 * Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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package org.graalvm.component.installer.commands;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLConnection;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.CommandInput;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.remote.CatalogIterable;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.CommandTestBase;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.Commands;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.CommonConstants;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.ComponentCatalog;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.ComponentParam;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.DependencyException;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.FailedOperationException;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.FileIterable;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.IncompatibleException;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.SoftwareChannelSource;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.model.CatalogContents;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.model.ComponentInfo;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.model.ComponentRegistry;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.model.GraalEdition;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.persist.ProxyResource;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.remote.RemoteCatalogDownloader;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.persist.test.Handler;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;
import org.junit.rules.TestName;

/** * * @author sdedic */
public class CatalogInstallTest extends CommandTestBase { private static final String TEST_CATALOG_URL = "test://release/catalog.properties"; @Rule public TestName name = new TestName(); @Rule public ExpectedException exception = ExpectedException.none(); @Rule public ProxyResource proxyResource = new ProxyResource(); protected InstallCommand inst; private RemoteCatalogDownloader downloader; private void setupVersion(String v) { String version = v == null ? "0.33" : v; storage.graalInfo.put(CommonConstants.CAP_GRAALVM_VERSION, version); } private void setupCatalog(String rel) throws Exception { String relSpec; if (rel == null) { relSpec = "catalog-" + name.getMethodName() + ".properties"; if (getClass().getResource(relSpec) == null) { if (name.getMethodName().contains("Deps")) { relSpec = "cataloginstallDeps.properties"; } else { relSpec = "catalogInstallTest.properties"; } } } else { relSpec = rel; } URL u = getClass().getResource(relSpec); if (u == null) { u = getClass().getResource("catalogInstallTest.properties"); } Handler.bind(TEST_CATALOG_URL, u); downloader = new RemoteCatalogDownloader(this, this, new URL(TEST_CATALOG_URL)); this.registry = new CatalogContents(this, downloader.getStorage(), getLocalRegistry()); } private void setupCatalog2(String rel) throws IOException { Path p = dataFile(rel); URL u = p.toUri().toURL(); downloader = new RemoteCatalogDownloader(this, this, u); this.registry = new CatalogContents(this, downloader.getStorage(), getLocalRegistry()); }
Checks that mismatched catalog is rejected entirely.
  • Exception –
/** * Checks that mismatched catalog is rejected entirely. * * @throws Exception */
@Test public void testRejectMismatchingCatalog() throws Exception { setupVersion("1.0.0-rc1"); URL rubyURL = new URL("test://release/graalvm-ruby.zip"); Handler.bind(rubyURL.toString(), new URLConnection(rubyURL) { @Override public void connect() throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Should not be touched"); } }); exception.expect(IncompatibleException.class); exception.expectMessage("REMOTE_UnsupportedGraalVersion"); setupCatalog(null); textParams.add("ruby"); paramIterable = new CatalogIterable(this, this); paramIterable.iterator().next(); }
Checks that mismatched version is rejected based on catalog metadata, and the component URL is not opened at all. Because of versioning support, the "ruby" will not be even identifier as available, as it requires an incompatible graalvm version.
/** * Checks that mismatched version is rejected based on catalog metadata, and the component URL * is not opened at all. * * Because of versioning support, the "ruby" will not be even identifier as available, as it * requires an incompatible graalvm version. */
@Test public void testRejectMetaDontDownloadPackage() throws Exception { setupVersion("0.33-dev"); URL rubyURL = new URL("test://release/graalvm-ruby.zip"); Handler.bind(rubyURL.toString(), new URLConnection(rubyURL) { @Override public void connect() throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Should not be touched"); } }); exception.expect(DependencyException.Mismatch.class); exception.expectMessage("VERIFY_ObsoleteGraalVM"); setupCatalog(null); paramIterable = new CatalogIterable(this, this); textParams.add("ruby"); InstallCommand cmd = new InstallCommand(); cmd.init(this, withBundle(InstallCommand.class)); cmd.execute(); } @Test public void testCheckPostinstMessageLoaded() throws Exception { setupVersion("0.33"); URL x = getClass().getResource("postinst2.jar"); URL rubyURL = new URL("test://release/postinst2.jar"); Handler.bind(rubyURL.toString(), x); setupCatalog(null); paramIterable = new CatalogIterable(this, this); textParams.add("ruby"); InstallCommand cmd = new InstallCommand(); cmd.init(this, withBundle(InstallCommand.class)); cmd.prepareInstallation(); cmd.completeInstallers(); assertFalse(cmd.realInstallers.isEmpty()); for (Installer i : cmd.realInstallers.values()) { assertNotNull(i.getComponentInfo().getPostinstMessage()); } } @Test public void testPostinstMessagePrinted() throws Exception { setupVersion("0.33"); URL x = getClass().getResource("postinst2.jar"); URL rubyURL = new URL("test://release/postinst2.jar"); Handler.bind(rubyURL.toString(), x); setupCatalog(null); paramIterable = new CatalogIterable(this, this); textParams.add("ruby"); InstallCommand cmd = new InstallCommand(); cmd.init(this, withBundle(InstallCommand.class)); String[] formatted = new String[1]; delegateFeedback(new FeedbackAdapter() { @Override public boolean verbatimOut(String aMsg, boolean beVerbose) { if (aMsg.contains("Ruby openssl")) { // NOI18N formatted[0] = aMsg; } return super.verbatimOut(aMsg, beVerbose); } }); cmd.execute(); assertNotNull(formatted[0]); } @Test public void testInstallWithDepsSingleLevel() throws Exception { setupVersion("19.3-dev"); setupCatalog(null); paramIterable = new CatalogIterable(this, this); textParams.add("r"); InstallCommand cmd = new InstallCommand(); cmd.init(this, withBundle(InstallCommand.class)); cmd.executionInit(); cmd.executeStep(cmd::prepareInstallation, false); List<ComponentParam> deps = cmd.getDependencies(); assertEquals(1, deps.size()); assertEquals("org.graalvm.llvm-toolchain", deps.get(0).createMetaLoader().getComponentInfo().getId()); } @Test public void testInstallWithIgnoredDeps() throws Exception { setupVersion("19.3-dev"); setupCatalog(null); paramIterable = new CatalogIterable(this, this); textParams.add("r"); options.put(Commands.OPTION_NO_DEPENDENCIES, ""); InstallCommand cmd = new InstallCommand(); cmd.init(this, withBundle(InstallCommand.class)); cmd.executionInit(); cmd.executeStep(cmd::prepareInstallation, false); List<ComponentParam> deps = cmd.getDependencies(); assertTrue(deps.isEmpty()); } @Test public void testInstallWithBrokenDeps() throws Exception { setupVersion("19.3-dev"); setupCatalog(null); paramIterable = new CatalogIterable(this, this); textParams.add("additional"); InstallCommand cmd = new InstallCommand(); cmd.init(this, withBundle(InstallCommand.class)); cmd.executionInit(); exception.expect(FailedOperationException.class); exception.expectMessage("INSTALL_UnresolvedDependencies"); try { cmd.executeStep(cmd::prepareInstallation, false); } catch (FailedOperationException ex) { Set<String> u = cmd.getUnresolvedDependencies(); assertFalse(u.isEmpty()); assertEquals("org.graalvm.unknown", u.iterator().next()); throw ex; } } @Test public void testInstallWithBrokenIgnoredDeps() throws Exception { setupVersion("19.3-dev"); setupCatalog(null); paramIterable = new CatalogIterable(this, this); textParams.add("additional"); options.put(Commands.OPTION_NO_DEPENDENCIES, ""); InstallCommand cmd = new InstallCommand(); cmd.init(this, withBundle(InstallCommand.class)); cmd.executionInit(); cmd.executeStep(cmd::prepareInstallation, false); }
Checks that a dependency that is already installed is not installed again.
/** * Checks that a dependency that is already installed is not installed again. */
@Test public void testInstallDepsWithDependecnyInstalled() throws Exception { setupVersion("19.3-dev"); setupCatalog(null); testInstallDepsWithDependecnyInstalledCommon(); } private void testInstallDepsWithDependecnyInstalledCommon() throws Exception { ComponentInfo fakeInfo = new ComponentInfo("org.graalvm.llvm-toolchain", "Fake Toolchain", "19.3-dev"); fakeInfo.setInfoPath(""); storage.installed.add(fakeInfo); paramIterable = new CatalogIterable(this, this); textParams.add("r"); InstallCommand cmd = new InstallCommand(); cmd.init(this, withBundle(InstallCommand.class)); cmd.executionInit(); cmd.executeStep(cmd::prepareInstallation, false); assertTrue(cmd.getDependencies().isEmpty()); }
Checks that if a dependency is specified also on the commandline, the component is actually installed just once.
/** * Checks that if a dependency is specified also on the commandline, the component is actually * installed just once. */
@Test public void testInstallDepsOnCommandLine() throws Exception { setupVersion("19.3-dev"); setupCatalog2("cataloginstallDeps.properties"); testInstallDepsOnCommandLineCommon(); } private void testInstallDepsOnCommandLineCommon() throws Exception { paramIterable = new CatalogIterable(this, this); textParams.add("r"); textParams.add("llvm-toolchain"); InstallCommand cmd = new InstallCommand(); cmd.init(this, withBundle(InstallCommand.class)); cmd.executionInit(); cmd.executeStep(cmd::prepareInstallation, false); cmd.executeStep(cmd::completeInstallers, false); List<Installer> instSequence = cmd.getInstallers(); assertEquals(2, instSequence.size()); ComponentInfo ci = instSequence.get(0).getComponentInfo(); assertEquals("org.graalvm.llvm-toolchain", ci.getId()); ci = instSequence.get(1).getComponentInfo(); assertEquals("org.graalvm.r", ci.getId()); }
Checks that if a dependency is specified also on the commandline, the component is actually installed just once. In this case, the catalog does NOT specify dependencies, they are discovered only when the component's archive is loaded.
/** * Checks that if a dependency is specified also on the commandline, the component is actually * installed just once. In this case, the catalog does NOT specify dependencies, they are * discovered only when the component's archive is loaded. */
@Test public void testInstallDepsOnCommandLine2() throws Exception { setupVersion("19.3-dev"); setupCatalog2("cataloginstallDeps2.properties"); testInstallDepsOnCommandLineCommon(); }
Checks that dependencies precede the component that uses them. In this case ruby > native-image > llvm-toolchain, so they should be installed in the opposite order.
/** * Checks that dependencies precede the component that uses them. In this case ruby > * native-image > llvm-toolchain, so they should be installed in the opposite order. */
@Test public void testDepsBeforeUsage() throws Exception { setupVersion("19.3-dev"); setupCatalog2("cataloginstallDeps.properties"); testDepsBeforeUsageCommon(); }
The same as testDepsBeforeUsage() except that dependency info is incomplete in the catalog.
/** * The same as {@link #testDepsBeforeUsage()} except that dependency info is incomplete in the * catalog. * * @throws Exception */
@Test public void testDepsBeforeUsage2() throws Exception { setupVersion("19.3-dev"); setupCatalog2("cataloginstallDeps2.properties"); testDepsBeforeUsageCommon(); } private void testDepsBeforeUsageCommon() throws Exception { paramIterable = new CatalogIterable(this, this); textParams.add("ruby"); InstallCommand cmd = new InstallCommand(); cmd.init(this, withBundle(InstallCommand.class)); cmd.executionInit(); cmd.executeStep(cmd::prepareInstallation, false); cmd.executeStep(cmd::completeInstallers, false); List<Installer> instSequence = cmd.getInstallers(); assertEquals(3, instSequence.size()); ComponentInfo ci = instSequence.get(0).getComponentInfo(); assertEquals("org.graalvm.llvm-toolchain", ci.getId()); ci = instSequence.get(1).getComponentInfo(); assertEquals("org.graalvm.native-image", ci.getId()); ci = instSequence.get(2).getComponentInfo(); assertEquals("org.graalvm.ruby", ci.getId()); }
Checks that two same components on the commandline are merged, including their dependencies.
/** * Checks that two same components on the commandline are merged, including their dependencies. */
@Test public void testTwoSameComponentsCommandLineDeps() throws Exception { setupVersion("19.3-dev"); setupCatalog2("cataloginstallDeps.properties"); testTwoSameComponentsCommandLineDepsCommon(); }
Checks that two same components on the commandline are merged, including their dependencies.
/** * Checks that two same components on the commandline are merged, including their dependencies. */
@Test public void testTwoSameComponentsCommandLineDeps2() throws Exception { setupVersion("19.3-dev"); setupCatalog2("cataloginstallDeps2.properties"); testTwoSameComponentsCommandLineDepsCommon(); } private void testTwoSameComponentsCommandLineDepsCommon() throws Exception { paramIterable = new CatalogIterable(this, this); textParams.add("r"); textParams.add("r"); InstallCommand cmd = new InstallCommand(); cmd.init(this, withBundle(InstallCommand.class)); cmd.executionInit(); cmd.executeStep(cmd::prepareInstallation, false); cmd.executeStep(cmd::completeInstallers, false); List<Installer> instSequence = cmd.getInstallers(); assertEquals(2, instSequence.size()); ComponentInfo ci = instSequence.get(0).getComponentInfo(); assertEquals("org.graalvm.llvm-toolchain", ci.getId()); ci = instSequence.get(1).getComponentInfo(); assertEquals("org.graalvm.r", ci.getId()); } CatalogFactory catalogFactory = null; @Override public CatalogFactory getCatalogFactory() { if (catalogFactory == null) { return super.getCatalogFactory(); } else { return catalogFactory; } }
Checks that dependencies can be loaded from the same directory as the installed Component.
/** * Checks that dependencies can be loaded from the same directory as the installed Component. */
@Test public void testInstallDependencyFromSameDirectory() throws Exception { Path ruby193Source = dataFile("../repo/"); Path llvm193Source = dataFile("../repo/"); // they should be next to eah other assertEquals(ruby193Source.getParent(), llvm193Source.getParent()); files.add(ruby193Source.toFile()); setupVersion(""); // no external catalog downloader = new RemoteCatalogDownloader(this, this, (URL) null); downloader.addLocalChannelSource( new SoftwareChannelSource(ruby193Source.getParent().toFile().toURI().toString())); catalogFactory = new CatalogFactory() { @Override public ComponentCatalog createComponentCatalog(CommandInput input) { return new CatalogContents(CatalogInstallTest.this, downloader.getStorage(), input.getLocalRegistry()); } @Override public List<GraalEdition> listEditions(ComponentRegistry targetGraalVM) { return Collections.emptyList(); } }; FileIterable fit = new FileIterable(this, this); fit.setCatalogFactory(catalogFactory); paramIterable = fit; InstallCommand cmd = new InstallCommand(); cmd.init(this, withBundle(InstallCommand.class)); cmd.executionInit(); cmd.executeStep(cmd::prepareInstallation, false); assertFalse(cmd.getDependencies().isEmpty()); }
Tests, that a correct java version flavour gets selected if the catalog contains two flavours of the component in the requested version.
/** * Tests, that a correct java version flavour gets selected if the catalog contains two flavours * of the component in the requested version. */
@Test public void testInstallCorrectJavaVersion8() throws Exception { storage.graalInfo.put(CommonConstants.CAP_JAVA_VERSION, "8"); setupVersion(""); setupCatalog("catalogMultiFlavours.properties"); paramIterable = new CatalogIterable(this, this); textParams.add("ruby"); InstallCommand cmd = new InstallCommand(); cmd.init(this, withBundle(InstallCommand.class)); cmd.executionInit(); cmd.executeStep(cmd::prepareInstallation, false); List<Installer> installers = cmd.getInstallers(); assertEquals(1, installers.size()); } @Test public void testInstallCorrectJavaVersion11() throws Exception { storage.graalInfo.put(CommonConstants.CAP_JAVA_VERSION, "11"); setupVersion(""); setupCatalog("catalogMultiFlavours.properties"); paramIterable = new CatalogIterable(this, this); textParams.add("ruby"); InstallCommand cmd = new InstallCommand(); cmd.init(this, withBundle(InstallCommand.class)); cmd.executionInit(); cmd.executeStep(cmd::prepareInstallation, false); List<Installer> installers = cmd.getInstallers(); assertEquals(1, installers.size()); } }