package com.fasterxml.jackson.jr.ob.impl;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.*;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.TreeNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.jr.ob.JSON;

abstract class ValueLocatorBase
    /* Value constants for "simple" types

    /* FAQ: Why ints? Why not Enums?!? Glad you asked: one reasons is class
     * size reduction: javac creates annonymous inner class for each switch
     * on enum (per referring type and enum: can combine multiple). So by
     * not using enunms we try to minimize code foot print.
     * But this is ONLY done because Value Type constants are NOT part of
     * public API: if they were, size savings wouldn't make sense.
     * One more note: negative values are used for dynamically introspected
     * Beans.
Type not yet resolved
/** * Type not yet resolved */
public final static int SER_UNKNOWN = 0;
All kinds of Maps.
/** * All kinds of {@link java.util.Map}s. */
public final static int SER_MAP = 1;
All kinds of Lists.
/** * All kinds of {@link java.util.List}s. */
public final static int SER_LIST = 2;
All kinds of Collections other than Lists
/** * All kinds of {@link java.util.Collection}s other than {@link java.util.List}s */
public final static int SER_COLLECTION = 3;
Arrays of non-primitive types
/** * Arrays of non-primitive types */
public final static int SER_OBJECT_ARRAY = 4; public final static int SER_INT_ARRAY = 5; public final static int SER_LONG_ARRAY = 6; public final static int SER_BOOLEAN_ARRAY = 7;
An implementation of TreeNode
/** * An implementation of {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.core.TreeNode} */
public final static int SER_TREE_NODE = 8; // // // String(-like) types public final static int SER_STRING = 9; public final static int SER_CHARACTER_SEQUENCE = 10; public final static int SER_CHAR_ARRAY = 11; public final static int SER_BYTE_ARRAY = 12; // // // Numbers public final static int SER_NUMBER_BYTE = 13; public final static int SER_NUMBER_SHORT = 14; public final static int SER_NUMBER_INTEGER = 15; public final static int SER_NUMBER_LONG = 16; public final static int SER_NUMBER_FLOAT = 17; public final static int SER_NUMBER_DOUBLE = 18; public final static int SER_NUMBER_BIG_INTEGER = 19; public final static int SER_NUMBER_BIG_DECIMAL = 20; // // // Other specific scalar types public final static int SER_BOOLEAN = 21; public final static int SER_CHAR = 22; public final static int SER_ENUM = 23; public final static int SER_DATE = 24; public final static int SER_CALENDAR = 25; public final static int SER_CLASS = 26; public final static int SER_FILE = 27; public final static int SER_UUID = 28; public final static int SER_URL = 29; public final static int SER_URI = 30; // // // Iterate-able types
Anything that implements Iterable, but not Collection.
/** * Anything that implements {@link java.lang.Iterable}, but not * {@link java.util.Collection}. */
public final static int SER_ITERABLE = 31; /* /********************************************************************** /* Other constants /********************************************************************** */ protected final static int CACHE_FLAGS = JSON.CACHE_FLAGS; /* /********************************************************************** /* Methods for sub-classes /********************************************************************** */ protected POJODefinition _resolveBeanDef(Class<?> raw) { return POJODefinition.find(raw); } protected int _findSimpleType(Class<?> raw, boolean forSer) { if (raw == String.class) { return SER_STRING; } if (raw.isArray()) { Class<?> elemType = raw.getComponentType(); if (elemType.isPrimitive()) { if (raw == byte[].class) { return SER_BYTE_ARRAY; } if (raw == char[].class) { return SER_CHAR_ARRAY; } if (raw == int[].class) { return SER_INT_ARRAY; } if (raw == long[].class) { return SER_LONG_ARRAY; } if (raw == boolean[].class) { return SER_BOOLEAN_ARRAY; } // Hmmh. Could support all types; add as/when needed return SER_UNKNOWN; } return SER_OBJECT_ARRAY; } if (raw.isPrimitive()) { if (raw == Boolean.TYPE) return SER_BOOLEAN; if (raw == Integer.TYPE) return SER_NUMBER_INTEGER; if (raw == Long.TYPE) return SER_NUMBER_LONG; if (raw == Byte.TYPE) return SER_NUMBER_BYTE; if (raw == Short.TYPE) return SER_NUMBER_SHORT; if (raw == Double.TYPE) return SER_NUMBER_DOUBLE; if (raw == Float.TYPE) return SER_NUMBER_FLOAT; if (raw == Character.TYPE) return SER_CHAR; throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized primitive type: "+raw.getName()); } if (raw == Boolean.class) { return SER_BOOLEAN; } if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) { if (raw == Integer.class) return SER_NUMBER_INTEGER; if (raw == Long.class) return SER_NUMBER_LONG; if (raw == Byte.class) return SER_NUMBER_BYTE; if (raw == Short.class) return SER_NUMBER_SHORT; if (raw == Double.class) return SER_NUMBER_DOUBLE; if (raw == Float.class) return SER_NUMBER_FLOAT; if (raw == BigDecimal.class) return SER_NUMBER_BIG_DECIMAL; if (raw == BigInteger.class) { return SER_NUMBER_BIG_INTEGER; } // What numeric type is this? Could consider "string-like" but... return SER_UNKNOWN; } if (raw == Character.class) { return SER_CHAR; } if (raw.isEnum()) { return SER_ENUM; } if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) { return SER_MAP; } if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) { if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) { // One more thing: here we assume LIST means efficient random access if (RandomAccess.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) { return SER_LIST; } // and if not, consider "only" a collection } return SER_COLLECTION; } if (TreeNode.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) { // should we require more accurate type for deser? return SER_TREE_NODE; } // Misc String-like types if (Calendar.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) { return SER_CALENDAR; } if (raw == Class.class) { return SER_CLASS; } if (Date.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) { return SER_DATE; } if (File.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) { return SER_FILE; } if (URL.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) { return SER_URL; } if (URI.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) { return SER_URI; } if (UUID.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) { return SER_UUID; } /* May or may not help with deser, but recognized nonetheless; * on assumption that Beans should rarely implement `CharSequence` */ if (CharSequence.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) { return SER_CHARACTER_SEQUENCE; } /* `Iterable` can be added on all kinds of things, and it won't * help at all with deserialization; hence only use for serialization. */ if (forSer && Iterable.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) { return SER_ITERABLE; } // Ok. I give up, no idea! return SER_UNKNOWN; } }