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package com.oracle.svm.jni;

import org.graalvm.compiler.api.replacements.Fold;
import org.graalvm.compiler.word.Word;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.CurrentIsolate;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.Isolate;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.ObjectHandle;
import org.graalvm.word.Pointer;
import org.graalvm.word.SignedWord;
import org.graalvm.word.UnsignedWord;
import org.graalvm.word.WordFactory;

import com.oracle.svm.core.Isolates;
import com.oracle.svm.core.RuntimeAssertionsSupport;
import com.oracle.svm.core.SubstrateOptions;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.NeverInline;
import com.oracle.svm.core.handles.ObjectHandlesImpl;
import com.oracle.svm.core.handles.ThreadLocalHandles;
import com.oracle.svm.core.heap.Heap;
import com.oracle.svm.core.snippets.KnownIntrinsics;
import com.oracle.svm.core.threadlocal.FastThreadLocalFactory;
import com.oracle.svm.core.threadlocal.FastThreadLocalObject;
import com.oracle.svm.core.util.ExceptionHelpers;
import com.oracle.svm.jni.nativeapi.JNIObjectHandle;
import com.oracle.svm.jni.nativeapi.JNIObjectRefType;

Centralized management of JNI handles for Java objects. There are different kinds of JNI handles and the main purpose of this class is to abstract their differences when working with handles. In order to do that efficiently, we partition the value range of the word-sized handles into subranges for the different kinds:
  • Local handles as defined in the JNI specification can be created and released implicitly or explicitly and are valid only in the current thread.
  • Global handles as defined in the JNI specification must be created explicitly and are valid in the entire isolate until they are explicitly released. Individual global handles can be weak, in which case they don't prevent garbage collection of their target object. See: JNIGlobalHandles.
  • Image heap handles refer to objects in the image heap. This handle type is specific to our implementation. Handles can be either local, global or weak-global according to the JNI specification, so they need some special treatment. See: JNIImageHeapHandles.
/** * Centralized management of {@linkplain JNIObjectHandle JNI handles for Java objects}. There are * different kinds of JNI handles and the main purpose of this class is to abstract their * differences when working with handles. In order to do that efficiently, we partition the value * range of the word-sized handles into subranges for the different kinds: * <ul> * <li>Local handles as defined in the JNI specification can be created and released implicitly or * explicitly and are valid only in the current thread.</li> * <li>Global handles as defined in the JNI specification must be created explicitly and are valid * in the entire isolate until they are explicitly released. Individual global handles can be weak, * in which case they don't prevent garbage collection of their target object. See: * {@link JNIGlobalHandles}.</li> * <li>Image heap handles refer to objects in the image heap. This handle type is specific to our * implementation. Handles can be either local, global or weak-global according to the JNI * specification, so they need some special treatment. See: {@link JNIImageHeapHandles}.</li> * </ul> */
public final class JNIObjectHandles { @Fold static boolean haveAssertions() { return RuntimeAssertionsSupport.singleton().desiredAssertionStatus(JNIObjectHandles.class); } public static <T extends SignedWord> T nullHandle() { return ThreadLocalHandles.nullHandle(); }
Minimum available local handles according to specification: "Before it enters a native method, the VM automatically ensures that at least 16 local references can be created".
/** * Minimum available local handles according to specification: "Before it enters a native * method, the VM automatically ensures that at least 16 local references can be created". */
static final int NATIVE_CALL_MIN_LOCAL_HANDLE_CAPACITY = 16; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private static final FastThreadLocalObject<ThreadLocalHandles> handles // = FastThreadLocalFactory.createObject(ThreadLocalHandles.class); @Fold static boolean useImageHeapHandles() { /* * Image heap handles are intended for JNI code that is unaware of isolates. Without isolate * support, this type of handle is not needed. Also, when isolate support is turned off, the * heap is written into the data/rodata sections instead of having a contiguous section, * which would require a different approach. */ return SubstrateOptions.SpawnIsolates.getValue(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static ThreadLocalHandles<ObjectHandle> getOrCreateLocals() { ThreadLocalHandles<ObjectHandle> result = handles.get(); if (result == null) { result = createLocals(); } return result; } @NeverInline("slow path that is executed once per thread; do not bloat machine code by inlining the allocations") private static ThreadLocalHandles<ObjectHandle> createLocals() { ThreadLocalHandles<ObjectHandle> result = new ThreadLocalHandles<>(NATIVE_CALL_MIN_LOCAL_HANDLE_CAPACITY); handles.set(result); return result; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static ThreadLocalHandles<ObjectHandle> getExistingLocals() { return handles.get(); } private static boolean isInLocalRange(JNIObjectHandle handle) { return ThreadLocalHandles.isInRange((ObjectHandle) handle); } private static ObjectHandle decodeLocal(JNIObjectHandle handle) { return (ObjectHandle) handle; } private static JNIObjectHandle encodeLocal(ObjectHandle handle) { return (JNIObjectHandle) handle; } public static <T> T getObject(JNIObjectHandle handle) { if (handle.equal(nullHandle())) { return null; } if (isInLocalRange(handle)) { return getExistingLocals().getObject(decodeLocal(handle)); } if (useImageHeapHandles() && JNIImageHeapHandles.isInRange(handle)) { return JNIImageHeapHandles.getObject(handle); } if (JNIGlobalHandles.isInRange(handle)) { return JNIGlobalHandles.getObject(handle); } throw ExceptionHelpers.throwIllegalArgumentException("Invalid object handle"); } public static JNIObjectRefType getHandleType(JNIObjectHandle handle) { if (isInLocalRange(handle)) { return JNIObjectRefType.Local; } if (useImageHeapHandles() && JNIImageHeapHandles.isInRange(handle)) { return JNIImageHeapHandles.getHandleType(handle); } if (JNIGlobalHandles.isInRange(handle)) { return JNIGlobalHandles.getHandleType(handle); } return JNIObjectRefType.Invalid; // intentionally includes the null handle } public static JNIObjectHandle createLocal(Object obj) { if (useImageHeapHandles() && JNIImageHeapHandles.isInImageHeap(obj)) { return JNIImageHeapHandles.asLocal(obj); } return encodeLocal(getOrCreateLocals().create(obj)); } public static JNIObjectHandle newLocalRef(JNIObjectHandle ref) { if (useImageHeapHandles() && JNIImageHeapHandles.isInRange(ref)) { return JNIImageHeapHandles.toLocal(ref); } return encodeLocal(getOrCreateLocals().create(getObject(ref))); } public static void deleteLocalRef(JNIObjectHandle localRef) { if (!useImageHeapHandles() || !JNIImageHeapHandles.isInRange(localRef)) { getOrCreateLocals().delete(decodeLocal(localRef)); } } public static int pushLocalFrame(int capacity) { return getOrCreateLocals().pushFrame(capacity); } public static void popLocalFrame() { getExistingLocals().popFrame(); } public static void popLocalFramesIncluding(int frame) { getExistingLocals().popFramesIncluding(frame); } public static void ensureLocalCapacity(int capacity) { getOrCreateLocals().ensureCapacity(capacity); } public static JNIObjectHandle newGlobalRef(JNIObjectHandle handle) { JNIObjectHandle result = nullHandle(); if (useImageHeapHandles() && JNIImageHeapHandles.isInRange(handle)) { result = JNIImageHeapHandles.toGlobal(handle); } else { Object obj = getObject(handle); if (obj != null) { result = JNIGlobalHandles.create(obj); } } return result; } public static void deleteGlobalRef(JNIObjectHandle globalRef) { if (!useImageHeapHandles() || !JNIImageHeapHandles.isInRange(globalRef)) { JNIGlobalHandles.destroy(globalRef); } } public static JNIObjectHandle newWeakGlobalRef(JNIObjectHandle handle) { JNIObjectHandle result = nullHandle(); if (useImageHeapHandles() && JNIImageHeapHandles.isInRange(handle)) { result = JNIImageHeapHandles.toWeakGlobal(handle); } else { Object obj = getObject(handle); if (obj != null) { result = JNIGlobalHandles.createWeak(obj); } } return result; } public static void deleteWeakGlobalRef(JNIObjectHandle weakRef) { if (!useImageHeapHandles() || !JNIImageHeapHandles.isInRange(weakRef)) { JNIGlobalHandles.destroyWeak(weakRef); } } static int getLocalHandleCount() { ThreadLocalHandles<ObjectHandle> locals = getExistingLocals(); return locals == null ? 0 : locals.getHandleCount(); } static long computeCurrentGlobalHandleCount() { return JNIGlobalHandles.computeCurrentCount(); } }
Manages JNI global handles, which must be explicitly created and can be accessed in all threads of an isolate until they are explicitly deleted. These handles have a most significant bit of 1, i.e. they are negative as signed integers. When assertions are enabled, we encode a hash of the current Isolate to detect when global handles are incorrectly passed between isolates, for example by native code that is unaware of isolates.
/** * Manages JNI global handles, which must be explicitly created and can be accessed in all threads * of an isolate until they are explicitly deleted. These handles have a most significant bit of 1, * i.e. they are negative as signed integers. When assertions are enabled, we encode a hash of the * current {@link Isolate} to detect when global handles are incorrectly passed between isolates, * for example by native code that is unaware of isolates. */
final class JNIGlobalHandles { static final SignedWord MIN_VALUE = WordFactory.signed(Long.MIN_VALUE); static final SignedWord MAX_VALUE = JNIObjectHandles.nullHandle().subtract(1); static { assert JNIObjectHandles.nullHandle().equal(WordFactory.zero()); } private static final int HANDLE_BITS_COUNT = 31; private static final SignedWord HANDLE_BITS_MASK = WordFactory.signed((1L << HANDLE_BITS_COUNT) - 1); private static final int VALIDATION_BITS_SHIFT = HANDLE_BITS_COUNT; private static final int VALIDATION_BITS_COUNT = 32; private static final SignedWord VALIDATION_BITS_MASK = WordFactory.signed((1L << VALIDATION_BITS_COUNT) - 1).shiftLeft(VALIDATION_BITS_SHIFT); private static final SignedWord MSB = WordFactory.signed(1L << 63); private static final ObjectHandlesImpl globalHandles = new ObjectHandlesImpl(JNIObjectHandles.nullHandle().add(1), HANDLE_BITS_MASK, JNIObjectHandles.nullHandle()); static boolean isInRange(JNIObjectHandle handle) { return MIN_VALUE.lessOrEqual((SignedWord) handle) && MAX_VALUE.greaterThan((SignedWord) handle); } private static Word isolateHash() { int isolateHash = Long.hashCode(CurrentIsolate.getIsolate().rawValue()); return WordFactory.unsigned(isolateHash); } private static JNIObjectHandle encode(ObjectHandle handle) { SignedWord h = (Word) handle; if (JNIObjectHandles.haveAssertions()) { assert h.and(HANDLE_BITS_MASK).equal(h) : "unencoded handle must fit in range"; Word v = isolateHash().shiftLeft(VALIDATION_BITS_SHIFT); assert v.and(VALIDATION_BITS_MASK).equal(v) : "validation value must fit in its range"; h = h.or(v); } h = h.or(MSB); assert isInRange((JNIObjectHandle) h); return (JNIObjectHandle) h; } private static ObjectHandle decode(JNIObjectHandle handle) { assert isInRange(handle); assert ((Word) handle).and(VALIDATION_BITS_MASK).unsignedShiftRight(VALIDATION_BITS_SHIFT) .equal(isolateHash()) : "mismatching validation value -- passed a handle from a different isolate?"; return (ObjectHandle) HANDLE_BITS_MASK.and((Word) handle); } static <T> T getObject(JNIObjectHandle handle) { return globalHandles.get(decode(handle)); } static JNIObjectRefType getHandleType(JNIObjectHandle handle) { assert isInRange(handle); if (globalHandles.isWeak(decode(handle))) { return JNIObjectRefType.WeakGlobal; } return JNIObjectRefType.Global; } static JNIObjectHandle create(Object obj) { return encode(globalHandles.create(obj)); } static void destroy(JNIObjectHandle handle) { globalHandles.destroy(decode(handle)); } static JNIObjectHandle createWeak(Object obj) { return encode(globalHandles.createWeak(obj)); } static void destroyWeak(JNIObjectHandle weakRef) { globalHandles.destroyWeak(decode(weakRef)); } public static long computeCurrentCount() { return globalHandles.computeCurrentCount(); } }
Support for isolate-independent JNI handles for objects in the image heap. These objects never move and are not garbage-collected, so the handle just contains an object's offset in the image heap. This approach has the major benefit that handles are valid across isolates that are created from the same image, which helps with native code that is unaware of multiple isolates. Although this type of handle doesn't need explicit management, we still distinguish between local, global and weak-global references by means of a bit pattern in order to comply with the JNI specification (in particular, for function GetObjectRefType).
/** * Support for isolate-independent JNI handles for objects in the image heap. These objects never * move and are not garbage-collected, so the handle just contains an object's offset in the image * heap. This approach has the major benefit that handles are valid across isolates that are created * from the same image, which helps with native code that is unaware of multiple isolates. * * Although this type of handle doesn't need explicit management, we still distinguish between * local, global and weak-global references by means of a bit pattern in order to comply with the * JNI specification (in particular, for function {@code GetObjectRefType}). */
final class JNIImageHeapHandles { private static final int OBJ_OFFSET_BITS_COUNT = 32; private static final Word OBJ_OFFSET_BITS_MASK = WordFactory.unsigned((1L << OBJ_OFFSET_BITS_COUNT) - 1); private static final SignedWord LOCAL_RANGE_MIN = WordFactory.signed(0b01).shiftLeft(OBJ_OFFSET_BITS_COUNT); private static final SignedWord GLOBAL_RANGE_MIN = WordFactory.signed(0b10).shiftLeft(OBJ_OFFSET_BITS_COUNT); private static final SignedWord WEAK_GLOBAL_RANGE_MIN = WordFactory.signed(0b11).shiftLeft(OBJ_OFFSET_BITS_COUNT); private static final SignedWord ENTIRE_RANGE_MIN = LOCAL_RANGE_MIN; private static final SignedWord ENTIRE_RANGE_MAX = WEAK_GLOBAL_RANGE_MIN.add(OBJ_OFFSET_BITS_MASK); static { // no overlaps with the regular JNI handle ranges assert ENTIRE_RANGE_MAX.lessThan(ThreadLocalHandles.MIN_VALUE) || ENTIRE_RANGE_MIN.greaterThan(ThreadLocalHandles.MAX_VALUE); assert ENTIRE_RANGE_MAX.lessThan(JNIGlobalHandles.MIN_VALUE) || ENTIRE_RANGE_MIN.greaterThan(JNIGlobalHandles.MAX_VALUE); } static boolean isInImageHeap(Object target) { return target != null && Heap.getHeap().isInImageHeap(target); } static boolean isInRange(JNIObjectHandle handle) { SignedWord handleValue = (SignedWord) handle; return handleValue.greaterOrEqual(ENTIRE_RANGE_MIN) && handleValue.lessOrEqual(ENTIRE_RANGE_MAX); } static JNIObjectHandle asLocal(Object target) { assert isInImageHeap(target); SignedWord base = (SignedWord) Isolates.getHeapBase(CurrentIsolate.getIsolate()); SignedWord offset = Word.objectToUntrackedPointer(target).subtract(base); // NOTE: we could support further bits due to the object alignment in the image heap assert offset.and(OBJ_OFFSET_BITS_MASK).equal(offset) : "does not fit in range"; return (JNIObjectHandle) LOCAL_RANGE_MIN.add(offset); } static JNIObjectHandle toLocal(JNIObjectHandle handle) { return toRange(handle, LOCAL_RANGE_MIN); } static JNIObjectHandle toGlobal(JNIObjectHandle handle) { return toRange(handle, GLOBAL_RANGE_MIN); } static JNIObjectHandle toWeakGlobal(JNIObjectHandle handle) { return toRange(handle, WEAK_GLOBAL_RANGE_MIN); } private static JNIObjectHandle toRange(JNIObjectHandle handle, SignedWord rangeMin) { assert isInRange(handle) : "assert isInRange(handle) failed"; return (JNIObjectHandle) ((SignedWord) handle).and(OBJ_OFFSET_BITS_MASK).add(rangeMin); } static <T> T getObject(JNIObjectHandle handle) { assert isInRange(handle); UnsignedWord base = (UnsignedWord) Isolates.getHeapBase(CurrentIsolate.getIsolate()); Pointer offset = ((Pointer) handle).and(OBJ_OFFSET_BITS_MASK).add(base); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T obj = (T) KnownIntrinsics.convertUnknownValue(offset.toObjectNonNull(), Object.class); assert isInImageHeap(obj); return obj; } static JNIObjectRefType getHandleType(JNIObjectHandle handle) { assert isInRange(handle); SignedWord handleValue = (SignedWord) handle; if (handleValue.greaterOrEqual(WEAK_GLOBAL_RANGE_MIN)) { return JNIObjectRefType.WeakGlobal; } else if (handleValue.greaterOrEqual(GLOBAL_RANGE_MIN)) { return JNIObjectRefType.Global; } else if (handleValue.greaterOrEqual(LOCAL_RANGE_MIN)) { return JNIObjectRefType.Local; } return JNIObjectRefType.Invalid; } }