embedded documents.
/** * Register invalidation paths for embedded documents. */
@Override public void registerPaths() { if (mapped && !registerPaths) { Collection<PathProperties.Props> pathProps = docStructure.doc().getPathProps(); for (PathProperties.Props pathProp : pathProps) { String path = pathProp.getPath(); if (path != null) { BeanDescriptor<?> targetDesc = desc.getBeanDescriptor(path); BeanProperty idProperty = targetDesc.getIdProperty(); if (idProperty != null) { // embedded beans don't have id property String fullPath = path + "." + idProperty.getName(); targetDesc.docStoreAdapter().registerInvalidationPath(desc.getDocStoreQueueId(), fullPath, pathProp.getProperties()); } } } registerPaths = true; } }
Register a doc store invalidation listener for the given bean type, path and properties.
/** * Register a doc store invalidation listener for the given bean type, path and properties. */
@Override public void registerInvalidationPath(String queueId, String path, Set<String> properties) { if (!mapped) { if (update == DocStoreMode.IGNORE) { // bean type not mapped but is included as nested document // in a doc store index so we need to update update = DocStoreMode.UPDATE; } } embeddedInvalidation.add(getEmbeddedInvalidation(queueId, path, properties)); }
Return the DsInvalidationListener based on the properties, path.
/** * Return the DsInvalidationListener based on the properties, path. */
protected DocStoreEmbeddedInvalidation getEmbeddedInvalidation(String queueId, String path, Set<String> properties) { if (properties.contains("*")) { return new DocStoreEmbeddedInvalidation(queueId, path); } else { return new DocStoreEmbeddedInvalidationProperties(queueId, path, getPropertyPositions(properties)); } }
Return the property names as property index positions.
/** * Return the property names as property index positions. */
protected int[] getPropertyPositions(Set<String> properties) { List<Integer> posList = new ArrayList<>(); for (String property : properties) { BeanProperty prop = desc.getBeanProperty(property); if (prop != null) { posList.add(prop.getPropertyIndex()); } } int[] pos = new int[posList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < pos.length; i++) { pos[i] = posList.get(i); } return pos; } @Override public void updateEmbedded(PersistRequestBean<T> request, DocStoreUpdates docStoreUpdates) { for (DocStoreEmbeddedInvalidation anEmbeddedInvalidation : embeddedInvalidation) { anEmbeddedInvalidation.embeddedInvalidate(request, docStoreUpdates); } }
Return the pathProperties which defines the JSON document to index. This can add derived/embedded/nested parts to the document.
/** * Return the pathProperties which defines the JSON document to index. * This can add derived/embedded/nested parts to the document. */
protected DocStructure derivePathProperties(PathProperties pathProps) { boolean includeByDefault = (pathProps == null); if (pathProps == null) { pathProps = new PathProperties(); } return getDocStructure(pathProps, includeByDefault); } protected DocStructure getDocStructure(PathProperties pathProps, final boolean includeByDefault) { final DocStructure docStructure = new DocStructure(pathProps); BeanProperty[] properties = desc.propertiesNonTransient(); for (BeanProperty property : properties) { property.docStoreInclude(includeByDefault, docStructure); } InheritInfo inheritInfo = desc.getInheritInfo(); if (inheritInfo != null) { inheritInfo.visitChildren(inheritInfo1 -> { for (BeanProperty localProperty : inheritInfo1.localProperties()) { localProperty.docStoreInclude(includeByDefault, docStructure); } }); } return docStructure; } @Override public FetchPath getEmbedded(String path) { return docStructure.getEmbedded(path); } @Override public FetchPath getEmbeddedManyRoot(String path) { return docStructure.getEmbeddedManyRoot(path); } @Override public boolean isMapped() { return mapped; } @Override public String getQueueId() { return queueId; } @Override public DocStoreMode getMode(PersistRequest.Type persistType, DocStoreMode txnMode) { if (txnMode == null) { return getMode(persistType); } else if (txnMode == DocStoreMode.IGNORE) { return DocStoreMode.IGNORE; } return mapped ? txnMode : getMode(persistType); } private DocStoreMode getMode(PersistRequest.Type persistType) { switch (persistType) { case INSERT: return insert; case UPDATE: return update; case DELETE: return delete; default: return DocStoreMode.IGNORE; } }
Return the supplied value or default to the bean name lower case.
/** * Return the supplied value or default to the bean name lower case. */
protected String derive(BeanType<?> desc, String suppliedValue) { return (suppliedValue != null && !suppliedValue.isEmpty()) ? suppliedValue : desc.getName().toLowerCase(); } @Override public abstract void deleteById(Object idValue, DocStoreUpdateContext txn) throws IOException; @Override public abstract void index(Object idValue, T entityBean, DocStoreUpdateContext txn) throws IOException; @Override public abstract void insert(Object idValue, PersistRequestBean<T> persistRequest, DocStoreUpdateContext txn) throws IOException; @Override public abstract void update(Object idValue, PersistRequestBean<T> persistRequest, DocStoreUpdateContext txn) throws IOException; @Override public abstract void updateEmbedded(Object idValue, String embeddedProperty, String embeddedRawContent, DocStoreUpdateContext txn) throws IOException; }