package io.ebeaninternal.server.persist.dml;

import io.ebean.bean.EntityBean;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.DatabasePlatform;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.PersistRequestBean;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptor;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.InheritInfo;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.persist.dmlbind.Bindable;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.persist.dmlbind.BindableDiscriminator;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.persist.dmlbind.BindableId;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.persist.dmlbind.BindableList;

import java.sql.SQLException;

Meta data for insert handler. The meta data is for a particular bean type. It is considered immutable and is thread safe.
/** * Meta data for insert handler. The meta data is for a particular bean type. It * is considered immutable and is thread safe. */
public final class InsertMeta { private final String sqlNullId; private final String sqlWithId; private final String sqlDraftNullId; private final String sqlDraftWithId; private final BindableId id; private final Bindable discriminator; private final BindableList all; private final BindableList allExcludeDraftOnly; private final boolean supportsGetGeneratedKeys; private final boolean concatinatedKey;
Used for DB that do not support getGeneratedKeys.
/** * Used for DB that do not support getGeneratedKeys. */
private final boolean supportsSelectLastInsertedId; private final Bindable shadowFKey; private final String[] identityDbColumns; private final boolean emptyStringToNull; public InsertMeta(DatabasePlatform dbPlatform, BeanDescriptor<?> desc, Bindable shadowFKey, BindableId id, BindableList all) { this.emptyStringToNull = dbPlatform.isTreatEmptyStringsAsNull(); this.discriminator = getDiscriminator(desc); = id; this.all = all; this.allExcludeDraftOnly = all.excludeDraftOnly(); this.shadowFKey = shadowFKey; String tableName = desc.getBaseTable(); String draftTableName = desc.getDraftTable(); this.sqlWithId = genSql(false, tableName, false); this.sqlDraftWithId = desc.isDraftable() ? genSql(false, draftTableName, true) : sqlWithId; // only available for single Id property if (id.isConcatenated()) { // concatenated key this.concatinatedKey = true; this.identityDbColumns = null; this.sqlNullId = null; this.sqlDraftNullId = null; this.supportsGetGeneratedKeys = false; this.supportsSelectLastInsertedId = false; } else { // insert sql for db identity or sequence insert this.concatinatedKey = false; if (id.getIdentityColumn() == null) { this.identityDbColumns = new String[]{}; this.supportsGetGeneratedKeys = false; this.supportsSelectLastInsertedId = false; } else { this.identityDbColumns = new String[]{id.getIdentityColumn()}; this.supportsGetGeneratedKeys = dbPlatform.getDbIdentity().isSupportsGetGeneratedKeys(); this.supportsSelectLastInsertedId = desc.supportsSelectLastInsertedId(); } this.sqlNullId = genSql(true, tableName, false); this.sqlDraftNullId = desc.isDraftable() ? genSql(true, draftTableName, true) : sqlNullId; } } private static Bindable getDiscriminator(BeanDescriptor<?> desc) { InheritInfo inheritInfo = desc.getInheritInfo(); if (inheritInfo != null) { return new BindableDiscriminator(inheritInfo); } else { return null; } }
Return true if empty strings should be treated as null.
/** * Return true if empty strings should be treated as null. */
public boolean isEmptyStringToNull() { return emptyStringToNull; }
Return true if this is a concatenated key.
/** * Return true if this is a concatenated key. */
public boolean isConcatenatedKey() { return concatinatedKey; } public String[] getIdentityDbColumns() { return identityDbColumns; }
Return true if we should use a SQL query to return the generated key. This can not be used with JDBC batch mode.
/** * Return true if we should use a SQL query to return the generated key. * This can not be used with JDBC batch mode. */
public boolean supportsSelectLastInsertedId() { return supportsSelectLastInsertedId; }
Return true if getGeneratedKeys is supported by the underlying jdbc driver and database.
/** * Return true if getGeneratedKeys is supported by the underlying jdbc * driver and database. */
public boolean supportsGetGeneratedKeys() { return supportsGetGeneratedKeys; }
Return true if the Id can be derived from other property values.
/** * Return true if the Id can be derived from other property values. */
public boolean deriveConcatenatedId(PersistRequestBean<?> persist) { return id.deriveConcatenatedId(persist); }
Bind the request based on whether the id value(s) are null.
/** * Bind the request based on whether the id value(s) are null. */
public void bind(DmlHandler request, EntityBean bean, boolean withId, boolean publish) throws SQLException { if (withId) { id.dmlBind(request, bean); } if (shadowFKey != null) { shadowFKey.dmlBind(request, bean); } if (discriminator != null) { discriminator.dmlBind(request, bean); } if (publish) { allExcludeDraftOnly.dmlBind(request, bean); } else { all.dmlBind(request, bean); } }
get the sql based whether the id value(s) are null.
/** * get the sql based whether the id value(s) are null. */
public String getSql(boolean withId, boolean publish) { if (withId) { return publish ? sqlWithId : sqlDraftWithId; } else { return publish ? sqlNullId : sqlDraftNullId; } } private String genSql(boolean nullId, String table, boolean draftTable) { GenerateDmlRequest request = new GenerateDmlRequest(); request.setInsertSetMode(); request.append("insert into ").append(table); request.append(" ("); if (!nullId) { id.dmlAppend(request); } if (shadowFKey != null) { shadowFKey.dmlAppend(request); } if (discriminator != null) { discriminator.dmlAppend(request); } if (draftTable) { all.dmlAppend(request); } else { allExcludeDraftOnly.dmlAppend(request); } request.append(") values ("); request.append(request.getInsertBindBuffer()); request.append(")"); return request.toString(); } }