package io.ebeaninternal.server.persist.dml;

import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiTransaction;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.PersistRequestBean;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanProperty;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.lib.util.Str;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.persist.BatchedPstmt;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.persist.BatchedPstmtHolder;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.persist.dmlbind.BindableRequest;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.type.DataBind;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import javax.persistence.OptimisticLockException;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;

Base class for Handler implementations.
/** * Base class for Handler implementations. */
public abstract class DmlHandler implements PersistHandler, BindableRequest { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DmlHandler.class); private static final int[] GENERATED_KEY_COLUMNS = new int[]{1}; private static final int BATCHED_FIRST = 1; private static final int BATCHED = 2;
The originating request.
/** * The originating request. */
protected final PersistRequestBean<?> persistRequest; protected final StringBuilder bindLog; protected final SpiTransaction transaction; protected final boolean emptyStringToNull; protected final boolean logLevelSql; protected final long now;
The PreparedStatement used for the dml.
/** * The PreparedStatement used for the dml. */
protected DataBind dataBind; protected BatchedPstmt batchedPstmt; protected String sql; private short batchedStatus; protected DmlHandler(PersistRequestBean<?> persistRequest, boolean emptyStringToNull) { = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.persistRequest = persistRequest; this.emptyStringToNull = emptyStringToNull; this.transaction = persistRequest.getTransaction(); this.logLevelSql = transaction.isLogSql(); if (logLevelSql) { this.bindLog = new StringBuilder(50); } else { this.bindLog = null; } } @Override public long now() { return now; } @Override public PersistRequestBean<?> getPersistRequest() { return persistRequest; }
Bind to the statement returning the DataBind.
/** * Bind to the statement returning the DataBind. */
protected DataBind bind(PreparedStatement stmt) { return new DataBind(persistRequest.getDataTimeZone(), stmt, transaction.getInternalConnection()); }
Get the sql and bind the statement.
/** * Get the sql and bind the statement. */
@Override public abstract void bind() throws SQLException;
Execute now for non-batch execution.
/** * Execute now for non-batch execution. */
@Override public abstract int execute() throws SQLException;
Check the rowCount.
/** * Check the rowCount. */
protected void checkRowCount(int rowCount) throws OptimisticLockException { try { persistRequest.checkRowCount(rowCount); persistRequest.postExecute(); } catch (OptimisticLockException e) { // add the SQL and bind values to error message String m = e.getMessage() + " sql[" + sql + "] bind[" + bindLog + "]"; persistRequest.getTransaction().logSummary("OptimisticLockException:" + m); throw new OptimisticLockException(m, null, e.getEntity()); } }
Add this for batch execution.
/** * Add this for batch execution. */
@Override public void addBatch() throws SQLException { dataBind.getPstmt().addBatch(); }
Close the underlying statement.
/** * Close the underlying statement. */
@Override public void close() { try { if (dataBind != null) { dataBind.close(); } } catch (SQLException ex) { logger.error(null, ex); } }
Return the bind log.
/** * Return the bind log. */
@Override public String getBindLog() { return bindLog == null ? "" : bindLog.toString(); }
Set the Id value that was bound. This value is used for logging summary level information.
/** * Set the Id value that was bound. This value is used for logging summary * level information. */
@Override public void setIdValue(Object idValue) { persistRequest.setBoundId(idValue); }
Log the sql to the transaction log.
/** * Log the sql to the transaction log. */
protected void logSql(String sql) { if (logLevelSql) { switch (batchedStatus) { case BATCHED_FIRST: { transaction.logSql(sql); transaction.logSql(Str.add(" -- bind(", bindLog.toString(), ")")); return; } case BATCHED: { transaction.logSql(Str.add(" -- bind(", bindLog.toString(), ")")); return; } default: { transaction.logSql(Str.add(sql, "; -- bind(", bindLog.toString(), ")")); } } } }
Bind a raw value. Used to bind the discriminator column.
/** * Bind a raw value. Used to bind the discriminator column. */
@Override public void bind(Object value, int sqlType) throws SQLException { if (logLevelSql) { if (bindLog.length() > 0) { bindLog.append(","); } if (value == null) { bindLog.append("null"); } else { String sval = value.toString(); if (sval.length() > 50) { bindLog.append(sval.substring(0, 47)).append("..."); } else { bindLog.append(sval); } } } dataBind.setObject(value, sqlType); } @Override public void bindNoLog(Object value, int sqlType, String logPlaceHolder) throws SQLException { if (logLevelSql) { if (bindLog.length() > 0) { bindLog.append(","); } bindLog.append(logPlaceHolder); } dataBind.setObject(value, sqlType); }
Bind the value to the preparedStatement.
/** * Bind the value to the preparedStatement. */
@Override public void bind(Object value, BeanProperty prop) throws SQLException { bindInternal(logLevelSql, value, prop); }
Bind the value to the preparedStatement without logging.
/** * Bind the value to the preparedStatement without logging. */
@Override public void bindNoLog(Object value, BeanProperty prop) throws SQLException { bindInternal(false, value, prop); } private void bindInternal(boolean log, Object value, BeanProperty prop) throws SQLException { if (log) { if (bindLog.length() > 0) { bindLog.append(","); } if (prop.isLob()) { bindLog.append("[LOB]"); } else { String sv = String.valueOf(value); if (sv.length() > 50) { sv = sv.substring(0, 47) + "..."; } bindLog.append(sv); } } // do the actual binding to PreparedStatement prop.bind(dataBind, value); }
Check with useGeneratedKeys to get appropriate PreparedStatement.
/** * Check with useGeneratedKeys to get appropriate PreparedStatement. */
protected PreparedStatement getPstmt(SpiTransaction t, String sql, boolean genKeys) throws SQLException { Connection conn = t.getInternalConnection(); if (genKeys) { // the Id generated is always the first column // Required to stop Oracle10 giving us Oracle rowId?? // Other jdbc drivers seem fine without this hint. return conn.prepareStatement(sql, GENERATED_KEY_COLUMNS); } else { return conn.prepareStatement(sql); } }
Return a prepared statement taking into account batch requirements.
/** * Return a prepared statement taking into account batch requirements. */
protected PreparedStatement getPstmt(SpiTransaction t, String sql, PersistRequestBean<?> request, boolean genKeys) throws SQLException { BatchedPstmtHolder batch = t.getBatchControl().getPstmtHolder(); batchedPstmt = batch.getBatchedPstmt(sql, request); if (batchedPstmt != null) { batchedStatus = BATCHED; return batchedPstmt.getStatement(); } batchedStatus = BATCHED_FIRST; PreparedStatement stmt = getPstmt(t, sql, genKeys); batchedPstmt = new BatchedPstmt(stmt, genKeys, sql, t); batch.addStmt(batchedPstmt, request); return stmt; } }