 * Copyright (c) 2014, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.
package com.oracle.svm.hosted.substitute;

import static com.oracle.svm.core.SubstrateOptions.VerifyNamingConventions;
import static com.oracle.svm.core.util.UserError.guarantee;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Executable;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.function.BooleanSupplier;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

import org.graalvm.nativeimage.ImageSingletons;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.Platform;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.Platforms;

import com.oracle.graal.pointsto.BigBang;
import com.oracle.graal.pointsto.infrastructure.SubstitutionProcessor;
import com.oracle.graal.pointsto.meta.AnalysisField;
import com.oracle.graal.pointsto.meta.AnalysisType;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.Alias;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.AnnotateOriginal;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.Delete;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.Inject;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.InjectAccessors;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.KeepOriginal;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.RecomputeFieldValue;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.RecomputeFieldValue.Kind;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.Substitute;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.TargetClass;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.TargetElement;
import com.oracle.svm.core.option.SubstrateOptionsParser;
import com.oracle.svm.core.util.UserError;
import com.oracle.svm.core.util.VMError;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.ImageClassLoader;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.NativeImageGenerator;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.NativeImageOptions;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.annotation.AnnotationSubstitutionType;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.annotation.CustomSubstitutionMethod;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.classinitialization.ClassInitializationSupport;
import com.oracle.svm.util.ReflectionUtil;
import com.oracle.svm.util.ReflectionUtil.ReflectionUtilError;

import jdk.vm.ci.common.NativeImageReinitialize;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.MetaAccessProvider;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaField;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaMethod;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaType;

public class AnnotationSubstitutionProcessor extends SubstitutionProcessor {

     * The number of array dimensions we create for substitute and alias types. Since every type
     * introduced into the system brings some overhead, we only create up to a reasonable array
     * dimension.
    private static final int ARRAY_DIMENSIONS = 8;

    protected final ImageClassLoader imageClassLoader;
    protected final MetaAccessProvider metaAccess;

    private final Map<Object, Delete> deleteAnnotations;
    private final Map<ResolvedJavaType, ResolvedJavaType> typeSubstitutions;
    private final Map<ResolvedJavaMethod, ResolvedJavaMethod> methodSubstitutions;
    private final Map<ResolvedJavaMethod, ResolvedJavaMethod> polymorphicMethodSubstitutions;
    private final Map<ResolvedJavaField, ResolvedJavaField> fieldSubstitutions;
    private ClassInitializationSupport classInitializationSupport;

    public AnnotationSubstitutionProcessor(ImageClassLoader imageClassLoader, MetaAccessProvider metaAccess, ClassInitializationSupport classInitializationSupport) {
        this.imageClassLoader = imageClassLoader;
        this.metaAccess = metaAccess;
        this.classInitializationSupport = classInitializationSupport;

        deleteAnnotations = new HashMap<>();
        typeSubstitutions = new HashMap<>();
        methodSubstitutions = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
        polymorphicMethodSubstitutions = new HashMap<>();
        fieldSubstitutions = new HashMap<>();

    public ResolvedJavaType lookup(ResolvedJavaType type) {
        Delete deleteAnnotation = deleteAnnotations.get(type);
        if (deleteAnnotation != null) {
            throw new DeletedElementException(deleteErrorMessage(type, deleteAnnotation, true));
        ResolvedJavaType substitution = typeSubstitutions.get(type);
        if (substitution != null) {
            return substitution;
        return type;

    public ResolvedJavaType resolve(ResolvedJavaType type) {
        if (type instanceof SubstitutionType) {
            return ((SubstitutionType) type).getAnnotated();
        } else if (type instanceof AnnotationSubstitutionType) {
            return ((AnnotationSubstitutionType) type).getOriginal();
        } else if (type instanceof InjectedFieldsType) {
            return ((InjectedFieldsType) type).getOriginal();
        return type;

    public ResolvedJavaField lookup(ResolvedJavaField field) {
        Delete deleteAnnotation = deleteAnnotations.get(field);
        if (deleteAnnotation != null) {
            throw new DeletedElementException(deleteErrorMessage(field, deleteAnnotation, true));
        ResolvedJavaField substitution = fieldSubstitutions.get(field);
        if (substitution != null) {
            return substitution;
        return field;

    public boolean isDeleted(ResolvedJavaField field) {
        return deleteAnnotations.get(field) != null;

    public boolean isDeleted(Class<?> clazz) {
        return deleteAnnotations.containsKey(metaAccess.lookupJavaType(clazz));

    public Optional<ResolvedJavaField> findSubstitution(ResolvedJavaField field) {
        assert !isDeleted(field) : "Field " + field.format("%H.%n") + "is deleted.";
        return Optional.ofNullable(fieldSubstitutions.get(field));

    public Optional<ResolvedJavaType> findSubstitution(ResolvedJavaType type) {
         * When a type is substituted there is a mapping from the original type to the substitution
         * type (and another mapping from the annotated type to the substitution type).
        return Optional.ofNullable(typeSubstitutions.get(type));

    public boolean isAliased(ResolvedJavaType type) {
         * When a type is aliased there is a mapping from the alias type to the original type. There
         * is no mapping from the original type to the annotated type since that would be wrong, the
         * original type is not substituted by the annotated type.
        return typeSubstitutions.containsValue(type);

    public ResolvedJavaMethod lookup(ResolvedJavaMethod method) {
        Delete deleteAnnotation = deleteAnnotations.get(method);
        if (deleteAnnotation != null) {
            throw new DeletedElementException(deleteErrorMessage(method, deleteAnnotation, true));
        ResolvedJavaMethod substitution = methodSubstitutions.get(method);
        if (substitution != null) {
            return substitution;
        for (ResolvedJavaMethod baseMethod : polymorphicMethodSubstitutions.keySet()) {
            if (method.getDeclaringClass().equals(baseMethod.getDeclaringClass()) && method.getName().equals(baseMethod.getName())) {
                SubstitutionMethod substitutionBaseMethod = (SubstitutionMethod) polymorphicMethodSubstitutions.get(baseMethod);
                if (method.isVarArgs()) {
                     * The only version of the polymorphic method that has varargs is the base one.
                    return substitutionBaseMethod;

                PolymorphicSignatureWrapperMethod wrapperMethod = new PolymorphicSignatureWrapperMethod(substitutionBaseMethod, method);
                SubstitutionMethod substitutionMethod = new SubstitutionMethod(method, wrapperMethod);
                synchronized (methodSubstitutions) {
                     * It may happen that, during analysis, two threads are trying to register the
                     * same variant of a polymorphic method simultaneously. This check ensures that
                     * when this happens, the variant is registered only once and both lookups
                     * return the same substitution.
                    ResolvedJavaMethod currentSubstitution = methodSubstitutions.get(method);
                    if (currentSubstitution != null) {
                        return currentSubstitution;
                    register(methodSubstitutions, wrapperMethod, method, substitutionMethod);

                return substitutionMethod;
        return method;

    public ResolvedJavaMethod resolve(ResolvedJavaMethod method) {
        if (method instanceof SubstitutionMethod) {
            return ((SubstitutionMethod) method).getOriginal();
        } else if (method instanceof CustomSubstitutionMethod) {
            return ((CustomSubstitutionMethod) method).getOriginal();
        } else if (method instanceof AnnotatedMethod) {
            return ((AnnotatedMethod) method).getOriginal();
        return method;

Eagerly register all target fields of recomputed value fields as unsafe accessed.
/** * Eagerly register all target fields of recomputed value fields as unsafe accessed. */
public void processComputedValueFields(BigBang bb) { for (ResolvedJavaField field : fieldSubstitutions.values()) { if (field instanceof ComputedValue) { ComputedValue cvField = (ComputedValue) field; switch (cvField.getRecomputeValueKind()) { case FieldOffset: AnalysisType targetFieldDeclaringType = bb.getMetaAccess().lookupJavaType(cvField.getTargetField().getDeclaringClass()); targetFieldDeclaringType.registerAsReachable(); AnalysisField targetField = bb.getMetaAccess().lookupJavaField(cvField.getTargetField()); targetField.registerAsAccessed(); targetField.registerAsUnsafeAccessed(bb.getUniverse()); break; } } } } public void init() { List<Class<?>> annotatedClasses = findTargetClasses(); /* Sort by name to make processing order predictable for debugging. */ annotatedClasses.sort(Comparator.comparing(Class::getName)); for (Class<?> annotatedClass : annotatedClasses) { handleClass(annotatedClass); } List<Field> annotatedFields = imageClassLoader.findAnnotatedFields(NativeImageReinitialize.class); for (Field annotatedField : annotatedFields) { reinitializeField(annotatedField); } } protected List<Class<?>> findTargetClasses() { return imageClassLoader.findAnnotatedClasses(TargetClass.class, false); } private void handleClass(Class<?> annotatedClass) { guarantee(Modifier.isFinal(annotatedClass.getModifiers()) || annotatedClass.isInterface(), "Annotated class must be final: %s", annotatedClass); guarantee(annotatedClass.getSuperclass() == Object.class || annotatedClass.isInterface(), "Annotated class must inherit directly from Object: %s", annotatedClass); if (!NativeImageGenerator.includedIn(ImageSingletons.lookup(Platform.class), lookupAnnotation(annotatedClass, Platforms.class))) { return; } TargetClass targetClassAnnotation = lookupAnnotation(annotatedClass, TargetClass.class); Class<?> originalClass = findTargetClass(annotatedClass, targetClassAnnotation); if (originalClass == null) { return; } /* * The annotatedClass is never used directly, i.e., never wrapped in an AnalysisType. So we * need to ensure manually here that its static initializer runs. */ classInitializationSupport.forceInitializeHosted(annotatedClass, "substitutions are always initialized", false); Delete deleteAnnotation = lookupAnnotation(annotatedClass, Delete.class); Substitute substituteAnnotation = lookupAnnotation(annotatedClass, Substitute.class); int numAnnotations = (deleteAnnotation != null ? 1 : 0) + (substituteAnnotation != null ? 1 : 0); guarantee(numAnnotations <= 1, "Only one of @Delete or @Substitute can be used: %s", annotatedClass); if (deleteAnnotation != null) { handleDeletedClass(originalClass, deleteAnnotation); } else if (substituteAnnotation != null) { handleSubstitutionClass(annotatedClass, originalClass); } else { handleAliasClass(annotatedClass, originalClass, targetClassAnnotation); } } private static String substitutionName(Class<?> originalClass) { return "Target_" + originalClass.getName().replace('.', '_').replace('$', '_'); } private void handleAliasClass(Class<?> annotatedClass, Class<?> originalClass, TargetClass targetClassAnnotation) { if (VerifyNamingConventions.getValue() && targetClassAnnotation.classNameProvider() == TargetClass.NoClassNameProvider.class) { String expectedName = substitutionName(originalClass); String actualName = annotatedClass.getSimpleName(); guarantee(actualName.equals(expectedName) || actualName.startsWith(expectedName + "_"), "Naming convention violation: %s must be named %s or %s_<suffix>", annotatedClass, expectedName, expectedName); } ResolvedJavaType original = metaAccess.lookupJavaType(originalClass); ResolvedJavaType annotated = metaAccess.lookupJavaType(annotatedClass); for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_DIMENSIONS; i++) { guarantee(!typeSubstitutions.containsKey(annotated), "Already registered: %s", annotated); typeSubstitutions.put(annotated, original); original = original.getArrayClass(); annotated = annotated.getArrayClass(); } for (Method annotatedMethod : annotatedClass.getDeclaredMethods()) { handleMethodInAliasClass(annotatedMethod, originalClass); } for (Constructor<?> annotatedMethod : annotatedClass.getDeclaredConstructors()) { handleMethodInAliasClass(annotatedMethod, originalClass); } for (Field annotatedField : annotatedClass.getDeclaredFields()) { handleFieldInAliasClass(annotatedField, originalClass); } } private void handleMethodInAliasClass(Executable annotatedMethod, Class<?> originalClass) { if (!NativeImageGenerator.includedIn(ImageSingletons.lookup(Platform.class), lookupAnnotation(annotatedMethod, Platforms.class))) { return; } Delete deleteAnnotation = lookupAnnotation(annotatedMethod, Delete.class); Substitute substituteAnnotation = lookupAnnotation(annotatedMethod, Substitute.class); AnnotateOriginal annotateOriginalAnnotation = lookupAnnotation(annotatedMethod, AnnotateOriginal.class); Alias aliasAnnotation = lookupAnnotation(annotatedMethod, Alias.class); int numAnnotations = (deleteAnnotation != null ? 1 : 0) + (substituteAnnotation != null ? 1 : 0) + (annotateOriginalAnnotation != null ? 1 : 0) + (aliasAnnotation != null ? 1 : 0); if (numAnnotations == 0) { guarantee(annotatedMethod instanceof Constructor, "One of @Delete, @Substitute, @AnnotateOriginal, or @Alias must be used: %s", annotatedMethod); return; } guarantee(numAnnotations == 1, "Only one of @Delete, @Substitute, @AnnotateOriginal, or @Alias can be used: %s", annotatedMethod); ResolvedJavaMethod annotated = metaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(annotatedMethod); ResolvedJavaMethod original = findOriginalMethod(annotatedMethod, originalClass); if (original == null) { /* Optional target that is not present, so nothing to do. */ } else if (deleteAnnotation != null) { registerAsDeleted(annotated, original, deleteAnnotation); } else if (substituteAnnotation != null) { SubstitutionMethod substitution = new SubstitutionMethod(original, annotated); if (substituteAnnotation.polymorphicSignature()) { register(polymorphicMethodSubstitutions, annotated, original, substitution); } register(methodSubstitutions, annotated, original, substitution); } else if (annotateOriginalAnnotation != null) { AnnotatedMethod substitution = new AnnotatedMethod(original, annotated); register(methodSubstitutions, annotated, original, substitution); } else if (aliasAnnotation != null) { register(methodSubstitutions, annotated, original, original); } } private void handleFieldInAliasClass(Field annotatedField, Class<?> originalClass) { if (!NativeImageGenerator.includedIn(ImageSingletons.lookup(Platform.class), lookupAnnotation(annotatedField, Platforms.class))) { return; } ResolvedJavaField annotated = metaAccess.lookupJavaField(annotatedField); Delete deleteAnnotation = lookupAnnotation(annotatedField, Delete.class); Alias aliasAnnotation = lookupAnnotation(annotatedField, Alias.class); Inject injectAnnotation = lookupAnnotation(annotatedField, Inject.class); int numAnnotations = (deleteAnnotation != null ? 1 : 0) + (aliasAnnotation != null ? 1 : 0) + (injectAnnotation != null ? 1 : 0); if (numAnnotations == 0) { guarantee(annotatedField.getName().equals("$assertionsDisabled"), "One of @Delete, @Alias, or @Inject must be used: %s", annotatedField); /* * The field $assertionsDisabled can be present in the original class, but does not have * to. We treat it like an optional @Alias fields without field value recomputation. */ ResolvedJavaField original = findOriginalField(annotatedField, originalClass, true); if (original != null) { register(fieldSubstitutions, annotated, null, original); } return; } guarantee(numAnnotations == 1, "Only one of @Delete, @Alias, or @Inject can be used: %s", annotatedField); if (injectAnnotation != null) { guarantee(!annotated.isStatic(), "@Inject field must not be static: %s", annotated); ResolvedJavaField injected = fieldValueRecomputation(originalClass, annotated, annotated, annotatedField); register(fieldSubstitutions, annotated, null, injected); ResolvedJavaType original = metaAccess.lookupJavaType(originalClass); InjectedFieldsType substitution; if (typeSubstitutions.get(original) instanceof InjectedFieldsType) { substitution = (InjectedFieldsType) typeSubstitutions.get(original); register(typeSubstitutions, annotated.getDeclaringClass(), original, substitution); } else { substitution = new InjectedFieldsType(original); register(typeSubstitutions, annotated.getDeclaringClass(), original, substitution); } substitution.addInjectedField(injected); } else { ResolvedJavaField original = findOriginalField(annotatedField, originalClass, false); if (original == null) { return; } guarantee(annotated.isStatic() == original.isStatic(), "Static modifier mismatch: %s, %s", annotated, original); guarantee(annotated.getJavaKind() == original.getJavaKind(), "Type mismatch: %s, %s", annotated, original); RecomputeFieldValue recomputeAnnotation = lookupAnnotation(annotatedField, RecomputeFieldValue.class); if (Modifier.isStatic(annotatedField.getModifiers()) && (recomputeAnnotation == null || recomputeAnnotation.kind() != RecomputeFieldValue.Kind.FromAlias)) { guarantee(hasDefaultValue(annotatedField), "The value assigned to a static @Alias field is ignored unless @RecomputeFieldValue with kind=FromAlias is used: %s", annotated); } guarantee(!Modifier.isFinal(annotatedField.getModifiers()), "The `final` modifier for the @Alias field is ignored and therefore misleading: %s", annotated); if (deleteAnnotation != null) { registerAsDeleted(annotated, original, deleteAnnotation); } else { ResolvedJavaField computedAlias = fieldValueRecomputation(originalClass, original, annotated, annotatedField); ResolvedJavaField existingAlias = fieldSubstitutions.get(original); ResolvedJavaField alias = computedAlias; if (existingAlias != null) { /* * Allow multiple @Alias definitions for the same field as long as only one of * them has a @RecomputeValueField annotation. */ if (computedAlias.equals(original)) { /* * The currently processed field does not have a @RecomputeValueField * annotation. Use whatever alias was registered previously. */ alias = existingAlias; } else if (existingAlias.equals(original)) { /* * The alias registered previously does not have a @RecomputeValueField * annotation. We need to patch the previous registration. But we do not * know which annotated field that was, so we need to iterate the whole * field substitution registry and look for the matching value. */ fieldSubstitutions.replaceAll((key, value) -> value.equals(existingAlias) ? computedAlias : value); } else { /* * Both the current and the previous registration have * a @RecomputeValueField annotation. We could now check if the * recomputation is exactly the same and allow that. But we have no use case * for this right now, so we do nothing and let the register() call below * report an error. */ } } register(fieldSubstitutions, annotated, original, alias); } } } private static boolean hasDefaultValue(Field annotatedField) { try { annotatedField.setAccessible(true); /* * We use the automatic widening of primitive types to reduce the number of different * types we have to distinguish here. */ if (!annotatedField.getType().isPrimitive()) { return annotatedField.get(null) == null; } else if (annotatedField.getType() == float.class || annotatedField.getType() == double.class) { return annotatedField.getDouble(null) == 0D; } else if (annotatedField.getType() == boolean.class) { return annotatedField.getBoolean(null) == false; } else { return annotatedField.getLong(null) == 0L; } } catch (ReflectiveOperationException ex) { throw VMError.shouldNotReachHere(ex); } } private void handleDeletedClass(Class<?> originalClass, Delete deleteAnnotation) { if (NativeImageOptions.ReportUnsupportedElementsAtRuntime.getValue()) { /* * We register all methods and fields as deleted. That still allows usage of the type in * type checks. */ for (Executable m : originalClass.getDeclaredMethods()) { ResolvedJavaMethod method = metaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(m); registerAsDeleted(null, method, deleteAnnotation); } for (Executable m : originalClass.getDeclaredConstructors()) { ResolvedJavaMethod method = metaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(m); registerAsDeleted(null, method, deleteAnnotation); } for (Field f : originalClass.getDeclaredFields()) { ResolvedJavaField field = metaAccess.lookupJavaField(f); registerAsDeleted(null, field, deleteAnnotation); } } else { deleteAnnotations.put(metaAccess.lookupJavaType(originalClass), deleteAnnotation); } } private void registerAsDeleted(ResolvedJavaMethod annotated, ResolvedJavaMethod original, Delete deleteAnnotation) { if (NativeImageOptions.ReportUnsupportedElementsAtRuntime.getValue()) { register(methodSubstitutions, annotated, original, new DeletedMethod(original, deleteAnnotation)); } else { deleteAnnotations.put(original, deleteAnnotation); deleteAnnotations.put(annotated, deleteAnnotation); } } private void registerAsDeleted(ResolvedJavaField annotated, ResolvedJavaField original, Delete deleteAnnotation) { if (NativeImageOptions.ReportUnsupportedElementsAtRuntime.getValue()) { register(fieldSubstitutions, annotated, original, new AnnotatedField(original, deleteAnnotation)); } else { deleteAnnotations.put(original, deleteAnnotation); deleteAnnotations.put(annotated, deleteAnnotation); } } @Delete("The declaring class of this element has been substituted, but this element is not present in the substitution class") // static final int SUBSTITUTION_DELETE_HOLDER = 0; static final Delete SUBSTITUTION_DELETE; static { try { SUBSTITUTION_DELETE = AnnotationSubstitutionProcessor.class.getDeclaredField("SUBSTITUTION_DELETE_HOLDER").getAnnotation(Delete.class); } catch (NoSuchFieldException ex) { throw VMError.shouldNotReachHere(ex); } } private void handleSubstitutionClass(Class<?> annotatedClass, Class<?> originalClass) { // Not sure what happens if the target class is in a hierarchy - so prohibit that for now. guarantee(annotatedClass.isInterface() == originalClass.isInterface(), "if original is interface, target must also be interface: %s", annotatedClass); guarantee(originalClass.getSuperclass() == Object.class || originalClass.isInterface(), "target class must inherit directly from Object: %s", originalClass); ResolvedJavaType original = metaAccess.lookupJavaType(originalClass); ResolvedJavaType annotated = metaAccess.lookupJavaType(annotatedClass); for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_DIMENSIONS; i++) { ResolvedJavaType substitution = new SubstitutionType(original, annotated); register(typeSubstitutions, annotated, original, substitution); original = original.getArrayClass(); annotated = annotated.getArrayClass(); } for (Method m : annotatedClass.getDeclaredMethods()) { handleAnnotatedMethodInSubstitutionClass(m, originalClass); } for (Constructor<?> c : annotatedClass.getDeclaredConstructors()) { handleAnnotatedMethodInSubstitutionClass(c, originalClass); } for (Method m : originalClass.getDeclaredMethods()) { handleOriginalMethodInSubstitutionClass(m); } for (Constructor<?> c : originalClass.getDeclaredConstructors()) { handleOriginalMethodInSubstitutionClass(c); } for (Field f : annotatedClass.getDeclaredFields()) { ResolvedJavaField field = metaAccess.lookupJavaField(f); ResolvedJavaField alias = fieldValueRecomputation(annotatedClass, field, field, f); if (!alias.equals(field)) { ResolvedJavaField originalField = findOriginalField(f, originalClass, true); guarantee(originalField == null || !(alias.isFinal() && !originalField.isFinal()), "a non-final field cannot be redeclared as final through substitution: %s", field); register(fieldSubstitutions, field, originalField, alias); } else { handleAnnotatedFieldInSubstitutionClass(f, originalClass); } } for (Field f : originalClass.getDeclaredFields()) { handleOriginalFieldInSubstitutionClass(f); } } private void handleAnnotatedMethodInSubstitutionClass(Executable annotatedMethod, Class<?> originalClass) { Substitute substituteAnnotation = lookupAnnotation(annotatedMethod, Substitute.class); KeepOriginal keepOriginalAnnotation = lookupAnnotation(annotatedMethod, KeepOriginal.class); int numAnnotations = (substituteAnnotation != null ? 1 : 0) + (keepOriginalAnnotation != null ? 1 : 0); if (numAnnotations == 0) { /* Unannotated method in substitution class: a regular method, nothing to do. */ return; } guarantee(numAnnotations == 1, "only one of @Substitute or @KeepOriginal can be used: %s", annotatedMethod); ResolvedJavaMethod annotated = metaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(annotatedMethod); ResolvedJavaMethod original = findOriginalMethod(annotatedMethod, originalClass); if (original == null) { /* Optional target that is not present, so nothing to do. */ } else if (substituteAnnotation != null) { SubstitutionMethod substitution = new SubstitutionMethod(original, annotated, true); if (substituteAnnotation.polymorphicSignature()) { register(polymorphicMethodSubstitutions, annotated, original, substitution); } register(methodSubstitutions, annotated, original, substitution); } else if (keepOriginalAnnotation != null) { register(methodSubstitutions, annotated, original, original); } } private void handleAnnotatedFieldInSubstitutionClass(Field annotatedField, Class<?> originalClass) { Substitute substituteAnnotation = lookupAnnotation(annotatedField, Substitute.class); if (substituteAnnotation == null) { /* Unannotated field in substitution class: a regular field, nothing to do. */ return; } ResolvedJavaField annotated = metaAccess.lookupJavaField(annotatedField); ResolvedJavaField original = findOriginalField(annotatedField, originalClass, false); if (original == null) { /* Optional target that is not present, so nothing to do. */ } else { register(fieldSubstitutions, annotated, original, new SubstitutionField(original, annotated)); } } private void handleOriginalMethodInSubstitutionClass(Executable m) { ResolvedJavaMethod method = metaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(m); if (!methodSubstitutions.containsKey(method)) { if (method.isSynthetic()) { /* * Synthetic methods are mostly methods generated by javac to access private fields * from inner classes. The naming is not fixed, and it would be tedious anyway to * manually mark such methods as @KeepOriginal. We therefore treat all synthetic * methods as if they were annotated with @KeepOriginal. If the method/field that * the synthetic method is forwarding to is not available, an error message for that * method/field will be produced anyway. */ register(methodSubstitutions, null, method, method); } else { registerAsDeleted(null, method, SUBSTITUTION_DELETE); } } } private void handleOriginalFieldInSubstitutionClass(Field f) { ResolvedJavaField field = metaAccess.lookupJavaField(f); if (!fieldSubstitutions.containsKey(field)) { if (field.isSynthetic()) { register(fieldSubstitutions, null, field, field); } else { registerAsDeleted(null, field, SUBSTITUTION_DELETE); } } } private ResolvedJavaMethod findOriginalMethod(Executable annotatedMethod, Class<?> originalClass) { TargetElement targetElementAnnotation = lookupAnnotation(annotatedMethod, TargetElement.class); String originalName = ""; if (targetElementAnnotation != null) { originalName = targetElementAnnotation.name(); if (!isIncluded(targetElementAnnotation, originalClass, annotatedMethod)) { return null; } } if (originalName.length() == 0) { originalName = annotatedMethod.getName(); } try { if (annotatedMethod instanceof Method && !originalName.equals(TargetElement.CONSTRUCTOR_NAME)) { Class<?>[] originalParams = interceptParameterTypes(annotatedMethod.getParameterTypes()); Method originalMethod = originalClass.getDeclaredMethod(originalName, originalParams); guarantee(Modifier.isStatic(annotatedMethod.getModifiers()) == Modifier.isStatic(originalMethod.getModifiers()), "Static modifier mismatch: %s, %s", annotatedMethod, originalMethod); return metaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(originalMethod); } else { guarantee(!Modifier.isStatic(annotatedMethod.getModifiers()), "Constructor Alias method %s must not be static", annotatedMethod); Class<?>[] originalParams = interceptParameterTypes(annotatedMethod.getParameterTypes()); Constructor<?> originalMethod = originalClass.getDeclaredConstructor(originalParams); return metaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(originalMethod); } } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) { throw UserError.abort("Could not find target method: %s", annotatedMethod); } catch (LinkageError error) { throw UserError.abort("Cannot find %s.%s, %s can not be loaded, due to %s not being available in the classpath. Are you missing a dependency in your classpath?", originalClass.getName(), originalName, originalClass.getName(), error.getMessage()); } } private ResolvedJavaField findOriginalField(Field annotatedField, Class<?> originalClass, boolean forceOptional) { TargetElement targetElementAnnotation = lookupAnnotation(annotatedField, TargetElement.class); String originalName = ""; if (targetElementAnnotation != null) { originalName = targetElementAnnotation.name(); if (!isIncluded(targetElementAnnotation, originalClass, annotatedField)) { return null; } } if (originalName.length() == 0) { originalName = annotatedField.getName(); } try { Field originalField = originalClass.getDeclaredField(originalName); guarantee(getTargetClass(annotatedField.getType()).equals(originalField.getType()), "Type mismatch:%n %s %s%n %s %s", annotatedField.getType(), annotatedField, originalField.getType(), originalField); return metaAccess.lookupJavaField(originalField); } catch (NoSuchFieldException ex) { /* * Some fields are hidden from reflection. The set of hidden fields is computed via * {sun.reflect,jdk.internal.reflect}.Reflection.fieldFilterMap. Try to find the field * via the ResolvedJavaType. */ ResolvedJavaField[] fields; if (Modifier.isStatic(annotatedField.getModifiers())) { fields = metaAccess.lookupJavaType(originalClass).getStaticFields(); } else { fields = metaAccess.lookupJavaType(originalClass).getInstanceFields(true); } for (ResolvedJavaField f : fields) { if (f.getName().equals(originalName)) { return f; } } guarantee(forceOptional, "could not find target field: %s", annotatedField); return null; } } private static boolean isIncluded(TargetElement targetElementAnnotation, Class<?> originalClass, AnnotatedElement annotatedElement) { for (Class<?> onlyWithClass : targetElementAnnotation.onlyWith()) { Object onlyWithProvider; try { onlyWithProvider = ReflectionUtil.newInstance(onlyWithClass); } catch (ReflectionUtilError ex) { throw UserError.abort(ex.getCause(), "Class specified as onlyWith for %s cannot be loaded or instantiated: %s", annotatedElement, onlyWithClass.getTypeName()); } boolean onlyWithResult; if (onlyWithProvider instanceof BooleanSupplier) { onlyWithResult = ((BooleanSupplier) onlyWithProvider).getAsBoolean(); } else if (onlyWithProvider instanceof Predicate) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Predicate<Class<?>> onlyWithPredicate = (Predicate<Class<?>>) onlyWithProvider; onlyWithResult = onlyWithPredicate.test(originalClass); } else { throw UserError.abort("Class specified as onlyWith for %s does not implement %s or %s", annotatedElement, BooleanSupplier.class.getSimpleName(), Predicate.class.getSimpleName()); } if (!onlyWithResult) { return false; } } return true; } private static <T> void register(Map<T, T> substitutions, T annotated, T original, T target) { if (annotated != null) { guarantee(!substitutions.containsKey(annotated) || substitutions.get(annotated) == original || substitutions.get(annotated) == target, "Already registered: %s", annotated); substitutions.put(annotated, target); } if (original != null) { guarantee(!substitutions.containsKey(original) || substitutions.get(original) == original || substitutions.get(original) == target, "Already registered: %s", original); substitutions.put(original, target); } } private ResolvedJavaField fieldValueRecomputation(Class<?> originalClass, ResolvedJavaField original, ResolvedJavaField annotated, Field annotatedField) { RecomputeFieldValue recomputeAnnotation = lookupAnnotation(annotatedField, RecomputeFieldValue.class); InjectAccessors injectAccessorsAnnotation = lookupAnnotation(annotatedField, InjectAccessors.class); int numAnnotations = (recomputeAnnotation != null ? 1 : 0) + (injectAccessorsAnnotation != null ? 1 : 0); guarantee(numAnnotations <= 1, "Only one of @RecomputeFieldValue or @InjectAccessors can be used: %s", annotatedField); if (injectAccessorsAnnotation != null) { return new AnnotatedField(original, injectAccessorsAnnotation); } if (recomputeAnnotation == null && !original.isFinal()) { return original; } RecomputeFieldValue.Kind kind = RecomputeFieldValue.Kind.None; Class<?> targetClass = originalClass; String targetName = ""; boolean isFinal = original.isFinal() && annotated.isFinal(); if (recomputeAnnotation != null) { kind = recomputeAnnotation.kind(); targetName = recomputeAnnotation.name(); isFinal = recomputeAnnotation.isFinal(); guarantee(!isFinal || ComputedValueField.isFinalValid(kind), "@%s with %s can never be final during analysis: unset isFinal in the annotation on %s", RecomputeFieldValue.class.getSimpleName(), kind, annotated); if (recomputeAnnotation.declClass() != RecomputeFieldValue.class) { guarantee(recomputeAnnotation.declClassName().isEmpty(), "Both class and class name specified"); targetClass = recomputeAnnotation.declClass(); } else if (!recomputeAnnotation.declClassName().isEmpty()) { targetClass = imageClassLoader.findClassOrFail(recomputeAnnotation.declClassName()); } } return new ComputedValueField(original, annotated, kind, targetClass, targetName, isFinal); } private void reinitializeField(Field annotatedField) { ResolvedJavaField annotated = metaAccess.lookupJavaField(annotatedField); ComputedValueField alias = new ComputedValueField(annotated, annotated, Kind.Reset, annotatedField.getDeclaringClass(), "", false); register(fieldSubstitutions, annotated, annotated, alias); } public Class<?> getTargetClass(Class<?> annotatedClass) { Class<?> annotatedBaseClass = annotatedClass; int arrayDepth = 0; while (annotatedBaseClass.isArray()) { arrayDepth++; annotatedBaseClass = annotatedBaseClass.getComponentType(); } TargetClass targetClassAnnotation = lookupAnnotation(annotatedBaseClass, TargetClass.class); if (targetClassAnnotation == null) { /* No annotation found, so return unchanged argument. */ return annotatedClass; } Class<?> targetClass = findTargetClass(annotatedBaseClass, targetClassAnnotation); for (int i = 0; i < arrayDepth; i++) { /* * The only way to look up the array class is to instantiate a dummy array and take the * class of the array. */ targetClass = Array.newInstance(targetClass, 0).getClass(); } return targetClass; } Class<?> findTargetClass(Class<?> annotatedBaseClass, TargetClass target) { String className; if (target.value() != TargetClass.class) { guarantee(target.className().isEmpty(), "Both class and class name specified for substitution"); guarantee(target.classNameProvider() == TargetClass.NoClassNameProvider.class, "Both class and classNameProvider specified for substitution"); className = target.value().getName(); } else if (target.classNameProvider() != TargetClass.NoClassNameProvider.class) { try { className = ReflectionUtil.newInstance(target.classNameProvider()).apply(target); } catch (ReflectionUtilError ex) { throw UserError.abort(ex.getCause(), "Cannot instantiate classNameProvider: %s. The class must have a parameterless constructor.", target.classNameProvider().getTypeName()); } } else { guarantee(!target.className().isEmpty(), "Neither class, className, nor classNameProvider specified for substitution"); className = target.className(); } for (Class<?> onlyWithClass : target.onlyWith()) { Object onlyWithProvider; try { onlyWithProvider = ReflectionUtil.newInstance(onlyWithClass); } catch (ReflectionUtilError ex) { throw UserError.abort(ex.getCause(), "Class specified as onlyWith for %s cannot be loaded or instantiated: %s", annotatedBaseClass.getTypeName(), onlyWithClass.getTypeName()); } boolean onlyWithResult; if (onlyWithProvider instanceof BooleanSupplier) { onlyWithResult = ((BooleanSupplier) onlyWithProvider).getAsBoolean(); } else if (onlyWithProvider instanceof Predicate) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Predicate<String> onlyWithPredicate = (Predicate<String>) onlyWithProvider; onlyWithResult = onlyWithPredicate.test(className); } else { throw UserError.abort("Class specified as onlyWith for %s does not implement %s or %s", annotatedBaseClass.getTypeName(), BooleanSupplier.class.getSimpleName(), Predicate.class.getSimpleName()); } if (!onlyWithResult) { return null; } } Class<?> holder = imageClassLoader.findClass(className).get(); if (holder == null) { throw UserError.abort("Substitution target for %s is not loaded. Use field `onlyWith` in the `TargetClass` annotation to make substitution only active when needed.", annotatedBaseClass.getName()); } if (target.innerClass().length > 0) { for (String innerClass : target.innerClass()) { Class<?> prevHolder = holder; holder = findInnerClass(prevHolder, innerClass); if (holder == null) { throw UserError.abort("Substitution target for %s is invalid as inner class %s in %s can not be found. Make sure that the inner class is present.", annotatedBaseClass.getName(), innerClass, prevHolder.getName()); } } } return holder; } private static Class<?> findInnerClass(Class<?> outerClass, String innerClassSimpleName) { for (Class<?> innerClass : outerClass.getDeclaredClasses()) { if (innerClass.getSimpleName().equals(innerClassSimpleName)) { return innerClass; } } return null; } private Class<?> interceptParameterType(Class<?> type) { TargetClass targetClassAnnotation = lookupAnnotation(type, TargetClass.class); if (targetClassAnnotation != null) { return findTargetClass(type, targetClassAnnotation); } if (type.isArray()) { Class<?> componentType = type.getComponentType(); Class<?> componentRet = interceptParameterType(componentType); if (!componentRet.equals(componentType)) { Object tmp = Array.newInstance(componentRet, 0); return tmp.getClass(); } } return type; } private Class<?>[] interceptParameterTypes(Class<?>[] types) { for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { types[i] = interceptParameterType(types[i]); } return types; } protected <T extends Annotation> T lookupAnnotation(AnnotatedElement element, Class<T> annotationClass) { assert element instanceof Class || element instanceof Executable || element instanceof Field : element.getClass(); return element.getAnnotation(annotationClass); } protected static String deleteErrorMessage(AnnotatedElement element, Delete deleteAnnotation, boolean hosted) { return deleteErrorMessage(element, deleteAnnotation.value(), hosted); } public static String deleteErrorMessage(AnnotatedElement element, String message, boolean hosted) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append("Unsupported "); if (element instanceof ResolvedJavaField) { result.append("field ").append(((ResolvedJavaField) element).format("%H.%n")); } else if (element instanceof ResolvedJavaMethod) { ResolvedJavaMethod method = (ResolvedJavaMethod) element; result.append(method.isConstructor() ? "constructor " : "method "); result.append(method.format("%H.%n(%p)")); } else if (element instanceof ResolvedJavaType) { result.append("type ").append(((ResolvedJavaType) element).toJavaName(true)); } else { throw VMError.shouldNotReachHere("Unknown @Delete annotated element " + element); } result.append(" is reachable"); if (message != null && !message.isEmpty()) { result.append(": ").append(message); } if (hosted) { result.append(System.lineSeparator()).append("To diagnose the issue, you can add the option ").append( SubstrateOptionsParser.commandArgument(NativeImageOptions.ReportUnsupportedElementsAtRuntime, "+")).append( ". The unsupported element is then reported at run time when it is accessed the first time."); } return result.toString(); } }