 * Copyright (C) 2009 The Guava Authors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.google.common.collect;

import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;

import com.google.common.annotations.GwtCompatible;
import com.google.common.base.MoreObjects;
import com.google.common.collect.Tables.AbstractCell;
import com.google.errorprone.annotations.CanIgnoreReturnValue;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Spliterator;
import java.util.function.BinaryOperator;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.stream.Collector;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.MonotonicNonNull;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;

A Table whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed at ImmutableCollection.

See the Guava User Guide article on immutable collections.

Author:Gregory Kick
/** * A {@link Table} whose contents will never change, with many other important properties detailed * at {@link ImmutableCollection}. * * <p>See the Guava User Guide article on <a href= * "https://github.com/google/guava/wiki/ImmutableCollectionsExplained"> immutable collections</a>. * * @author Gregory Kick * @since 11.0 */
@GwtCompatible public abstract class ImmutableTable<R, C, V> extends AbstractTable<R, C, V> implements Serializable {
Returns a Collector that accumulates elements into an ImmutableTable. Each input element is mapped to one cell in the returned table, with the rows, columns, and values generated by applying the specified functions.

The returned Collector will throw a NullPointerException at collection time if the row, column, or value functions return null on any input.

/** * Returns a {@code Collector} that accumulates elements into an {@code ImmutableTable}. Each * input element is mapped to one cell in the returned table, with the rows, columns, and values * generated by applying the specified functions. * * <p>The returned {@code Collector} will throw a {@code NullPointerException} at collection time * if the row, column, or value functions return null on any input. * * @since 21.0 */
public static <T, R, C, V> Collector<T, ?, ImmutableTable<R, C, V>> toImmutableTable( Function<? super T, ? extends R> rowFunction, Function<? super T, ? extends C> columnFunction, Function<? super T, ? extends V> valueFunction) { checkNotNull(rowFunction, "rowFunction"); checkNotNull(columnFunction, "columnFunction"); checkNotNull(valueFunction, "valueFunction"); return Collector.of( () -> new ImmutableTable.Builder<R, C, V>(), (builder, t) -> builder.put(rowFunction.apply(t), columnFunction.apply(t), valueFunction.apply(t)), (b1, b2) -> b1.combine(b2), b -> b.build()); }
Returns a Collector that accumulates elements into an ImmutableTable. Each input element is mapped to one cell in the returned table, with the rows, columns, and values generated by applying the specified functions. If multiple inputs are mapped to the same row and column pair, they will be combined with the specified merging function in encounter order.

The returned Collector will throw a NullPointerException at collection time if the row, column, value, or merging functions return null on any input.

/** * Returns a {@code Collector} that accumulates elements into an {@code ImmutableTable}. Each * input element is mapped to one cell in the returned table, with the rows, columns, and values * generated by applying the specified functions. If multiple inputs are mapped to the same row * and column pair, they will be combined with the specified merging function in encounter order. * * <p>The returned {@code Collector} will throw a {@code NullPointerException} at collection time * if the row, column, value, or merging functions return null on any input. * * @since 21.0 */
public static <T, R, C, V> Collector<T, ?, ImmutableTable<R, C, V>> toImmutableTable( Function<? super T, ? extends R> rowFunction, Function<? super T, ? extends C> columnFunction, Function<? super T, ? extends V> valueFunction, BinaryOperator<V> mergeFunction) { checkNotNull(rowFunction, "rowFunction"); checkNotNull(columnFunction, "columnFunction"); checkNotNull(valueFunction, "valueFunction"); checkNotNull(mergeFunction, "mergeFunction"); /* * No mutable Table exactly matches the insertion order behavior of ImmutableTable.Builder, but * the Builder can't efficiently support merging of duplicate values. Getting around this * requires some work. */ return Collector.of( () -> new CollectorState<R, C, V>() /* GWT isn't currently playing nicely with constructor references? */ , (state, input) -> state.put( rowFunction.apply(input), columnFunction.apply(input), valueFunction.apply(input), mergeFunction), (s1, s2) -> s1.combine(s2, mergeFunction), state -> state.toTable()); } private static final class CollectorState<R, C, V> { final List<MutableCell<R, C, V>> insertionOrder = new ArrayList<>(); final Table<R, C, MutableCell<R, C, V>> table = HashBasedTable.create(); void put(R row, C column, V value, BinaryOperator<V> merger) { MutableCell<R, C, V> oldCell = table.get(row, column); if (oldCell == null) { MutableCell<R, C, V> cell = new MutableCell<>(row, column, value); insertionOrder.add(cell); table.put(row, column, cell); } else { oldCell.merge(value, merger); } } CollectorState<R, C, V> combine(CollectorState<R, C, V> other, BinaryOperator<V> merger) { for (MutableCell<R, C, V> cell : other.insertionOrder) { put(cell.getRowKey(), cell.getColumnKey(), cell.getValue(), merger); } return this; } ImmutableTable<R, C, V> toTable() { return copyOf(insertionOrder); } } private static final class MutableCell<R, C, V> extends AbstractCell<R, C, V> { private final R row; private final C column; private V value; MutableCell(R row, C column, V value) { this.row = checkNotNull(row, "row"); this.column = checkNotNull(column, "column"); this.value = checkNotNull(value, "value"); } @Override public R getRowKey() { return row; } @Override public C getColumnKey() { return column; } @Override public V getValue() { return value; } void merge(V value, BinaryOperator<V> mergeFunction) { checkNotNull(value, "value"); this.value = checkNotNull(mergeFunction.apply(this.value, value), "mergeFunction.apply"); } }
Returns an empty immutable table.
/** Returns an empty immutable table. */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <R, C, V> ImmutableTable<R, C, V> of() { return (ImmutableTable<R, C, V>) SparseImmutableTable.EMPTY; }
Returns an immutable table containing a single cell.
/** Returns an immutable table containing a single cell. */
public static <R, C, V> ImmutableTable<R, C, V> of(R rowKey, C columnKey, V value) { return new SingletonImmutableTable<>(rowKey, columnKey, value); }
Returns an immutable copy of the provided table.

The Table.cellSet() iteration order of the provided table determines the iteration ordering of all views in the returned table. Note that some views of the original table and the copied table may have different iteration orders. For more control over the ordering, create a Builder and call Builder.orderRowsBy, Builder.orderColumnsBy, and Builder.putAll

Despite the method name, this method attempts to avoid actually copying the data when it is safe to do so. The exact circumstances under which a copy will or will not be performed are undocumented and subject to change.

/** * Returns an immutable copy of the provided table. * * <p>The {@link Table#cellSet()} iteration order of the provided table determines the iteration * ordering of all views in the returned table. Note that some views of the original table and the * copied table may have different iteration orders. For more control over the ordering, create a * {@link Builder} and call {@link Builder#orderRowsBy}, {@link Builder#orderColumnsBy}, and * {@link Builder#putAll} * * <p>Despite the method name, this method attempts to avoid actually copying the data when it is * safe to do so. The exact circumstances under which a copy will or will not be performed are * undocumented and subject to change. */
public static <R, C, V> ImmutableTable<R, C, V> copyOf( Table<? extends R, ? extends C, ? extends V> table) { if (table instanceof ImmutableTable) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ImmutableTable<R, C, V> parameterizedTable = (ImmutableTable<R, C, V>) table; return parameterizedTable; } else { return copyOf(table.cellSet()); } } private static <R, C, V> ImmutableTable<R, C, V> copyOf( Iterable<? extends Cell<? extends R, ? extends C, ? extends V>> cells) { ImmutableTable.Builder<R, C, V> builder = ImmutableTable.builder(); for (Cell<? extends R, ? extends C, ? extends V> cell : cells) { builder.put(cell); } return builder.build(); }
Returns a new builder. The generated builder is equivalent to the builder created by the ImmutableTable.Builder() constructor.
/** * Returns a new builder. The generated builder is equivalent to the builder created by the {@link * Builder#Builder() ImmutableTable.Builder()} constructor. */
public static <R, C, V> Builder<R, C, V> builder() { return new Builder<>(); }
Verifies that rowKey, columnKey and value are non-null, and returns a new entry with those values.
/** * Verifies that {@code rowKey}, {@code columnKey} and {@code value} are non-null, and returns a * new entry with those values. */
static <R, C, V> Cell<R, C, V> cellOf(R rowKey, C columnKey, V value) { return Tables.immutableCell( checkNotNull(rowKey, "rowKey"), checkNotNull(columnKey, "columnKey"), checkNotNull(value, "value")); }
A builder for creating immutable table instances, especially public static final tables ("constant tables"). Example:

static final ImmutableTable<Integer, Character, String> SPREADSHEET =
    new ImmutableTable.Builder<Integer, Character, String>()
        .put(1, 'A', "foo")
        .put(1, 'B', "bar")
        .put(2, 'A', "baz")

By default, the order in which cells are added to the builder determines the iteration ordering of all views in the returned table, with putAll following the Table.cellSet() iteration order. However, if orderRowsBy or orderColumnsBy is called, the views are sorted by the supplied comparators.

For empty or single-cell immutable tables, ImmutableTable.of() and ImmutableTable.of(Object, Object, Object) are even more convenient.

Builder instances can be reused - it is safe to call build multiple times to build multiple tables in series. Each table is a superset of the tables created before it.

/** * A builder for creating immutable table instances, especially {@code public static final} tables * ("constant tables"). Example: * * <pre>{@code * static final ImmutableTable<Integer, Character, String> SPREADSHEET = * new ImmutableTable.Builder<Integer, Character, String>() * .put(1, 'A', "foo") * .put(1, 'B', "bar") * .put(2, 'A', "baz") * .build(); * }</pre> * * <p>By default, the order in which cells are added to the builder determines the iteration * ordering of all views in the returned table, with {@link #putAll} following the {@link * Table#cellSet()} iteration order. However, if {@link #orderRowsBy} or {@link #orderColumnsBy} * is called, the views are sorted by the supplied comparators. * * <p>For empty or single-cell immutable tables, {@link #of()} and {@link #of(Object, Object, * Object)} are even more convenient. * * <p>Builder instances can be reused - it is safe to call {@link #build} multiple times to build * multiple tables in series. Each table is a superset of the tables created before it. * * @since 11.0 */
public static final class Builder<R, C, V> { private final List<Cell<R, C, V>> cells = Lists.newArrayList(); @MonotonicNonNull private Comparator<? super R> rowComparator; @MonotonicNonNull private Comparator<? super C> columnComparator;
Creates a new builder. The returned builder is equivalent to the builder generated by ImmutableTable.builder.
/** * Creates a new builder. The returned builder is equivalent to the builder generated by {@link * ImmutableTable#builder}. */
public Builder() {}
Specifies the ordering of the generated table's rows.
/** Specifies the ordering of the generated table's rows. */
@CanIgnoreReturnValue public Builder<R, C, V> orderRowsBy(Comparator<? super R> rowComparator) { this.rowComparator = checkNotNull(rowComparator, "rowComparator"); return this; }
Specifies the ordering of the generated table's columns.
/** Specifies the ordering of the generated table's columns. */
@CanIgnoreReturnValue public Builder<R, C, V> orderColumnsBy(Comparator<? super C> columnComparator) { this.columnComparator = checkNotNull(columnComparator, "columnComparator"); return this; }
Associates the (rowKey, columnKey) pair with value in the built table. Duplicate key pairs are not allowed and will cause build to fail.
/** * Associates the ({@code rowKey}, {@code columnKey}) pair with {@code value} in the built * table. Duplicate key pairs are not allowed and will cause {@link #build} to fail. */
@CanIgnoreReturnValue public Builder<R, C, V> put(R rowKey, C columnKey, V value) { cells.add(cellOf(rowKey, columnKey, value)); return this; }
Adds the given cell to the table, making it immutable if necessary. Duplicate key pairs are not allowed and will cause build to fail.
/** * Adds the given {@code cell} to the table, making it immutable if necessary. Duplicate key * pairs are not allowed and will cause {@link #build} to fail. */
@CanIgnoreReturnValue public Builder<R, C, V> put(Cell<? extends R, ? extends C, ? extends V> cell) { if (cell instanceof Tables.ImmutableCell) { checkNotNull(cell.getRowKey(), "row"); checkNotNull(cell.getColumnKey(), "column"); checkNotNull(cell.getValue(), "value"); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // all supported methods are covariant Cell<R, C, V> immutableCell = (Cell<R, C, V>) cell; cells.add(immutableCell); } else { put(cell.getRowKey(), cell.getColumnKey(), cell.getValue()); } return this; }
Associates all of the given table's keys and values in the built table. Duplicate row key column key pairs are not allowed, and will cause build to fail.
/** * Associates all of the given table's keys and values in the built table. Duplicate row key * column key pairs are not allowed, and will cause {@link #build} to fail. * * @throws NullPointerException if any key or value in {@code table} is null */
@CanIgnoreReturnValue public Builder<R, C, V> putAll(Table<? extends R, ? extends C, ? extends V> table) { for (Cell<? extends R, ? extends C, ? extends V> cell : table.cellSet()) { put(cell); } return this; } Builder<R, C, V> combine(Builder<R, C, V> other) { this.cells.addAll(other.cells); return this; }
Returns a newly-created immutable table.
  • IllegalArgumentException – if duplicate key pairs were added
/** * Returns a newly-created immutable table. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if duplicate key pairs were added */
public ImmutableTable<R, C, V> build() { int size = cells.size(); switch (size) { case 0: return of(); case 1: return new SingletonImmutableTable<>(Iterables.getOnlyElement(cells)); default: return RegularImmutableTable.forCells(cells, rowComparator, columnComparator); } } } ImmutableTable() {} @Override public ImmutableSet<Cell<R, C, V>> cellSet() { return (ImmutableSet<Cell<R, C, V>>) super.cellSet(); } @Override abstract ImmutableSet<Cell<R, C, V>> createCellSet(); @Override final UnmodifiableIterator<Cell<R, C, V>> cellIterator() { throw new AssertionError("should never be called"); } @Override final Spliterator<Cell<R, C, V>> cellSpliterator() { throw new AssertionError("should never be called"); } @Override public ImmutableCollection<V> values() { return (ImmutableCollection<V>) super.values(); } @Override abstract ImmutableCollection<V> createValues(); @Override final Iterator<V> valuesIterator() { throw new AssertionError("should never be called"); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * @throws NullPointerException if {@code columnKey} is {@code null} */
@Override public ImmutableMap<R, V> column(C columnKey) { checkNotNull(columnKey, "columnKey"); return MoreObjects.firstNonNull( (ImmutableMap<R, V>) columnMap().get(columnKey), ImmutableMap.<R, V>of()); } @Override public ImmutableSet<C> columnKeySet() { return columnMap().keySet(); }

The value Map<R, V> instances in the returned map are ImmutableMap instances as well.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The value {@code Map<R, V>} instances in the returned map are {@link ImmutableMap} instances * as well. */
@Override public abstract ImmutableMap<C, Map<R, V>> columnMap();
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * @throws NullPointerException if {@code rowKey} is {@code null} */
@Override public ImmutableMap<C, V> row(R rowKey) { checkNotNull(rowKey, "rowKey"); return MoreObjects.firstNonNull( (ImmutableMap<C, V>) rowMap().get(rowKey), ImmutableMap.<C, V>of()); } @Override public ImmutableSet<R> rowKeySet() { return rowMap().keySet(); }

The value Map<C, V> instances in the returned map are ImmutableMap instances as well.

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The value {@code Map<C, V>} instances in the returned map are {@link ImmutableMap} instances * as well. */
@Override public abstract ImmutableMap<R, Map<C, V>> rowMap(); @Override public boolean contains(@Nullable Object rowKey, @Nullable Object columnKey) { return get(rowKey, columnKey) != null; } @Override public boolean containsValue(@Nullable Object value) { return values().contains(value); }
Guaranteed to throw an exception and leave the table unmodified.
  • UnsupportedOperationException – always
Deprecated:Unsupported operation.
/** * Guaranteed to throw an exception and leave the table unmodified. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException always * @deprecated Unsupported operation. */
@Deprecated @Override public final void clear() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
Guaranteed to throw an exception and leave the table unmodified.
  • UnsupportedOperationException – always
Deprecated:Unsupported operation.
/** * Guaranteed to throw an exception and leave the table unmodified. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException always * @deprecated Unsupported operation. */
@CanIgnoreReturnValue @Deprecated @Override public final V put(R rowKey, C columnKey, V value) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
Guaranteed to throw an exception and leave the table unmodified.
  • UnsupportedOperationException – always
Deprecated:Unsupported operation.
/** * Guaranteed to throw an exception and leave the table unmodified. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException always * @deprecated Unsupported operation. */
@Deprecated @Override public final void putAll(Table<? extends R, ? extends C, ? extends V> table) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
Guaranteed to throw an exception and leave the table unmodified.
  • UnsupportedOperationException – always
Deprecated:Unsupported operation.
/** * Guaranteed to throw an exception and leave the table unmodified. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException always * @deprecated Unsupported operation. */
@CanIgnoreReturnValue @Deprecated @Override public final V remove(Object rowKey, Object columnKey) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
Creates the common serialized form for this table.
/** Creates the common serialized form for this table. */
abstract SerializedForm createSerializedForm();
Serialized type for all ImmutableTable instances. It captures the logical contents and preserves iteration order of all views.
/** * Serialized type for all ImmutableTable instances. It captures the logical contents and * preserves iteration order of all views. */
static final class SerializedForm implements Serializable { private final Object[] rowKeys; private final Object[] columnKeys; private final Object[] cellValues; private final int[] cellRowIndices; private final int[] cellColumnIndices; private SerializedForm( Object[] rowKeys, Object[] columnKeys, Object[] cellValues, int[] cellRowIndices, int[] cellColumnIndices) { this.rowKeys = rowKeys; this.columnKeys = columnKeys; this.cellValues = cellValues; this.cellRowIndices = cellRowIndices; this.cellColumnIndices = cellColumnIndices; } static SerializedForm create( ImmutableTable<?, ?, ?> table, int[] cellRowIndices, int[] cellColumnIndices) { return new SerializedForm( table.rowKeySet().toArray(), table.columnKeySet().toArray(), table.values().toArray(), cellRowIndices, cellColumnIndices); } Object readResolve() { if (cellValues.length == 0) { return of(); } if (cellValues.length == 1) { return of(rowKeys[0], columnKeys[0], cellValues[0]); } ImmutableList.Builder<Cell<Object, Object, Object>> cellListBuilder = new ImmutableList.Builder<>(cellValues.length); for (int i = 0; i < cellValues.length; i++) { cellListBuilder.add( cellOf(rowKeys[cellRowIndices[i]], columnKeys[cellColumnIndices[i]], cellValues[i])); } return RegularImmutableTable.forOrderedComponents( cellListBuilder.build(), ImmutableSet.copyOf(rowKeys), ImmutableSet.copyOf(columnKeys)); } private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; } final Object writeReplace() { return createSerializedForm(); } }