package io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.parse;

import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanCascadeInfo;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployBeanDescriptor;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployBeanProperty;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployBeanPropertyAssoc;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne;

import javax.persistence.AttributeOverride;
import javax.persistence.CascadeType;
import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.validation.groups.Default;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;

Base class for reading deployment annotations.
/** * Base class for reading deployment annotations. */
public abstract class AnnotationParser extends AnnotationBase { protected final DeployBeanInfo<?> info; protected final DeployBeanDescriptor<?> descriptor; protected final Class<?> beanType; protected final boolean validationAnnotations; protected final ReadAnnotationConfig readConfig; public AnnotationParser(DeployBeanInfo<?> info, ReadAnnotationConfig readConfig) { super(info.getUtil()); this.readConfig = readConfig; this.validationAnnotations = readConfig.isJavaxValidationAnnotations(); = info; this.beanType = info.getDescriptor().getBeanType(); this.descriptor = info.getDescriptor(); }
read the deployment annotations.
/** * read the deployment annotations. */
@Override public abstract void parse();
Read the Id annotation on an embeddedId.
/** * Read the Id annotation on an embeddedId. */
protected void readIdAssocOne(DeployBeanPropertyAssoc<?> prop) { prop.setNullable(false); if (prop.isIdClass()) { prop.setImportedPrimaryKey(); } else { prop.setId(); prop.setEmbedded(); info.setEmbeddedId(prop); } }
Read the Id annotation on scalar property.
/** * Read the Id annotation on scalar property. */
protected void readIdScalar(DeployBeanProperty prop) { prop.setNullable(false); if (prop.isIdClass()) { prop.setImportedPrimaryKey(); } else { prop.setId(); if (prop.getPropertyType().equals(UUID.class)) { if (readConfig.isIdGeneratorAutomatic() && descriptor.getIdGeneratorName() == null) { descriptor.setUuidGenerator(); } } } }
Helper method to set cascade types to the CascadeInfo on BeanProperty.
/** * Helper method to set cascade types to the CascadeInfo on BeanProperty. */
protected void setCascadeTypes(CascadeType[] cascadeTypes, BeanCascadeInfo cascadeInfo) { if (cascadeTypes != null && cascadeTypes.length > 0) { cascadeInfo.setTypes(cascadeTypes); } }
Read an AttributeOverrides if they exist for this embedded bean.
/** * Read an AttributeOverrides if they exist for this embedded bean. */
protected void readEmbeddedAttributeOverrides(DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> prop) { Set<AttributeOverride> attrOverrides = getAll(prop, AttributeOverride.class); if (!attrOverrides.isEmpty()) { HashMap<String, String> propMap = new HashMap<>(attrOverrides.size()); for (AttributeOverride attrOverride : attrOverrides) { propMap.put(, attrOverride.column().name()); } prop.getDeployEmbedded().putAll(propMap); } } protected void readColumn(Column columnAnn, DeployBeanProperty prop) { if (!isEmpty( { String dbColumn = databasePlatform.convertQuotedIdentifiers(; prop.setDbColumn(dbColumn); } prop.setDbInsertable(columnAnn.insertable()); prop.setDbUpdateable(columnAnn.updatable()); prop.setNullable(columnAnn.nullable()); prop.setUnique(columnAnn.unique()); if (columnAnn.precision() > 0) { prop.setDbLength(columnAnn.precision()); } else if (columnAnn.length() != 255) { // set default 255 on DbTypeMap prop.setDbLength(columnAnn.length()); } prop.setDbScale(columnAnn.scale()); prop.setDbColumnDefn(columnAnn.columnDefinition()); String baseTable = descriptor.getBaseTable(); String tableName = columnAnn.table(); if (!"".equals(tableName) && !tableName.equalsIgnoreCase(baseTable)) { // its on a secondary table... prop.setSecondaryTable(tableName); } }
Return true if the validation groups are Default (respectively empty) can be applied to DDL generation.
/** * Return true if the validation groups are {@link Default} (respectively empty) * can be applied to DDL generation. */
protected boolean isEbeanValidationGroups(Class<?>[] groups) { if (!util.isUseJavaxValidationNotNull()) { return false; } if (groups.length == 0 || groups.length == 1 && javax.validation.groups.Default.class.isAssignableFrom(groups[0])) { return true; } return false; } }