 * Copyright (c) 2013, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
 * person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
 * the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
 * (a) the Software, and
 * (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
 * one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
 * is contributed by such licensors),
 * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to copy, create
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 * This license is subject to the following condition:
 * The above copyright notice and either this complete permission notice or at a
 * minimum a reference to the UPL must be included in all copies or substantial
 * portions of the Software.
package com.oracle.truffle.object;

import static com.oracle.truffle.object.LayoutImpl.ACCESS;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.Objects;

import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerAsserts;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.object.DynamicObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.object.FinalLocationException;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.object.IncompatibleLocationException;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.object.Location;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.object.Property;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.object.Shape;

import sun.misc.Unsafe;

Property location.
See Also:
/** * Property location. * * @see Shape * @see Property */
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") abstract class CoreLocations { static final int LONG_FIELD_SLOT_SIZE = 1; static final int LONG_ARRAY_SLOT_SIZE = 2; static final int OBJECT_SLOT_SIZE = 1; static final int MAX_DYNAMIC_FIELDS = 1000; public interface TypedLocation extends com.oracle.truffle.api.object.TypedLocation { Class<?> getType(); } public interface ObjectLocation extends TypedLocation, com.oracle.truffle.api.object.ObjectLocation { Class<? extends Object> getType();
If true, this location does not accept null values.
/** * If {@code true}, this location does not accept {@code null} values. */
boolean isNonNull(); } public interface IntLocation extends TypedLocation, com.oracle.truffle.api.object.IntLocation { int getInt(DynamicObject store, boolean condition); void setInt(DynamicObject store, int value, boolean condition); default Class<Integer> getType() { return int.class; } // --- deprecated methods below --- @Override default int getInt(DynamicObject store, Shape shape) { return getInt(store, store.getShape() == shape); } @Override default void setInt(DynamicObject store, int value, Shape shape) throws FinalLocationException { setInt(store, value, store.getShape() == shape); } @Override default void setInt(DynamicObject store, int value) throws FinalLocationException { setInt(store, value, false); } @Override default void setInt(DynamicObject store, int value, Shape oldShape, Shape newShape) { ACCESS.growAndSetShape(store, oldShape, newShape); setInt(store, value, false); } } public interface LongLocation extends TypedLocation, com.oracle.truffle.api.object.LongLocation { long getLong(DynamicObject store, boolean condition); void setLong(DynamicObject store, long value, boolean condition); default Class<Long> getType() { return long.class; } boolean isImplicitCastIntToLong(); // --- deprecated methods below --- @Override default long getLong(DynamicObject store, Shape shape) { return getLong(store, store.getShape() == shape); } @Override default void setLong(DynamicObject store, long value, Shape shape) throws FinalLocationException { setLong(store, value, store.getShape() == shape); } @Override default void setLong(DynamicObject store, long value) throws FinalLocationException { setLong(store, value, false); } @Override default void setLong(DynamicObject store, long value, Shape oldShape, Shape newShape) { ACCESS.growAndSetShape(store, oldShape, newShape); setLong(store, value, false); } } public interface DoubleLocation extends TypedLocation, com.oracle.truffle.api.object.DoubleLocation { double getDouble(DynamicObject store, boolean condition); void setDouble(DynamicObject store, double value, boolean condition); default Class<Double> getType() { return double.class; } boolean isImplicitCastIntToDouble(); // --- deprecated methods below --- @Override default double getDouble(DynamicObject store, Shape shape) { return getDouble(store, store.getShape() == shape); } @Override default void setDouble(DynamicObject store, double value, Shape shape) throws FinalLocationException { setDouble(store, value, store.getShape() == shape); } @Override default void setDouble(DynamicObject store, double value) throws FinalLocationException { setDouble(store, value, false); } @Override default void setDouble(DynamicObject store, double value, Shape oldShape, Shape newShape) { ACCESS.growAndSetShape(store, oldShape, newShape); setDouble(store, value, false); } } public interface BooleanLocation extends TypedLocation, com.oracle.truffle.api.object.BooleanLocation { boolean getBoolean(DynamicObject store, boolean condition); void setBoolean(DynamicObject store, boolean value, boolean condition); default Class<Boolean> getType() { return boolean.class; } // --- deprecated methods below --- @Override default boolean getBoolean(DynamicObject store, Shape shape) { return getBoolean(store, store.getShape() == shape); } @Override default void setBoolean(DynamicObject store, boolean value, Shape shape) throws FinalLocationException { setBoolean(store, value, store.getShape() == shape); } @Override default void setBoolean(DynamicObject store, boolean value) throws FinalLocationException { setBoolean(store, value, false); } @Override default void setBoolean(DynamicObject store, boolean value, Shape oldShape, Shape newShape) { ACCESS.growAndSetShape(store, oldShape, newShape); setBoolean(store, value, false); } } public abstract static class ValueLocation extends CoreLocation { private final Object value; ValueLocation(Object value) { assert !(value instanceof Location); this.value = value; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = super.hashCode(); result = prime * result + ((value == null) ? 0 : 0 /* value.hashCode() */); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return super.equals(obj) && Objects.equals(value, ((ValueLocation) obj).value); } @Override public final Object get(DynamicObject store, boolean condition) { return value; } @Override public boolean canStore(Object val) { return valueEquals(this.value, val); } @Override public final void set(DynamicObject store, Object value, boolean condition) throws IncompatibleLocationException, FinalLocationException { if (!canStore(value)) { throw finalLocation(); } } @Override public final void setInternal(DynamicObject store, Object value, boolean condition) throws IncompatibleLocationException { if (!canStore(value)) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } @Override public String toString() { return "=" + String.valueOf(value); } @Override public final void accept(LocationVisitor locationVisitor) { } @Override public final boolean isValue() { return true; } } public static final class ConstantLocation extends ValueLocation { ConstantLocation(Object value) { super(value); } @Override public boolean isConstant() { return true; } } public static final class DeclaredLocation extends ValueLocation { DeclaredLocation(Object value) { super(value); } @Override public boolean isDeclared() { return true; } } public abstract static class ArrayLocation extends CoreLocation { protected final int index; protected final CoreLocation arrayLocation; protected ArrayLocation(int index, CoreLocation arrayLocation) { this.index = index; this.arrayLocation = arrayLocation; } protected final Object getArray(DynamicObject store, boolean condition) { // non-null cast return arrayLocation.get(store, condition); } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = super.hashCode(); result = prime * result + index; return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!super.equals(obj)) { return false; } ArrayLocation other = (ArrayLocation) obj; if (index != other.index) { return false; } return true; } public final int getIndex() { return index; } @Override public String getWhereString() { return "[" + index + "]"; } } public abstract static class FieldLocation extends CoreLocation { private final int index; protected FieldLocation(int index) { this.index = index; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = super.hashCode(); result = prime * result + index; return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!super.equals(obj)) { return false; } FieldLocation other = (FieldLocation) obj; if (index != other.index) { return false; } return true; } public final int getIndex() { return index; } @Override public String getWhereString() { return "@" + index; } public abstract Class<? extends DynamicObject> getDeclaringClass(); protected final void receiverCheck(DynamicObject store) { if (!getDeclaringClass().isInstance(store)) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); throw illegalReceiver(store); } } private IllegalArgumentException illegalReceiver(DynamicObject store) { CompilerAsserts.neverPartOfCompilation(); return new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Invalid receiver type (expected %s, was %s)", getDeclaringClass(), store == null ? null : store.getClass())); } } static class ObjectArrayLocation extends ArrayLocation implements ObjectLocation { protected ObjectArrayLocation(int index, CoreLocation arrayLocation) { super(index, arrayLocation); } @Override public Object get(DynamicObject store, boolean condition) { return ((Object[]) getArray(store, condition))[index]; } @Override public final void setInternal(DynamicObject store, Object value, boolean condition) { ((Object[]) getArray(store, condition))[index] = value; } @Override public boolean canStore(Object value) { return true; } public Class<? extends Object> getType() { return Object.class; } public final boolean isNonNull() { return false; } @Override public int objectArrayCount() { return OBJECT_SLOT_SIZE; } @Override public final void accept(LocationVisitor locationVisitor) { locationVisitor.visitObjectArray(index, OBJECT_SLOT_SIZE); } } public abstract static class SimpleObjectFieldLocation extends FieldLocation implements ObjectLocation { protected SimpleObjectFieldLocation(int index) { super(index); } @Override public abstract Object get(DynamicObject store, boolean condition); @Override public abstract void setInternal(DynamicObject store, Object value, boolean condition); @Override public boolean canStore(Object value) { return true; } public Class<? extends Object> getType() { return Object.class; } public boolean isNonNull() { return false; } @Override public int objectFieldCount() { return OBJECT_SLOT_SIZE; } @Override public final void accept(LocationVisitor locationVisitor) { locationVisitor.visitObjectField(getIndex(), OBJECT_SLOT_SIZE); } } static class LongArrayLocation extends ArrayLocation implements LongLocation { private static final Unsafe UNSAFE = getUnsafe(); private static final int ALIGN = LONG_ARRAY_SLOT_SIZE - 1; private static final long ARRAY_INT_BASE_OFFSET = UNSAFE.arrayBaseOffset(int[].class); private static final long ARRAY_INT_INDEX_SCALE = UNSAFE.arrayIndexScale(int[].class); protected final boolean allowInt; protected LongArrayLocation(int index, CoreLocation arrayLocation, boolean allowInt) { super(index, arrayLocation); this.allowInt = allowInt; } protected LongArrayLocation(int index, CoreLocation arrayLocation) { this(index, arrayLocation, false); } @Override public final Object get(DynamicObject store, boolean condition) { return getLong(store, condition); } @Override public final void setInternal(DynamicObject store, Object value, boolean condition) throws IncompatibleLocationException { if (canStore(value)) { setLongInternal(store, longValue(value)); } else { throw incompatibleLocation(); } } private long longValue(Object value) { if (!allowInt || value instanceof Long) { return ((Long) value).longValue(); } else { return ((Integer) value).longValue(); } } @Override public long getLong(DynamicObject store, boolean condition) { int[] array = (int[]) getArray(store, condition); return UNSAFE.getLong(array, getOffset(array)); } public final void setLongInternal(DynamicObject store, long value) { int[] array = (int[]) getArray(store, false); long offset = getOffset(array); UNSAFE.putLong(array, offset, value); } @Override public void setLong(DynamicObject store, long value, boolean condition) { setLongInternal(store, value); } @Override public final boolean canStore(Object value) { return value instanceof Long || (allowInt && value instanceof Integer); } public final Class<Long> getType() { return long.class; } @Override public int primitiveArrayCount() { return LONG_ARRAY_SLOT_SIZE; } @Override public final void accept(LocationVisitor locationVisitor) { locationVisitor.visitPrimitiveArray(getIndex(), LONG_ARRAY_SLOT_SIZE); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return super.equals(obj) && this.allowInt == ((LongArrayLocation) obj).allowInt; } @Override public boolean isImplicitCastIntToLong() { return allowInt; } protected final long getOffset(int[] array) { int idx = index; if (idx < 0 || idx >= array.length - ALIGN) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(idx); } return ARRAY_INT_BASE_OFFSET + ARRAY_INT_INDEX_SCALE * idx; } } public static LongLocation createLongLocation(LongLocation longLocation, boolean allowInt) { if ((!allowInt && (longLocation instanceof LongLocationDecorator)) || (longLocation instanceof LongLocationDecorator && ((LongLocationDecorator) longLocation).allowInt == allowInt)) { return longLocation; } else { return new LongLocationDecorator(longLocation, allowInt); } } static class LongLocationDecorator extends PrimitiveLocationDecorator implements LongLocation { protected final boolean allowInt; protected LongLocationDecorator(LongLocation longLocation, boolean allowInt) { super(longLocation); this.allowInt = allowInt; } @Override public final Object get(DynamicObject store, boolean condition) { return getLong(store, condition); } @Override public long getLong(DynamicObject store, boolean condition) { return super.getLongInternal(store, condition); } @Override public final void setInternal(DynamicObject store, Object value, boolean condition) throws IncompatibleLocationException { if (canStore(value)) { setLong(store, longValue(value), condition); } else { throw incompatibleLocation(); } } @Override public void setLong(DynamicObject store, long value, boolean condition) { super.setLongInternal(store, value, condition); } private long longValue(Object value) { if (!allowInt || value instanceof Long) { return ((Long) value).longValue(); } else { return ((Integer) value).longValue(); } } @Override public final boolean canStore(Object value) { return value instanceof Long || (allowInt && value instanceof Integer); } @Override public Class<Long> getType() { return long.class; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return super.equals(obj) && this.allowInt == ((LongLocationDecorator) obj).allowInt; } @Override public boolean isImplicitCastIntToLong() { return allowInt; } } public abstract static class SimpleLongFieldLocation extends FieldLocation implements LongLocation { protected SimpleLongFieldLocation(int index) { super(index); } @Override public final Object get(DynamicObject store, boolean condition) { return getLong(store, condition); } @Override public final void setInternal(DynamicObject store, Object value, boolean condition) throws IncompatibleLocationException { if (canStore(value)) { setLong(store, ((Long) value).longValue(), condition); } else { throw incompatibleLocation(); } } @Override public final boolean canStore(Object value) { return value instanceof Long; } @Override public abstract long getLong(DynamicObject store, boolean condition); @Override public final long getLong(DynamicObject store, Shape shape) { return getLong(store, checkShape(store, shape)); } @Override public abstract void setLong(DynamicObject store, long value, boolean condition); @Override public int primitiveFieldCount() { return LONG_FIELD_SLOT_SIZE; } @Override public final Class<Long> getType() { return long.class; } @Override public void accept(LocationVisitor locationVisitor) { locationVisitor.visitPrimitiveField(getIndex(), LONG_FIELD_SLOT_SIZE); } @Override public boolean isImplicitCastIntToLong() { return false; } } public abstract static class PrimitiveLocationDecorator extends CoreLocation { private final LongLocation longLocation; protected PrimitiveLocationDecorator(LongLocation longLocation) { this.longLocation = longLocation; } public final long getLongInternal(DynamicObject store, boolean condition) { return longLocation.getLong(store, condition); } public final void setLongInternal(DynamicObject store, long value, boolean condition) { longLocation.setLong(store, value, condition); } public final LongLocation getInternalLongLocation() { return longLocation; } @Override protected final LocationImpl getInternalLocation() { return (LocationImpl) longLocation; } @Override public final int primitiveFieldCount() { return ((LocationImpl) longLocation).primitiveFieldCount(); } @Override public final int primitiveArrayCount() { return ((LocationImpl) longLocation).primitiveArrayCount(); } @Override public final void accept(LocationVisitor locationVisitor) { ((LocationImpl) longLocation).accept(locationVisitor); } @Override public String getWhereString() { return ((LocationImpl) longLocation).getWhereString(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return super.equals(obj) && this.longLocation.equals(((PrimitiveLocationDecorator) obj).longLocation); } @Override public int hashCode() { return longLocation.hashCode(); } } static class IntLocationDecorator extends PrimitiveLocationDecorator implements IntLocation { protected IntLocationDecorator(LongLocation longLocation) { super(longLocation); } @Override public final Object get(DynamicObject store, boolean condition) { return getInt(store, condition); } @Override public int getInt(DynamicObject store, boolean condition) { return (int) getLongInternal(store, condition); } @Override public void setInt(DynamicObject store, int value, boolean condition) { setLongInternal(store, value, condition); } @Override public final void setInternal(DynamicObject store, Object value, boolean condition) throws IncompatibleLocationException { if (canStore(value)) { setLongInternal(store, (int) value, condition); } else { throw incompatibleLocation(); } } @Override public final int getInt(DynamicObject store, Shape shape) { return getInt(store, checkShape(store, shape)); } @Override public final boolean canStore(Object value) { return value instanceof Integer; } public Class<Integer> getType() { return int.class; } } static class DoubleLocationDecorator extends PrimitiveLocationDecorator implements DoubleLocation { private final boolean allowInt; protected DoubleLocationDecorator(LongLocation longLocation, boolean allowInt) { super(longLocation); this.allowInt = allowInt; } @Override public final Object get(DynamicObject store, boolean condition) { return getDouble(store, condition); } @Override public double getDouble(DynamicObject store, boolean condition) { return Double.longBitsToDouble(getLongInternal(store, condition)); } @Override public void setDouble(DynamicObject store, double value, boolean condition) { setLongInternal(store, Double.doubleToRawLongBits(value), condition); } @Override public final void setInternal(DynamicObject store, Object value, boolean condition) throws IncompatibleLocationException { if (canStore(value)) { setDouble(store, doubleValue(value), condition); } else { throw incompatibleLocation(); } } private double doubleValue(Object value) { if (!allowInt || value instanceof Double) { return ((Double) value).doubleValue(); } else { return ((Integer) value).doubleValue(); } } @Override public final double getDouble(DynamicObject store, Shape shape) { return getDouble(store, checkShape(store, shape)); } @Override public final boolean canStore(Object value) { return value instanceof Double || (allowInt && value instanceof Integer); } @Override public Class<Double> getType() { return double.class; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return super.equals(obj) && this.allowInt == ((DoubleLocationDecorator) obj).allowInt; } @Override public boolean isImplicitCastIntToDouble() { return allowInt; } } static class BooleanLocationDecorator extends PrimitiveLocationDecorator implements BooleanLocation { protected BooleanLocationDecorator(LongLocation longLocation) { super(longLocation); } @Override public final Object get(DynamicObject store, boolean condition) { return getBoolean(store, condition); } @Override public boolean getBoolean(DynamicObject store, boolean condition) { return getLongInternal(store, condition) != 0; } @Override public void setBoolean(DynamicObject store, boolean value, boolean condition) { setLongInternal(store, value ? 1 : 0, condition); } @Override public final void setInternal(DynamicObject store, Object value, boolean condition) throws IncompatibleLocationException { if (canStore(value)) { setBoolean(store, (boolean) value, condition); } else { throw incompatibleLocation(); } } @Override public final boolean getBoolean(DynamicObject store, Shape shape) { return getBoolean(store, checkShape(store, shape)); } @Override public final boolean canStore(Object value) { return value instanceof Boolean; } @Override public Class<Boolean> getType() { return boolean.class; } } static final SimpleObjectFieldLocation OBJECT_ARRAY_LOCATION; static final SimpleObjectFieldLocation PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_LOCATION; static long decodeLong(int lower, int upper) { return (lower & 0xffff_ffffL) | ((long) upper << 32); } static int lowerInt(long value) { return (int) value; } static int upperInt(long value) { return (int) (value >>> 32); } static final class DynamicObjectFieldLocation extends SimpleObjectFieldLocation { private final long offset; private final Class<? extends DynamicObject> tclass; private static final Unsafe UNSAFE = getUnsafe(); private DynamicObjectFieldLocation(int index, long offset, Class<? extends DynamicObject> declaringClass) { super(index); this.offset = offset; this.tclass = declaringClass; } DynamicObjectFieldLocation(int index, Field objectField) { this(index, UNSAFE.objectFieldOffset(objectField), objectField.getDeclaringClass().asSubclass(DynamicObject.class)); if (objectField.getType() != Object.class) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } @Override public Object get(DynamicObject store, boolean condition) { receiverCheck(store); return UNSAFE.getObject(store, offset); } @Override public void setInternal(DynamicObject store, Object value, boolean condition) { receiverCheck(store); UNSAFE.putObject(store, offset, value); } @Override public Class<? extends DynamicObject> getDeclaringClass() { return tclass; } } static final class DynamicLongFieldLocation extends SimpleLongFieldLocation {
Field offset.
/** Field offset. */
private final long offset;
DynamicObject subclass holding field.
/** {@link DynamicObject} subclass holding field. */
private final Class<? extends DynamicObject> tclass; private static final Unsafe UNSAFE = getUnsafe(); DynamicLongFieldLocation(int index, long offset, Class<? extends DynamicObject> declaringClass) { super(index); this.offset = offset; this.tclass = declaringClass; assert offset % Long.BYTES == 0; // must be aligned } @Override public long getLong(DynamicObject store, boolean condition) { receiverCheck(store); return UNSAFE.getLong(store, offset); } @Override public void setLong(DynamicObject store, long value, boolean condition) { receiverCheck(store); UNSAFE.putLong(store, offset, value); } @Override public Class<? extends DynamicObject> getDeclaringClass() { return tclass; } } static int getLocationOrdinal(CoreLocation loc) { LocationImpl internal = loc.getInternalLocation(); boolean isPrimitive = internal instanceof CoreLocations.LongLocation; if (internal instanceof CoreLocations.FieldLocation) { return (isPrimitive ? Integer.MIN_VALUE : 0) + ((CoreLocations.FieldLocation) internal).getIndex(); } else if (internal instanceof CoreLocations.ArrayLocation) { return (isPrimitive ? Integer.MIN_VALUE : 0) + MAX_DYNAMIC_FIELDS + ((CoreLocations.ArrayLocation) internal).getIndex(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(internal.getClass().getName()); } } static Unsafe getUnsafe() { try { return Unsafe.getUnsafe(); } catch (SecurityException e) { } try { Field theUnsafeInstance = Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe"); theUnsafeInstance.setAccessible(true); return (Unsafe) theUnsafeInstance.get(Unsafe.class); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("exception while trying to get Unsafe.theUnsafe via reflection:", e); } } static { int index = 0; OBJECT_ARRAY_LOCATION = new SimpleObjectFieldLocation(index++) { @Override public Object[] get(DynamicObject store, boolean condition) { return LayoutImpl.ACCESS.getObjectArray(store); } @Override public void setInternal(DynamicObject store, Object value, boolean condition) { LayoutImpl.ACCESS.setObjectArray(store, (Object[]) value); } @Override public Class<? extends DynamicObject> getDeclaringClass() { return DynamicObject.class; } }; PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_LOCATION = new SimpleObjectFieldLocation(index++) { @Override public int[] get(DynamicObject store, boolean condition) { return LayoutImpl.ACCESS.getPrimitiveArray(store); } @Override public void setInternal(DynamicObject store, Object value, boolean condition) { LayoutImpl.ACCESS.setPrimitiveArray(store, (int[]) value); } @Override public Class<? extends DynamicObject> getDeclaringClass() { return DynamicObject.class; } }; } }