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package com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes;

import java.util.Objects;

import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.CompilationFinal;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameDescriptor;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameSlot;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameSlotTypeException;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.VirtualFrame;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.BlockNode.ElementExecutor;

Represents a standard node for guest language blocks. Using standard blocks in a guest language is not strictly necessary, but recommended as it allows the optimizing runtime to split compilation of very big methods into multiple compilation units. Block nodes may be executed with a customizable argument to resume the execution at a particular location.

Elements are executed using the ElementExecutor provided when creating the block node. When a block is executed then all elements are executed using executeVoid except the last element which will be executed using the typed execute method also used to execute the block node. This allows to implement boxing elimination of the return value of blocks in the interpreter. For example, if executeInt is invoked on the block , then all elements except the last one is executed using executeVoid, but the last one with executeInt.

The optimizing runtime may decide to group elements of a block into multiple block compilation units. This may happen if the block is too big to be compiled with a single compilation unit. If the compilation final state of an element is changed, or a node is replaced only the compilation unit of the current block is invalidated and not all compilations units of a block. Therefore, no compilation final assumptions must be taken between elements of a block.

Simple Usage:

The following example shows how a language with untyped execute methods, but with blocks that return values would use the block node. LanguageBlockNode

Resumable Usage:

The following example shows how the block node can be used to implement resumable blocks, e.g. for generator implementations: ResumableBlockNode
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the type of the block element node
/** * Represents a standard node for guest language blocks. Using standard blocks in a guest language * is not strictly necessary, but recommended as it allows the optimizing runtime to split * compilation of very big methods into multiple compilation units. Block nodes may be executed with * a customizable argument to resume the execution at a particular location. * <p> * Elements are executed using the {@link ElementExecutor} provided when * {@link #create(Node[], ElementExecutor) creating} the block node. When a block is executed then * all elements are executed using {@link ElementExecutor#executeVoid(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int) * executeVoid} except the last element which will be executed using the typed execute method also * used to execute the block node. This allows to implement boxing elimination of the return value * of blocks in the interpreter. For example, if {@link #executeInt(VirtualFrame, int) executeInt} * is invoked on the block , then all elements except the last one is executed using * {@link ElementExecutor#executeVoid(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int) executeVoid}, but the last one * with {@link ElementExecutor#executeInt(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int) executeInt}. * <p> * The optimizing runtime may decide to group elements of a block into multiple block compilation * units. This may happen if the block is too big to be compiled with a single compilation unit. If * the compilation final state of an element is changed, or a node is replaced only the compilation * unit of the current block is invalidated and not all compilations units of a block. Therefore, no * compilation final assumptions must be taken between elements of a block. * <p> * <h3>Simple Usage:</h3> The following example shows how a language with untyped execute methods, * but with blocks that return values would use the block node. * {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.BlockNodeSnippets.LanguageBlockNode} * * <h3>Resumable Usage:</h3> The following example shows how the block node can be used to implement * resumable blocks, e.g. for generator implementations: * {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.BlockNodeSnippets.ResumableBlockNode} * * @param <T> the type of the block element node * @since 19.3 */
public abstract class BlockNode<T extends Node> extends Node {
Use when no argument is needed for the block node.
/** * Use when no argument is needed for the block node. * * @since 19.3 */
public static final int NO_ARGUMENT = 0; @Children private final T[] elements;
Internal constructor for implementations. Do not use.
/** * Internal constructor for implementations. Do not use. * * @since 19.3 */
protected BlockNode(T[] elements) { this.elements = elements; assert getClass().getName().equals("com.oracle.truffle.api.impl.DefaultBlockNode") || getClass().getName().equals("org.graalvm.compiler.truffle.runtime.OptimizedBlockNode") : "Custom block implementations are not allowed."; }
Executes the block and returns no value. The block implementation calls ElementExecutor.executeVoid(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int) for all elements of the block.
  • frame – the frame to execute the block in.
  • argument – a custom argument that is forwarded to the executor as is. If no argument is needed then NO_ARGUMENT should be used.
/** * Executes the block and returns no value. The block implementation calls * {@link ElementExecutor#executeVoid(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int)} for all elements of the * block. * * @param frame the frame to execute the block in. * @param argument a custom argument that is forwarded to the executor as is. If no argument is * needed then {@link BlockNode#NO_ARGUMENT} should be used. * @since 19.3 */
public abstract void executeVoid(VirtualFrame frame, int argument);
Executes the block and returns a generic value. The block implementation calls ElementExecutor.executeVoid(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int) for all elements of the block except the last element. The last element is executed using ElementExecutor.executeGeneric(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int).
  • frame – the frame to execute the block in.
  • argument – a custom value that is forwarded to the executor as is. If no argument is needed then NO_ARGUMENT should be used.
/** * Executes the block and returns a generic value. The block implementation calls * {@link ElementExecutor#executeVoid(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int)} for all elements of the * block except the last element. The last element is executed using * {@link ElementExecutor#executeGeneric(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int)}. * * @param frame the frame to execute the block in. * @param argument a custom value that is forwarded to the executor as is. If no argument is * needed then {@link BlockNode#NO_ARGUMENT} should be used. * @since 19.3 */
public abstract Object executeGeneric(VirtualFrame frame, int argument);
Executes the block and returns a byte value. The block implementation calls ElementExecutor.executeVoid(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int) for all elements of the block except the last element. The last element is executed using ElementExecutor.executeByte(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int).
  • frame – the frame to execute the block in.
  • argument – a custom value that is forwarded to the executor as is. If no argument is needed then NO_ARGUMENT should be used.
/** * Executes the block and returns a byte value. The block implementation calls * {@link ElementExecutor#executeVoid(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int)} for all elements of the * block except the last element. The last element is executed using * {@link ElementExecutor#executeByte(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int)}. * * @param frame the frame to execute the block in. * @param argument a custom value that is forwarded to the executor as is. If no argument is * needed then {@link BlockNode#NO_ARGUMENT} should be used. * @since 19.3 */
public abstract byte executeByte(VirtualFrame frame, int argument) throws UnexpectedResultException;
Executes the block and returns a short value. The block implementation calls ElementExecutor.executeVoid(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int) for all elements of the block except the last element. The last element is executed using ElementExecutor.executeShort(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int).
  • frame – the frame to execute the block in.
  • argument – a custom value that is forwarded to the executor as is. If no argument is needed then NO_ARGUMENT should be used.
/** * Executes the block and returns a short value. The block implementation calls * {@link ElementExecutor#executeVoid(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int)} for all elements of the * block except the last element. The last element is executed using * {@link ElementExecutor#executeShort(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int)}. * * @param frame the frame to execute the block in. * @param argument a custom value that is forwarded to the executor as is. If no argument is * needed then {@link BlockNode#NO_ARGUMENT} should be used. * @since 19.3 */
public abstract short executeShort(VirtualFrame frame, int argument) throws UnexpectedResultException;
Executes the block and returns an int value. The block implementation calls ElementExecutor.executeVoid(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int) for all elements of the block except the last element. The last element is executed using ElementExecutor.executeInt(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int).
  • frame – the frame to execute the block in.
  • argument – a custom value that is forwarded to the executor as is. If no argument is needed then NO_ARGUMENT should be used.
/** * Executes the block and returns an int value. The block implementation calls * {@link ElementExecutor#executeVoid(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int)} for all elements of the * block except the last element. The last element is executed using * {@link ElementExecutor#executeInt(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int)}. * * @param frame the frame to execute the block in. * @param argument a custom value that is forwarded to the executor as is. If no argument is * needed then {@link BlockNode#NO_ARGUMENT} should be used. * @since 19.3 */
public abstract int executeInt(VirtualFrame frame, int argument) throws UnexpectedResultException;
Executes the block and returns a char value. The block implementation calls ElementExecutor.executeVoid(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int) for all elements of the block except the last element. The last element is executed using ElementExecutor.executeChar(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int).
  • frame – the frame to execute the block in.
  • argument – a custom value that is forwarded to the executor as is. If no argument is needed then NO_ARGUMENT should be used.
/** * Executes the block and returns a char value. The block implementation calls * {@link ElementExecutor#executeVoid(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int)} for all elements of the * block except the last element. The last element is executed using * {@link ElementExecutor#executeChar(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int)}. * * @param frame the frame to execute the block in. * @param argument a custom value that is forwarded to the executor as is. If no argument is * needed then {@link BlockNode#NO_ARGUMENT} should be used. * @since 19.3 */
public abstract char executeChar(VirtualFrame frame, int argument) throws UnexpectedResultException;
Executes the block and returns a float value. The block implementation calls ElementExecutor.executeVoid(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int) for all elements of the block except the last element. The last element is executed using ElementExecutor.executeFloat(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int).
  • frame – the frame to execute the block in.
  • argument – a custom value that is forwarded to the executor as is. If no argument is needed then NO_ARGUMENT should be used.
/** * Executes the block and returns a float value. The block implementation calls * {@link ElementExecutor#executeVoid(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int)} for all elements of the * block except the last element. The last element is executed using * {@link ElementExecutor#executeFloat(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int)}. * * @param frame the frame to execute the block in. * @param argument a custom value that is forwarded to the executor as is. If no argument is * needed then {@link BlockNode#NO_ARGUMENT} should be used. * @since 19.3 */
public abstract float executeFloat(VirtualFrame frame, int argument) throws UnexpectedResultException;
Executes the block and returns a double value. The block implementation calls ElementExecutor.executeVoid(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int) for all elements of the block except the last element. The last element is executed using ElementExecutor.executeDouble(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int).
  • frame – the frame to execute the block in.
  • argument – a custom value that is forwarded to the executor as is. If no argument is needed then NO_ARGUMENT should be used.
/** * Executes the block and returns a double value. The block implementation calls * {@link ElementExecutor#executeVoid(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int)} for all elements of the * block except the last element. The last element is executed using * {@link ElementExecutor#executeDouble(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int)}. * * @param frame the frame to execute the block in. * @param argument a custom value that is forwarded to the executor as is. If no argument is * needed then {@link BlockNode#NO_ARGUMENT} should be used. * @since 19.3 */
public abstract double executeDouble(VirtualFrame frame, int argument) throws UnexpectedResultException;
Executes the block and returns a long value. The block implementation calls ElementExecutor.executeVoid(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int) for all elements of the block except the last element. The last element is executed using ElementExecutor.executeLong(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int).
  • frame – the frame to execute the block in.
  • argument – a custom value that is forwarded to the executor as is. If no argument is needed then NO_ARGUMENT should be used.
/** * Executes the block and returns a long value. The block implementation calls * {@link ElementExecutor#executeVoid(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int)} for all elements of the * block except the last element. The last element is executed using * {@link ElementExecutor#executeLong(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int)}. * * @param frame the frame to execute the block in. * @param argument a custom value that is forwarded to the executor as is. If no argument is * needed then {@link BlockNode#NO_ARGUMENT} should be used. * @since 19.3 */
public abstract long executeLong(VirtualFrame frame, int argument) throws UnexpectedResultException;
Executes the block and returns a boolean value. The block implementation calls ElementExecutor.executeVoid(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int) for all elements of the block except the last element. The last element is executed using ElementExecutor.executeBoolean(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int).
  • frame – the frame to execute the block in.
  • argument – a custom value that is forwarded to the executor as is. If no argument is needed then NO_ARGUMENT should be used.
/** * Executes the block and returns a boolean value. The block implementation calls * {@link ElementExecutor#executeVoid(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int)} for all elements of the * block except the last element. The last element is executed using * {@link ElementExecutor#executeBoolean(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int)}. * * @param frame the frame to execute the block in. * @param argument a custom value that is forwarded to the executor as is. If no argument is * needed then {@link BlockNode#NO_ARGUMENT} should be used. * @since 19.3 */
public abstract boolean executeBoolean(VirtualFrame frame, int argument) throws UnexpectedResultException;
Returns the elements of the block node. Elements of block nodes are provided using create(Node[], ElementExecutor<Node>).
/** * Returns the elements of the block node. Elements of block nodes are provided using * {@link #create(Node[], ElementExecutor)}. * * @since 19.3 */
public final T[] getElements() { return elements; }
Block nodes always have NodeCost.NONE. {@inheritDoc}
/** * Block nodes always have {@link NodeCost#NONE}. * * {@inheritDoc} * * @since 19.3 */
@Override public final NodeCost getCost() { return NodeCost.NONE; }
Creates a new block node. The elements array of the block node must not be empty or an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. Elements of a block must at least extend Node. An executor must be provided that allows the block node implementation to execute the block elements. The executor must not be null.
/** * Creates a new block node. The elements array of the block node must not be empty or an * {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown. Elements of a block must at least extend * {@link Node}. An executor must be provided that allows the block node implementation to * execute the block elements. The executor must not be <code>null</code>. * * @since 19.3 */
public static <T extends Node> BlockNode<T> create(T[] elements, ElementExecutor<T> executor) { Objects.requireNonNull(elements); Objects.requireNonNull(executor); if (elements.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty blocks are not allowed."); } return NodeAccessor.RUNTIME.createBlockNode(elements, executor); }
Represents a contract how block element nodes can be executed. Designed for the block node only.
See Also:
  • BlockNode
/** * Represents a contract how block element nodes can be executed. Designed for the block node * only. * * @see BlockNode * @since 19.3 */
public interface ElementExecutor<T extends Node> {
Executes the block node element without expecting any return value.
/** * Executes the block node element without expecting any return value. * * @since 19.3 */
void executeVoid(VirtualFrame frame, T node, int index, int argument);
Executes the block node element and expects a generic value. This method is used for the last element of the block, to provide a value to the block execute method. Forwards to executeVoid(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int) by default.
/** * Executes the block node element and expects a generic value. This method is used for the * last element of the block, to provide a value to the block execute method. Forwards to * {@link #executeVoid(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int)} by default. * * @since 19.3 */
default Object executeGeneric(VirtualFrame frame, T node, int index, int argument) { executeVoid(frame, node, index, argument); return null; }
Executes the block node element and expects a boolean value. This method is used for the last element of the block, to provide a value to the block execute method. Forwards to executeGeneric(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int) by default and throws an UnexpectedResultException if the value is not a boolean.
/** * Executes the block node element and expects a boolean value. This method is used for the * last element of the block, to provide a value to the block execute method. Forwards to * {@link #executeGeneric(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int)} by default and throws an * {@link UnexpectedResultException} if the value is not a boolean. * * @since 19.3 */
default boolean executeBoolean(VirtualFrame frame, T node, int index, int argument) throws UnexpectedResultException { Object result = executeGeneric(frame, node, index, argument); if (result instanceof Boolean) { return (boolean) result; } throw new UnexpectedResultException(result); }
Executes the block node element and expects a byte value. This method is used for the last element of the block, to provide a value to the block execute method. Forwards to executeGeneric(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int) by default and throws an UnexpectedResultException if the value is not a byte.
/** * Executes the block node element and expects a byte value. This method is used for the * last element of the block, to provide a value to the block execute method. Forwards to * {@link #executeGeneric(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int)} by default and throws an * {@link UnexpectedResultException} if the value is not a byte. * * @since 19.3 */
default byte executeByte(VirtualFrame frame, T node, int index, int argument) throws UnexpectedResultException { Object result = executeGeneric(frame, node, index, argument); if (result instanceof Byte) { return (byte) result; } throw new UnexpectedResultException(result); }
Executes the block node element and expects a short value. This method is used for the last element of the block, to provide a value to the block execute method. Forwards to executeGeneric(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int) by default and throws an UnexpectedResultException if the value is not a short.
/** * Executes the block node element and expects a short value. This method is used for the * last element of the block, to provide a value to the block execute method. Forwards to * {@link #executeGeneric(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int)} by default and throws an * {@link UnexpectedResultException} if the value is not a short. * * @since 19.3 */
default short executeShort(VirtualFrame frame, T node, int index, int argument) throws UnexpectedResultException { Object result = executeGeneric(frame, node, index, argument); if (result instanceof Short) { return (short) result; } throw new UnexpectedResultException(result); }
Executes the block node element and expects a char value. This method is used for the last element of the block, to provide a value to the block execute method. Forwards to executeGeneric(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int) by default and throws an UnexpectedResultException if the value is not a char.
/** * Executes the block node element and expects a char value. This method is used for the * last element of the block, to provide a value to the block execute method. Forwards to * {@link #executeGeneric(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int)} by default and throws an * {@link UnexpectedResultException} if the value is not a char. * * @since 19.3 */
default char executeChar(VirtualFrame frame, T node, int index, int argument) throws UnexpectedResultException { Object result = executeGeneric(frame, node, index, argument); if (result instanceof Character) { return (char) result; } throw new UnexpectedResultException(result); }
Executes the block node element and expects an int value. This method is used for the last element of the block, to provide a value to the block execute method. Forwards to executeGeneric(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int) by default and throws an UnexpectedResultException if the value is not an int.
/** * Executes the block node element and expects an int value. This method is used for the * last element of the block, to provide a value to the block execute method. Forwards to * {@link #executeGeneric(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int)} by default and throws an * {@link UnexpectedResultException} if the value is not an int. * * @since 19.3 */
default int executeInt(VirtualFrame frame, T node, int index, int argument) throws UnexpectedResultException { Object result = executeGeneric(frame, node, index, argument); if (result instanceof Integer) { return (int) result; } throw new UnexpectedResultException(result); }
Executes the block node element and expects a long value. This method is used for the last element of the block, to provide a value to the block execute method. Forwards to executeGeneric(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int) by default and throws an UnexpectedResultException if the value is not a long.
/** * Executes the block node element and expects a long value. This method is used for the * last element of the block, to provide a value to the block execute method. Forwards to * {@link #executeGeneric(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int)} by default and throws an * {@link UnexpectedResultException} if the value is not a long. * * @since 19.3 */
default long executeLong(VirtualFrame frame, T node, int index, int argument) throws UnexpectedResultException { Object result = executeGeneric(frame, node, index, argument); if (result instanceof Long) { return (long) result; } throw new UnexpectedResultException(result); }
Executes the block node element and expects a float value. This method is used for the last element of the block, to provide a value to the block execute method. Forwards to executeGeneric(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int) by default and throws an UnexpectedResultException if the value is not a float.
/** * Executes the block node element and expects a float value. This method is used for the * last element of the block, to provide a value to the block execute method. Forwards to * {@link #executeGeneric(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int)} by default and throws an * {@link UnexpectedResultException} if the value is not a float. * * @since 19.3 */
default float executeFloat(VirtualFrame frame, T node, int index, int argument) throws UnexpectedResultException { Object result = executeGeneric(frame, node, index, argument); if (result instanceof Float) { return (float) result; } throw new UnexpectedResultException(result); }
Executes the block node element and expects a double value. This method is used for the last element of the block, to provide a value to the block execute method. Forwards to executeGeneric(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int) by default and throws an UnexpectedResultException if the value is not a double.
/** * Executes the block node element and expects a double value. This method is used for the * last element of the block, to provide a value to the block execute method. Forwards to * {@link #executeGeneric(VirtualFrame, Node, int, int)} by default and throws an * {@link UnexpectedResultException} if the value is not a double. * * @since 19.3 */
default double executeDouble(VirtualFrame frame, T node, int index, int argument) throws UnexpectedResultException { Object result = executeGeneric(frame, node, index, argument); if (result instanceof Double) { return (double) result; } throw new UnexpectedResultException(result); } } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") class BlockNodeSnippets { // BEGIN: com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.BlockNodeSnippets.LanguageBlockNode // language base node abstract class LanguageNode extends Node { public abstract Object execute(VirtualFrame frame); } final class LanguageBlockNode extends LanguageNode implements ElementExecutor<LanguageNode> { @Child private BlockNode<LanguageNode> block; LanguageBlockNode(LanguageNode[] elements) { this.block = BlockNode.create(elements, this); } @Override public void executeVoid(VirtualFrame frame, LanguageNode node, int index, int arg) { node.execute(frame); } @Override public Object executeGeneric(VirtualFrame frame, LanguageNode node, int index, int arg) { return node.execute(frame); } @Override public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { return block.executeGeneric(frame, 0); } } // END: com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.BlockNodeSnippets.LanguageBlockNode // BEGIN: com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.BlockNodeSnippets.ResumableBlockNode final class YieldException extends ControlFlowException { final Object result; YieldException(Object result) { this.result = result; } } final class ResumableBlockNode extends LanguageNode implements ElementExecutor<LanguageNode> { @CompilationFinal private FrameSlot indexSlot; @Child private BlockNode<LanguageNode> block; ResumableBlockNode(LanguageNode[] elements) { this.block = BlockNode.create(elements, this); } @Override public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { frame.setInt(getIndexSlot(), 0); return block.executeGeneric(frame, 0); } // Called if the resumable block needs to be // resumed later on after a yield. public void resume(VirtualFrame frame) { getIndexSlot(); int startIndex; try { startIndex = frame.getInt(getIndexSlot()); } catch (FrameSlotTypeException e) { // should not happen because the first time // the block must be called using execute throw new AssertionError(); } block.executeGeneric(frame, startIndex); } @Override public void executeVoid(VirtualFrame frame, LanguageNode node, int elementIndex, int startIndex) { executeGeneric(frame, node, elementIndex, startIndex); } @Override public Object executeGeneric(VirtualFrame frame, LanguageNode node, int elementIndex, int startIndex) { if (elementIndex >= startIndex) { try { return node.execute(frame); } catch (YieldException e) { // store index to be able to resume later frame.setInt(getIndexSlot(), elementIndex); return e.result; } } else { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); throw new AssertionError("Invalid start index"); } } private FrameSlot getIndexSlot() { FrameSlot slot = this.indexSlot; if (slot == null) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); FrameDescriptor fd = getRootNode().getFrameDescriptor(); this.indexSlot = slot = fd.findOrAddFrameSlot(this); } return slot; } } // END: com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.BlockNodeSnippets.ResumableBlockNode }