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package com.oracle.svm.hosted.code;

import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import com.oracle.graal.pointsto.flow.InvokeTypeFlow;
import com.oracle.graal.pointsto.meta.AnalysisMethod;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.RestrictHeapAccess;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.code.AnalysisMethodCalleeWalker.CallPathVisitor.VisitResult;

import jdk.vm.ci.code.BytecodePosition;

Gather a list of the transitive blacklisted callees from methods annotated with RestrictHeapAccess that allocate.
/** * Gather a list of the transitive blacklisted callees from methods annotated with * {@link RestrictHeapAccess} that allocate. */
public class AnalysisMethodCalleeWalker {
A stack of methods that are currently being examined, to detect cycles in the call graph.
/** A stack of methods that are currently being examined, to detect cycles in the call graph. */
private final List<AnalysisMethod> path; public AnalysisMethodCalleeWalker() { path = new ArrayList<>(); }
Walk a method by applying a visitor to the method and all of its callees. Returns true if all the visits returned true, else returns false.
/** * Walk a method by applying a visitor to the method and all of its callees. Returns true if all * the visits returned true, else returns false. */
@SuppressWarnings("try") public boolean walkMethod(AnalysisMethod method, CallPathVisitor visitor) { if (visitor.prologue() != VisitResult.CONTINUE) { return false; } /* Initialize the path of callers. */ path.clear(); /* Walk the method and callees, but ignore the result. */ walkMethodAndCallees(method, null, null, visitor); final VisitResult epilogueResult = visitor.epilogue(); return (epilogueResult != VisitResult.CONTINUE); }
Visit this method, and the methods it calls.
/** Visit this method, and the methods it calls. */
VisitResult walkMethodAndCallees(AnalysisMethod method, AnalysisMethod caller, BytecodePosition invokePosition, CallPathVisitor visitor) { if (path.contains(method)) { /* * If the method is already on the path then I am in the middle of visiting it, so just * keep walking. */ return VisitResult.CUT; } path.add(method); try { /* Visit the method directly. */ final VisitResult directResult = visitor.visitMethod(method, caller, invokePosition, path.size()); if (directResult != VisitResult.CONTINUE) { return directResult; } /* Visit the callees of this method. */ final VisitResult calleeResult = walkCallees(method, visitor); if (calleeResult != VisitResult.CONTINUE) { return calleeResult; } /* Visit all the implementations of this method, ignoring if any of them says CUT. */ for (AnalysisMethod impl : method.getImplementations()) { walkMethodAndCallees(impl, caller, invokePosition, visitor); } return VisitResult.CONTINUE; } finally { path.remove(method); } }
Visit the callees of this method.
/** Visit the callees of this method. */
VisitResult walkCallees(AnalysisMethod method, CallPathVisitor visitor) { for (InvokeTypeFlow invoke : method.getTypeFlow().getInvokes()) { walkMethodAndCallees(invoke.getTargetMethod(), method, invoke.getSource(), visitor); } return VisitResult.CONTINUE; }
A visitor for HostedMethods, with a caller path.
/** A visitor for HostedMethods, with a caller path. */
abstract static class CallPathVisitor { public enum VisitResult { CONTINUE, CUT, QUIT }
Called before any method is visited. Returns true if visiting should continue, else false.
/** * Called before any method is visited. Returns true if visiting should continue, else * false. */
public VisitResult prologue() { /* The default is to continue the walk. */ return VisitResult.CONTINUE; }
Called for each method. Returns VisitResult.CONTINUE if the walk should continue, VisitResult.CUT if the walk should cut at this method, or VisitResult.QUIT if the walk should be stopped altogether.
/** * Called for each method. Returns {@link VisitResult#CONTINUE} if the walk should continue, * {@link VisitResult#CUT} if the walk should cut at this method, or * {@link VisitResult#QUIT} if the walk should be stopped altogether. */
public abstract VisitResult visitMethod(AnalysisMethod method, AnalysisMethod caller, BytecodePosition invokePosition, int depth);
Called after every method has been visited. Returns true if visiting should continue, else false.
/** * Called after every method has been visited. Returns true if visiting should continue, * else false. */
public VisitResult epilogue() { /* The default is to continue the walk. */ return VisitResult.CONTINUE; }
Printing a path to a stream.
/** Printing a path to a stream. */
void printPath(PrintStream trace, List<AnalysisMethod> path) { trace.print(" [Path: "); for (AnalysisMethod element : path) { trace.println(); trace.print(" " + element.format("%h.%n(%p)")); } trace.println("]"); } } }