 * Copyright (C) 2009 The Guava Authors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
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 * the License.

package com.google.common.collect;

import com.google.common.annotations.GwtCompatible;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap.IteratorBasedImmutableMap;
import com.google.errorprone.annotations.Immutable;
import com.google.j2objc.annotations.WeakOuter;
import java.util.Map;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;

A RegularImmutableTable optimized for dense data.
/** A {@code RegularImmutableTable} optimized for dense data. */
@GwtCompatible @Immutable(containerOf = {"R", "C", "V"}) final class DenseImmutableTable<R, C, V> extends RegularImmutableTable<R, C, V> { private final ImmutableMap<R, Integer> rowKeyToIndex; private final ImmutableMap<C, Integer> columnKeyToIndex; private final ImmutableMap<R, ImmutableMap<C, V>> rowMap; private final ImmutableMap<C, ImmutableMap<R, V>> columnMap; @SuppressWarnings("Immutable") // We don't modify this after construction. private final int[] rowCounts; @SuppressWarnings("Immutable") // We don't modify this after construction. private final int[] columnCounts; @SuppressWarnings("Immutable") // We don't modify this after construction. private final V[][] values; // For each cell in iteration order, the index of that cell's row key in the row key list. @SuppressWarnings("Immutable") // We don't modify this after construction. private final int[] cellRowIndices; // For each cell in iteration order, the index of that cell's column key in the column key list. @SuppressWarnings("Immutable") // We don't modify this after construction. private final int[] cellColumnIndices; DenseImmutableTable( ImmutableList<Cell<R, C, V>> cellList, ImmutableSet<R> rowSpace, ImmutableSet<C> columnSpace) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") V[][] array = (V[][]) new Object[rowSpace.size()][columnSpace.size()]; this.values = array; this.rowKeyToIndex = Maps.indexMap(rowSpace); this.columnKeyToIndex = Maps.indexMap(columnSpace); rowCounts = new int[rowKeyToIndex.size()]; columnCounts = new int[columnKeyToIndex.size()]; int[] cellRowIndices = new int[cellList.size()]; int[] cellColumnIndices = new int[cellList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < cellList.size(); i++) { Cell<R, C, V> cell = cellList.get(i); R rowKey = cell.getRowKey(); C columnKey = cell.getColumnKey(); int rowIndex = rowKeyToIndex.get(rowKey); int columnIndex = columnKeyToIndex.get(columnKey); V existingValue = values[rowIndex][columnIndex]; checkNoDuplicate(rowKey, columnKey, existingValue, cell.getValue()); values[rowIndex][columnIndex] = cell.getValue(); rowCounts[rowIndex]++; columnCounts[columnIndex]++; cellRowIndices[i] = rowIndex; cellColumnIndices[i] = columnIndex; } this.cellRowIndices = cellRowIndices; this.cellColumnIndices = cellColumnIndices; this.rowMap = new RowMap(); this.columnMap = new ColumnMap(); }
An immutable map implementation backed by an indexed nullable array.
/** An immutable map implementation backed by an indexed nullable array. */
private abstract static class ImmutableArrayMap<K, V> extends IteratorBasedImmutableMap<K, V> { private final int size; ImmutableArrayMap(int size) { this.size = size; } abstract ImmutableMap<K, Integer> keyToIndex(); // True if getValue never returns null. private boolean isFull() { return size == keyToIndex().size(); } K getKey(int index) { return keyToIndex().keySet().asList().get(index); } abstract @Nullable V getValue(int keyIndex); @Override ImmutableSet<K> createKeySet() { return isFull() ? keyToIndex().keySet() : super.createKeySet(); } @Override public int size() { return size; } @Override public V get(@Nullable Object key) { Integer keyIndex = keyToIndex().get(key); return (keyIndex == null) ? null : getValue(keyIndex); } @Override UnmodifiableIterator<Entry<K, V>> entryIterator() { return new AbstractIterator<Entry<K, V>>() { private int index = -1; private final int maxIndex = keyToIndex().size(); @Override protected Entry<K, V> computeNext() { for (index++; index < maxIndex; index++) { V value = getValue(index); if (value != null) { return Maps.immutableEntry(getKey(index), value); } } return endOfData(); } }; } } private final class Row extends ImmutableArrayMap<C, V> { private final int rowIndex; Row(int rowIndex) { super(rowCounts[rowIndex]); this.rowIndex = rowIndex; } @Override ImmutableMap<C, Integer> keyToIndex() { return columnKeyToIndex; } @Override V getValue(int keyIndex) { return values[rowIndex][keyIndex]; } @Override boolean isPartialView() { return true; } } private final class Column extends ImmutableArrayMap<R, V> { private final int columnIndex; Column(int columnIndex) { super(columnCounts[columnIndex]); this.columnIndex = columnIndex; } @Override ImmutableMap<R, Integer> keyToIndex() { return rowKeyToIndex; } @Override V getValue(int keyIndex) { return values[keyIndex][columnIndex]; } @Override boolean isPartialView() { return true; } } @WeakOuter private final class RowMap extends ImmutableArrayMap<R, ImmutableMap<C, V>> { private RowMap() { super(rowCounts.length); } @Override ImmutableMap<R, Integer> keyToIndex() { return rowKeyToIndex; } @Override ImmutableMap<C, V> getValue(int keyIndex) { return new Row(keyIndex); } @Override boolean isPartialView() { return false; } } @WeakOuter private final class ColumnMap extends ImmutableArrayMap<C, ImmutableMap<R, V>> { private ColumnMap() { super(columnCounts.length); } @Override ImmutableMap<C, Integer> keyToIndex() { return columnKeyToIndex; } @Override ImmutableMap<R, V> getValue(int keyIndex) { return new Column(keyIndex); } @Override boolean isPartialView() { return false; } } @Override public ImmutableMap<C, Map<R, V>> columnMap() { // Casts without copying. ImmutableMap<C, ImmutableMap<R, V>> columnMap = this.columnMap; return ImmutableMap.<C, Map<R, V>>copyOf(columnMap); } @Override public ImmutableMap<R, Map<C, V>> rowMap() { // Casts without copying. ImmutableMap<R, ImmutableMap<C, V>> rowMap = this.rowMap; return ImmutableMap.<R, Map<C, V>>copyOf(rowMap); } @Override public V get(@Nullable Object rowKey, @Nullable Object columnKey) { Integer rowIndex = rowKeyToIndex.get(rowKey); Integer columnIndex = columnKeyToIndex.get(columnKey); return ((rowIndex == null) || (columnIndex == null)) ? null : values[rowIndex][columnIndex]; } @Override public int size() { return cellRowIndices.length; } @Override Cell<R, C, V> getCell(int index) { int rowIndex = cellRowIndices[index]; int columnIndex = cellColumnIndices[index]; R rowKey = rowKeySet().asList().get(rowIndex); C columnKey = columnKeySet().asList().get(columnIndex); V value = values[rowIndex][columnIndex]; return cellOf(rowKey, columnKey, value); } @Override V getValue(int index) { return values[cellRowIndices[index]][cellColumnIndices[index]]; } @Override SerializedForm createSerializedForm() { return SerializedForm.create(this, cellRowIndices, cellColumnIndices); } }