/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 * JFlex 1.8.2                                                             *
 * Copyright (C) 1998-2018  Gerwin Klein <lsf@jflex.de>                    *
 * All rights reserved.                                                    *
 *                                                                         *
 * License: BSD                                                            *
 *                                                                         *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

package jflex.core.unicode;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import jflex.base.Pair;
import jflex.chars.Interval;
import jflex.logging.Out;

Character Classes.
Author:Gerwin Klein
Version:JFlex 1.8.2
/** * Character Classes. * * @author Gerwin Klein * @version JFlex 1.8.2 */
public class CharClasses {
debug flag (for char classes only)
/** debug flag (for char classes only) */
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
for sorting disjoint IntCharSets
/** for sorting disjoint IntCharSets */
private static final Comparator<IntCharSet> INT_CHAR_SET_COMPARATOR = new IntCharSetComparator();
the largest character that can be used in char classes
/** the largest character that can be used in char classes */
public static final int maxChar = 0x10FFFF;
the char classes
/** the char classes */
private List<IntCharSet> classes;
the largest character actually used in a specification
/** the largest character actually used in a specification */
private int maxCharUsed;
the @{link UnicodeProperties} the spec scanner used
/** the @{link UnicodeProperties} the spec scanner used */
private UnicodeProperties unicodeProps;
Constructs a new CharClasses object.

CharClasses.init() is delayed until UnicodeProperties.init() has been called, since the max char code won't be known until then.

/** * Constructs a new CharClasses object. * * <p>CharClasses.init() is delayed until UnicodeProperties.init() has been called, since the max * char code won't be known until then. */
public CharClasses() {}
Provides space for classes of characters from 0 to maxCharCode.

Initially all characters are in class 0.

  • maxCharCode – the last character code to be considered. (127 for 7bit Lexers, 255 for 8bit Lexers and UnicodeProperties.getMaximumCodePoint() for Unicode Lexers).
  • scanner – the scanner containing the UnicodeProperties instance from which caseless
/** * Provides space for classes of characters from 0 to maxCharCode. * * <p>Initially all characters are in class 0. * * @param maxCharCode the last character code to be considered. (127 for 7bit Lexers, 255 for 8bit * Lexers and UnicodeProperties.getMaximumCodePoint() for Unicode Lexers). * @param scanner the scanner containing the UnicodeProperties instance from which caseless */
public void init(int maxCharCode, ILexScan scanner) { if (maxCharCode < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxCharCode " + maxCharCode + " is negative."); } else if (maxCharCode > maxChar) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "maxCharCode " + Integer.toHexString(maxCharCode) + " is larger than maxChar " + Integer.toHexString(maxChar)); } maxCharUsed = maxCharCode; this.unicodeProps = scanner.getUnicodeProperties(); classes = new ArrayList<>(); classes.add(IntCharSet.ofCharacterRange(0, maxCharCode)); }
Returns the greatest Unicode value of the current input character set.
Returns:unicode value.
/** * Returns the greatest Unicode value of the current input character set. * * @return unicode value. */
public int getMaxCharCode() { return maxCharUsed; }
Sets the largest Unicode value of the current input character set.
  • maxCharCode – the largest character code, used for the scanner (i.e. %7bit, %8bit, %16bit etc.)
/** * Sets the largest Unicode value of the current input character set. * * @param maxCharCode the largest character code, used for the scanner (i.e. %7bit, %8bit, %16bit * etc.) */
public void setMaxCharCode(int maxCharCode) { if (maxCharCode < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxCharCode " + maxCharCode + " is negative."); } else if (maxCharCode > maxChar) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "maxCharCode " + Integer.toHexString(maxCharCode) + " is larger than maxChar " + Integer.toHexString(maxChar)); } maxCharUsed = maxCharCode; }
Returns the current number of character classes.
Returns:number of character classes.
/** * Returns the current number of character classes. * * @return number of character classes. */
public int getNumClasses() { return classes.size(); }
Returns:a deep-copy list of all char class partions.
/** @return a deep-copy list of all char class partions. */
public List<IntCharSet> allClasses() { List<IntCharSet> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (IntCharSet ccl : classes) { result.add(IntCharSet.copyOf(ccl)); } return result; }
Updates the current partition, so that the specified set of characters gets a new character class.

Characters that are elements of set are not in the same equivalence class with characters that are not elements of set.

  • set – the set of characters to distinguish from the rest
  • caseless – if true upper/lower/title case are considered equivalent
/** * Updates the current partition, so that the specified set of characters gets a new character * class. * * <p>Characters that are elements of {@code set} are not in the same equivalence class with * characters that are not elements of {@code set}. * * @param set the set of characters to distinguish from the rest * @param caseless if true upper/lower/title case are considered equivalent */
public void makeClass(IntCharSet set, boolean caseless) { set = IntCharSet.copyOf(set); // avoid destructively updating the original if (caseless) set = set.getCaseless(unicodeProps); if (DEBUG) { Out.dump("makeClass(" + set + ")"); dump(); } int oldSize = classes.size(); for (int i = 0; i < oldSize; i++) { IntCharSet x = classes.get(i); if (Objects.equals(x, set)) return; IntCharSet and = x.and(set); if (and.containsElements()) { if (Objects.equals(x, and)) { set.sub(and); continue; } else if (Objects.equals(set, and)) { x.sub(and); classes.add(and); if (DEBUG) { Out.dump("makeClass(..) finished"); dump(); } return; } set.sub(and); x.sub(and); classes.add(and); } } if (DEBUG) { Out.dump("makeClass(..) finished"); dump(); } }
Returns the code of the character class the specified character belongs to.
  • codePoint – code point.
Returns:code of the character class.
/** * Returns the code of the character class the specified character belongs to. * * @param codePoint code point. * @return code of the character class. */
public int getClassCode(int codePoint) { int i = -1; while (true) { IntCharSet x = classes.get(++i); if (x.contains(codePoint)) return i; } }
Retuns a copy of a single char class partition by code.
  • code – the code of the char class partition to return.
Returns:a copy of the char class with the specified code.
/** * Retuns a copy of a single char class partition by code. * * @param code the code of the char class partition to return. * @return a copy of the char class with the specified code. */
public IntCharSet getCharClass(int code) { return IntCharSet.copyOf(classes.get(code)); }
Dumps charclasses to the dump output stream.
/** Dumps charclasses to the dump output stream. */
public void dump() { Out.dump(toString()); }
Returns a string representation of one char class
  • theClass – the index of the class to
Returns:a String object.
/** * Returns a string representation of one char class * * @param theClass the index of the class to * @return a {@link java.lang.String} object. */
public String toString(int theClass) { return classes.get(theClass).toString(); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("CharClasses:"); result.append(Out.NL); for (int i = 0; i < classes.size(); i++) result .append("class ") .append(i) .append(":") .append(Out.NL) .append(classes.get(i)) .append(Out.NL); return result.toString(); }
Creates a new character class for the single character singleChar.
  • caseless – if true upper/lower/title case are considered equivalent
  • singleChar – character.
/** * Creates a new character class for the single character {@code singleChar}. * * @param caseless if true upper/lower/title case are considered equivalent * @param singleChar character. */
public void makeClass(int singleChar, boolean caseless) { makeClass(IntCharSet.ofCharacter(singleChar), caseless); }
Creates a new character class for each character of the specified String.
  • caseless – if true upper/lower/title case are considered equivalent
  • str – the String to iterate single char class creation over.
/** * Creates a new character class for each character of the specified String. * * @param caseless if true upper/lower/title case are considered equivalent * @param str the String to iterate single char class creation over. */
public void makeClass(String str, boolean caseless) { for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); ) { int ch = str.codePointAt(i); makeClass(ch, caseless); i += Character.charCount(ch); } }
Returns an array that contains the character class codes of all characters in the specified set of input characters.
/** * Returns an array that contains the character class codes of all characters in the specified set * of input characters. */
public int[] getClassCodes(IntCharSet set, boolean negate) { if (DEBUG) { Out.dump("getting class codes for " + set); if (negate) Out.dump("[negated]"); } int size = classes.size(); // [fixme: optimize] int[] temp = new int[size]; int length = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { IntCharSet x = classes.get(i); if (negate) { if (!set.and(x).containsElements()) { temp[length++] = i; if (DEBUG) Out.dump("code " + i); } } else { if (set.and(x).containsElements()) { temp[length++] = i; if (DEBUG) Out.dump("code " + i); } } } int[] result = new int[length]; System.arraycopy(temp, 0, result, 0, length); return result; }
Checks the invariants of this object.

All classes must be disjoint, and their union must be the entire input set.

Returns:true when the invariants of this objects hold.
/** * Checks the invariants of this object. * * <p>All classes must be disjoint, and their union must be the entire input set. * * @return true when the invariants of this objects hold. */
public boolean invariants() { for (int i = 0; i < classes.size(); i++) for (int j = i + 1; j < classes.size(); j++) { if (classes.get(i).and(classes.get(j)).containsElements()) { return false; } } IntCharSet union = new IntCharSet(); for (IntCharSet i : classes) { union.add(i); } return IntCharSet.allChars().equals(union); }
Brings the partitions into a canonical order such that objects that implement the same partitions but in different order become equal.

For example, [ {0}, {1} ] and [ {1}, {0} ] implement the same partition of the set {0,1} but have different content. Different order will lead to different input assignments in the NFA and DFA phases and will make otherwise equal automata look distinct.

This is not needed for correctness, but it makes the comparison of output DFAs (e.g. in the test suite) for equivalence more robust.

/** * Brings the partitions into a canonical order such that objects that implement the same * partitions but in different order become equal. * * <p>For example, [ {0}, {1} ] and [ {1}, {0} ] implement the same partition of the set {0,1} but * have different content. Different order will lead to different input assignments in the NFA and * DFA phases and will make otherwise equal automata look distinct. * * <p>This is not needed for correctness, but it makes the comparison of output DFAs (e.g. in the * test suite) for equivalence more robust. */
public void normalise() { classes.sort(INT_CHAR_SET_COMPARATOR); }
Construct a (deep) copy of the the provided CharClasses object.
  • c – the CharClasses to copy
Returns:a deep copy of c
/** * Construct a (deep) copy of the the provided CharClasses object. * * @param c the CharClasses to copy * @return a deep copy of c */
public static CharClasses copyOf(CharClasses c) { CharClasses result = new CharClasses(); result.maxCharUsed = c.maxCharUsed; result.unicodeProps = c.unicodeProps; result.classes = c.allClasses(); return result; }
Returns an array of all CharClassIntervals in this char class collection.

The array is ordered by char code, i.e. result[i+1].start = result[i].end+1 Each CharClassInterval contains the number of the char class it belongs to.

Returns:an array of all CharClassInterval in this char class collection.
/** * Returns an array of all CharClassIntervals in this char class collection. * * <p>The array is ordered by char code, i.e. {@code result[i+1].start = result[i].end+1} Each * CharClassInterval contains the number of the char class it belongs to. * * @return an array of all {@link CharClassInterval} in this char class collection. */
public CharClassInterval[] getIntervals() { int i, c; int size = classes.size(); int numIntervals = 0; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) numIntervals += classes.get(i).numIntervals(); List<Iterator<Interval>> iterators = new ArrayList<>(); for (IntCharSet set : classes) iterators.add(set.intervalIterator()); CharClassInterval[] result = new CharClassInterval[numIntervals]; i = 0; c = 0; while (i < numIntervals) { int code = getClassCode(c); Interval iv = iterators.get(code).next(); // must have enough elements result[i++] = new CharClassInterval(iv.start, iv.end, code); c = iv.end + 1; } return result; }
Computes a two-level table structure representing this CharClass object, where second-level blocks are shared if equal. The hope is that this sharing happens (very) often with a large number of blocks being mapped to the same character class.
Returns:a pair of a top-level table, and a list of second-level blocks for this char class object.
/** * Computes a two-level table structure representing this CharClass object, where second-level * blocks are shared if equal. The hope is that this sharing happens (very) often with a large * number of blocks being mapped to the same character class. * * @return a pair of a top-level table, and a list of second-level blocks for this char class * object. */
Pair<int[], List<CMapBlock>> computeTables() { CharClassInterval[] intervals = getIntervals(); int intervalIndex = 0; int curClass = intervals[intervalIndex].charClass; int codePoint = 0; int topLevelSize = (maxCharUsed + 1) >> CMapBlock.BLOCK_BITS; int[] topLevel = new int[topLevelSize]; List<CMapBlock> blocks = new ArrayList<>(); for (int topIndex = 0; topIndex < topLevelSize; topIndex++) { int[] block = new int[CMapBlock.BLOCK_SIZE]; for (int i = 0; i < CMapBlock.BLOCK_SIZE; i++, codePoint++) { // if maxCharUsed doesn't align to CMapBlock.BLOCK_BITS, we leave the // rest of the highest block equal to 0. if (maxCharUsed < codePoint) break; if (!intervals[intervalIndex].contains(codePoint)) { curClass = intervals[++intervalIndex].charClass; } block[i] = curClass; } // find earliest equal block (if any) CMapBlock b = new CMapBlock(block); int idx = blocks.indexOf(b); if (idx < 0) { idx = blocks.size(); blocks.add(b); } topLevel[topIndex] = idx; } return new Pair<int[], List<CMapBlock>>(topLevel, blocks); }
Turn a list of second-level blocks into a flat array.
/** Turn a list of second-level blocks into a flat array. */
private static int[] flattenBlocks(List<CMapBlock> blocks) { int[] result = new int[blocks.size() * CMapBlock.BLOCK_SIZE]; for (int i = 0; i < blocks.size(); i++) { int[] block = blocks.get(i).block; System.arraycopy(block, 0, result, i << CMapBlock.BLOCK_BITS, CMapBlock.BLOCK_SIZE); } return result; }
Returns a two-level table structure for this char-class object. The char class of input x is snd[(fst[x >> BLOCK_BITS]) | (x && BLOCK_MASK))] where BLOCK_MASK = BLOCK_SIZE - 1, and the index of the first block in the top level is guaranteed to be 0 (which means the fst lookup can be skipped if x <= BLOCK_MASK).
See Also:
/** * Returns a two-level table structure for this char-class object. The char class of input {@code * x} is {@code snd[(fst[x >> BLOCK_BITS]) | (x && BLOCK_MASK))]} where {@code BLOCK_MASK = * BLOCK_SIZE - 1}, and the index of the first block in the top level is guaranteed to be 0 (which * means the {@code fst} lookup can be skipped if {@code x <= BLOCK_MASK}). * * @see CMapBlock#BLOCK_BITS * @see CMapBlock#BLOCK_SIZE */
public Pair<int[], int[]> getTables() { Pair<int[], List<CMapBlock>> p = computeTables(); int[] shifted = new int[p.fst.length]; for (int i = 0; i < p.fst.length; i++) { shifted[i] = p.fst[i] << CMapBlock.BLOCK_BITS; } return new Pair<int[], int[]>(shifted, flattenBlocks(p.snd)); } }