 * Copyright (c) 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
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package org.graalvm.component.installer.model;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.CommonConstants;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.ComponentCatalog;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.FailedOperationException;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.Feedback;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.Version;

/** * * @author sdedic */
public final class CatalogContents implements ComponentCatalog { private static final List<ComponentInfo> NONE = new ArrayList<>(); private final ComponentStorage storage; private final Feedback env; private final Map<String, List<ComponentInfo>> components = new HashMap<>(); private final Version graalVersion; private final ComponentRegistry installed; private final Verifier verifier; private final Verifier capVerifier; private final DownloadInterceptor downloadInterceptor; private boolean remoteEnabled = true;
Allows update to a newer distribution, not just patches. This will cause components from newer GraalVM distributions to be accepted, even though it means a reinstall. Normally just minor patches are accepted so the current component can be replaced.
/** * Allows update to a newer distribution, not just patches. This will cause components from * newer GraalVM distributions to be accepted, even though it means a reinstall. Normally just * minor patches are accepted so the current component can be replaced. */
private boolean allowDistUpdate; public CatalogContents(Feedback env, ComponentStorage storage, ComponentRegistry inst) { this(env, storage, inst, inst.getGraalVersion()); } public CatalogContents(Feedback env, ComponentStorage storage, ComponentRegistry inst, Version version) { this.storage = storage; this.env = env.withBundle(Feedback.class); this.verifier = new Verifier(env, inst, this); this.capVerifier = new Verifier(env, inst, this); this.graalVersion = version; this.installed = inst; verifier.ignoreExisting(true); verifier.setSilent(true); verifier.setCollectErrors(true); verifier.setVersionMatch(graalVersion.match(Version.Match.Type.SATISFIES)); // just verify required capabilities: capVerifier.ignoreExisting(true); capVerifier.setSilent(true); capVerifier.setCollectErrors(true); // ignore graal version, compare just the required capabilities. capVerifier.setVersionMatch(Version.NO_VERSION.match(Version.Match.Type.GREATER)); if (storage instanceof DownloadInterceptor) { this.downloadInterceptor = (DownloadInterceptor) storage; } else { this.downloadInterceptor = (a, b) -> b; } } public boolean compatibleVersion(ComponentInfo info) { // excludes components that depend on obsolete versions // excludes components that depend on if (verifier.validateRequirements(info).hasErrors()) { return false; } Version v = info.getVersion(); Version gv = graalVersion; if (allowDistUpdate) { return gv.updatable().compareTo(v.updatable()) <= 0; } else { Version giv = gv.installVersion(); Version civ = v.installVersion(); return giv.equals(civ); } } public void setRemoteEnabled(boolean remoteEnabled) { this.remoteEnabled = remoteEnabled; } @Override public boolean isRemoteEnabled() { return remoteEnabled; } private ComponentInfo compatibleComponent(List<ComponentInfo> cis, Version.Match versionSelect, boolean fallback) { if (cis == null) { return null; } ComponentInfo first = null; Version.Match vm = versionMatch(versionSelect, cis); boolean explicit = versionSelect != null && versionSelect.getType() != Version.Match.Type.MOSTRECENT; for (int i = cis.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ComponentInfo ci = cis.get(i); if (first == null) { first = ci; } Version v = ci.getVersion(); if (!vm.test(v)) { continue; } if (explicit || compatibleVersion(ci)) { return ci; } } return fallback ? first : null; }
Returns:True, if components from newer distributions are allowed.
/** * @return True, if components from newer distributions are allowed. */
@Override public boolean isAllowDistUpdate() { return allowDistUpdate; }
Enables components from newer distributions.
  • allowDistUpdate –
/** * Enables components from newer distributions. * * @param allowDistUpdate */
@Override public void setAllowDistUpdate(boolean allowDistUpdate) { this.allowDistUpdate = allowDistUpdate; } private Version.Match versionMatch(Version.Match m, List<ComponentInfo> infos) { if (m != null && m.getType() != Version.Match.Type.MOSTRECENT) { return resolveMatch(m, infos, env); } Version v = m == null ? graalVersion : m.getVersion(); if (v == Version.NO_VERSION) { v = graalVersion; } return v.match(allowDistUpdate ? Version.Match.Type.INSTALLABLE : Version.Match.Type.COMPATIBLE); } private static Version.Match resolveMatch(Version.Match vm, List<ComponentInfo> comps, Feedback f) { if (vm == null) { return null; } List<Version> vers = new ArrayList<>(comps.size()); for (ComponentInfo ci : comps) { vers.add(ci.getVersion()); } Collections.sort(vers); return vm.resolveWildcards(vers, f); } @Override public ComponentInfo findComponentMatch(String id, Version.Match vm, boolean exact) { if (id == null) { return null; } List<ComponentInfo> infos = doLoadComponents(id, false, exact); if (infos == null) { return null; } return compatibleComponent(infos, vm, false); } @Override public String shortenComponentId(ComponentInfo info) { String id = info.getId(); if (id.startsWith(CommonConstants.GRAALVM_CORE_PREFIX)) { int l = CommonConstants.GRAALVM_CORE_PREFIX.length(); if (id.length() == l) { return CommonConstants.GRAALVM_CORE_SHORT_ID; } if (id.charAt(l) != '.' && id.length() > l + 1) { return id; } String shortId = id.substring(l + 1); // special case: if the component is local, do not go to catalogs. if (info.getRemoteURL() == null) { return shortId; } try { Collection<ComponentInfo> regs = doLoadComponents(shortId, false, false); if (regs == null) { return shortId; } boolean success = true; for (ComponentInfo reg : regs) { if (!reg.getId().equals(id)) { success = false; break; } } if (success) { return shortId; } } catch (FailedOperationException ex) { // ambiguous, ignore } } return id; } @Override public Collection<String> getComponentIDs() { try { return storage.listComponentIDs(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw env.failure("REGISTRY_ReadingComponentList", ex, ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } } private String findAbbreviatedId(String id) { String candidate = null; String lcid = id.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); String end = "." + lcid; // NOI18N Collection<String> ids = getComponentIDs(); String ambiguous = null; for (String s : ids) { String lcs = s.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); if (lcs.equals(lcid)) { return s; } if (lcs.endsWith(end)) { if (candidate != null) { ambiguous = s; } else { candidate = s; } } } if (ambiguous != null) { throw env.failure("COMPONENT_AmbiguousIdFound", null, candidate, ambiguous); } return candidate; } @Override public Collection<ComponentInfo> loadComponents(String id, Version.Match vmatch, boolean filelist) { List<ComponentInfo> v = doLoadComponents(id, filelist, false); if (v == null) { return null; } if (vmatch.getType() == Version.Match.Type.MOSTRECENT) { ComponentInfo comp = compatibleComponent(v, versionMatch(vmatch, v), true); return comp == null ? Collections.emptyList() : Collections.singleton(comp); } Version.Match resolvedMatch = resolveMatch(vmatch, v, env); List<ComponentInfo> versions = new ArrayList<>(v); for (Iterator<ComponentInfo> it = versions.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { ComponentInfo cv = it.next(); if (!resolvedMatch.test(cv.getVersion())) { it.remove(); } } return versions; } private List<ComponentInfo> doLoadComponents(String id, boolean filelist, boolean exact) { String fid = exact ? id : findAbbreviatedId(id); if (fid == null) { return null; } List<ComponentInfo> v = components.get(fid); if (v == null) { try { Set<ComponentInfo> infos = storage.loadComponentMetadata(fid); if (infos == null || infos.isEmpty()) { components.put(fid, NONE); return null; } List<ComponentInfo> versions = new ArrayList<>(infos); for (Iterator<ComponentInfo> it = versions.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { ComponentInfo ci = it.next(); // skip components that require capabilities that we do not have. // Catalogs contain just "right" components, but in case someone will // mess up the content, or directory-based mess catalog, the filter is handy. if (capVerifier.validateRequirements(ci).hasErrors()) { it.remove(); } } Collections.sort(versions, ComponentInfo.versionComparator(installed.getManagementStorage())); if (filelist) { for (ComponentInfo ci : infos) { storage.loadComponentFiles(ci); } components.put(fid, versions); } v = versions; } catch (NoSuchFileException ex) { return null; } catch (IOException ex) { throw env.failure("REGISTRY_ReadingComponentMetadata", ex, id, ex.getLocalizedMessage(), fid); } } if (v == NONE) { return null; } return v; } @Override public ComponentInfo findComponentMatch(String id, Version.Match vmatch, boolean localOnly, boolean exact) { ComponentInfo ci = installed.loadSingleComponent(id, false); if (ci != null) { if (vmatch.test(ci.getVersion())) { return ci; } } if (localOnly) { return null; } return findComponentMatch(id, vmatch, exact); } @Override public Set<String> findDependencies(ComponentInfo start, boolean closure, Boolean inst, Set<ComponentInfo> result) { return findDependencies(start, closure, inst, result, this::findComponentMatch); } public interface ComponentQuery { ComponentInfo findComponent(String id, Version.Match vmatch, boolean localOnly, boolean exact); } public static Set<String> findDependencies(ComponentInfo start, boolean closure, Boolean inst, Set<ComponentInfo> result, ComponentQuery q) { Set<String> missing = new HashSet<>(); Set<String> known = new HashSet<>(); Deque<ComponentInfo> buffer = new ArrayDeque<>(); buffer.add(start); boolean localOnly = Boolean.TRUE.equals(inst); while (!buffer.isEmpty()) { ComponentInfo c = buffer.poll(); Version.Match vm = c.getVersion().match(Version.Match.Type.COMPATIBLE); for (String d : c.getDependencies()) { if (!known.add(d)) { continue; } ComponentInfo res = q.findComponent(d, vm, localOnly, true); if (res == null) { missing.add(d); } else { if (closure) { buffer.add(res); } if (inst == null || (inst == res.isInstalled())) { result.add(res); } } } } return missing.isEmpty() ? null : missing; } @Override public DownloadInterceptor getDownloadInterceptor() { return downloadInterceptor; } }