 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.mvstore.tx;

import org.h2.mvstore.Cursor;
import org.h2.mvstore.DataUtils;
import org.h2.mvstore.MVMap;
import org.h2.mvstore.Page;
import org.h2.mvstore.RootReference;
import org.h2.mvstore.type.DataType;
import org.h2.value.VersionedValue;

import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.AbstractSet;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;

A map that supports transactions.

Methods of this class may be changed at any time without notice. If you use this class directly make sure that your application or library requires exactly the same version of MVStore or H2 jar as the version that you use during its development and build.

Type parameters:
  • <K> – the key type
  • <V> – the value type
/** * A map that supports transactions. * * <p> * <b>Methods of this class may be changed at any time without notice.</b> If * you use this class directly make sure that your application or library * requires exactly the same version of MVStore or H2 jar as the version that * you use during its development and build. * </p> * * @param <K> the key type * @param <V> the value type */
public class TransactionMap<K, V> extends AbstractMap<K, V> {
The map used for writing (the latest version).

Key: key the key of the data. Value: { transactionId, oldVersion, value }

/** * The map used for writing (the latest version). * <p> * Key: key the key of the data. * Value: { transactionId, oldVersion, value } */
public final MVMap<K, VersionedValue> map;
The transaction which is used for this map.
/** * The transaction which is used for this map. */
private final Transaction transaction; TransactionMap(Transaction transaction, MVMap<K, VersionedValue> map) { this.transaction = transaction; this.map = map; }
Get a clone of this map for the given transaction.
  • transaction – the transaction
Returns:the map
/** * Get a clone of this map for the given transaction. * * @param transaction the transaction * @return the map */
public TransactionMap<K, V> getInstance(Transaction transaction) { return new TransactionMap<>(transaction, map); }
Get the number of entries, as a integer. Integer.MAX_VALUE is returned if there are more than this entries.
See Also:
Returns:the number of entries, as an integer
/** * Get the number of entries, as a integer. {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE} is * returned if there are more than this entries. * * @return the number of entries, as an integer * @see #sizeAsLong() */
@Override public final int size() { long size = sizeAsLong(); return size > Integer.MAX_VALUE ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : (int) size; }
Get the size of the raw map. This includes uncommitted entries, and transiently removed entries, so it is the maximum number of entries.
Returns:the maximum size
/** * Get the size of the raw map. This includes uncommitted entries, and * transiently removed entries, so it is the maximum number of entries. * * @return the maximum size */
public long sizeAsLongMax() { return map.sizeAsLong(); }
Get the size of the map as seen by this transaction.
Returns:the size
/** * Get the size of the map as seen by this transaction. * * @return the size */
public long sizeAsLong() { TransactionStore store = transaction.store; // The purpose of the following loop is to get a coherent picture // of a state of three independent volatile / atomic variables, // which they had at some recent moment in time. // In order to get such a "snapshot", we wait for a moment of silence, // when none of the variables concurrently changes it's value. BitSet committingTransactions; RootReference mapRootReference; RootReference[] undoLogRootReferences; long undoLogSize; do { committingTransactions = store.committingTransactions.get(); mapRootReference = map.flushAndGetRoot(); BitSet opentransactions = store.openTransactions.get(); undoLogRootReferences = new RootReference[opentransactions.length()]; undoLogSize = 0; for (int i = opentransactions.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = opentransactions.nextSetBit(i+1)) { MVMap<Long, Object[]> undoLog = store.undoLogs[i]; if (undoLog != null) { RootReference rootReference = undoLog.flushAndGetRoot(); undoLogRootReferences[i] = rootReference; undoLogSize += rootReference.getTotalCount(); } } } while(committingTransactions != store.committingTransactions.get() || mapRootReference != map.getRoot()); // Now we have a snapshot, where mapRootReference points to state of the map, // undoLogRootReference captures the state of undo log // and committingTransactions mask tells us which of seemingly uncommitted changes // should be considered as committed. // Subsequent processing uses this snapshot info only. Page mapRootPage = mapRootReference.root; long size = mapRootReference.getTotalCount(); // if we are looking at the map without any uncommitted values if (undoLogSize == 0) { return size; } // Entries describing removals from the map by this transaction and all transactions, // which are committed but not closed yet, // and entries about additions to the map by other uncommitted transactions were counted, // but they should not contribute into total count. if (2 * undoLogSize > size) { // the undo log is larger than half of the map - scan the entries of the map directly Cursor<K, VersionedValue> cursor = new Cursor<>(mapRootPage, null); while(cursor.hasNext()) { cursor.next(); VersionedValue currentValue = cursor.getValue(); assert currentValue != null; long operationId = currentValue.getOperationId(); if (operationId != 0) { // skip committed entries int txId = TransactionStore.getTransactionId(operationId); boolean isVisible = txId == transaction.transactionId || committingTransactions.get(txId); Object v = isVisible ? currentValue.getCurrentValue() : currentValue.getCommittedValue(); if (v == null) { --size; } } } } else { // The undo logs are much smaller than the map - scan all undo logs, // and then lookup relevant map entry. for (RootReference undoLogRootReference : undoLogRootReferences) { if (undoLogRootReference != null) { Cursor<Long, Object[]> cursor = new Cursor<>(undoLogRootReference.root, null); while (cursor.hasNext()) { cursor.next(); Object op[] = cursor.getValue(); if ((int) op[0] == map.getId()) { VersionedValue currentValue = map.get(mapRootPage, op[1]); // If map entry is not there, then we never counted // it, in the first place, so skip it. // This is possible when undo entry exists because // it belongs to a committed but not yet closed // transaction, and it was later deleted by some // other already committed and closed transaction. if (currentValue != null) { // only the last undo entry for any given map // key should be considered long operationId = cursor.getKey(); if (currentValue.getOperationId() == operationId) { int txId = TransactionStore.getTransactionId(operationId); boolean isVisible = txId == transaction.transactionId || committingTransactions.get(txId); Object v = isVisible ? currentValue.getCurrentValue() : currentValue.getCommittedValue(); if (v == null) { --size; } } } } } } } } return size; }
Remove an entry.

If the row is locked, this method will retry until the row could be updated or until a lock timeout.

  • key – the key
/** * Remove an entry. * <p> * If the row is locked, this method will retry until the row could be * updated or until a lock timeout. * * @param key the key * @throws IllegalStateException if a lock timeout occurs * @throws ClassCastException if type of the specified key is not compatible with this map */
@Override public V remove(Object key) { return set(key, (V)null); }
Update the value for the given key.

If the row is locked, this method will retry until the row could be updated or until a lock timeout.

  • key – the key
  • value – the new value (not null)
Returns:the old value
/** * Update the value for the given key. * <p> * If the row is locked, this method will retry until the row could be * updated or until a lock timeout. * * @param key the key * @param value the new value (not null) * @return the old value * @throws IllegalStateException if a lock timeout occurs */
@Override public V put(K key, V value) { DataUtils.checkArgument(value != null, "The value may not be null"); return set(key, value); }
Put the value for the given key if entry for this key does not exist. It is atomic equivalent of the following expression: contains(key) ? get(k) : put(key, value);
  • key – the key
  • value – the new value (not null)
Returns:the old value
/** * Put the value for the given key if entry for this key does not exist. * It is atomic equivalent of the following expression: * contains(key) ? get(k) : put(key, value); * * @param key the key * @param value the new value (not null) * @return the old value */
// Do not add @Override, code should be compatible with Java 7 public V putIfAbsent(K key, V value) { DataUtils.checkArgument(value != null, "The value may not be null"); TxDecisionMaker decisionMaker = new TxDecisionMaker.PutIfAbsentDecisionMaker(map.getId(), key, value, transaction); return set(key, decisionMaker); }
Appends entry to underlying map. This method may be used concurrently, but latest appended values are not guaranteed to be visible.
  • key – should be higher in map's order than any existing key
  • value – to be appended
/** * Appends entry to underlying map. This method may be used concurrently, * but latest appended values are not guaranteed to be visible. * @param key should be higher in map's order than any existing key * @param value to be appended */
public void append(K key, V value) { map.append(key, VersionedValueUncommitted.getInstance(transaction.log(map.getId(), key, null), value, null)); }
Lock row for the given key.

If the row is locked, this method will retry until the row could be updated or until a lock timeout.

  • key – the key
Returns:the locked value
/** * Lock row for the given key. * <p> * If the row is locked, this method will retry until the row could be * updated or until a lock timeout. * * @param key the key * @return the locked value * @throws IllegalStateException if a lock timeout occurs */
public V lock(K key) { TxDecisionMaker decisionMaker = new TxDecisionMaker.LockDecisionMaker(map.getId(), key, transaction); return set(key, decisionMaker); }
Update the value for the given key, without adding an undo log entry.
  • key – the key
  • value – the value
Returns:the old value
/** * Update the value for the given key, without adding an undo log entry. * * @param key the key * @param value the value * @return the old value */
public V putCommitted(K key, V value) { DataUtils.checkArgument(value != null, "The value may not be null"); VersionedValue newValue = VersionedValueCommitted.getInstance(value); VersionedValue oldValue = map.put(key, newValue); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") V result = (V) (oldValue == null ? null : oldValue.getCurrentValue()); return result; } private V set(Object key, V value) { TxDecisionMaker decisionMaker = new TxDecisionMaker.PutDecisionMaker(map.getId(), key, value, transaction); return set(key, decisionMaker); } private V set(Object key, TxDecisionMaker decisionMaker) { TransactionStore store = transaction.store; Transaction blockingTransaction; long sequenceNumWhenStarted; VersionedValue result; do { sequenceNumWhenStarted = store.openTransactions.get().getVersion(); assert transaction.getBlockerId() == 0; // although second parameter (value) is not really used, // since TxDecisionMaker has it embedded, // MVRTreeMap has weird traversal logic based on it, // and any non-null value will do @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") K k = (K) key; result = map.operate(k, VersionedValue.DUMMY, decisionMaker); MVMap.Decision decision = decisionMaker.getDecision(); assert decision != null; assert decision != MVMap.Decision.REPEAT; blockingTransaction = decisionMaker.getBlockingTransaction(); if (decision != MVMap.Decision.ABORT || blockingTransaction == null) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") V res = result == null ? null : (V) result.getCurrentValue(); return res; } decisionMaker.reset(); } while (blockingTransaction.sequenceNum > sequenceNumWhenStarted || transaction.waitFor(blockingTransaction, map, key)); throw DataUtils.newIllegalStateException(DataUtils.ERROR_TRANSACTION_LOCKED, "Map entry <{0}> with key <{1}> and value {2} is locked by tx {3} and can not be updated by tx {4}" + " within allocated time interval {5} ms.", map.getName(), key, result, blockingTransaction.transactionId, transaction.transactionId, transaction.timeoutMillis); }
Try to remove the value for the given key.

This will fail if the row is locked by another transaction (that means, if another open transaction changed the row).

  • key – the key
Returns:whether the entry could be removed
/** * Try to remove the value for the given key. * <p> * This will fail if the row is locked by another transaction (that * means, if another open transaction changed the row). * * @param key the key * @return whether the entry could be removed */
public boolean tryRemove(K key) { return trySet(key, null); }
Try to update the value for the given key.

This will fail if the row is locked by another transaction (that means, if another open transaction changed the row).

  • key – the key
  • value – the new value
Returns:whether the entry could be updated
/** * Try to update the value for the given key. * <p> * This will fail if the row is locked by another transaction (that * means, if another open transaction changed the row). * * @param key the key * @param value the new value * @return whether the entry could be updated */
public boolean tryPut(K key, V value) { DataUtils.checkArgument(value != null, "The value may not be null"); return trySet(key, value); }
Try to set or remove the value. When updating only unchanged entries, then the value is only changed if it was not changed after opening the map.
  • key – the key
  • value – the new value (null to remove the value)
Returns:true if the value was set, false if there was a concurrent update
/** * Try to set or remove the value. When updating only unchanged entries, * then the value is only changed if it was not changed after opening * the map. * * @param key the key * @param value the new value (null to remove the value) * @return true if the value was set, false if there was a concurrent * update */
public boolean trySet(K key, V value) { try { // TODO: effective transaction.timeoutMillis should be set to 0 here // and restored before return // TODO: eliminate exception usage as part of normal control flaw set(key, value); return true; } catch (IllegalStateException e) { return false; } }
Get the effective value for the given key.
  • key – the key
Returns:the value or null
/** * Get the effective value for the given key. * * @param key the key * @return the value or null * @throws ClassCastException if type of the specified key is not compatible with this map */
@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public V get(Object key) { VersionedValue data = map.get(key); if (data == null) { // doesn't exist or deleted by a committed transaction return null; } long id = data.getOperationId(); if (id == 0) { // it is committed return (V)data.getCurrentValue(); } int tx = TransactionStore.getTransactionId(id); if (tx == transaction.transactionId || transaction.store.committingTransactions.get().get(tx)) { // added by this transaction or another transaction which is committed by now return (V) data.getCurrentValue(); } else { return (V) data.getCommittedValue(); } }
Whether the map contains the key.
  • key – the key
Returns:true if the map contains an entry for this key
/** * Whether the map contains the key. * * @param key the key * @return true if the map contains an entry for this key * @throws ClassCastException if type of the specified key is not compatible with this map */
@Override public boolean containsKey(Object key) { return get(key) != null; }
Whether the entry for this key was added or removed from this session.
  • key – the key
Returns:true if yes
/** * Whether the entry for this key was added or removed from this * session. * * @param key the key * @return true if yes */
public boolean isSameTransaction(K key) { VersionedValue data = map.get(key); if (data == null) { // doesn't exist or deleted by a committed transaction return false; } int tx = TransactionStore.getTransactionId(data.getOperationId()); return tx == transaction.transactionId; }
Check whether this map is closed.
Returns:true if closed
/** * Check whether this map is closed. * * @return true if closed */
public boolean isClosed() { return map.isClosed(); }
Clear the map.
/** * Clear the map. */
@Override public void clear() { // TODO truncate transactionally? map.clear(); } @Override public Set<Entry<K, V>> entrySet() { return new AbstractSet<Entry<K, V>>() { @Override public Iterator<Entry<K, V>> iterator() { return entryIterator(null, null); } @Override public int size() { return TransactionMap.this.size(); } @Override public boolean contains(Object o) { return TransactionMap.this.containsKey(o); } }; }
Get the first key.
Returns:the first key, or null if empty
/** * Get the first key. * * @return the first key, or null if empty */
public K firstKey() { Iterator<K> it = keyIterator(null); return it.hasNext() ? it.next() : null; }
Get the last key.
Returns:the last key, or null if empty
/** * Get the last key. * * @return the last key, or null if empty */
public K lastKey() { K k = map.lastKey(); while (k != null && get(k) == null) { k = map.lowerKey(k); } return k; }
Get the smallest key that is larger than the given key, or null if no such key exists.
  • key – the key (may not be null)
Returns:the result
/** * Get the smallest key that is larger than the given key, or null if no * such key exists. * * @param key the key (may not be null) * @return the result */
public K higherKey(K key) { do { key = map.higherKey(key); } while (key != null && get(key) == null); return key; }
Get the smallest key that is larger than or equal to this key, or null if no such key exists.
  • key – the key (may not be null)
Returns:the result
/** * Get the smallest key that is larger than or equal to this key, * or null if no such key exists. * * @param key the key (may not be null) * @return the result */
public K ceilingKey(K key) { Iterator<K> it = keyIterator(key); return it.hasNext() ? it.next() : null; }
Get the largest key that is smaller than or equal to this key, or null if no such key exists.
  • key – the key (may not be null)
Returns:the result
/** * Get the largest key that is smaller than or equal to this key, * or null if no such key exists. * * @param key the key (may not be null) * @return the result */
public K floorKey(K key) { key = map.floorKey(key); while (key != null && get(key) == null) { // Use lowerKey() for the next attempts, otherwise we'll get an infinite loop key = map.lowerKey(key); } return key; }
Get the largest key that is smaller than the given key, or null if no such key exists.
  • key – the key (may not be null)
Returns:the result
/** * Get the largest key that is smaller than the given key, or null if no * such key exists. * * @param key the key (may not be null) * @return the result */
public K lowerKey(K key) { do { key = map.lowerKey(key); } while (key != null && get(key) == null); return key; }
Iterate over keys.
  • from – the first key to return
Returns:the iterator
/** * Iterate over keys. * * @param from the first key to return * @return the iterator */
public Iterator<K> keyIterator(K from) { return keyIterator(from, null, false); }
Iterate over keys.
  • from – the first key to return
  • to – the last key to return or null if there is no limit
  • includeUncommitted – whether uncommitted entries should be included
Returns:the iterator
/** * Iterate over keys. * * @param from the first key to return * @param to the last key to return or null if there is no limit * @param includeUncommitted whether uncommitted entries should be * included * @return the iterator */
public Iterator<K> keyIterator(K from, K to, boolean includeUncommitted) { return new KeyIterator<>(this, from, to, includeUncommitted); }
Iterate over entries.
  • from – the first key to return
  • to – the last key to return
Returns:the iterator
/** * Iterate over entries. * * @param from the first key to return * @param to the last key to return * @return the iterator */
public Iterator<Map.Entry<K, V>> entryIterator(final K from, final K to) { return new EntryIterator<>(this, from, to); }
Iterate over keys.
  • iterator – the iterator to wrap
  • includeUncommitted – whether uncommitted entries should be included
Returns:the iterator
/** * Iterate over keys. * * @param iterator the iterator to wrap * @param includeUncommitted whether uncommitted entries should be * included * @return the iterator */
public Iterator<K> wrapIterator(final Iterator<K> iterator, final boolean includeUncommitted) { // TODO duplicate code for wrapIterator and entryIterator return new Iterator<K>() { private K current; { fetchNext(); } private void fetchNext() { while (iterator.hasNext()) { current = iterator.next(); if (includeUncommitted) { return; } if (containsKey(current)) { return; } } current = null; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return current != null; } @Override public K next() { K result = current; fetchNext(); return result; } @Override public void remove() { throw DataUtils.newUnsupportedOperationException( "Removal is not supported"); } }; } public Transaction getTransaction() { return transaction; } public DataType getKeyType() { return map.getKeyType(); } private static final class KeyIterator<K> extends TMIterator<K,K> { public KeyIterator(TransactionMap<K, ?> transactionMap, K from, K to, boolean includeUncommitted) { super(transactionMap, from, to, includeUncommitted); } @Override protected K registerCurrent(K key, VersionedValue data) { return key; } } private static final class EntryIterator<K,V> extends TMIterator<K,Map.Entry<K,V>> { public EntryIterator(TransactionMap<K, ?> transactionMap, K from, K to) { super(transactionMap, from, to, false); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected Map.Entry<K, V> registerCurrent(K key, VersionedValue data) { return new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(key, (V) data.getCurrentValue()); } } private abstract static class TMIterator<K,X> implements Iterator<X> { private final int transactionId; private final BitSet committingTransactions; private final Cursor<K,VersionedValue> cursor; private final boolean includeAllUncommitted; private X current; TMIterator(TransactionMap<K,?> transactionMap, K from, K to, boolean includeAllUncommitted) { Transaction transaction = transactionMap.getTransaction(); this.transactionId = transaction.transactionId; TransactionStore store = transaction.store; MVMap<K, VersionedValue> map = transactionMap.map; // The purpose of the following loop is to get a coherent picture // of a state of two independent volatile / atomic variables, // which they had at some recent moment in time. // In order to get such a "snapshot", we wait for a moment of silence, // when neither of the variables concurrently changes it's value. BitSet committingTransactions; RootReference mapRootReference; do { committingTransactions = store.committingTransactions.get(); mapRootReference = map.flushAndGetRoot(); } while (committingTransactions != store.committingTransactions.get()); // Now we have a snapshot, where mapRootReference points to state of the map // and committingTransactions mask tells us which of seemingly uncommitted changes // should be considered as committed. // Subsequent map traversal uses this snapshot info only. this.cursor = new Cursor<>(mapRootReference.root, from, to); this.committingTransactions = committingTransactions; this.includeAllUncommitted = includeAllUncommitted; fetchNext(); } protected abstract X registerCurrent(K key, VersionedValue data); private void fetchNext() { while (cursor.hasNext()) { K key = cursor.next(); VersionedValue data = cursor.getValue(); if (!includeAllUncommitted) { // If value doesn't exist or it was deleted by a committed transaction, // or if value is a committed one, just return it. if (data != null) { long id = data.getOperationId(); if (id != 0) { int tx = TransactionStore.getTransactionId(id); if (tx != transactionId && !committingTransactions.get(tx)) { // current value comes from another uncommitted transaction // take committed value instead Object committedValue = data.getCommittedValue(); data = committedValue == null ? null : VersionedValueCommitted.getInstance(committedValue); } } } } if (data != null && (data.getCurrentValue() != null || includeAllUncommitted && transactionId != TransactionStore.getTransactionId(data.getOperationId()))) { current = registerCurrent(key, data); return; } } current = null; } @Override public final boolean hasNext() { return current != null; } @Override public final X next() { if(current == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } X result = current; fetchNext(); return result; } @Override public final void remove() { throw DataUtils.newUnsupportedOperationException( "Removal is not supported"); } } }