package com.fasterxml.jackson.jr.ob.impl;


import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken;

Helper class used when reading values of complex types other than Beans.

Note that ugly "chameleon" style operation here is used to avoid creating multiple separate classes, which in turn is done to minimize size of resulting jars.

/** * Helper class used when reading values of complex types other * than Beans. *<p> * Note that ugly "chameleon" style operation here is used to avoid * creating multiple separate classes, which in turn is done to minimize * size of resulting jars. */
public abstract class ValueReader { /* /********************************************************************** /* Basic API /********************************************************************** */ public abstract Object read(JSONReader reader, JsonParser p) throws IOException; public abstract Object readNext(JSONReader reader, JsonParser p) throws IOException; /* /********************************************************************** /* Helper methods for sub-classes /********************************************************************** */ protected String _tokenDesc(JsonParser p) throws IOException { return _tokenDesc(p, p.getCurrentToken()); } protected static String _tokenDesc(JsonParser p, JsonToken t) throws IOException { if (t == null) { return "NULL"; } switch (t) { case FIELD_NAME: return "JSON Field name '"+p.getCurrentName()+"'"; case START_ARRAY: return "JSON Array"; case START_OBJECT: return "JSON Object"; case VALUE_FALSE: return "'false'"; case VALUE_NULL: return "'null'"; case VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT: case VALUE_NUMBER_INT: return "JSON Number"; case VALUE_STRING: return "JSON String"; case VALUE_TRUE: return "'true'"; default: return t.toString(); } } }