 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.value;

import static org.h2.util.geometry.EWKBUtils.EWKB_SRID;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.h2.api.ErrorCode;
import org.h2.engine.Mode;
import org.h2.message.DbException;
import org.h2.util.Bits;
import org.h2.util.StringUtils;
import org.h2.util.Utils;
import org.h2.util.geometry.EWKBUtils;
import org.h2.util.geometry.EWKTUtils;
import org.h2.util.geometry.GeometryUtils;
import org.h2.util.geometry.GeometryUtils.EnvelopeAndDimensionSystemTarget;
import org.h2.util.geometry.GeometryUtils.EnvelopeTarget;
import org.h2.util.geometry.JTSUtils;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry;

Implementation of the GEOMETRY data type.
Author:Thomas Mueller, Noel Grandin, Nicolas Fortin, Atelier SIG, IRSTV FR CNRS 24888
/** * Implementation of the GEOMETRY data type. * * @author Thomas Mueller * @author Noel Grandin * @author Nicolas Fortin, Atelier SIG, IRSTV FR CNRS 24888 */
public class ValueGeometry extends Value { private static final double[] UNKNOWN_ENVELOPE = new double[0];
As conversion from/to WKB cost a significant amount of CPU cycles, WKB are kept in ValueGeometry instance. We always calculate the WKB, because not all WKT values can be represented in WKB, but since we persist it in WKB format, it has to be valid in WKB
/** * As conversion from/to WKB cost a significant amount of CPU cycles, WKB * are kept in ValueGeometry instance. * * We always calculate the WKB, because not all WKT values can be * represented in WKB, but since we persist it in WKB format, it has to be * valid in WKB */
private final byte[] bytes; private final int hashCode;
Geometry type and dimension system in OGC geometry code format (type + dimensionSystem * 1000).
/** * Geometry type and dimension system in OGC geometry code format (type + * dimensionSystem * 1000). */
private final int typeAndDimensionSystem;
Spatial reference system identifier.
/** * Spatial reference system identifier. */
private final int srid;
The envelope of the value. Calculated only on request.
/** * The envelope of the value. Calculated only on request. */
private double[] envelope;
The value. Converted from WKB only on request as conversion from/to WKB cost a significant amount of CPU cycles.
/** * The value. Converted from WKB only on request as conversion from/to WKB * cost a significant amount of CPU cycles. */
private Object geometry;
Create a new geometry object.
  • bytes – the EWKB bytes
  • envelope – the envelope
/** * Create a new geometry object. * * @param bytes the EWKB bytes * @param envelope the envelope */
private ValueGeometry(byte[] bytes, double[] envelope) { if (bytes.length < 9 || bytes[0] != 0) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, StringUtils.convertBytesToHex(bytes)); } this.bytes = bytes; this.envelope = envelope; int t = Bits.readInt(bytes, 1); srid = (t & EWKB_SRID) != 0 ? Bits.readInt(bytes, 5) : 0; typeAndDimensionSystem = (t & 0xffff) % 1_000 + EWKBUtils.type2dimensionSystem(t) * 1_000; hashCode = Arrays.hashCode(bytes); }
Get or create a geometry value for the given geometry.
  • o – the geometry object (of type org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry)
Returns:the value
/** * Get or create a geometry value for the given geometry. * * @param o the geometry object (of type * org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry) * @return the value */
public static ValueGeometry getFromGeometry(Object o) { try { EnvelopeAndDimensionSystemTarget target = new EnvelopeAndDimensionSystemTarget(); Geometry g = (Geometry) o; JTSUtils.parseGeometry(g, target); return (ValueGeometry) Value.cache(new ValueGeometry( // JTSUtils.geometry2ewkb(g, target.getDimensionSystem()), target.getEnvelope())); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, String.valueOf(o)); } }
Get or create a geometry value for the given geometry.
  • s – the WKT or EWKT representation of the geometry
Returns:the value
/** * Get or create a geometry value for the given geometry. * * @param s the WKT or EWKT representation of the geometry * @return the value */
public static ValueGeometry get(String s) { try { EnvelopeAndDimensionSystemTarget target = new EnvelopeAndDimensionSystemTarget(); EWKTUtils.parseEWKT(s, target); return (ValueGeometry) Value.cache(new ValueGeometry( // EWKTUtils.ewkt2ewkb(s, target.getDimensionSystem()), target.getEnvelope())); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, s); } }
Get or create a geometry value for the given geometry.
  • s – the WKT representation of the geometry
  • srid – the srid of the object
Returns:the value
/** * Get or create a geometry value for the given geometry. * * @param s the WKT representation of the geometry * @param srid the srid of the object * @return the value */
public static ValueGeometry get(String s, int srid) { // This method is not used in H2, but preserved for H2GIS return get(srid == 0 ? s : "SRID=" + srid + ';' + s); }
Get or create a geometry value for the given internal EWKB representation.
  • bytes – the WKB representation of the geometry. May not be modified.
Returns:the value
/** * Get or create a geometry value for the given internal EWKB representation. * * @param bytes the WKB representation of the geometry. May not be modified. * @return the value */
public static ValueGeometry get(byte[] bytes) { return (ValueGeometry) Value.cache(new ValueGeometry(bytes, UNKNOWN_ENVELOPE)); }
Get or create a geometry value for the given EWKB value.
  • bytes – the WKB representation of the geometry
Returns:the value
/** * Get or create a geometry value for the given EWKB value. * * @param bytes the WKB representation of the geometry * @return the value */
public static ValueGeometry getFromEWKB(byte[] bytes) { try { EnvelopeAndDimensionSystemTarget target = new EnvelopeAndDimensionSystemTarget(); EWKBUtils.parseEWKB(bytes, target); return (ValueGeometry) Value.cache(new ValueGeometry( // EWKBUtils.ewkb2ewkb(bytes, target.getDimensionSystem()), target.getEnvelope())); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, StringUtils.convertBytesToHex(bytes)); } }
Creates a geometry value for the given envelope.
  • envelope – envelope. May not be modified.
Returns:the value
/** * Creates a geometry value for the given envelope. * * @param envelope envelope. May not be modified. * @return the value */
public static Value fromEnvelope(double[] envelope) { return envelope != null ? Value.cache(new ValueGeometry(EWKBUtils.envelope2wkb(envelope), envelope)) : ValueNull.INSTANCE; }
Get a copy of geometry object. Geometry object is mutable. The returned object is therefore copied before returning.
Returns:a copy of the geometry object
/** * Get a copy of geometry object. Geometry object is mutable. The returned * object is therefore copied before returning. * * @return a copy of the geometry object */
public Geometry getGeometry() { if (geometry == null) { try { geometry = JTSUtils.ewkb2geometry(bytes, getDimensionSystem()); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { throw DbException.convert(ex); } } return ((Geometry) geometry).copy(); }
Returns geometry type and dimension system in OGC geometry code format (type + dimensionSystem * 1000).
Returns:geometry type and dimension system
/** * Returns geometry type and dimension system in OGC geometry code format * (type + dimensionSystem * 1000). * * @return geometry type and dimension system */
public int getTypeAndDimensionSystem() { return typeAndDimensionSystem; }
Returns geometry type.
Returns:geometry type and dimension system
/** * Returns geometry type. * * @return geometry type and dimension system */
public int getGeometryType() { return typeAndDimensionSystem % 1_000; }
Return a minimal dimension system that can be used for this geometry.
Returns:dimension system
/** * Return a minimal dimension system that can be used for this geometry. * * @return dimension system */
public int getDimensionSystem() { return typeAndDimensionSystem / 1_000; }
Return a spatial reference system identifier.
Returns:spatial reference system identifier
/** * Return a spatial reference system identifier. * * @return spatial reference system identifier */
public int getSRID() { return srid; }
Return an envelope of this geometry. Do not modify the returned value.
Returns:envelope of this geometry
/** * Return an envelope of this geometry. Do not modify the returned value. * * @return envelope of this geometry */
public double[] getEnvelopeNoCopy() { if (envelope == UNKNOWN_ENVELOPE) { EnvelopeTarget target = new EnvelopeTarget(); EWKBUtils.parseEWKB(bytes, target); envelope = target.getEnvelope(); } return envelope; }
Test if this geometry envelope intersects with the other geometry envelope.
  • r – the other geometry
Returns:true if the two overlap
/** * Test if this geometry envelope intersects with the other geometry * envelope. * * @param r the other geometry * @return true if the two overlap */
public boolean intersectsBoundingBox(ValueGeometry r) { return GeometryUtils.intersects(getEnvelopeNoCopy(), r.getEnvelopeNoCopy()); }
Get the union.
  • r – the other geometry
Returns:the union of this geometry envelope and another geometry envelope
/** * Get the union. * * @param r the other geometry * @return the union of this geometry envelope and another geometry envelope */
public Value getEnvelopeUnion(ValueGeometry r) { return fromEnvelope(GeometryUtils.union(getEnvelopeNoCopy(), r.getEnvelopeNoCopy())); } @Override public TypeInfo getType() { return TypeInfo.TYPE_GEOMETRY; } @Override public int getValueType() { return GEOMETRY; } @Override public StringBuilder getSQL(StringBuilder builder) { // Using bytes is faster than converting to EWKT. builder.append("X'"); return StringUtils.convertBytesToHex(builder, getBytesNoCopy()).append("'::Geometry"); } @Override public int compareTypeSafe(Value v, CompareMode mode) { return Bits.compareNotNullUnsigned(bytes, ((ValueGeometry) v).bytes); } @Override public String getString() { return getEWKT(); } @Override public int hashCode() { return hashCode; } @Override public Object getObject() { if (DataType.GEOMETRY_CLASS != null) { return getGeometry(); } return getEWKT(); } @Override public byte[] getBytes() { return Utils.cloneByteArray(bytes); } @Override public byte[] getBytesNoCopy() { return bytes; } @Override public void set(PreparedStatement prep, int parameterIndex) throws SQLException { prep.setBytes(parameterIndex, bytes); } @Override public int getMemory() { return bytes.length * 20 + 24; } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { return other instanceof ValueGeometry && Arrays.equals(bytes, ((ValueGeometry) other).bytes); }
Get the value in Extended Well-Known Text format.
Returns:the extended well-known text
/** * Get the value in Extended Well-Known Text format. * * @return the extended well-known text */
public String getEWKT() { return EWKTUtils.ewkb2ewkt(bytes, getDimensionSystem()); }
Get the value in extended Well-Known Binary format.
Returns:the extended well-known binary
/** * Get the value in extended Well-Known Binary format. * * @return the extended well-known binary */
public byte[] getEWKB() { return bytes; } @Override protected Value convertTo(int targetType, Mode mode, Object column, ExtTypeInfo extTypeInfo) { if (targetType == Value.GEOMETRY) { return extTypeInfo != null ? extTypeInfo.cast(this) : this; } else if (targetType == Value.JAVA_OBJECT) { return this; } return super.convertTo(targetType, mode, column, null); } }