 * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License

package android.view;

import static android.app.RemoteAnimationTargetProto.CLIP_RECT;
import static android.app.RemoteAnimationTargetProto.CONTENT_INSETS;
import static android.app.RemoteAnimationTargetProto.IS_TRANSLUCENT;
import static android.app.RemoteAnimationTargetProto.LEASH;
import static android.app.RemoteAnimationTargetProto.MODE;
import static android.app.RemoteAnimationTargetProto.POSITION;
import static android.app.RemoteAnimationTargetProto.PREFIX_ORDER_INDEX;
import static android.app.RemoteAnimationTargetProto.SOURCE_CONTAINER_BOUNDS;
import static android.app.RemoteAnimationTargetProto.TASK_ID;
import static android.app.RemoteAnimationTargetProto.WINDOW_CONFIGURATION;

import android.annotation.IntDef;
import android.app.WindowConfiguration;
import android.graphics.Point;
import android.graphics.Rect;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.util.proto.ProtoOutputStream;

import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;

Describes an activity to be animated as part of a remote animation.
/** * Describes an activity to be animated as part of a remote animation. * * @hide */
public class RemoteAnimationTarget implements Parcelable {
The app is in the set of opening apps of this transition.
/** * The app is in the set of opening apps of this transition. */
public static final int MODE_OPENING = 0;
The app is in the set of closing apps of this transition.
/** * The app is in the set of closing apps of this transition. */
public static final int MODE_CLOSING = 1; @IntDef(prefix = { "MODE_" }, value = { MODE_OPENING, MODE_CLOSING }) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) public @interface Mode {}
The Mode to describe whether this app is opening or closing.
/** * The {@link Mode} to describe whether this app is opening or closing. */
public final @Mode int mode;
The id of the task this app belongs to.
/** * The id of the task this app belongs to. */
public final int taskId;
The SurfaceControl object to actually control the transform of the app.
/** * The {@link SurfaceControl} object to actually control the transform of the app. */
public final SurfaceControl leash;
Whether the app is translucent and may reveal apps behind.
/** * Whether the app is translucent and may reveal apps behind. */
public final boolean isTranslucent;
The clip rect window manager applies when clipping the app's main surface in screen space coordinates. This is just a hint to the animation runner: If running a clip-rect animation, anything that extends beyond these bounds will not have any effect. This implies that any clip-rect animation should likely stop at these bounds.
/** * The clip rect window manager applies when clipping the app's main surface in screen space * coordinates. This is just a hint to the animation runner: If running a clip-rect animation, * anything that extends beyond these bounds will not have any effect. This implies that any * clip-rect animation should likely stop at these bounds. */
public final Rect clipRect;
The insets of the main app window.
/** * The insets of the main app window. */
public final Rect contentInsets;
The index of the element in the tree in prefix order. This should be used for z-layering to preserve original z-layer order in the hierarchy tree assuming no "boosting" needs to happen.
/** * The index of the element in the tree in prefix order. This should be used for z-layering * to preserve original z-layer order in the hierarchy tree assuming no "boosting" needs to * happen. */
public final int prefixOrderIndex;
The source position of the app, in screen spaces coordinates. If the position of the leash is modified from the controlling app, any animation transform needs to be offset by this amount.
/** * The source position of the app, in screen spaces coordinates. If the position of the leash * is modified from the controlling app, any animation transform needs to be offset by this * amount. */
public final Point position;
The bounds of the source container the app lives in, in screen space coordinates. If the crop of the leash is modified from the controlling app, it needs to take the source container bounds into account when calculating the crop.
/** * The bounds of the source container the app lives in, in screen space coordinates. If the crop * of the leash is modified from the controlling app, it needs to take the source container * bounds into account when calculating the crop. */
public final Rect sourceContainerBounds;
The window configuration for the target.
/** * The window configuration for the target. */
public final WindowConfiguration windowConfiguration;
Whether the task is not presented in Recents UI.
/** * Whether the task is not presented in Recents UI. */
public boolean isNotInRecents; public RemoteAnimationTarget(int taskId, int mode, SurfaceControl leash, boolean isTranslucent, Rect clipRect, Rect contentInsets, int prefixOrderIndex, Point position, Rect sourceContainerBounds, WindowConfiguration windowConfig, boolean isNotInRecents) { this.mode = mode; this.taskId = taskId; this.leash = leash; this.isTranslucent = isTranslucent; this.clipRect = new Rect(clipRect); this.contentInsets = new Rect(contentInsets); this.prefixOrderIndex = prefixOrderIndex; this.position = new Point(position); this.sourceContainerBounds = new Rect(sourceContainerBounds); this.windowConfiguration = windowConfig; this.isNotInRecents = isNotInRecents; } public RemoteAnimationTarget(Parcel in) { taskId = in.readInt(); mode = in.readInt(); leash = in.readParcelable(null); isTranslucent = in.readBoolean(); clipRect = in.readParcelable(null); contentInsets = in.readParcelable(null); prefixOrderIndex = in.readInt(); position = in.readParcelable(null); sourceContainerBounds = in.readParcelable(null); windowConfiguration = in.readParcelable(null); isNotInRecents = in.readBoolean(); } @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { dest.writeInt(taskId); dest.writeInt(mode); dest.writeParcelable(leash, 0 /* flags */); dest.writeBoolean(isTranslucent); dest.writeParcelable(clipRect, 0 /* flags */); dest.writeParcelable(contentInsets, 0 /* flags */); dest.writeInt(prefixOrderIndex); dest.writeParcelable(position, 0 /* flags */); dest.writeParcelable(sourceContainerBounds, 0 /* flags */); dest.writeParcelable(windowConfiguration, 0 /* flags */); dest.writeBoolean(isNotInRecents); } public void dump(PrintWriter pw, String prefix) { pw.print(prefix); pw.print("mode="); pw.print(mode); pw.print(" taskId="); pw.print(taskId); pw.print(" isTranslucent="); pw.print(isTranslucent); pw.print(" clipRect="); clipRect.printShortString(pw); pw.print(" contentInsets="); contentInsets.printShortString(pw); pw.print(" prefixOrderIndex="); pw.print(prefixOrderIndex); pw.print(" position="); position.printShortString(pw); pw.print(" sourceContainerBounds="); sourceContainerBounds.printShortString(pw); pw.println(); pw.print(prefix); pw.print("windowConfiguration="); pw.println(windowConfiguration); pw.print(prefix); pw.print("leash="); pw.println(leash); } public void writeToProto(ProtoOutputStream proto, long fieldId) { final long token = proto.start(fieldId); proto.write(TASK_ID, taskId); proto.write(MODE, mode); leash.writeToProto(proto, LEASH); proto.write(IS_TRANSLUCENT, isTranslucent); clipRect.writeToProto(proto, CLIP_RECT); contentInsets.writeToProto(proto, CONTENT_INSETS); proto.write(PREFIX_ORDER_INDEX, prefixOrderIndex); position.writeToProto(proto, POSITION); sourceContainerBounds.writeToProto(proto, SOURCE_CONTAINER_BOUNDS); windowConfiguration.writeToProto(proto, WINDOW_CONFIGURATION); proto.end(token); } public static final Creator<RemoteAnimationTarget> CREATOR = new Creator<RemoteAnimationTarget>() { public RemoteAnimationTarget createFromParcel(Parcel in) { return new RemoteAnimationTarget(in); } public RemoteAnimationTarget[] newArray(int size) { return new RemoteAnimationTarget[size]; } }; }