package io.ebeaninternal.server.persist.dml;

import io.ebean.bean.EntityBean;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.ConcurrencyMode;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiUpdatePlan;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.PersistRequestBean;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptor;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.persist.dmlbind.Bindable;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.persist.dmlbind.BindableId;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.persist.dmlbind.BindableList;

import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

Meta data for update handler. The meta data is for a particular bean type. It is considered immutable and is thread safe.
/** * Meta data for update handler. The meta data is for a particular bean type. It * is considered immutable and is thread safe. */
public final class UpdateMeta { private final BindableList set; private final BindableId id; private final Bindable version; private final Bindable tenantId; private final String tableName; private final UpdatePlan modeNoneUpdatePlan; private final UpdatePlan modeVersionUpdatePlan; private final boolean emptyStringAsNull; UpdateMeta(boolean emptyStringAsNull, BeanDescriptor<?> desc, BindableList set, BindableId id, Bindable version, Bindable tenantId) { this.emptyStringAsNull = emptyStringAsNull; this.tableName = desc.getBaseTable(); this.set = set; = id; this.version = version; this.tenantId = tenantId; String sqlNone = genSql(ConcurrencyMode.NONE, set, desc.getBaseTable()); String sqlVersion = genSql(ConcurrencyMode.VERSION, set, desc.getBaseTable()); this.modeNoneUpdatePlan = new UpdatePlan(ConcurrencyMode.NONE, sqlNone, set); this.modeVersionUpdatePlan = new UpdatePlan(ConcurrencyMode.VERSION, sqlVersion, set); }
Return true if empty strings should be treated as null.
/** * Return true if empty strings should be treated as null. */
boolean isEmptyStringAsNull() { return emptyStringAsNull; }
Return the base table name.
/** * Return the base table name. */
public String getTableName() { return tableName; }
Bind the request based on the concurrency mode.
/** * Bind the request based on the concurrency mode. */
public void bind(PersistRequestBean<?> persist, DmlHandler bind, SpiUpdatePlan updatePlan) throws SQLException { EntityBean bean = persist.getEntityBean(); updatePlan.bindSet(bind, bean); id.dmlBind(bind, bean); if (tenantId != null) { tenantId.dmlBind(bind, bean); } switch (persist.getConcurrencyMode()) { case VERSION: version.dmlBind(bind, bean); break; default: break; } }
get or generate the sql based on the concurrency mode.
/** * get or generate the sql based on the concurrency mode. */
SpiUpdatePlan getUpdatePlan(PersistRequestBean<?> request) { if (request.isDynamicUpdateSql()) { return getDynamicUpdatePlan(request); } switch (request.getConcurrencyMode()) { case NONE: return modeNoneUpdatePlan; case VERSION: return modeVersionUpdatePlan; default: throw new RuntimeException("Invalid mode " + request.getConcurrencyMode()); } } private SpiUpdatePlan getDynamicUpdatePlan(PersistRequestBean<?> persistRequest) { String key = persistRequest.getUpdatePlanHash(); // check if we can use a cached UpdatePlan BeanDescriptor<?> beanDescriptor = persistRequest.getBeanDescriptor(); SpiUpdatePlan updatePlan = beanDescriptor.getUpdatePlan(key); if (updatePlan != null) { return updatePlan; } // build a new UpdatePlan and cache it // build a bindableList that only contains the changed properties List<Bindable> list = new ArrayList<>(); set.addToUpdate(persistRequest, list); BindableList bindableList = new BindableList(list); ConcurrencyMode mode = persistRequest.getConcurrencyMode(); // build the SQL for this update statement String sql = genSql(mode, bindableList, persistRequest.getUpdateTable()); updatePlan = new UpdatePlan(key, mode, sql, bindableList); // add the UpdatePlan to the cache beanDescriptor.putUpdatePlan(key, updatePlan); return updatePlan; } private String genSql(ConcurrencyMode conMode, BindableList bindableList, String tableName) { GenerateDmlRequest request = new GenerateDmlRequest(); request.append("update ").append(tableName).append(" set "); request.setUpdateSetMode(); bindableList.dmlAppend(request); if (request.getBindColumnCount() == 0) { // update properties must have been updatable=false // with the result that nothing is in the set clause return null; } request.append(" where "); request.setWhereIdMode(); id.dmlAppend(request); if (tenantId != null) { tenantId.dmlAppend(request); } if (ConcurrencyMode.VERSION == conMode) { if (version != null) { version.dmlAppend(request); } } return request.toString(); } }