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package org.graalvm.component.installer.remote;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.PathMatcher;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.BundleConstants;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.CommandInput;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.Commands;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.ComponentCatalog;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.ComponentIterable;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.ComponentParam;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.FailedOperationException;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.Feedback;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.FileIterable;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.FileIterable.FileComponent;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.SystemUtils;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.UnknownVersionException;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.Version;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.model.ComponentInfo;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.persist.MetadataLoader;

Interprets installer arguments as entries from a catalog.
/** * Interprets installer arguments as entries from a catalog. * * @author sdedic */
public class CatalogIterable implements ComponentIterable { private final CommandInput input; private final Feedback feedback; private ComponentCatalog remoteRegistry; private boolean verifyJars; private boolean incompatible; public CatalogIterable(CommandInput input, Feedback feedback) { this.input = input; this.feedback = feedback.withBundle(CatalogIterable.class); } public boolean isVerifyJars() { return verifyJars; } @Override public void setVerifyJars(boolean verifyJars) { this.verifyJars = verifyJars; } @Override public Iterator<ComponentParam> iterator() { return new It(); } ComponentCatalog getRegistry() { if (remoteRegistry == null) { remoteRegistry = input.getCatalogFactory().createComponentCatalog(input); } return remoteRegistry; } @Override public ComponentIterable allowIncompatible() { incompatible = true; return this; } private Version.Match versionFilter; @Override public ComponentIterable matchVersion(Version.Match m) { this.versionFilter = m; return this; } private ComponentParam latest(String s, Collection<ComponentInfo> infos) { List<ComponentInfo> ordered = new ArrayList<>(infos); Collections.sort(ordered, ComponentInfo.reverseVersionComparator(input.getLocalRegistry().getManagementStorage())); boolean progress = input.optValue(Commands.OPTION_NO_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS) == null; return createComponentParam(s, ordered.get(0), progress); } private class It implements Iterator<ComponentParam> { private void thrownUnknown(String fname, boolean throwUnknown) { File f = new File(fname); if (f.exists() && f.isFile()) { throw feedback.failure("REMOTE_UnknownComponentMaybeFile", null, fname); } else if (throwUnknown) { throw feedback.failure("REMOTE_UnknownComponentId", null, fname); } } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return !expandedIds.isEmpty() || input.hasParameter(); } private List<String> expandId(String pattern, Version.Match vm) { // need to lowercase before passing to glob pattern: on UNIX, glob is case-sensitive, on // Windows it is not. Lowercase will unify. PathMatcher pm = FileSystems.getDefault().getPathMatcher("glob:" + pattern.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); // NOI18N Set<String> ids = new HashSet<>(getRegistry().getComponentIDs()); Map<ComponentInfo, String> abbreviatedIds = new HashMap<>(); for (String id : ids) { Collection<ComponentInfo> infos = getRegistry().loadComponents(id, Version.NO_VERSION.match(Version.Match.Type.GREATER), false); for (ComponentInfo info : infos) { abbreviatedIds.put(info, getRegistry().shortenComponentId(info)); } } // merge full IDs with unambiguous abbreviations. ids.addAll(abbreviatedIds.values()); if (ids.contains(pattern)) { // no wildcards, apparently return Collections.singletonList(pattern); } for (Iterator<String> it = ids.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String s = it.next().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); if (!pm.matches(SystemUtils.fromUserString(s))) { it.remove(); } } // translate back to components, to merge abbreviations and full Ids. Set<ComponentInfo> infos = new HashSet<>(); ids.forEach(s -> infos.add(getRegistry().findComponent(s, vm))); List<String> sorted = new ArrayList<>(); for (ComponentInfo ci : infos) { if (ci == null) { continue; } String ab = abbreviatedIds.get(ci); if (pm.matches(SystemUtils.fromUserString(ab))) { sorted.add(ab); } else { sorted.add(ci.getId()); } } Collections.sort(sorted); return sorted; }
The command line parameters expanded from wildcards.
/** * The command line parameters expanded from wildcards. */
private final List<String> expandedIds = new ArrayList<>(); @Override public ComponentParam next() { if (!expandedIds.isEmpty()) { return processParameter(expandedIds.remove(0)); } String s = input.nextParameter(); Version.Match[] m = new Version.Match[1]; String id = Version.idAndVersion(s, m); if (m[0].getType() == Version.Match.Type.MOSTRECENT && versionFilter != null) { m[0] = versionFilter; } List<String> expanded = expandId(id, m[0]); if (expanded.isEmpty()) { // just process it ;) return processParameter(s); } String suffix = s.substring(id.length()); for (String ei : expanded) { expandedIds.add(ei + suffix); } return processParameter(expandedIds.remove(0)); } private ComponentParam processParameter(String s) { ComponentInfo info; try { Version.Match[] m = new Version.Match[1]; String id = Version.idAndVersion(s, m); if (m[0].getType() == Version.Match.Type.MOSTRECENT && versionFilter != null) { m[0] = versionFilter; } try { info = getRegistry().findComponent(id, m[0]); } catch (UnknownVersionException ex) { // could not find anything to match the user version against if (ex.getCandidate() == null) { throw feedback.failure("REMOTE_NoSpecificVersion", ex, id, m[0].getVersion().displayString()); } else { throw feedback.failure("REMOTE_NoSpecificVersion2", ex, id, m[0].getVersion().displayString(), ex.getCandidate().displayString()); } } if (info == null) { // must be already initialized Version gv = input.getLocalRegistry().getGraalVersion(); Version.Match selector = gv.match(Version.Match.Type.INSTALLABLE); Collection<ComponentInfo> infos = getRegistry().loadComponents(id, selector, false); if (infos != null && !infos.isEmpty()) { if (incompatible) { return latest(s, infos); } String rvs = infos.iterator().next().getRequiredGraalValues().get(BundleConstants.GRAAL_VERSION); Version rv = Version.fromString(rvs); if (rv.compareTo(gv) > 0) { throw feedback.failure("REMOTE_UpgradeGraalVMCore", null, id, rvs); } if (m[0].getType() == Version.Match.Type.EXACT) { throw feedback.failure("REMOTE_NoSpecificVersion", null, id, m[0].getVersion().displayString()); } } // last try, catch obsolete components: infos = getRegistry().loadComponents(id, Version.NO_VERSION.match(Version.Match.Type.GREATER), false); if (infos != null && !infos.isEmpty()) { if (incompatible) { return latest(s, infos); } throw feedback.failure("REMOTE_IncompatibleComponentVersion", null, id); } thrownUnknown(s, true); } } catch (FailedOperationException ex) { thrownUnknown(s, false); throw ex; } boolean progress = input.optValue(Commands.OPTION_NO_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS) == null; return createComponentParam(s, info, progress); } } @Override public ComponentParam createParam(String cmdString, ComponentInfo info) { boolean progress = input.optValue(Commands.OPTION_NO_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS) == null; return createComponentParam(cmdString, info, progress); } protected ComponentParam createComponentParam(String cmdLineString, ComponentInfo info, boolean progress) { RemoteComponentParam param = new CatalogItemParam( getRegistry().getDownloadInterceptor(), info, info.getName(), cmdLineString, feedback, progress); param.setVerifyJars(verifyJars); return param; } public static class CatalogItemParam extends RemoteComponentParam { final ComponentCatalog.DownloadInterceptor configurer; public CatalogItemParam(ComponentCatalog.DownloadInterceptor conf, ComponentInfo catalogInfo, String dispName, String spec, Feedback feedback, boolean progress) { super(catalogInfo, dispName, spec, feedback, progress); this.configurer = conf; } @Override public MetadataLoader createMetaLoader() throws IOException { if (configurer == null) { return super.createMetaLoader(); } else { return configurer.interceptMetadataLoader(getCatalogInfo(), super.createMetaLoader()); } } @Override public FileDownloader configureRelatedDownloader(FileDownloader dn) { return configurer.processDownloader(getCatalogInfo(), dn); } @Override protected FileDownloader createDownloader() { FileDownloader d = super.createDownloader(); return configureRelatedDownloader(d); } @Override protected MetadataLoader metadataFromLocal(Path localFile) throws IOException { String serial = getCatalogInfo().getTag(); FileDownloader theDownloader = getDownloader(); if (serial == null || "".equals(serial)) { serial = theDownloader != null ? SystemUtils.fingerPrint(theDownloader.getReceivedDigest(), false) : null; } FileComponent fc = new FileIterable.FileComponent(localFile.toFile(), isVerifyJars(), serial, getFeedback()); return fc.createFileLoader(); } @Override public ComponentInfo completeMetadata() throws IOException { return createFileLoader().completeMetadata(); } } }