package io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.model;

import io.ebean.annotation.ConstraintMode;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.ddlgeneration.platform.DdlHelp;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.migration.AlterColumn;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.migration.Column;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.migration.DdlScript;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.DbMigrationInfo;

import java.util.List;

A column in the logical model.
/** * A column in the logical model. */
public class MColumn { private final String name; private String type; private String checkConstraint; private String checkConstraintName; private String defaultValue; private String references; private String foreignKeyName; private String foreignKeyIndex; private ConstraintMode fkeyOnDelete; private ConstraintMode fkeyOnUpdate; private String comment; private boolean historyExclude; private boolean notnull; private boolean primaryKey; private boolean identity; private String unique;
Special unique for OneToOne as we need to handle that different specifically for MsSqlServer.
/** * Special unique for OneToOne as we need to handle that different * specifically for MsSqlServer. */
private String uniqueOneToOne;
Temporary variable used when building the alter column changes.
/** * Temporary variable used when building the alter column changes. */
private AlterColumn alterColumn; private boolean draftOnly; private List<DbMigrationInfo> dbMigrationInfos; public MColumn(Column column) { = column.getName(); this.type = column.getType(); this.checkConstraint = column.getCheckConstraint(); this.checkConstraintName = column.getCheckConstraintName(); this.defaultValue = column.getDefaultValue(); this.comment = column.getComment(); this.references = column.getReferences(); this.foreignKeyName = column.getForeignKeyName(); this.foreignKeyIndex = column.getForeignKeyIndex(); this.fkeyOnDelete = fkeyMode(column.getForeignKeyOnDelete()); this.fkeyOnUpdate = fkeyMode(column.getForeignKeyOnUpdate()); this.notnull = Boolean.TRUE.equals(column.isNotnull()); this.primaryKey = Boolean.TRUE.equals(column.isPrimaryKey()); this.identity = Boolean.TRUE.equals(column.isIdentity()); this.unique = column.getUnique(); this.uniqueOneToOne = column.getUniqueOneToOne(); this.historyExclude = Boolean.TRUE.equals(column.isHistoryExclude()); } private ConstraintMode fkeyMode(String mode) { return (mode == null) ? null : ConstraintMode.valueOf(mode); } public MColumn(String name, String type) { = name; this.type = type; } public MColumn(String name, String type, boolean notnull) { = name; this.type = type; this.notnull = notnull; }
Return a copy of this column used for creating the associated draft table.
/** * Return a copy of this column used for creating the associated draft table. */
public MColumn copyForDraft() { MColumn copy = new MColumn(name, type); copy.draftOnly = draftOnly; copy.checkConstraint = checkConstraint; copy.checkConstraintName = checkConstraintName; copy.defaultValue = defaultValue; copy.dbMigrationInfos = dbMigrationInfos; copy.references = references; copy.comment = comment; copy.foreignKeyName = foreignKeyName; copy.foreignKeyIndex = foreignKeyIndex; copy.fkeyOnUpdate = fkeyOnUpdate; copy.fkeyOnDelete = fkeyOnDelete; copy.historyExclude = historyExclude; copy.notnull = notnull; copy.primaryKey = primaryKey; copy.identity = identity; copy.unique = unique; copy.uniqueOneToOne = uniqueOneToOne; return copy; } public String getName() { return name; } public String getType() { return type; } public boolean isPrimaryKey() { return primaryKey; } public void setPrimaryKey(boolean primaryKey) { this.primaryKey = primaryKey; } public boolean isIdentity() { return identity; } public void setIdentity(boolean identity) { this.identity = identity; } public String getCheckConstraint() { return checkConstraint; } public void setCheckConstraint(String checkConstraint) { this.checkConstraint = checkConstraint; } public String getCheckConstraintName() { return checkConstraintName; } public void setCheckConstraintName(String checkConstraintName) { this.checkConstraintName = checkConstraintName; } public String getForeignKeyName() { return foreignKeyName; } public void setForeignKeyName(String foreignKeyName) { this.foreignKeyName = foreignKeyName; } public String getForeignKeyIndex() { return foreignKeyIndex; } public void setForeignKeyIndex(String foreignKeyIndex) { this.foreignKeyIndex = foreignKeyIndex; } public void setForeignKeyModes(ConstraintMode onDelete, ConstraintMode onUpdate) { this.fkeyOnDelete = onDelete; this.fkeyOnUpdate = onUpdate; } public String getDefaultValue() { return defaultValue; } public void setDefaultValue(String defaultValue) { this.defaultValue = defaultValue; } public String getReferences() { return references; } public void setReferences(String references) { this.references = references; } public boolean isNotnull() { return notnull; } public void setNotnull(boolean notnull) { this.notnull = notnull; } public boolean isHistoryExclude() { return historyExclude; } public void setHistoryExclude(boolean historyExclude) { this.historyExclude = historyExclude; } public void setUnique(String unique) { this.unique = unique; } public String getUnique() { return unique; }
Set unique specifically for OneToOne mapping. We need special DDL for this case for SqlServer.
/** * Set unique specifically for OneToOne mapping. * We need special DDL for this case for SqlServer. */
public void setUniqueOneToOne(String uniqueOneToOne) { this.uniqueOneToOne = uniqueOneToOne; }
Return true if this is unique for a OneToOne.
/** * Return true if this is unique for a OneToOne. */
public String getUniqueOneToOne() { return uniqueOneToOne; }
Return the column comment.
/** * Return the column comment. */
public String getComment() { return comment; }
Set the column comment.
/** * Set the column comment. */
public void setComment(String comment) { this.comment = comment; }
Set the draftOnly status for this column.
/** * Set the draftOnly status for this column. */
public void setDraftOnly(boolean draftOnly) { this.draftOnly = draftOnly; }
Return the draftOnly status for this column.
/** * Return the draftOnly status for this column. */
public boolean isDraftOnly() { return draftOnly; }
Return true if this column should be included in History DB triggers etc.
/** * Return true if this column should be included in History DB triggers etc. */
public boolean isIncludeInHistory() { return !draftOnly && !historyExclude; } public Column createColumn() { Column c = new Column(); c.setName(name); c.setType(type); if (notnull) c.setNotnull(true); if (primaryKey) c.setPrimaryKey(true); if (identity) c.setIdentity(true); if (historyExclude) c.setHistoryExclude(true); c.setCheckConstraint(checkConstraint); c.setCheckConstraintName(checkConstraintName); c.setReferences(references); c.setForeignKeyName(foreignKeyName); c.setForeignKeyIndex(foreignKeyIndex); c.setForeignKeyOnDelete(fkeyModeOf(fkeyOnDelete)); c.setForeignKeyOnUpdate(fkeyModeOf(fkeyOnUpdate)); c.setDefaultValue(defaultValue); c.setComment(comment); c.setUnique(unique); c.setUniqueOneToOne(uniqueOneToOne); if (dbMigrationInfos != null) { for (DbMigrationInfo info : dbMigrationInfos) { if (!info.getPreAdd().isEmpty()) { DdlScript script = new DdlScript(); script.setDdl(info.getPreAdd()); script.setPlatforms(info.joinPlatforms()); c.getBefore().add(script); } if (!info.getPostAdd().isEmpty()) { DdlScript script = new DdlScript(); script.setDdl(info.getPostAdd()); script.setPlatforms(info.joinPlatforms()); c.getAfter().add(script); } } } return c; } private String fkeyModeOf(ConstraintMode mode) { return (mode == null) ? null :; } protected static boolean different(String val1, String val2) { return (val1 == null) ? val2 != null : !val1.equals(val2); } private boolean hasValue(String val) { return val != null && !val.isEmpty(); } private boolean hasValue(Boolean val) { return val != null; } private AlterColumn getAlterColumn(String tableName, boolean tableWithHistory) { if (alterColumn == null) { alterColumn = new AlterColumn(); alterColumn.setColumnName(name); alterColumn.setTableName(tableName); if (tableWithHistory) { alterColumn.setWithHistory(Boolean.TRUE); } if (dbMigrationInfos != null) { for (DbMigrationInfo info : dbMigrationInfos) { if (!info.getPreAlter().isEmpty()) { DdlScript script = new DdlScript(); script.setDdl(info.getPreAlter()); script.setPlatforms(info.joinPlatforms()); alterColumn.getBefore().add(script); } if (!info.getPostAlter().isEmpty()) { DdlScript script = new DdlScript(); script.setDdl(info.getPostAlter()); script.setPlatforms(info.joinPlatforms()); alterColumn.getAfter().add(script); } } } } return alterColumn; }
Compare the column meta data and return true if there is a change that means the history table column needs
/** * Compare the column meta data and return true if there is a change that means * the history table column needs */
public void compare(ModelDiff modelDiff, MTable table, MColumn newColumn) { this.dbMigrationInfos = newColumn.dbMigrationInfos; boolean tableWithHistory = table.isWithHistory(); String tableName = table.getName(); // set to null and check at the end this.alterColumn = null; boolean changeBaseAttribute = false; if (historyExclude != newColumn.historyExclude) { getAlterColumn(tableName, tableWithHistory).setHistoryExclude(newColumn.historyExclude); } if (different(type, newColumn.type)) { changeBaseAttribute = true; getAlterColumn(tableName, tableWithHistory).setType(newColumn.type); } if (notnull != newColumn.notnull) { changeBaseAttribute = true; getAlterColumn(tableName, tableWithHistory).setNotnull(newColumn.notnull); } if (different(defaultValue, newColumn.defaultValue)) { AlterColumn alter = getAlterColumn(tableName, tableWithHistory); if (newColumn.defaultValue == null) { alter.setDefaultValue(DdlHelp.DROP_DEFAULT); } else { alter.setDefaultValue(newColumn.defaultValue); } } if (different(comment, newColumn.comment)) { AlterColumn alter = getAlterColumn(tableName, tableWithHistory); if (newColumn.comment == null) { alter.setComment(DdlHelp.DROP_COMMENT); } else { alter.setComment(newColumn.comment); } } if (different(checkConstraint, newColumn.checkConstraint)) { AlterColumn alter = getAlterColumn(tableName, tableWithHistory); if (hasValue(checkConstraint) && !hasValue(newColumn.checkConstraint)) { alter.setDropCheckConstraint(checkConstraintName); } if (hasValue(newColumn.checkConstraint)) { alter.setCheckConstraintName(newColumn.checkConstraintName); alter.setCheckConstraint(newColumn.checkConstraint); } } if (different(references, newColumn.references) || hasValue(newColumn.references) && fkeyOnDelete != newColumn.fkeyOnDelete || hasValue(newColumn.references) && fkeyOnUpdate != newColumn.fkeyOnUpdate) { // foreign key change AlterColumn alter = getAlterColumn(tableName, tableWithHistory); if (hasValue(foreignKeyName)) { alter.setDropForeignKey(foreignKeyName); } if (hasValue(foreignKeyIndex)) { alter.setDropForeignKeyIndex(foreignKeyIndex); } if (hasValue(newColumn.references)) { // add new foreign key constraint alter.setReferences(newColumn.references); alter.setForeignKeyName(newColumn.foreignKeyName); alter.setForeignKeyIndex(newColumn.foreignKeyIndex); if (newColumn.fkeyOnDelete != null) { alter.setForeignKeyOnDelete(fkeyModeOf(newColumn.fkeyOnDelete)); } if (newColumn.fkeyOnUpdate != null) { alter.setForeignKeyOnUpdate(fkeyModeOf(newColumn.fkeyOnUpdate)); } } } if (different(unique, newColumn.unique)) { AlterColumn alter = getAlterColumn(tableName, tableWithHistory); if (hasValue(unique)) { alter.setDropUnique(unique); } if (hasValue(newColumn.unique)) { alter.setUnique(newColumn.unique); } } if (different(uniqueOneToOne, newColumn.uniqueOneToOne)) { AlterColumn alter = getAlterColumn(tableName, tableWithHistory); if (hasValue(uniqueOneToOne)) { alter.setDropUnique(uniqueOneToOne); } if (hasValue(newColumn.uniqueOneToOne)) { alter.setUniqueOneToOne(newColumn.uniqueOneToOne); } } if (alterColumn != null) { modelDiff.addAlterColumn(alterColumn); if (changeBaseAttribute) { // support reverting these changes alterColumn.setCurrentType(type); alterColumn.setCurrentNotnull(notnull); } } } public void setDbMigrationInfos(List<DbMigrationInfo> dbMigrationInfos) { this.dbMigrationInfos = dbMigrationInfos; }
Apply changes based on the AlterColumn request.
/** * Apply changes based on the AlterColumn request. */
public void apply(AlterColumn alterColumn) { if (hasValue(alterColumn.getDropCheckConstraint())) { checkConstraint = null; } if (hasValue(alterColumn.getDropForeignKey())) { foreignKeyName = null; references = null; } if (hasValue(alterColumn.getDropForeignKeyIndex())) { foreignKeyIndex = null; } if (hasValue(alterColumn.getDropUnique())) { unique = null; uniqueOneToOne = null; } if (hasValue(alterColumn.getType())) { type = alterColumn.getType(); } if (hasValue(alterColumn.isNotnull())) { notnull = alterColumn.isNotnull(); } if (hasValue(alterColumn.getDefaultValue())) { defaultValue = alterColumn.getDefaultValue(); if (DdlHelp.isDropDefault(defaultValue)) { defaultValue = null; } } if (hasValue(alterColumn.getCheckConstraint())) { checkConstraint = alterColumn.getCheckConstraint(); } if (hasValue(alterColumn.getCheckConstraintName())) { checkConstraintName = alterColumn.getCheckConstraintName(); } if (hasValue(alterColumn.getUnique())) { unique = alterColumn.getUnique(); } if (hasValue(alterColumn.getUniqueOneToOne())) { uniqueOneToOne = alterColumn.getUniqueOneToOne(); } if (hasValue(alterColumn.getReferences())) { references = alterColumn.getReferences(); } if (hasValue(alterColumn.getForeignKeyName())) { foreignKeyName = alterColumn.getForeignKeyName(); } if (hasValue(alterColumn.getForeignKeyIndex())) { foreignKeyIndex = alterColumn.getForeignKeyIndex(); } if (hasValue(alterColumn.getComment())) { comment = alterColumn.getComment(); if (DdlHelp.isDropComment(comment)) { comment = null; } } if (hasValue(alterColumn.getForeignKeyOnDelete())) { fkeyOnDelete = fkeyMode(alterColumn.getForeignKeyOnDelete()); } if (hasValue(alterColumn.getForeignKeyOnUpdate())) { fkeyOnUpdate = fkeyMode(alterColumn.getForeignKeyOnUpdate()); } if (hasValue(alterColumn.isHistoryExclude())) { historyExclude = alterColumn.isHistoryExclude(); } } }