 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.mvstore;

import static org.h2.engine.Constants.MEMORY_ARRAY;
import static org.h2.engine.Constants.MEMORY_OBJECT;
import static org.h2.engine.Constants.MEMORY_POINTER;
import static org.h2.mvstore.DataUtils.PAGE_TYPE_LEAF;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import org.h2.compress.Compressor;
import org.h2.message.DbException;
import org.h2.mvstore.type.DataType;
import org.h2.util.Utils;

A page (a node or a leaf).

For b-tree nodes, the key at a given index is larger than the largest key of the child at the same index.

File format: page length (including length): int check value: short map id: varInt number of keys: varInt type: byte (0: leaf, 1: node; +2: compressed) compressed: bytes saved (varInt) keys leaf: values (one for each key) node: children (1 more than keys)

/** * A page (a node or a leaf). * <p> * For b-tree nodes, the key at a given index is larger than the largest key of * the child at the same index. * <p> * File format: * page length (including length): int * check value: short * map id: varInt * number of keys: varInt * type: byte (0: leaf, 1: node; +2: compressed) * compressed: bytes saved (varInt) * keys * leaf: values (one for each key) * node: children (1 more than keys) */
public abstract class Page implements Cloneable {
Map this page belongs to
/** * Map this page belongs to */
public final MVMap<?, ?> map;
Position of this page's saved image within a Chunk or 0 if this page has not been saved yet.
/** * Position of this page's saved image within a Chunk or 0 if this page has not been saved yet. */
private long pos;
The last result of a find operation is cached.
/** * The last result of a find operation is cached. */
private int cachedCompare;
The estimated memory used in persistent case, IN_MEMORY marker value otherwise.
/** * The estimated memory used in persistent case, IN_MEMORY marker value otherwise. */
private int memory;
Amount of used disk space by this page only in persistent case.
/** * Amount of used disk space by this page only in persistent case. */
private int diskSpaceUsed;
The keys.
/** * The keys. */
private Object[] keys;
Whether the page is an in-memory (not stored, or not yet stored) page, and it is removed. This is to keep track of pages that concurrently changed while they are being stored, in which case the live bookkeeping needs to be aware of such cases.
/** * Whether the page is an in-memory (not stored, or not yet stored) page, * and it is removed. This is to keep track of pages that concurrently * changed while they are being stored, in which case the live bookkeeping * needs to be aware of such cases. */
private volatile boolean removedInMemory;
The estimated number of bytes used per child entry.
/** * The estimated number of bytes used per child entry. */
static final int PAGE_MEMORY_CHILD = MEMORY_POINTER + 16; // 16 = two longs
The estimated number of bytes used per base page.
/** * The estimated number of bytes used per base page. */
private static final int PAGE_MEMORY = MEMORY_OBJECT + // this 2 * MEMORY_POINTER + // map, keys MEMORY_ARRAY + // Object[] keys 17; // pos, cachedCompare, memory, removedInMemory
The estimated number of bytes used per empty internal page object.
/** * The estimated number of bytes used per empty internal page object. */
static final int PAGE_NODE_MEMORY = PAGE_MEMORY + // super MEMORY_POINTER + // children MEMORY_ARRAY + // Object[] children 8; // totalCount
The estimated number of bytes used per empty leaf page.
/** * The estimated number of bytes used per empty leaf page. */
static final int PAGE_LEAF_MEMORY = PAGE_MEMORY + // super MEMORY_POINTER + // values MEMORY_ARRAY; // Object[] values
An empty object array.
/** * An empty object array. */
private static final Object[] EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY = new Object[0];
Marker value for memory field, meaning that memory accounting is replaced by key count.
/** * Marker value for memory field, meaning that memory accounting is replaced by key count. */
private static final int IN_MEMORY = Integer.MIN_VALUE; private static final PageReference[] SINGLE_EMPTY = { PageReference.EMPTY }; Page(MVMap<?, ?> map) { this.map = map; } Page(MVMap<?, ?> map, Page source) { this(map, source.keys); memory = source.memory; } Page(MVMap<?, ?> map, Object[] keys) { this.map = map; this.keys = keys; }
Create a new, empty leaf page.
  • map – the map
Returns:the new page
/** * Create a new, empty leaf page. * * @param map the map * @return the new page */
static Page createEmptyLeaf(MVMap<?, ?> map) { return createLeaf(map, EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY, EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY, PAGE_LEAF_MEMORY); }
Create a new, empty internal node page.
  • map – the map
Returns:the new page
/** * Create a new, empty internal node page. * * @param map the map * @return the new page */
static Page createEmptyNode(MVMap<?, ?> map) { return createNode(map, EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY, SINGLE_EMPTY, 0, PAGE_NODE_MEMORY + MEMORY_POINTER + PAGE_MEMORY_CHILD); // there is always one child }
Create a new non-leaf page. The arrays are not cloned.
  • map – the map
  • keys – the keys
  • children – the child page positions
  • totalCount – the total number of keys
  • memory – the memory used in bytes
Returns:the page
/** * Create a new non-leaf page. The arrays are not cloned. * * @param map the map * @param keys the keys * @param children the child page positions * @param totalCount the total number of keys * @param memory the memory used in bytes * @return the page */
public static Page createNode(MVMap<?, ?> map, Object[] keys, PageReference[] children, long totalCount, int memory) { assert keys != null; Page page = new NonLeaf(map, keys, children, totalCount); page.initMemoryAccount(memory); return page; }
Create a new leaf page. The arrays are not cloned.
  • map – the map
  • keys – the keys
  • values – the values
  • memory – the memory used in bytes
Returns:the page
/** * Create a new leaf page. The arrays are not cloned. * * @param map the map * @param keys the keys * @param values the values * @param memory the memory used in bytes * @return the page */
public static Page createLeaf(MVMap<?, ?> map, Object[] keys, Object[] values, int memory) { assert keys != null; Page page = new Leaf(map, keys, values); page.initMemoryAccount(memory); return page; } private void initMemoryAccount(int memoryCount) { if(map.store.getFileStore() == null) { memory = IN_MEMORY; } else if (memoryCount == 0) { recalculateMemory(); } else { addMemory(memoryCount); assert memoryCount == getMemory(); } }
Get the value for the given key, or null if not found. Search is done in the tree rooted at given page.
  • key – the key
  • p – the root page
Returns:the value, or null if not found
/** * Get the value for the given key, or null if not found. * Search is done in the tree rooted at given page. * * @param key the key * @param p the root page * @return the value, or null if not found */
static Object get(Page p, Object key) { while (true) { int index = p.binarySearch(key); if (p.isLeaf()) { return index >= 0 ? p.getValue(index) : null; } else if (index++ < 0) { index = -index; } p = p.getChildPage(index); } }
Read a page.
  • buff – ByteBuffer containing serialized page info
  • pos – the position
  • map – the map
Returns:the page
/** * Read a page. * * @param buff ByteBuffer containing serialized page info * @param pos the position * @param map the map * @return the page */
static Page read(ByteBuffer buff, long pos, MVMap<?, ?> map) { boolean leaf = (DataUtils.getPageType(pos) & 1) == PAGE_TYPE_LEAF; Page p = leaf ? new Leaf(map) : new NonLeaf(map); p.pos = pos; int chunkId = DataUtils.getPageChunkId(pos); p.read(buff, chunkId); return p; }
Read an inner node page from the buffer, but ignore the keys and values.
  • buff – ByteBuffer containing serialized page info
  • pos – the position
  • collector – to report child pages positions to
  • executorService – to use far parallel processing
  • executingThreadCounter – for parallel processing
/** * Read an inner node page from the buffer, but ignore the keys and * values. * * @param buff ByteBuffer containing serialized page info * @param pos the position * @param collector to report child pages positions to * @param executorService to use far parallel processing * @param executingThreadCounter for parallel processing */
static void readChildrenPositions(ByteBuffer buff, long pos, final MVStore.ChunkIdsCollector collector, final ThreadPoolExecutor executorService, final AtomicInteger executingThreadCounter) { int len = DataUtils.readVarInt(buff); int type = buff.get(); if ((type & 1) != DataUtils.PAGE_TYPE_NODE) { throw DataUtils.newIllegalStateException(DataUtils.ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT, "Position {0} expected to be a non-leaf", pos); } /* * The logic here is a little awkward. We want to (a) execute reads in parallel, but (b) * limit the number of threads we create. This is complicated by (a) the algorithm is * recursive and needs to wait for children before returning up the call-stack, (b) checking * the size of the thread-pool is not reliable. */ final List<Future<?>> futures = new ArrayList<>(len + 1); for (int i = 0; i <= len; i++) { final long childPagePos = buff.getLong(); for (;;) { int counter = executingThreadCounter.get(); if (counter >= executorService.getMaximumPoolSize()) { collector.visit(childPagePos, executorService, executingThreadCounter); break; } else { if (executingThreadCounter.compareAndSet(counter, counter + 1)) { Future<?> f = executorService.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { collector.visit(childPagePos, executorService, executingThreadCounter); } finally { executingThreadCounter.decrementAndGet(); } } }); futures.add(f); break; } } } } for (Future<?> f : futures) { try { f.get(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } catch (ExecutionException ex) { throw DbException.convert(ex); } } }
Get the id of the page's owner map
/** * Get the id of the page's owner map * @return id */
public final int getMapId() { return map.getId(); }
Create a copy of this page with potentially different owning map. This is used exclusively during bulk map copying. Child page references for nodes are cleared (re-pointed to an empty page) to be filled-in later to copying procedure. This way it can be saved mid-process without tree integrity violation
  • map – new map to own resulting page
Returns:the page
/** * Create a copy of this page with potentially different owning map. * This is used exclusively during bulk map copying. * Child page references for nodes are cleared (re-pointed to an empty page) * to be filled-in later to copying procedure. This way it can be saved * mid-process without tree integrity violation * * @param map new map to own resulting page * @return the page */
abstract Page copy(MVMap<?, ?> map);
Get the key at the given index.
  • index – the index
Returns:the key
/** * Get the key at the given index. * * @param index the index * @return the key */
public Object getKey(int index) { return keys[index]; }
Get the child page at the given index.
  • index – the index
Returns:the child page
/** * Get the child page at the given index. * * @param index the index * @return the child page */
public abstract Page getChildPage(int index);
Get the child page at the given index only if is already loaded. Does not make any attempt to load the page or retrieve it from the cache.
  • index – the index
Returns:the child page, null if it is not loaded
/** * Get the child page at the given index only if is * already loaded. Does not make any attempt to load * the page or retrieve it from the cache. * * @param index the index * @return the child page, null if it is not loaded */
public abstract Page getChildPageIfLoaded(int index);
Get the position of the child.
  • index – the index
Returns:the position
/** * Get the position of the child. * * @param index the index * @return the position */
public abstract long getChildPagePos(int index);
Get the value at the given index.
  • index – the index
Returns:the value
/** * Get the value at the given index. * * @param index the index * @return the value */
public abstract Object getValue(int index);
Get the number of keys in this page.
Returns:the number of keys
/** * Get the number of keys in this page. * * @return the number of keys */
public final int getKeyCount() { return keys.length; }
Check whether this is a leaf page.
Returns:true if it is a leaf
/** * Check whether this is a leaf page. * * @return true if it is a leaf */
public final boolean isLeaf() { return getNodeType() == PAGE_TYPE_LEAF; } public abstract int getNodeType();
Get the position of the page
Returns:the position
/** * Get the position of the page * * @return the position */
public final long getPos() { return pos; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); dump(buff); return buff.toString(); }
Dump debug data for this page.
  • buff – append buffer
/** * Dump debug data for this page. * * @param buff append buffer */
protected void dump(StringBuilder buff) { buff.append("id: ").append(System.identityHashCode(this)).append('\n'); buff.append("pos: ").append(Long.toHexString(pos)).append('\n'); if (isSaved()) { int chunkId = DataUtils.getPageChunkId(pos); buff.append("chunk: ").append(Long.toHexString(chunkId)).append('\n'); } }
Create a copy of this page.
Returns:a mutable copy of this page
/** * Create a copy of this page. * * @return a mutable copy of this page */
public final Page copy() { return copy(false); }
Create a copy of this page.
  • countRemoval – When true the current page is removed, when false just copy the page.
Returns:a mutable copy of this page
/** * Create a copy of this page. * * @param countRemoval When {@code true} the current page is removed, * when {@code false} just copy the page. * @return a mutable copy of this page */
public final Page copy(boolean countRemoval) { Page newPage = clone(); newPage.pos = 0; // mark the old as deleted if(countRemoval) { removePage(); if(isPersistent()) { map.store.registerUnsavedPage(newPage.getMemory()); } } return newPage; } @Override protected final Page clone() { Page clone; try { clone = (Page) super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException impossible) { throw new RuntimeException(impossible); } return clone; }
Search the key in this page using a binary search. Instead of always starting the search in the middle, the last found index is cached.

If the key was found, the returned value is the index in the key array. If not found, the returned value is negative, where -1 means the provided key is smaller than any keys in this page. See also Arrays.binarySearch.

  • key – the key
Returns:the value or null
/** * Search the key in this page using a binary search. Instead of always * starting the search in the middle, the last found index is cached. * <p> * If the key was found, the returned value is the index in the key array. * If not found, the returned value is negative, where -1 means the provided * key is smaller than any keys in this page. See also Arrays.binarySearch. * * @param key the key * @return the value or null */
int binarySearch(Object key) { int low = 0, high = getKeyCount() - 1; // the cached index minus one, so that // for the first time (when cachedCompare is 0), // the default value is used int x = cachedCompare - 1; if (x < 0 || x > high) { x = high >>> 1; } Object[] k = keys; while (low <= high) { int compare = map.compare(key, k[x]); if (compare > 0) { low = x + 1; } else if (compare < 0) { high = x - 1; } else { cachedCompare = x + 1; return x; } x = (low + high) >>> 1; } cachedCompare = low; return -(low + 1); }
Split the page. This modifies the current page.
  • at – the split index
Returns:the page with the entries after the split index
/** * Split the page. This modifies the current page. * * @param at the split index * @return the page with the entries after the split index */
abstract Page split(int at);
Split the current keys array into two arrays.
  • aCount – size of the first array.
  • bCount – size of the second array/
Returns:the second array.
/** * Split the current keys array into two arrays. * * @param aCount size of the first array. * @param bCount size of the second array/ * @return the second array. */
final Object[] splitKeys(int aCount, int bCount) { assert aCount + bCount <= getKeyCount(); Object[] aKeys = createKeyStorage(aCount); Object[] bKeys = createKeyStorage(bCount); System.arraycopy(keys, 0, aKeys, 0, aCount); System.arraycopy(keys, getKeyCount() - bCount, bKeys, 0, bCount); keys = aKeys; return bKeys; }
Append additional key/value mappings to this Page. New mappings suppose to be in correct key order.
  • extraKeyCount – number of mappings to be added
  • extraKeys – to be added
  • extraValues – to be added
/** * Append additional key/value mappings to this Page. * New mappings suppose to be in correct key order. * * @param extraKeyCount number of mappings to be added * @param extraKeys to be added * @param extraValues to be added */
abstract void expand(int extraKeyCount, Object[] extraKeys, Object[] extraValues);
Expand the keys array.
  • extraKeyCount – number of extra key entries to create
  • extraKeys – extra key values
/** * Expand the keys array. * * @param extraKeyCount number of extra key entries to create * @param extraKeys extra key values */
final void expandKeys(int extraKeyCount, Object[] extraKeys) { int keyCount = getKeyCount(); Object[] newKeys = createKeyStorage(keyCount + extraKeyCount); System.arraycopy(keys, 0, newKeys, 0, keyCount); System.arraycopy(extraKeys, 0, newKeys, keyCount, extraKeyCount); keys = newKeys; }
Get the total number of key-value pairs, including child pages.
Returns:the number of key-value pairs
/** * Get the total number of key-value pairs, including child pages. * * @return the number of key-value pairs */
public abstract long getTotalCount();
Get the number of key-value pairs for a given child.
  • index – the child index
Returns:the descendant count
/** * Get the number of key-value pairs for a given child. * * @param index the child index * @return the descendant count */
abstract long getCounts(int index);
Replace the child page.
  • index – the index
  • c – the new child page
/** * Replace the child page. * * @param index the index * @param c the new child page */
public abstract void setChild(int index, Page c);
Replace the key at an index in this page.
  • index – the index
  • key – the new key
/** * Replace the key at an index in this page. * * @param index the index * @param key the new key */
public final void setKey(int index, Object key) { keys = keys.clone(); if(isPersistent()) { Object old = keys[index]; DataType keyType = map.getKeyType(); int mem = keyType.getMemory(key); if (old != null) { mem -= keyType.getMemory(old); } addMemory(mem); } keys[index] = key; }
Replace the value at an index in this page.
  • index – the index
  • value – the new value
Returns:the old value
/** * Replace the value at an index in this page. * * @param index the index * @param value the new value * @return the old value */
public abstract Object setValue(int index, Object value);
Insert a key-value pair into this leaf.
  • index – the index
  • key – the key
  • value – the value
/** * Insert a key-value pair into this leaf. * * @param index the index * @param key the key * @param value the value */
public abstract void insertLeaf(int index, Object key, Object value);
Insert a child page into this node.
  • index – the index
  • key – the key
  • childPage – the child page
/** * Insert a child page into this node. * * @param index the index * @param key the key * @param childPage the child page */
public abstract void insertNode(int index, Object key, Page childPage);
Insert a key into the key array
  • index – index to insert at
  • key – the key value
/** * Insert a key into the key array * * @param index index to insert at * @param key the key value */
final void insertKey(int index, Object key) { int keyCount = getKeyCount(); assert index <= keyCount : index + " > " + keyCount; Object[] newKeys = createKeyStorage(keyCount + 1); DataUtils.copyWithGap(keys, newKeys, keyCount, index); keys = newKeys; keys[index] = key; if (isPersistent()) { addMemory(MEMORY_POINTER + map.getKeyType().getMemory(key)); } }
Remove the key and value (or child) at the given index.
  • index – the index
/** * Remove the key and value (or child) at the given index. * * @param index the index */
public void remove(int index) { int keyCount = getKeyCount(); DataType keyType = map.getKeyType(); if (index == keyCount) { --index; } if(isPersistent()) { Object old = getKey(index); addMemory(-MEMORY_POINTER - keyType.getMemory(old)); } Object[] newKeys = createKeyStorage(keyCount - 1); DataUtils.copyExcept(keys, newKeys, keyCount, index); keys = newKeys; }
Read the page from the buffer.
  • buff – the buffer
  • chunkId – the chunk id
/** * Read the page from the buffer. * * @param buff the buffer * @param chunkId the chunk id */
private void read(ByteBuffer buff, int chunkId) { int pageLength = buff.remaining() + 4; // size of int, since we've read page length already int len = DataUtils.readVarInt(buff); keys = createKeyStorage(len); int type = buff.get(); if(isLeaf() != ((type & 1) == PAGE_TYPE_LEAF)) { throw DataUtils.newIllegalStateException( DataUtils.ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT, "File corrupted in chunk {0}, expected node type {1}, got {2}", chunkId, isLeaf() ? "0" : "1" , type); } if (!isLeaf()) { readPayLoad(buff); } boolean compressed = (type & DataUtils.PAGE_COMPRESSED) != 0; if (compressed) { Compressor compressor; if ((type & DataUtils.PAGE_COMPRESSED_HIGH) == DataUtils.PAGE_COMPRESSED_HIGH) { compressor = map.getStore().getCompressorHigh(); } else { compressor = map.getStore().getCompressorFast(); } int lenAdd = DataUtils.readVarInt(buff); int compLen = buff.remaining(); byte[] comp = Utils.newBytes(compLen); buff.get(comp); int l = compLen + lenAdd; buff = ByteBuffer.allocate(l); compressor.expand(comp, 0, compLen, buff.array(), buff.arrayOffset(), l); } map.getKeyType().read(buff, keys, len, true); if (isLeaf()) { readPayLoad(buff); } diskSpaceUsed = pageLength; recalculateMemory(); }
Read the page payload from the buffer.
  • buff – the buffer
/** * Read the page payload from the buffer. * * @param buff the buffer */
protected abstract void readPayLoad(ByteBuffer buff); public final boolean isSaved() { return DataUtils.isPageSaved(pos); }
Store the page and update the position.
  • chunk – the chunk
  • buff – the target buffer
Returns:the position of the buffer just after the type
/** * Store the page and update the position. * * @param chunk the chunk * @param buff the target buffer * @return the position of the buffer just after the type */
protected final int write(Chunk chunk, WriteBuffer buff) { int start = buff.position(); int len = getKeyCount(); int type = isLeaf() ? PAGE_TYPE_LEAF : DataUtils.PAGE_TYPE_NODE; buff.putInt(0). putShort((byte) 0). putVarInt(map.getId()). putVarInt(len); int typePos = buff.position(); buff.put((byte) type); writeChildren(buff, true); int compressStart = buff.position(); map.getKeyType().write(buff, keys, len, true); writeValues(buff); MVStore store = map.getStore(); int expLen = buff.position() - compressStart; if (expLen > 16) { int compressionLevel = store.getCompressionLevel(); if (compressionLevel > 0) { Compressor compressor; int compressType; if (compressionLevel == 1) { compressor = map.getStore().getCompressorFast(); compressType = DataUtils.PAGE_COMPRESSED; } else { compressor = map.getStore().getCompressorHigh(); compressType = DataUtils.PAGE_COMPRESSED_HIGH; } byte[] exp = new byte[expLen]; buff.position(compressStart).get(exp); byte[] comp = new byte[expLen * 2]; int compLen = compressor.compress(exp, expLen, comp, 0); int plus = DataUtils.getVarIntLen(compLen - expLen); if (compLen + plus < expLen) { buff.position(typePos). put((byte) (type + compressType)); buff.position(compressStart). putVarInt(expLen - compLen). put(comp, 0, compLen); } } } int pageLength = buff.position() - start; int chunkId = chunk.id; int check = DataUtils.getCheckValue(chunkId) ^ DataUtils.getCheckValue(start) ^ DataUtils.getCheckValue(pageLength); buff.putInt(start, pageLength). putShort(start + 4, (short) check); if (isSaved()) { throw DataUtils.newIllegalStateException( DataUtils.ERROR_INTERNAL, "Page already stored"); } pos = DataUtils.getPagePos(chunkId, start, pageLength, type); store.cachePage(this); if (type == DataUtils.PAGE_TYPE_NODE) { // cache again - this will make sure nodes stays in the cache // for a longer time store.cachePage(this); } int max = DataUtils.getPageMaxLength(pos); chunk.maxLen += max; chunk.maxLenLive += max; chunk.pageCount++; chunk.pageCountLive++; if (removedInMemory) { // if the page was removed _before_ the position was assigned, we // need to mark it removed here, so the fields are updated // when the next chunk is stored map.removePage(pos, memory); } diskSpaceUsed = max != DataUtils.PAGE_LARGE ? max : pageLength; return typePos + 1; }
Write values that the buffer contains to the buff.
  • buff – the target buffer
/** * Write values that the buffer contains to the buff. * * @param buff the target buffer */
protected abstract void writeValues(WriteBuffer buff);
Write page children to the buff.
  • buff – the target buffer
  • withCounts – true if the descendant counts should be written
/** * Write page children to the buff. * * @param buff the target buffer * @param withCounts true if the descendant counts should be written */
protected abstract void writeChildren(WriteBuffer buff, boolean withCounts);
Store this page and all children that are changed, in reverse order, and update the position and the children.
  • chunk – the chunk
  • buff – the target buffer
/** * Store this page and all children that are changed, in reverse order, and * update the position and the children. * * @param chunk the chunk * @param buff the target buffer */
abstract void writeUnsavedRecursive(Chunk chunk, WriteBuffer buff);
Unlink the children recursively after all data is written.
/** * Unlink the children recursively after all data is written. */
abstract void writeEnd(); public abstract int getRawChildPageCount(); @Override public final boolean equals(Object other) { return other == this || other instanceof Page && isSaved() && ((Page) other).pos == pos; } @Override public final int hashCode() { return isSaved() ? (int) (pos | (pos >>> 32)) : super.hashCode(); } protected final boolean isPersistent() { return memory != IN_MEMORY; } public final int getMemory() { if (isPersistent()) { // assert memory == calculateMemory() : // "Memory calculation error " + memory + " != " + calculateMemory(); return memory; } return 0; }
Amount of used disk space in persistent case including child pages.
Returns:amount of used disk space in persistent case
/** * Amount of used disk space in persistent case including child pages. * * @return amount of used disk space in persistent case */
public long getDiskSpaceUsed() { long r = 0; if (isPersistent()) { r += diskSpaceUsed; } if (!isLeaf()) { for (int i = 0; i < getRawChildPageCount(); i++) { long pos = getChildPagePos(i); if (pos != 0) { r += getChildPage(i).getDiskSpaceUsed(); } } } return r; }
Increase estimated memory used in persistent case.
  • mem – additional memory size.
/** * Increase estimated memory used in persistent case. * * @param mem additional memory size. */
final void addMemory(int mem) { memory += mem; }
Recalculate estimated memory used in persistent case.
/** * Recalculate estimated memory used in persistent case. */
final void recalculateMemory() { assert isPersistent(); memory = calculateMemory(); }
Calculate estimated memory used in persistent case.
Returns:memory in bytes
/** * Calculate estimated memory used in persistent case. * * @return memory in bytes */
protected int calculateMemory() { int keyCount = getKeyCount(); int mem = keyCount * MEMORY_POINTER; DataType keyType = map.getKeyType(); for (int i = 0; i < keyCount; i++) { mem += keyType.getMemory(keys[i]); } return mem; } public boolean isComplete() { return true; }
Called when done with copying page.
/** * Called when done with copying page. */
public void setComplete() {}
Remove the page.
/** * Remove the page. */
public final void removePage() { if(isPersistent()) { long p = pos; if (p == 0) { removedInMemory = true; } map.removePage(p, memory); } }
Update given CursorPos chain to correspond to "append point" in a B-tree rooted at this Page.
  • cursorPos – to update, presumably pointing to this Page
Returns:new head of the CursorPos chain
/** * Update given CursorPos chain to correspond to "append point" in a B-tree rooted at this Page. * * @param cursorPos to update, presumably pointing to this Page * @return new head of the CursorPos chain */
public abstract CursorPos getAppendCursorPos(CursorPos cursorPos);
Remove all page data recursively.
/** * Remove all page data recursively. */
public abstract void removeAllRecursive();
Create array for keys storage.
  • size – number of entries
Returns:values array
/** * Create array for keys storage. * * @param size number of entries * @return values array */
private Object[] createKeyStorage(int size) { return new Object[size]; }
Create array for values storage.
  • size – number of entries
Returns:values array
/** * Create array for values storage. * * @param size number of entries * @return values array */
final Object[] createValueStorage(int size) { return new Object[size]; }
A pointer to a page, either in-memory or using a page position.
/** * A pointer to a page, either in-memory or using a page position. */
public static final class PageReference {
Singleton object used when arrays of PageReference have not yet been filled.
/** * Singleton object used when arrays of PageReference have not yet been filled. */
public static final PageReference EMPTY = new PageReference(null, 0, 0);
The position, if known, or 0.
/** * The position, if known, or 0. */
private long pos;
The page, if in memory, or null.
/** * The page, if in memory, or null. */
private Page page;
The descendant count for this child page.
/** * The descendant count for this child page. */
final long count; public PageReference(Page page) { this(page, page.getPos(), page.getTotalCount()); } PageReference(long pos, long count) { this(null, pos, count); assert DataUtils.isPageSaved(pos); } private PageReference(Page page, long pos, long count) { this.page = page; this.pos = pos; this.count = count; } public Page getPage() { return page; }
Clear if necessary, reference to the actual child Page object, so it can be garbage collected if not actively used elsewhere. Reference is cleared only if corresponding page was already saved on a disk.
/** * Clear if necessary, reference to the actual child Page object, * so it can be garbage collected if not actively used elsewhere. * Reference is cleared only if corresponding page was already saved on a disk. */
void clearPageReference() { if (page != null) { page.writeEnd(); assert page.isSaved() || !page.isComplete(); if (page.isSaved()) { assert pos == page.getPos(); assert count == page.getTotalCount() : count + " != " + page.getTotalCount(); page = null; } } } long getPos() { return pos; }
Re-acquire position from in-memory page.
/** * Re-acquire position from in-memory page. */
void resetPos() { Page p = page; if (p != null && p.isSaved()) { pos = p.getPos(); assert count == p.getTotalCount(); } } @Override public String toString() { return "Cnt:" + count + ", pos:" + DataUtils.getPageChunkId(pos) + "-" + DataUtils.getPageOffset(pos) + ":" + DataUtils.getPageMaxLength(pos) + (page == null ? DataUtils.getPageType(pos) == 0 : page.isLeaf() ? " leaf" : " node") + ", " + page; } } private static class NonLeaf extends Page {
The child page references.
/** * The child page references. */
private PageReference[] children;
The total entry count of this page and all children.
/** * The total entry count of this page and all children. */
private long totalCount; NonLeaf(MVMap<?, ?> map) { super(map); } NonLeaf(MVMap<?, ?> map, NonLeaf source, PageReference[] children, long totalCount) { super(map, source); this.children = children; this.totalCount = totalCount; } NonLeaf(MVMap<?, ?> map, Object[] keys, PageReference[] children, long totalCount) { super(map, keys); this.children = children; this.totalCount = totalCount; } @Override public int getNodeType() { return DataUtils.PAGE_TYPE_NODE; } @Override public Page copy(MVMap<?, ?> map) { return new IncompleteNonLeaf(map, this); } @Override public Page getChildPage(int index) { PageReference ref = children[index]; Page page = ref.getPage(); if(page == null) { page = map.readPage(ref.getPos()); assert ref.getPos() == page.getPos(); assert ref.count == page.getTotalCount(); } return page; } @Override public Page getChildPageIfLoaded(int index) { return children[index].getPage(); } @Override public long getChildPagePos(int index) { return children[index].getPos(); } @Override public Object getValue(int index) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public Page split(int at) { assert !isSaved(); int b = getKeyCount() - at; Object[] bKeys = splitKeys(at, b - 1); PageReference[] aChildren = new PageReference[at + 1]; PageReference[] bChildren = new PageReference[b]; System.arraycopy(children, 0, aChildren, 0, at + 1); System.arraycopy(children, at + 1, bChildren, 0, b); children = aChildren; long t = 0; for (PageReference x : aChildren) { t += x.count; } totalCount = t; t = 0; for (PageReference x : bChildren) { t += x.count; } Page newPage = createNode(map, bKeys, bChildren, t, 0); if(isPersistent()) { recalculateMemory(); } return newPage; } @Override public void expand(int keyCount, Object[] extraKeys, Object[] extraValues) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public long getTotalCount() { assert !isComplete() || totalCount == calculateTotalCount() : "Total count: " + totalCount + " != " + calculateTotalCount(); return totalCount; } private long calculateTotalCount() { long check = 0; int keyCount = getKeyCount(); for (int i = 0; i <= keyCount; i++) { check += children[i].count; } return check; } protected void recalculateTotalCount() { totalCount = calculateTotalCount(); } @Override long getCounts(int index) { return children[index].count; } @Override public void setChild(int index, Page c) { assert c != null; PageReference child = children[index]; if (c != child.getPage() || c.getPos() != child.getPos()) { totalCount += c.getTotalCount() - child.count; children = children.clone(); children[index] = new PageReference(c); } } @Override public Object setValue(int index, Object value) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public void insertLeaf(int index, Object key, Object value) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public void insertNode(int index, Object key, Page childPage) { int childCount = getRawChildPageCount(); insertKey(index, key); PageReference[] newChildren = new PageReference[childCount + 1]; DataUtils.copyWithGap(children, newChildren, childCount, index); children = newChildren; children[index] = new PageReference(childPage); totalCount += childPage.getTotalCount(); if (isPersistent()) { addMemory(MEMORY_POINTER + PAGE_MEMORY_CHILD); } } @Override public void remove(int index) { int childCount = getRawChildPageCount(); super.remove(index); if(isPersistent()) { addMemory(-MEMORY_POINTER - PAGE_MEMORY_CHILD); } totalCount -= children[index].count; PageReference[] newChildren = new PageReference[childCount - 1]; DataUtils.copyExcept(children, newChildren, childCount, index); children = newChildren; } @Override public void removeAllRecursive() { if (isPersistent()) { for (int i = 0, size = map.getChildPageCount(this); i < size; i++) { PageReference ref = children[i]; Page page = ref.getPage(); if (page != null) { page.removeAllRecursive(); } else { long c = ref.getPos(); int type = DataUtils.getPageType(c); if (type == PAGE_TYPE_LEAF) { int mem = DataUtils.getPageMaxLength(c); map.removePage(c, mem); } else { map.readPage(c).removeAllRecursive(); } } } } removePage(); } @Override public CursorPos getAppendCursorPos(CursorPos cursorPos) { int keyCount = getKeyCount(); Page childPage = getChildPage(keyCount); return childPage.getAppendCursorPos(new CursorPos(this, keyCount, cursorPos)); } @Override protected void readPayLoad(ByteBuffer buff) { int keyCount = getKeyCount(); children = new PageReference[keyCount + 1]; long[] p = new long[keyCount + 1]; for (int i = 0; i <= keyCount; i++) { p[i] = buff.getLong(); } long total = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= keyCount; i++) { long s = DataUtils.readVarLong(buff); long position = p[i]; assert position == 0 ? s == 0 : s >= 0; total += s; children[i] = position == 0 ? PageReference.EMPTY : new PageReference(position, s); } totalCount = total; } @Override protected void writeValues(WriteBuffer buff) {} @Override protected void writeChildren(WriteBuffer buff, boolean withCounts) { int keyCount = getKeyCount(); for (int i = 0; i <= keyCount; i++) { buff.putLong(children[i].getPos()); } if(withCounts) { for (int i = 0; i <= keyCount; i++) { buff.putVarLong(children[i].count); } } } @Override void writeUnsavedRecursive(Chunk chunk, WriteBuffer buff) { if (!isSaved()) { int patch = write(chunk, buff); writeChildrenRecursive(chunk, buff); int old = buff.position(); buff.position(patch); writeChildren(buff, false); buff.position(old); } } void writeChildrenRecursive(Chunk chunk, WriteBuffer buff) { int len = getRawChildPageCount(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { PageReference ref = children[i]; Page p = ref.getPage(); if (p != null) { p.writeUnsavedRecursive(chunk, buff); ref.resetPos(); } } } @Override void writeEnd() { int len = getRawChildPageCount(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { children[i].clearPageReference(); } } @Override public int getRawChildPageCount() { return getKeyCount() + 1; } @Override protected int calculateMemory() { return super.calculateMemory() + PAGE_NODE_MEMORY + getRawChildPageCount() * (MEMORY_POINTER + PAGE_MEMORY_CHILD); } @Override public void dump(StringBuilder buff) { super.dump(buff); int keyCount = getKeyCount(); for (int i = 0; i <= keyCount; i++) { if (i > 0) { buff.append(" "); } buff.append("[").append(Long.toHexString(children[i].getPos())).append("]"); if(i < keyCount) { buff.append(" ").append(getKey(i)); } } } } private static class IncompleteNonLeaf extends NonLeaf { private boolean complete; IncompleteNonLeaf(MVMap<?, ?> map, NonLeaf source) { super(map, source, constructEmptyPageRefs(source.getRawChildPageCount()), source.getTotalCount()); } private static PageReference[] constructEmptyPageRefs(int size) { // replace child pages with empty pages PageReference[] children = new PageReference[size]; Arrays.fill(children, PageReference.EMPTY); return children; } @Override void writeUnsavedRecursive(Chunk chunk, WriteBuffer buff) { if (complete) { super.writeUnsavedRecursive(chunk, buff); } else if (!isSaved()) { writeChildrenRecursive(chunk, buff); } } @Override public boolean isComplete() { return complete; } @Override public void setComplete() { recalculateTotalCount(); complete = true; } @Override public void dump(StringBuilder buff) { super.dump(buff); buff.append(", complete:").append(complete); } } private static class Leaf extends Page {
The storage for values.
/** * The storage for values. */
private Object[] values; Leaf(MVMap<?, ?> map) { super(map); } private Leaf(MVMap<?, ?> map, Leaf source) { super(map, source); this.values = source.values; } Leaf(MVMap<?, ?> map, Object[] keys, Object[] values) { super(map, keys); this.values = values; } @Override public int getNodeType() { return PAGE_TYPE_LEAF; } @Override public Page copy(MVMap<?, ?> map) { return new Leaf(map, this); } @Override public Page getChildPage(int index) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public Page getChildPageIfLoaded(int index) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public long getChildPagePos(int index) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public Object getValue(int index) { return values[index]; } @Override public Page split(int at) { assert !isSaved(); int b = getKeyCount() - at; Object[] bKeys = splitKeys(at, b); Object[] bValues = createValueStorage(b); if(values != null) { Object[] aValues = createValueStorage(at); System.arraycopy(values, 0, aValues, 0, at); System.arraycopy(values, at, bValues, 0, b); values = aValues; } Page newPage = createLeaf(map, bKeys, bValues, 0); if(isPersistent()) { recalculateMemory(); } return newPage; } @Override public void expand(int extraKeyCount, Object[] extraKeys, Object[] extraValues) { int keyCount = getKeyCount(); expandKeys(extraKeyCount, extraKeys); if(values != null) { Object[] newValues = createValueStorage(keyCount + extraKeyCount); System.arraycopy(values, 0, newValues, 0, keyCount); System.arraycopy(extraValues, 0, newValues, keyCount, extraKeyCount); values = newValues; } if(isPersistent()) { recalculateMemory(); } } @Override public long getTotalCount() { return getKeyCount(); } @Override long getCounts(int index) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public void setChild(int index, Page c) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public Object setValue(int index, Object value) { DataType valueType = map.getValueType(); values = values.clone(); Object old = setValueInternal(index, value); if(isPersistent()) { addMemory(valueType.getMemory(value) - valueType.getMemory(old)); } return old; } private Object setValueInternal(int index, Object value) { Object old = values[index]; values[index] = value; return old; } @Override public void insertLeaf(int index, Object key, Object value) { int keyCount = getKeyCount(); insertKey(index, key); if(values != null) { Object[] newValues = createValueStorage(keyCount + 1); DataUtils.copyWithGap(values, newValues, keyCount, index); values = newValues; setValueInternal(index, value); if (isPersistent()) { addMemory(MEMORY_POINTER + map.getValueType().getMemory(value)); } } } @Override public void insertNode(int index, Object key, Page childPage) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public void remove(int index) { int keyCount = getKeyCount(); super.remove(index); if (values != null) { if(isPersistent()) { Object old = getValue(index); addMemory(-MEMORY_POINTER - map.getValueType().getMemory(old)); } Object[] newValues = createValueStorage(keyCount - 1); DataUtils.copyExcept(values, newValues, keyCount, index); values = newValues; } } @Override public void removeAllRecursive() { removePage(); } @Override public CursorPos getAppendCursorPos(CursorPos cursorPos) { int keyCount = getKeyCount(); return new CursorPos(this, -keyCount - 1, cursorPos); } @Override protected void readPayLoad(ByteBuffer buff) { int keyCount = getKeyCount(); values = createValueStorage(keyCount); map.getValueType().read(buff, values, getKeyCount(), false); } @Override protected void writeValues(WriteBuffer buff) { map.getValueType().write(buff, values, getKeyCount(), false); } @Override protected void writeChildren(WriteBuffer buff, boolean withCounts) {} @Override void writeUnsavedRecursive(Chunk chunk, WriteBuffer buff) { if (!isSaved()) { write(chunk, buff); } } @Override void writeEnd() {} @Override public int getRawChildPageCount() { return 0; } @Override protected int calculateMemory() { int keyCount = getKeyCount(); int mem = super.calculateMemory() + PAGE_LEAF_MEMORY + keyCount * MEMORY_POINTER; DataType valueType = map.getValueType(); for (int i = 0; i < keyCount; i++) { mem += valueType.getMemory(values[i]); } return mem; } @Override public void dump(StringBuilder buff) { super.dump(buff); int keyCount = getKeyCount(); for (int i = 0; i < keyCount; i++) { if (i > 0) { buff.append(" "); } buff.append(getKey(i)); if (values != null) { buff.append(':'); buff.append(getValue(i)); } } } } }