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package com.oracle.svm.diagnosticsagent;

import static com.oracle.svm.jni.JNIObjectHandles.nullHandle;
import static com.oracle.svm.jvmtiagentbase.Support.check;
import static com.oracle.svm.jvmtiagentbase.Support.jvmtiFunctions;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

import org.graalvm.compiler.serviceprovider.JavaVersionUtil;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.StackValue;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.UnmanagedMemory;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.function.CEntryPoint;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.function.CEntryPointLiteral;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.function.CFunctionPointer;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.struct.SizeOf;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.type.CIntPointer;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.type.CTypeConversion;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.type.WordPointer;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.hosted.Feature;
import org.graalvm.word.WordFactory;

import com.oracle.svm.core.c.function.CEntryPointOptions;
import com.oracle.svm.core.util.VMError;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.agent.TracingAdvisor;
import com.oracle.svm.jni.nativeapi.JNIEnvironment;
import com.oracle.svm.jni.nativeapi.JNIJavaVM;
import com.oracle.svm.jni.nativeapi.JNIMethodId;
import com.oracle.svm.jni.nativeapi.JNIObjectHandle;
import com.oracle.svm.jvmtiagentbase.AgentIsolate;
import com.oracle.svm.jvmtiagentbase.JNIHandleSet;
import com.oracle.svm.jvmtiagentbase.JvmtiAgentBase;
import com.oracle.svm.jvmtiagentbase.Support;
import com.oracle.svm.jvmtiagentbase.jvmti.JvmtiCapabilities;
import com.oracle.svm.jvmtiagentbase.jvmti.JvmtiEnv;
import com.oracle.svm.jvmtiagentbase.jvmti.JvmtiEnv11;
import com.oracle.svm.jvmtiagentbase.jvmti.JvmtiEvent;
import com.oracle.svm.jvmtiagentbase.jvmti.JvmtiEventCallbacks;
import com.oracle.svm.jvmtiagentbase.jvmti.JvmtiEventMode;
import com.oracle.svm.jvmtiagentbase.jvmti.JvmtiInterface;

JVMTI agent that provides diagnostics information that helps resolve native-image build failures. Currently, this agent tracks how a specified set of classes got initialized and how objects of a specified set of classes got instantiated during a native-image build. The agent is configured through command-line options generated by NativeImage, constructed from user-specified options. The agent works by setting breakpoints at the start of class initializers (<clinit> methods) and constructors (<init> methods) for the relevant classes. Once a particular class is loaded, it will trigger a JVMTI ClassPrepare event, during which the breakpoints get set. Once a breakpoint is hit we find the particular class the method originates from and call our reporting classes using JNI. If a desired class does not have a static initializer, a synthetic one will be generated by NativeImageBytecodeInstrumentationAgent.
/** * JVMTI agent that provides diagnostics information that helps resolve native-image build failures. * * Currently, this agent tracks how a specified set of classes got initialized and how objects of a * specified set of classes got instantiated during a native-image build. * * The agent is configured through command-line options generated by * {@link com.oracle.svm.driver.NativeImage}, constructed from user-specified options. * * The agent works by setting breakpoints at the start of class initializers (&lt;clinit&gt; * methods) and constructors (&lt;init&gt; methods) for the relevant classes. Once a particular * class is loaded, it will trigger a JVMTI ClassPrepare event, during which the breakpoints get * set. Once a breakpoint is hit we find the particular class the method originates from and call * our reporting classes using JNI. * * If a desired class does not have a static initializer, a synthetic one will be generated by * {@link com.oracle.svm.hosted.agent.NativeImageBytecodeInstrumentationAgent}. */
public class NativeImageDiagnosticsAgent extends JvmtiAgentBase<NativeImageDiagnosticsAgentJNIHandleSet> { private static final CEntryPointLiteral<CFunctionPointer> ON_CLASS_PREPARE = CEntryPointLiteral.create(NativeImageDiagnosticsAgent.class, "onClassPrepare", JvmtiEnv.class, JNIEnvironment.class, JNIObjectHandle.class, JNIObjectHandle.class); private static final CEntryPointLiteral<CFunctionPointer> ON_BREAKPOINT = CEntryPointLiteral.create(NativeImageDiagnosticsAgent.class, "onBreakpoint", JvmtiEnv.class, JNIEnvironment.class, JNIObjectHandle.class, JNIMethodId.class, long.class); /* Maps a JNIMethodId of <clinit> to a class handle */ private final Map<Long, ClassHandleHolder> clinitClassMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); /* Maps JNIMethodIds of <init> to a class handle */ private final Map<Long, ClassHandleHolder> initClassMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private TracingAdvisor advisor; /* * We cannot store a JNIObjectHandle directly in a map so we store it in a wrapper class. */ private static final class ClassHandleHolder { final JNIObjectHandle clazz; ClassHandleHolder(JNIObjectHandle clazz) { this.clazz = clazz; } } private static final class MethodIdHolder { final JNIMethodId methodId; MethodIdHolder(JNIMethodId methodId) { this.methodId = methodId; } } @Override protected JNIHandleSet constructJavaHandles(JNIEnvironment env) { return new NativeImageDiagnosticsAgentJNIHandleSet(env); } @Override protected int onLoadCallback(JNIJavaVM vm, JvmtiEnv jvmti, JvmtiEventCallbacks callbacks, String options) { advisor = new TracingAdvisor(options); enableCapabilities(jvmti); callbacks.setClassPrepare(ON_CLASS_PREPARE.getFunctionPointer()); callbacks.setBreakpoint(ON_BREAKPOINT.getFunctionPointer()); jvmti.getFunctions().SetEventNotificationMode().invoke(jvmti, JvmtiEventMode.JVMTI_ENABLE, JvmtiEvent.JVMTI_EVENT_BREAKPOINT, nullHandle()); return 0; } @Override protected void onVMInitCallback(JvmtiEnv jvmti, JNIEnvironment jni, JNIObjectHandle thread) { if (JavaVersionUtil.JAVA_SPEC > 8) { openInstrumentationModuleToAllOtherModules((JvmtiEnv11) jvmti, jni); } handles().initializeTrackingSupportHandles(jni); /* * This is the earliest VM phase in which we can set breakpoints. This means that we cannot * set breakpoints for classes loaded very early during the VM startup. */ jvmti.getFunctions().SetEventNotificationMode().invoke(jvmti, JvmtiEventMode.JVMTI_ENABLE, JvmtiEvent.JVMTI_EVENT_CLASS_PREPARE, nullHandle()); /* * Some classes the user might be interested in (e.g. java.lang.Thread) have been * initialized early in the VM startup. Check if the user specified any of those classes and * track their objects' instantiation accordingly. */ setConstructorBreakpointsForLoadedClasses(jvmti, jni); } private void setConstructorBreakpointsForLoadedClasses(JvmtiEnv jvmti, JNIEnvironment jni) { CIntPointer classCountPtr = StackValue.get(CIntPointer.class); WordPointer classesPtr = StackValue.get(WordPointer.class); check(jvmtiFunctions().GetLoadedClasses().invoke(jvmti, classCountPtr, classesPtr)); WordPointer classesArray = classesPtr.read(); int classCount = classCountPtr.read(); for (int i = 0; i < classCount; ++i) { JNIObjectHandle clazz = classesArray.read(i); String className = Support.getClassNameOrNull(jni, clazz); if (advisor.shouldTraceObjectInstantiation(className)) { setConstructorBreakpointsForClass(jvmti, jni, clazz, className); } } jvmtiFunctions().Deallocate().invoke(jvmti, classesArray); } private void onClassPrepareCallback(JvmtiEnv jvmti, JNIEnvironment jni, JNIObjectHandle clazz) { String className = Support.getClassNameOrNull(jni, clazz); if (className != null) { if (advisor.shouldTraceClassInitialization(className)) { JNIMethodId clinitMethodId = getClassClinitMethodIdOrNull(jvmti, clazz); if (clinitMethodId.notEqual(nullHandle())) { JNIObjectHandle klass = handles().newTrackedGlobalRef(jni, clazz); ClassHandleHolder classHandleHolder = new ClassHandleHolder(klass); clinitClassMap.put(clinitMethodId.rawValue(), classHandleHolder); check(jvmti.getFunctions().SetBreakpoint().invoke(jvmti, clinitMethodId, 0L)); } else { System.err.println("Trace class initialization requested for " + className + " but the class has not been instrumented with <clinit>."); } } if (advisor.shouldTraceObjectInstantiation(className)) { setConstructorBreakpointsForClass(jvmti, jni, clazz, className); } } } private void setConstructorBreakpointsForClass(JvmtiEnv jvmti, JNIEnvironment jni, JNIObjectHandle clazz, String className) { List<MethodIdHolder> initMethodIds = getClassMethodIdsWithName(jvmti, clazz, "<init>"); if (initMethodIds.size() != 0) { JNIObjectHandle klass = handles().newTrackedGlobalRef(jni, clazz); ClassHandleHolder classHandleHolder = new ClassHandleHolder(klass); for (MethodIdHolder holder : initMethodIds) { initClassMap.put(holder.methodId.rawValue(), classHandleHolder); check(jvmti.getFunctions().SetBreakpoint().invoke(jvmti, holder.methodId, 0L)); } } else { /* This should never happen. */ System.err.println("Trace object instantiation requested for " + className + " but the class has no constructors."); } } private void onBreakpointCallback(JvmtiEnv jvmti, JNIEnvironment jni, JNIObjectHandle thread, JNIMethodId method) { if (clinitClassMap.get(method.rawValue()) != null) { handleClinitBreakpoint(jvmti, jni, method); } else if (initClassMap.get(method.rawValue()) != null) { handleInitBreakpoint(jvmti, jni, thread); } else { throw VMError.shouldNotReachHere( "Breakpoint hit for a method that isn't tracked in the diagnostics agent. (For developers: have you set a breakpoint in a method that isn't <clinit> or <init>)"); } } private void handleClinitBreakpoint(JvmtiEnv jvmti, JNIEnvironment jni, JNIMethodId method) { JNIObjectHandle clazz = clinitClassMap.get(method.rawValue()).clazz; JavaStackTraceCreator stackTraceCreator = new JavaStackTraceCreator(jvmti, jni); JNIObjectHandle threadStackTrace = stackTraceCreator.getStackTraceArray(); reportClassInitialized(jni, clazz, threadStackTrace); } private void handleInitBreakpoint(JvmtiEnv jvmti, JNIEnvironment jni, JNIObjectHandle thread) { WordPointer thisPtr = StackValue.get(WordPointer.class); check(jvmti.getFunctions().GetLocalInstance().invoke(jvmti, thread, 0, thisPtr)); JNIObjectHandle thisHandle = thisPtr.read(); ObjectInstantiationTraceCreator stackTraceCreator = new ObjectInstantiationTraceCreator(jvmti, jni); JNIObjectHandle threadStackTrace = stackTraceCreator.getStackTraceArray(); if (!stackTraceCreator.encounteredObjectInstantiatedReportCall()) { reportObjectInstantiated(jni, thisHandle, threadStackTrace); } } private static void enableCapabilities(JvmtiEnv jvmti) { JvmtiCapabilities capabilities = UnmanagedMemory.calloc(SizeOf.get(JvmtiCapabilities.class)); check(jvmti.getFunctions().GetCapabilities().invoke(jvmti, capabilities)); capabilities.setCanGenerateBreakpointEvents(1); capabilities.setCanAccessLocalVariables(1); check(jvmti.getFunctions().AddCapabilities().invoke(jvmti, capabilities)); /* * Getting Java source lines and the source file name are optional capabilities. Try to * enable them, but do not fail if they aren't available. */ capabilities.setCanGetLineNumbers(1); capabilities.setCanGetSourceFileName(1); jvmti.getFunctions().AddCapabilities().invoke(jvmti, capabilities); UnmanagedMemory.free(capabilities); } private void openInstrumentationModuleToAllOtherModules(JvmtiEnv11 jvmti, JNIEnvironment jni) { /* * JNI access from JVMTI is still limited by module visibility rules. Since a * ClassPrepareEvent can come from any thread that is executing code from any module, we * allow access to our module that contains the instrumentation code from any other module. */ JNIObjectHandle moduleClass = handles().findClass(jni, "java/lang/Module"); JNIMethodId moduleGetName = handles().getMethodId(jni, moduleClass, "getName", "()Ljava/lang/String;", false); try (CTypeConversion.CCharPointerHolder packageName = Support.toCString("org.graalvm.nativeimage.impl.clinit")) { CIntPointer moduleCountPtr = StackValue.get(CIntPointer.class); WordPointer modulesPtr = StackValue.get(WordPointer.class); check(jvmti.getFunctions().GetAllModules().invoke(jvmti, moduleCountPtr, modulesPtr)); int moduleCount = moduleCountPtr.read(); WordPointer modulesArrayPtr = modulesPtr.read(); JNIObjectHandle clinitTrackingSupportModule = nullHandle(); for (int i = 0; i < moduleCount; ++i) { JNIObjectHandle module = modulesArrayPtr.read(i); VMError.guarantee(module.notEqual(nullHandle()), "Unexpected null handle while iterating over modules."); JNIObjectHandle moduleName = Support.callObjectMethod(jni, module, moduleGetName); String name = Support.fromJniString(jni, moduleName); if (name != null && name.equals("org.graalvm.sdk")) { clinitTrackingSupportModule = module; break; } } VMError.guarantee(clinitTrackingSupportModule.notEqual(nullHandle()), "The the module name that provides clinit reporting support has changed."); for (int i = 0; i < moduleCount; ++i) { JNIObjectHandle module = modulesArrayPtr.read(i); check(jvmti.getFunctions().AddModuleOpens().invoke(jvmti, clinitTrackingSupportModule, packageName.get(), module)); } jvmti.getFunctions().Deallocate().invoke(jvmti, modulesArrayPtr); } } /* * We cannot use the JNI getStaticMethodID call here as it would force the class to be * initialized. */ private static List<MethodIdHolder> getClassMethodIdsWithName(JvmtiEnv jvmti, JNIObjectHandle clazz, String methodName) { List<MethodIdHolder> methodIds = new ArrayList<>(); CIntPointer methodCountPtr = StackValue.get(CIntPointer.class); WordPointer methodsPtr = StackValue.get(WordPointer.class); check(jvmti.getFunctions().GetClassMethods().invoke(jvmti, clazz, methodCountPtr, methodsPtr)); int methodCount = methodCountPtr.read(); WordPointer methodsArray = methodsPtr.read(); for (int i = 0; i < methodCount; ++i) { JNIMethodId methodId = methodsArray.read(i); String currentMethodName = Support.getMethodNameOr(methodId, ""); if (currentMethodName.equals(methodName)) { methodIds.add(new MethodIdHolder(methodId)); } } check(jvmti.getFunctions().Deallocate().invoke(jvmti, methodsPtr.read())); return methodIds; } private static JNIMethodId getClassClinitMethodIdOrNull(JvmtiEnv jvmti, JNIObjectHandle clazz) { List<MethodIdHolder> classMethodIdsWithName = getClassMethodIdsWithName(jvmti, clazz, "<clinit>"); VMError.guarantee(classMethodIdsWithName.size() < 2); return classMethodIdsWithName.size() == 1 ? classMethodIdsWithName.get(0).methodId : WordFactory.nullPointer(); } private void reportClassInitialized(JNIEnvironment jni, JNIObjectHandle clazz, JNIObjectHandle stackTrace) { Support.callStaticVoidMethodLL(jni, handles().getClassInitializationTrackingClassHandle(), handles().getReportClassInitializedMethodId(), clazz, stackTrace); } private void reportObjectInstantiated(JNIEnvironment jni, JNIObjectHandle object, JNIObjectHandle stackTrace) { Support.callStaticVoidMethodLL(jni, handles().getClassInitializationTrackingClassHandle(), handles().getReportObjectInstantiatedMethodId(), object, stackTrace); } @CEntryPoint @CEntryPointOptions(prologue = AgentIsolate.Prologue.class) @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static void onClassPrepare(JvmtiEnv jvmti, JNIEnvironment jni, JNIObjectHandle thread, JNIObjectHandle clazz) { NativeImageDiagnosticsAgent agent = singleton(); agent.onClassPrepareCallback(jvmti, jni, clazz); } @CEntryPoint @CEntryPointOptions(prologue = AgentIsolate.Prologue.class) @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static void onBreakpoint(JvmtiEnv jvmti, JNIEnvironment jni, JNIObjectHandle thread, JNIMethodId method, long location) { NativeImageDiagnosticsAgent agent = singleton(); agent.onBreakpointCallback(jvmti, jni, thread, method); } @Override protected int onUnloadCallback(JNIJavaVM vm) { return 0; } @Override protected void onVMStartCallback(JvmtiEnv jvmti, JNIEnvironment jni) { } @Override protected void onVMDeathCallback(JvmtiEnv jvmti, JNIEnvironment jni) { } @Override protected int getRequiredJvmtiVersion() { if (JavaVersionUtil.JAVA_SPEC > 8) { return JvmtiInterface.JVMTI_VERSION_9; } return JvmtiInterface.JVMTI_VERSION_1_2; } public static class RegistrationFeature implements Feature { @Override public void afterRegistration(AfterRegistrationAccess access) { JvmtiAgentBase.registerAgent(new NativeImageDiagnosticsAgent()); } } }