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package com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.array.dyn;

import static com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSAbstractArray.arrayGetHoleCount;
import static com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSAbstractArray.arrayGetLength;
import static com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSAbstractArray.arrayGetUsedLength;
import static com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSAbstractArray.arraySetArray;
import static com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSAbstractArray.arraySetArrayOffset;
import static com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSAbstractArray.arraySetHoleCount;
import static com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSAbstractArray.arraySetIndexOffset;
import static com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSAbstractArray.arraySetLength;
import static com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSAbstractArray.arraySetUsedLength;

import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.UnexpectedResultException;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.object.DynamicObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.Errors;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.JSConfig;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.JSRuntime;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.array.DynamicArray;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.array.ScriptArray;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.array.SparseArray;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSAbstractArray;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.Undefined;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.util.SimpleArrayList;

Base class of a javascript dynamic writable array. The array implementation uses three write access modes:
  • InBoundsFast: Accessed index is in bounds of the physical and logical array. So no housekeeping should usually be necessary in this access mode.
  • InBounds: Accessed index is in bounds of the physical backing array. Little housekeeping.
  • Supported: If a write to this index is supported by the array. Full housekeeping.
  • Not Supported: If a write to this index is not supported by the array. The array will transition to another implementation that supports the written index.
/** * Base class of a javascript dynamic writable array. The array implementation uses three write * access modes: * <ul> * <li>InBoundsFast: Accessed index is in bounds of the physical and logical array. So no * housekeeping should usually be necessary in this access mode.</li> * <li>InBounds: Accessed index is in bounds of the physical backing array. Little housekeeping. * </li> * <li>Supported: If a write to this index is supported by the array. Full housekeeping.</li> * <li>Not Supported: If a write to this index is not supported by the array. The array will * transition to another implementation that supports the written index.</li> * </ul> * */
public abstract class AbstractWritableArray extends DynamicArray { protected static final void setArrayProperties(DynamicObject object, Object array, long length, int usedLength, long indexOffset, int arrayOffset) { arraySetArray(object, array); arraySetLength(object, length); arraySetUsedLength(object, usedLength); arraySetIndexOffset(object, indexOffset); arraySetArrayOffset(object, arrayOffset); } // /** The length of the array that is reported to the user. */ // protected int length; // /** The actual length occupied in the backing array. */ // protected int usedLength; protected AbstractWritableArray(int integrityLevel, DynamicArrayCache cache) { super(integrityLevel, cache); } abstract AbstractWritableArray sameTypeHolesArray(DynamicObject object, int length, Object array, long indexOffset, int arrayOffset, int usedLength, int holeCount); abstract void fillWithHoles(Object array, int fromIndex, int toIndex);
Returns true if the index can be written using inBoundsFast access mode.
/** * Returns true if the index can be written using inBoundsFast access mode. */
@Override public final boolean isInBoundsFast(DynamicObject object, long index) { return firstElementIndex(object) <= index && index <= lastElementIndex(object); } protected abstract int prepareInBoundsFast(DynamicObject object, long index); public final boolean isInBounds(DynamicObject object, int index) { return isSupported(object, index) && rangeCheck(object, index); } protected abstract int prepareInBounds(DynamicObject object, int index, ProfileHolder profile); protected static void prepareInBoundsZeroBased(DynamicObject object, int index, ProfileHolder profile) { long length = arrayGetLength(object); if (SET_SUPPORTED_PROFILE_ACCESS.inBoundsZeroBasedSetLength(profile, index >= length)) { arraySetLength(object, length + 1); } int usedLength = getUsedLength(object); if (SET_SUPPORTED_PROFILE_ACCESS.inBoundsZeroBasedSetUsedLength(profile, index >= usedLength)) { arraySetUsedLength(object, usedLength + 1); } } Object getArrayObject(DynamicObject object) { return JSAbstractArray.arrayGetArray(object); } abstract int getArrayLength(Object array); protected static int getUsedLength(DynamicObject object) { return arrayGetUsedLength(object); } protected final int prepareInBoundsContiguous(DynamicObject object, int index, ProfileHolder profile) { int internalIndex = ensureCapacityContiguous(object, prepareInBoundsFast(object, index), profile); updateContiguousState(object, internalIndex, profile); return internalIndex; } protected final int prepareInBoundsHoles(DynamicObject object, int index, ProfileHolder profile) { int internalIndex = prepareInBoundsFast(object, index); fillHoles(object, internalIndex, updateHolesState(object, internalIndex, profile), profile); return internalIndex; } private boolean rangeCheck(DynamicObject object, int index) { int internalIndex = prepareInBoundsFast(object, index); return internalIndex >= 0 && internalIndex < getArrayCapacity(object); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public boolean containsHoles(DynamicObject object, long index) { return false; } public abstract boolean isSupported(DynamicObject object, long index); public static boolean isSupportedZeroBased(DynamicObject object, int index) { return index >= 0 && index <= getUsedLength(object); // lastIndex+1 can be set! } public final boolean isSupportedContiguous(DynamicObject object, long index) { return index >= firstElementIndex(object) - 1 && index <= lastElementIndex(object) + 1; } public final boolean isSupportedHoles(DynamicObject object, long index) { return index >= firstElementIndex(object) - JSConfig.MaxArrayHoleSize && index <= lastElementIndex(object) + JSConfig.MaxArrayHoleSize; } protected abstract int prepareSupported(DynamicObject object, int index, ProfileHolder profile); protected final void prepareSupportedZeroBased(DynamicObject object, int index, ProfileHolder profile) { ensureCapacity(object, index, 0, profile); prepareInBoundsZeroBased(object, index, profile); } protected final int prepareSupportedContiguous(DynamicObject object, int index, ProfileHolder profile) { int internalIndex = ensureCapacityContiguous(object, prepareInBoundsFast(object, index), profile); updateContiguousState(object, internalIndex, profile); return internalIndex; } protected final int prepareSupportedHoles(DynamicObject object, int index, ProfileHolder profile) { int internalIndex = prepareInBoundsFast(object, index); internalIndex = ensureCapacityContiguous(object, internalIndex, profile); fillHoles(object, internalIndex, updateHolesState(object, internalIndex, profile), profile); return internalIndex; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") protected void incrementHolesCount(DynamicObject object, int offset) { throw Errors.shouldNotReachHere(); } protected abstract void setHoleValue(DynamicObject object, int index); protected abstract int getArrayCapacity(DynamicObject object);
The arrayOffset (int) is the first element in internal array.
/** * The arrayOffset (int) is the first element in internal array. */
@SuppressWarnings("unused") protected int getArrayOffset(DynamicObject object) { return 0; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") protected void setArrayOffset(DynamicObject object, int value) { throw Errors.shouldNotReachHere(); }
The indexOffset (int) is the first element is in array[indexOffset + arrayOffset].
/** * The indexOffset (int) is the first element is in array[indexOffset + arrayOffset]. */
@SuppressWarnings("unused") protected long getIndexOffset(DynamicObject object) { throw Errors.shouldNotReachHere(); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") protected void setIndexOffset(DynamicObject object, long value) { throw Errors.shouldNotReachHere(); } private int ensureCapacity(DynamicObject object, int internalIndex, long indexOffset, ProfileHolder profile) { assert -indexOffset <= internalIndex; // 0 <= index int capacity = getArrayCapacity(object); if (SET_SUPPORTED_PROFILE_ACCESS.ensureCapacityGrow(profile, internalIndex >= 0 && internalIndex < capacity)) { return 0; } else { long minCapacity; if (SET_SUPPORTED_PROFILE_ACCESS.ensureCapacityGrowLeft(profile, internalIndex < 0)) { minCapacity = -internalIndex + (long) capacity; } else { minCapacity = internalIndex + 1L; } long newCapacity = minCapacity << 1; if (newCapacity > SimpleArrayList.MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) { if (SimpleArrayList.MAX_ARRAY_SIZE < minCapacity) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreter(); throw new OutOfMemoryError(); } newCapacity = SimpleArrayList.MAX_ARRAY_SIZE; } int offset = 0; if (internalIndex < 0) { offset = (int) newCapacity - capacity; // alignment to zero index if (indexOffset < offset) { offset = (int) indexOffset; } } resizeArray(object, (int) newCapacity, capacity, offset); return offset; } } private int ensureCapacityContiguous(DynamicObject object, int internalIndex, ProfileHolder profile) { int offset = ensureCapacity(object, internalIndex, getIndexOffset(object), profile); if (offset != 0) { setIndexOffset(object, getIndexOffset(object) - offset); setArrayOffset(object, getArrayOffset(object) + offset); } return internalIndex + offset; } private void updateContiguousState(DynamicObject object, int internalIndex, ProfileHolder profile) { int offset = getArrayOffset(object); int used = getUsedLength(object); if (SET_SUPPORTED_PROFILE_ACCESS.updateStatePrepend(profile, internalIndex < offset)) { arraySetUsedLength(object, used + 1); setArrayOffset(object, offset - 1); } else if (SET_SUPPORTED_PROFILE_ACCESS.updateStateAppend(profile, internalIndex >= offset + used)) { arraySetUsedLength(object, used + 1); long length = arrayGetLength(object); long calcLength = getIndexOffset(object) + offset + used + 1; if (SET_SUPPORTED_PROFILE_ACCESS.updateStateSetLength(profile, calcLength > length)) { arraySetLength(object, calcLength); } } } private int updateHolesState(DynamicObject object, int internalIndex, ProfileHolder profile) { int offset = getArrayOffset(object); int used = getUsedLength(object); int size; if (SET_SUPPORTED_PROFILE_ACCESS.updateStatePrepend(profile, internalIndex < offset)) { size = -(offset - internalIndex); } else if (SET_SUPPORTED_PROFILE_ACCESS.updateStateAppend(profile, internalIndex >= offset + used)) { if (used == 0) { // empty array, array offset should match the new element offset = internalIndex; } size = internalIndex - (offset + used) + 1; } else { if (SET_SUPPORTED_PROFILE_ACCESS.updateHolesStateIsHole(profile, isHolePrepared(object, internalIndex))) { incrementHolesCount(object, -1); } return 0; } if (size < 0) { used -= size; offset += size; } else { used += size; long length = arrayGetLength(object); long calcLength = getIndexOffset(object) + offset + used; if (SET_SUPPORTED_PROFILE_ACCESS.updateStateSetLength(profile, calcLength > length)) { arraySetLength(object, calcLength); } } arraySetUsedLength(object, used); setArrayOffset(object, offset); return size; } protected void fillHoles(DynamicObject object, int internalIndex, int grown, ProfileHolder profile) { int start; int end; if (SET_SUPPORTED_PROFILE_ACCESS.fillHolesRight(profile, grown > 1)) { start = internalIndex - grown + 1; end = internalIndex; } else if (SET_SUPPORTED_PROFILE_ACCESS.fillHolesLeft(profile, grown < -1)) { start = internalIndex + 1; end = internalIndex - grown; } else { return; } incrementHolesCount(object, end - start); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { setHoleValue(object, i); } } public abstract AbstractWritableArray toDouble(DynamicObject object, long index, double value); public abstract AbstractWritableArray toObject(DynamicObject object, long index, Object value); @SuppressWarnings("unused") public AbstractWritableArray toContiguous(DynamicObject object, long index, Object value) { return this; } public abstract AbstractWritableArray toHoles(DynamicObject object, long index, Object value); @SuppressWarnings("unused") public AbstractWritableArray toNonHoles(DynamicObject object, long index, Object value) { assert !isHolesType(); return this; } public final SparseArray toSparse(DynamicObject object, long index, Object value) { SparseArray newArray = SparseArray.makeSparseArray(object, this); if (JSConfig.TraceArrayTransitions) { traceArrayTransition(this, newArray, index, value); } return newArray; } protected abstract void resizeArray(DynamicObject object, int newCapacity, int oldCapacity, int offset); public final boolean isSparse(DynamicObject object, long index) { return !isSupportedHoles(object, index); } @Override public boolean hasElement(DynamicObject object, long index) { return isInBoundsFast(object, index); } @Override public long nextElementIndex(DynamicObject object, long index) { long firstI = firstElementIndex(object); if (index < firstI) { return firstI; } long lastI = lastElementIndex(object); if ((index + 1) > lastI) { // length is not enough; could be the // prototype with shorter length return JSRuntime.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER_LONG; } return index + 1; }
Returns true when the array contains a hole at that index. The index is a prepared (internal) index.
/** * Returns true when the array contains a hole at that index. The index is a prepared (internal) * index. */
protected abstract boolean isHolePrepared(DynamicObject object, int index); protected final long nextElementIndexHoles(DynamicObject object, long index0) { long index = index0; long firstIdx = firstElementIndex(object); if (index0 < firstIdx) { return firstIdx; } long lastI = lastElementIndex(object); do { index++; if (index > lastI) { return JSRuntime.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER_LONG; } } while (isHolePrepared(object, prepareInBoundsFast(object, index))); return index; } protected final long nextElementIndexZeroBased(DynamicObject object, long index) { assert index >= -1; long lastI = lastElementIndex(object); if ((index + 1) > lastI) { // length is not enough; could be the // prototype with shorter length return JSRuntime.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER_LONG; } return index + 1; } @Override public long previousElementIndex(DynamicObject object, long index) { long lastIdx = lastElementIndex(object); if (index > lastIdx) { return lastIdx; } if (index - 1 < firstElementIndex(object)) { return -1; } return index - 1; } protected final long previousElementIndexHoles(DynamicObject object, long index0) { long index = index0; long lastIdx = lastElementIndex(object); if (index0 > lastIdx) { return lastIdx; } long firstIdx = firstElementIndex(object); do { index--; } while (index >= firstIdx && isHolePrepared(object, prepareInBoundsFast(object, index))); if (index < firstIdx) { return -1; } return index; } @Override public final long length(DynamicObject object) { return arrayGetLength(object); } @Override public final int lengthInt(DynamicObject object) { return (int) length(object); } @Override public final ScriptArray setLengthImpl(DynamicObject object, long length, ProfileHolder profile) { if (SET_LENGTH_PROFILE.lengthZero(profile, length == 0)) { arraySetLength(object, length); return ConstantEmptyArray.createConstantEmptyArray(); } else if (SET_LENGTH_PROFILE.lengthLess(profile, length < length(object))) { setLengthLess(object, length, profile); } else { arraySetLength(object, length); } return this; } protected abstract void setLengthLess(DynamicObject object, long length, ProfileHolder profile); protected void setLengthLessZeroBased(DynamicObject object, long length, ProfileHolder profile) { long oldLength = arrayGetLength(object); arraySetLength(object, length); if (SET_LENGTH_PROFILE.zeroBasedSetUsedLength(profile, getUsedLength(object) > length)) { arraySetUsedLength(object, (int) length); } if (SET_LENGTH_PROFILE.zeroBasedClearUnusedArea(profile, length < oldLength)) { clearUnusedArea(object, (int) length, (int) oldLength, 0, profile); } } protected final void setLengthLessContiguous(DynamicObject object, long length, ProfileHolder profile) { long indexOffset = getIndexOffset(object); int arrayOffset = getArrayOffset(object); arraySetLength(object, length); if (SET_LENGTH_PROFILE.contiguousZeroUsed(profile, length <= indexOffset)) { arraySetUsedLength(object, 0); setIndexOffset(object, length - 1); setArrayOffset(object, 0); long arrayCapacity = getArrayCapacity(object); clearUnusedArea(object, 0, (int) arrayCapacity, 0, profile); } else { int oldUsed = getUsedLength(object); int newUsed = Math.min(oldUsed, (int) (length - indexOffset - arrayOffset)); int newUsedLength = (int) (previousElementIndex(object, indexOffset + arrayOffset + newUsed) + 1 - arrayOffset - indexOffset); if (SET_LENGTH_PROFILE.contiguousNegativeUsed(profile, newUsedLength < 0)) { newUsedLength = 0; setArrayOffset(object, 0); setIndexOffset(object, 0); } arraySetUsedLength(object, newUsedLength); if (SET_LENGTH_PROFILE.contiguousShrinkUsed(profile, newUsedLength < oldUsed)) { if (isHolesType()) { incrementHolesCount(object, -countHolesPrepared(object, arrayOffset + newUsedLength, arrayOffset + oldUsed)); assert arrayGetHoleCount(object) == countHoles(object); } // use old arrayOffset clearUnusedArea(object, newUsedLength, oldUsed, arrayOffset, profile); } } }
After shortening the array, the now unused area has to be cleared.
/** * After shortening the array, the now unused area has to be cleared. */
protected void clearUnusedArea(DynamicObject object, int startIdx, int endIdx, int arrayOffset, ProfileHolder profile) { int arrayCapacity = getArrayCapacity(object); if (SET_LENGTH_PROFILE.clearUnusedArea(profile, startIdx < -1 || (startIdx + arrayOffset) >= arrayCapacity)) { return; } int start = startIdx + arrayOffset; int end = Math.min(endIdx + arrayOffset, arrayCapacity - 1); for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { setHoleValue(object, i); } } @Override public final Object getElement(DynamicObject object, long index) { if (isInBoundsFast(object, index)) { return getInBoundsFast(object, (int) index); } else { return Undefined.instance; } } @Override public final Object getElementInBounds(DynamicObject object, long index) { assert isInBoundsFast(object, index); return getInBoundsFast(object, (int) index); } public abstract Object getInBoundsFast(DynamicObject object, int index); public int getInBoundsFastInt(DynamicObject object, int index) throws UnexpectedResultException { Object value = getInBoundsFast(object, index); if (value instanceof Integer) { return (int) value; } else { throw new UnexpectedResultException(value); } } public double getInBoundsFastDouble(DynamicObject object, int index) throws UnexpectedResultException { Object value = getInBoundsFast(object, index); if (value instanceof Double) { return (double) value; } else { throw new UnexpectedResultException(value); } } @Override public Object[] toArray(DynamicObject object) { long len = length(object); assert JSRuntime.longIsRepresentableAsInt(len); Object[] objectArray = new Object[(int) len]; long firstElement = firstElementIndex(object); long lastElement = lastElementIndex(object); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i >= firstElement && i <= lastElement) { objectArray[i] = getInBoundsFast(object, i); } else { objectArray[i] = Undefined.instance; } } return objectArray; } protected final Object[] toArrayZeroBased(DynamicObject object) { int newLength = getUsedLength(object); Object[] newArray = new Object[newLength]; for (int i = 0; i < newLength; i++) { newArray[i] = getInBoundsFast(object, i); } return newArray; } protected final ScriptArray deleteElementHoles(DynamicObject object, long index) { if (isInBoundsFast(object, index)) { int preparedindex = prepareInBoundsFast(object, (int) index); if (!isHolePrepared(object, preparedindex)) { int arrayOffset = getArrayOffset(object); if (arrayOffset == preparedindex) { long nextNonHoles = nextElementIndexHoles(object, index); if (nextNonHoles == JSRuntime.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER_LONG) { // there are no more elements in this Object setArrayOffset(object, 0); arraySetUsedLength(object, 0); arraySetHoleCount(object, 0); } else { int preparedNextNonHoles = prepareInBoundsFast(object, (int) nextNonHoles); int delta = preparedNextNonHoles - preparedindex; setArrayOffset(object, preparedindex + delta); arraySetUsedLength(object, arrayGetUsedLength(object) - delta); incrementHolesCount(object, -countHolesPrepared(object, preparedindex, preparedNextNonHoles)); } setHoleValue(object, preparedindex); // clear unused } else if (arrayOffset + arrayGetUsedLength(object) == preparedindex) { long previousNonHoles = previousElementIndexHoles(object, index); assert previousNonHoles >= 0; int preparedPreviousNonHoles = prepareInBoundsFast(object, (int) previousNonHoles); arraySetUsedLength(object, arrayGetUsedLength(object) - preparedindex + preparedPreviousNonHoles); incrementHolesCount(object, -countHolesPrepared(object, preparedPreviousNonHoles, preparedindex)); setHoleValue(object, preparedindex); // clear unused } else { incrementHolesCount(object, +1); setHoleValue(object, preparedindex); } } } assert arrayGetHoleCount(object) == countHoles(object); return this; } @TruffleBoundary protected final void traceWriteValue(String access, int index, Object value) { traceWrite(getClass().getSimpleName() + "." + access, index, value); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public ScriptArray toNonContiguous(DynamicObject object, int index, Object value, ProfileHolder profile) { return this; } @Override protected abstract AbstractWritableArray withIntegrityLevel(int newIntegrityLevel); public abstract Object allocateArray(int length); ScriptArray addRangeImplContiguous(DynamicObject object, long offset, int size) { long indexOffset = getIndexOffset(object); int arrayOffset = getArrayOffset(object); if (offset <= indexOffset + arrayOffset) { setIndexOffset(object, indexOffset + size); return this; } else { Object array = getArrayObject(object); int usedLength = getUsedLength(object); int arrayLength = getArrayLength(array); if (arrayOffset + usedLength + size < arrayLength) { int lastIndex = (arrayOffset + usedLength); int effectiveOffset = (int) (offset - indexOffset); int copySize = (lastIndex - effectiveOffset); if (copySize > 0) { System.arraycopy(array, effectiveOffset, array, (effectiveOffset + size), copySize); } arraySetUsedLength(object, usedLength + size); return this; } else { return addRangeGrow(object, array, arrayLength, usedLength, lengthInt(object), (int) (offset - indexOffset), size, arrayOffset, indexOffset); } } } private ScriptArray addRangeGrow(DynamicObject object, Object array, int arrayLength, int usedLength, int length, int offset, int size, int arrayOffset, long indexOffset) { Object newArray = allocateArray(nextPower(arrayLength + size)); if (offset - arrayOffset > arrayLength) { System.arraycopy(array, arrayOffset, newArray, arrayOffset, arrayLength); fillWithHoles(newArray, usedLength, usedLength + size); return ensureHolesArray(object, length + size, newArray, indexOffset, arrayOffset, usedLength + size, arrayGetHoleCount(object) + size); } else { System.arraycopy(array, arrayOffset, newArray, arrayOffset, offset - arrayOffset); int toCopy = (arrayOffset + usedLength) - offset; System.arraycopy(array, offset, newArray, offset + size, toCopy); arraySetLength(object, length + size); arraySetArray(object, newArray); arraySetUsedLength(object, usedLength + size); return this; } } private ScriptArray ensureHolesArray(DynamicObject object, int length, Object newArray, long indexOffset, int arrayOffset, int usedLength, int holesCount) { AbstractWritableArray newArrayObject = sameTypeHolesArray(object, length, newArray, indexOffset, arrayOffset, usedLength, holesCount); if (newArrayObject != this && JSConfig.TraceArrayTransitions) { traceArrayTransition(this, newArrayObject, 0, null); } return newArrayObject; } ScriptArray addRangeImplZeroBased(DynamicObject object, long offset, int size) { int iOffset = (int) offset; Object array = getArrayObject(object); int arrayLength = getArrayLength(array); int length = lengthInt(object); int usedLength = getUsedLength(object); if (usedLength < offset) { arraySetLength(object, length + size); return this; } else if (size + usedLength <= arrayLength) { int toCopy = usedLength - iOffset; System.arraycopy(array, iOffset, array, iOffset + size, toCopy); arraySetUsedLength(object, usedLength + size); return this; } else { return addRangeGrow(object, array, arrayLength, usedLength, arrayLength, iOffset, size, 0, 0L); } } protected final ScriptArray removeRangeContiguous(DynamicObject object, long start, long end) { assert start >= 0 && start <= end; int usedLength = getUsedLength(object); long indexOffset = getIndexOffset(object); int arrayOffset = getArrayOffset(object); int startIntl = (int) (start - indexOffset); int endIntl = (int) (end - indexOffset); int usedStartIntl = Math.max(arrayOffset, startIntl); int usedEndIntl = Math.min(arrayOffset + usedLength, endIntl); int usedDelta = usedEndIntl - usedStartIntl; int newUsedLength = usedLength - usedDelta; if (usedDelta > 0) { arraySetUsedLength(object, newUsedLength); if (newUsedLength == 0) { setArrayOffset(object, 0); setIndexOffset(object, 0); return this; } } if (startIntl < 0) { int indexOffsetDelta = endIntl - startIntl; long indexOffsetNew = Math.max(0, indexOffset - indexOffsetDelta); if (endIntl > 0) { int length = usedLength + arrayOffset - endIntl; if (length > 0) { moveRangePrepared(object, endIntl, 0, length); } indexOffsetNew = start; } setIndexOffset(object, indexOffsetNew); } else { if (startIntl < arrayOffset) { int arrayOffsetNew = Math.max(startIntl, arrayOffset - (endIntl - startIntl)); setArrayOffset(object, arrayOffsetNew); } int length = usedLength + arrayOffset - endIntl; if (length > 0) { moveRangePrepared(object, endIntl, startIntl, length); } } return this; } protected final ScriptArray removeRangeHoles(DynamicObject object, long start, long end) { assert isHolesType(); assert start >= 0 && start <= end; int usedLength = getUsedLength(object); long indexOffset = getIndexOffset(object); int arrayOffset = getArrayOffset(object); int startIntl = (int) (start - indexOffset); int endIntl = (int) (end - indexOffset); if (endIntl > 0) { int actualStartIntl = Math.max(arrayOffset, startIntl); int actualEndIntl = Math.min(arrayOffset + usedLength, endIntl); for (int i = actualStartIntl; i < actualEndIntl; i++) { if (isHolePrepared(object, i)) { incrementHolesCount(object, -1); } } } removeRangeContiguous(object, start, end); return this; } protected final int countHoles(DynamicObject object) { assert isHolesType(); int arrayOffset = getArrayOffset(object); return countHolesPrepared(object, arrayOffset, arrayOffset + getUsedLength(object)); } private int countHolesPrepared(DynamicObject object, int start, int end) { assert isHolesType(); int holeCount = 0; for (int index = start; index < end; index++) { if (isHolePrepared(object, index)) { holeCount++; } } return holeCount; }
Move len elements from src to dst.
/** * Move {@code len} elements from {@code src} to {@code dst}. */
protected abstract void moveRangePrepared(DynamicObject object, int src, int dst, int len); protected interface SetSupportedProfileAccess extends ProfileAccess { default boolean ensureCapacityGrow(ProfileHolder profile, boolean condition) { return profile.profile(this, 0, condition); } default boolean ensureCapacityGrowLeft(ProfileHolder profile, boolean condition) { return profile.profile(this, 1, condition); } default boolean inBoundsZeroBasedSetLength(ProfileHolder profile, boolean condition) { return profile.profile(this, 2, condition); } default boolean inBoundsZeroBasedSetUsedLength(ProfileHolder profile, boolean condition) { return profile.profile(this, 3, condition); } default boolean updateStatePrepend(ProfileHolder profile, boolean condition) { return profile.profile(this, 4, condition); } default boolean updateStateAppend(ProfileHolder profile, boolean condition) { return profile.profile(this, 5, condition); } default boolean updateStateSetLength(ProfileHolder profile, boolean condition) { return profile.profile(this, 6, condition); } default boolean updateHolesStateIsHole(ProfileHolder profile, boolean condition) { return profile.profile(this, 7, condition); } default boolean fillHolesLeft(ProfileHolder profile, boolean condition) { return profile.profile(this, 8, condition); } default boolean fillHolesRight(ProfileHolder profile, boolean condition) { return profile.profile(this, 9, condition); } } public static ProfileHolder createSetSupportedProfile() { return ProfileHolder.create(10, SetSupportedProfileAccess.class); } protected static final SetSupportedProfileAccess SET_SUPPORTED_PROFILE_ACCESS = new SetSupportedProfileAccess() { }; }