/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 * JFlex 1.8.2                                                             *
 * Copyright (C) 1998-2018  Gerwin Klein <lsf@jflex.de>                    *
 * All rights reserved.                                                    *
 *                                                                         *
 * License: BSD                                                            *
 *                                                                         *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
package jflex.core;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import jflex.base.Build;
import jflex.base.IntPair;
import jflex.chars.Interval;
import jflex.core.unicode.CharClasses;
import jflex.core.unicode.IntCharSet;
import jflex.exceptions.GeneratorException;
import jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages;
import jflex.logging.Out;
import jflex.option.Options;
import jflex.state.StateSet;
import jflex.state.StateSetEnumerator;

Non-deterministic finite automata representation in JFlex.

Contains algorithms RegExp → NFA.

Author:Gerwin Klein
Version:JFlex 1.8.2
/** * Non-deterministic finite automata representation in JFlex. * * <p>Contains algorithms RegExp → NFA. * * @author Gerwin Klein * @version JFlex 1.8.2 */
public final class NFA {
table[current_state][next_char] is the set of states that can be reached from current_state with an input next_char
/** * table[current_state][next_char] is the set of states that can be reached from current_state * with an input next_char */
private StateSet[][] table;
epsilon[current_state] is the set of states that can be reached from current_state via epsilon edges
/** * epsilon[current_state] is the set of states that can be reached from current_state via epsilon * edges */
private StateSet[] epsilon;
isFinal[state] == true <=> state is a final state of the NFA
/** isFinal[state] == true <=> state is a final state of the NFA */
private boolean[] isFinal;
action[current_state]: the action associated with the state current_state (null, if there is no action for the state)
/** * action[current_state]: the action associated with the state current_state (null, if there is no * action for the state) */
private Action[] action;
the number of states in this NFA
/** the number of states in this NFA */
private int numStates;
the current maximum number of input characters
/** the current maximum number of input characters */
private final int numInput;
the number of lexical States. Lexical states have the indices 0..numLexStates-1 in the transition table
/** * the number of lexical States. Lexical states have the indices 0..numLexStates-1 in the * transition table */
private int numLexStates;
estimated size of the NFA (before actual construction)
/** estimated size of the NFA (before actual construction) */
private final int estSize; private CharClasses classes; private LexScan scanner; private RegExps regExps; // will be reused by several methods (avoids excessive object creation) private final StateSetEnumerator states = new StateSetEnumerator(); private final StateSet tempStateSet = new StateSet();
Constructor for NFA.
/** Constructor for NFA. */
public NFA(int numInput, int estSize) { this.numInput = numInput; this.estSize = estSize; numStates = 0; epsilon = new StateSet[estSize]; action = new Action[estSize]; isFinal = new boolean[estSize]; table = new StateSet[estSize][numInput]; }
Construct new NFA.

Assumes that lookahead cases and numbers are already resolved in RegExps.

See Also:
  • checkLookAheads.checkLookAheads()
/** * Construct new NFA. * * <p>Assumes that lookahead cases and numbers are already resolved in RegExps. * * @see RegExps#checkLookAheads() * @param numInput a int. * @param scanner a {@link LexScan} object. * @param regExps a {@link RegExps} object. * @param macros a {@link Macros} object. * @param classes a {@link CharClasses} object. */
public NFA(int numInput, LexScan scanner, RegExps regExps, Macros macros, CharClasses classes) { this(numInput, regExps.NFASize(macros) + 2 * scanner.states.number()); this.scanner = scanner; this.regExps = regExps; this.classes = classes; numLexStates = scanner.states.number(); // ensureCapacity assumes correctly set up numStates. int new_num = numEntryStates(); ensureCapacity(new_num); numStates = new_num; } public StateSet epsilon(int i) { return epsilon[i]; } public int numEntryStates() { return 2 * (numLexStates + regExps.gen_look_count); } public int numInput() { return numInput; } public int numLexStates() { return numLexStates; } public int numStates() { return numStates; }
Returns the set of states that can be reached from currentState with an input nextChar.
/** Returns the set of states that can be reached from currentState with an input nextChar. */
public StateSet reachableStates(int currentState, int nextChar) { return table[currentState][nextChar]; } public StateSetEnumerator states() { return states; } public StateSet tempStateSet() { return tempStateSet; }
Add a standalone rule that has minimum priority, fires a transition on all single input characters and has a "print yytext" action.
/** * Add a standalone rule that has minimum priority, fires a transition on all single input * characters and has a "print yytext" action. */
public void addStandaloneRule() { int start = numStates; int end = numStates + 1; for (int c = 0; c < classes.getNumClasses(); c++) addTransition(start, c, end); for (int i = 0; i < numLexStates * 2; i++) addEpsilonTransition(i, start); action[end] = new Action("System.out.print(yytext());", Integer.MAX_VALUE); isFinal[end] = true; }
Add a regexp to this NFA.
  • regExpNum – the number of the regexp to add.
/** * Add a regexp to this NFA. * * @param regExpNum the number of the regexp to add. */
public void addRegExp(int regExpNum) { if (Build.DEBUG) Out.debug( "Adding nfa for regexp " + regExpNum + " :" + Out.NL + regExps.getRegExp(regExpNum)); IntPair nfa = insertNFA(regExps.getRegExp(regExpNum)); List<Integer> lexStates = regExps.getStates(regExpNum); if (lexStates.isEmpty()) lexStates = scanner.states.getInclusiveStates(); for (Integer stateNum : lexStates) { if (!regExps.isBOL(regExpNum)) addEpsilonTransition(2 * stateNum, nfa.start()); addEpsilonTransition(2 * stateNum + 1, nfa.start()); } if (regExps.getLookAhead(regExpNum) != null) { Action a = regExps.getAction(regExpNum); if (a.lookAhead() == Action.FINITE_CHOICE) { insertLookAheadChoices(nfa.end(), a, regExps.getLookAhead(regExpNum)); // remove the original action from the collection: it will never // be matched directly, only its copies will. scanner.actions.remove(a); } else { RegExp r1 = regExps.getRegExp(regExpNum); RegExp r2 = regExps.getLookAhead(regExpNum); IntPair look = insertNFA(r2); addEpsilonTransition(nfa.end(), look.start()); action[look.end()] = a; isFinal[look.end()] = true; if (a.lookAhead() == Action.GENERAL_LOOK) { // base forward pass IntPair forward = insertNFA(r1); // lookahead backward pass IntPair backward = insertNFA(r2.rev()); isFinal[forward.end()] = true; action[forward.end()] = new Action(Action.FORWARD_ACTION); isFinal[backward.end()] = true; action[backward.end()] = new Action(Action.BACKWARD_ACTION); int entry = 2 * (regExps.getLookEntry(regExpNum) + numLexStates); addEpsilonTransition(entry, forward.start()); addEpsilonTransition(entry + 1, backward.start()); a.setEntryState(entry); } } } else { action[nfa.end()] = regExps.getAction(regExpNum); isFinal[nfa.end()] = true; } }
Insert NFAs for the (finitely many) fixed length lookahead choices.
  • lookAhead – a lookahead of which isFiniteChoice is true
  • baseEnd – the end state of the base expression NFA
  • a – the action of the expression
See Also:
/** * Insert NFAs for the (finitely many) fixed length lookahead choices. * * @param lookAhead a lookahead of which isFiniteChoice is true * @param baseEnd the end state of the base expression NFA * @param a the action of the expression * @see SemCheck#isFiniteChoice(RegExp) */
private void insertLookAheadChoices(int baseEnd, Action a, RegExp lookAhead) { if (lookAhead.type == sym.BAR) { RegExp2 r = (RegExp2) lookAhead; insertLookAheadChoices(baseEnd, a, r.r1); insertLookAheadChoices(baseEnd, a, r.r2); } else { int len = SemCheck.length(lookAhead); if (len >= 0) { // termination case IntPair look = insertNFA(lookAhead); addEpsilonTransition(baseEnd, look.start()); Action x = a.copyChoice(len); action[look.end()] = x; isFinal[look.end()] = true; // add new copy to the collection of known actions such that // it can be checked for the NEVER_MATCH warning. scanner.actions.add(x); } else { // should never happen throw new RegExpException(lookAhead); } } }
Make sure the NFA can contain at least newNumStates states.
  • newNumStates – the minimum number of states.
/** * Make sure the NFA can contain at least newNumStates states. * * @param newNumStates the minimum number of states. */
private void ensureCapacity(int newNumStates) { int oldLength = epsilon.length; if (newNumStates < oldLength) return; int newStatesLength = Math.max(oldLength * 2, newNumStates); boolean[] newFinal = new boolean[newStatesLength]; Action[] newAction = new Action[newStatesLength]; StateSet[][] newTable = new StateSet[newStatesLength][numInput]; StateSet[] newEpsilon = new StateSet[newStatesLength]; System.arraycopy(isFinal, 0, newFinal, 0, numStates); System.arraycopy(action, 0, newAction, 0, numStates); System.arraycopy(epsilon, 0, newEpsilon, 0, numStates); System.arraycopy(table, 0, newTable, 0, numStates); isFinal = newFinal; action = newAction; epsilon = newEpsilon; table = newTable; } public void addTransition(int start, int input, int dest) { Out.debug("Adding transition (" + start + ", " + input + ", " + dest + ")"); int maxS = Math.max(start, dest) + 1; ensureCapacity(maxS); if (maxS > numStates) numStates = maxS; if (table[start][input] != null) table[start][input].addState(dest); else table[start][input] = new StateSet(estSize, dest); } public void addEpsilonTransition(int start, int dest) { int max = Math.max(start, dest) + 1; ensureCapacity(max); if (max > numStates) numStates = max; if (epsilon[start] != null) epsilon[start].addState(dest); else epsilon[start] = new StateSet(estSize, dest); }
Returns true, iff the specified set of states contains a final state.
  • set – the set of states that is tested for final states.
/** * Returns {@code true}, iff the specified set of states contains a final state. * * @param set the set of states that is tested for final states. */
public boolean containsFinal(StateSet set) { states.reset(set); while (states.hasMoreElements()) if (isFinal[states.nextElement()]) return true; return false; }
Returns the action with highest priority in the specified set of states.
  • set – the set of states for which to determine the action
/** * Returns the action with highest priority in the specified set of states. * * @param set the set of states for which to determine the action */
public Action getAction(StateSet set) { states.reset(set); Action maxAction = null; Out.debug("Determining action of : " + set); while (states.hasMoreElements()) { Action currentAction = action[states.nextElement()]; if (currentAction != null) { if (maxAction == null) maxAction = currentAction; else maxAction = maxAction.getHigherPriority(currentAction); } } return maxAction; }
Calculates the epsilon closure for a specified set of states.

The epsilon closure for set a is the set of states that can be reached by epsilon edges from a.

  • startState – the start state for the set of states to calculate the epsilon closure for
Returns:the epsilon closure of the specified set of states in this NFA
/** * Calculates the epsilon closure for a specified set of states. * * <p>The epsilon closure for set a is the set of states that can be reached by epsilon edges from * a. * * @param startState the start state for the set of states to calculate the epsilon closure for * @return the epsilon closure of the specified set of states in this NFA */
private StateSet closure(int startState) { // Out.debug("Calculating closure of "+set); StateSet notvisited = tempStateSet; StateSet closure = new StateSet(numStates, startState); notvisited.clear(); notvisited.addState(startState); while (notvisited.containsElements()) { // Out.debug("closure is now "+closure); // Out.debug("notvisited is "+notvisited); int state = notvisited.getAndRemoveElement(); // Out.debug("removed element "+state+" of "+notvisited); // Out.debug("epsilon[states] = "+epsilon[state]); notvisited.add(closure.complement(epsilon[state])); closure.add(epsilon[state]); } // Out.debug("Closure is : "+closure); return closure; } public void epsilonFill() { for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) { epsilon[i] = closure(i); } }
Calculates the set of states that can be reached from another set of states start with an specified input character input
  • start – the set of states to start from
  • input – the input character for which to search the next states
Returns:the set of states that are reached from start</code> via <code>input
/** * Calculates the set of states that can be reached from another set of states {@code start} with * an specified input character {@code input} * * @param start the set of states to start from * @param input the input character for which to search the next states * @return the set of states that are reached from {@code start</code> via <code>input} */
private StateSet DFAEdge(StateSet start, int input) { // Out.debug(String.format("Calculating DFAEdge for state set "+start+" and input U+04X"), // input); tempStateSet.clear(); states.reset(start); while (states.hasMoreElements()) tempStateSet.add(table[states.nextElement()][input]); StateSet result = new StateSet(tempStateSet); states.reset(tempStateSet); while (states.hasMoreElements()) result.add(epsilon[states.nextElement()]); // Out.debug("DFAEdge is : "+result); return result; } public void dumpTable() { Out.dump(toString()); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) { result.append("State"); if (isFinal[i]) { result.append("[FINAL"); String l = action[i].lookString(); if (!Objects.equals(l, "")) { result.append(", "); result.append(l); } result.append("]"); } result.append(" ").append(i).append(Out.NL); for (int input = 0; input < numInput; input++) { if (table[i][input] != null && table[i][input].containsElements()) result .append(" with ") .append(input) .append(" in ") .append(table[i][input]) .append(Out.NL); } if (epsilon[i] != null && epsilon[i].containsElements()) result.append(" with epsilon in ").append(epsilon[i]).append(Out.NL); } return result.toString(); } public void writeDot(File file) { try { PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter( new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); writer.println(dotFormat()); writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Out.error(ErrorMessages.FILE_WRITE, file); throw new GeneratorException(e); } } public String dotFormat() { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append("digraph NFA {").append(Out.NL); result.append("rankdir = LR").append(Out.NL); for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) { if (isFinal[i]) { result.append(i); result.append(" [shape = doublecircle]"); result.append(Out.NL); } } for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) { for (int input = 0; input < numInput; input++) { for (int s : table[i][input]) { result.append(i).append(" -> ").append(s); result.append(" [label=\"").append(classes.toString(input)).append("\"]").append(Out.NL); } } for (int s : epsilon[i]) { result.append(i).append(" -> ").append(s).append(" [style=dotted]").append(Out.NL); } } result.append("}").append(Out.NL); return result.toString(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Functions for constructing NFAs out of regular expressions. private void insertLetterNFA(boolean caseless, int ch, int start, int end) { if (caseless) { IntCharSet set = IntCharSet.ofCharacter(ch); IntCharSet caselessSet = set.getCaseless(scanner.getUnicodeProperties()); for (Interval interval : caselessSet.getIntervals()) { for (int elem = interval.start; elem <= interval.end; ++elem) { addTransition(start, classes.getClassCode(elem), end); } } } else { addTransition(start, classes.getClassCode(ch), end); } } private IntPair insertStringNFA(boolean caseless, String str) { int start = numStates; int i = 0; for (int pos = 0; pos < str.length(); ++i) { int ch = str.codePointAt(pos); if (caseless) { IntCharSet set = IntCharSet.ofCharacter(ch); IntCharSet caselessSet = set.getCaseless(scanner.getUnicodeProperties()); for (Interval interval : caselessSet.getIntervals()) { for (int elem = interval.start; elem <= interval.end; ++elem) { addTransition(i + start, classes.getClassCode(elem), i + start + 1); } } } else { addTransition(i + start, classes.getClassCode(ch), i + start + 1); } pos += Character.charCount(ch); } return IntPair.create(start, i + start); } private void insertClassNFA(IntCharSet set, int start, int end) { for (int aCl : classes.getClassCodes(set, false)) { addTransition(start, aCl, end); } }
Constructs an NFA accepting the complement of the language of a given NFA.

Converts the NFA into a DFA, then negates that DFA. Exponential state blowup possible and common.

  • nfa – the NFA to construct the complement for.
Returns:a pair of integers denoting the index of start and end state of the complement NFA.
/** * Constructs an NFA accepting the complement of the language of a given NFA. * * <p>Converts the NFA into a DFA, then negates that DFA. Exponential state blowup possible and * common. * * @param nfa the NFA to construct the complement for. * @return a pair of integers denoting the index of start and end state of the complement NFA. */
private IntPair complement(IntPair nfa) { if (Build.DEBUG) { Out.debug("complement for " + nfa); Out.debug("NFA is :" + Out.NL + this); } int dfaStart = nfa.end() + 1; epsilonFill(); Map<StateSet, Integer> dfaStates = new HashMap<>(numStates); List<StateSet> dfaList = new ArrayList<>(numStates); int numDFAStates = 0; int currentDFAState = 0; StateSet currentState, newState; newState = epsilon[nfa.start()]; dfaStates.put(newState, numDFAStates); dfaList.add(newState); if (Build.DEBUG) { Out.debug( "pos DFA start state is :" + Out.NL + dfaStates + Out.NL + Out.NL + "ordered :" + Out.NL + dfaList); } while (currentDFAState <= numDFAStates) { currentState = dfaList.get(currentDFAState); for (int input = 0; input < numInput; input++) { newState = DFAEdge(currentState, input); if (newState.containsElements()) { // Out.debug("DFAEdge for input "+(int)input+" and state set "+currentState+" is // "+newState); // Out.debug("Looking for state set "+newState); Integer nextDFAState = dfaStates.get(newState); if (nextDFAState != null) { // Out.debug("FOUND!"); addTransition(dfaStart + currentDFAState, input, dfaStart + nextDFAState); } else { if (Options.dump) { Out.print("+"); // Out.debug("NOT FOUND!"); // Out.debug("Table was "+dfaStates); } numDFAStates++; dfaStates.put(newState, numDFAStates); dfaList.add(newState); addTransition(dfaStart + currentDFAState, input, dfaStart + numDFAStates); } } } currentDFAState++; } // We have a dfa accepting the positive regexp. // Now the complement: if (Build.DEBUG) { Out.debug("dfa finished, nfa is now :" + Out.NL + this); } int start = dfaStart + numDFAStates + 1; int error = dfaStart + numDFAStates + 2; int end = dfaStart + numDFAStates + 3; addEpsilonTransition(start, dfaStart); for (int i = 0; i < numInput; i++) addTransition(error, i, error); addEpsilonTransition(error, end); for (int s = 0; s <= numDFAStates; s++) { currentState = dfaList.get(s); currentDFAState = dfaStart + s; // if it was not a final state, it is now in the complement if (!currentState.hasElement(nfa.end())) addEpsilonTransition(currentDFAState, end); // all inputs not present (formerly leading to an implicit error) // now lead to an explicit (final) state accepting everything. for (int i = 0; i < numInput; i++) if (table[currentDFAState][i] == null) addTransition(currentDFAState, i, error); } // eliminate transitions that cannot reach final states removeDead(dfaStart, end); if (Build.DEBUG) { Out.debug("complement finished, nfa (" + start + "," + end + ") is now :" + this); } return IntPair.create(start, end); }
Find all states from (numerically) start to @end that (transitively) cannot reach reach end, and remove the transitions leading to those states.

After a complement operation, there may be dead states left over in the NFA, which could lead the scanning engine into a situation where it is trying to perform lookahead even though no final state can ever be reached.

Precondition: all states that potentially lead to end are within the interval @{code [start,end]}. This is satisfied by DFA generation in the complement operation.

Precondition: end state has no outgoing transitions

  • start – the first state from which to compute live states
  • end – the state that if it can be reached makes a state live
See Also:
/** * Find all states from (numerically) {@code start} to @{@code end} that (transitively) cannot * reach reach {@code end}, and remove the transitions leading to those states. * * <p>After a complement operation, there may be dead states left over in the NFA, which could * lead the scanning engine into a situation where it is trying to perform lookahead even though * no final state can ever be reached. * * <p>Precondition: all states that potentially lead to {@code end} are within the interval @{code * [start,end]}. This is satisfied by DFA generation in the complement operation. * * <p>Precondition: end state has no outgoing transitions * * @param start the first state from which to compute live states * @param end the state that if it can be reached makes a state live * @see NFA#complement(IntPair) */
private void removeDead(int start, int end) { if (Build.DEBUG) { Out.debug("removeDead (" + start + "," + end + ") " + Out.NL + this); } StateSet notvisited = tempStateSet; StateSet reachable = new StateSet(numStates, start); notvisited.clear(); notvisited.addState(start); while (notvisited.containsElements()) { int state = notvisited.getAndRemoveElement(); notvisited.add(reachable.complement(epsilon[state])); reachable.add(epsilon[state]); for (int i = 0; i < numInput; i++) { notvisited.add(reachable.complement(table[state][i])); reachable.add(table[state][i]); } } if (Build.DEBUG) { Out.debug("reachable states " + reachable); } StateSet live = new StateSet(numStates, end); boolean changed = true; // compute all live states while (changed) { changed = false; Out.debug("live: " + live); for (int s : live.complement(reachable)) { for (int i = 0; i < numInput; i++) { if (table[s][i] != null) { for (int state : table[s][i]) { if (live.hasElement(state)) { changed = true; live.addState(s); } } } } if (epsilon[s] != null) { for (int state : epsilon[s]) { if (live.hasElement(state)) { changed = true; live.addState(s); } } } } } if (Build.DEBUG) { Out.debug("live states: " + live); } // now remove all transitions to non-live states (unless everything is live) if (!reachable.equals(live)) { for (int s : reachable) { for (int i = 0; i < numInput; i++) if (table[s][i] != null) table[s][i].intersect(live); if (epsilon[s] != null) epsilon[s].intersect(live); } } if (Build.DEBUG) { Out.debug("Removed dead states " + Out.NL + this); } }
Constructs a two state NFA for char class regexps, such that the NFA has
  • exactly one start state,
  • exactly one end state,
  • no transitions leading out of the end state,
  • no transitions leading into the start state.

Assumes that regExp.isCharClass(macros) == true

  • regExp – the regular expression to construct the NFA for
/** * Constructs a two state NFA for char class regexps, such that the NFA has * * <ul> * <li>exactly one start state, * <li>exactly one end state, * <li>no transitions leading out of the end state, * <li>no transitions leading into the start state. * </ul> * * <p>Assumes that regExp.isCharClass(macros) == true * * @param regExp the regular expression to construct the NFA for */
private void insertCCLNFA(RegExp regExp, int start, int end) { switch (regExp.type) { case sym.BAR: RegExp2 r = (RegExp2) regExp; insertCCLNFA(r.r1, start, end); insertCCLNFA(r.r2, start, end); return; case sym.PRIMCLASS: insertClassNFA((IntCharSet) ((RegExp1) regExp).content, start, end); return; case sym.CHAR: insertLetterNFA(false, (Integer) ((RegExp1) regExp).content, start, end); return; case sym.CHAR_I: insertLetterNFA(true, (Integer) ((RegExp1) regExp).content, start, end); return; default: throw new RegExpException(regExp); } }
Constructs an NFA for regExp such that the NFA has

exactly one start state, exactly one end state, no transitions leading out of the end state no transitions leading into the start state

  • regExp – the regular expression to construct the NFA for
Returns:a pair of integers denoting the index of start and end state of the NFA.
/** * Constructs an NFA for regExp such that the NFA has * * <p>exactly one start state, exactly one end state, no transitions leading out of the end state * no transitions leading into the start state * * @param regExp the regular expression to construct the NFA for * @return a pair of integers denoting the index of start and end state of the NFA. */
public IntPair insertNFA(RegExp regExp) { IntPair nfa1, nfa2; int start, end; RegExp2 r; if (Build.DEBUG) { Out.debug("Inserting RegExp : " + regExp); } if (regExp.isCharClass()) { start = numStates; end = numStates + 1; ensureCapacity(end + 1); numStates = end + 1; insertCCLNFA(regExp, start, end); return IntPair.create(start, end); } switch (regExp.type) { case sym.BAR: r = (RegExp2) regExp; nfa1 = insertNFA(r.r1); nfa2 = insertNFA(r.r2); start = nfa2.end() + 1; end = nfa2.end() + 2; addEpsilonTransition(start, nfa1.start()); addEpsilonTransition(start, nfa2.start()); addEpsilonTransition(nfa1.end(), end); addEpsilonTransition(nfa2.end(), end); return IntPair.create(start, end); case sym.CONCAT: r = (RegExp2) regExp; nfa1 = insertNFA(r.r1); nfa2 = insertNFA(r.r2); addEpsilonTransition(nfa1.end(), nfa2.start()); return IntPair.create(nfa1.start(), nfa2.end()); case sym.STAR: nfa1 = insertNFA((RegExp) ((RegExp1) regExp).content); start = nfa1.end() + 1; end = nfa1.end() + 2; addEpsilonTransition(nfa1.end(), end); addEpsilonTransition(start, nfa1.start()); addEpsilonTransition(start, end); addEpsilonTransition(nfa1.end(), nfa1.start()); return IntPair.create(start, end); case sym.PLUS: nfa1 = insertNFA((RegExp) ((RegExp1) regExp).content); start = nfa1.end() + 1; end = nfa1.end() + 2; addEpsilonTransition(nfa1.end(), end); addEpsilonTransition(start, nfa1.start()); addEpsilonTransition(nfa1.end(), nfa1.start()); return IntPair.create(start, end); case sym.QUESTION: nfa1 = insertNFA((RegExp) ((RegExp1) regExp).content); addEpsilonTransition(nfa1.start(), nfa1.end()); return IntPair.create(nfa1.start(), nfa1.end()); case sym.BANG: return complement(insertNFA((RegExp) ((RegExp1) regExp).content)); case sym.TILDE: return insertNFA(regExp.resolveTilde()); case sym.STRING: return insertStringNFA(false, (String) ((RegExp1) regExp).content); case sym.STRING_I: return insertStringNFA(true, (String) ((RegExp1) regExp).content); default: throw new RegExpException(regExp); } } }