 * Copyright (C) 2008 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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package com.google.inject.util;

import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
import com.google.inject.AbstractModule;
import com.google.inject.Binder;
import com.google.inject.Binding;
import com.google.inject.Key;
import com.google.inject.Module;
import com.google.inject.PrivateBinder;
import com.google.inject.PrivateModule;
import com.google.inject.Scope;
import com.google.inject.internal.Errors;
import com.google.inject.spi.DefaultBindingScopingVisitor;
import com.google.inject.spi.DefaultElementVisitor;
import com.google.inject.spi.Element;
import com.google.inject.spi.ElementVisitor;
import com.google.inject.spi.Elements;
import com.google.inject.spi.ModuleAnnotatedMethodScannerBinding;
import com.google.inject.spi.PrivateElements;
import com.google.inject.spi.ScopeBinding;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

Static utility methods for creating and working with instances of Module.
Author:jessewilson@google.com (Jesse Wilson)
/** * Static utility methods for creating and working with instances of {@link Module}. * * @author jessewilson@google.com (Jesse Wilson) * @since 2.0 */
public final class Modules { private Modules() {} public static final Module EMPTY_MODULE = new EmptyModule(); private static class EmptyModule implements Module { @Override public void configure(Binder binder) {} }
Returns a builder that creates a module that overlays override modules over the given modules. If a key is bound in both sets of modules, only the binding from the override modules is kept. If a single PrivateModule is supplied or all elements are from a single PrivateBinder, then this will overwrite the private bindings. Otherwise, private bindings will not be overwritten unless they are exposed. This can be used to replace the bindings of a production module with test bindings:
Module functionalTestModule
    = Modules.override(new ProductionModule()).with(new TestModule());

Prefer to write smaller modules that can be reused and tested without overrides.

  • modules – the modules whose bindings are open to be overridden
/** * Returns a builder that creates a module that overlays override modules over the given modules. * If a key is bound in both sets of modules, only the binding from the override modules is kept. * If a single {@link PrivateModule} is supplied or all elements are from a single {@link * PrivateBinder}, then this will overwrite the private bindings. Otherwise, private bindings will * not be overwritten unless they are exposed. This can be used to replace the bindings of a * production module with test bindings: * * <pre> * Module functionalTestModule * = Modules.override(new ProductionModule()).with(new TestModule()); * </pre> * * <p>Prefer to write smaller modules that can be reused and tested without overrides. * * @param modules the modules whose bindings are open to be overridden */
public static OverriddenModuleBuilder override(Module... modules) { return override(Arrays.asList(modules)); }
Deprecated:there's no reason to use Modules.override() without any arguments.
/** @deprecated there's no reason to use {@code Modules.override()} without any arguments. */
@Deprecated public static OverriddenModuleBuilder override() { return override(Arrays.asList()); }
Returns a builder that creates a module that overlays override modules over the given modules. If a key is bound in both sets of modules, only the binding from the override modules is kept. If a single PrivateModule is supplied or all elements are from a single PrivateBinder, then this will overwrite the private bindings. Otherwise, private bindings will not be overwritten unless they are exposed. This can be used to replace the bindings of a production module with test bindings:
Module functionalTestModule
    = Modules.override(getProductionModules()).with(getTestModules());

Prefer to write smaller modules that can be reused and tested without overrides.

  • modules – the modules whose bindings are open to be overridden
/** * Returns a builder that creates a module that overlays override modules over the given modules. * If a key is bound in both sets of modules, only the binding from the override modules is kept. * If a single {@link PrivateModule} is supplied or all elements are from a single {@link * PrivateBinder}, then this will overwrite the private bindings. Otherwise, private bindings will * not be overwritten unless they are exposed. This can be used to replace the bindings of a * production module with test bindings: * * <pre> * Module functionalTestModule * = Modules.override(getProductionModules()).with(getTestModules()); * </pre> * * <p>Prefer to write smaller modules that can be reused and tested without overrides. * * @param modules the modules whose bindings are open to be overridden */
public static OverriddenModuleBuilder override(Iterable<? extends Module> modules) { return new RealOverriddenModuleBuilder(modules); }
Returns a new module that installs all of modules.

Although sometimes helpful, this method is rarely necessary. Most Guice APIs accept multiple arguments or (like install()) can be called repeatedly. Where possible, external APIs that require a single module should similarly be adapted to permit multiple modules.

/** * Returns a new module that installs all of {@code modules}. * * <p>Although sometimes helpful, this method is rarely necessary. Most Guice APIs accept multiple * arguments or (like {@code install()}) can be called repeatedly. Where possible, external APIs * that require a single module should similarly be adapted to permit multiple modules. */
public static Module combine(Module... modules) { return combine(ImmutableSet.copyOf(modules)); }
Deprecated:there's no need to "combine" one module; just install it directly.
/** @deprecated there's no need to "combine" one module; just install it directly. */
@Deprecated public static Module combine(Module module) { return module; }
Deprecated:this method call is effectively a no-op, just remove it.
/** @deprecated this method call is effectively a no-op, just remove it. */
@Deprecated public static Module combine() { return EMPTY_MODULE; }
Returns a new module that installs all of modules.

Although sometimes helpful, this method is rarely necessary. Most Guice APIs accept multiple arguments or (like install()) can be called repeatedly. Where possible, external APIs that require a single module should similarly be adapted to permit multiple modules.

/** * Returns a new module that installs all of {@code modules}. * * <p>Although sometimes helpful, this method is rarely necessary. Most Guice APIs accept multiple * arguments or (like {@code install()}) can be called repeatedly. Where possible, external APIs * that require a single module should similarly be adapted to permit multiple modules. */
public static Module combine(Iterable<? extends Module> modules) { return new CombinedModule(modules); } private static class CombinedModule implements Module { final Set<Module> modulesSet; CombinedModule(Iterable<? extends Module> modules) { this.modulesSet = ImmutableSet.copyOf(modules); } @Override public void configure(Binder binder) { binder = binder.skipSources(getClass()); for (Module module : modulesSet) { binder.install(module); } } }
See the EDSL example at override().
/** See the EDSL example at {@link Modules#override(Module[]) override()}. */
public interface OverriddenModuleBuilder {
See the EDSL example at override().
/** See the EDSL example at {@link Modules#override(Module[]) override()}. */
Module with(Module... overrides);
Deprecated:there's no reason to use .with() without any arguments.
/** @deprecated there's no reason to use {@code .with()} without any arguments. */
@Deprecated public Module with();
See the EDSL example at override().
/** See the EDSL example at {@link Modules#override(Module[]) override()}. */
Module with(Iterable<? extends Module> overrides); } private static final class RealOverriddenModuleBuilder implements OverriddenModuleBuilder { private final ImmutableSet<Module> baseModules; // TODO(diamondm) checkArgument(!baseModules.isEmpty())? private RealOverriddenModuleBuilder(Iterable<? extends Module> baseModules) { this.baseModules = ImmutableSet.copyOf(baseModules); } @Override public Module with(Module... overrides) { return with(Arrays.asList(overrides)); } @Override public Module with() { return with(Arrays.asList()); } @Override public Module with(Iterable<? extends Module> overrides) { return new OverrideModule(overrides, baseModules); } } static class OverrideModule extends AbstractModule { private final ImmutableSet<Module> overrides; private final ImmutableSet<Module> baseModules; // TODO(diamondm) checkArgument(!overrides.isEmpty())? OverrideModule(Iterable<? extends Module> overrides, ImmutableSet<Module> baseModules) { this.overrides = ImmutableSet.copyOf(overrides); this.baseModules = baseModules; } @Override public void configure() { Binder baseBinder = binder(); List<Element> baseElements = Elements.getElements(currentStage(), baseModules); // If the sole element was a PrivateElements, we want to override // the private elements within that -- so refocus our elements // and binder. if (baseElements.size() == 1) { Element element = Iterables.getOnlyElement(baseElements); if (element instanceof PrivateElements) { PrivateElements privateElements = (PrivateElements) element; PrivateBinder privateBinder = baseBinder.newPrivateBinder().withSource(privateElements.getSource()); for (Key exposed : privateElements.getExposedKeys()) { privateBinder.withSource(privateElements.getExposedSource(exposed)).expose(exposed); } baseBinder = privateBinder; baseElements = privateElements.getElements(); } } final Binder binder = baseBinder.skipSources(this.getClass()); final LinkedHashSet<Element> elements = new LinkedHashSet<>(baseElements); final Module scannersModule = extractScanners(elements); final List<Element> overrideElements = Elements.getElements( currentStage(), ImmutableList.<Module>builder().addAll(overrides).add(scannersModule).build()); final Set<Key<?>> overriddenKeys = Sets.newHashSet(); final Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, ScopeBinding> overridesScopeAnnotations = Maps.newHashMap(); // execute the overrides module, keeping track of which keys and scopes are bound new ModuleWriter(binder) { @Override public <T> Void visit(Binding<T> binding) { overriddenKeys.add(binding.getKey()); return super.visit(binding); } @Override public Void visit(ScopeBinding scopeBinding) { overridesScopeAnnotations.put(scopeBinding.getAnnotationType(), scopeBinding); return super.visit(scopeBinding); } @Override public Void visit(PrivateElements privateElements) { overriddenKeys.addAll(privateElements.getExposedKeys()); return super.visit(privateElements); } }.writeAll(overrideElements); // execute the original module, skipping all scopes and overridden keys. We only skip each // overridden binding once so things still blow up if the module binds the same thing // multiple times. final Map<Scope, List<Object>> scopeInstancesInUse = Maps.newHashMap(); final List<ScopeBinding> scopeBindings = Lists.newArrayList(); new ModuleWriter(binder) { @Override public <T> Void visit(Binding<T> binding) { if (!overriddenKeys.remove(binding.getKey())) { super.visit(binding); // Record when a scope instance is used in a binding Scope scope = getScopeInstanceOrNull(binding); if (scope != null) { scopeInstancesInUse .computeIfAbsent(scope, k -> Lists.newArrayList()) .add(binding.getSource()); } } return null; } void rewrite(Binder binder, PrivateElements privateElements, Set<Key<?>> keysToSkip) { PrivateBinder privateBinder = binder.withSource(privateElements.getSource()).newPrivateBinder(); Set<Key<?>> skippedExposes = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Key<?> key : privateElements.getExposedKeys()) { if (keysToSkip.remove(key)) { skippedExposes.add(key); } else { privateBinder.withSource(privateElements.getExposedSource(key)).expose(key); } } for (Element element : privateElements.getElements()) { if (element instanceof Binding && skippedExposes.remove(((Binding) element).getKey())) { continue; } if (element instanceof PrivateElements) { rewrite(privateBinder, (PrivateElements) element, skippedExposes); continue; } element.applyTo(privateBinder); } } @Override public Void visit(PrivateElements privateElements) { rewrite(binder, privateElements, overriddenKeys); return null; } @Override public Void visit(ScopeBinding scopeBinding) { scopeBindings.add(scopeBinding); return null; } }.writeAll(elements); // execute the scope bindings, skipping scopes that have been overridden. Any scope that // is overridden and in active use will prompt an error new ModuleWriter(binder) { @Override public Void visit(ScopeBinding scopeBinding) { ScopeBinding overideBinding = overridesScopeAnnotations.remove(scopeBinding.getAnnotationType()); if (overideBinding == null) { super.visit(scopeBinding); } else { List<Object> usedSources = scopeInstancesInUse.get(scopeBinding.getScope()); if (usedSources != null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( "The scope for @%s is bound directly and cannot be overridden."); sb.append("%n original binding at " + Errors.convert(scopeBinding.getSource())); for (Object usedSource : usedSources) { sb.append("%n bound directly at " + Errors.convert(usedSource) + ""); } binder .withSource(overideBinding.getSource()) .addError(sb.toString(), scopeBinding.getAnnotationType().getSimpleName()); } } return null; } }.writeAll(scopeBindings); } private Scope getScopeInstanceOrNull(Binding<?> binding) { return binding.acceptScopingVisitor( new DefaultBindingScopingVisitor<Scope>() { @Override public Scope visitScope(Scope scope) { return scope; } }); } } private static class ModuleWriter extends DefaultElementVisitor<Void> { protected final Binder binder; ModuleWriter(Binder binder) { this.binder = binder.skipSources(this.getClass()); } @Override protected Void visitOther(Element element) { element.applyTo(binder); return null; } void writeAll(Iterable<? extends Element> elements) { for (Element element : elements) { element.acceptVisitor(this); } } } private static Module extractScanners(Iterable<Element> elements) { final List<ModuleAnnotatedMethodScannerBinding> scanners = Lists.newArrayList(); ElementVisitor<Void> visitor = new DefaultElementVisitor<Void>() { @Override public Void visit(ModuleAnnotatedMethodScannerBinding binding) { scanners.add(binding); return null; } }; for (Element element : elements) { element.acceptVisitor(visitor); } return new AbstractModule() { @Override protected void configure() { for (ModuleAnnotatedMethodScannerBinding scanner : scanners) { scanner.applyTo(binder()); } } }; }
Returns a module that will configure the injector to require explicit bindings.
/** * Returns a module that will configure the injector to require explicit bindings. * * @since 4.2.3 */
public static Module requireExplicitBindingsModule() { return new RequireExplicitBindingsModule(); } private static final class RequireExplicitBindingsModule implements Module { @Override public void configure(Binder binder) { binder.requireExplicitBindings(); } }
Returns a module that will configure the injector to require @Inject on constructors.
See Also:
/** * Returns a module that will configure the injector to require {@literal @}{@link Inject} on * constructors. * * @since 4.2.3 * @see Binder#requireAtInjectOnConstructors */
public static Module requireAtInjectOnConstructorsModule() { return new RequireAtInjectOnConstructorsModule(); } private static final class RequireAtInjectOnConstructorsModule implements Module { @Override public void configure(Binder binder) { binder.requireAtInjectOnConstructors(); } }
Returns a module that will configure the injector to require an exactly matching binding annotation.
See Also:
/** * Returns a module that will configure the injector to require an exactly matching binding * annotation. * * @since 4.2.3 * @see Binder#requireExactBindingAnnotations */
public static Module requireExactBindingAnnotationsModule() { return new RequireExactBindingAnnotationsModule(); } private static final class RequireExactBindingAnnotationsModule implements Module { @Override public void configure(Binder binder) { binder.requireExactBindingAnnotations(); } }
Returns a module that will configure the injector to disable circular proxies.
/** * Returns a module that will configure the injector to disable circular proxies. * * @since 4.2.3 */
public static Module disableCircularProxiesModule() { return new DisableCircularProxiesModule(); } private static final class DisableCircularProxiesModule implements Module { @Override public void configure(Binder binder) { binder.disableCircularProxies(); } } }