 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.mvstore.tx;

import org.h2.mvstore.DataUtils;
import org.h2.mvstore.MVMap;
import org.h2.mvstore.MVStore;
import org.h2.mvstore.type.DataType;
import org.h2.value.VersionedValue;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;

A transaction.
/** * A transaction. */
public class Transaction {
The status of a closed transaction (committed or rolled back).
/** * The status of a closed transaction (committed or rolled back). */
public static final int STATUS_CLOSED = 0;
The status of an open transaction.
/** * The status of an open transaction. */
public static final int STATUS_OPEN = 1;
The status of a prepared transaction.
/** * The status of a prepared transaction. */
public static final int STATUS_PREPARED = 2;
The status of a transaction that has been logically committed or rather marked as committed, because it might be still listed among prepared, if it was prepared for commit. Undo log entries might still exists for it and not all of it's changes within map's are re-written as committed yet. Nevertheless, those changes should be already viewed by other transactions as committed. This transaction's id can not be re-used until all of the above is completed and transaction is closed. A transactions can be observed in this state when the store was closed while the transaction was not closed yet. When opening a store, such transactions will automatically be processed and closed as committed.
/** * The status of a transaction that has been logically committed or rather * marked as committed, because it might be still listed among prepared, * if it was prepared for commit. Undo log entries might still exists for it * and not all of it's changes within map's are re-written as committed yet. * Nevertheless, those changes should be already viewed by other * transactions as committed. * This transaction's id can not be re-used until all of the above is completed * and transaction is closed. * A transactions can be observed in this state when the store was * closed while the transaction was not closed yet. * When opening a store, such transactions will automatically * be processed and closed as committed. */
public static final int STATUS_COMMITTED = 3;
The status of a transaction that currently in a process of rolling back to a savepoint.
/** * The status of a transaction that currently in a process of rolling back * to a savepoint. */
private static final int STATUS_ROLLING_BACK = 4;
The status of a transaction that has been rolled back completely, but undo operations are not finished yet.
/** * The status of a transaction that has been rolled back completely, * but undo operations are not finished yet. */
private static final int STATUS_ROLLED_BACK = 5; private static final String[] STATUS_NAMES = { "CLOSED", "OPEN", "PREPARED", "COMMITTED", "ROLLING_BACK", "ROLLED_BACK" };
How many bits of the "operation id" we store in the transaction belong to the log id (the rest belong to the transaction id).
/** * How many bits of the "operation id" we store in the transaction belong to the * log id (the rest belong to the transaction id). */
static final int LOG_ID_BITS = 40; private static final int LOG_ID_BITS1 = LOG_ID_BITS + 1; private static final long LOG_ID_LIMIT = 1L << LOG_ID_BITS; private static final long LOG_ID_MASK = (1L << LOG_ID_BITS1) - 1; private static final int STATUS_BITS = 4; private static final int STATUS_MASK = (1 << STATUS_BITS) - 1;
The transaction store.
/** * The transaction store. */
final TransactionStore store;
Listener for this transaction's rollback changes.
/** * Listener for this transaction's rollback changes. */
final TransactionStore.RollbackListener listener;
The transaction id. More appropriate name for this field would be "slotId"
/** * The transaction id. * More appropriate name for this field would be "slotId" */
final int transactionId;
This is really a transaction identity, because it's not re-used.
/** * This is really a transaction identity, because it's not re-used. */
final long sequenceNum; /* * Transaction state is an atomic composite field: * bit 45 : flag whether transaction had rollback(s) * bits 44-41 : status * bits 40 : overflow control bit, 1 indicates overflow * bits 39-0 : log id of the last entry in the undo log map */ private final AtomicLong statusAndLogId;
Reference to a counter for an earliest store version used by this transaction. Referenced version and all newer ones can not be discarded at least until this transaction ends.
/** * Reference to a counter for an earliest store version used by this transaction. * Referenced version and all newer ones can not be discarded * at least until this transaction ends. */
private MVStore.TxCounter txCounter;
Transaction name.
/** * Transaction name. */
private String name;
Indicates whether this transaction was stored in preparedTransactions map
/** * Indicates whether this transaction was stored in preparedTransactions map */
boolean wasStored;
How long to wait for blocking transaction to commit or rollback.
/** * How long to wait for blocking transaction to commit or rollback. */
final int timeoutMillis;
Identification of the owner of this transaction, usually the owner is a database session.
/** * Identification of the owner of this transaction, * usually the owner is a database session. */
private final int ownerId;
Blocking transaction, if any
/** * Blocking transaction, if any */
private volatile Transaction blockingTransaction;
Map on which this transaction is blocked.
/** * Map on which this transaction is blocked. */
private MVMap<?,VersionedValue> blockingMap;
Key in blockingMap on which this transaction is blocked.
/** * Key in blockingMap on which this transaction is blocked. */
private Object blockingKey;
Whether other transaction(s) are waiting for this to close.
/** * Whether other transaction(s) are waiting for this to close. */
private volatile boolean notificationRequested; Transaction(TransactionStore store, int transactionId, long sequenceNum, int status, String name, long logId, int timeoutMillis, int ownerId, TransactionStore.RollbackListener listener) { this.store = store; this.transactionId = transactionId; this.sequenceNum = sequenceNum; this.statusAndLogId = new AtomicLong(composeState(status, logId, false)); this.name = name; this.timeoutMillis = timeoutMillis; this.ownerId = ownerId; this.listener = listener; } public int getId() { return transactionId; } public long getSequenceNum() { return sequenceNum; } public int getStatus() { return getStatus(statusAndLogId.get()); }
Changes transaction status to a specified value
  • status – to be set
Returns:transaction state as it was before status change
/** * Changes transaction status to a specified value * @param status to be set * @return transaction state as it was before status change */
private long setStatus(int status) { while (true) { long currentState = statusAndLogId.get(); long logId = getLogId(currentState); int currentStatus = getStatus(currentState); boolean valid; switch (status) { case STATUS_ROLLING_BACK: valid = currentStatus == STATUS_OPEN; break; case STATUS_PREPARED: valid = currentStatus == STATUS_OPEN; break; case STATUS_COMMITTED: valid = currentStatus == STATUS_OPEN || currentStatus == STATUS_PREPARED || // this case is only possible if called // from endLeftoverTransactions() currentStatus == STATUS_COMMITTED; break; case STATUS_ROLLED_BACK: valid = currentStatus == STATUS_OPEN || currentStatus == STATUS_PREPARED; break; case STATUS_CLOSED: valid = currentStatus == STATUS_COMMITTED || currentStatus == STATUS_ROLLED_BACK; break; case STATUS_OPEN: default: valid = false; break; } if (!valid) { throw DataUtils.newIllegalStateException( DataUtils.ERROR_TRANSACTION_ILLEGAL_STATE, "Transaction was illegally transitioned from {0} to {1}", STATUS_NAMES[currentStatus], STATUS_NAMES[status]); } long newState = composeState(status, logId, hasRollback(currentState)); if (statusAndLogId.compareAndSet(currentState, newState)) { return currentState; } } }
Determine if any database changes were made as part of this transaction.
Returns:true if there are changes to commit, false otherwise
/** * Determine if any database changes were made as part of this transaction. * * @return true if there are changes to commit, false otherwise */
public boolean hasChanges() { return hasChanges(statusAndLogId.get()); } public void setName(String name) { checkNotClosed(); this.name = name; store.storeTransaction(this); } public String getName() { return name; } public int getBlockerId() { Transaction blocker = this.blockingTransaction; return blocker == null ? 0 : blocker.ownerId; }
Create a new savepoint.
Returns:the savepoint id
/** * Create a new savepoint. * * @return the savepoint id */
public long setSavepoint() { return getLogId(); }
Mark an entry into a new SQL statement execution within this transaction.
/** * Mark an entry into a new SQL statement execution within this transaction. */
public void markStatementStart() { markStatementEnd(); txCounter = store.store.registerVersionUsage(); }
Mark an exit from SQL statement execution within this transaction.
/** * Mark an exit from SQL statement execution within this transaction. */
public void markStatementEnd() { MVStore.TxCounter counter = txCounter; if(counter != null) { txCounter = null; store.store.deregisterVersionUsage(counter); } }
Add a log entry.
  • mapId – the map id
  • key – the key
  • oldValue – the old value
Returns:key for the newly added undo log entry
/** * Add a log entry. * * @param mapId the map id * @param key the key * @param oldValue the old value * * @return key for the newly added undo log entry */
long log(int mapId, Object key, VersionedValue oldValue) { long currentState = statusAndLogId.getAndIncrement(); long logId = getLogId(currentState); if (logId >= LOG_ID_LIMIT) { throw DataUtils.newIllegalStateException( DataUtils.ERROR_TRANSACTION_TOO_BIG, "Transaction {0} has too many changes", transactionId); } int currentStatus = getStatus(currentState); checkOpen(currentStatus); long undoKey = store.addUndoLogRecord(transactionId, logId, new Object[]{ mapId, key, oldValue }); return undoKey; }
Remove the last log entry.
/** * Remove the last log entry. */
void logUndo() { long currentState = statusAndLogId.decrementAndGet(); long logId = getLogId(currentState); if (logId >= LOG_ID_LIMIT) { throw DataUtils.newIllegalStateException( DataUtils.ERROR_TRANSACTION_CORRUPT, "Transaction {0} has internal error", transactionId); } int currentStatus = getStatus(currentState); checkOpen(currentStatus); store.removeUndoLogRecord(transactionId); }
Open a data map.
  • name – the name of the map
Type parameters:
  • <K> – the key type
  • <V> – the value type
Returns:the transaction map
/** * Open a data map. * * @param <K> the key type * @param <V> the value type * @param name the name of the map * @return the transaction map */
public <K, V> TransactionMap<K, V> openMap(String name) { return openMap(name, null, null); }
Open the map to store the data.
  • name – the name of the map
  • keyType – the key data type
  • valueType – the value data type
Type parameters:
  • <K> – the key type
  • <V> – the value type
Returns:the transaction map
/** * Open the map to store the data. * * @param <K> the key type * @param <V> the value type * @param name the name of the map * @param keyType the key data type * @param valueType the value data type * @return the transaction map */
public <K, V> TransactionMap<K, V> openMap(String name, DataType keyType, DataType valueType) { MVMap<K, VersionedValue> map = store.openMap(name, keyType, valueType); return openMap(map); }
Open the transactional version of the given map.
  • map – the base map
Type parameters:
  • <K> – the key type
  • <V> – the value type
Returns:the transactional map
/** * Open the transactional version of the given map. * * @param <K> the key type * @param <V> the value type * @param map the base map * @return the transactional map */
public <K, V> TransactionMap<K, V> openMap(MVMap<K, VersionedValue> map) { checkNotClosed(); return new TransactionMap<>(this, map); }
Prepare the transaction. Afterwards, the transaction can only be committed or completely rolled back.
/** * Prepare the transaction. Afterwards, the transaction can only be * committed or completely rolled back. */
public void prepare() { setStatus(STATUS_PREPARED); store.storeTransaction(this); }
Commit the transaction. Afterwards, this transaction is closed.
/** * Commit the transaction. Afterwards, this transaction is closed. */
public void commit() { assert store.openTransactions.get().get(transactionId); Throwable ex = null; boolean hasChanges = false; try { long state = setStatus(STATUS_COMMITTED); hasChanges = hasChanges(state); int previousStatus = getStatus(state); if (hasChanges) { store.commit(this, previousStatus == STATUS_COMMITTED); } } catch (Throwable e) { ex = e; throw e; } finally { try { store.endTransaction(this, hasChanges); } catch (Throwable e) { if (ex == null) { throw e; } else { ex.addSuppressed(e); } } } }
Roll back to the given savepoint. This is only allowed if the transaction is open.
  • savepointId – the savepoint id
/** * Roll back to the given savepoint. This is only allowed if the * transaction is open. * * @param savepointId the savepoint id */
public void rollbackToSavepoint(long savepointId) { long lastState = setStatus(STATUS_ROLLING_BACK); long logId = getLogId(lastState); boolean success; try { store.rollbackTo(this, logId, savepointId); } finally { if (notificationRequested) { notifyAllWaitingTransactions(); } long expectedState = composeState(STATUS_ROLLING_BACK, logId, hasRollback(lastState)); long newState = composeState(STATUS_OPEN, savepointId, true); do { success = statusAndLogId.compareAndSet(expectedState, newState); } while (!success && statusAndLogId.get() == expectedState); } // this is moved outside of finally block to avert masking original exception, if any if (!success) { throw DataUtils.newIllegalStateException( DataUtils.ERROR_TRANSACTION_ILLEGAL_STATE, "Transaction {0} concurrently modified while rollback to savepoint was in progress", transactionId); } }
Roll the transaction back. Afterwards, this transaction is closed.
/** * Roll the transaction back. Afterwards, this transaction is closed. */
public void rollback() { Throwable ex = null; try { long lastState = setStatus(STATUS_ROLLED_BACK); long logId = getLogId(lastState); if (logId > 0) { store.rollbackTo(this, logId, 0); } } catch (Throwable e) { ex = e; throw e; } finally { try { store.endTransaction(this, true); } catch (Throwable e) { if (ex == null) { throw e; } else { ex.addSuppressed(e); } } } }
Get the list of changes, starting with the latest change, up to the given savepoint (in reverse order than they occurred). The value of the change is the value before the change was applied.
  • savepointId – the savepoint id, 0 meaning the beginning of the transaction
Returns:the changes
/** * Get the list of changes, starting with the latest change, up to the * given savepoint (in reverse order than they occurred). The value of * the change is the value before the change was applied. * * @param savepointId the savepoint id, 0 meaning the beginning of the * transaction * @return the changes */
public Iterator<TransactionStore.Change> getChanges(long savepointId) { return store.getChanges(this, getLogId(), savepointId); } private long getLogId() { return getLogId(statusAndLogId.get()); }
Check whether this transaction is open.
/** * Check whether this transaction is open. */
private void checkOpen(int status) { if (status != STATUS_OPEN) { throw DataUtils.newIllegalStateException( DataUtils.ERROR_TRANSACTION_ILLEGAL_STATE, "Transaction {0} has status {1}, not OPEN", transactionId, STATUS_NAMES[status]); } }
Check whether this transaction is open or prepared.
/** * Check whether this transaction is open or prepared. */
private void checkNotClosed() { if (getStatus() == STATUS_CLOSED) { throw DataUtils.newIllegalStateException( DataUtils.ERROR_CLOSED, "Transaction {0} is closed", transactionId); } }
Transition this transaction into a closed state.
/** * Transition this transaction into a closed state. */
void closeIt() { long lastState = setStatus(STATUS_CLOSED); store.store.deregisterVersionUsage(txCounter); if((hasChanges(lastState) || hasRollback(lastState)) && notificationRequested) { notifyAllWaitingTransactions(); } } private synchronized void notifyAllWaitingTransactions() { notifyAll(); }
Make this transaction to wait for the specified transaction to be closed, because both of them try to modify the same map entry.
  • toWaitFor – transaction to wait for
  • map – containing blocking entry
  • key – of the blocking entry
Returns:true if other transaction was closed and this one can proceed, false if timed out
/** * Make this transaction to wait for the specified transaction to be closed, * because both of them try to modify the same map entry. * * @param toWaitFor transaction to wait for * @param map containing blocking entry * @param key of the blocking entry * @return true if other transaction was closed and this one can proceed, false if timed out */
public boolean waitFor(Transaction toWaitFor, MVMap<?,VersionedValue> map, Object key) { blockingTransaction = toWaitFor; blockingMap = map; blockingKey = key; if (isDeadlocked(toWaitFor)) { StringBuilder details = new StringBuilder( String.format("Transaction %d has been chosen as a deadlock victim. Details:%n", transactionId)); for (Transaction tx = toWaitFor, nextTx; (nextTx = tx.blockingTransaction) != null; tx = nextTx) { details.append(String.format( "Transaction %d attempts to update map <%s> entry with key <%s> modified by transaction %s%n", tx.transactionId, tx.blockingMap.getName(), tx.blockingKey, tx.blockingTransaction)); if (nextTx == this) { details.append(String.format( "Transaction %d attempts to update map <%s> entry with key <%s>" + " modified by transaction %s%n", transactionId, blockingMap.getName(), blockingKey, toWaitFor)); if (isDeadlocked(toWaitFor)) { throw DataUtils.newIllegalStateException(DataUtils.ERROR_TRANSACTIONS_DEADLOCK, details.toString()); } } } } try { return toWaitFor.waitForThisToEnd(timeoutMillis); } finally { blockingMap = null; blockingKey = null; blockingTransaction = null; } } private boolean isDeadlocked(Transaction toWaitFor) { for(Transaction tx = toWaitFor, nextTx; (nextTx = tx.blockingTransaction) != null && tx.getStatus() == Transaction.STATUS_OPEN; tx = nextTx) { if (nextTx == this) { return true; } } return false; } private synchronized boolean waitForThisToEnd(int millis) { long until = System.currentTimeMillis() + millis; notificationRequested = true; long state; int status; while((status = getStatus(state = statusAndLogId.get())) != STATUS_CLOSED && status != STATUS_ROLLED_BACK && !hasRollback(state)) { long dur = until - System.currentTimeMillis(); if(dur <= 0) { return false; } try { wait(dur); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { return false; } } return true; }
Remove the map.
  • map – the map
Type parameters:
  • <K> – the key type
  • <V> – the value type
/** * Remove the map. * * @param <K> the key type * @param <V> the value type * @param map the map */
public <K, V> void removeMap(TransactionMap<K, V> map) { store.removeMap(map); } @Override public String toString() { return transactionId + "(" + sequenceNum + ") " + stateToString(); } private String stateToString() { return stateToString(statusAndLogId.get()); } private static String stateToString(long state) { return STATUS_NAMES[getStatus(state)] + (hasRollback(state) ? "<" : "") + " " + getLogId(state); } private static int getStatus(long state) { return (int)(state >>> LOG_ID_BITS1) & STATUS_MASK; } private static long getLogId(long state) { return state & LOG_ID_MASK; } private static boolean hasRollback(long state) { return (state & (1L << (STATUS_BITS + LOG_ID_BITS1))) != 0; } private static boolean hasChanges(long state) { return getLogId(state) != 0; } private static long composeState(int status, long logId, boolean hasRollback) { assert logId < LOG_ID_LIMIT : logId; assert (status & ~STATUS_MASK) == 0 : status; if (hasRollback) { status |= 1 << STATUS_BITS; } return ((long)status << LOG_ID_BITS1) | logId; } }