
import io.ebean.config.DbConstraintNaming;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.DbPlatformType;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.DbPlatformTypeMapping;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.model.MColumn;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.model.MCompoundForeignKey;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.model.MTable;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.model.ModelContainer;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptor;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanProperty;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.TableJoin;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.TableJoinColumn;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.type.ScalarType;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

The context used during DDL generation.
/** * The context used during DDL generation. */
public class ModelBuildContext {
Use platform agnostic logical types. These types are converted to platform specific types in the DDL generation.
/** * Use platform agnostic logical types. These types are converted to * platform specific types in the DDL generation. */
private final DbPlatformTypeMapping dbTypeMap = DbPlatformTypeMapping.logicalTypes(); private final ModelContainer model; private final DbConstraintNaming constraintNaming; private final DbConstraintNaming.MaxLength maxLength; private final boolean platformTypes; public ModelBuildContext(ModelContainer model, DbConstraintNaming naming, DbConstraintNaming.MaxLength maxLength, boolean platformTypes) { this.model = model; this.constraintNaming = naming; this.maxLength = maxLength; this.platformTypes = platformTypes; }
Adjust the foreign key references on any draft tables (that reference other draft tables). This is called as a 'second pass' after all the draft tables have been identified.
/** * Adjust the foreign key references on any draft tables (that reference other draft tables). * This is called as a 'second pass' after all the draft tables have been identified. */
public void adjustDraftReferences() { model.adjustDraftReferences(); } public String normaliseTable(String baseTable) { return constraintNaming.normaliseTable(baseTable); } public String primaryKeyName(String tableName) { return maxLength(constraintNaming.primaryKeyName(tableName), 0); } public String foreignKeyConstraintName(String tableName, String columnName, int foreignKeyCount) { return maxLength(constraintNaming.foreignKeyConstraintName(tableName, columnName), foreignKeyCount); } public String foreignKeyIndexName(String tableName, String[] columns, int indexCount) { return maxLength(constraintNaming.foreignKeyIndexName(tableName, columns), indexCount); } public String foreignKeyIndexName(String tableName, String column, int indexCount) { return maxLength(constraintNaming.foreignKeyIndexName(tableName, column), indexCount); } public String indexName(String tableName, String column, int indexCount) { return maxLength(constraintNaming.indexName(tableName, column), indexCount); } public String indexName(String tableName, String[] columns, int indexCount) { return maxLength(constraintNaming.indexName(tableName, columns), indexCount); } public String uniqueConstraintName(String tableName, String columnName, int indexCount) { return maxLength(constraintNaming.uniqueConstraintName(tableName, columnName), indexCount); } public String uniqueConstraintName(String tableName, String[] columnNames, int indexCount) { return maxLength(constraintNaming.uniqueConstraintName(tableName, columnNames), indexCount); } public String checkConstraintName(String tableName, String columnName, int checkCount) { return maxLength(constraintNaming.checkConstraintName(tableName, columnName), checkCount); } public MTable addTable(MTable table) { return model.addTable(table); } public void addIndex(String indexName, String tableName, String columnName) { model.addIndex(indexName, tableName, columnName); } public void addIndex(String indexName, String tableName, String[] columnNames) { model.addIndex(indexName, tableName, columnNames); } private String maxLength(String constraintName, int indexCount) { return maxLength.maxLength(constraintName, indexCount); }
Return the map used to determine the DB specific type for a given bean property.
/** * Return the map used to determine the DB specific type * for a given bean property. */
public DbPlatformTypeMapping getDbTypeMap() { return dbTypeMap; }
Render the DB type for this property given the strict mode.
/** * Render the DB type for this property given the strict mode. */
public String getColumnDefn(BeanProperty p, boolean strict) { DbPlatformType dbType = getDbType(p); if (dbType == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown DbType mapping for " + p.getFullBeanName()); } return p.renderDbType(dbType, strict); } private DbPlatformType getDbType(BeanProperty p) { if (p.isDbEncrypted()) { return dbTypeMap.get(p.getDbEncryptedType()); } if (p.isLocalEncrypted()) { // scalar type potentially wrapping varbinary db type ScalarType<Object> scalarType = p.getScalarType(); int jdbcType = scalarType.getJdbcType(); return dbTypeMap.get(jdbcType); } // can be the logical JSON types (JSON, JSONB, JSONClob, JSONBlob, JSONVarchar) int dbType = p.getDbType(platformTypes); if (dbType == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("No scalarType defined for " + p.getFullBeanName()); } return dbTypeMap.get(dbType); }
Create the draft table for a given table.
/** * Create the draft table for a given table. */
public void createDraft(MTable table, boolean draftable) { MTable draftTable = table.createDraftTable(); draftTable.setPkName(primaryKeyName(draftTable.getName())); if (draftable) { // Add a FK from @Draftable live table back to it's draft table) List<MColumn> pkCols = table.primaryKeyColumns(); if (pkCols.size() == 1) { // only doing this for single column PK at this stage MColumn pk = pkCols.get(0); pk.setReferences(draftTable.getName() + "." + pk.getName()); pk.setForeignKeyName(foreignKeyConstraintName(table.getName(), pk.getName(), 0)); } } int fkCount = 0; int ixCount = 0; int uqCount = 0; Collection<MColumn> cols = draftTable.allColumns(); for (MColumn col : cols) { if (col.getForeignKeyName() != null) { // Note that we adjust the 'references' table later in a second pass // after we know all the tables that are 'draftable' //col.setReferences(refTable + "." + refColumn); col.setForeignKeyName(foreignKeyConstraintName(draftTable.getName(), col.getName(), ++fkCount)); String[] indexCols = {col.getName()}; col.setForeignKeyIndex(foreignKeyIndexName(draftTable.getName(), indexCols, ++ixCount)); } // adjust the unique constraint names if (col.getUnique() != null) { col.setUnique(uniqueConstraintName(draftTable.getName(), col.getName(), ++uqCount)); } if (col.getUniqueOneToOne() != null) { col.setUniqueOneToOne(uniqueConstraintName(draftTable.getName(), col.getName(), ++uqCount)); } } addTable(draftTable); }
Return a builder to add foreign keys.
/** * Return a builder to add foreign keys. */
public FkeyBuilder fkeyBuilder(MTable destTable) { return new FkeyBuilder(this, destTable); } public static class FkeyBuilder { private final AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(); private final ModelBuildContext ctx; private final MTable destTable; private final String tableName; FkeyBuilder(ModelBuildContext ctx, MTable destTable) { this.ctx = ctx; this.destTable = destTable; this.tableName = destTable.getName(); }
Add a foreign key based on the table join.
/** * Add a foreign key based on the table join. */
public FkeyBuilder addForeignKey(BeanDescriptor<?> desc, TableJoin tableJoin, boolean direction) { String baseTable = ctx.normaliseTable(desc.getBaseTable()); String fkName = ctx.foreignKeyConstraintName(tableName, baseTable, count.incrementAndGet()); String fkIndex = ctx.foreignKeyIndexName(tableName, baseTable, count.get()); MCompoundForeignKey foreignKey = new MCompoundForeignKey(fkName, desc.getBaseTable(), fkIndex); for (TableJoinColumn column : tableJoin.columns()) { String localCol = direction ? column.getForeignDbColumn() : column.getLocalDbColumn(); String refCol = !direction ? column.getForeignDbColumn() : column.getLocalDbColumn(); foreignKey.addColumnPair(localCol, refCol); } destTable.addForeignKey(foreignKey); return this; } } }