package com.fasterxml.jackson.jr.ob.impl;

import static com.fasterxml.jackson.jr.ob.impl.TypeDetector.*;

import java.util.*;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.jr.ob.JSONObjectException;

ValueReader used for simple scalar types and related.
/** * {@link ValueReader} used for simple scalar types and related. */
public class SimpleValueReader extends ValueReader { protected final int _typeId; protected final Class<?> _rawType; public SimpleValueReader(int typeId, Class<?> raw) { _typeId = typeId; _rawType = raw; } @Override public Object readNext(JSONReader reader, JsonParser p) throws IOException { // NOTE: only cases where we can optimize switch (_typeId) { // Textual types, related: case SER_STRING: case SER_CHARACTER_SEQUENCE: return _nextString(p); case SER_CHAR_ARRAY: String str = _nextString(p); return (str == null) ? null : str.toCharArray(); // Number types: case SER_NUMBER_SHORT: // fall through return Short.valueOf((short) _nextInt(p)); case SER_NUMBER_INTEGER: return Integer.valueOf(_nextInt(p)); case SER_NUMBER_LONG: return Long.valueOf(_nextLong(p)); // Other scalar types: case SER_BOOLEAN: { Boolean b = p.nextBooleanValue(); if (b != null) { return b; } return p.getValueAsBoolean(); } } p.nextToken(); return read(reader, p); } @Override public Object read(JSONReader reader, JsonParser p) throws IOException { switch (_typeId) { case SER_MAP: case SER_LIST: case SER_COLLECTION: case SER_OBJECT_ARRAY: // should never get here: we have dedicated readers break; case SER_INT_ARRAY: return _readIntArray(p); case SER_TREE_NODE: return reader._treeCodec().readTree(p); // Textual types, related: case SER_STRING: case SER_CHARACTER_SEQUENCE: return p.getValueAsString(); case SER_CHAR_ARRAY: return p.getValueAsString().toCharArray(); case SER_BYTE_ARRAY: return _readBinary(p); // Number types: case SER_NUMBER_FLOAT: // fall through return Float.valueOf((float) p.getValueAsDouble()); case SER_NUMBER_DOUBLE: return p.getValueAsDouble(); case SER_NUMBER_BYTE: // fall through return (byte) p.getValueAsInt(); case SER_NUMBER_SHORT: // fall through return (short) p.getValueAsInt(); case SER_NUMBER_INTEGER: return p.getValueAsInt(); case SER_NUMBER_LONG: return p.getValueAsLong(); case SER_NUMBER_BIG_DECIMAL: return p.getDecimalValue(); case SER_NUMBER_BIG_INTEGER: return p.getBigIntegerValue(); // Other scalar types: case SER_BOOLEAN: return p.getValueAsBoolean(); case SER_CHAR: { String str = p.getValueAsString(); return (str == null || str.isEmpty()) ? ' ' : str.charAt(0); } case SER_CALENDAR: { long l = _fetchLong(p); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTimeInMillis(l); return cal; } case SER_DATE: return new Date(_fetchLong(p)); case SER_CLASS: { String v = p.getValueAsString(); try { return Class.forName(v); } catch (Exception e) { throw new JSONObjectException("Failed to bind java.lang.Class from value '"+v+"'"); } } case SER_FILE: return new File(p.getValueAsString()); case SER_UUID: return UUID.fromString(p.getValueAsString()); case SER_URL: return new URL(p.getValueAsString()); case SER_URI: return URI.create(p.getValueAsString()); default: // types that shouldn't get here //case SER_ENUM: } throw JSONObjectException.from(p, "Can not create a "+_rawType.getName()+" instance out of "+_tokenDesc(p)); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Read methods for scalars /********************************************************************** */ protected byte[] _readBinary(JsonParser p) throws IOException { return p.getBinaryValue(); } protected int[] _readIntArray(JsonParser p) throws IOException { // !!! TODO throw new JSONObjectException("Reading of int[] not yet implemented"); } protected long _fetchLong(JsonParser p) throws IOException { JsonToken t = p.getCurrentToken(); if (t == JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_INT) { return p.getLongValue(); } throw JSONObjectException.from(p, "Can not get long numeric value from JSON (to construct " +_rawType.getName()+") from "+_tokenDesc(p, t)); } private final String _nextString(JsonParser p) throws IOException { String str = p.nextTextValue(); return (str == null) ? p.getValueAsString() : str; } private final int _nextInt(JsonParser p) throws IOException { int i = p.nextIntValue(-2); if (i != -2) { return i; } return p.getValueAsInt(); } private final long _nextLong(JsonParser p) throws IOException { long l = p.nextLongValue(-2L); if (l != -2L) { return l; } return p.getValueAsLong(); } }