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 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
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package com.oracle.svm.hosted.code;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.graalvm.nativeimage.ImageSingletons;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.hosted.Feature;

import com.oracle.graal.pointsto.meta.AnalysisMethod;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.AutomaticFeature;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.RestrictHeapAccess;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.RestrictHeapAccess.Access;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.Uninterruptible;
import com.oracle.svm.core.heap.RestrictHeapAccessCallees;
import com.oracle.svm.core.util.VMError;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.FeatureImpl.DuringAnalysisAccessImpl;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.meta.HostedMethod;

import jdk.vm.ci.code.BytecodePosition;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaMethod;

Construct a list of all the methods that are, or are called from, methods annotated with RestrictHeapAccess or Uninterruptible.
/** * Construct a list of all the methods that are, or are called from, methods annotated with * {@link RestrictHeapAccess} or {@link Uninterruptible}. */
public class RestrictHeapAccessCalleesImpl implements RestrictHeapAccessCallees {
A map from a callee to a caller on a path to an annotated caller. The keys are the set of callees that must not allocate. The values are for printing a call path for error messages.
/** * A map from a callee to a caller on a path to an annotated caller. The keys are the set of * callees that must not allocate. The values are for printing a call path for error messages. */
private Map<AnalysisMethod, RestrictionInfo> calleeToCallerMap;
AssertionErrors are cut points, because their allocations are removed.
/** AssertionErrors are cut points, because their allocations are removed. */
private List<ResolvedJavaMethod> assertionErrorConstructorList;
Initialize the set of callees only once.
/** Initialize the set of callees only once. */
private boolean initialized;
Constructor for the singleton instance.
/** Constructor for the singleton instance. */
public RestrictHeapAccessCalleesImpl() { calleeToCallerMap = Collections.emptyMap(); this.assertionErrorConstructorList = Collections.emptyList(); initialized = false; }
This gets called multiple times, but I only need one AnalysisMethod to be happy.
/** This gets called multiple times, but I only need one AnalysisMethod to be happy. */
public void setAssertionErrorConstructors(List<ResolvedJavaMethod> resolvedConstructorList) { if (assertionErrorConstructorList.isEmpty()) { assertionErrorConstructorList = resolvedConstructorList; } } public RestrictionInfo getRestrictionInfo(ResolvedJavaMethod method) { return calleeToCallerMap.get(methodToKey(method)); } @Override public boolean mustNotAllocate(ResolvedJavaMethod method) { RestrictionInfo info = getRestrictionInfo(method); return info != null && (info.getAccess() == Access.NO_ALLOCATION || info.getAccess().isMoreRestrictiveThan(Access.NO_ALLOCATION)); }
Get the map from a callee to a caller.
/** Get the map from a callee to a caller. */
public Map<AnalysisMethod, RestrictionInfo> getCallerMap() { return calleeToCallerMap; }
Aggregate a set of methods that are annotated with RestrictHeapAccess or with Uninterruptible, or methods that are called from those methods.
/** * Aggregate a set of methods that are annotated with {@link RestrictHeapAccess} or with * {@link Uninterruptible}, or methods that are called from those methods. */
public void aggregateMethods(Collection<AnalysisMethod> methods) { assert !initialized : "RestrictHeapAccessCallees.aggregateMethods: Should only initialize once."; final Map<AnalysisMethod, RestrictionInfo> aggregation = new HashMap<>(); final MethodAggregator visitor = new MethodAggregator(aggregation, assertionErrorConstructorList); final AnalysisMethodCalleeWalker walker = new AnalysisMethodCalleeWalker(); for (AnalysisMethod method : methods) { final RestrictHeapAccess annotation = method.getAnnotation(RestrictHeapAccess.class); if ((annotation != null && annotation.access() != Access.UNRESTRICTED) || method.isAnnotationPresent(Uninterruptible.class)) { for (AnalysisMethod calleeImpl : method.getImplementations()) { walker.walkMethod(calleeImpl, visitor); } } } calleeToCallerMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(aggregation); initialized = true; }
During analysis, the ResolvedJavaMethod parameter will be an AnalysisMethod, but during compilation it will be a HostedMethod. Since I am using the AnalysisMethod as the key to the map, I get an AnalysisMethod to use as the key.
/** * During analysis, the ResolvedJavaMethod parameter will be an AnalysisMethod, but during * compilation it will be a HostedMethod. Since I am using the AnalysisMethod as the key to the * map, I get an AnalysisMethod to use as the key. */
private static AnalysisMethod methodToKey(ResolvedJavaMethod method) { final AnalysisMethod result; if (method instanceof AnalysisMethod) { result = (AnalysisMethod) method; } else if (method instanceof HostedMethod) { result = ((HostedMethod) method).getWrapped(); } else { throw VMError.shouldNotReachHere("RestrictHeapAccessCallees.methodToKey: ResolvedJavaMethod is neither an AnalysisMethod nor a HostedMethod: " + method); } return result; }
A visitor that aggregates callees and a callee-to-caller edge in the call graph.
/** A visitor that aggregates callees and a callee-to-caller edge in the call graph. */
static class MethodAggregator extends AnalysisMethodCalleeWalker.CallPathVisitor {
The map from a callee to a caller that is being constructed.
/** The map from a callee to a caller that is being constructed. */
private final Map<AnalysisMethod, RestrictionInfo> calleeToCallerMap;
The constructor AssertionError().
/** The constructor {@link AssertionError#AssertionError()}. */
private final List<ResolvedJavaMethod> assertionErrorConstructorList;
/** Constructor. */
MethodAggregator(Map<AnalysisMethod, RestrictionInfo> calleeToCallerMap, List<ResolvedJavaMethod> assertionErrorConstructorList) { this.calleeToCallerMap = calleeToCallerMap; this.assertionErrorConstructorList = assertionErrorConstructorList; }
Visit a method and add it to the set of methods that should not allocate.
/** Visit a method and add it to the set of methods that should not allocate. */
@Override public VisitResult visitMethod(AnalysisMethod callee, AnalysisMethod caller, BytecodePosition invokePosition, int depth) { Access access = Access.UNRESTRICTED; boolean overridesCallers = false; boolean fromUninterruptible = false; if (callee.isAnnotationPresent(Uninterruptible.class)) { access = Access.NO_ALLOCATION; fromUninterruptible = true; } RestrictHeapAccess annotation = callee.getAnnotation(RestrictHeapAccess.class); if (annotation != null) { access = annotation.access(); overridesCallers = annotation.overridesCallers(); fromUninterruptible = false; } if (overridesCallers || caller == null) { if (access == Access.UNRESTRICTED) { return VisitResult.CUT; } } else { RestrictionInfo callerInfo = calleeToCallerMap.get(caller); Access callerAccess = callerInfo.getAccess(); if (callerAccess.equals(access) || callerAccess.isMoreRestrictiveThan(access)) { if (callerInfo.isFromUninterruptible()) { if (caller.getAnnotation(Uninterruptible.class) != null && caller.getAnnotation(Uninterruptible.class).calleeMustBe()) { access = callerAccess; fromUninterruptible = true; } else if (access == Access.UNRESTRICTED) { return VisitResult.CUT; } } else { access = callerAccess; fromUninterruptible = false; } } } if (access == Access.NO_ALLOCATION && assertionErrorConstructorList != null && assertionErrorConstructorList.contains(callee)) { /* Ignore AssertionError allocations: ImplicitExceptionsPlugin will replace them */ return VisitResult.CUT; } RestrictionInfo restrictionInfo = calleeToCallerMap.get(callee); if (restrictionInfo != null && !access.isMoreRestrictiveThan(restrictionInfo.getAccess())) { /* Earlier traversal with same or higher level of restriction, so stop here. */ return VisitResult.CUT; } StackTraceElement callerStackTraceElement = (invokePosition != null) ? invokePosition.getMethod().asStackTraceElement(invokePosition.getBCI()) : null; restrictionInfo = new RestrictionInfo(access, caller, callerStackTraceElement, callee, fromUninterruptible); calleeToCallerMap.put(callee, restrictionInfo); return VisitResult.CONTINUE; } }
Information about a restricted method, for error messages.
/** Information about a restricted method, for error messages. */
public static class RestrictionInfo {
The transitively determined level of restricted access.
/** The transitively determined level of restricted access. */
private final RestrictHeapAccess.Access access;
The caller in the invocation, if any.
/** The caller in the invocation, if any. */
private final AnalysisMethod caller;
The stack trace element of the invocation, if any.
/** The stack trace element of the invocation, if any. */
private final StackTraceElement invocationStackTraceElement;
The method to which the restriction applies.
/** The method to which the restriction applies. */
private final AnalysisMethod method;
Whether the restriction is solely due to @Uninterruptible.
/** Whether the restriction is <em>solely</em> due to @{@link Uninterruptible}. */
private final boolean fromUninterruptible; RestrictionInfo(Access access, AnalysisMethod caller, StackTraceElement stackTraceElement, AnalysisMethod method, boolean fromUninterruptible) { this.access = access; this.caller = caller; this.invocationStackTraceElement = stackTraceElement; this.method = method; this.fromUninterruptible = fromUninterruptible; } public Access getAccess() { return access; } public AnalysisMethod getCaller() { return caller; } public StackTraceElement getInvocationStackTraceElement() { return invocationStackTraceElement; } public AnalysisMethod getMethod() { return method; } public boolean isFromUninterruptible() { return fromUninterruptible; } } } @AutomaticFeature class RestrictHeapAccessCalleesFeature implements Feature {
This is called early, to register in the VMConfiguration.
/** This is called early, to register in the VMConfiguration. */
@Override public void afterRegistration(AfterRegistrationAccess access) { ImageSingletons.add(RestrictHeapAccessCallees.class, new RestrictHeapAccessCalleesImpl()); }
This is called during analysis, to find the AssertionError constructors.
/** This is called during analysis, to find the AssertionError constructors. */
@Override public void duringAnalysis(DuringAnalysisAccess access) { List<ResolvedJavaMethod> assertionErrorConstructorList = initializeAssertionErrorConstructors(access); ((RestrictHeapAccessCalleesImpl) ImageSingletons.lookup(RestrictHeapAccessCallees.class)).setAssertionErrorConstructors(assertionErrorConstructorList); } private static List<ResolvedJavaMethod> initializeAssertionErrorConstructors(DuringAnalysisAccess access) { final List<ResolvedJavaMethod> result = new ArrayList<>(); result.add(findAssertionConstructor(access)); result.add(findAssertionConstructor(access, boolean.class)); result.add(findAssertionConstructor(access, char.class)); result.add(findAssertionConstructor(access, int.class)); result.add(findAssertionConstructor(access, long.class)); result.add(findAssertionConstructor(access, float.class)); result.add(findAssertionConstructor(access, double.class)); result.add(findAssertionConstructor(access, Object.class)); result.add(findAssertionConstructor(access, String.class, Throwable.class)); return result; }
Look up an AssertionError constructor.
/** Look up an AssertionError constructor. */
private static ResolvedJavaMethod findAssertionConstructor(DuringAnalysisAccess access, Class<?>... parameterTypes) { try { final Constructor<AssertionError> reflectiveConstructor = AssertionError.class.getConstructor(parameterTypes); final ResolvedJavaMethod resolvedConstructor = ((DuringAnalysisAccessImpl) access).getMetaAccess().lookupJavaMethod(reflectiveConstructor); return resolvedConstructor; } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException ex) { throw VMError.shouldNotReachHere("Should have found AssertionError constructor." + ex); } } }