 * Copyright (c) 2016, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.
package com.oracle.svm.driver;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory;
import java.lang.management.OperatingSystemMXBean;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.net.URI;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.FileSystem;
import java.nio.file.FileSystemNotFoundException;
import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.InvalidPathException;
import java.nio.file.LinkOption;
import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.jar.Attributes;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionKey;
import org.graalvm.compiler.serviceprovider.JavaVersionUtil;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.Platform;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.ProcessProperties;

import com.oracle.graal.pointsto.api.PointstoOptions;
import com.oracle.svm.core.FallbackExecutor;
import com.oracle.svm.core.FallbackExecutor.Options;
import com.oracle.svm.core.OS;
import com.oracle.svm.core.SubstrateOptions;
import com.oracle.svm.core.SubstrateUtil;
import com.oracle.svm.core.configure.ConfigurationFiles;
import com.oracle.svm.core.option.SubstrateOptionsParser;
import com.oracle.svm.core.util.ClasspathUtils;
import com.oracle.svm.core.util.UserError;
import com.oracle.svm.core.util.VMError;
import com.oracle.svm.driver.MacroOption.EnabledOption;
import com.oracle.svm.driver.MacroOption.MacroOptionKind;
import com.oracle.svm.driver.MacroOption.Registry;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.AbstractNativeImageClassLoaderSupport;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.NativeImageGeneratorRunner;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.NativeImageSystemClassLoader;
import com.oracle.svm.util.ModuleSupport;

public class NativeImage {

    private static final String DEFAULT_GENERATOR_CLASS_NAME = "com.oracle.svm.hosted.NativeImageGeneratorRunner";
    private static final String DEFAULT_GENERATOR_9PLUS_SUFFIX = "$JDK9Plus";
    private static final String CUSTOM_SYSTEM_CLASS_LOADER = NativeImageSystemClassLoader.class.getCanonicalName();

    static final boolean IS_AOT = Boolean.getBoolean("com.oracle.graalvm.isaot");

    static final String platform = getPlatform();

    private static String getPlatform() {
        return (OS.getCurrent().className + "-" + SubstrateUtil.getArchitectureName()).toLowerCase();

    static final String graalvmVersion = System.getProperty("org.graalvm.version", "dev");
    static final String graalvmConfig = System.getProperty("org.graalvm.config", "");

    private static Map<String, String[]> getCompilerFlags() {
        Map<String, String[]> result = new HashMap<>();
        for (String versionTag : getResource(flagsFileName("versions")).split("\n")) {
            result.put(versionTag, getResource(flagsFileName(versionTag)).split("\n"));
        return result;

    private static String flagsFileName(String versionTag) {
        return "/graal-compiler-flags-" + versionTag + ".config";

    static final Map<String, String[]> graalCompilerFlags = getCompilerFlags();

    static Boolean useJVMCINativeLibrary = null;

    static String getResource(String resourceName) {
        try (InputStream input = NativeImage.class.getResourceAsStream(resourceName)) {
            BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(input, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
            String resourceString = reader.lines().collect(Collectors.joining("\n"));
            return resourceString.replace("%pathsep%", File.pathSeparator);
        } catch (IOException e) {
        return null;

    private static final String usageText = getResource("/Usage.txt");

    abstract static class OptionHandler<T extends NativeImage> {
        protected final T nativeImage;

        OptionHandler(T nativeImage) {
            this.nativeImage = nativeImage;

        abstract boolean consume(Queue<String> args);

        void addFallbackBuildArgs(@SuppressWarnings("unused") List<String> buildArgs) {
            /* Override to forward fallback relevant args */

    final DefaultOptionHandler defaultOptionHandler;
    final APIOptionHandler apiOptionHandler;

    public static final String oH = "-H:";
    static final String oR = "-R:";

    final String enablePrintFlags = SubstrateOptions.PrintFlags.getName() + "=";
    final String enablePrintFlagsWithExtraHelp = SubstrateOptions.PrintFlagsWithExtraHelp.getName() + "=";

    private static <T> String oH(OptionKey<T> option) {
        return oH + option.getName() + "=";

    private static <T> String oR(OptionKey<T> option) {
        return oR + option.getName() + "=";

    final String oHClass = oH(SubstrateOptions.Class);
    final String oHName = oH(SubstrateOptions.Name);
    final String oHPath = oH(SubstrateOptions.Path);
    final String enableSharedLibraryFlag = oH + "+" + SubstrateOptions.SharedLibrary.getName();
    final String oHCLibraryPath = oH(SubstrateOptions.CLibraryPath);
    final String oHOptimize = oH(SubstrateOptions.Optimize);
    final String oHFallbackThreshold = oH(SubstrateOptions.FallbackThreshold);
    final String oHFallbackExecutorJavaArg = oH(FallbackExecutor.Options.FallbackExecutorJavaArg);
    final String oRRuntimeJavaArg = oR(Options.FallbackExecutorRuntimeJavaArg);
    final String oHTraceClassInitialization = oH(SubstrateOptions.TraceClassInitialization);
    final String oHTraceObjectInstantiation = oH(SubstrateOptions.TraceObjectInstantiation);
    final String oHTargetPlatform = oH(SubstrateOptions.TargetPlatform);

    /* List arguments */
    final String oHSubstitutionFiles = oH(ConfigurationFiles.Options.SubstitutionFiles);
    final String oHReflectionConfigurationFiles = oH(ConfigurationFiles.Options.ReflectionConfigurationFiles);
    final String oHDynamicProxyConfigurationFiles = oH(ConfigurationFiles.Options.DynamicProxyConfigurationFiles);
    final String oHResourceConfigurationFiles = oH(ConfigurationFiles.Options.ResourceConfigurationFiles);
    final String oHJNIConfigurationFiles = oH(ConfigurationFiles.Options.JNIConfigurationFiles);
    final String oHSerializationConfigurationFiles = oH(ConfigurationFiles.Options.SerializationConfigurationFiles);
    final String oHSerializationDenyConfigurationFiles = oH(ConfigurationFiles.Options.SerializationDenyConfigurationFiles);

    final String oHInspectServerContentPath = oH(PointstoOptions.InspectServerContentPath);
    final String oHDeadlockWatchdogInterval = oH(SubstrateOptions.DeadlockWatchdogInterval);

    static final String oXmx = "-Xmx";
    static final String oXms = "-Xms";

    private static final String pKeyNativeImageArgs = "NativeImageArgs";

    private final LinkedHashSet<String> imageBuilderArgs = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    private final LinkedHashSet<Path> imageBuilderClasspath = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    private final LinkedHashSet<Path> imageBuilderBootClasspath = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    private final LinkedHashSet<String> imageIncludeBuiltinModules = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    private final ArrayList<String> imageBuilderJavaArgs = new ArrayList<>();
    private final LinkedHashSet<Path> imageClasspath = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    private final LinkedHashSet<Path> imageProvidedClasspath = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    private final ArrayList<String> customJavaArgs = new ArrayList<>();
    private final LinkedHashSet<String> customImageBuilderArgs = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    private final LinkedHashSet<Path> customImageClasspath = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    private final ArrayList<OptionHandler<? extends NativeImage>> optionHandlers = new ArrayList<>();

    protected final BuildConfiguration config;

    private final Map<String, String> userConfigProperties = new HashMap<>();
    private final Map<String, String> propertyFileSubstitutionValues = new HashMap<>();

    private boolean verbose = Boolean.valueOf(System.getenv("VERBOSE_GRAALVM_LAUNCHERS"));
    private boolean jarOptionMode = false;
    private boolean dryRun = false;
    private String printFlagsOptionQuery = null;
    private String printFlagsWithExtraHelpOptionQuery = null;

    final Registry optionRegistry;
    private LinkedHashSet<EnabledOption> enabledLanguages;

    public static final String nativeImagePropertiesFilename = "native-image.properties";
    public static final String nativeImageMetaInf = "META-INF/native-image";

    public interface BuildConfiguration {
Returns:the name of the image generator main class.
/** * @return the name of the image generator main class. */
default String getGeneratorMainClass() { String generatorClassName = DEFAULT_GENERATOR_CLASS_NAME; if (useJavaModules()) { generatorClassName += DEFAULT_GENERATOR_9PLUS_SUFFIX; } return generatorClassName; }
Returns:relative path usage get resolved against this path (also default path for image building)
/** * @return relative path usage get resolved against this path (also default path for image * building) */
Path getWorkingDirectory();
Returns:java.home that is associated with this BuildConfiguration
/** * @return java.home that is associated with this BuildConfiguration */
default Path getJavaHome() { throw VMError.unimplemented(); }
Returns:path to Java executable
/** * @return path to Java executable */
default Path getJavaExecutable() { throw VMError.unimplemented(); }
Returns:true if Java modules system should be used
/** * @return true if Java modules system should be used */
default boolean useJavaModules() { try { Class.forName("java.lang.Module"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return false; } return true; }
Returns:classpath for SubstrateVM image builder components
/** * @return classpath for SubstrateVM image builder components */
default List<Path> getBuilderClasspath() { throw VMError.unimplemented(); }
Returns:base clibrary paths needed for general image building
/** * @return base clibrary paths needed for general image building */
default List<Path> getBuilderCLibrariesPaths() { throw VMError.unimplemented(); }
Returns:path to content of the inspect web server (points-to analysis debugging)
/** * @return path to content of the inspect web server (points-to analysis debugging) */
default Path getBuilderInspectServerPath() { throw VMError.unimplemented(); }
Returns:base image classpath needed for every image (e.g. LIBRARY_SUPPORT)
/** * @return base image classpath needed for every image (e.g. LIBRARY_SUPPORT) */
default List<Path> getImageProvidedClasspath() { throw VMError.unimplemented(); }
Returns:JVMCI API classpath for image builder (jvmci + graal jars)
/** * @return JVMCI API classpath for image builder (jvmci + graal jars) */
default List<Path> getBuilderJVMCIClasspath() { throw VMError.unimplemented(); }
Returns:entries for jvmci.class.path.append system property (if needed)
/** * @return entries for jvmci.class.path.append system property (if needed) */
default List<Path> getBuilderJVMCIClasspathAppend() { throw VMError.unimplemented(); }
Returns:boot-classpath for image builder (graal-sdk.jar)
/** * @return boot-classpath for image builder (graal-sdk.jar) */
default List<Path> getBuilderBootClasspath() { throw VMError.unimplemented(); }
Returns:additional arguments for JVM that runs image builder
/** * @return additional arguments for JVM that runs image builder */
default List<String> getBuilderJavaArgs() { String javaVersion = String.valueOf(JavaVersionUtil.JAVA_SPEC); String[] flagsForVersion = graalCompilerFlags.get(javaVersion); if (flagsForVersion == null) { showError(String.format("Image building not supported for Java version %s in %s with VM configuration \"%s\"", System.getProperty("java.version"), System.getProperty("java.home"), System.getProperty("java.vm.name"))); } if (useJVMCINativeLibrary == null) { useJVMCINativeLibrary = false; ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(); List<String> command = pb.command(); command.add(getJavaExecutable().toString()); command.add("-XX:+PrintFlagsFinal"); command.add("-version"); try { Process process = pb.start(); try (java.util.Scanner inputScanner = new java.util.Scanner(process.getInputStream())) { while (inputScanner.hasNextLine()) { String line = inputScanner.nextLine(); if (line.contains("bool UseJVMCINativeLibrary")) { String value = SubstrateUtil.split(line, "=")[1]; if (value.trim().startsWith("true")) { useJVMCINativeLibrary = true; break; } } } } process.waitFor(); process.destroy(); } catch (Exception e) { /* Probing fails silently */ } } ArrayList<String> builderJavaArgs = new ArrayList<>(); builderJavaArgs.addAll(Arrays.asList(flagsForVersion)); if (useJVMCINativeLibrary) { builderJavaArgs.add("-XX:+UseJVMCINativeLibrary"); } else { builderJavaArgs.add("-XX:-UseJVMCICompiler"); } return builderJavaArgs; }
Returns:entries for the --module-path of the image builder
/** * @return entries for the --module-path of the image builder */
default List<Path> getBuilderModulePath() { throw VMError.unimplemented(); }
Returns:entries for the --upgrade-module-path of the image builder
/** * @return entries for the --upgrade-module-path of the image builder */
default List<Path> getBuilderUpgradeModulePath() { throw VMError.unimplemented(); }
Returns:classpath for image (the classes the user wants to build an image from)
/** * @return classpath for image (the classes the user wants to build an image from) */
default List<Path> getImageClasspath() { throw VMError.unimplemented(); }
Returns:native-image (i.e. image build) arguments
/** * @return native-image (i.e. image build) arguments */
default List<String> getBuildArgs() { throw VMError.unimplemented(); }
Returns:true for fallback image building
/** * @return true for fallback image building */
default boolean buildFallbackImage() { return false; } default Path getAgentJAR() { return null; }
ResourcesJar packs resources files needed for some jdk services such as xml serialization.
Returns:the path to the resources.jar file
/** * ResourcesJar packs resources files needed for some jdk services such as xml * serialization. * * @return the path to the resources.jar file */
default Optional<Path> getResourcesJar() { return Optional.empty(); } } private static class DefaultBuildConfiguration implements BuildConfiguration { private final Path workDir; private final Path rootDir; private final List<String> args; DefaultBuildConfiguration(List<String> args) { this(null, null, args); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") DefaultBuildConfiguration(Path rootDir, Path workDir, List<String> args) { this.args = args; this.workDir = workDir != null ? workDir : Paths.get(".").toAbsolutePath().normalize(); if (rootDir != null) { this.rootDir = rootDir; } else { if (IS_AOT) { Path executablePath = Paths.get(ProcessProperties.getExecutableName()); assert executablePath != null; Path binDir = executablePath.getParent(); Path rootDirCandidate = binDir.getParent(); if (rootDirCandidate.endsWith(platform)) { rootDirCandidate = rootDirCandidate.getParent(); } if (rootDirCandidate.endsWith(Paths.get("lib", "svm"))) { rootDirCandidate = rootDirCandidate.getParent().getParent(); } this.rootDir = rootDirCandidate; } else { String rootDirProperty = "native-image.root"; String rootDirString = System.getProperty(rootDirProperty); if (rootDirString == null) { rootDirString = System.getProperty("java.home"); } this.rootDir = Paths.get(rootDirString); } } } @Override public Path getWorkingDirectory() { return workDir; } @Override public Path getJavaHome() { return useJavaModules() ? rootDir : rootDir.getParent(); } @Override public Path getJavaExecutable() { Path binJava = Paths.get("bin", OS.getCurrent() == OS.WINDOWS ? "java.exe" : "java"); if (Files.isExecutable(rootDir.resolve(binJava))) { return rootDir.resolve(binJava); } String javaHome = System.getenv("JAVA_HOME"); if (javaHome == null) { throw showError("Environment variable JAVA_HOME is not set"); } Path javaHomeDir = Paths.get(javaHome); if (!Files.isDirectory(javaHomeDir)) { throw showError("Environment variable JAVA_HOME does not refer to a directory"); } if (!Files.isExecutable(javaHomeDir.resolve(binJava))) { throw showError("Environment variable JAVA_HOME does not refer to a directory with a " + binJava + " executable"); } return javaHomeDir.resolve(binJava); } @Override public List<Path> getBuilderClasspath() { List<Path> result = new ArrayList<>(); if (useJavaModules()) { result.addAll(getJars(rootDir.resolve(Paths.get("lib", "jvmci")), "graal-sdk", "graal", "enterprise-graal")); } result.addAll(getJars(rootDir.resolve(Paths.get("lib", "svm", "builder")))); return result; } @Override public List<Path> getBuilderCLibrariesPaths() { return Collections.singletonList(rootDir.resolve(Paths.get("lib", "svm", "clibraries"))); } @Override public List<Path> getImageProvidedClasspath() { return getJars(rootDir.resolve(Paths.get("lib", "svm"))); } @Override public Path getBuilderInspectServerPath() { Path inspectPath = rootDir.resolve(Paths.get("lib", "svm", "inspect")); if (Files.isDirectory(inspectPath)) { return inspectPath; } return null; } @Override public List<Path> getBuilderJVMCIClasspath() { return getJars(rootDir.resolve(Paths.get("lib", "jvmci"))); } @Override public List<Path> getBuilderJVMCIClasspathAppend() { return getBuilderJVMCIClasspath().stream() .filter(f -> f.getFileName().toString().toLowerCase().endsWith("graal.jar")) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } @Override public List<Path> getBuilderBootClasspath() { return getJars(rootDir.resolve(Paths.get("lib", "boot"))); } @Override public List<Path> getBuilderModulePath() { List<Path> result = new ArrayList<>(); result.addAll(getJars(rootDir.resolve(Paths.get("lib", "jvmci")), "graal-sdk", "enterprise-graal")); result.addAll(getJars(rootDir.resolve(Paths.get("lib", "truffle")), "truffle-api")); return result; } @Override public List<Path> getBuilderUpgradeModulePath() { return getJars(rootDir.resolve(Paths.get("lib", "jvmci")), "graal", "graal-management"); } @Override public List<Path> getImageClasspath() { return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public List<String> getBuildArgs() { if (args.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<String> buildArgs = new ArrayList<>(); buildArgs.addAll(Arrays.asList("--configurations-path", rootDir.toString())); buildArgs.addAll(Arrays.asList("--configurations-path", rootDir.resolve(Paths.get("lib", "svm")).toString())); buildArgs.addAll(args); return buildArgs; } @Override public Path getAgentJAR() { return rootDir.resolve(Paths.get("lib", "svm", "builder", "svm.jar")); } @Override public Optional<Path> getResourcesJar() { return Optional.of(rootDir.resolve(Paths.get("lib", "resources.jar"))); } } private ArrayList<String> createFallbackBuildArgs() { ArrayList<String> buildArgs = new ArrayList<>(); Collection<String> fallbackSystemProperties = customJavaArgs.stream() .filter(s -> s.startsWith("-D")) .collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedHashSet::new)); for (String property : fallbackSystemProperties) { buildArgs.add(oH(FallbackExecutor.Options.FallbackExecutorSystemProperty) + property); } List<String> runtimeJavaArgs = imageBuilderArgs.stream() .filter(s -> s.startsWith(oRRuntimeJavaArg)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); for (String runtimeJavaArg : runtimeJavaArgs) { buildArgs.add(runtimeJavaArg); } List<String> fallbackExecutorJavaArgs = imageBuilderArgs.stream() .filter(s -> s.startsWith(oHFallbackExecutorJavaArg)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); for (String fallbackExecutorJavaArg : fallbackExecutorJavaArgs) { buildArgs.add(fallbackExecutorJavaArg); } buildArgs.add(oH + "+" + SubstrateOptions.ParseRuntimeOptions.getName()); String classpathString = imageClasspath.stream() .map(imagePath::relativize) .map(ClasspathUtils::classpathToString) .collect(Collectors.joining(File.pathSeparator)); buildArgs.add(oHPath + imagePath.toString()); buildArgs.add(oH(FallbackExecutor.Options.FallbackExecutorClasspath) + classpathString); buildArgs.add(oH(FallbackExecutor.Options.FallbackExecutorMainClass) + mainClass); /* * The fallback image on purpose captures the Java home directory used for image generation, * see field FallbackExecutor.buildTimeJavaHome */ buildArgs.add(oH + "-" + SubstrateOptions.DetectUserDirectoriesInImageHeap.getName()); buildArgs.add(FallbackExecutor.class.getName()); buildArgs.add(imageName); for (OptionHandler<? extends NativeImage> handler : optionHandlers) { handler.addFallbackBuildArgs(buildArgs); } return buildArgs; } private static final class FallbackBuildConfiguration implements InvocationHandler { private final NativeImage original; private final List<String> buildArgs; private FallbackBuildConfiguration(NativeImage original) { this.original = original; this.buildArgs = original.createFallbackBuildArgs(); } static BuildConfiguration create(NativeImage imageName) { FallbackBuildConfiguration handler = new FallbackBuildConfiguration(imageName); BuildConfiguration fallback = (BuildConfiguration) Proxy.newProxyInstance(BuildConfiguration.class.getClassLoader(), new Class<?>[]{BuildConfiguration.class}, handler); return fallback; } @Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { switch (method.getName()) { case "getImageClasspath": return Collections.emptyList(); case "getBuildArgs": return buildArgs; case "buildFallbackImage": return true; default: return method.invoke(original.config, args); } } } protected NativeImage(BuildConfiguration config) { this.config = config; String configFileEnvVarKey = "NATIVE_IMAGE_CONFIG_FILE"; String configFile = System.getenv(configFileEnvVarKey); if (configFile != null && !configFile.isEmpty()) { try { userConfigProperties.putAll(loadProperties(canonicalize(Paths.get(configFile)))); } catch (NativeImageError | Exception e) { showError("Invalid environment variable " + configFileEnvVarKey, e); } } // Generate images into the current directory addPlainImageBuilderArg(oHPath + config.getWorkingDirectory()); /* Discover supported MacroOptions */ optionRegistry = new MacroOption.Registry(); /* Default handler needs to be fist */ defaultOptionHandler = new DefaultOptionHandler(this); registerOptionHandler(defaultOptionHandler); apiOptionHandler = new APIOptionHandler(this); registerOptionHandler(apiOptionHandler); registerOptionHandler(new MacroOptionHandler(this)); } void addMacroOptionRoot(Path configDir) { optionRegistry.addMacroOptionRoot(canonicalize(configDir)); } protected void registerOptionHandler(OptionHandler<? extends NativeImage> handler) { optionHandlers.add(handler); } protected Map<String, String> getUserConfigProperties() { return userConfigProperties; } protected Path getUserConfigDir() { String envVarKey = "NATIVE_IMAGE_USER_HOME"; String userHomeStr = System.getenv(envVarKey); if (userHomeStr == null || userHomeStr.isEmpty()) { return Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.home"), ".native-image"); } return Paths.get(userHomeStr); } protected static void ensureDirectoryExists(Path dir) { if (Files.exists(dir)) { if (!Files.isDirectory(dir)) { throw showError("File " + dir + " is not a directory"); } } else { try { Files.createDirectories(dir); } catch (IOException e) { throw showError("Could not create directory " + dir); } } } private void prepareImageBuildArgs() { config.getBuilderJavaArgs().forEach(this::addImageBuilderJavaArgs); addImageBuilderJavaArgs("-Xss10m"); addImageBuilderJavaArgs(oXms + getXmsValue()); addImageBuilderJavaArgs(oXmx + getXmxValue(1)); addImageBuilderJavaArgs("-Duser.country=US", "-Duser.language=en"); /* Prevent JVM that runs the image builder to steal focus */ if (OS.getCurrent() != OS.WINDOWS || JavaVersionUtil.JAVA_SPEC > 8) { /* Conditional because of https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8159956 */ addImageBuilderJavaArgs("-Djava.awt.headless=true"); } addImageBuilderJavaArgs("-Dorg.graalvm.version=" + graalvmVersion); addImageBuilderJavaArgs("-Dorg.graalvm.config=" + graalvmConfig); addImageBuilderJavaArgs("-Dcom.oracle.graalvm.isaot=true"); addImageBuilderJavaArgs("-Djava.system.class.loader=" + CUSTOM_SYSTEM_CLASS_LOADER); if (OS.getCurrent() == OS.LINUX && JavaVersionUtil.JAVA_SPEC >= 11) { addImageBuilderJavaArgs("-Dawt.toolkit=sun.awt.X11.XToolkit"); addImageBuilderJavaArgs("-Djava.awt.graphicsenv=sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment"); addImageBuilderJavaArgs("-Djava.awt.printerjob=sun.print.PSPrinterJob"); } /* * The presence of CDS and custom system class loaders disables the use of archived * non-system class and and triggers a warning. */ addImageBuilderJavaArgs("-Xshare:off"); config.getBuilderClasspath().forEach(this::addImageBuilderClasspath); config.getImageProvidedClasspath().forEach(this::addImageProvidedClasspath); if (config.getBuilderInspectServerPath() != null) { addPlainImageBuilderArg(oHInspectServerContentPath + config.getBuilderInspectServerPath()); } if (config.useJavaModules()) { String modulePath = config.getBuilderModulePath().stream() .map(p -> canonicalize(p).toString()) .collect(Collectors.joining(File.pathSeparator)); if (!modulePath.isEmpty()) { addImageBuilderJavaArgs(Arrays.asList("--module-path", modulePath)); } String upgradeModulePath = config.getBuilderUpgradeModulePath().stream() .map(p -> canonicalize(p).toString()) .collect(Collectors.joining(File.pathSeparator)); if (!upgradeModulePath.isEmpty()) { addImageBuilderJavaArgs(Arrays.asList("--upgrade-module-path", upgradeModulePath)); } } else { config.getBuilderJVMCIClasspath().forEach((Consumer<? super Path>) this::addImageBuilderClasspath); if (!config.getBuilderJVMCIClasspathAppend().isEmpty()) { String builderJavaArg = config.getBuilderJVMCIClasspathAppend() .stream().map(path -> canonicalize(path).toString()) .collect(Collectors.joining(File.pathSeparator, "-Djvmci.class.path.append=", "")); addImageBuilderJavaArgs(builderJavaArg); } config.getBuilderBootClasspath().forEach((Consumer<? super Path>) this::addImageBuilderBootClasspath); config.getResourcesJar().ifPresent(this::addImageBuilderClasspath); } config.getImageClasspath().forEach(this::addCustomImageClasspath); } private void completeOptionArgs() { LinkedHashSet<EnabledOption> enabledOptions = optionRegistry.getEnabledOptions(); /* Any use of MacroOptions opts-out of auto-fallback and activates --no-fallback */ if (!enabledOptions.isEmpty()) { addPlainImageBuilderArg(oHFallbackThreshold + SubstrateOptions.NoFallback); } /* Determine if truffle is needed- any MacroOption of kind Language counts */ enabledLanguages = optionRegistry.getEnabledOptions(MacroOptionKind.Language); /* Provide more memory for image building if we have more than one language. */ if (enabledLanguages.size() > 1) { long baseMemRequirements = SubstrateOptionsParser.parseLong("4g"); long memRequirements = baseMemRequirements + enabledLanguages.size() * SubstrateOptionsParser.parseLong("1g"); /* Add mem-requirement for polyglot building - gets further consolidated (use max) */ addImageBuilderJavaArgs(oXmx + memRequirements); } consolidateListArgs(imageBuilderJavaArgs, "-Dpolyglot.engine.PreinitializeContexts=", ",", Function.identity()); // legacy consolidateListArgs(imageBuilderJavaArgs, "-Dpolyglot.image-build-time.PreinitializeContexts=", ",", Function.identity()); } protected static String consolidateSingleValueArg(Collection<String> args, String argPrefix) { BiFunction<String, String, String> takeLast = (a, b) -> b; return consolidateArgs(args, argPrefix, Function.identity(), Function.identity(), () -> null, takeLast); } protected static boolean replaceArg(Collection<String> args, String argPrefix, String argSuffix) { boolean elementsRemoved = args.removeIf(arg -> arg.startsWith(argPrefix)); args.add(argPrefix + argSuffix); return elementsRemoved; } private static <T> T consolidateArgs(Collection<String> args, String argPrefix, Function<String, T> fromSuffix, Function<T, String> toSuffix, Supplier<T> init, BiFunction<T, T, T> combiner) { T consolidatedValue = null; boolean needsConsolidate = false; for (String arg : args) { if (arg.startsWith(argPrefix)) { if (consolidatedValue == null) { consolidatedValue = init.get(); } else { needsConsolidate = true; } consolidatedValue = combiner.apply(consolidatedValue, fromSuffix.apply(arg.substring(argPrefix.length()))); } } if (consolidatedValue != null && needsConsolidate) { replaceArg(args, argPrefix, toSuffix.apply(consolidatedValue)); } return consolidatedValue; } private static LinkedHashSet<String> collectListArgs(Collection<String> args, String argPrefix, String delimiter) { LinkedHashSet<String> allEntries = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (String arg : args) { if (arg.startsWith(argPrefix)) { String argEntriesRaw = arg.substring(argPrefix.length()); if (!argEntriesRaw.isEmpty()) { allEntries.addAll(Arrays.asList(argEntriesRaw.split(delimiter))); } } } return allEntries; } private static void consolidateListArgs(Collection<String> args, String argPrefix, String delimiter, Function<String, String> mapFunc) { LinkedHashSet<String> allEntries = collectListArgs(args, argPrefix, delimiter); if (!allEntries.isEmpty()) { replaceArg(args, argPrefix, allEntries.stream().map(mapFunc).collect(Collectors.joining(delimiter))); } } enum MetaInfFileType { Properties(null, nativeImagePropertiesFilename), JniConfiguration(ConfigurationFiles.Options.JNIConfigurationResources, ConfigurationFiles.JNI_NAME), ReflectConfiguration(ConfigurationFiles.Options.ReflectionConfigurationResources, ConfigurationFiles.REFLECTION_NAME), ResourceConfiguration(ConfigurationFiles.Options.ResourceConfigurationResources, ConfigurationFiles.RESOURCES_NAME), ProxyConfiguration(ConfigurationFiles.Options.DynamicProxyConfigurationResources, ConfigurationFiles.DYNAMIC_PROXY_NAME), SerializationConfiguration(ConfigurationFiles.Options.SerializationConfigurationResources, ConfigurationFiles.SERIALIZATION_NAME), SerializationDenyConfiguration(ConfigurationFiles.Options.SerializationDenyConfigurationResources, ConfigurationFiles.SERIALIZATION_DENY_NAME); final OptionKey<?> optionKey; final String fileName; MetaInfFileType(OptionKey<?> optionKey, String fileName) { this.optionKey = optionKey; this.fileName = fileName; } } interface NativeImageMetaInfResourceProcessor { void processMetaInfResource(Path classpathEntry, Path resourceRoot, Path resourcePath, MetaInfFileType type, Function<String, String> resolver) throws IOException; } private void processClasspathNativeImageMetaInf(Path classpathEntry) { processClasspathNativeImageMetaInf(classpathEntry, this::processNativeImageMetaInf); } private void processClasspathNativeImageMetaInf(Path classpathEntry, NativeImageMetaInfResourceProcessor metaInfProcessor) { try { if (Files.isDirectory(classpathEntry)) { Path nativeImageMetaInfBase = classpathEntry.resolve(Paths.get(nativeImageMetaInf)); processNativeImageMetaInf(classpathEntry, nativeImageMetaInfBase, metaInfProcessor); } else { List<Path> jarFileMatches = Collections.emptyList(); if (classpathEntry.endsWith(ClasspathUtils.cpWildcardSubstitute)) { try { jarFileMatches = Files.list(classpathEntry.getParent()) .filter(ClasspathUtils::isJar) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } catch (NoSuchFileException e) { /* Fallthrough */ } } else if (Files.isReadable(classpathEntry)) { jarFileMatches = Collections.singletonList(classpathEntry); } for (Path jarFile : jarFileMatches) { URI jarFileURI = URI.create("jar:" + jarFile.toUri()); FileSystem probeJarFS; try { probeJarFS = FileSystems.newFileSystem(jarFileURI, Collections.emptyMap()); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { probeJarFS = null; if (isVerbose()) { showWarning(ClasspathUtils.classpathToString(classpathEntry) + " does not describe valid jarfile" + (jarFileMatches.size() > 1 ? "s" : "")); } } if (probeJarFS != null) { try (FileSystem jarFS = probeJarFS) { Path nativeImageMetaInfBase = jarFS.getPath("/" + nativeImageMetaInf); processNativeImageMetaInf(jarFile, nativeImageMetaInfBase, metaInfProcessor); } } } } } catch (IOException | FileSystemNotFoundException e) { throw showError("Invalid classpath entry " + ClasspathUtils.classpathToString(classpathEntry), e); } } private void processNativeImageMetaInf(Path classpathEntry, Path nativeImageMetaInfBase, NativeImageMetaInfResourceProcessor metaInfProcessor) throws IOException { if (Files.isDirectory(nativeImageMetaInfBase)) { for (MetaInfFileType fileType : MetaInfFileType.values()) { List<Path> nativeImageMetaInfFiles = Files.walk(nativeImageMetaInfBase) .filter(p -> p.endsWith(fileType.fileName)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); for (Path nativeImageMetaInfFile : nativeImageMetaInfFiles) { Path resourceRoot = nativeImageMetaInfBase.getParent().getParent(); Function<String, String> resolver = str -> { Path componentDirectory = resourceRoot.relativize(nativeImageMetaInfFile).getParent(); int nameCount = componentDirectory.getNameCount(); String optionArg = null; if (nameCount > 2) { String optionArgKey = componentDirectory.subpath(2, nameCount).toString(); optionArg = propertyFileSubstitutionValues.get(optionArgKey); } return resolvePropertyValue(str, optionArg, componentDirectory, config); }; showVerboseMessage(isVerbose(), "Apply " + nativeImageMetaInfFile.toUri()); try { metaInfProcessor.processMetaInfResource(classpathEntry, resourceRoot, nativeImageMetaInfFile, fileType, resolver); } catch (NativeImageError err) { showError("Processing " + nativeImageMetaInfFile.toUri() + " failed", err); } } } } } private void processNativeImageMetaInf(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Path classpathEntry, Path resourceRoot, Path resourcePath, MetaInfFileType resourceType, Function<String, String> resolver) throws IOException { NativeImageArgsProcessor args = new NativeImageArgsProcessor(); if (resourceType == MetaInfFileType.Properties) { Map<String, String> properties = loadProperties(Files.newInputStream(resourcePath)); String imageNameValue = properties.get("ImageName"); if (imageNameValue != null) { addCustomImageBuilderArgs(oHName + resolver.apply(imageNameValue)); } forEachPropertyValue(properties.get("JavaArgs"), this::addImageBuilderJavaArgs, resolver); forEachPropertyValue(properties.get("Args"), args, resolver); } else { args.accept(oH(resourceType.optionKey) + resourceRoot.relativize(resourcePath)); } args.apply(true); } static void processManifestMainAttributes(Path path, BiConsumer<Path, Attributes> manifestConsumer) { if (path.endsWith(ClasspathUtils.cpWildcardSubstitute)) { if (!Files.isDirectory(path.getParent())) { throw NativeImage.showError("Cannot expand wildcard: '" + path + "' is not a directory"); } try { Files.list(path.getParent()) .filter(ClasspathUtils::isJar) .forEach(p -> processJarManifestMainAttributes(p, manifestConsumer)); } catch (IOException e) { throw NativeImage.showError("Error while expanding wildcard for '" + path + "'", e); } } else if (!Files.isDirectory(path)) { processJarManifestMainAttributes(path, manifestConsumer); } } static boolean processJarManifestMainAttributes(Path jarFilePath, BiConsumer<Path, Attributes> manifestConsumer) { try (JarFile jarFile = new JarFile(jarFilePath.toFile())) { Manifest manifest = jarFile.getManifest(); if (manifest == null) { return false; } manifestConsumer.accept(jarFilePath, manifest.getMainAttributes()); return true; } catch (IOException e) { throw NativeImage.showError("Invalid or corrupt jarfile " + jarFilePath, e); } } void handleMainClassAttribute(Path jarFilePath, Attributes mainAttributes) { String mainClassValue = mainAttributes.getValue("Main-Class"); if (mainClassValue == null) { NativeImage.showError("No main manifest attribute, in " + jarFilePath); } addPlainImageBuilderArg(oHClass + mainClassValue); String jarFileName = jarFilePath.getFileName().toString(); String jarSuffix = ".jar"; String jarFileNameBase; if (jarFileName.endsWith(jarSuffix)) { jarFileNameBase = jarFileName.substring(0, jarFileName.length() - jarSuffix.length()); } else { jarFileNameBase = jarFileName; } if (!jarFileNameBase.isEmpty()) { addPlainImageBuilderArg(oHName + jarFileNameBase); } } void handleClassPathAttribute(Path jarFilePath, Attributes mainAttributes) { String classPathValue = mainAttributes.getValue("Class-Path"); /* Missing Class-Path Attribute is tolerable */ if (classPathValue != null) { for (String cp : classPathValue.split(" +")) { Path manifestClassPath = ClasspathUtils.stringToClasspath(cp); if (!manifestClassPath.isAbsolute()) { /* Resolve relative manifestClassPath against directory containing jar */ manifestClassPath = jarFilePath.getParent().resolve(manifestClassPath); } /* Invalid entries in Class-Path are allowed (i.e. use strict false) */ addImageClasspathEntry(imageClasspath, manifestClassPath, false); } } } private int completeImageBuild() { List<String> leftoverArgs = processNativeImageArgs(); completeOptionArgs(); addTargetArguments(); String clibrariesPath = (targetPlatform != null) ? targetPlatform : platform; String clibrariesBuilderArg = config.getBuilderCLibrariesPaths().stream() .map(path -> canonicalize(path.resolve(clibrariesPath)).toString()) .collect(Collectors.joining(",", oHCLibraryPath, "")); addPlainImageBuilderArg(clibrariesBuilderArg); if (printFlagsOptionQuery != null) { addPlainImageBuilderArg(NativeImage.oH + enablePrintFlags + printFlagsOptionQuery); addPlainImageBuilderArg(NativeImage.oR + enablePrintFlags + printFlagsOptionQuery); } else if (printFlagsWithExtraHelpOptionQuery != null) { addPlainImageBuilderArg(NativeImage.oH + enablePrintFlagsWithExtraHelp + printFlagsWithExtraHelpOptionQuery); addPlainImageBuilderArg(NativeImage.oR + enablePrintFlagsWithExtraHelp + printFlagsWithExtraHelpOptionQuery); } if (shouldAddCWDToCP()) { addImageClasspath(Paths.get(".")); } imageClasspath.addAll(customImageClasspath); /* Perform JavaArgs consolidation - take the maximum of -Xmx, minimum of -Xms */ Long xmxValue = consolidateArgs(imageBuilderJavaArgs, oXmx, SubstrateOptionsParser::parseLong, String::valueOf, () -> 0L, Math::max); Long xmsValue = consolidateArgs(imageBuilderJavaArgs, oXms, SubstrateOptionsParser::parseLong, String::valueOf, () -> SubstrateOptionsParser.parseLong(getXmsValue()), Math::max); if (Long.compareUnsigned(xmsValue, xmxValue) > 0) { replaceArg(imageBuilderJavaArgs, oXms, Long.toUnsignedString(xmxValue)); } imageBuilderJavaArgs.add("-Djdk.internal.lambda.disableEagerInitialization=true"); // The following two are for backwards compatibility reasons. They should be removed. imageBuilderJavaArgs.add("-Djdk.internal.lambda.eagerlyInitialize=false"); imageBuilderJavaArgs.add("-Djava.lang.invoke.InnerClassLambdaMetafactory.initializeLambdas=false"); if (!imageIncludeBuiltinModules.isEmpty()) { imageBuilderJavaArgs.add("-D" + AbstractNativeImageClassLoaderSupport.PROPERTY_IMAGEINCLUDEBUILTINMODULES + "=" + String.join(",", imageIncludeBuiltinModules)); } /* After JavaArgs consolidation add the user provided JavaArgs */ boolean afterOption = false; for (String arg : customJavaArgs) { if (arg.startsWith("-")) { afterOption = true; } else { if (!afterOption) { NativeImage.showError("Found invalid image builder Java VM argument: " + arg); } else { afterOption = false; } } } addImageBuilderJavaArgs(customJavaArgs.toArray(new String[0])); /* Perform option consolidation of imageBuilderArgs */ Function<String, String> canonicalizedPathStr = s -> canonicalize(Paths.get(s)).toString(); consolidateListArgs(imageBuilderArgs, oHCLibraryPath, ",", canonicalizedPathStr); consolidateListArgs(imageBuilderArgs, oHSubstitutionFiles, ",", canonicalizedPathStr); consolidateListArgs(imageBuilderArgs, oHReflectionConfigurationFiles, ",", canonicalizedPathStr); consolidateListArgs(imageBuilderArgs, oHDynamicProxyConfigurationFiles, ",", canonicalizedPathStr); consolidateListArgs(imageBuilderArgs, oHResourceConfigurationFiles, ",", canonicalizedPathStr); consolidateListArgs(imageBuilderArgs, oHJNIConfigurationFiles, ",", canonicalizedPathStr); consolidateListArgs(imageBuilderArgs, oHTraceClassInitialization, ",", Function.identity()); consolidateListArgs(imageBuilderArgs, oHTraceObjectInstantiation, ",", Function.identity()); consolidateListArgs(imageBuilderArgs, oHSerializationConfigurationFiles, ",", canonicalizedPathStr); consolidateListArgs(imageBuilderArgs, oHSerializationDenyConfigurationFiles, ",", canonicalizedPathStr); imageBuilderJavaArgs.addAll(getAgentArguments()); BiFunction<String, String, String> takeLast = (a, b) -> b; String imagePathStr = consolidateArgs(imageBuilderArgs, oHPath, Function.identity(), canonicalizedPathStr, () -> null, takeLast); try { imagePath = canonicalize(Paths.get(imagePathStr)); } catch (NativeImage.NativeImageError | InvalidPathException e) { throw showError("The given " + oHPath + imagePathStr + " argument does not specify a valid path", e); } consolidateArgs(imageBuilderArgs, oHName, Function.identity(), Function.identity(), () -> null, takeLast); mainClass = consolidateSingleValueArg(imageBuilderArgs, oHClass); boolean buildExecutable = imageBuilderArgs.stream().noneMatch(arg -> arg.contains(enableSharedLibraryFlag)); boolean printFlags = imageBuilderArgs.stream().anyMatch(arg -> arg.contains(enablePrintFlags) || arg.contains(enablePrintFlagsWithExtraHelp)); if (!printFlags) { List<String> extraImageArgs = new ArrayList<>(); ListIterator<String> leftoverArgsItr = leftoverArgs.listIterator(); while (leftoverArgsItr.hasNext()) { String leftoverArg = leftoverArgsItr.next(); if (!leftoverArg.startsWith("-")) { leftoverArgsItr.remove(); extraImageArgs.add(leftoverArg); } } if (!jarOptionMode) { /* Main-class from customImageBuilderArgs counts as explicitMainClass */ boolean explicitMainClass = customImageBuilderArgs.stream().anyMatch(arg -> arg.startsWith(oHClass)); if (extraImageArgs.isEmpty()) { if (buildExecutable && (mainClass == null || mainClass.isEmpty())) { showError("Please specify class containing the main entry point method. (see --help)"); } } else { /* extraImageArgs main-class overrules previous main-class specification */ explicitMainClass = true; mainClass = extraImageArgs.remove(0); replaceArg(imageBuilderArgs, oHClass, mainClass); } if (extraImageArgs.isEmpty()) { /* No explicit image name, define image name by other means */ if (customImageBuilderArgs.stream().noneMatch(arg -> arg.startsWith(oHName))) { /* Also no explicit image name given as customImageBuilderArgs */ if (explicitMainClass) { /* Use main-class lower case as image name */ replaceArg(imageBuilderArgs, oHName, mainClass.toLowerCase()); } else if (imageBuilderArgs.stream().noneMatch(arg -> arg.startsWith(oHName))) { /* Although very unlikely, report missing image-name if needed. */ throw showError("Missing image-name. Use " + oHName + "<imagename> to provide one."); } } } else { /* extraImageArgs executable name overrules previous specification */ replaceArg(imageBuilderArgs, oHName, extraImageArgs.remove(0)); } } else { if (!extraImageArgs.isEmpty()) { /* extraImageArgs library name overrules previous specification */ replaceArg(imageBuilderArgs, oHName, extraImageArgs.remove(0)); } } if (!extraImageArgs.isEmpty()) { String prefix = "Unknown argument" + (extraImageArgs.size() == 1 ? ": " : "s: "); showError(extraImageArgs.stream().collect(Collectors.joining(", ", prefix, ""))); } } imageName = consolidateSingleValueArg(imageBuilderArgs, oHName); if (!leftoverArgs.isEmpty()) { String prefix = "Unrecognized option" + (leftoverArgs.size() == 1 ? ": " : "s: "); showError(leftoverArgs.stream().collect(Collectors.joining(", ", prefix, ""))); } LinkedHashSet<Path> finalImageClasspath = new LinkedHashSet<>(imageBuilderBootClasspath); finalImageClasspath.addAll(imageProvidedClasspath); finalImageClasspath.addAll(imageClasspath); if (!config.buildFallbackImage() && imageBuilderArgs.contains(oHFallbackThreshold + SubstrateOptions.ForceFallback)) { /* Bypass regular build and proceed with fallback image building */ return 2; } return buildImage(imageBuilderJavaArgs, imageBuilderBootClasspath, imageBuilderClasspath, imageBuilderArgs, finalImageClasspath); } private boolean shouldAddCWDToCP() { if (config.buildFallbackImage() || printFlagsOptionQuery != null || printFlagsWithExtraHelpOptionQuery != null) { return false; } Optional<EnabledOption> explicitMacroOption = optionRegistry.getEnabledOptions(MacroOptionKind.Macro).stream().filter(EnabledOption::isEnabledFromCommandline).findAny(); /* If we have any explicit macro options, we do not put "." on classpath */ if (explicitMacroOption.isPresent()) { return false; } /* If no customImageClasspath was specified put "." on classpath */ return customImageClasspath.isEmpty(); } private static boolean isListArgumentSet(Collection<String> list, String argPrefix) { return list.stream().anyMatch(arg -> arg.startsWith(argPrefix) && !arg.equals(argPrefix)); } private boolean isListArgumentSet(String argPrefix) { return isListArgumentSet(imageBuilderArgs, argPrefix); } private static String getListArgumentValue(Collection<String> list, String argPrefix) { VMError.guarantee(isListArgumentSet(list, argPrefix)); return list.stream().filter(arg -> arg.startsWith(argPrefix)).map(arg -> arg.substring(argPrefix.length())).collect(Collectors.joining()); } private String getListArgumentValue(String argPrefix) { return getListArgumentValue(imageBuilderArgs, argPrefix); } private List<String> getAgentArguments() { List<String> args = new ArrayList<>(); String agentOptions = ""; boolean shouldTraceClassInitialization = isListArgumentSet(oHTraceClassInitialization); boolean shouldTraceObjectInstantiation = isListArgumentSet(oHTraceObjectInstantiation); if (shouldTraceClassInitialization) { String classesToTrace = getListArgumentValue(oHTraceClassInitialization); agentOptions = getAgentOptions(classesToTrace, "c"); } if (shouldTraceObjectInstantiation) { String objectsToTrace = getListArgumentValue(oHTraceObjectInstantiation); if (!agentOptions.isEmpty()) { agentOptions += ","; } agentOptions += getAgentOptions(objectsToTrace, "o"); } if (!agentOptions.isEmpty()) { args.add("-agentlib:native-image-diagnostics-agent=" + agentOptions); } args.add("-javaagent:" + config.getAgentJAR().toAbsolutePath().toString() + (agentOptions.isEmpty() ? "" : "=" + agentOptions)); return args; } private static String getAgentOptions(String options, String optionName) { return Arrays.stream(options.split(",")).map(option -> optionName + "=" + option).collect(Collectors.joining(",")); } private String targetPlatform = null; private String targetOS = null; private String targetArch = null; private void addTargetArguments() { /* * Since regular hosted options are parsed at a later phase of NativeImageGeneratorRunner * process (see comments for NativeImageGenerator.getTargetPlatform), we are parsing the * --target argument here, and generating required internal arguments. */ if (!isListArgumentSet(oHTargetPlatform)) { return; } targetPlatform = getListArgumentValue(oHTargetPlatform).toLowerCase(); String[] parts = targetPlatform.split("-"); if (parts.length != 2) { throw UserError.abort("--target argument must be in format <OS>-<architecture>"); } targetOS = parts[0]; targetArch = parts[1]; if (isListArgumentSet(customJavaArgs, "-D" + Platform.PLATFORM_PROPERTY_NAME)) { NativeImage.showWarning("Usage of -D" + Platform.PLATFORM_PROPERTY_NAME + " might conflict with --target parameter."); } if (targetOS != null) { customJavaArgs.add("-Dsvm.targetPlatformOS=" + targetOS); } if (targetArch != null) { customJavaArgs.add("-Dsvm.targetPlatformArch=" + targetArch); } } private String mainClass; private String imageName; private Path imagePath; protected static List<String> createImageBuilderArgs(LinkedHashSet<String> imageArgs, LinkedHashSet<Path> imagecp) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); result.add(SubstrateOptions.IMAGE_CLASSPATH_PREFIX); result.add(imagecp.stream().map(ClasspathUtils::classpathToString).collect(Collectors.joining(File.pathSeparator))); result.addAll(imageArgs); return result; } protected static String createImageBuilderArgumentFile(List<String> imageBuilderArguments) { try { Path argsFile = Files.createTempFile("native-image", "args"); String joinedOptions = String.join("\0", imageBuilderArguments); Files.write(argsFile, joinedOptions.getBytes()); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() { @Override public void run() { try { Files.delete(argsFile); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Failed to delete temporary image builder arguments file: " + argsFile.toString()); } } }); return NativeImageGeneratorRunner.IMAGE_BUILDER_ARG_FILE_OPTION + argsFile.toString(); } catch (IOException e) { throw showError(e.getMessage()); } } protected int buildImage(List<String> javaArgs, LinkedHashSet<Path> bcp, LinkedHashSet<Path> cp, LinkedHashSet<String> imageArgs, LinkedHashSet<Path> imagecp) { /* Construct ProcessBuilder command from final arguments */ List<String> command = new ArrayList<>(); command.add(canonicalize(config.getJavaExecutable()).toString()); command.addAll(javaArgs); if (!bcp.isEmpty()) { command.add(bcp.stream().map(Path::toString).collect(Collectors.joining(File.pathSeparator, "-Xbootclasspath/a:", ""))); } command.addAll(Arrays.asList("-cp", cp.stream().map(Path::toString).collect(Collectors.joining(File.pathSeparator)))); command.add(config.getGeneratorMainClass()); if (IS_AOT && OS.getCurrent().hasProcFS) { /* * GR-8254: Ensure image-building VM shuts down even if native-image dies unexpected * (e.g. using CTRL-C in Gradle daemon mode) */ command.addAll(Arrays.asList(SubstrateOptions.WATCHPID_PREFIX, "" + ProcessProperties.getProcessID())); } List<String> finalImageBuilderArgs = createImageBuilderArgs(imageArgs, imagecp); List<String> completeCommandList = Stream.concat(command.stream(), finalImageBuilderArgs.stream()).collect(Collectors.toList()); command.add(createImageBuilderArgumentFile(finalImageBuilderArgs)); showVerboseMessage(isVerbose() || dryRun, "Executing ["); showVerboseMessage(isVerbose() || dryRun, SubstrateUtil.getShellCommandString(completeCommandList, true)); showVerboseMessage(isVerbose() || dryRun, "]"); if (dryRun) { return 0; } int exitStatus = 1; try { ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(); pb.command(command); Process p = pb.inheritIO().start(); exitStatus = p.waitFor(); } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) { throw showError(e.getMessage()); } return exitStatus; } private static final Function<BuildConfiguration, NativeImage> defaultNativeImageProvider = config -> IS_AOT ? NativeImageServer.create(config) : new NativeImage(config); public static void main(String[] args) { performBuild(new DefaultBuildConfiguration(Arrays.asList(args)), defaultNativeImageProvider); } public static void build(BuildConfiguration config) { build(config, defaultNativeImageProvider); } public static void agentBuild(Path javaHome, Path workDir, List<String> buildArgs) { performBuild(new DefaultBuildConfiguration(javaHome, workDir, buildArgs), NativeImage::new); } private static void performBuild(BuildConfiguration config, Function<BuildConfiguration, NativeImage> nativeImageProvider) { try { build(config, nativeImageProvider); } catch (NativeImageError e) { NativeImage.show(System.err::println, "Error: " + e.getMessage()); Throwable cause = e.getCause(); while (cause != null) { NativeImage.show(System.err::println, "Caused by: " + cause); cause = cause.getCause(); } if (config.getBuildArgs().contains("--verbose")) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.exit(e.exitCode); } System.exit(0); } private static void build(BuildConfiguration config, Function<BuildConfiguration, NativeImage> nativeImageProvider) { NativeImage nativeImage = nativeImageProvider.apply(config); if (config.getBuildArgs().isEmpty()) { nativeImage.showMessage(usageText); } else { try { nativeImage.prepareImageBuildArgs(); } catch (NativeImageError e) { if (nativeImage.isVerbose()) { throw showError("Requirements for building native images are not fulfilled", e); } else { throw showError("Requirements for building native images are not fulfilled [cause: " + e.getMessage() + "]", null); } } int buildStatus = nativeImage.completeImageBuild(); if (buildStatus == 2) { /* Perform fallback build */ build(FallbackBuildConfiguration.create(nativeImage), nativeImageProvider); showWarning("Image '" + nativeImage.imageName + "' is a fallback image that requires a JDK for execution " + "(use --" + SubstrateOptions.OptionNameNoFallback + " to suppress fallback image generation and to print more detailed information why a fallback image was necessary)."); } else if (buildStatus != 0) { throw showError("Image build request failed with exit status " + buildStatus, null, buildStatus); } } } Path canonicalize(Path path) { return canonicalize(path, true); } Path canonicalize(Path path, boolean strict) { Path absolutePath = path.isAbsolute() ? path : config.getWorkingDirectory().resolve(path); if (!strict) { return absolutePath; } boolean hasWildcard = absolutePath.endsWith(ClasspathUtils.cpWildcardSubstitute); if (hasWildcard) { absolutePath = absolutePath.getParent(); } try { Path realPath = absolutePath.toRealPath(LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS); if (!Files.isReadable(realPath)) { showError("Path entry " + ClasspathUtils.classpathToString(path) + " is not readable"); } if (hasWildcard) { if (!Files.isDirectory(realPath)) { showError("Path entry with wildcard " + ClasspathUtils.classpathToString(path) + " is not a directory"); } realPath = realPath.resolve(ClasspathUtils.cpWildcardSubstitute); } return realPath; } catch (IOException e) { throw showError("Invalid Path entry " + ClasspathUtils.classpathToString(path), e); } } void addImageBuilderClasspath(Path classpath) { imageBuilderClasspath.add(canonicalize(classpath)); } void addImageBuilderBootClasspath(Path classpath) { imageBuilderBootClasspath.add(canonicalize(classpath)); } public void addImageIncludeBuiltinModules(String moduleName) { imageIncludeBuiltinModules.add(moduleName); } void addImageBuilderJavaArgs(String... javaArgs) { addImageBuilderJavaArgs(Arrays.asList(javaArgs)); } void addImageBuilderJavaArgs(Collection<String> javaArgs) { imageBuilderJavaArgs.addAll(javaArgs); } class NativeImageArgsProcessor implements Consumer<String> { Queue<String> args = new ArrayDeque<>(); @Override public void accept(String arg) { args.add(arg); } List<String> apply(boolean strict) { List<String> leftoverArgs = new ArrayList<>(); while (!args.isEmpty()) { boolean consumed = false; for (int index = optionHandlers.size() - 1; index >= 0; --index) { OptionHandler<? extends NativeImage> handler = optionHandlers.get(index); int numArgs = args.size(); if (handler.consume(args)) { assert args.size() < numArgs : "OptionHandler pretends to consume argument(s) but isn't: " + handler.getClass().getName(); consumed = true; break; } } if (!consumed) { if (strict) { showError("Property 'Args' contains invalid entry '" + args.peek() + "'"); } else { leftoverArgs.add(args.poll()); } } } return leftoverArgs; } } void addPlainImageBuilderArg(String plainArg) { assert plainArg.startsWith(NativeImage.oH) || plainArg.startsWith(NativeImage.oR); imageBuilderArgs.remove(plainArg); imageBuilderArgs.add(plainArg); }
For adding classpath elements that are only on the classpath in the context of native-image building. I.e. that are not on the classpath when the application would be run with the java command. (library-support.jar)
/** * For adding classpath elements that are only on the classpath in the context of native-image * building. I.e. that are not on the classpath when the application would be run with the java * command. (library-support.jar) */
private void addImageProvidedClasspath(Path classpath) { VMError.guarantee(imageClasspath.isEmpty() && customImageClasspath.isEmpty()); Path classpathEntry = canonicalize(classpath); if (imageProvidedClasspath.add(classpathEntry)) { processManifestMainAttributes(classpathEntry, this::handleClassPathAttribute); processClasspathNativeImageMetaInf(classpathEntry); } }
For adding classpath elements that are automatically put on the image-classpath.
/** * For adding classpath elements that are automatically put on the image-classpath. */
void addImageClasspath(Path classpath) { addImageClasspathEntry(imageClasspath, classpath, true); }
For adding classpath elements that are put *explicitly* on the image-classpath (i.e. when specified as -cp/-classpath/--class-path entry). This method handles invalid classpath strings same as java -cp (is tolerant against invalid classpath entries).
/** * For adding classpath elements that are put *explicitly* on the image-classpath (i.e. when * specified as -cp/-classpath/--class-path entry). This method handles invalid classpath * strings same as java -cp (is tolerant against invalid classpath entries). */
void addCustomImageClasspath(String classpath) { addImageClasspathEntry(customImageClasspath, ClasspathUtils.stringToClasspath(classpath), false); }
For adding classpath elements that are put *explicitly* on the image-classpath (e.g. when adding a jar-file via -jar).
/** * For adding classpath elements that are put *explicitly* on the image-classpath (e.g. when * adding a jar-file via -jar). */
void addCustomImageClasspath(Path classpath) { addImageClasspathEntry(customImageClasspath, classpath, true); } private void addImageClasspathEntry(LinkedHashSet<Path> destination, Path classpath, boolean strict) { Path classpathEntry; try { classpathEntry = canonicalize(classpath); } catch (NativeImageError e) { if (strict) { throw e; } if (isVerbose()) { showWarning("Invalid classpath entry: " + classpath); } /* Allow non-existent classpath entries to comply with `java` command behaviour. */ destination.add(canonicalize(classpath, false)); return; } if (!imageClasspath.contains(classpathEntry) && !customImageClasspath.contains(classpathEntry)) { destination.add(classpathEntry); processManifestMainAttributes(classpathEntry, this::handleClassPathAttribute); processClasspathNativeImageMetaInf(classpathEntry); } } void addCustomJavaArgs(String javaArg) { customJavaArgs.add(javaArg); } void addCustomImageBuilderArgs(String plainArg) { addPlainImageBuilderArg(plainArg); customImageBuilderArgs.add(plainArg); } void setVerbose(boolean val) { verbose = val; } void setJarOptionMode(boolean val) { jarOptionMode = val; } boolean isVerbose() { return verbose; } boolean useDebugAttach() { return defaultOptionHandler.useDebugAttach; } protected void setDryRun(boolean val) { dryRun = val; } boolean isDryRun() { return dryRun; } public void setPrintFlagsOptionQuery(String val) { this.printFlagsOptionQuery = val; } public void setPrintFlagsWithExtraHelpOptionQuery(String val) { this.printFlagsWithExtraHelpOptionQuery = val; } void showVerboseMessage(boolean show, String message) { if (show) { show(System.out::println, message); } } void showMessage(String message) { show(System.out::println, message); } void showNewline() { System.out.println(); } void showMessagePart(String message) { show(s -> { System.out.print(s); System.out.flush(); }, message); } public static void showWarning(String message) { show(System.err::println, "Warning: " + message); } @SuppressWarnings("serial") public static final class NativeImageError extends Error { final int exitCode; private NativeImageError(String message) { this(message, null); } private NativeImageError(String message, Throwable cause) { this(message, cause, 1); } public NativeImageError(String message, Throwable cause, int exitCode) { super(message, cause); this.exitCode = exitCode; } } public static Error showError(String message) { throw new NativeImageError(message); } public static Error showError(String message, Throwable cause) { throw new NativeImageError(message, cause); } public static Error showError(String message, Throwable cause, int exitCode) { throw new NativeImageError(message, cause, exitCode); } private static void show(Consumer<String> printFunc, String message) { printFunc.accept(message); } static List<Path> getJars(Path dir, String... jarBaseNames) { try { List<String> baseNameList = Arrays.asList(jarBaseNames); return Files.list(dir) .filter(p -> { String jarFileName = p.getFileName().toString(); String jarSuffix = ".jar"; if (!jarFileName.toLowerCase().endsWith(jarSuffix)) { return false; } if (baseNameList.isEmpty()) { return true; } String jarBaseName = jarFileName.substring(0, jarFileName.length() - jarSuffix.length()); return baseNameList.contains(jarBaseName); }) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } catch (IOException e) { throw showError("Unable to use jar-files from directory " + dir, e); } } private List<String> processNativeImageArgs() { NativeImageArgsProcessor argsProcessor = new NativeImageArgsProcessor(); String defaultNativeImageArgs = getUserConfigProperties().get(pKeyNativeImageArgs); if (defaultNativeImageArgs != null && !defaultNativeImageArgs.isEmpty()) { for (String defaultArg : defaultNativeImageArgs.split(" ")) { argsProcessor.accept(defaultArg); } } for (String arg : config.getBuildArgs()) { argsProcessor.accept(arg); } return argsProcessor.apply(false); } protected String getXmsValue() { return "1g"; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // getTotalPhysicalMemorySize deprecated since JDK 14 private static long getPhysicalMemorySize() { OperatingSystemMXBean osMXBean = ManagementFactory.getOperatingSystemMXBean(); long totalPhysicalMemorySize = ((com.sun.management.OperatingSystemMXBean) osMXBean).getTotalPhysicalMemorySize(); return totalPhysicalMemorySize; } protected String getXmxValue(int maxInstances) { Long memMax = Long.divideUnsigned(Long.divideUnsigned(getPhysicalMemorySize(), 10) * 8, maxInstances); String maxXmx = "14g"; if (Long.compareUnsigned(memMax, SubstrateOptionsParser.parseLong(maxXmx)) >= 0) { return maxXmx; } return Long.toUnsignedString(memMax); } static Map<String, String> loadProperties(Path propertiesPath) { if (Files.isReadable(propertiesPath)) { try { return loadProperties(Files.newInputStream(propertiesPath)); } catch (IOException e) { throw showError("Could not read properties-file: " + propertiesPath, e); } } return Collections.emptyMap(); } static Map<String, String> loadProperties(InputStream propertiesInputStream) { Properties properties = new Properties(); try (InputStream input = propertiesInputStream) { properties.load(input); } catch (IOException e) { showError("Could not read properties", e); } Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); for (String key : properties.stringPropertyNames()) { map.put(key, properties.getProperty(key)); } return Collections.unmodifiableMap(map); } static boolean forEachPropertyValue(String propertyValue, Consumer<String> target, Function<String, String> resolver) { return forEachPropertyValue(propertyValue, target, resolver, " "); } static boolean forEachPropertyValue(String propertyValue, Consumer<String> target, Function<String, String> resolver, String separatorRegex) { if (propertyValue != null) { for (String propertyValuePart : propertyValue.split(separatorRegex)) { target.accept(resolver.apply(propertyValuePart)); } return true; } return false; } public void addOptionKeyValue(String key, String value) { propertyFileSubstitutionValues.put(key, value); } static String resolvePropertyValue(String val, String optionArg, Path componentDirectory, BuildConfiguration config) { String resultVal = val; if (optionArg != null) { /* Substitute ${*} -> optionArg in resultVal (always possible) */ resultVal = safeSubstitution(resultVal, "${*}", optionArg); /* * If optionArg consists of "<argName>:<argValue>,..." additionally perform * substitutions of kind ${<argName>} -> <argValue> on resultVal. */ for (String argNameValue : optionArg.split(",")) { String[] splitted = argNameValue.split(":"); if (splitted.length == 2) { String argName = splitted[0]; String argValue = splitted[1]; if (!argName.isEmpty()) { resultVal = safeSubstitution(resultVal, "${" + argName + "}", argValue); } } } } /* Substitute ${.} -> absolute path to optionDirectory */ resultVal = safeSubstitution(resultVal, "${.}", componentDirectory.toString()); /* Substitute ${java.home} -> to java.home of BuildConfiguration */ resultVal = safeSubstitution(resultVal, "${java.home}", config.getJavaHome().toString()); return resultVal; } private static String safeSubstitution(String source, CharSequence target, CharSequence replacement) { if (replacement == null && source.contains(target)) { throw showError("Unable to provide meaningful substitution for \"" + target + "\" in " + source); } return source.replace(target, replacement); } private static String deletedFileSuffix = ".deleted"; protected static boolean isDeletedPath(Path toDelete) { return toDelete.getFileName().toString().endsWith(deletedFileSuffix); } protected void deleteAllFiles(Path toDelete) { try { Path deletedPath = toDelete; if (!isDeletedPath(deletedPath)) { deletedPath = toDelete.resolveSibling(toDelete.getFileName() + deletedFileSuffix); Files.move(toDelete, deletedPath); } Files.walk(deletedPath).sorted(Comparator.reverseOrder()).map(Path::toFile).forEach(File::delete); } catch (IOException e) { if (isVerbose()) { showMessage("Could not recursively delete path: " + toDelete); e.printStackTrace(); } } }
Command line entry point when running on JDK9+. This is required to dynamically export Graal to SVM and it requires --add-exports=java.base/jdk.internal.module=ALL-UNNAMED to be on the VM command line. Note: This is a workaround until GR-16855 is resolved.
/** * Command line entry point when running on JDK9+. This is required to dynamically export Graal * to SVM and it requires {@code --add-exports=java.base/jdk.internal.module=ALL-UNNAMED} to be * on the VM command line. * * Note: This is a workaround until GR-16855 is resolved. */
public static class JDK9Plus { // Must be distinct from NativeImage.IS_AOT since the module // exporting must be executed prior to NativeImage being loaded. private static final boolean IS_AOT = Boolean.getBoolean("com.oracle.graalvm.isaot"); public static void main(String[] args) { if (!IS_AOT) { ModuleSupport.exportAndOpenAllPackagesToUnnamed("jdk.internal.vm.compiler", false); ModuleSupport.exportAndOpenAllPackagesToUnnamed("jdk.internal.vm.compiler.management", true); ModuleSupport.exportAndOpenAllPackagesToUnnamed("com.oracle.graal.graal_enterprise", true); ModuleSupport.exportAndOpenAllPackagesToUnnamed("java.xml", false); } NativeImage.main(args); } } }