 * Copyright (C) 2007 The Guava Authors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.google.common.collect;

import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
import static com.google.common.base.Predicates.compose;
import static com.google.common.collect.CollectPreconditions.checkEntryNotNull;
import static com.google.common.collect.CollectPreconditions.checkNonnegative;

import com.google.common.annotations.Beta;
import com.google.common.annotations.GwtCompatible;
import com.google.common.annotations.GwtIncompatible;
import com.google.common.base.Converter;
import com.google.common.base.Equivalence;
import com.google.common.base.Function;
import com.google.common.base.Objects;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.google.common.base.Predicate;
import com.google.common.base.Predicates;
import com.google.common.collect.MapDifference.ValueDifference;
import com.google.common.primitives.Ints;
import com.google.errorprone.annotations.CanIgnoreReturnValue;
import com.google.j2objc.annotations.RetainedWith;
import com.google.j2objc.annotations.Weak;
import com.google.j2objc.annotations.WeakOuter;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.AbstractCollection;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.NavigableMap;
import java.util.NavigableSet;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.Spliterator;
import java.util.Spliterators;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.BinaryOperator;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.stream.Collector;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.MonotonicNonNull;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;

Static utility methods pertaining to Map instances (including instances of SortedMap, BiMap, etc.). Also see this class's counterparts Lists, Sets and Queues.

See the Guava User Guide article on Maps.

Author:Kevin Bourrillion, Mike Bostock, Isaac Shum, Louis Wasserman
/** * Static utility methods pertaining to {@link Map} instances (including instances of {@link * SortedMap}, {@link BiMap}, etc.). Also see this class's counterparts {@link Lists}, {@link Sets} * and {@link Queues}. * * <p>See the Guava User Guide article on <a href= * "https://github.com/google/guava/wiki/CollectionUtilitiesExplained#maps"> {@code Maps}</a>. * * @author Kevin Bourrillion * @author Mike Bostock * @author Isaac Shum * @author Louis Wasserman * @since 2.0 */
@GwtCompatible(emulated = true) public final class Maps { private Maps() {} private enum EntryFunction implements Function<Entry<?, ?>, Object> { KEY { @Override public @Nullable Object apply(Entry<?, ?> entry) { return entry.getKey(); } }, VALUE { @Override public @Nullable Object apply(Entry<?, ?> entry) { return entry.getValue(); } }; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static <K> Function<Entry<K, ?>, K> keyFunction() { return (Function) EntryFunction.KEY; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static <V> Function<Entry<?, V>, V> valueFunction() { return (Function) EntryFunction.VALUE; } static <K, V> Iterator<K> keyIterator(Iterator<Entry<K, V>> entryIterator) { return new TransformedIterator<Entry<K, V>, K>(entryIterator) { @Override K transform(Entry<K, V> entry) { return entry.getKey(); } }; } static <K, V> Iterator<V> valueIterator(Iterator<Entry<K, V>> entryIterator) { return new TransformedIterator<Entry<K, V>, V>(entryIterator) { @Override V transform(Entry<K, V> entry) { return entry.getValue(); } }; }
Returns an immutable map instance containing the given entries. Internally, the returned map will be backed by an EnumMap.

The iteration order of the returned map follows the enum's iteration order, not the order in which the elements appear in the given map.

  • map – the map to make an immutable copy of
Returns:an immutable map containing those entries
/** * Returns an immutable map instance containing the given entries. Internally, the returned map * will be backed by an {@link EnumMap}. * * <p>The iteration order of the returned map follows the enum's iteration order, not the order in * which the elements appear in the given map. * * @param map the map to make an immutable copy of * @return an immutable map containing those entries * @since 14.0 */
@GwtCompatible(serializable = true) public static <K extends Enum<K>, V> ImmutableMap<K, V> immutableEnumMap( Map<K, ? extends V> map) { if (map instanceof ImmutableEnumMap) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // safe covariant cast ImmutableEnumMap<K, V> result = (ImmutableEnumMap<K, V>) map; return result; } Iterator<? extends Entry<K, ? extends V>> entryItr = map.entrySet().iterator(); if (!entryItr.hasNext()) { return ImmutableMap.of(); } Entry<K, ? extends V> entry1 = entryItr.next(); K key1 = entry1.getKey(); V value1 = entry1.getValue(); checkEntryNotNull(key1, value1); Class<K> clazz = key1.getDeclaringClass(); EnumMap<K, V> enumMap = new EnumMap<>(clazz); enumMap.put(key1, value1); while (entryItr.hasNext()) { Entry<K, ? extends V> entry = entryItr.next(); K key = entry.getKey(); V value = entry.getValue(); checkEntryNotNull(key, value); enumMap.put(key, value); } return ImmutableEnumMap.asImmutable(enumMap); } private static class Accumulator<K extends Enum<K>, V> { private final BinaryOperator<V> mergeFunction; private EnumMap<K, V> map = null; Accumulator(BinaryOperator<V> mergeFunction) { this.mergeFunction = mergeFunction; } void put(K key, V value) { if (map == null) { map = new EnumMap<>(key.getDeclaringClass()); } map.merge(key, value, mergeFunction); } Accumulator<K, V> combine(Accumulator<K, V> other) { if (this.map == null) { return other; } else if (other.map == null) { return this; } else { other.map.forEach(this::put); return this; } } ImmutableMap<K, V> toImmutableMap() { return (map == null) ? ImmutableMap.<K, V>of() : ImmutableEnumMap.asImmutable(map); } }
Returns a Collector that accumulates elements into an ImmutableMap whose keys and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements. The resulting implementation is specialized for enum key types. The returned map and its views will iterate over keys in their enum definition order, not encounter order.

If the mapped keys contain duplicates, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown when the collection operation is performed. (This differs from the Collector returned by Collectors.toMap(Function, Function), which throws an IllegalStateException.)

/** * Returns a {@link Collector} that accumulates elements into an {@code ImmutableMap} whose keys * and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements. The * resulting implementation is specialized for enum key types. The returned map and its views will * iterate over keys in their enum definition order, not encounter order. * * <p>If the mapped keys contain duplicates, an {@code IllegalArgumentException} is thrown when * the collection operation is performed. (This differs from the {@code Collector} returned by * {@link java.util.stream.Collectors#toMap(java.util.function.Function, * java.util.function.Function) Collectors.toMap(Function, Function)}, which throws an {@code * IllegalStateException}.) * * @since 21.0 */
public static <T, K extends Enum<K>, V> Collector<T, ?, ImmutableMap<K, V>> toImmutableEnumMap( java.util.function.Function<? super T, ? extends K> keyFunction, java.util.function.Function<? super T, ? extends V> valueFunction) { checkNotNull(keyFunction); checkNotNull(valueFunction); return Collector.of( () -> new Accumulator<K, V>( (v1, v2) -> { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Multiple values for key: " + v1 + ", " + v2); }), (accum, t) -> { K key = checkNotNull(keyFunction.apply(t), "Null key for input %s", t); V newValue = checkNotNull(valueFunction.apply(t), "Null value for input %s", t); accum.put(key, newValue); }, Accumulator::combine, Accumulator::toImmutableMap, Collector.Characteristics.UNORDERED); }
Returns a Collector that accumulates elements into an ImmutableMap whose keys and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements. The resulting implementation is specialized for enum key types. The returned map and its views will iterate over keys in their enum definition order, not encounter order.

If the mapped keys contain duplicates, the values are merged using the specified merging function.

/** * Returns a {@link Collector} that accumulates elements into an {@code ImmutableMap} whose keys * and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements. The * resulting implementation is specialized for enum key types. The returned map and its views will * iterate over keys in their enum definition order, not encounter order. * * <p>If the mapped keys contain duplicates, the values are merged using the specified merging * function. * * @since 21.0 */
public static <T, K extends Enum<K>, V> Collector<T, ?, ImmutableMap<K, V>> toImmutableEnumMap( java.util.function.Function<? super T, ? extends K> keyFunction, java.util.function.Function<? super T, ? extends V> valueFunction, BinaryOperator<V> mergeFunction) { checkNotNull(keyFunction); checkNotNull(valueFunction); checkNotNull(mergeFunction); // not UNORDERED because we don't know if mergeFunction is commutative return Collector.of( () -> new Accumulator<K, V>(mergeFunction), (accum, t) -> { K key = checkNotNull(keyFunction.apply(t), "Null key for input %s", t); V newValue = checkNotNull(valueFunction.apply(t), "Null value for input %s", t); accum.put(key, newValue); }, Accumulator::combine, Accumulator::toImmutableMap); }
Creates a mutable, empty HashMap instance.

Note: if mutability is not required, use ImmutableMap.of() instead.

Note: if K is an enum type, use newEnumMap instead.

Note for Java 7 and later: this method is now unnecessary and should be treated as deprecated. Instead, use the HashMap constructor directly, taking advantage of the new "diamond" syntax.

Returns:a new, empty HashMap
/** * Creates a <i>mutable</i>, empty {@code HashMap} instance. * * <p><b>Note:</b> if mutability is not required, use {@link ImmutableMap#of()} instead. * * <p><b>Note:</b> if {@code K} is an {@code enum} type, use {@link #newEnumMap} instead. * * <p><b>Note for Java 7 and later:</b> this method is now unnecessary and should be treated as * deprecated. Instead, use the {@code HashMap} constructor directly, taking advantage of the new * <a href="http://goo.gl/iz2Wi">"diamond" syntax</a>. * * @return a new, empty {@code HashMap} */
public static <K, V> HashMap<K, V> newHashMap() { return new HashMap<>(); }
Creates a mutable HashMap instance with the same mappings as the specified map.

Note: if mutability is not required, use ImmutableMap.copyOf(Map<? extends Object,? extends Object>) instead.

Note: if K is an Enum type, use newEnumMap instead.

Note for Java 7 and later: this method is now unnecessary and should be treated as deprecated. Instead, use the HashMap constructor directly, taking advantage of the new "diamond" syntax.

  • map – the mappings to be placed in the new map
Returns:a new HashMap initialized with the mappings from map
/** * Creates a <i>mutable</i> {@code HashMap} instance with the same mappings as the specified map. * * <p><b>Note:</b> if mutability is not required, use {@link ImmutableMap#copyOf(Map)} instead. * * <p><b>Note:</b> if {@code K} is an {@link Enum} type, use {@link #newEnumMap} instead. * * <p><b>Note for Java 7 and later:</b> this method is now unnecessary and should be treated as * deprecated. Instead, use the {@code HashMap} constructor directly, taking advantage of the new * <a href="http://goo.gl/iz2Wi">"diamond" syntax</a>. * * @param map the mappings to be placed in the new map * @return a new {@code HashMap} initialized with the mappings from {@code map} */
public static <K, V> HashMap<K, V> newHashMap(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> map) { return new HashMap<>(map); }
Creates a HashMap instance, with a high enough "initial capacity" that it should hold expectedSize elements without growth. This behavior cannot be broadly guaranteed, but it is observed to be true for OpenJDK 1.7. It also can't be guaranteed that the method isn't inadvertently oversizing the returned map.
  • expectedSize – the number of entries you expect to add to the returned map
Returns:a new, empty HashMap with enough capacity to hold expectedSize entries without resizing
/** * Creates a {@code HashMap} instance, with a high enough "initial capacity" that it <i>should</i> * hold {@code expectedSize} elements without growth. This behavior cannot be broadly guaranteed, * but it is observed to be true for OpenJDK 1.7. It also can't be guaranteed that the method * isn't inadvertently <i>oversizing</i> the returned map. * * @param expectedSize the number of entries you expect to add to the returned map * @return a new, empty {@code HashMap} with enough capacity to hold {@code expectedSize} entries * without resizing * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code expectedSize} is negative */
public static <K, V> HashMap<K, V> newHashMapWithExpectedSize(int expectedSize) { return new HashMap<>(capacity(expectedSize)); }
Returns a capacity that is sufficient to keep the map from being resized as long as it grows no larger than expectedSize and the load factor is ≥ its default (0.75).
/** * Returns a capacity that is sufficient to keep the map from being resized as long as it grows no * larger than expectedSize and the load factor is ≥ its default (0.75). */
static int capacity(int expectedSize) { if (expectedSize < 3) { checkNonnegative(expectedSize, "expectedSize"); return expectedSize + 1; } if (expectedSize < Ints.MAX_POWER_OF_TWO) { // This is the calculation used in JDK8 to resize when a putAll // happens; it seems to be the most conservative calculation we // can make. 0.75 is the default load factor. return (int) ((float) expectedSize / 0.75F + 1.0F); } return Integer.MAX_VALUE; // any large value }
Creates a mutable, empty, insertion-ordered LinkedHashMap instance.

Note: if mutability is not required, use ImmutableMap.of() instead.

Note for Java 7 and later: this method is now unnecessary and should be treated as deprecated. Instead, use the LinkedHashMap constructor directly, taking advantage of the new "diamond" syntax.

Returns:a new, empty LinkedHashMap
/** * Creates a <i>mutable</i>, empty, insertion-ordered {@code LinkedHashMap} instance. * * <p><b>Note:</b> if mutability is not required, use {@link ImmutableMap#of()} instead. * * <p><b>Note for Java 7 and later:</b> this method is now unnecessary and should be treated as * deprecated. Instead, use the {@code LinkedHashMap} constructor directly, taking advantage of * the new <a href="http://goo.gl/iz2Wi">"diamond" syntax</a>. * * @return a new, empty {@code LinkedHashMap} */
public static <K, V> LinkedHashMap<K, V> newLinkedHashMap() { return new LinkedHashMap<>(); }
Creates a mutable, insertion-ordered LinkedHashMap instance with the same mappings as the specified map.

Note: if mutability is not required, use ImmutableMap.copyOf(Map<? extends Object,? extends Object>) instead.

Note for Java 7 and later: this method is now unnecessary and should be treated as deprecated. Instead, use the LinkedHashMap constructor directly, taking advantage of the new "diamond" syntax.

  • map – the mappings to be placed in the new map
Returns:a new, LinkedHashMap initialized with the mappings from map
/** * Creates a <i>mutable</i>, insertion-ordered {@code LinkedHashMap} instance with the same * mappings as the specified map. * * <p><b>Note:</b> if mutability is not required, use {@link ImmutableMap#copyOf(Map)} instead. * * <p><b>Note for Java 7 and later:</b> this method is now unnecessary and should be treated as * deprecated. Instead, use the {@code LinkedHashMap} constructor directly, taking advantage of * the new <a href="http://goo.gl/iz2Wi">"diamond" syntax</a>. * * @param map the mappings to be placed in the new map * @return a new, {@code LinkedHashMap} initialized with the mappings from {@code map} */
public static <K, V> LinkedHashMap<K, V> newLinkedHashMap(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> map) { return new LinkedHashMap<>(map); }
Creates a LinkedHashMap instance, with a high enough "initial capacity" that it should hold expectedSize elements without growth. This behavior cannot be broadly guaranteed, but it is observed to be true for OpenJDK 1.7. It also can't be guaranteed that the method isn't inadvertently oversizing the returned map.
  • expectedSize – the number of entries you expect to add to the returned map
Returns:a new, empty LinkedHashMap with enough capacity to hold expectedSize entries without resizing
/** * Creates a {@code LinkedHashMap} instance, with a high enough "initial capacity" that it * <i>should</i> hold {@code expectedSize} elements without growth. This behavior cannot be * broadly guaranteed, but it is observed to be true for OpenJDK 1.7. It also can't be guaranteed * that the method isn't inadvertently <i>oversizing</i> the returned map. * * @param expectedSize the number of entries you expect to add to the returned map * @return a new, empty {@code LinkedHashMap} with enough capacity to hold {@code expectedSize} * entries without resizing * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code expectedSize} is negative * @since 19.0 */
public static <K, V> LinkedHashMap<K, V> newLinkedHashMapWithExpectedSize(int expectedSize) { return new LinkedHashMap<>(capacity(expectedSize)); }
Creates a new empty ConcurrentHashMap instance.
/** * Creates a new empty {@link ConcurrentHashMap} instance. * * @since 3.0 */
public static <K, V> ConcurrentMap<K, V> newConcurrentMap() { return new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); }
Creates a mutable, empty TreeMap instance using the natural ordering of its elements.

Note: if mutability is not required, use ImmutableSortedMap.of() instead.

Note for Java 7 and later: this method is now unnecessary and should be treated as deprecated. Instead, use the TreeMap constructor directly, taking advantage of the new "diamond" syntax.

Returns:a new, empty TreeMap
/** * Creates a <i>mutable</i>, empty {@code TreeMap} instance using the natural ordering of its * elements. * * <p><b>Note:</b> if mutability is not required, use {@link ImmutableSortedMap#of()} instead. * * <p><b>Note for Java 7 and later:</b> this method is now unnecessary and should be treated as * deprecated. Instead, use the {@code TreeMap} constructor directly, taking advantage of the new * <a href="http://goo.gl/iz2Wi">"diamond" syntax</a>. * * @return a new, empty {@code TreeMap} */
public static <K extends Comparable, V> TreeMap<K, V> newTreeMap() { return new TreeMap<>(); }
Creates a mutable TreeMap instance with the same mappings as the specified map and using the same ordering as the specified map.

Note: if mutability is not required, use ImmutableSortedMap.copyOfSorted(SortedMap<Object,? extends Object>) instead.

Note for Java 7 and later: this method is now unnecessary and should be treated as deprecated. Instead, use the TreeMap constructor directly, taking advantage of the new "diamond" syntax.

  • map – the sorted map whose mappings are to be placed in the new map and whose comparator is to be used to sort the new map
Returns:a new TreeMap initialized with the mappings from map and using the comparator of map
/** * Creates a <i>mutable</i> {@code TreeMap} instance with the same mappings as the specified map * and using the same ordering as the specified map. * * <p><b>Note:</b> if mutability is not required, use {@link * ImmutableSortedMap#copyOfSorted(SortedMap)} instead. * * <p><b>Note for Java 7 and later:</b> this method is now unnecessary and should be treated as * deprecated. Instead, use the {@code TreeMap} constructor directly, taking advantage of the new * <a href="http://goo.gl/iz2Wi">"diamond" syntax</a>. * * @param map the sorted map whose mappings are to be placed in the new map and whose comparator * is to be used to sort the new map * @return a new {@code TreeMap} initialized with the mappings from {@code map} and using the * comparator of {@code map} */
public static <K, V> TreeMap<K, V> newTreeMap(SortedMap<K, ? extends V> map) { return new TreeMap<>(map); }
Creates a mutable, empty TreeMap instance using the given comparator.

Note: if mutability is not required, use ImmutableSortedMap.orderedBy(comparator).build() instead.

Note for Java 7 and later: this method is now unnecessary and should be treated as deprecated. Instead, use the TreeMap constructor directly, taking advantage of the new "diamond" syntax.

  • comparator – the comparator to sort the keys with
Returns:a new, empty TreeMap
/** * Creates a <i>mutable</i>, empty {@code TreeMap} instance using the given comparator. * * <p><b>Note:</b> if mutability is not required, use {@code * ImmutableSortedMap.orderedBy(comparator).build()} instead. * * <p><b>Note for Java 7 and later:</b> this method is now unnecessary and should be treated as * deprecated. Instead, use the {@code TreeMap} constructor directly, taking advantage of the new * <a href="http://goo.gl/iz2Wi">"diamond" syntax</a>. * * @param comparator the comparator to sort the keys with * @return a new, empty {@code TreeMap} */
public static <C, K extends C, V> TreeMap<K, V> newTreeMap(@Nullable Comparator<C> comparator) { // Ideally, the extra type parameter "C" shouldn't be necessary. It is a // work-around of a compiler type inference quirk that prevents the // following code from being compiled: // Comparator<Class<?>> comparator = null; // Map<Class<? extends Throwable>, String> map = newTreeMap(comparator); return new TreeMap<>(comparator); }
Creates an EnumMap instance.
  • type – the key type for this map
Returns:a new, empty EnumMap
/** * Creates an {@code EnumMap} instance. * * @param type the key type for this map * @return a new, empty {@code EnumMap} */
public static <K extends Enum<K>, V> EnumMap<K, V> newEnumMap(Class<K> type) { return new EnumMap<>(checkNotNull(type)); }
Creates an EnumMap with the same mappings as the specified map.

Note for Java 7 and later: this method is now unnecessary and should be treated as deprecated. Instead, use the EnumMap constructor directly, taking advantage of the new "diamond" syntax.

  • map – the map from which to initialize this EnumMap
Returns:a new EnumMap initialized with the mappings from map
/** * Creates an {@code EnumMap} with the same mappings as the specified map. * * <p><b>Note for Java 7 and later:</b> this method is now unnecessary and should be treated as * deprecated. Instead, use the {@code EnumMap} constructor directly, taking advantage of the new * <a href="http://goo.gl/iz2Wi">"diamond" syntax</a>. * * @param map the map from which to initialize this {@code EnumMap} * @return a new {@code EnumMap} initialized with the mappings from {@code map} * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code m} is not an {@code EnumMap} instance and contains * no mappings */
public static <K extends Enum<K>, V> EnumMap<K, V> newEnumMap(Map<K, ? extends V> map) { return new EnumMap<>(map); }
Creates an IdentityHashMap instance.

Note for Java 7 and later: this method is now unnecessary and should be treated as deprecated. Instead, use the IdentityHashMap constructor directly, taking advantage of the new "diamond" syntax.

Returns:a new, empty IdentityHashMap
/** * Creates an {@code IdentityHashMap} instance. * * <p><b>Note for Java 7 and later:</b> this method is now unnecessary and should be treated as * deprecated. Instead, use the {@code IdentityHashMap} constructor directly, taking advantage of * the new <a href="http://goo.gl/iz2Wi">"diamond" syntax</a>. * * @return a new, empty {@code IdentityHashMap} */
public static <K, V> IdentityHashMap<K, V> newIdentityHashMap() { return new IdentityHashMap<>(); }
Computes the difference between two maps. This difference is an immutable snapshot of the state of the maps at the time this method is called. It will never change, even if the maps change at a later time.

Since this method uses HashMap instances internally, the keys of the supplied maps must be well-behaved with respect to Object.equals and Object.hashCode.

Note:If you only need to know whether two maps have the same mappings, call left.equals(right) instead of this method.

  • left – the map to treat as the "left" map for purposes of comparison
  • right – the map to treat as the "right" map for purposes of comparison
Returns:the difference between the two maps
/** * Computes the difference between two maps. This difference is an immutable snapshot of the state * of the maps at the time this method is called. It will never change, even if the maps change at * a later time. * * <p>Since this method uses {@code HashMap} instances internally, the keys of the supplied maps * must be well-behaved with respect to {@link Object#equals} and {@link Object#hashCode}. * * <p><b>Note:</b>If you only need to know whether two maps have the same mappings, call {@code * left.equals(right)} instead of this method. * * @param left the map to treat as the "left" map for purposes of comparison * @param right the map to treat as the "right" map for purposes of comparison * @return the difference between the two maps */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <K, V> MapDifference<K, V> difference( Map<? extends K, ? extends V> left, Map<? extends K, ? extends V> right) { if (left instanceof SortedMap) { SortedMap<K, ? extends V> sortedLeft = (SortedMap<K, ? extends V>) left; return difference(sortedLeft, right); } return difference(left, right, Equivalence.equals()); }
Computes the difference between two maps. This difference is an immutable snapshot of the state of the maps at the time this method is called. It will never change, even if the maps change at a later time.

Since this method uses HashMap instances internally, the keys of the supplied maps must be well-behaved with respect to Object.equals and Object.hashCode.

  • left – the map to treat as the "left" map for purposes of comparison
  • right – the map to treat as the "right" map for purposes of comparison
  • valueEquivalence – the equivalence relationship to use to compare values
Returns:the difference between the two maps
/** * Computes the difference between two maps. This difference is an immutable snapshot of the state * of the maps at the time this method is called. It will never change, even if the maps change at * a later time. * * <p>Since this method uses {@code HashMap} instances internally, the keys of the supplied maps * must be well-behaved with respect to {@link Object#equals} and {@link Object#hashCode}. * * @param left the map to treat as the "left" map for purposes of comparison * @param right the map to treat as the "right" map for purposes of comparison * @param valueEquivalence the equivalence relationship to use to compare values * @return the difference between the two maps * @since 10.0 */
public static <K, V> MapDifference<K, V> difference( Map<? extends K, ? extends V> left, Map<? extends K, ? extends V> right, Equivalence<? super V> valueEquivalence) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(valueEquivalence); Map<K, V> onlyOnLeft = newLinkedHashMap(); Map<K, V> onlyOnRight = new LinkedHashMap<>(right); // will whittle it down Map<K, V> onBoth = newLinkedHashMap(); Map<K, MapDifference.ValueDifference<V>> differences = newLinkedHashMap(); doDifference(left, right, valueEquivalence, onlyOnLeft, onlyOnRight, onBoth, differences); return new MapDifferenceImpl<>(onlyOnLeft, onlyOnRight, onBoth, differences); }
Computes the difference between two sorted maps, using the comparator of the left map, or Ordering.natural() if the left map uses the natural ordering of its elements. This difference is an immutable snapshot of the state of the maps at the time this method is called. It will never change, even if the maps change at a later time.

Since this method uses TreeMap instances internally, the keys of the right map must all compare as distinct according to the comparator of the left map.

Note:If you only need to know whether two sorted maps have the same mappings, call left.equals(right) instead of this method.

  • left – the map to treat as the "left" map for purposes of comparison
  • right – the map to treat as the "right" map for purposes of comparison
Returns:the difference between the two maps
/** * Computes the difference between two sorted maps, using the comparator of the left map, or * {@code Ordering.natural()} if the left map uses the natural ordering of its elements. This * difference is an immutable snapshot of the state of the maps at the time this method is called. * It will never change, even if the maps change at a later time. * * <p>Since this method uses {@code TreeMap} instances internally, the keys of the right map must * all compare as distinct according to the comparator of the left map. * * <p><b>Note:</b>If you only need to know whether two sorted maps have the same mappings, call * {@code left.equals(right)} instead of this method. * * @param left the map to treat as the "left" map for purposes of comparison * @param right the map to treat as the "right" map for purposes of comparison * @return the difference between the two maps * @since 11.0 */
public static <K, V> SortedMapDifference<K, V> difference( SortedMap<K, ? extends V> left, Map<? extends K, ? extends V> right) { checkNotNull(left); checkNotNull(right); Comparator<? super K> comparator = orNaturalOrder(left.comparator()); SortedMap<K, V> onlyOnLeft = Maps.newTreeMap(comparator); SortedMap<K, V> onlyOnRight = Maps.newTreeMap(comparator); onlyOnRight.putAll(right); // will whittle it down SortedMap<K, V> onBoth = Maps.newTreeMap(comparator); SortedMap<K, MapDifference.ValueDifference<V>> differences = Maps.newTreeMap(comparator); doDifference(left, right, Equivalence.equals(), onlyOnLeft, onlyOnRight, onBoth, differences); return new SortedMapDifferenceImpl<>(onlyOnLeft, onlyOnRight, onBoth, differences); } private static <K, V> void doDifference( Map<? extends K, ? extends V> left, Map<? extends K, ? extends V> right, Equivalence<? super V> valueEquivalence, Map<K, V> onlyOnLeft, Map<K, V> onlyOnRight, Map<K, V> onBoth, Map<K, MapDifference.ValueDifference<V>> differences) { for (Entry<? extends K, ? extends V> entry : left.entrySet()) { K leftKey = entry.getKey(); V leftValue = entry.getValue(); if (right.containsKey(leftKey)) { V rightValue = onlyOnRight.remove(leftKey); if (valueEquivalence.equivalent(leftValue, rightValue)) { onBoth.put(leftKey, leftValue); } else { differences.put(leftKey, ValueDifferenceImpl.create(leftValue, rightValue)); } } else { onlyOnLeft.put(leftKey, leftValue); } } } private static <K, V> Map<K, V> unmodifiableMap(Map<K, ? extends V> map) { if (map instanceof SortedMap) { return Collections.unmodifiableSortedMap((SortedMap<K, ? extends V>) map); } else { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(map); } } static class MapDifferenceImpl<K, V> implements MapDifference<K, V> { final Map<K, V> onlyOnLeft; final Map<K, V> onlyOnRight; final Map<K, V> onBoth; final Map<K, ValueDifference<V>> differences; MapDifferenceImpl( Map<K, V> onlyOnLeft, Map<K, V> onlyOnRight, Map<K, V> onBoth, Map<K, ValueDifference<V>> differences) { this.onlyOnLeft = unmodifiableMap(onlyOnLeft); this.onlyOnRight = unmodifiableMap(onlyOnRight); this.onBoth = unmodifiableMap(onBoth); this.differences = unmodifiableMap(differences); } @Override public boolean areEqual() { return onlyOnLeft.isEmpty() && onlyOnRight.isEmpty() && differences.isEmpty(); } @Override public Map<K, V> entriesOnlyOnLeft() { return onlyOnLeft; } @Override public Map<K, V> entriesOnlyOnRight() { return onlyOnRight; } @Override public Map<K, V> entriesInCommon() { return onBoth; } @Override public Map<K, ValueDifference<V>> entriesDiffering() { return differences; } @Override public boolean equals(Object object) { if (object == this) { return true; } if (object instanceof MapDifference) { MapDifference<?, ?> other = (MapDifference<?, ?>) object; return entriesOnlyOnLeft().equals(other.entriesOnlyOnLeft()) && entriesOnlyOnRight().equals(other.entriesOnlyOnRight()) && entriesInCommon().equals(other.entriesInCommon()) && entriesDiffering().equals(other.entriesDiffering()); } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode( entriesOnlyOnLeft(), entriesOnlyOnRight(), entriesInCommon(), entriesDiffering()); } @Override public String toString() { if (areEqual()) { return "equal"; } StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("not equal"); if (!onlyOnLeft.isEmpty()) { result.append(": only on left=").append(onlyOnLeft); } if (!onlyOnRight.isEmpty()) { result.append(": only on right=").append(onlyOnRight); } if (!differences.isEmpty()) { result.append(": value differences=").append(differences); } return result.toString(); } } static class ValueDifferenceImpl<V> implements MapDifference.ValueDifference<V> { private final @Nullable V left; private final @Nullable V right; static <V> ValueDifference<V> create(@Nullable V left, @Nullable V right) { return new ValueDifferenceImpl<V>(left, right); } private ValueDifferenceImpl(@Nullable V left, @Nullable V right) { this.left = left; this.right = right; } @Override public V leftValue() { return left; } @Override public V rightValue() { return right; } @Override public boolean equals(@Nullable Object object) { if (object instanceof MapDifference.ValueDifference) { MapDifference.ValueDifference<?> that = (MapDifference.ValueDifference<?>) object; return Objects.equal(this.left, that.leftValue()) && Objects.equal(this.right, that.rightValue()); } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(left, right); } @Override public String toString() { return "(" + left + ", " + right + ")"; } } static class SortedMapDifferenceImpl<K, V> extends MapDifferenceImpl<K, V> implements SortedMapDifference<K, V> { SortedMapDifferenceImpl( SortedMap<K, V> onlyOnLeft, SortedMap<K, V> onlyOnRight, SortedMap<K, V> onBoth, SortedMap<K, ValueDifference<V>> differences) { super(onlyOnLeft, onlyOnRight, onBoth, differences); } @Override public SortedMap<K, ValueDifference<V>> entriesDiffering() { return (SortedMap<K, ValueDifference<V>>) super.entriesDiffering(); } @Override public SortedMap<K, V> entriesInCommon() { return (SortedMap<K, V>) super.entriesInCommon(); } @Override public SortedMap<K, V> entriesOnlyOnLeft() { return (SortedMap<K, V>) super.entriesOnlyOnLeft(); } @Override public SortedMap<K, V> entriesOnlyOnRight() { return (SortedMap<K, V>) super.entriesOnlyOnRight(); } }
Returns the specified comparator if not null; otherwise returns Ordering.natural(). This method is an abomination of generics; the only purpose of this method is to contain the ugly type-casting in one place.
/** * Returns the specified comparator if not null; otherwise returns {@code Ordering.natural()}. * This method is an abomination of generics; the only purpose of this method is to contain the * ugly type-casting in one place. */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static <E> Comparator<? super E> orNaturalOrder(@Nullable Comparator<? super E> comparator) { if (comparator != null) { // can't use ? : because of javac bug 5080917 return comparator; } return (Comparator<E>) Ordering.natural(); }
Returns a live Map view whose keys are the contents of set and whose values are computed on demand using function. To get an immutable copy instead, use toMap(Iterable<Object>, Function<? super Object,Object>).

Specifically, for each k in the backing set, the returned map has an entry mapping k to function.apply(k). The keySet, values, and entrySet views of the returned map iterate in the same order as the backing set.

Modifications to the backing set are read through to the returned map. The returned map supports removal operations if the backing set does. Removal operations write through to the backing set. The returned map does not support put operations.

Warning: If the function rejects null, caution is required to make sure the set does not contain null, because the view cannot stop null from being added to the set.

Warning: This method assumes that for any instance k of key type K, k.equals(k2) implies that k2 is also of type K. Using a key type for which this may not hold, such as ArrayList, may risk a ClassCastException when calling methods on the resulting map view.

/** * Returns a live {@link Map} view whose keys are the contents of {@code set} and whose values are * computed on demand using {@code function}. To get an immutable <i>copy</i> instead, use {@link * #toMap(Iterable, Function)}. * * <p>Specifically, for each {@code k} in the backing set, the returned map has an entry mapping * {@code k} to {@code function.apply(k)}. The {@code keySet}, {@code values}, and {@code * entrySet} views of the returned map iterate in the same order as the backing set. * * <p>Modifications to the backing set are read through to the returned map. The returned map * supports removal operations if the backing set does. Removal operations write through to the * backing set. The returned map does not support put operations. * * <p><b>Warning:</b> If the function rejects {@code null}, caution is required to make sure the * set does not contain {@code null}, because the view cannot stop {@code null} from being added * to the set. * * <p><b>Warning:</b> This method assumes that for any instance {@code k} of key type {@code K}, * {@code k.equals(k2)} implies that {@code k2} is also of type {@code K}. Using a key type for * which this may not hold, such as {@code ArrayList}, may risk a {@code ClassCastException} when * calling methods on the resulting map view. * * @since 14.0 */
public static <K, V> Map<K, V> asMap(Set<K> set, Function<? super K, V> function) { return new AsMapView<>(set, function); }
Returns a view of the sorted set as a map, mapping keys from the set according to the specified function.

Specifically, for each k in the backing set, the returned map has an entry mapping k to function.apply(k). The keySet, values, and entrySet views of the returned map iterate in the same order as the backing set.

Modifications to the backing set are read through to the returned map. The returned map supports removal operations if the backing set does. Removal operations write through to the backing set. The returned map does not support put operations.

Warning: If the function rejects null, caution is required to make sure the set does not contain null, because the view cannot stop null from being added to the set.

Warning: This method assumes that for any instance k of key type K, k.equals(k2) implies that k2 is also of type K. Using a key type for which this may not hold, such as ArrayList, may risk a ClassCastException when calling methods on the resulting map view.

/** * Returns a view of the sorted set as a map, mapping keys from the set according to the specified * function. * * <p>Specifically, for each {@code k} in the backing set, the returned map has an entry mapping * {@code k} to {@code function.apply(k)}. The {@code keySet}, {@code values}, and {@code * entrySet} views of the returned map iterate in the same order as the backing set. * * <p>Modifications to the backing set are read through to the returned map. The returned map * supports removal operations if the backing set does. Removal operations write through to the * backing set. The returned map does not support put operations. * * <p><b>Warning:</b> If the function rejects {@code null}, caution is required to make sure the * set does not contain {@code null}, because the view cannot stop {@code null} from being added * to the set. * * <p><b>Warning:</b> This method assumes that for any instance {@code k} of key type {@code K}, * {@code k.equals(k2)} implies that {@code k2} is also of type {@code K}. Using a key type for * which this may not hold, such as {@code ArrayList}, may risk a {@code ClassCastException} when * calling methods on the resulting map view. * * @since 14.0 */
public static <K, V> SortedMap<K, V> asMap(SortedSet<K> set, Function<? super K, V> function) { return new SortedAsMapView<>(set, function); }
Returns a view of the navigable set as a map, mapping keys from the set according to the specified function.

Specifically, for each k in the backing set, the returned map has an entry mapping k to function.apply(k). The keySet, values, and entrySet views of the returned map iterate in the same order as the backing set.

Modifications to the backing set are read through to the returned map. The returned map supports removal operations if the backing set does. Removal operations write through to the backing set. The returned map does not support put operations.

Warning: If the function rejects null, caution is required to make sure the set does not contain null, because the view cannot stop null from being added to the set.

Warning: This method assumes that for any instance k of key type K, k.equals(k2) implies that k2 is also of type K. Using a key type for which this may not hold, such as ArrayList, may risk a ClassCastException when calling methods on the resulting map view.

/** * Returns a view of the navigable set as a map, mapping keys from the set according to the * specified function. * * <p>Specifically, for each {@code k} in the backing set, the returned map has an entry mapping * {@code k} to {@code function.apply(k)}. The {@code keySet}, {@code values}, and {@code * entrySet} views of the returned map iterate in the same order as the backing set. * * <p>Modifications to the backing set are read through to the returned map. The returned map * supports removal operations if the backing set does. Removal operations write through to the * backing set. The returned map does not support put operations. * * <p><b>Warning:</b> If the function rejects {@code null}, caution is required to make sure the * set does not contain {@code null}, because the view cannot stop {@code null} from being added * to the set. * * <p><b>Warning:</b> This method assumes that for any instance {@code k} of key type {@code K}, * {@code k.equals(k2)} implies that {@code k2} is also of type {@code K}. Using a key type for * which this may not hold, such as {@code ArrayList}, may risk a {@code ClassCastException} when * calling methods on the resulting map view. * * @since 14.0 */
@GwtIncompatible // NavigableMap public static <K, V> NavigableMap<K, V> asMap( NavigableSet<K> set, Function<? super K, V> function) { return new NavigableAsMapView<>(set, function); } private static class AsMapView<K, V> extends ViewCachingAbstractMap<K, V> { private final Set<K> set; final Function<? super K, V> function; Set<K> backingSet() { return set; } AsMapView(Set<K> set, Function<? super K, V> function) { this.set = checkNotNull(set); this.function = checkNotNull(function); } @Override public Set<K> createKeySet() { return removeOnlySet(backingSet()); } @Override Collection<V> createValues() { return Collections2.transform(set, function); } @Override public int size() { return backingSet().size(); } @Override public boolean containsKey(@Nullable Object key) { return backingSet().contains(key); } @Override public V get(@Nullable Object key) { return getOrDefault(key, null); } @Override public V getOrDefault(@Nullable Object key, @Nullable V defaultValue) { if (Collections2.safeContains(backingSet(), key)) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // unsafe, but Javadoc warns about it K k = (K) key; return function.apply(k); } else { return defaultValue; } } @Override public V remove(@Nullable Object key) { if (backingSet().remove(key)) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // unsafe, but Javadoc warns about it K k = (K) key; return function.apply(k); } else { return null; } } @Override public void clear() { backingSet().clear(); } @Override protected Set<Entry<K, V>> createEntrySet() { @WeakOuter class EntrySetImpl extends EntrySet<K, V> { @Override Map<K, V> map() { return AsMapView.this; } @Override public Iterator<Entry<K, V>> iterator() { return asMapEntryIterator(backingSet(), function); } } return new EntrySetImpl(); } @Override public void forEach(BiConsumer<? super K, ? super V> action) { checkNotNull(action); // avoids allocation of entries backingSet().forEach(k -> action.accept(k, function.apply(k))); } } static <K, V> Iterator<Entry<K, V>> asMapEntryIterator( Set<K> set, final Function<? super K, V> function) { return new TransformedIterator<K, Entry<K, V>>(set.iterator()) { @Override Entry<K, V> transform(final K key) { return immutableEntry(key, function.apply(key)); } }; } private static class SortedAsMapView<K, V> extends AsMapView<K, V> implements SortedMap<K, V> { SortedAsMapView(SortedSet<K> set, Function<? super K, V> function) { super(set, function); } @Override SortedSet<K> backingSet() { return (SortedSet<K>) super.backingSet(); } @Override public Comparator<? super K> comparator() { return backingSet().comparator(); } @Override public Set<K> keySet() { return removeOnlySortedSet(backingSet()); } @Override public SortedMap<K, V> subMap(K fromKey, K toKey) { return asMap(backingSet().subSet(fromKey, toKey), function); } @Override public SortedMap<K, V> headMap(K toKey) { return asMap(backingSet().headSet(toKey), function); } @Override public SortedMap<K, V> tailMap(K fromKey) { return asMap(backingSet().tailSet(fromKey), function); } @Override public K firstKey() { return backingSet().first(); } @Override public K lastKey() { return backingSet().last(); } } @GwtIncompatible // NavigableMap private static final class NavigableAsMapView<K, V> extends AbstractNavigableMap<K, V> { /* * Using AbstractNavigableMap is simpler than extending SortedAsMapView and rewriting all the * NavigableMap methods. */ private final NavigableSet<K> set; private final Function<? super K, V> function; NavigableAsMapView(NavigableSet<K> ks, Function<? super K, V> vFunction) { this.set = checkNotNull(ks); this.function = checkNotNull(vFunction); } @Override public NavigableMap<K, V> subMap( K fromKey, boolean fromInclusive, K toKey, boolean toInclusive) { return asMap(set.subSet(fromKey, fromInclusive, toKey, toInclusive), function); } @Override public NavigableMap<K, V> headMap(K toKey, boolean inclusive) { return asMap(set.headSet(toKey, inclusive), function); } @Override public NavigableMap<K, V> tailMap(K fromKey, boolean inclusive) { return asMap(set.tailSet(fromKey, inclusive), function); } @Override public Comparator<? super K> comparator() { return set.comparator(); } @Override public @Nullable V get(@Nullable Object key) { return getOrDefault(key, null); } @Override public @Nullable V getOrDefault(@Nullable Object key, @Nullable V defaultValue) { if (Collections2.safeContains(set, key)) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // unsafe, but Javadoc warns about it K k = (K) key; return function.apply(k); } else { return defaultValue; } } @Override public void clear() { set.clear(); } @Override Iterator<Entry<K, V>> entryIterator() { return asMapEntryIterator(set, function); } @Override Spliterator<Entry<K, V>> entrySpliterator() { return CollectSpliterators.map(set.spliterator(), e -> immutableEntry(e, function.apply(e))); } @Override public void forEach(BiConsumer<? super K, ? super V> action) { set.forEach(k -> action.accept(k, function.apply(k))); } @Override Iterator<Entry<K, V>> descendingEntryIterator() { return descendingMap().entrySet().iterator(); } @Override public NavigableSet<K> navigableKeySet() { return removeOnlyNavigableSet(set); } @Override public int size() { return set.size(); } @Override public NavigableMap<K, V> descendingMap() { return asMap(set.descendingSet(), function); } } private static <E> Set<E> removeOnlySet(final Set<E> set) { return new ForwardingSet<E>() { @Override protected Set<E> delegate() { return set; } @Override public boolean add(E element) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> es) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; } private static <E> SortedSet<E> removeOnlySortedSet(final SortedSet<E> set) { return new ForwardingSortedSet<E>() { @Override protected SortedSet<E> delegate() { return set; } @Override public boolean add(E element) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> es) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public SortedSet<E> headSet(E toElement) { return removeOnlySortedSet(super.headSet(toElement)); } @Override public SortedSet<E> subSet(E fromElement, E toElement) { return removeOnlySortedSet(super.subSet(fromElement, toElement)); } @Override public SortedSet<E> tailSet(E fromElement) { return removeOnlySortedSet(super.tailSet(fromElement)); } }; } @GwtIncompatible // NavigableSet private static <E> NavigableSet<E> removeOnlyNavigableSet(final NavigableSet<E> set) { return new ForwardingNavigableSet<E>() { @Override protected NavigableSet<E> delegate() { return set; } @Override public boolean add(E element) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> es) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public SortedSet<E> headSet(E toElement) { return removeOnlySortedSet(super.headSet(toElement)); } @Override public NavigableSet<E> headSet(E toElement, boolean inclusive) { return removeOnlyNavigableSet(super.headSet(toElement, inclusive)); } @Override public SortedSet<E> subSet(E fromElement, E toElement) { return removeOnlySortedSet(super.subSet(fromElement, toElement)); } @Override public NavigableSet<E> subSet( E fromElement, boolean fromInclusive, E toElement, boolean toInclusive) { return removeOnlyNavigableSet( super.subSet(fromElement, fromInclusive, toElement, toInclusive)); } @Override public SortedSet<E> tailSet(E fromElement) { return removeOnlySortedSet(super.tailSet(fromElement)); } @Override public NavigableSet<E> tailSet(E fromElement, boolean inclusive) { return removeOnlyNavigableSet(super.tailSet(fromElement, inclusive)); } @Override public NavigableSet<E> descendingSet() { return removeOnlyNavigableSet(super.descendingSet()); } }; }
Returns an immutable map whose keys are the distinct elements of keys and whose value for each key was computed by valueFunction. The map's iteration order is the order of the first appearance of each key in keys.

When there are multiple instances of a key in keys, it is unspecified whether valueFunction will be applied to more than one instance of that key and, if it is, which result will be mapped to that key in the returned map.

If keys is a Set, a live view can be obtained instead of a copy using asMap(Set<Object>, Function<? super Object,Object>).

  • NullPointerException – if any element of keys is null, or if valueFunction produces null for any key
/** * Returns an immutable map whose keys are the distinct elements of {@code keys} and whose value * for each key was computed by {@code valueFunction}. The map's iteration order is the order of * the first appearance of each key in {@code keys}. * * <p>When there are multiple instances of a key in {@code keys}, it is unspecified whether {@code * valueFunction} will be applied to more than one instance of that key and, if it is, which * result will be mapped to that key in the returned map. * * <p>If {@code keys} is a {@link Set}, a live view can be obtained instead of a copy using {@link * Maps#asMap(Set, Function)}. * * @throws NullPointerException if any element of {@code keys} is {@code null}, or if {@code * valueFunction} produces {@code null} for any key * @since 14.0 */
public static <K, V> ImmutableMap<K, V> toMap( Iterable<K> keys, Function<? super K, V> valueFunction) { return toMap(keys.iterator(), valueFunction); }
Returns an immutable map whose keys are the distinct elements of keys and whose value for each key was computed by valueFunction. The map's iteration order is the order of the first appearance of each key in keys.

When there are multiple instances of a key in keys, it is unspecified whether valueFunction will be applied to more than one instance of that key and, if it is, which result will be mapped to that key in the returned map.

  • NullPointerException – if any element of keys is null, or if valueFunction produces null for any key
/** * Returns an immutable map whose keys are the distinct elements of {@code keys} and whose value * for each key was computed by {@code valueFunction}. The map's iteration order is the order of * the first appearance of each key in {@code keys}. * * <p>When there are multiple instances of a key in {@code keys}, it is unspecified whether {@code * valueFunction} will be applied to more than one instance of that key and, if it is, which * result will be mapped to that key in the returned map. * * @throws NullPointerException if any element of {@code keys} is {@code null}, or if {@code * valueFunction} produces {@code null} for any key * @since 14.0 */
public static <K, V> ImmutableMap<K, V> toMap( Iterator<K> keys, Function<? super K, V> valueFunction) { checkNotNull(valueFunction); // Using LHM instead of a builder so as not to fail on duplicate keys Map<K, V> builder = newLinkedHashMap(); while (keys.hasNext()) { K key = keys.next(); builder.put(key, valueFunction.apply(key)); } return ImmutableMap.copyOf(builder); }
Returns a map with the given values, indexed by keys derived from those values. In other words, each input value produces an entry in the map whose key is the result of applying keyFunction to that value. These entries appear in the same order as the input values. Example usage:

Color red = new Color("red", 255, 0, 0);
ImmutableSet<Color> allColors = ImmutableSet.of(red, green, blue);
Map<String, Color> colorForName =
    uniqueIndex(allColors, toStringFunction());
assertThat(colorForName).containsEntry("red", red);

If your index may associate multiple values with each key, use Multimaps.index.

  • values – the values to use when constructing the Map
  • keyFunction – the function used to produce the key for each value
Returns:a map mapping the result of evaluating the function keyFunction on each value in the input collection to that value
/** * Returns a map with the given {@code values}, indexed by keys derived from those values. In * other words, each input value produces an entry in the map whose key is the result of applying * {@code keyFunction} to that value. These entries appear in the same order as the input values. * Example usage: * * <pre>{@code * Color red = new Color("red", 255, 0, 0); * ... * ImmutableSet<Color> allColors = ImmutableSet.of(red, green, blue); * * Map<String, Color> colorForName = * uniqueIndex(allColors, toStringFunction()); * assertThat(colorForName).containsEntry("red", red); * }</pre> * * <p>If your index may associate multiple values with each key, use {@link * Multimaps#index(Iterable, Function) Multimaps.index}. * * @param values the values to use when constructing the {@code Map} * @param keyFunction the function used to produce the key for each value * @return a map mapping the result of evaluating the function {@code keyFunction} on each value * in the input collection to that value * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code keyFunction} produces the same key for more than one * value in the input collection * @throws NullPointerException if any element of {@code values} is {@code null}, or if {@code * keyFunction} produces {@code null} for any value */
@CanIgnoreReturnValue public static <K, V> ImmutableMap<K, V> uniqueIndex( Iterable<V> values, Function<? super V, K> keyFunction) { // TODO(lowasser): consider presizing the builder if values is a Collection return uniqueIndex(values.iterator(), keyFunction); }
Returns a map with the given values, indexed by keys derived from those values. In other words, each input value produces an entry in the map whose key is the result of applying keyFunction to that value. These entries appear in the same order as the input values. Example usage:

Color red = new Color("red", 255, 0, 0);
Iterator<Color> allColors = ImmutableSet.of(red, green, blue).iterator();
Map<String, Color> colorForName =
    uniqueIndex(allColors, toStringFunction());
assertThat(colorForName).containsEntry("red", red);

If your index may associate multiple values with each key, use Multimaps.index.

  • values – the values to use when constructing the Map
  • keyFunction – the function used to produce the key for each value
Returns:a map mapping the result of evaluating the function keyFunction on each value in the input collection to that value
/** * Returns a map with the given {@code values}, indexed by keys derived from those values. In * other words, each input value produces an entry in the map whose key is the result of applying * {@code keyFunction} to that value. These entries appear in the same order as the input values. * Example usage: * * <pre>{@code * Color red = new Color("red", 255, 0, 0); * ... * Iterator<Color> allColors = ImmutableSet.of(red, green, blue).iterator(); * * Map<String, Color> colorForName = * uniqueIndex(allColors, toStringFunction()); * assertThat(colorForName).containsEntry("red", red); * }</pre> * * <p>If your index may associate multiple values with each key, use {@link * Multimaps#index(Iterator, Function) Multimaps.index}. * * @param values the values to use when constructing the {@code Map} * @param keyFunction the function used to produce the key for each value * @return a map mapping the result of evaluating the function {@code keyFunction} on each value * in the input collection to that value * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code keyFunction} produces the same key for more than one * value in the input collection * @throws NullPointerException if any element of {@code values} is {@code null}, or if {@code * keyFunction} produces {@code null} for any value * @since 10.0 */
@CanIgnoreReturnValue public static <K, V> ImmutableMap<K, V> uniqueIndex( Iterator<V> values, Function<? super V, K> keyFunction) { checkNotNull(keyFunction); ImmutableMap.Builder<K, V> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); while (values.hasNext()) { V value = values.next(); builder.put(keyFunction.apply(value), value); } try { return builder.build(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException duplicateKeys) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( duplicateKeys.getMessage() + ". To index multiple values under a key, use Multimaps.index."); } }
Creates an ImmutableMap<String, String> from a Properties instance. Properties normally derive from Map<Object, Object>, but they typically contain strings, which is awkward. This method lets you get a plain-old-Map out of a Properties.
  • properties – a Properties object to be converted
Returns:an immutable map containing all the entries in properties
/** * Creates an {@code ImmutableMap<String, String>} from a {@code Properties} instance. Properties * normally derive from {@code Map<Object, Object>}, but they typically contain strings, which is * awkward. This method lets you get a plain-old-{@code Map} out of a {@code Properties}. * * @param properties a {@code Properties} object to be converted * @return an immutable map containing all the entries in {@code properties} * @throws ClassCastException if any key in {@code Properties} is not a {@code String} * @throws NullPointerException if any key or value in {@code Properties} is null */
@GwtIncompatible // java.util.Properties public static ImmutableMap<String, String> fromProperties(Properties properties) { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (Enumeration<?> e = properties.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { String key = (String) e.nextElement(); builder.put(key, properties.getProperty(key)); } return builder.build(); }
Returns an immutable map entry with the specified key and value. The Entry.setValue operation throws an UnsupportedOperationException.

The returned entry is serializable.

Java 9 users: consider using java.util.Map.entry(key, value) if the key and value are non-null and the entry does not need to be serializable.

  • key – the key to be associated with the returned entry
  • value – the value to be associated with the returned entry
/** * Returns an immutable map entry with the specified key and value. The {@link Entry#setValue} * operation throws an {@link UnsupportedOperationException}. * * <p>The returned entry is serializable. * * <p><b>Java 9 users:</b> consider using {@code java.util.Map.entry(key, value)} if the key and * value are non-null and the entry does not need to be serializable. * * @param key the key to be associated with the returned entry * @param value the value to be associated with the returned entry */
@GwtCompatible(serializable = true) public static <K, V> Entry<K, V> immutableEntry(@Nullable K key, @Nullable V value) { return new ImmutableEntry<>(key, value); }
Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified set of entries. The Entry.setValue operation throws an UnsupportedOperationException, as do any operations that would modify the returned set.
  • entrySet – the entries for which to return an unmodifiable view
Returns:an unmodifiable view of the entries
/** * Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified set of entries. The {@link Entry#setValue} * operation throws an {@link UnsupportedOperationException}, as do any operations that would * modify the returned set. * * @param entrySet the entries for which to return an unmodifiable view * @return an unmodifiable view of the entries */
static <K, V> Set<Entry<K, V>> unmodifiableEntrySet(Set<Entry<K, V>> entrySet) { return new UnmodifiableEntrySet<>(Collections.unmodifiableSet(entrySet)); }
Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified map entry. The Entry.setValue operation throws an UnsupportedOperationException. This also has the side-effect of redefining equals to comply with the Entry contract, to avoid a possible nefarious implementation of equals.
  • entry – the entry for which to return an unmodifiable view
Returns:an unmodifiable view of the entry
/** * Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified map entry. The {@link Entry#setValue} operation * throws an {@link UnsupportedOperationException}. This also has the side-effect of redefining * {@code equals} to comply with the Entry contract, to avoid a possible nefarious implementation * of equals. * * @param entry the entry for which to return an unmodifiable view * @return an unmodifiable view of the entry */
static <K, V> Entry<K, V> unmodifiableEntry(final Entry<? extends K, ? extends V> entry) { checkNotNull(entry); return new AbstractMapEntry<K, V>() { @Override public K getKey() { return entry.getKey(); } @Override public V getValue() { return entry.getValue(); } }; } static <K, V> UnmodifiableIterator<Entry<K, V>> unmodifiableEntryIterator( final Iterator<Entry<K, V>> entryIterator) { return new UnmodifiableIterator<Entry<K, V>>() { @Override public boolean hasNext() { return entryIterator.hasNext(); } @Override public Entry<K, V> next() { return unmodifiableEntry(entryIterator.next()); } }; }
See Also:
/** @see Multimaps#unmodifiableEntries */
static class UnmodifiableEntries<K, V> extends ForwardingCollection<Entry<K, V>> { private final Collection<Entry<K, V>> entries; UnmodifiableEntries(Collection<Entry<K, V>> entries) { this.entries = entries; } @Override protected Collection<Entry<K, V>> delegate() { return entries; } @Override public Iterator<Entry<K, V>> iterator() { return unmodifiableEntryIterator(entries.iterator()); } // See java.util.Collections.UnmodifiableEntrySet for details on attacks. @Override public Object[] toArray() { return standardToArray(); } @Override public <T> T[] toArray(T[] array) { return standardToArray(array); } }
See Also:
/** @see Maps#unmodifiableEntrySet(Set) */
static class UnmodifiableEntrySet<K, V> extends UnmodifiableEntries<K, V> implements Set<Entry<K, V>> { UnmodifiableEntrySet(Set<Entry<K, V>> entries) { super(entries); } // See java.util.Collections.UnmodifiableEntrySet for details on attacks. @Override public boolean equals(@Nullable Object object) { return Sets.equalsImpl(this, object); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Sets.hashCodeImpl(this); } }
Returns a Converter that converts values using bimap.get(), and whose inverse view converts values using bimap.inverse().get().

To use a plain Map as a Function, see Functions.forMap(Map<Object,Object>) or Functions.forMap(Map<Object,? extends Object>, Object).

/** * Returns a {@link Converter} that converts values using {@link BiMap#get bimap.get()}, and whose * inverse view converts values using {@link BiMap#inverse bimap.inverse()}{@code .get()}. * * <p>To use a plain {@link Map} as a {@link Function}, see {@link * com.google.common.base.Functions#forMap(Map)} or {@link * com.google.common.base.Functions#forMap(Map, Object)}. * * @since 16.0 */
public static <A, B> Converter<A, B> asConverter(final BiMap<A, B> bimap) { return new BiMapConverter<>(bimap); } private static final class BiMapConverter<A, B> extends Converter<A, B> implements Serializable { private final BiMap<A, B> bimap; BiMapConverter(BiMap<A, B> bimap) { this.bimap = checkNotNull(bimap); } @Override protected B doForward(A a) { return convert(bimap, a); } @Override protected A doBackward(B b) { return convert(bimap.inverse(), b); } private static <X, Y> Y convert(BiMap<X, Y> bimap, X input) { Y output = bimap.get(input); checkArgument(output != null, "No non-null mapping present for input: %s", input); return output; } @Override public boolean equals(@Nullable Object object) { if (object instanceof BiMapConverter) { BiMapConverter<?, ?> that = (BiMapConverter<?, ?>) object; return this.bimap.equals(that.bimap); } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return bimap.hashCode(); } // There's really no good way to implement toString() without printing the entire BiMap, right? @Override public String toString() { return "Maps.asConverter(" + bimap + ")"; } private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; }
Returns a synchronized (thread-safe) bimap backed by the specified bimap. In order to guarantee serial access, it is critical that all access to the backing bimap is accomplished through the returned bimap.

It is imperative that the user manually synchronize on the returned map when accessing any of its collection views:

BiMap<Long, String> map = Maps.synchronizedBiMap(
    HashBiMap.<Long, String>create());
Set<Long> set = map.keySet();  // Needn't be in synchronized block
synchronized (map) {  // Synchronizing on map, not set!
  Iterator<Long> it = set.iterator(); // Must be in synchronized block
  while (it.hasNext()) {

Failure to follow this advice may result in non-deterministic behavior.

The returned bimap will be serializable if the specified bimap is serializable.

  • bimap – the bimap to be wrapped in a synchronized view
Returns:a synchronized view of the specified bimap
/** * Returns a synchronized (thread-safe) bimap backed by the specified bimap. In order to guarantee * serial access, it is critical that <b>all</b> access to the backing bimap is accomplished * through the returned bimap. * * <p>It is imperative that the user manually synchronize on the returned map when accessing any * of its collection views: * * <pre>{@code * BiMap<Long, String> map = Maps.synchronizedBiMap( * HashBiMap.<Long, String>create()); * ... * Set<Long> set = map.keySet(); // Needn't be in synchronized block * ... * synchronized (map) { // Synchronizing on map, not set! * Iterator<Long> it = set.iterator(); // Must be in synchronized block * while (it.hasNext()) { * foo(it.next()); * } * } * }</pre> * * <p>Failure to follow this advice may result in non-deterministic behavior. * * <p>The returned bimap will be serializable if the specified bimap is serializable. * * @param bimap the bimap to be wrapped in a synchronized view * @return a synchronized view of the specified bimap */
public static <K, V> BiMap<K, V> synchronizedBiMap(BiMap<K, V> bimap) { return Synchronized.biMap(bimap, null); }
Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified bimap. This method allows modules to provide users with "read-only" access to internal bimaps. Query operations on the returned bimap "read through" to the specified bimap, and attempts to modify the returned map, whether direct or via its collection views, result in an UnsupportedOperationException.

The returned bimap will be serializable if the specified bimap is serializable.

  • bimap – the bimap for which an unmodifiable view is to be returned
Returns:an unmodifiable view of the specified bimap
/** * Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified bimap. This method allows modules to provide * users with "read-only" access to internal bimaps. Query operations on the returned bimap "read * through" to the specified bimap, and attempts to modify the returned map, whether direct or via * its collection views, result in an {@code UnsupportedOperationException}. * * <p>The returned bimap will be serializable if the specified bimap is serializable. * * @param bimap the bimap for which an unmodifiable view is to be returned * @return an unmodifiable view of the specified bimap */
public static <K, V> BiMap<K, V> unmodifiableBiMap(BiMap<? extends K, ? extends V> bimap) { return new UnmodifiableBiMap<>(bimap, null); }
See Also:
/** @see Maps#unmodifiableBiMap(BiMap) */
private static class UnmodifiableBiMap<K, V> extends ForwardingMap<K, V> implements BiMap<K, V>, Serializable { final Map<K, V> unmodifiableMap; final BiMap<? extends K, ? extends V> delegate; @MonotonicNonNull @RetainedWith BiMap<V, K> inverse; @MonotonicNonNull transient Set<V> values; UnmodifiableBiMap(BiMap<? extends K, ? extends V> delegate, @Nullable BiMap<V, K> inverse) { unmodifiableMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(delegate); this.delegate = delegate; this.inverse = inverse; } @Override protected Map<K, V> delegate() { return unmodifiableMap; } @Override public V forcePut(K key, V value) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public BiMap<V, K> inverse() { BiMap<V, K> result = inverse; return (result == null) ? inverse = new UnmodifiableBiMap<>(delegate.inverse(), this) : result; } @Override public Set<V> values() { Set<V> result = values; return (result == null) ? values = Collections.unmodifiableSet(delegate.values()) : result; } private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; }
Returns a view of a map where each value is transformed by a function. All other properties of the map, such as iteration order, are left intact. For example, the code:

Map<String, Integer> map = ImmutableMap.of("a", 4, "b", 9);
Function<Integer, Double> sqrt =
    new Function<Integer, Double>() {
      public Double apply(Integer in) {
        return Math.sqrt((int) in);
Map<String, Double> transformed = Maps.transformValues(map, sqrt);
... prints {a=2.0, b=3.0}.

Changes in the underlying map are reflected in this view. Conversely, this view supports removal operations, and these are reflected in the underlying map.

It's acceptable for the underlying map to contain null keys, and even null values provided that the function is capable of accepting null input. The transformed map might contain null values, if the function sometimes gives a null result.

The returned map is not thread-safe or serializable, even if the underlying map is.

The function is applied lazily, invoked when needed. This is necessary for the returned map to be a view, but it means that the function will be applied many times for bulk operations like Map.containsValue and Map.toString(). For this to perform well, function should be fast. To avoid lazy evaluation when the returned map doesn't need to be a view, copy the returned map into a new map of your choosing.

/** * Returns a view of a map where each value is transformed by a function. All other properties of * the map, such as iteration order, are left intact. For example, the code: * * <pre>{@code * Map<String, Integer> map = ImmutableMap.of("a", 4, "b", 9); * Function<Integer, Double> sqrt = * new Function<Integer, Double>() { * public Double apply(Integer in) { * return Math.sqrt((int) in); * } * }; * Map<String, Double> transformed = Maps.transformValues(map, sqrt); * System.out.println(transformed); * }</pre> * * ... prints {@code {a=2.0, b=3.0}}. * * <p>Changes in the underlying map are reflected in this view. Conversely, this view supports * removal operations, and these are reflected in the underlying map. * * <p>It's acceptable for the underlying map to contain null keys, and even null values provided * that the function is capable of accepting null input. The transformed map might contain null * values, if the function sometimes gives a null result. * * <p>The returned map is not thread-safe or serializable, even if the underlying map is. * * <p>The function is applied lazily, invoked when needed. This is necessary for the returned map * to be a view, but it means that the function will be applied many times for bulk operations * like {@link Map#containsValue} and {@code Map.toString()}. For this to perform well, {@code * function} should be fast. To avoid lazy evaluation when the returned map doesn't need to be a * view, copy the returned map into a new map of your choosing. */
public static <K, V1, V2> Map<K, V2> transformValues( Map<K, V1> fromMap, Function<? super V1, V2> function) { return transformEntries(fromMap, asEntryTransformer(function)); }
Returns a view of a sorted map where each value is transformed by a function. All other properties of the map, such as iteration order, are left intact. For example, the code:

SortedMap<String, Integer> map = ImmutableSortedMap.of("a", 4, "b", 9);
Function<Integer, Double> sqrt =
    new Function<Integer, Double>() {
      public Double apply(Integer in) {
        return Math.sqrt((int) in);
SortedMap<String, Double> transformed =
     Maps.transformValues(map, sqrt);
... prints {a=2.0, b=3.0}.

Changes in the underlying map are reflected in this view. Conversely, this view supports removal operations, and these are reflected in the underlying map.

It's acceptable for the underlying map to contain null keys, and even null values provided that the function is capable of accepting null input. The transformed map might contain null values, if the function sometimes gives a null result.

The returned map is not thread-safe or serializable, even if the underlying map is.

The function is applied lazily, invoked when needed. This is necessary for the returned map to be a view, but it means that the function will be applied many times for bulk operations like Map.containsValue and Map.toString(). For this to perform well, function should be fast. To avoid lazy evaluation when the returned map doesn't need to be a view, copy the returned map into a new map of your choosing.

/** * Returns a view of a sorted map where each value is transformed by a function. All other * properties of the map, such as iteration order, are left intact. For example, the code: * * <pre>{@code * SortedMap<String, Integer> map = ImmutableSortedMap.of("a", 4, "b", 9); * Function<Integer, Double> sqrt = * new Function<Integer, Double>() { * public Double apply(Integer in) { * return Math.sqrt((int) in); * } * }; * SortedMap<String, Double> transformed = * Maps.transformValues(map, sqrt); * System.out.println(transformed); * }</pre> * * ... prints {@code {a=2.0, b=3.0}}. * * <p>Changes in the underlying map are reflected in this view. Conversely, this view supports * removal operations, and these are reflected in the underlying map. * * <p>It's acceptable for the underlying map to contain null keys, and even null values provided * that the function is capable of accepting null input. The transformed map might contain null * values, if the function sometimes gives a null result. * * <p>The returned map is not thread-safe or serializable, even if the underlying map is. * * <p>The function is applied lazily, invoked when needed. This is necessary for the returned map * to be a view, but it means that the function will be applied many times for bulk operations * like {@link Map#containsValue} and {@code Map.toString()}. For this to perform well, {@code * function} should be fast. To avoid lazy evaluation when the returned map doesn't need to be a * view, copy the returned map into a new map of your choosing. * * @since 11.0 */
public static <K, V1, V2> SortedMap<K, V2> transformValues( SortedMap<K, V1> fromMap, Function<? super V1, V2> function) { return transformEntries(fromMap, asEntryTransformer(function)); }
Returns a view of a navigable map where each value is transformed by a function. All other properties of the map, such as iteration order, are left intact. For example, the code:

NavigableMap<String, Integer> map = Maps.newTreeMap();
map.put("a", 4);
map.put("b", 9);
Function<Integer, Double> sqrt =
    new Function<Integer, Double>() {
      public Double apply(Integer in) {
        return Math.sqrt((int) in);
NavigableMap<String, Double> transformed =
     Maps.transformNavigableValues(map, sqrt);
... prints {a=2.0, b=3.0}.

Changes in the underlying map are reflected in this view. Conversely, this view supports removal operations, and these are reflected in the underlying map.

It's acceptable for the underlying map to contain null keys, and even null values provided that the function is capable of accepting null input. The transformed map might contain null values, if the function sometimes gives a null result.

The returned map is not thread-safe or serializable, even if the underlying map is.

The function is applied lazily, invoked when needed. This is necessary for the returned map to be a view, but it means that the function will be applied many times for bulk operations like Map.containsValue and Map.toString(). For this to perform well, function should be fast. To avoid lazy evaluation when the returned map doesn't need to be a view, copy the returned map into a new map of your choosing.

/** * Returns a view of a navigable map where each value is transformed by a function. All other * properties of the map, such as iteration order, are left intact. For example, the code: * * <pre>{@code * NavigableMap<String, Integer> map = Maps.newTreeMap(); * map.put("a", 4); * map.put("b", 9); * Function<Integer, Double> sqrt = * new Function<Integer, Double>() { * public Double apply(Integer in) { * return Math.sqrt((int) in); * } * }; * NavigableMap<String, Double> transformed = * Maps.transformNavigableValues(map, sqrt); * System.out.println(transformed); * }</pre> * * ... prints {@code {a=2.0, b=3.0}}. * * <p>Changes in the underlying map are reflected in this view. Conversely, this view supports * removal operations, and these are reflected in the underlying map. * * <p>It's acceptable for the underlying map to contain null keys, and even null values provided * that the function is capable of accepting null input. The transformed map might contain null * values, if the function sometimes gives a null result. * * <p>The returned map is not thread-safe or serializable, even if the underlying map is. * * <p>The function is applied lazily, invoked when needed. This is necessary for the returned map * to be a view, but it means that the function will be applied many times for bulk operations * like {@link Map#containsValue} and {@code Map.toString()}. For this to perform well, {@code * function} should be fast. To avoid lazy evaluation when the returned map doesn't need to be a * view, copy the returned map into a new map of your choosing. * * @since 13.0 */
@GwtIncompatible // NavigableMap public static <K, V1, V2> NavigableMap<K, V2> transformValues( NavigableMap<K, V1> fromMap, Function<? super V1, V2> function) { return transformEntries(fromMap, asEntryTransformer(function)); }
Returns a view of a map whose values are derived from the original map's entries. In contrast to transformValues, this method's entry-transformation logic may depend on the key as well as the value.

All other properties of the transformed map, such as iteration order, are left intact. For example, the code:

Map<String, Boolean> options =
    ImmutableMap.of("verbose", true, "sort", false);
EntryTransformer<String, Boolean, String> flagPrefixer =
    new EntryTransformer<String, Boolean, String>() {
      public String transformEntry(String key, Boolean value) {
        return value ? key : "no" + key;
Map<String, String> transformed =
    Maps.transformEntries(options, flagPrefixer);
... prints {verbose=verbose, sort=nosort}.

Changes in the underlying map are reflected in this view. Conversely, this view supports removal operations, and these are reflected in the underlying map.

It's acceptable for the underlying map to contain null keys and null values provided that the transformer is capable of accepting null inputs. The transformed map might contain null values if the transformer sometimes gives a null result.

The returned map is not thread-safe or serializable, even if the underlying map is.

The transformer is applied lazily, invoked when needed. This is necessary for the returned map to be a view, but it means that the transformer will be applied many times for bulk operations like Map.containsValue and Object.toString. For this to perform well, transformer should be fast. To avoid lazy evaluation when the returned map doesn't need to be a view, copy the returned map into a new map of your choosing.

Warning: This method assumes that for any instance k of EntryTransformer key type K, k.equals(k2) implies that k2 is also of type K. Using an EntryTransformer key type for which this may not hold, such as ArrayList, may risk a ClassCastException when calling methods on the transformed map.

/** * Returns a view of a map whose values are derived from the original map's entries. In contrast * to {@link #transformValues}, this method's entry-transformation logic may depend on the key as * well as the value. * * <p>All other properties of the transformed map, such as iteration order, are left intact. For * example, the code: * * <pre>{@code * Map<String, Boolean> options = * ImmutableMap.of("verbose", true, "sort", false); * EntryTransformer<String, Boolean, String> flagPrefixer = * new EntryTransformer<String, Boolean, String>() { * public String transformEntry(String key, Boolean value) { * return value ? key : "no" + key; * } * }; * Map<String, String> transformed = * Maps.transformEntries(options, flagPrefixer); * System.out.println(transformed); * }</pre> * * ... prints {@code {verbose=verbose, sort=nosort}}. * * <p>Changes in the underlying map are reflected in this view. Conversely, this view supports * removal operations, and these are reflected in the underlying map. * * <p>It's acceptable for the underlying map to contain null keys and null values provided that * the transformer is capable of accepting null inputs. The transformed map might contain null * values if the transformer sometimes gives a null result. * * <p>The returned map is not thread-safe or serializable, even if the underlying map is. * * <p>The transformer is applied lazily, invoked when needed. This is necessary for the returned * map to be a view, but it means that the transformer will be applied many times for bulk * operations like {@link Map#containsValue} and {@link Object#toString}. For this to perform * well, {@code transformer} should be fast. To avoid lazy evaluation when the returned map * doesn't need to be a view, copy the returned map into a new map of your choosing. * * <p><b>Warning:</b> This method assumes that for any instance {@code k} of {@code * EntryTransformer} key type {@code K}, {@code k.equals(k2)} implies that {@code k2} is also of * type {@code K}. Using an {@code EntryTransformer} key type for which this may not hold, such as * {@code ArrayList}, may risk a {@code ClassCastException} when calling methods on the * transformed map. * * @since 7.0 */
public static <K, V1, V2> Map<K, V2> transformEntries( Map<K, V1> fromMap, EntryTransformer<? super K, ? super V1, V2> transformer) { return new TransformedEntriesMap<>(fromMap, transformer); }
Returns a view of a sorted map whose values are derived from the original sorted map's entries. In contrast to transformValues, this method's entry-transformation logic may depend on the key as well as the value.

All other properties of the transformed map, such as iteration order, are left intact. For example, the code:

Map<String, Boolean> options =
    ImmutableSortedMap.of("verbose", true, "sort", false);
EntryTransformer<String, Boolean, String> flagPrefixer =
    new EntryTransformer<String, Boolean, String>() {
      public String transformEntry(String key, Boolean value) {
        return value ? key : "yes" + key;
SortedMap<String, String> transformed =
    Maps.transformEntries(options, flagPrefixer);
... prints {sort=yessort, verbose=verbose}.

Changes in the underlying map are reflected in this view. Conversely, this view supports removal operations, and these are reflected in the underlying map.

It's acceptable for the underlying map to contain null keys and null values provided that the transformer is capable of accepting null inputs. The transformed map might contain null values if the transformer sometimes gives a null result.

The returned map is not thread-safe or serializable, even if the underlying map is.

The transformer is applied lazily, invoked when needed. This is necessary for the returned map to be a view, but it means that the transformer will be applied many times for bulk operations like Map.containsValue and Object.toString. For this to perform well, transformer should be fast. To avoid lazy evaluation when the returned map doesn't need to be a view, copy the returned map into a new map of your choosing.

Warning: This method assumes that for any instance k of EntryTransformer key type K, k.equals(k2) implies that k2 is also of type K. Using an EntryTransformer key type for which this may not hold, such as ArrayList, may risk a ClassCastException when calling methods on the transformed map.

/** * Returns a view of a sorted map whose values are derived from the original sorted map's entries. * In contrast to {@link #transformValues}, this method's entry-transformation logic may depend on * the key as well as the value. * * <p>All other properties of the transformed map, such as iteration order, are left intact. For * example, the code: * * <pre>{@code * Map<String, Boolean> options = * ImmutableSortedMap.of("verbose", true, "sort", false); * EntryTransformer<String, Boolean, String> flagPrefixer = * new EntryTransformer<String, Boolean, String>() { * public String transformEntry(String key, Boolean value) { * return value ? key : "yes" + key; * } * }; * SortedMap<String, String> transformed = * Maps.transformEntries(options, flagPrefixer); * System.out.println(transformed); * }</pre> * * ... prints {@code {sort=yessort, verbose=verbose}}. * * <p>Changes in the underlying map are reflected in this view. Conversely, this view supports * removal operations, and these are reflected in the underlying map. * * <p>It's acceptable for the underlying map to contain null keys and null values provided that * the transformer is capable of accepting null inputs. The transformed map might contain null * values if the transformer sometimes gives a null result. * * <p>The returned map is not thread-safe or serializable, even if the underlying map is. * * <p>The transformer is applied lazily, invoked when needed. This is necessary for the returned * map to be a view, but it means that the transformer will be applied many times for bulk * operations like {@link Map#containsValue} and {@link Object#toString}. For this to perform * well, {@code transformer} should be fast. To avoid lazy evaluation when the returned map * doesn't need to be a view, copy the returned map into a new map of your choosing. * * <p><b>Warning:</b> This method assumes that for any instance {@code k} of {@code * EntryTransformer} key type {@code K}, {@code k.equals(k2)} implies that {@code k2} is also of * type {@code K}. Using an {@code EntryTransformer} key type for which this may not hold, such as * {@code ArrayList}, may risk a {@code ClassCastException} when calling methods on the * transformed map. * * @since 11.0 */
public static <K, V1, V2> SortedMap<K, V2> transformEntries( SortedMap<K, V1> fromMap, EntryTransformer<? super K, ? super V1, V2> transformer) { return new TransformedEntriesSortedMap<>(fromMap, transformer); }
Returns a view of a navigable map whose values are derived from the original navigable map's entries. In contrast to transformValues, this method's entry-transformation logic may depend on the key as well as the value.

All other properties of the transformed map, such as iteration order, are left intact. For example, the code:

NavigableMap<String, Boolean> options = Maps.newTreeMap();
options.put("verbose", false);
options.put("sort", true);
EntryTransformer<String, Boolean, String> flagPrefixer =
    new EntryTransformer<String, Boolean, String>() {
      public String transformEntry(String key, Boolean value) {
        return value ? key : ("yes" + key);
NavigableMap<String, String> transformed =
    LabsMaps.transformNavigableEntries(options, flagPrefixer);
... prints {sort=yessort, verbose=verbose}.

Changes in the underlying map are reflected in this view. Conversely, this view supports removal operations, and these are reflected in the underlying map.

It's acceptable for the underlying map to contain null keys and null values provided that the transformer is capable of accepting null inputs. The transformed map might contain null values if the transformer sometimes gives a null result.

The returned map is not thread-safe or serializable, even if the underlying map is.

The transformer is applied lazily, invoked when needed. This is necessary for the returned map to be a view, but it means that the transformer will be applied many times for bulk operations like Map.containsValue and Object.toString. For this to perform well, transformer should be fast. To avoid lazy evaluation when the returned map doesn't need to be a view, copy the returned map into a new map of your choosing.

Warning: This method assumes that for any instance k of EntryTransformer key type K, k.equals(k2) implies that k2 is also of type K. Using an EntryTransformer key type for which this may not hold, such as ArrayList, may risk a ClassCastException when calling methods on the transformed map.

/** * Returns a view of a navigable map whose values are derived from the original navigable map's * entries. In contrast to {@link #transformValues}, this method's entry-transformation logic may * depend on the key as well as the value. * * <p>All other properties of the transformed map, such as iteration order, are left intact. For * example, the code: * * <pre>{@code * NavigableMap<String, Boolean> options = Maps.newTreeMap(); * options.put("verbose", false); * options.put("sort", true); * EntryTransformer<String, Boolean, String> flagPrefixer = * new EntryTransformer<String, Boolean, String>() { * public String transformEntry(String key, Boolean value) { * return value ? key : ("yes" + key); * } * }; * NavigableMap<String, String> transformed = * LabsMaps.transformNavigableEntries(options, flagPrefixer); * System.out.println(transformed); * }</pre> * * ... prints {@code {sort=yessort, verbose=verbose}}. * * <p>Changes in the underlying map are reflected in this view. Conversely, this view supports * removal operations, and these are reflected in the underlying map. * * <p>It's acceptable for the underlying map to contain null keys and null values provided that * the transformer is capable of accepting null inputs. The transformed map might contain null * values if the transformer sometimes gives a null result. * * <p>The returned map is not thread-safe or serializable, even if the underlying map is. * * <p>The transformer is applied lazily, invoked when needed. This is necessary for the returned * map to be a view, but it means that the transformer will be applied many times for bulk * operations like {@link Map#containsValue} and {@link Object#toString}. For this to perform * well, {@code transformer} should be fast. To avoid lazy evaluation when the returned map * doesn't need to be a view, copy the returned map into a new map of your choosing. * * <p><b>Warning:</b> This method assumes that for any instance {@code k} of {@code * EntryTransformer} key type {@code K}, {@code k.equals(k2)} implies that {@code k2} is also of * type {@code K}. Using an {@code EntryTransformer} key type for which this may not hold, such as * {@code ArrayList}, may risk a {@code ClassCastException} when calling methods on the * transformed map. * * @since 13.0 */
@GwtIncompatible // NavigableMap public static <K, V1, V2> NavigableMap<K, V2> transformEntries( final NavigableMap<K, V1> fromMap, EntryTransformer<? super K, ? super V1, V2> transformer) { return new TransformedEntriesNavigableMap<>(fromMap, transformer); }
A transformation of the value of a key-value pair, using both key and value as inputs. To apply the transformation to a map, use Maps.transformEntries(Map<Object,Object>, EntryTransformer<? super Object,? super Object,Object>).
Type parameters:
  • <K> – the key type of the input and output entries
  • <V1> – the value type of the input entry
  • <V2> – the value type of the output entry
/** * A transformation of the value of a key-value pair, using both key and value as inputs. To apply * the transformation to a map, use {@link Maps#transformEntries(Map, EntryTransformer)}. * * @param <K> the key type of the input and output entries * @param <V1> the value type of the input entry * @param <V2> the value type of the output entry * @since 7.0 */
@FunctionalInterface public interface EntryTransformer<K, V1, V2> {
Determines an output value based on a key-value pair. This method is generally expected, but not absolutely required, to have the following properties:
  • Its execution does not cause any observable side effects.
  • The computation is consistent with equals; that is, Objects.equal(k1, k2) && Objects.equal(v1, v2) implies that Objects.equal(transformer.transform(k1, v1), transformer.transform(k2, v2)).
  • NullPointerException – if the key or value is null and this transformer does not accept null arguments
/** * Determines an output value based on a key-value pair. This method is <i>generally * expected</i>, but not absolutely required, to have the following properties: * * <ul> * <li>Its execution does not cause any observable side effects. * <li>The computation is <i>consistent with equals</i>; that is, {@link Objects#equal * Objects.equal}{@code (k1, k2) &&} {@link Objects#equal}{@code (v1, v2)} implies that * {@code Objects.equal(transformer.transform(k1, v1), transformer.transform(k2, v2))}. * </ul> * * @throws NullPointerException if the key or value is null and this transformer does not accept * null arguments */
V2 transformEntry(@Nullable K key, @Nullable V1 value); }
Views a function as an entry transformer that ignores the entry key.
/** Views a function as an entry transformer that ignores the entry key. */
static <K, V1, V2> EntryTransformer<K, V1, V2> asEntryTransformer( final Function<? super V1, V2> function) { checkNotNull(function); return new EntryTransformer<K, V1, V2>() { @Override public V2 transformEntry(K key, V1 value) { return function.apply(value); } }; } static <K, V1, V2> Function<V1, V2> asValueToValueFunction( final EntryTransformer<? super K, V1, V2> transformer, final K key) { checkNotNull(transformer); return new Function<V1, V2>() { @Override public V2 apply(@Nullable V1 v1) { return transformer.transformEntry(key, v1); } }; }
Views an entry transformer as a function from Entry to values.
/** Views an entry transformer as a function from {@code Entry} to values. */
static <K, V1, V2> Function<Entry<K, V1>, V2> asEntryToValueFunction( final EntryTransformer<? super K, ? super V1, V2> transformer) { checkNotNull(transformer); return new Function<Entry<K, V1>, V2>() { @Override public V2 apply(Entry<K, V1> entry) { return transformer.transformEntry(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } }; }
Returns a view of an entry transformed by the specified transformer.
/** Returns a view of an entry transformed by the specified transformer. */
static <V2, K, V1> Entry<K, V2> transformEntry( final EntryTransformer<? super K, ? super V1, V2> transformer, final Entry<K, V1> entry) { checkNotNull(transformer); checkNotNull(entry); return new AbstractMapEntry<K, V2>() { @Override public K getKey() { return entry.getKey(); } @Override public V2 getValue() { return transformer.transformEntry(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } }; }
Views an entry transformer as a function from entries to entries.
/** Views an entry transformer as a function from entries to entries. */
static <K, V1, V2> Function<Entry<K, V1>, Entry<K, V2>> asEntryToEntryFunction( final EntryTransformer<? super K, ? super V1, V2> transformer) { checkNotNull(transformer); return new Function<Entry<K, V1>, Entry<K, V2>>() { @Override public Entry<K, V2> apply(final Entry<K, V1> entry) { return transformEntry(transformer, entry); } }; } static class TransformedEntriesMap<K, V1, V2> extends IteratorBasedAbstractMap<K, V2> { final Map<K, V1> fromMap; final EntryTransformer<? super K, ? super V1, V2> transformer; TransformedEntriesMap( Map<K, V1> fromMap, EntryTransformer<? super K, ? super V1, V2> transformer) { this.fromMap = checkNotNull(fromMap); this.transformer = checkNotNull(transformer); } @Override public int size() { return fromMap.size(); } @Override public boolean containsKey(Object key) { return fromMap.containsKey(key); } @Override public @Nullable V2 get(@Nullable Object key) { return getOrDefault(key, null); } // safe as long as the user followed the <b>Warning</b> in the javadoc @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public @Nullable V2 getOrDefault(@Nullable Object key, @Nullable V2 defaultValue) { V1 value = fromMap.get(key); return (value != null || fromMap.containsKey(key)) ? transformer.transformEntry((K) key, value) : defaultValue; } // safe as long as the user followed the <b>Warning</b> in the javadoc @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public V2 remove(Object key) { return fromMap.containsKey(key) ? transformer.transformEntry((K) key, fromMap.remove(key)) : null; } @Override public void clear() { fromMap.clear(); } @Override public Set<K> keySet() { return fromMap.keySet(); } @Override Iterator<Entry<K, V2>> entryIterator() { return Iterators.transform( fromMap.entrySet().iterator(), Maps.<K, V1, V2>asEntryToEntryFunction(transformer)); } @Override Spliterator<Entry<K, V2>> entrySpliterator() { return CollectSpliterators.map( fromMap.entrySet().spliterator(), Maps.<K, V1, V2>asEntryToEntryFunction(transformer)); } @Override public void forEach(BiConsumer<? super K, ? super V2> action) { checkNotNull(action); // avoids creating new Entry<K, V2> objects fromMap.forEach((k, v1) -> action.accept(k, transformer.transformEntry(k, v1))); } @Override public Collection<V2> values() { return new Values<>(this); } } static class TransformedEntriesSortedMap<K, V1, V2> extends TransformedEntriesMap<K, V1, V2> implements SortedMap<K, V2> { protected SortedMap<K, V1> fromMap() { return (SortedMap<K, V1>) fromMap; } TransformedEntriesSortedMap( SortedMap<K, V1> fromMap, EntryTransformer<? super K, ? super V1, V2> transformer) { super(fromMap, transformer); } @Override public Comparator<? super K> comparator() { return fromMap().comparator(); } @Override public K firstKey() { return fromMap().firstKey(); } @Override public SortedMap<K, V2> headMap(K toKey) { return transformEntries(fromMap().headMap(toKey), transformer); } @Override public K lastKey() { return fromMap().lastKey(); } @Override public SortedMap<K, V2> subMap(K fromKey, K toKey) { return transformEntries(fromMap().subMap(fromKey, toKey), transformer); } @Override public SortedMap<K, V2> tailMap(K fromKey) { return transformEntries(fromMap().tailMap(fromKey), transformer); } } @GwtIncompatible // NavigableMap private static class TransformedEntriesNavigableMap<K, V1, V2> extends TransformedEntriesSortedMap<K, V1, V2> implements NavigableMap<K, V2> { TransformedEntriesNavigableMap( NavigableMap<K, V1> fromMap, EntryTransformer<? super K, ? super V1, V2> transformer) { super(fromMap, transformer); } @Override public Entry<K, V2> ceilingEntry(K key) { return transformEntry(fromMap().ceilingEntry(key)); } @Override public K ceilingKey(K key) { return fromMap().ceilingKey(key); } @Override public NavigableSet<K> descendingKeySet() { return fromMap().descendingKeySet(); } @Override public NavigableMap<K, V2> descendingMap() { return transformEntries(fromMap().descendingMap(), transformer); } @Override public Entry<K, V2> firstEntry() { return transformEntry(fromMap().firstEntry()); } @Override public Entry<K, V2> floorEntry(K key) { return transformEntry(fromMap().floorEntry(key)); } @Override public K floorKey(K key) { return fromMap().floorKey(key); } @Override public NavigableMap<K, V2> headMap(K toKey) { return headMap(toKey, false); } @Override public NavigableMap<K, V2> headMap(K toKey, boolean inclusive) { return transformEntries(fromMap().headMap(toKey, inclusive), transformer); } @Override public Entry<K, V2> higherEntry(K key) { return transformEntry(fromMap().higherEntry(key)); } @Override public K higherKey(K key) { return fromMap().higherKey(key); } @Override public Entry<K, V2> lastEntry() { return transformEntry(fromMap().lastEntry()); } @Override public Entry<K, V2> lowerEntry(K key) { return transformEntry(fromMap().lowerEntry(key)); } @Override public K lowerKey(K key) { return fromMap().lowerKey(key); } @Override public NavigableSet<K> navigableKeySet() { return fromMap().navigableKeySet(); } @Override public Entry<K, V2> pollFirstEntry() { return transformEntry(fromMap().pollFirstEntry()); } @Override public Entry<K, V2> pollLastEntry() { return transformEntry(fromMap().pollLastEntry()); } @Override public NavigableMap<K, V2> subMap( K fromKey, boolean fromInclusive, K toKey, boolean toInclusive) { return transformEntries( fromMap().subMap(fromKey, fromInclusive, toKey, toInclusive), transformer); } @Override public NavigableMap<K, V2> subMap(K fromKey, K toKey) { return subMap(fromKey, true, toKey, false); } @Override public NavigableMap<K, V2> tailMap(K fromKey) { return tailMap(fromKey, true); } @Override public NavigableMap<K, V2> tailMap(K fromKey, boolean inclusive) { return transformEntries(fromMap().tailMap(fromKey, inclusive), transformer); } private @Nullable Entry<K, V2> transformEntry(@Nullable Entry<K, V1> entry) { return (entry == null) ? null : Maps.transformEntry(transformer, entry); } @Override protected NavigableMap<K, V1> fromMap() { return (NavigableMap<K, V1>) super.fromMap(); } } static <K> Predicate<Entry<K, ?>> keyPredicateOnEntries(Predicate<? super K> keyPredicate) { return compose(keyPredicate, Maps.<K>keyFunction()); } static <V> Predicate<Entry<?, V>> valuePredicateOnEntries(Predicate<? super V> valuePredicate) { return compose(valuePredicate, Maps.<V>valueFunction()); }
Returns a map containing the mappings in unfiltered whose keys satisfy a predicate. The returned map is a live view of unfiltered; changes to one affect the other.

The resulting map's keySet(), entrySet(), and values() views have iterators that don't support remove(), but all other methods are supported by the map and its views. When given a key that doesn't satisfy the predicate, the map's put() and putAll() methods throw an IllegalArgumentException.

When methods such as removeAll() and clear() are called on the filtered map or its views, only mappings whose keys satisfy the filter will be removed from the underlying map.

The returned map isn't threadsafe or serializable, even if unfiltered is.

Many of the filtered map's methods, such as size(), iterate across every key/value mapping in the underlying map and determine which satisfy the filter. When a live view is not needed, it may be faster to copy the filtered map and use the copy.

Warning: keyPredicate must be consistent with equals, as documented at Predicate.apply. Do not provide a predicate such as Predicates.instanceOf(ArrayList.class), which is inconsistent with equals.

/** * Returns a map containing the mappings in {@code unfiltered} whose keys satisfy a predicate. The * returned map is a live view of {@code unfiltered}; changes to one affect the other. * * <p>The resulting map's {@code keySet()}, {@code entrySet()}, and {@code values()} views have * iterators that don't support {@code remove()}, but all other methods are supported by the map * and its views. When given a key that doesn't satisfy the predicate, the map's {@code put()} and * {@code putAll()} methods throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException}. * * <p>When methods such as {@code removeAll()} and {@code clear()} are called on the filtered map * or its views, only mappings whose keys satisfy the filter will be removed from the underlying * map. * * <p>The returned map isn't threadsafe or serializable, even if {@code unfiltered} is. * * <p>Many of the filtered map's methods, such as {@code size()}, iterate across every key/value * mapping in the underlying map and determine which satisfy the filter. When a live view is * <i>not</i> needed, it may be faster to copy the filtered map and use the copy. * * <p><b>Warning:</b> {@code keyPredicate} must be <i>consistent with equals</i>, as documented at * {@link Predicate#apply}. Do not provide a predicate such as {@code * Predicates.instanceOf(ArrayList.class)}, which is inconsistent with equals. */
public static <K, V> Map<K, V> filterKeys( Map<K, V> unfiltered, final Predicate<? super K> keyPredicate) { checkNotNull(keyPredicate); Predicate<Entry<K, ?>> entryPredicate = keyPredicateOnEntries(keyPredicate); return (unfiltered instanceof AbstractFilteredMap) ? filterFiltered((AbstractFilteredMap<K, V>) unfiltered, entryPredicate) : new FilteredKeyMap<K, V>(checkNotNull(unfiltered), keyPredicate, entryPredicate); }
Returns a sorted map containing the mappings in unfiltered whose keys satisfy a predicate. The returned map is a live view of unfiltered; changes to one affect the other.

The resulting map's keySet(), entrySet(), and values() views have iterators that don't support remove(), but all other methods are supported by the map and its views. When given a key that doesn't satisfy the predicate, the map's put() and putAll() methods throw an IllegalArgumentException.

When methods such as removeAll() and clear() are called on the filtered map or its views, only mappings whose keys satisfy the filter will be removed from the underlying map.

The returned map isn't threadsafe or serializable, even if unfiltered is.

Many of the filtered map's methods, such as size(), iterate across every key/value mapping in the underlying map and determine which satisfy the filter. When a live view is not needed, it may be faster to copy the filtered map and use the copy.

Warning: keyPredicate must be consistent with equals, as documented at Predicate.apply. Do not provide a predicate such as Predicates.instanceOf(ArrayList.class), which is inconsistent with equals.

/** * Returns a sorted map containing the mappings in {@code unfiltered} whose keys satisfy a * predicate. The returned map is a live view of {@code unfiltered}; changes to one affect the * other. * * <p>The resulting map's {@code keySet()}, {@code entrySet()}, and {@code values()} views have * iterators that don't support {@code remove()}, but all other methods are supported by the map * and its views. When given a key that doesn't satisfy the predicate, the map's {@code put()} and * {@code putAll()} methods throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException}. * * <p>When methods such as {@code removeAll()} and {@code clear()} are called on the filtered map * or its views, only mappings whose keys satisfy the filter will be removed from the underlying * map. * * <p>The returned map isn't threadsafe or serializable, even if {@code unfiltered} is. * * <p>Many of the filtered map's methods, such as {@code size()}, iterate across every key/value * mapping in the underlying map and determine which satisfy the filter. When a live view is * <i>not</i> needed, it may be faster to copy the filtered map and use the copy. * * <p><b>Warning:</b> {@code keyPredicate} must be <i>consistent with equals</i>, as documented at * {@link Predicate#apply}. Do not provide a predicate such as {@code * Predicates.instanceOf(ArrayList.class)}, which is inconsistent with equals. * * @since 11.0 */
public static <K, V> SortedMap<K, V> filterKeys( SortedMap<K, V> unfiltered, final Predicate<? super K> keyPredicate) { // TODO(lowasser): Return a subclass of Maps.FilteredKeyMap for slightly better // performance. return filterEntries(unfiltered, Maps.<K>keyPredicateOnEntries(keyPredicate)); }
Returns a navigable map containing the mappings in unfiltered whose keys satisfy a predicate. The returned map is a live view of unfiltered; changes to one affect the other.

The resulting map's keySet(), entrySet(), and values() views have iterators that don't support remove(), but all other methods are supported by the map and its views. When given a key that doesn't satisfy the predicate, the map's put() and putAll() methods throw an IllegalArgumentException.

When methods such as removeAll() and clear() are called on the filtered map or its views, only mappings whose keys satisfy the filter will be removed from the underlying map.

The returned map isn't threadsafe or serializable, even if unfiltered is.

Many of the filtered map's methods, such as size(), iterate across every key/value mapping in the underlying map and determine which satisfy the filter. When a live view is not needed, it may be faster to copy the filtered map and use the copy.

Warning: keyPredicate must be consistent with equals, as documented at Predicate.apply. Do not provide a predicate such as Predicates.instanceOf(ArrayList.class), which is inconsistent with equals.

/** * Returns a navigable map containing the mappings in {@code unfiltered} whose keys satisfy a * predicate. The returned map is a live view of {@code unfiltered}; changes to one affect the * other. * * <p>The resulting map's {@code keySet()}, {@code entrySet()}, and {@code values()} views have * iterators that don't support {@code remove()}, but all other methods are supported by the map * and its views. When given a key that doesn't satisfy the predicate, the map's {@code put()} and * {@code putAll()} methods throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException}. * * <p>When methods such as {@code removeAll()} and {@code clear()} are called on the filtered map * or its views, only mappings whose keys satisfy the filter will be removed from the underlying * map. * * <p>The returned map isn't threadsafe or serializable, even if {@code unfiltered} is. * * <p>Many of the filtered map's methods, such as {@code size()}, iterate across every key/value * mapping in the underlying map and determine which satisfy the filter. When a live view is * <i>not</i> needed, it may be faster to copy the filtered map and use the copy. * * <p><b>Warning:</b> {@code keyPredicate} must be <i>consistent with equals</i>, as documented at * {@link Predicate#apply}. Do not provide a predicate such as {@code * Predicates.instanceOf(ArrayList.class)}, which is inconsistent with equals. * * @since 14.0 */
@GwtIncompatible // NavigableMap public static <K, V> NavigableMap<K, V> filterKeys( NavigableMap<K, V> unfiltered, final Predicate<? super K> keyPredicate) { // TODO(lowasser): Return a subclass of Maps.FilteredKeyMap for slightly better // performance. return filterEntries(unfiltered, Maps.<K>keyPredicateOnEntries(keyPredicate)); }
Returns a bimap containing the mappings in unfiltered whose keys satisfy a predicate. The returned bimap is a live view of unfiltered; changes to one affect the other.

The resulting bimap's keySet(), entrySet(), and values() views have iterators that don't support remove(), but all other methods are supported by the bimap and its views. When given a key that doesn't satisfy the predicate, the bimap's put(), forcePut() and putAll() methods throw an IllegalArgumentException.

When methods such as removeAll() and clear() are called on the filtered bimap or its views, only mappings that satisfy the filter will be removed from the underlying bimap.

The returned bimap isn't threadsafe or serializable, even if unfiltered is.

Many of the filtered bimap's methods, such as size(), iterate across every key in the underlying bimap and determine which satisfy the filter. When a live view is not needed, it may be faster to copy the filtered bimap and use the copy.

Warning: entryPredicate must be consistent with equals , as documented at Predicate.apply.

/** * Returns a bimap containing the mappings in {@code unfiltered} whose keys satisfy a predicate. * The returned bimap is a live view of {@code unfiltered}; changes to one affect the other. * * <p>The resulting bimap's {@code keySet()}, {@code entrySet()}, and {@code values()} views have * iterators that don't support {@code remove()}, but all other methods are supported by the bimap * and its views. When given a key that doesn't satisfy the predicate, the bimap's {@code put()}, * {@code forcePut()} and {@code putAll()} methods throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException}. * * <p>When methods such as {@code removeAll()} and {@code clear()} are called on the filtered * bimap or its views, only mappings that satisfy the filter will be removed from the underlying * bimap. * * <p>The returned bimap isn't threadsafe or serializable, even if {@code unfiltered} is. * * <p>Many of the filtered bimap's methods, such as {@code size()}, iterate across every key in * the underlying bimap and determine which satisfy the filter. When a live view is <i>not</i> * needed, it may be faster to copy the filtered bimap and use the copy. * * <p><b>Warning:</b> {@code entryPredicate} must be <i>consistent with equals </i>, as documented * at {@link Predicate#apply}. * * @since 14.0 */
public static <K, V> BiMap<K, V> filterKeys( BiMap<K, V> unfiltered, final Predicate<? super K> keyPredicate) { checkNotNull(keyPredicate); return filterEntries(unfiltered, Maps.<K>keyPredicateOnEntries(keyPredicate)); }
Returns a map containing the mappings in unfiltered whose values satisfy a predicate. The returned map is a live view of unfiltered; changes to one affect the other.

The resulting map's keySet(), entrySet(), and values() views have iterators that don't support remove(), but all other methods are supported by the map and its views. When given a value that doesn't satisfy the predicate, the map's put(), putAll(), and Entry.setValue methods throw an IllegalArgumentException.

When methods such as removeAll() and clear() are called on the filtered map or its views, only mappings whose values satisfy the filter will be removed from the underlying map.

The returned map isn't threadsafe or serializable, even if unfiltered is.

Many of the filtered map's methods, such as size(), iterate across every key/value mapping in the underlying map and determine which satisfy the filter. When a live view is not needed, it may be faster to copy the filtered map and use the copy.

Warning: valuePredicate must be consistent with equals, as documented at Predicate.apply. Do not provide a predicate such as Predicates.instanceOf(ArrayList.class), which is inconsistent with equals.

/** * Returns a map containing the mappings in {@code unfiltered} whose values satisfy a predicate. * The returned map is a live view of {@code unfiltered}; changes to one affect the other. * * <p>The resulting map's {@code keySet()}, {@code entrySet()}, and {@code values()} views have * iterators that don't support {@code remove()}, but all other methods are supported by the map * and its views. When given a value that doesn't satisfy the predicate, the map's {@code put()}, * {@code putAll()}, and {@link Entry#setValue} methods throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException}. * * <p>When methods such as {@code removeAll()} and {@code clear()} are called on the filtered map * or its views, only mappings whose values satisfy the filter will be removed from the underlying * map. * * <p>The returned map isn't threadsafe or serializable, even if {@code unfiltered} is. * * <p>Many of the filtered map's methods, such as {@code size()}, iterate across every key/value * mapping in the underlying map and determine which satisfy the filter. When a live view is * <i>not</i> needed, it may be faster to copy the filtered map and use the copy. * * <p><b>Warning:</b> {@code valuePredicate} must be <i>consistent with equals</i>, as documented * at {@link Predicate#apply}. Do not provide a predicate such as {@code * Predicates.instanceOf(ArrayList.class)}, which is inconsistent with equals. */
public static <K, V> Map<K, V> filterValues( Map<K, V> unfiltered, final Predicate<? super V> valuePredicate) { return filterEntries(unfiltered, Maps.<V>valuePredicateOnEntries(valuePredicate)); }
Returns a sorted map containing the mappings in unfiltered whose values satisfy a predicate. The returned map is a live view of unfiltered; changes to one affect the other.

The resulting map's keySet(), entrySet(), and values() views have iterators that don't support remove(), but all other methods are supported by the map and its views. When given a value that doesn't satisfy the predicate, the map's put(), putAll(), and Entry.setValue methods throw an IllegalArgumentException.

When methods such as removeAll() and clear() are called on the filtered map or its views, only mappings whose values satisfy the filter will be removed from the underlying map.

The returned map isn't threadsafe or serializable, even if unfiltered is.

Many of the filtered map's methods, such as size(), iterate across every key/value mapping in the underlying map and determine which satisfy the filter. When a live view is not needed, it may be faster to copy the filtered map and use the copy.

Warning: valuePredicate must be consistent with equals, as documented at Predicate.apply. Do not provide a predicate such as Predicates.instanceOf(ArrayList.class), which is inconsistent with equals.

/** * Returns a sorted map containing the mappings in {@code unfiltered} whose values satisfy a * predicate. The returned map is a live view of {@code unfiltered}; changes to one affect the * other. * * <p>The resulting map's {@code keySet()}, {@code entrySet()}, and {@code values()} views have * iterators that don't support {@code remove()}, but all other methods are supported by the map * and its views. When given a value that doesn't satisfy the predicate, the map's {@code put()}, * {@code putAll()}, and {@link Entry#setValue} methods throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException}. * * <p>When methods such as {@code removeAll()} and {@code clear()} are called on the filtered map * or its views, only mappings whose values satisfy the filter will be removed from the underlying * map. * * <p>The returned map isn't threadsafe or serializable, even if {@code unfiltered} is. * * <p>Many of the filtered map's methods, such as {@code size()}, iterate across every key/value * mapping in the underlying map and determine which satisfy the filter. When a live view is * <i>not</i> needed, it may be faster to copy the filtered map and use the copy. * * <p><b>Warning:</b> {@code valuePredicate} must be <i>consistent with equals</i>, as documented * at {@link Predicate#apply}. Do not provide a predicate such as {@code * Predicates.instanceOf(ArrayList.class)}, which is inconsistent with equals. * * @since 11.0 */
public static <K, V> SortedMap<K, V> filterValues( SortedMap<K, V> unfiltered, final Predicate<? super V> valuePredicate) { return filterEntries(unfiltered, Maps.<V>valuePredicateOnEntries(valuePredicate)); }
Returns a navigable map containing the mappings in unfiltered whose values satisfy a predicate. The returned map is a live view of unfiltered; changes to one affect the other.

The resulting map's keySet(), entrySet(), and values() views have iterators that don't support remove(), but all other methods are supported by the map and its views. When given a value that doesn't satisfy the predicate, the map's put(), putAll(), and Entry.setValue methods throw an IllegalArgumentException.

When methods such as removeAll() and clear() are called on the filtered map or its views, only mappings whose values satisfy the filter will be removed from the underlying map.

The returned map isn't threadsafe or serializable, even if unfiltered is.

Many of the filtered map's methods, such as size(), iterate across every key/value mapping in the underlying map and determine which satisfy the filter. When a live view is not needed, it may be faster to copy the filtered map and use the copy.

Warning: valuePredicate must be consistent with equals, as documented at Predicate.apply. Do not provide a predicate such as Predicates.instanceOf(ArrayList.class), which is inconsistent with equals.

/** * Returns a navigable map containing the mappings in {@code unfiltered} whose values satisfy a * predicate. The returned map is a live view of {@code unfiltered}; changes to one affect the * other. * * <p>The resulting map's {@code keySet()}, {@code entrySet()}, and {@code values()} views have * iterators that don't support {@code remove()}, but all other methods are supported by the map * and its views. When given a value that doesn't satisfy the predicate, the map's {@code put()}, * {@code putAll()}, and {@link Entry#setValue} methods throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException}. * * <p>When methods such as {@code removeAll()} and {@code clear()} are called on the filtered map * or its views, only mappings whose values satisfy the filter will be removed from the underlying * map. * * <p>The returned map isn't threadsafe or serializable, even if {@code unfiltered} is. * * <p>Many of the filtered map's methods, such as {@code size()}, iterate across every key/value * mapping in the underlying map and determine which satisfy the filter. When a live view is * <i>not</i> needed, it may be faster to copy the filtered map and use the copy. * * <p><b>Warning:</b> {@code valuePredicate} must be <i>consistent with equals</i>, as documented * at {@link Predicate#apply}. Do not provide a predicate such as {@code * Predicates.instanceOf(ArrayList.class)}, which is inconsistent with equals. * * @since 14.0 */
@GwtIncompatible // NavigableMap public static <K, V> NavigableMap<K, V> filterValues( NavigableMap<K, V> unfiltered, final Predicate<? super V> valuePredicate) { return filterEntries(unfiltered, Maps.<V>valuePredicateOnEntries(valuePredicate)); }
Returns a bimap containing the mappings in unfiltered whose values satisfy a predicate. The returned bimap is a live view of unfiltered; changes to one affect the other.

The resulting bimap's keySet(), entrySet(), and values() views have iterators that don't support remove(), but all other methods are supported by the bimap and its views. When given a value that doesn't satisfy the predicate, the bimap's put(), forcePut() and putAll() methods throw an IllegalArgumentException. Similarly, the map's entries have a Entry.setValue method that throws an IllegalArgumentException when the provided value doesn't satisfy the predicate.

When methods such as removeAll() and clear() are called on the filtered bimap or its views, only mappings that satisfy the filter will be removed from the underlying bimap.

The returned bimap isn't threadsafe or serializable, even if unfiltered is.

Many of the filtered bimap's methods, such as size(), iterate across every value in the underlying bimap and determine which satisfy the filter. When a live view is not needed, it may be faster to copy the filtered bimap and use the copy.

Warning: entryPredicate must be consistent with equals , as documented at Predicate.apply.

/** * Returns a bimap containing the mappings in {@code unfiltered} whose values satisfy a predicate. * The returned bimap is a live view of {@code unfiltered}; changes to one affect the other. * * <p>The resulting bimap's {@code keySet()}, {@code entrySet()}, and {@code values()} views have * iterators that don't support {@code remove()}, but all other methods are supported by the bimap * and its views. When given a value that doesn't satisfy the predicate, the bimap's {@code * put()}, {@code forcePut()} and {@code putAll()} methods throw an {@link * IllegalArgumentException}. Similarly, the map's entries have a {@link Entry#setValue} method * that throws an {@link IllegalArgumentException} when the provided value doesn't satisfy the * predicate. * * <p>When methods such as {@code removeAll()} and {@code clear()} are called on the filtered * bimap or its views, only mappings that satisfy the filter will be removed from the underlying * bimap. * * <p>The returned bimap isn't threadsafe or serializable, even if {@code unfiltered} is. * * <p>Many of the filtered bimap's methods, such as {@code size()}, iterate across every value in * the underlying bimap and determine which satisfy the filter. When a live view is <i>not</i> * needed, it may be faster to copy the filtered bimap and use the copy. * * <p><b>Warning:</b> {@code entryPredicate} must be <i>consistent with equals </i>, as documented * at {@link Predicate#apply}. * * @since 14.0 */
public static <K, V> BiMap<K, V> filterValues( BiMap<K, V> unfiltered, final Predicate<? super V> valuePredicate) { return filterEntries(unfiltered, Maps.<V>valuePredicateOnEntries(valuePredicate)); }
Returns a map containing the mappings in unfiltered that satisfy a predicate. The returned map is a live view of unfiltered; changes to one affect the other.

The resulting map's keySet(), entrySet(), and values() views have iterators that don't support remove(), but all other methods are supported by the map and its views. When given a key/value pair that doesn't satisfy the predicate, the map's put() and putAll() methods throw an IllegalArgumentException. Similarly, the map's entries have a Entry.setValue method that throws an IllegalArgumentException when the existing key and the provided value don't satisfy the predicate.

When methods such as removeAll() and clear() are called on the filtered map or its views, only mappings that satisfy the filter will be removed from the underlying map.

The returned map isn't threadsafe or serializable, even if unfiltered is.

Many of the filtered map's methods, such as size(), iterate across every key/value mapping in the underlying map and determine which satisfy the filter. When a live view is not needed, it may be faster to copy the filtered map and use the copy.

Warning: entryPredicate must be consistent with equals, as documented at Predicate.apply.

/** * Returns a map containing the mappings in {@code unfiltered} that satisfy a predicate. The * returned map is a live view of {@code unfiltered}; changes to one affect the other. * * <p>The resulting map's {@code keySet()}, {@code entrySet()}, and {@code values()} views have * iterators that don't support {@code remove()}, but all other methods are supported by the map * and its views. When given a key/value pair that doesn't satisfy the predicate, the map's {@code * put()} and {@code putAll()} methods throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException}. Similarly, the * map's entries have a {@link Entry#setValue} method that throws an {@link * IllegalArgumentException} when the existing key and the provided value don't satisfy the * predicate. * * <p>When methods such as {@code removeAll()} and {@code clear()} are called on the filtered map * or its views, only mappings that satisfy the filter will be removed from the underlying map. * * <p>The returned map isn't threadsafe or serializable, even if {@code unfiltered} is. * * <p>Many of the filtered map's methods, such as {@code size()}, iterate across every key/value * mapping in the underlying map and determine which satisfy the filter. When a live view is * <i>not</i> needed, it may be faster to copy the filtered map and use the copy. * * <p><b>Warning:</b> {@code entryPredicate} must be <i>consistent with equals</i>, as documented * at {@link Predicate#apply}. */
public static <K, V> Map<K, V> filterEntries( Map<K, V> unfiltered, Predicate<? super Entry<K, V>> entryPredicate) { checkNotNull(entryPredicate); return (unfiltered instanceof AbstractFilteredMap) ? filterFiltered((AbstractFilteredMap<K, V>) unfiltered, entryPredicate) : new FilteredEntryMap<K, V>(checkNotNull(unfiltered), entryPredicate); }
Returns a sorted map containing the mappings in unfiltered that satisfy a predicate. The returned map is a live view of unfiltered; changes to one affect the other.

The resulting map's keySet(), entrySet(), and values() views have iterators that don't support remove(), but all other methods are supported by the map and its views. When given a key/value pair that doesn't satisfy the predicate, the map's put() and putAll() methods throw an IllegalArgumentException. Similarly, the map's entries have a Entry.setValue method that throws an IllegalArgumentException when the existing key and the provided value don't satisfy the predicate.

When methods such as removeAll() and clear() are called on the filtered map or its views, only mappings that satisfy the filter will be removed from the underlying map.

The returned map isn't threadsafe or serializable, even if unfiltered is.

Many of the filtered map's methods, such as size(), iterate across every key/value mapping in the underlying map and determine which satisfy the filter. When a live view is not needed, it may be faster to copy the filtered map and use the copy.

Warning: entryPredicate must be consistent with equals, as documented at Predicate.apply.

/** * Returns a sorted map containing the mappings in {@code unfiltered} that satisfy a predicate. * The returned map is a live view of {@code unfiltered}; changes to one affect the other. * * <p>The resulting map's {@code keySet()}, {@code entrySet()}, and {@code values()} views have * iterators that don't support {@code remove()}, but all other methods are supported by the map * and its views. When given a key/value pair that doesn't satisfy the predicate, the map's {@code * put()} and {@code putAll()} methods throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException}. Similarly, the * map's entries have a {@link Entry#setValue} method that throws an {@link * IllegalArgumentException} when the existing key and the provided value don't satisfy the * predicate. * * <p>When methods such as {@code removeAll()} and {@code clear()} are called on the filtered map * or its views, only mappings that satisfy the filter will be removed from the underlying map. * * <p>The returned map isn't threadsafe or serializable, even if {@code unfiltered} is. * * <p>Many of the filtered map's methods, such as {@code size()}, iterate across every key/value * mapping in the underlying map and determine which satisfy the filter. When a live view is * <i>not</i> needed, it may be faster to copy the filtered map and use the copy. * * <p><b>Warning:</b> {@code entryPredicate} must be <i>consistent with equals</i>, as documented * at {@link Predicate#apply}. * * @since 11.0 */
public static <K, V> SortedMap<K, V> filterEntries( SortedMap<K, V> unfiltered, Predicate<? super Entry<K, V>> entryPredicate) { checkNotNull(entryPredicate); return (unfiltered instanceof FilteredEntrySortedMap) ? filterFiltered((FilteredEntrySortedMap<K, V>) unfiltered, entryPredicate) : new FilteredEntrySortedMap<K, V>(checkNotNull(unfiltered), entryPredicate); }
Returns a sorted map containing the mappings in unfiltered that satisfy a predicate. The returned map is a live view of unfiltered; changes to one affect the other.

The resulting map's keySet(), entrySet(), and values() views have iterators that don't support remove(), but all other methods are supported by the map and its views. When given a key/value pair that doesn't satisfy the predicate, the map's put() and putAll() methods throw an IllegalArgumentException. Similarly, the map's entries have a Entry.setValue method that throws an IllegalArgumentException when the existing key and the provided value don't satisfy the predicate.

When methods such as removeAll() and clear() are called on the filtered map or its views, only mappings that satisfy the filter will be removed from the underlying map.

The returned map isn't threadsafe or serializable, even if unfiltered is.

Many of the filtered map's methods, such as size(), iterate across every key/value mapping in the underlying map and determine which satisfy the filter. When a live view is not needed, it may be faster to copy the filtered map and use the copy.

Warning: entryPredicate must be consistent with equals, as documented at Predicate.apply.

/** * Returns a sorted map containing the mappings in {@code unfiltered} that satisfy a predicate. * The returned map is a live view of {@code unfiltered}; changes to one affect the other. * * <p>The resulting map's {@code keySet()}, {@code entrySet()}, and {@code values()} views have * iterators that don't support {@code remove()}, but all other methods are supported by the map * and its views. When given a key/value pair that doesn't satisfy the predicate, the map's {@code * put()} and {@code putAll()} methods throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException}. Similarly, the * map's entries have a {@link Entry#setValue} method that throws an {@link * IllegalArgumentException} when the existing key and the provided value don't satisfy the * predicate. * * <p>When methods such as {@code removeAll()} and {@code clear()} are called on the filtered map * or its views, only mappings that satisfy the filter will be removed from the underlying map. * * <p>The returned map isn't threadsafe or serializable, even if {@code unfiltered} is. * * <p>Many of the filtered map's methods, such as {@code size()}, iterate across every key/value * mapping in the underlying map and determine which satisfy the filter. When a live view is * <i>not</i> needed, it may be faster to copy the filtered map and use the copy. * * <p><b>Warning:</b> {@code entryPredicate} must be <i>consistent with equals</i>, as documented * at {@link Predicate#apply}. * * @since 14.0 */
@GwtIncompatible // NavigableMap public static <K, V> NavigableMap<K, V> filterEntries( NavigableMap<K, V> unfiltered, Predicate<? super Entry<K, V>> entryPredicate) { checkNotNull(entryPredicate); return (unfiltered instanceof FilteredEntryNavigableMap) ? filterFiltered((FilteredEntryNavigableMap<K, V>) unfiltered, entryPredicate) : new FilteredEntryNavigableMap<K, V>(checkNotNull(unfiltered), entryPredicate); }
Returns a bimap containing the mappings in unfiltered that satisfy a predicate. The returned bimap is a live view of unfiltered; changes to one affect the other.

The resulting bimap's keySet(), entrySet(), and values() views have iterators that don't support remove(), but all other methods are supported by the bimap and its views. When given a key/value pair that doesn't satisfy the predicate, the bimap's put(), forcePut() and putAll() methods throw an IllegalArgumentException. Similarly, the map's entries have an Entry.setValue method that throws an IllegalArgumentException when the existing key and the provided value don't satisfy the predicate.

When methods such as removeAll() and clear() are called on the filtered bimap or its views, only mappings that satisfy the filter will be removed from the underlying bimap.

The returned bimap isn't threadsafe or serializable, even if unfiltered is.

Many of the filtered bimap's methods, such as size(), iterate across every key/value mapping in the underlying bimap and determine which satisfy the filter. When a live view is not needed, it may be faster to copy the filtered bimap and use the copy.

Warning: entryPredicate must be consistent with equals , as documented at Predicate.apply.

/** * Returns a bimap containing the mappings in {@code unfiltered} that satisfy a predicate. The * returned bimap is a live view of {@code unfiltered}; changes to one affect the other. * * <p>The resulting bimap's {@code keySet()}, {@code entrySet()}, and {@code values()} views have * iterators that don't support {@code remove()}, but all other methods are supported by the bimap * and its views. When given a key/value pair that doesn't satisfy the predicate, the bimap's * {@code put()}, {@code forcePut()} and {@code putAll()} methods throw an {@link * IllegalArgumentException}. Similarly, the map's entries have an {@link Entry#setValue} method * that throws an {@link IllegalArgumentException} when the existing key and the provided value * don't satisfy the predicate. * * <p>When methods such as {@code removeAll()} and {@code clear()} are called on the filtered * bimap or its views, only mappings that satisfy the filter will be removed from the underlying * bimap. * * <p>The returned bimap isn't threadsafe or serializable, even if {@code unfiltered} is. * * <p>Many of the filtered bimap's methods, such as {@code size()}, iterate across every key/value * mapping in the underlying bimap and determine which satisfy the filter. When a live view is * <i>not</i> needed, it may be faster to copy the filtered bimap and use the copy. * * <p><b>Warning:</b> {@code entryPredicate} must be <i>consistent with equals </i>, as documented * at {@link Predicate#apply}. * * @since 14.0 */
public static <K, V> BiMap<K, V> filterEntries( BiMap<K, V> unfiltered, Predicate<? super Entry<K, V>> entryPredicate) { checkNotNull(unfiltered); checkNotNull(entryPredicate); return (unfiltered instanceof FilteredEntryBiMap) ? filterFiltered((FilteredEntryBiMap<K, V>) unfiltered, entryPredicate) : new FilteredEntryBiMap<K, V>(unfiltered, entryPredicate); }
Support clear(), removeAll(), and retainAll() when filtering a filtered map.
/** * Support {@code clear()}, {@code removeAll()}, and {@code retainAll()} when filtering a filtered * map. */
private static <K, V> Map<K, V> filterFiltered( AbstractFilteredMap<K, V> map, Predicate<? super Entry<K, V>> entryPredicate) { return new FilteredEntryMap<>( map.unfiltered, Predicates.<Entry<K, V>>and(map.predicate, entryPredicate)); }
Support clear(), removeAll(), and retainAll() when filtering a filtered sorted map.
/** * Support {@code clear()}, {@code removeAll()}, and {@code retainAll()} when filtering a filtered * sorted map. */
private static <K, V> SortedMap<K, V> filterFiltered( FilteredEntrySortedMap<K, V> map, Predicate<? super Entry<K, V>> entryPredicate) { Predicate<Entry<K, V>> predicate = Predicates.<Entry<K, V>>and(map.predicate, entryPredicate); return new FilteredEntrySortedMap<>(map.sortedMap(), predicate); }
Support clear(), removeAll(), and retainAll() when filtering a filtered navigable map.
/** * Support {@code clear()}, {@code removeAll()}, and {@code retainAll()} when filtering a filtered * navigable map. */
@GwtIncompatible // NavigableMap private static <K, V> NavigableMap<K, V> filterFiltered( FilteredEntryNavigableMap<K, V> map, Predicate<? super Entry<K, V>> entryPredicate) { Predicate<Entry<K, V>> predicate = Predicates.<Entry<K, V>>and(map.entryPredicate, entryPredicate); return new FilteredEntryNavigableMap<>(map.unfiltered, predicate); }
Support clear(), removeAll(), and retainAll() when filtering a filtered map.
/** * Support {@code clear()}, {@code removeAll()}, and {@code retainAll()} when filtering a filtered * map. */
private static <K, V> BiMap<K, V> filterFiltered( FilteredEntryBiMap<K, V> map, Predicate<? super Entry<K, V>> entryPredicate) { Predicate<Entry<K, V>> predicate = Predicates.<Entry<K, V>>and(map.predicate, entryPredicate); return new FilteredEntryBiMap<>(map.unfiltered(), predicate); } private abstract static class AbstractFilteredMap<K, V> extends ViewCachingAbstractMap<K, V> { final Map<K, V> unfiltered; final Predicate<? super Entry<K, V>> predicate; AbstractFilteredMap(Map<K, V> unfiltered, Predicate<? super Entry<K, V>> predicate) { this.unfiltered = unfiltered; this.predicate = predicate; } boolean apply(@Nullable Object key, @Nullable V value) { // This method is called only when the key is in the map, implying that // key is a K. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") K k = (K) key; return predicate.apply(Maps.immutableEntry(k, value)); } @Override public V put(K key, V value) { checkArgument(apply(key, value)); return unfiltered.put(key, value); } @Override public void putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> map) { for (Entry<? extends K, ? extends V> entry : map.entrySet()) { checkArgument(apply(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())); } unfiltered.putAll(map); } @Override public boolean containsKey(Object key) { return unfiltered.containsKey(key) && apply(key, unfiltered.get(key)); } @Override public V get(Object key) { V value = unfiltered.get(key); return ((value != null) && apply(key, value)) ? value : null; } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return entrySet().isEmpty(); } @Override public V remove(Object key) { return containsKey(key) ? unfiltered.remove(key) : null; } @Override Collection<V> createValues() { return new FilteredMapValues<>(this, unfiltered, predicate); } } private static final class FilteredMapValues<K, V> extends Maps.Values<K, V> { final Map<K, V> unfiltered; final Predicate<? super Entry<K, V>> predicate; FilteredMapValues( Map<K, V> filteredMap, Map<K, V> unfiltered, Predicate<? super Entry<K, V>> predicate) { super(filteredMap); this.unfiltered = unfiltered; this.predicate = predicate; } @Override public boolean remove(Object o) { Iterator<Entry<K, V>> entryItr = unfiltered.entrySet().iterator(); while (entryItr.hasNext()) { Entry<K, V> entry = entryItr.next(); if (predicate.apply(entry) && Objects.equal(entry.getValue(), o)) { entryItr.remove(); return true; } } return false; } @Override public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> collection) { Iterator<Entry<K, V>> entryItr = unfiltered.entrySet().iterator(); boolean result = false; while (entryItr.hasNext()) { Entry<K, V> entry = entryItr.next(); if (predicate.apply(entry) && collection.contains(entry.getValue())) { entryItr.remove(); result = true; } } return result; } @Override public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> collection) { Iterator<Entry<K, V>> entryItr = unfiltered.entrySet().iterator(); boolean result = false; while (entryItr.hasNext()) { Entry<K, V> entry = entryItr.next(); if (predicate.apply(entry) && !collection.contains(entry.getValue())) { entryItr.remove(); result = true; } } return result; } @Override public Object[] toArray() { // creating an ArrayList so filtering happens once return Lists.newArrayList(iterator()).toArray(); } @Override public <T> T[] toArray(T[] array) { return Lists.newArrayList(iterator()).toArray(array); } } private static class FilteredKeyMap<K, V> extends AbstractFilteredMap<K, V> { final Predicate<? super K> keyPredicate; FilteredKeyMap( Map<K, V> unfiltered, Predicate<? super K> keyPredicate, Predicate<? super Entry<K, V>> entryPredicate) { super(unfiltered, entryPredicate); this.keyPredicate = keyPredicate; } @Override protected Set<Entry<K, V>> createEntrySet() { return Sets.filter(unfiltered.entrySet(), predicate); } @Override Set<K> createKeySet() { return Sets.filter(unfiltered.keySet(), keyPredicate); } // The cast is called only when the key is in the unfiltered map, implying // that key is a K. @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public boolean containsKey(Object key) { return unfiltered.containsKey(key) && keyPredicate.apply((K) key); } } static class FilteredEntryMap<K, V> extends AbstractFilteredMap<K, V> {
Entries in this set satisfy the predicate, but they don't validate the input to Entry.setValue().
/** * Entries in this set satisfy the predicate, but they don't validate the input to {@code * Entry.setValue()}. */
final Set<Entry<K, V>> filteredEntrySet; FilteredEntryMap(Map<K, V> unfiltered, Predicate<? super Entry<K, V>> entryPredicate) { super(unfiltered, entryPredicate); filteredEntrySet = Sets.filter(unfiltered.entrySet(), predicate); } @Override protected Set<Entry<K, V>> createEntrySet() { return new EntrySet(); } @WeakOuter private class EntrySet extends ForwardingSet<Entry<K, V>> { @Override protected Set<Entry<K, V>> delegate() { return filteredEntrySet; } @Override public Iterator<Entry<K, V>> iterator() { return new TransformedIterator<Entry<K, V>, Entry<K, V>>(filteredEntrySet.iterator()) { @Override Entry<K, V> transform(final Entry<K, V> entry) { return new ForwardingMapEntry<K, V>() { @Override protected Entry<K, V> delegate() { return entry; } @Override public V setValue(V newValue) { checkArgument(apply(getKey(), newValue)); return super.setValue(newValue); } }; } }; } } @Override Set<K> createKeySet() { return new KeySet(); } static <K, V> boolean removeAllKeys( Map<K, V> map, Predicate<? super Entry<K, V>> entryPredicate, Collection<?> keyCollection) { Iterator<Entry<K, V>> entryItr = map.entrySet().iterator(); boolean result = false; while (entryItr.hasNext()) { Entry<K, V> entry = entryItr.next(); if (entryPredicate.apply(entry) && keyCollection.contains(entry.getKey())) { entryItr.remove(); result = true; } } return result; } static <K, V> boolean retainAllKeys( Map<K, V> map, Predicate<? super Entry<K, V>> entryPredicate, Collection<?> keyCollection) { Iterator<Entry<K, V>> entryItr = map.entrySet().iterator(); boolean result = false; while (entryItr.hasNext()) { Entry<K, V> entry = entryItr.next(); if (entryPredicate.apply(entry) && !keyCollection.contains(entry.getKey())) { entryItr.remove(); result = true; } } return result; } @WeakOuter class KeySet extends Maps.KeySet<K, V> { KeySet() { super(FilteredEntryMap.this); } @Override public boolean remove(Object o) { if (containsKey(o)) { unfiltered.remove(o); return true; } return false; } @Override public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> collection) { return removeAllKeys(unfiltered, predicate, collection); } @Override public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> collection) { return retainAllKeys(unfiltered, predicate, collection); } @Override public Object[] toArray() { // creating an ArrayList so filtering happens once return Lists.newArrayList(iterator()).toArray(); } @Override public <T> T[] toArray(T[] array) { return Lists.newArrayList(iterator()).toArray(array); } } } private static class FilteredEntrySortedMap<K, V> extends FilteredEntryMap<K, V> implements SortedMap<K, V> { FilteredEntrySortedMap( SortedMap<K, V> unfiltered, Predicate<? super Entry<K, V>> entryPredicate) { super(unfiltered, entryPredicate); } SortedMap<K, V> sortedMap() { return (SortedMap<K, V>) unfiltered; } @Override public SortedSet<K> keySet() { return (SortedSet<K>) super.keySet(); } @Override SortedSet<K> createKeySet() { return new SortedKeySet(); } @WeakOuter class SortedKeySet extends KeySet implements SortedSet<K> { @Override public Comparator<? super K> comparator() { return sortedMap().comparator(); } @Override public SortedSet<K> subSet(K fromElement, K toElement) { return (SortedSet<K>) subMap(fromElement, toElement).keySet(); } @Override public SortedSet<K> headSet(K toElement) { return (SortedSet<K>) headMap(toElement).keySet(); } @Override public SortedSet<K> tailSet(K fromElement) { return (SortedSet<K>) tailMap(fromElement).keySet(); } @Override public K first() { return firstKey(); } @Override public K last() { return lastKey(); } } @Override public Comparator<? super K> comparator() { return sortedMap().comparator(); } @Override public K firstKey() { // correctly throws NoSuchElementException when filtered map is empty. return keySet().iterator().next(); } @Override public K lastKey() { SortedMap<K, V> headMap = sortedMap(); while (true) { // correctly throws NoSuchElementException when filtered map is empty. K key = headMap.lastKey(); if (apply(key, unfiltered.get(key))) { return key; } headMap = sortedMap().headMap(key); } } @Override public SortedMap<K, V> headMap(K toKey) { return new FilteredEntrySortedMap<>(sortedMap().headMap(toKey), predicate); } @Override public SortedMap<K, V> subMap(K fromKey, K toKey) { return new FilteredEntrySortedMap<>(sortedMap().subMap(fromKey, toKey), predicate); } @Override public SortedMap<K, V> tailMap(K fromKey) { return new FilteredEntrySortedMap<>(sortedMap().tailMap(fromKey), predicate); } } @GwtIncompatible // NavigableMap private static class FilteredEntryNavigableMap<K, V> extends AbstractNavigableMap<K, V> { /* * It's less code to extend AbstractNavigableMap and forward the filtering logic to * FilteredEntryMap than to extend FilteredEntrySortedMap and reimplement all the NavigableMap * methods. */ private final NavigableMap<K, V> unfiltered; private final Predicate<? super Entry<K, V>> entryPredicate; private final Map<K, V> filteredDelegate; FilteredEntryNavigableMap( NavigableMap<K, V> unfiltered, Predicate<? super Entry<K, V>> entryPredicate) { this.unfiltered = checkNotNull(unfiltered); this.entryPredicate = entryPredicate; this.filteredDelegate = new FilteredEntryMap<>(unfiltered, entryPredicate); } @Override public Comparator<? super K> comparator() { return unfiltered.comparator(); } @Override public NavigableSet<K> navigableKeySet() { return new Maps.NavigableKeySet<K, V>(this) { @Override public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> collection) { return FilteredEntryMap.removeAllKeys(unfiltered, entryPredicate, collection); } @Override public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> collection) { return FilteredEntryMap.retainAllKeys(unfiltered, entryPredicate, collection); } }; } @Override public Collection<V> values() { return new FilteredMapValues<>(this, unfiltered, entryPredicate); } @Override Iterator<Entry<K, V>> entryIterator() { return Iterators.filter(unfiltered.entrySet().iterator(), entryPredicate); } @Override Iterator<Entry<K, V>> descendingEntryIterator() { return Iterators.filter(unfiltered.descendingMap().entrySet().iterator(), entryPredicate); } @Override public int size() { return filteredDelegate.size(); } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return !Iterables.any(unfiltered.entrySet(), entryPredicate); } @Override public @Nullable V get(@Nullable Object key) { return filteredDelegate.get(key); } @Override public boolean containsKey(@Nullable Object key) { return filteredDelegate.containsKey(key); } @Override public V put(K key, V value) { return filteredDelegate.put(key, value); } @Override public V remove(@Nullable Object key) { return filteredDelegate.remove(key); } @Override public void putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> m) { filteredDelegate.putAll(m); } @Override public void clear() { filteredDelegate.clear(); } @Override public Set<Entry<K, V>> entrySet() { return filteredDelegate.entrySet(); } @Override public Entry<K, V> pollFirstEntry() { return Iterables.removeFirstMatching(unfiltered.entrySet(), entryPredicate); } @Override public Entry<K, V> pollLastEntry() { return Iterables.removeFirstMatching(unfiltered.descendingMap().entrySet(), entryPredicate); } @Override public NavigableMap<K, V> descendingMap() { return filterEntries(unfiltered.descendingMap(), entryPredicate); } @Override public NavigableMap<K, V> subMap( K fromKey, boolean fromInclusive, K toKey, boolean toInclusive) { return filterEntries( unfiltered.subMap(fromKey, fromInclusive, toKey, toInclusive), entryPredicate); } @Override public NavigableMap<K, V> headMap(K toKey, boolean inclusive) { return filterEntries(unfiltered.headMap(toKey, inclusive), entryPredicate); } @Override public NavigableMap<K, V> tailMap(K fromKey, boolean inclusive) { return filterEntries(unfiltered.tailMap(fromKey, inclusive), entryPredicate); } } static final class FilteredEntryBiMap<K, V> extends FilteredEntryMap<K, V> implements BiMap<K, V> { @RetainedWith private final BiMap<V, K> inverse; private static <K, V> Predicate<Entry<V, K>> inversePredicate( final Predicate<? super Entry<K, V>> forwardPredicate) { return new Predicate<Entry<V, K>>() { @Override public boolean apply(Entry<V, K> input) { return forwardPredicate.apply(Maps.immutableEntry(input.getValue(), input.getKey())); } }; } FilteredEntryBiMap(BiMap<K, V> delegate, Predicate<? super Entry<K, V>> predicate) { super(delegate, predicate); this.inverse = new FilteredEntryBiMap<>(delegate.inverse(), inversePredicate(predicate), this); } private FilteredEntryBiMap( BiMap<K, V> delegate, Predicate<? super Entry<K, V>> predicate, BiMap<V, K> inverse) { super(delegate, predicate); this.inverse = inverse; } BiMap<K, V> unfiltered() { return (BiMap<K, V>) unfiltered; } @Override public V forcePut(@Nullable K key, @Nullable V value) { checkArgument(apply(key, value)); return unfiltered().forcePut(key, value); } @Override public void replaceAll(BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V> function) { unfiltered() .replaceAll( (key, value) -> predicate.apply(Maps.immutableEntry(key, value)) ? function.apply(key, value) : value); } @Override public BiMap<V, K> inverse() { return inverse; } @Override public Set<V> values() { return inverse.keySet(); } }
Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified navigable map. Query operations on the returned map read through to the specified map, and attempts to modify the returned map, whether direct or via its views, result in an UnsupportedOperationException.

The returned navigable map will be serializable if the specified navigable map is serializable.

This method's signature will not permit you to convert a NavigableMap<? extends K, V> to a NavigableMap<K, V>. If it permitted this, the returned map's comparator() method might return a Comparator<? extends K>, which works only on a particular subtype of K, but promise that it's a Comparator<? super K>, which must work on any type of K.

  • map – the navigable map for which an unmodifiable view is to be returned
Returns:an unmodifiable view of the specified navigable map
/** * Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified navigable map. Query operations on the returned * map read through to the specified map, and attempts to modify the returned map, whether direct * or via its views, result in an {@code UnsupportedOperationException}. * * <p>The returned navigable map will be serializable if the specified navigable map is * serializable. * * <p>This method's signature will not permit you to convert a {@code NavigableMap<? extends K, * V>} to a {@code NavigableMap<K, V>}. If it permitted this, the returned map's {@code * comparator()} method might return a {@code Comparator<? extends K>}, which works only on a * particular subtype of {@code K}, but promise that it's a {@code Comparator<? super K>}, which * must work on any type of {@code K}. * * @param map the navigable map for which an unmodifiable view is to be returned * @return an unmodifiable view of the specified navigable map * @since 12.0 */
@GwtIncompatible // NavigableMap public static <K, V> NavigableMap<K, V> unmodifiableNavigableMap( NavigableMap<K, ? extends V> map) { checkNotNull(map); if (map instanceof UnmodifiableNavigableMap) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // covariant NavigableMap<K, V> result = (NavigableMap) map; return result; } else { return new UnmodifiableNavigableMap<>(map); } } private static <K, V> @Nullable Entry<K, V> unmodifiableOrNull( @Nullable Entry<K, ? extends V> entry) { return (entry == null) ? null : Maps.unmodifiableEntry(entry); } @GwtIncompatible // NavigableMap static class UnmodifiableNavigableMap<K, V> extends ForwardingSortedMap<K, V> implements NavigableMap<K, V>, Serializable { private final NavigableMap<K, ? extends V> delegate; UnmodifiableNavigableMap(NavigableMap<K, ? extends V> delegate) { this.delegate = delegate; } UnmodifiableNavigableMap( NavigableMap<K, ? extends V> delegate, UnmodifiableNavigableMap<K, V> descendingMap) { this.delegate = delegate; this.descendingMap = descendingMap; } @Override protected SortedMap<K, V> delegate() { return Collections.unmodifiableSortedMap(delegate); } @Override public Entry<K, V> lowerEntry(K key) { return unmodifiableOrNull(delegate.lowerEntry(key)); } @Override public K lowerKey(K key) { return delegate.lowerKey(key); } @Override public Entry<K, V> floorEntry(K key) { return unmodifiableOrNull(delegate.floorEntry(key)); } @Override public K floorKey(K key) { return delegate.floorKey(key); } @Override public Entry<K, V> ceilingEntry(K key) { return unmodifiableOrNull(delegate.ceilingEntry(key)); } @Override public K ceilingKey(K key) { return delegate.ceilingKey(key); } @Override public Entry<K, V> higherEntry(K key) { return unmodifiableOrNull(delegate.higherEntry(key)); } @Override public K higherKey(K key) { return delegate.higherKey(key); } @Override public Entry<K, V> firstEntry() { return unmodifiableOrNull(delegate.firstEntry()); } @Override public Entry<K, V> lastEntry() { return unmodifiableOrNull(delegate.lastEntry()); } @Override public final Entry<K, V> pollFirstEntry() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public final Entry<K, V> pollLastEntry() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } private transient @MonotonicNonNull UnmodifiableNavigableMap<K, V> descendingMap; @Override public NavigableMap<K, V> descendingMap() { UnmodifiableNavigableMap<K, V> result = descendingMap; return (result == null) ? descendingMap = new UnmodifiableNavigableMap<>(delegate.descendingMap(), this) : result; } @Override public Set<K> keySet() { return navigableKeySet(); } @Override public NavigableSet<K> navigableKeySet() { return Sets.unmodifiableNavigableSet(delegate.navigableKeySet()); } @Override public NavigableSet<K> descendingKeySet() { return Sets.unmodifiableNavigableSet(delegate.descendingKeySet()); } @Override public SortedMap<K, V> subMap(K fromKey, K toKey) { return subMap(fromKey, true, toKey, false); } @Override public NavigableMap<K, V> subMap( K fromKey, boolean fromInclusive, K toKey, boolean toInclusive) { return Maps.unmodifiableNavigableMap( delegate.subMap(fromKey, fromInclusive, toKey, toInclusive)); } @Override public SortedMap<K, V> headMap(K toKey) { return headMap(toKey, false); } @Override public NavigableMap<K, V> headMap(K toKey, boolean inclusive) { return Maps.unmodifiableNavigableMap(delegate.headMap(toKey, inclusive)); } @Override public SortedMap<K, V> tailMap(K fromKey) { return tailMap(fromKey, true); } @Override public NavigableMap<K, V> tailMap(K fromKey, boolean inclusive) { return Maps.unmodifiableNavigableMap(delegate.tailMap(fromKey, inclusive)); } }
Returns a synchronized (thread-safe) navigable map backed by the specified navigable map. In order to guarantee serial access, it is critical that all access to the backing navigable map is accomplished through the returned navigable map (or its views).

It is imperative that the user manually synchronize on the returned navigable map when iterating over any of its collection views, or the collections views of any of its descendingMap, subMap, headMap or tailMap views.

NavigableMap<K, V> map = synchronizedNavigableMap(new TreeMap<K, V>());
// Needn't be in synchronized block
NavigableSet<K> set = map.navigableKeySet();
synchronized (map) { // Synchronizing on map, not set!
  Iterator<K> it = set.iterator(); // Must be in synchronized block
  while (it.hasNext()) {


NavigableMap<K, V> map = synchronizedNavigableMap(new TreeMap<K, V>());
NavigableMap<K, V> map2 = map.subMap(foo, false, bar, true);
// Needn't be in synchronized block
NavigableSet<K> set2 = map2.descendingKeySet();
synchronized (map) { // Synchronizing on map, not map2 or set2!
  Iterator<K> it = set2.iterator(); // Must be in synchronized block
  while (it.hasNext()) {

Failure to follow this advice may result in non-deterministic behavior.

The returned navigable map will be serializable if the specified navigable map is serializable.

  • navigableMap – the navigable map to be "wrapped" in a synchronized navigable map.
Returns:a synchronized view of the specified navigable map.
/** * Returns a synchronized (thread-safe) navigable map backed by the specified navigable map. In * order to guarantee serial access, it is critical that <b>all</b> access to the backing * navigable map is accomplished through the returned navigable map (or its views). * * <p>It is imperative that the user manually synchronize on the returned navigable map when * iterating over any of its collection views, or the collections views of any of its {@code * descendingMap}, {@code subMap}, {@code headMap} or {@code tailMap} views. * * <pre>{@code * NavigableMap<K, V> map = synchronizedNavigableMap(new TreeMap<K, V>()); * * // Needn't be in synchronized block * NavigableSet<K> set = map.navigableKeySet(); * * synchronized (map) { // Synchronizing on map, not set! * Iterator<K> it = set.iterator(); // Must be in synchronized block * while (it.hasNext()) { * foo(it.next()); * } * } * }</pre> * * <p>or: * * <pre>{@code * NavigableMap<K, V> map = synchronizedNavigableMap(new TreeMap<K, V>()); * NavigableMap<K, V> map2 = map.subMap(foo, false, bar, true); * * // Needn't be in synchronized block * NavigableSet<K> set2 = map2.descendingKeySet(); * * synchronized (map) { // Synchronizing on map, not map2 or set2! * Iterator<K> it = set2.iterator(); // Must be in synchronized block * while (it.hasNext()) { * foo(it.next()); * } * } * }</pre> * * <p>Failure to follow this advice may result in non-deterministic behavior. * * <p>The returned navigable map will be serializable if the specified navigable map is * serializable. * * @param navigableMap the navigable map to be "wrapped" in a synchronized navigable map. * @return a synchronized view of the specified navigable map. * @since 13.0 */
@GwtIncompatible // NavigableMap public static <K, V> NavigableMap<K, V> synchronizedNavigableMap( NavigableMap<K, V> navigableMap) { return Synchronized.navigableMap(navigableMap); }
AbstractMap extension that makes it easy to cache customized keySet, values, and entrySet views.
/** * {@code AbstractMap} extension that makes it easy to cache customized keySet, values, and * entrySet views. */
@GwtCompatible abstract static class ViewCachingAbstractMap<K, V> extends AbstractMap<K, V> {
Creates the entry set to be returned by entrySet(). This method is invoked at most once on a given map, at the time when entrySet is first called.
/** * Creates the entry set to be returned by {@link #entrySet()}. This method is invoked at most * once on a given map, at the time when {@code entrySet} is first called. */
abstract Set<Entry<K, V>> createEntrySet(); private transient @MonotonicNonNull Set<Entry<K, V>> entrySet; @Override public Set<Entry<K, V>> entrySet() { Set<Entry<K, V>> result = entrySet; return (result == null) ? entrySet = createEntrySet() : result; } private transient @MonotonicNonNull Set<K> keySet; @Override public Set<K> keySet() { Set<K> result = keySet; return (result == null) ? keySet = createKeySet() : result; } Set<K> createKeySet() { return new KeySet<>(this); } private transient @MonotonicNonNull Collection<V> values; @Override public Collection<V> values() { Collection<V> result = values; return (result == null) ? values = createValues() : result; } Collection<V> createValues() { return new Values<>(this); } } abstract static class IteratorBasedAbstractMap<K, V> extends AbstractMap<K, V> { @Override public abstract int size(); abstract Iterator<Entry<K, V>> entryIterator(); Spliterator<Entry<K, V>> entrySpliterator() { return Spliterators.spliterator( entryIterator(), size(), Spliterator.SIZED | Spliterator.DISTINCT); } @Override public Set<Entry<K, V>> entrySet() { return new EntrySet<K, V>() { @Override Map<K, V> map() { return IteratorBasedAbstractMap.this; } @Override public Iterator<Entry<K, V>> iterator() { return entryIterator(); } @Override public Spliterator<Entry<K, V>> spliterator() { return entrySpliterator(); } @Override public void forEach(Consumer<? super Entry<K, V>> action) { forEachEntry(action); } }; } void forEachEntry(Consumer<? super Entry<K, V>> action) { entryIterator().forEachRemaining(action); } @Override public void clear() { Iterators.clear(entryIterator()); } }
Delegates to Map.get. Returns null on ClassCastException and NullPointerException.
/** * Delegates to {@link Map#get}. Returns {@code null} on {@code ClassCastException} and {@code * NullPointerException}. */
static <V> V safeGet(Map<?, V> map, @Nullable Object key) { checkNotNull(map); try { return map.get(key); } catch (ClassCastException | NullPointerException e) { return null; } }
Delegates to Map.containsKey. Returns false on ClassCastException and NullPointerException.
/** * Delegates to {@link Map#containsKey}. Returns {@code false} on {@code ClassCastException} and * {@code NullPointerException}. */
static boolean safeContainsKey(Map<?, ?> map, Object key) { checkNotNull(map); try { return map.containsKey(key); } catch (ClassCastException | NullPointerException e) { return false; } }
Delegates to Map.remove. Returns null on ClassCastException and NullPointerException.
/** * Delegates to {@link Map#remove}. Returns {@code null} on {@code ClassCastException} and {@code * NullPointerException}. */
static <V> V safeRemove(Map<?, V> map, Object key) { checkNotNull(map); try { return map.remove(key); } catch (ClassCastException | NullPointerException e) { return null; } }
An admittedly inefficient implementation of Map.containsKey.
/** An admittedly inefficient implementation of {@link Map#containsKey}. */
static boolean containsKeyImpl(Map<?, ?> map, @Nullable Object key) { return Iterators.contains(keyIterator(map.entrySet().iterator()), key); }
An implementation of Map.containsValue.
/** An implementation of {@link Map#containsValue}. */
static boolean containsValueImpl(Map<?, ?> map, @Nullable Object value) { return Iterators.contains(valueIterator(map.entrySet().iterator()), value); }
Implements Collection.contains safely for forwarding collections of map entries. If o is an instance of Entry, it is wrapped using unmodifiableEntry to protect against a possible nefarious equals method.

Note that c is the backing (delegate) collection, rather than the forwarding collection.

  • c – the delegate (unwrapped) collection of map entries
  • o – the object that might be contained in c
Returns:true if c contains o
/** * Implements {@code Collection.contains} safely for forwarding collections of map entries. If * {@code o} is an instance of {@code Entry}, it is wrapped using {@link #unmodifiableEntry} to * protect against a possible nefarious equals method. * * <p>Note that {@code c} is the backing (delegate) collection, rather than the forwarding * collection. * * @param c the delegate (unwrapped) collection of map entries * @param o the object that might be contained in {@code c} * @return {@code true} if {@code c} contains {@code o} */
static <K, V> boolean containsEntryImpl(Collection<Entry<K, V>> c, Object o) { if (!(o instanceof Entry)) { return false; } return c.contains(unmodifiableEntry((Entry<?, ?>) o)); }
Implements Collection.remove safely for forwarding collections of map entries. If o is an instance of Entry, it is wrapped using unmodifiableEntry to protect against a possible nefarious equals method.

Note that c is backing (delegate) collection, rather than the forwarding collection.

  • c – the delegate (unwrapped) collection of map entries
  • o – the object to remove from c
Returns:true if c was changed
/** * Implements {@code Collection.remove} safely for forwarding collections of map entries. If * {@code o} is an instance of {@code Entry}, it is wrapped using {@link #unmodifiableEntry} to * protect against a possible nefarious equals method. * * <p>Note that {@code c} is backing (delegate) collection, rather than the forwarding collection. * * @param c the delegate (unwrapped) collection of map entries * @param o the object to remove from {@code c} * @return {@code true} if {@code c} was changed */
static <K, V> boolean removeEntryImpl(Collection<Entry<K, V>> c, Object o) { if (!(o instanceof Entry)) { return false; } return c.remove(unmodifiableEntry((Entry<?, ?>) o)); }
An implementation of Map.equals.
/** An implementation of {@link Map#equals}. */
static boolean equalsImpl(Map<?, ?> map, Object object) { if (map == object) { return true; } else if (object instanceof Map) { Map<?, ?> o = (Map<?, ?>) object; return map.entrySet().equals(o.entrySet()); } return false; }
An implementation of Object.toString.
/** An implementation of {@link Map#toString}. */
static String toStringImpl(Map<?, ?> map) { StringBuilder sb = Collections2.newStringBuilderForCollection(map.size()).append('{'); boolean first = true; for (Entry<?, ?> entry : map.entrySet()) { if (!first) { sb.append(", "); } first = false; sb.append(entry.getKey()).append('=').append(entry.getValue()); } return sb.append('}').toString(); }
An implementation of Map.putAll.
/** An implementation of {@link Map#putAll}. */
static <K, V> void putAllImpl(Map<K, V> self, Map<? extends K, ? extends V> map) { for (Entry<? extends K, ? extends V> entry : map.entrySet()) { self.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } static class KeySet<K, V> extends Sets.ImprovedAbstractSet<K> { @Weak final Map<K, V> map; KeySet(Map<K, V> map) { this.map = checkNotNull(map); } Map<K, V> map() { return map; } @Override public Iterator<K> iterator() { return keyIterator(map().entrySet().iterator()); } @Override public void forEach(Consumer<? super K> action) { checkNotNull(action); // avoids entry allocation for those maps that allocate entries on iteration map.forEach((k, v) -> action.accept(k)); } @Override public int size() { return map().size(); } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return map().isEmpty(); } @Override public boolean contains(Object o) { return map().containsKey(o); } @Override public boolean remove(Object o) { if (contains(o)) { map().remove(o); return true; } return false; } @Override public void clear() { map().clear(); } } static <K> @Nullable K keyOrNull(@Nullable Entry<K, ?> entry) { return (entry == null) ? null : entry.getKey(); } static <V> @Nullable V valueOrNull(@Nullable Entry<?, V> entry) { return (entry == null) ? null : entry.getValue(); } static class SortedKeySet<K, V> extends KeySet<K, V> implements SortedSet<K> { SortedKeySet(SortedMap<K, V> map) { super(map); } @Override SortedMap<K, V> map() { return (SortedMap<K, V>) super.map(); } @Override public Comparator<? super K> comparator() { return map().comparator(); } @Override public SortedSet<K> subSet(K fromElement, K toElement) { return new SortedKeySet<>(map().subMap(fromElement, toElement)); } @Override public SortedSet<K> headSet(K toElement) { return new SortedKeySet<>(map().headMap(toElement)); } @Override public SortedSet<K> tailSet(K fromElement) { return new SortedKeySet<>(map().tailMap(fromElement)); } @Override public K first() { return map().firstKey(); } @Override public K last() { return map().lastKey(); } } @GwtIncompatible // NavigableMap static class NavigableKeySet<K, V> extends SortedKeySet<K, V> implements NavigableSet<K> { NavigableKeySet(NavigableMap<K, V> map) { super(map); } @Override NavigableMap<K, V> map() { return (NavigableMap<K, V>) map; } @Override public K lower(K e) { return map().lowerKey(e); } @Override public K floor(K e) { return map().floorKey(e); } @Override public K ceiling(K e) { return map().ceilingKey(e); } @Override public K higher(K e) { return map().higherKey(e); } @Override public K pollFirst() { return keyOrNull(map().pollFirstEntry()); } @Override public K pollLast() { return keyOrNull(map().pollLastEntry()); } @Override public NavigableSet<K> descendingSet() { return map().descendingKeySet(); } @Override public Iterator<K> descendingIterator() { return descendingSet().iterator(); } @Override public NavigableSet<K> subSet( K fromElement, boolean fromInclusive, K toElement, boolean toInclusive) { return map().subMap(fromElement, fromInclusive, toElement, toInclusive).navigableKeySet(); } @Override public SortedSet<K> subSet(K fromElement, K toElement) { return subSet(fromElement, true, toElement, false); } @Override public NavigableSet<K> headSet(K toElement, boolean inclusive) { return map().headMap(toElement, inclusive).navigableKeySet(); } @Override public SortedSet<K> headSet(K toElement) { return headSet(toElement, false); } @Override public NavigableSet<K> tailSet(K fromElement, boolean inclusive) { return map().tailMap(fromElement, inclusive).navigableKeySet(); } @Override public SortedSet<K> tailSet(K fromElement) { return tailSet(fromElement, true); } } static class Values<K, V> extends AbstractCollection<V> { @Weak final Map<K, V> map; Values(Map<K, V> map) { this.map = checkNotNull(map); } final Map<K, V> map() { return map; } @Override public Iterator<V> iterator() { return valueIterator(map().entrySet().iterator()); } @Override public void forEach(Consumer<? super V> action) { checkNotNull(action); // avoids allocation of entries for those maps that generate fresh entries on iteration map.forEach((k, v) -> action.accept(v)); } @Override public boolean remove(Object o) { try { return super.remove(o); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { for (Entry<K, V> entry : map().entrySet()) { if (Objects.equal(o, entry.getValue())) { map().remove(entry.getKey()); return true; } } return false; } } @Override public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) { try { return super.removeAll(checkNotNull(c)); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { Set<K> toRemove = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Entry<K, V> entry : map().entrySet()) { if (c.contains(entry.getValue())) { toRemove.add(entry.getKey()); } } return map().keySet().removeAll(toRemove); } } @Override public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c) { try { return super.retainAll(checkNotNull(c)); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { Set<K> toRetain = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Entry<K, V> entry : map().entrySet()) { if (c.contains(entry.getValue())) { toRetain.add(entry.getKey()); } } return map().keySet().retainAll(toRetain); } } @Override public int size() { return map().size(); } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return map().isEmpty(); } @Override public boolean contains(@Nullable Object o) { return map().containsValue(o); } @Override public void clear() { map().clear(); } } abstract static class EntrySet<K, V> extends Sets.ImprovedAbstractSet<Entry<K, V>> { abstract Map<K, V> map(); @Override public int size() { return map().size(); } @Override public void clear() { map().clear(); } @Override public boolean contains(Object o) { if (o instanceof Entry) { Entry<?, ?> entry = (Entry<?, ?>) o; Object key = entry.getKey(); V value = Maps.safeGet(map(), key); return Objects.equal(value, entry.getValue()) && (value != null || map().containsKey(key)); } return false; } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return map().isEmpty(); } @Override public boolean remove(Object o) { if (contains(o)) { Entry<?, ?> entry = (Entry<?, ?>) o; return map().keySet().remove(entry.getKey()); } return false; } @Override public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) { try { return super.removeAll(checkNotNull(c)); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { // if the iterators don't support remove return Sets.removeAllImpl(this, c.iterator()); } } @Override public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c) { try { return super.retainAll(checkNotNull(c)); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { // if the iterators don't support remove Set<Object> keys = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(c.size()); for (Object o : c) { if (contains(o)) { Entry<?, ?> entry = (Entry<?, ?>) o; keys.add(entry.getKey()); } } return map().keySet().retainAll(keys); } } } @GwtIncompatible // NavigableMap abstract static class DescendingMap<K, V> extends ForwardingMap<K, V> implements NavigableMap<K, V> { abstract NavigableMap<K, V> forward(); @Override protected final Map<K, V> delegate() { return forward(); } private transient @MonotonicNonNull Comparator<? super K> comparator; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Comparator<? super K> comparator() { Comparator<? super K> result = comparator; if (result == null) { Comparator<? super K> forwardCmp = forward().comparator(); if (forwardCmp == null) { forwardCmp = (Comparator) Ordering.natural(); } result = comparator = reverse(forwardCmp); } return result; } // If we inline this, we get a javac error. private static <T> Ordering<T> reverse(Comparator<T> forward) { return Ordering.from(forward).reverse(); } @Override public K firstKey() { return forward().lastKey(); } @Override public K lastKey() { return forward().firstKey(); } @Override public Entry<K, V> lowerEntry(K key) { return forward().higherEntry(key); } @Override public K lowerKey(K key) { return forward().higherKey(key); } @Override public Entry<K, V> floorEntry(K key) { return forward().ceilingEntry(key); } @Override public K floorKey(K key) { return forward().ceilingKey(key); } @Override public Entry<K, V> ceilingEntry(K key) { return forward().floorEntry(key); } @Override public K ceilingKey(K key) { return forward().floorKey(key); } @Override public Entry<K, V> higherEntry(K key) { return forward().lowerEntry(key); } @Override public K higherKey(K key) { return forward().lowerKey(key); } @Override public Entry<K, V> firstEntry() { return forward().lastEntry(); } @Override public Entry<K, V> lastEntry() { return forward().firstEntry(); } @Override public Entry<K, V> pollFirstEntry() { return forward().pollLastEntry(); } @Override public Entry<K, V> pollLastEntry() { return forward().pollFirstEntry(); } @Override public NavigableMap<K, V> descendingMap() { return forward(); } private transient @MonotonicNonNull Set<Entry<K, V>> entrySet; @Override public Set<Entry<K, V>> entrySet() { Set<Entry<K, V>> result = entrySet; return (result == null) ? entrySet = createEntrySet() : result; } abstract Iterator<Entry<K, V>> entryIterator(); Set<Entry<K, V>> createEntrySet() { @WeakOuter class EntrySetImpl extends EntrySet<K, V> { @Override Map<K, V> map() { return DescendingMap.this; } @Override public Iterator<Entry<K, V>> iterator() { return entryIterator(); } } return new EntrySetImpl(); } @Override public Set<K> keySet() { return navigableKeySet(); } private transient @MonotonicNonNull NavigableSet<K> navigableKeySet; @Override public NavigableSet<K> navigableKeySet() { NavigableSet<K> result = navigableKeySet; return (result == null) ? navigableKeySet = new NavigableKeySet<>(this) : result; } @Override public NavigableSet<K> descendingKeySet() { return forward().navigableKeySet(); } @Override public NavigableMap<K, V> subMap( K fromKey, boolean fromInclusive, K toKey, boolean toInclusive) { return forward().subMap(toKey, toInclusive, fromKey, fromInclusive).descendingMap(); } @Override public SortedMap<K, V> subMap(K fromKey, K toKey) { return subMap(fromKey, true, toKey, false); } @Override public NavigableMap<K, V> headMap(K toKey, boolean inclusive) { return forward().tailMap(toKey, inclusive).descendingMap(); } @Override public SortedMap<K, V> headMap(K toKey) { return headMap(toKey, false); } @Override public NavigableMap<K, V> tailMap(K fromKey, boolean inclusive) { return forward().headMap(fromKey, inclusive).descendingMap(); } @Override public SortedMap<K, V> tailMap(K fromKey) { return tailMap(fromKey, true); } @Override public Collection<V> values() { return new Values<>(this); } @Override public String toString() { return standardToString(); } }
Returns a map from the ith element of list to i.
/** Returns a map from the ith element of list to i. */
static <E> ImmutableMap<E, Integer> indexMap(Collection<E> list) { ImmutableMap.Builder<E, Integer> builder = new ImmutableMap.Builder<>(list.size()); int i = 0; for (E e : list) { builder.put(e, i++); } return builder.build(); }
Returns a view of the portion of map whose keys are contained by range.

This method delegates to the appropriate methods of NavigableMap (namely subMap(), tailMap(), and headMap()) to actually construct the view. Consult these methods for a full description of the returned view's behavior.

Warning: Ranges always represent a range of values using the values' natural ordering. NavigableMap on the other hand can specify a custom ordering via a Comparator, which can violate the natural ordering. Using this method (or in general using Range) with unnaturally-ordered maps can lead to unexpected and undefined behavior.

/** * Returns a view of the portion of {@code map} whose keys are contained by {@code range}. * * <p>This method delegates to the appropriate methods of {@link NavigableMap} (namely {@link * NavigableMap#subMap(Object, boolean, Object, boolean) subMap()}, {@link * NavigableMap#tailMap(Object, boolean) tailMap()}, and {@link NavigableMap#headMap(Object, * boolean) headMap()}) to actually construct the view. Consult these methods for a full * description of the returned view's behavior. * * <p><b>Warning:</b> {@code Range}s always represent a range of values using the values' natural * ordering. {@code NavigableMap} on the other hand can specify a custom ordering via a {@link * Comparator}, which can violate the natural ordering. Using this method (or in general using * {@code Range}) with unnaturally-ordered maps can lead to unexpected and undefined behavior. * * @since 20.0 */
@Beta @GwtIncompatible // NavigableMap public static <K extends Comparable<? super K>, V> NavigableMap<K, V> subMap( NavigableMap<K, V> map, Range<K> range) { if (map.comparator() != null && map.comparator() != Ordering.natural() && range.hasLowerBound() && range.hasUpperBound()) { checkArgument( map.comparator().compare(range.lowerEndpoint(), range.upperEndpoint()) <= 0, "map is using a custom comparator which is inconsistent with the natural ordering."); } if (range.hasLowerBound() && range.hasUpperBound()) { return map.subMap( range.lowerEndpoint(), range.lowerBoundType() == BoundType.CLOSED, range.upperEndpoint(), range.upperBoundType() == BoundType.CLOSED); } else if (range.hasLowerBound()) { return map.tailMap(range.lowerEndpoint(), range.lowerBoundType() == BoundType.CLOSED); } else if (range.hasUpperBound()) { return map.headMap(range.upperEndpoint(), range.upperBoundType() == BoundType.CLOSED); } return checkNotNull(map); } }