/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 * JFlex 1.8.2                                                             *
 * Copyright (C) 1998-2018  Gerwin Klein <lsf@jflex.de>                    *
 * All rights reserved.                                                    *
 *                                                                         *
 * License: BSD                                                            *
 *                                                                         *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

package jflex.chars;

import java.util.PrimitiveIterator;

A mutable interval of characters with basic operations.
Author:Gerwin Klein, Régis Décamps
Version:JFlex 1.8.2
/** * A mutable interval of characters with basic operations. * * @author Gerwin Klein * @author Régis Décamps * @version JFlex 1.8.2 */
public final class Interval implements Iterable<Integer> {
Start of the interval.
/** Start of the interval. */
public int start;
End of the interval.
/** End of the interval. */
public int end;
Constructs a new interval from start to end, including both end points.
  • start – first codepoint the interval contains
  • end – last codepoint the interval contains
/** * Constructs a new interval from {@code start} to {@code end}, including both end points. * * @param start first codepoint the interval contains * @param end last codepoint the interval contains */
public Interval(int start, int end) { this.start = start; this.end = end; assert invariants(); }
Returns true iff point is contained in this interval.
  • point – the character codepoint to check
Returns:whether the code point is contained in the interval.
/** * Returns {@code true} iff {@code point} is contained in this interval. * * @param point the character codepoint to check * @return whether the code point is contained in the interval. */
public boolean contains(int point) { return start <= point && end >= point; }
Return true iff this interval completely contains the other one.
  • other – the other interval
Returns:whether this interval completely contains the other one.
/** * Return {@code true} iff this interval completely contains the other one. * * @param other the other interval * @return whether this interval completely contains the other one. */
public boolean contains(Interval other) { return this.start <= other.start && this.end >= other.end; }
Returns true if o is an interval with the same borders.
/** Returns {@code true} if {@code o} is an interval with the same borders. */
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (!(o instanceof Interval)) return false; Interval other = (Interval) o; return other.start == this.start && other.end == this.end; } @Override public int hashCode() { int h = 1; h *= 1000003; h ^= start; h *= 1000003; h ^= end; return h; }
Returns whether a character is printable.
  • c – the codepoint to check
/** * Returns whether a character is printable. * * @param c the codepoint to check */
private static boolean isPrintable(int c) { // fixme: should make unicode test here return 31 < c && c < 127; }
Returns a String representation of this interval.
Returns:a string "[start-end]" or "[start]" (if there is only one character in the interval) where start and end are either a number (the character code) or something of the from 'a'.
/** * Returns a String representation of this interval. * * @return a string "{@code [start-end]}" or "{@code [start]}" (if there is only one character in * the interval) where {@code start} and {@code end} are either a number (the character code) * or something of the from {@code 'a'}. */
@Override public String toString() { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("["); if (isPrintable(start)) result.append("'").append((char) start).append("'"); else result.append(start); if (start != end) { result.append("-"); if (isPrintable(end)) result.append("'").append((char) end).append("'"); else result.append(end); } result.append("]"); return result.toString(); }
Creates an interval of a single character.
  • c – The unique codepoint contained in this interval.
Returns:A single-character interval.
/** * Creates an interval of a single character. * * @param c The unique codepoint contained in this interval. * @return A single-character interval. */
public static Interval ofCharacter(int c) { return new Interval(c, c); }
Creates a copy of the interval.
Returns:the copy of the given interval.
/** * Creates a copy of the interval. * * @return the copy of the given interval. */
public static Interval copyOf(Interval interval) { return new Interval(interval.start, interval.end); }
Computes the size of this interval.
Returns:how many characters this interval spans
/** * Computes the size of this interval. * * @return how many characters this interval spans */
public int size() { return end - start + 1; }
Checks the invariants of this object.
Returns:true when the invariants of this objects hold.
/** * Checks the invariants of this object. * * @return true when the invariants of this objects hold. */
public boolean invariants() { return start <= end; } @Override public IntervalIterator iterator() { return new IntervalIterator(); }
Iterator for enumerating the elements of this Interval
/** Iterator for enumerating the elements of this Interval */
public class IntervalIterator implements PrimitiveIterator.OfInt {
The current iterator position
/** The current iterator position */
private int pos;
New iterator that starts at the beginning of the
/** New iterator that starts at the beginning of the */
private IntervalIterator() { pos = start; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return pos < end; } @Override public int nextInt() { return pos++; } } }