 * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package android.media;

import android.Manifest;
import android.annotation.DrawableRes;
import android.annotation.IntDef;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.SystemService;
import android.app.ActivityThread;
import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
import android.hardware.display.DisplayManager;
import android.hardware.display.WifiDisplay;
import android.hardware.display.WifiDisplayStatus;
import android.media.session.MediaSession;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.os.Process;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.os.ServiceManager;
import android.os.UserHandle;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.Display;

import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;

MediaRouter allows applications to control the routing of media channels and streams from the current device to external speakers and destination devices.

A MediaRouter is retrieved through Context.getSystemService() of a Context.MEDIA_ROUTER_SERVICE.

The media router API is not thread-safe; all interactions with it must be done from the main thread of the process.

/** * MediaRouter allows applications to control the routing of media channels * and streams from the current device to external speakers and destination devices. * * <p>A MediaRouter is retrieved through {@link Context#getSystemService(String) * Context.getSystemService()} of a {@link Context#MEDIA_ROUTER_SERVICE * Context.MEDIA_ROUTER_SERVICE}. * * <p>The media router API is not thread-safe; all interactions with it must be * done from the main thread of the process.</p> */
@SystemService(Context.MEDIA_ROUTER_SERVICE) public class MediaRouter { private static final String TAG = "MediaRouter"; private static final boolean DEBUG = Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG); static class Static implements DisplayManager.DisplayListener { final String mPackageName; final Resources mResources; final IAudioService mAudioService; final DisplayManager mDisplayService; final IMediaRouterService mMediaRouterService; final Handler mHandler; final CopyOnWriteArrayList<CallbackInfo> mCallbacks = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<CallbackInfo>(); final ArrayList<RouteInfo> mRoutes = new ArrayList<RouteInfo>(); final ArrayList<RouteCategory> mCategories = new ArrayList<RouteCategory>(); final RouteCategory mSystemCategory; final AudioRoutesInfo mCurAudioRoutesInfo = new AudioRoutesInfo(); RouteInfo mDefaultAudioVideo; RouteInfo mBluetoothA2dpRoute; RouteInfo mSelectedRoute; final boolean mCanConfigureWifiDisplays; boolean mActivelyScanningWifiDisplays; String mPreviousActiveWifiDisplayAddress; int mDiscoveryRequestRouteTypes; boolean mDiscoverRequestActiveScan; int mCurrentUserId = -1; IMediaRouterClient mClient; MediaRouterClientState mClientState; final IAudioRoutesObserver.Stub mAudioRoutesObserver = new IAudioRoutesObserver.Stub() { @Override public void dispatchAudioRoutesChanged(final AudioRoutesInfo newRoutes) { mHandler.post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { updateAudioRoutes(newRoutes); } }); } }; Static(Context appContext) { mPackageName = appContext.getPackageName(); mResources = appContext.getResources(); mHandler = new Handler(appContext.getMainLooper()); IBinder b = ServiceManager.getService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE); mAudioService = IAudioService.Stub.asInterface(b); mDisplayService = (DisplayManager) appContext.getSystemService(Context.DISPLAY_SERVICE); mMediaRouterService = IMediaRouterService.Stub.asInterface( ServiceManager.getService(Context.MEDIA_ROUTER_SERVICE)); mSystemCategory = new RouteCategory( com.android.internal.R.string.default_audio_route_category_name, ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO | ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO, false); mSystemCategory.mIsSystem = true; // Only the system can configure wifi displays. The display manager // enforces this with a permission check. Set a flag here so that we // know whether this process is actually allowed to scan and connect. mCanConfigureWifiDisplays = appContext.checkPermission( Manifest.permission.CONFIGURE_WIFI_DISPLAY, Process.myPid(), Process.myUid()) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED; } // Called after sStatic is initialized void startMonitoringRoutes(Context appContext) { mDefaultAudioVideo = new RouteInfo(mSystemCategory); mDefaultAudioVideo.mNameResId = com.android.internal.R.string.default_audio_route_name; mDefaultAudioVideo.mSupportedTypes = ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO | ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO; mDefaultAudioVideo.updatePresentationDisplay(); if (((AudioManager) appContext.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE)) .isVolumeFixed()) { mDefaultAudioVideo.mVolumeHandling = RouteInfo.PLAYBACK_VOLUME_FIXED; } addRouteStatic(mDefaultAudioVideo); // This will select the active wifi display route if there is one. updateWifiDisplayStatus(mDisplayService.getWifiDisplayStatus()); appContext.registerReceiver(new WifiDisplayStatusChangedReceiver(), new IntentFilter(DisplayManager.ACTION_WIFI_DISPLAY_STATUS_CHANGED)); appContext.registerReceiver(new VolumeChangeReceiver(), new IntentFilter(AudioManager.VOLUME_CHANGED_ACTION)); mDisplayService.registerDisplayListener(this, mHandler); AudioRoutesInfo newAudioRoutes = null; try { newAudioRoutes = mAudioService.startWatchingRoutes(mAudioRoutesObserver); } catch (RemoteException e) { } if (newAudioRoutes != null) { // This will select the active BT route if there is one and the current // selected route is the default system route, or if there is no selected // route yet. updateAudioRoutes(newAudioRoutes); } // Bind to the media router service. rebindAsUser(UserHandle.myUserId()); // Select the default route if the above didn't sync us up // appropriately with relevant system state. if (mSelectedRoute == null) { selectDefaultRouteStatic(); } } void updateAudioRoutes(AudioRoutesInfo newRoutes) { boolean audioRoutesChanged = false; boolean forceUseDefaultRoute = false; if (newRoutes.mainType != mCurAudioRoutesInfo.mainType) { mCurAudioRoutesInfo.mainType = newRoutes.mainType; int name; if ((newRoutes.mainType & AudioRoutesInfo.MAIN_HEADPHONES) != 0 || (newRoutes.mainType & AudioRoutesInfo.MAIN_HEADSET) != 0) { name = com.android.internal.R.string.default_audio_route_name_headphones; } else if ((newRoutes.mainType & AudioRoutesInfo.MAIN_DOCK_SPEAKERS) != 0) { name = com.android.internal.R.string.default_audio_route_name_dock_speakers; } else if ((newRoutes.mainType&AudioRoutesInfo.MAIN_HDMI) != 0) { name = com.android.internal.R.string.default_audio_route_name_hdmi; } else if ((newRoutes.mainType&AudioRoutesInfo.MAIN_USB) != 0) { name = com.android.internal.R.string.default_audio_route_name_usb; } else { name = com.android.internal.R.string.default_audio_route_name; } mDefaultAudioVideo.mNameResId = name; dispatchRouteChanged(mDefaultAudioVideo); if ((newRoutes.mainType & (AudioRoutesInfo.MAIN_HEADSET | AudioRoutesInfo.MAIN_HEADPHONES | AudioRoutesInfo.MAIN_USB)) != 0) { forceUseDefaultRoute = true; } audioRoutesChanged = true; } if (!TextUtils.equals(newRoutes.bluetoothName, mCurAudioRoutesInfo.bluetoothName)) { forceUseDefaultRoute = false; mCurAudioRoutesInfo.bluetoothName = newRoutes.bluetoothName; if (mCurAudioRoutesInfo.bluetoothName != null) { if (mBluetoothA2dpRoute == null) { // BT connected final RouteInfo info = new RouteInfo(mSystemCategory); info.mName = mCurAudioRoutesInfo.bluetoothName; info.mDescription = mResources.getText( com.android.internal.R.string.bluetooth_a2dp_audio_route_name); info.mSupportedTypes = ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO; info.mDeviceType = RouteInfo.DEVICE_TYPE_BLUETOOTH; mBluetoothA2dpRoute = info; addRouteStatic(mBluetoothA2dpRoute); } else { mBluetoothA2dpRoute.mName = mCurAudioRoutesInfo.bluetoothName; dispatchRouteChanged(mBluetoothA2dpRoute); } } else if (mBluetoothA2dpRoute != null) { // BT disconnected removeRouteStatic(mBluetoothA2dpRoute); mBluetoothA2dpRoute = null; } audioRoutesChanged = true; } if (audioRoutesChanged) { Log.v(TAG, "Audio routes updated: " + newRoutes + ", a2dp=" + isBluetoothA2dpOn()); if (mSelectedRoute == null || mSelectedRoute == mDefaultAudioVideo || mSelectedRoute == mBluetoothA2dpRoute) { if (forceUseDefaultRoute || mBluetoothA2dpRoute == null) { selectRouteStatic(ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO, mDefaultAudioVideo, false); } else { selectRouteStatic(ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO, mBluetoothA2dpRoute, false); } } } } boolean isBluetoothA2dpOn() { try { return mBluetoothA2dpRoute != null && mAudioService.isBluetoothA2dpOn(); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error querying Bluetooth A2DP state", e); return false; } } void updateDiscoveryRequest() { // What are we looking for today? int routeTypes = 0; int passiveRouteTypes = 0; boolean activeScan = false; boolean activeScanWifiDisplay = false; final int count = mCallbacks.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CallbackInfo cbi = mCallbacks.get(i); if ((cbi.flags & (CALLBACK_FLAG_PERFORM_ACTIVE_SCAN | CALLBACK_FLAG_REQUEST_DISCOVERY)) != 0) { // Discovery explicitly requested. routeTypes |= cbi.type; } else if ((cbi.flags & CALLBACK_FLAG_PASSIVE_DISCOVERY) != 0) { // Discovery only passively requested. passiveRouteTypes |= cbi.type; } else { // Legacy case since applications don't specify the discovery flag. // Unfortunately we just have to assume they always need discovery // whenever they have a callback registered. routeTypes |= cbi.type; } if ((cbi.flags & CALLBACK_FLAG_PERFORM_ACTIVE_SCAN) != 0) { activeScan = true; if ((cbi.type & ROUTE_TYPE_REMOTE_DISPLAY) != 0) { activeScanWifiDisplay = true; } } } if (routeTypes != 0 || activeScan) { // If someone else requests discovery then enable the passive listeners. // This is used by the MediaRouteButton and MediaRouteActionProvider since // they don't receive lifecycle callbacks from the Activity. routeTypes |= passiveRouteTypes; } // Update wifi display scanning. // TODO: All of this should be managed by the media router service. if (mCanConfigureWifiDisplays) { if (mSelectedRoute != null && mSelectedRoute.matchesTypes(ROUTE_TYPE_REMOTE_DISPLAY)) { // Don't scan while already connected to a remote display since // it may interfere with the ongoing transmission. activeScanWifiDisplay = false; } if (activeScanWifiDisplay) { if (!mActivelyScanningWifiDisplays) { mActivelyScanningWifiDisplays = true; mDisplayService.startWifiDisplayScan(); } } else { if (mActivelyScanningWifiDisplays) { mActivelyScanningWifiDisplays = false; mDisplayService.stopWifiDisplayScan(); } } } // Tell the media router service all about it. if (routeTypes != mDiscoveryRequestRouteTypes || activeScan != mDiscoverRequestActiveScan) { mDiscoveryRequestRouteTypes = routeTypes; mDiscoverRequestActiveScan = activeScan; publishClientDiscoveryRequest(); } } @Override public void onDisplayAdded(int displayId) { updatePresentationDisplays(displayId); } @Override public void onDisplayChanged(int displayId) { updatePresentationDisplays(displayId); } @Override public void onDisplayRemoved(int displayId) { updatePresentationDisplays(displayId); } public Display[] getAllPresentationDisplays() { return mDisplayService.getDisplays(DisplayManager.DISPLAY_CATEGORY_PRESENTATION); } private void updatePresentationDisplays(int changedDisplayId) { final int count = mRoutes.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final RouteInfo route = mRoutes.get(i); if (route.updatePresentationDisplay() || (route.mPresentationDisplay != null && route.mPresentationDisplay.getDisplayId() == changedDisplayId)) { dispatchRoutePresentationDisplayChanged(route); } } } void setSelectedRoute(RouteInfo info, boolean explicit) { // Must be non-reentrant. mSelectedRoute = info; publishClientSelectedRoute(explicit); } void rebindAsUser(int userId) { if (mCurrentUserId != userId || userId < 0 || mClient == null) { if (mClient != null) { try { mMediaRouterService.unregisterClient(mClient); } catch (RemoteException ex) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to unregister media router client.", ex); } mClient = null; } mCurrentUserId = userId; try { Client client = new Client(); mMediaRouterService.registerClientAsUser(client, mPackageName, userId); mClient = client; } catch (RemoteException ex) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to register media router client.", ex); } publishClientDiscoveryRequest(); publishClientSelectedRoute(false); updateClientState(); } } void publishClientDiscoveryRequest() { if (mClient != null) { try { mMediaRouterService.setDiscoveryRequest(mClient, mDiscoveryRequestRouteTypes, mDiscoverRequestActiveScan); } catch (RemoteException ex) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to publish media router client discovery request.", ex); } } } void publishClientSelectedRoute(boolean explicit) { if (mClient != null) { try { mMediaRouterService.setSelectedRoute(mClient, mSelectedRoute != null ? mSelectedRoute.mGlobalRouteId : null, explicit); } catch (RemoteException ex) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to publish media router client selected route.", ex); } } } void updateClientState() { // Update the client state. mClientState = null; if (mClient != null) { try { mClientState = mMediaRouterService.getState(mClient); } catch (RemoteException ex) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to retrieve media router client state.", ex); } } final ArrayList<MediaRouterClientState.RouteInfo> globalRoutes = mClientState != null ? mClientState.routes : null; // Add or update routes. final int globalRouteCount = globalRoutes != null ? globalRoutes.size() : 0; for (int i = 0; i < globalRouteCount; i++) { final MediaRouterClientState.RouteInfo globalRoute = globalRoutes.get(i); RouteInfo route = findGlobalRoute(globalRoute.id); if (route == null) { route = makeGlobalRoute(globalRoute); addRouteStatic(route); } else { updateGlobalRoute(route, globalRoute); } } // Remove defunct routes. outer: for (int i = mRoutes.size(); i-- > 0; ) { final RouteInfo route = mRoutes.get(i); final String globalRouteId = route.mGlobalRouteId; if (globalRouteId != null) { for (int j = 0; j < globalRouteCount; j++) { MediaRouterClientState.RouteInfo globalRoute = globalRoutes.get(j); if (globalRouteId.equals(globalRoute.id)) { continue outer; // found } } // not found removeRouteStatic(route); } } } void requestSetVolume(RouteInfo route, int volume) { if (route.mGlobalRouteId != null && mClient != null) { try { mMediaRouterService.requestSetVolume(mClient, route.mGlobalRouteId, volume); } catch (RemoteException ex) { Log.w(TAG, "Unable to request volume change.", ex); } } } void requestUpdateVolume(RouteInfo route, int direction) { if (route.mGlobalRouteId != null && mClient != null) { try { mMediaRouterService.requestUpdateVolume(mClient, route.mGlobalRouteId, direction); } catch (RemoteException ex) { Log.w(TAG, "Unable to request volume change.", ex); } } } RouteInfo makeGlobalRoute(MediaRouterClientState.RouteInfo globalRoute) { RouteInfo route = new RouteInfo(mSystemCategory); route.mGlobalRouteId = globalRoute.id; route.mName = globalRoute.name; route.mDescription = globalRoute.description; route.mSupportedTypes = globalRoute.supportedTypes; route.mDeviceType = globalRoute.deviceType; route.mEnabled = globalRoute.enabled; route.setRealStatusCode(globalRoute.statusCode); route.mPlaybackType = globalRoute.playbackType; route.mPlaybackStream = globalRoute.playbackStream; route.mVolume = globalRoute.volume; route.mVolumeMax = globalRoute.volumeMax; route.mVolumeHandling = globalRoute.volumeHandling; route.mPresentationDisplayId = globalRoute.presentationDisplayId; route.updatePresentationDisplay(); return route; } void updateGlobalRoute(RouteInfo route, MediaRouterClientState.RouteInfo globalRoute) { boolean changed = false; boolean volumeChanged = false; boolean presentationDisplayChanged = false; if (!Objects.equals(route.mName, globalRoute.name)) { route.mName = globalRoute.name; changed = true; } if (!Objects.equals(route.mDescription, globalRoute.description)) { route.mDescription = globalRoute.description; changed = true; } final int oldSupportedTypes = route.mSupportedTypes; if (oldSupportedTypes != globalRoute.supportedTypes) { route.mSupportedTypes = globalRoute.supportedTypes; changed = true; } if (route.mEnabled != globalRoute.enabled) { route.mEnabled = globalRoute.enabled; changed = true; } if (route.mRealStatusCode != globalRoute.statusCode) { route.setRealStatusCode(globalRoute.statusCode); changed = true; } if (route.mPlaybackType != globalRoute.playbackType) { route.mPlaybackType = globalRoute.playbackType; changed = true; } if (route.mPlaybackStream != globalRoute.playbackStream) { route.mPlaybackStream = globalRoute.playbackStream; changed = true; } if (route.mVolume != globalRoute.volume) { route.mVolume = globalRoute.volume; changed = true; volumeChanged = true; } if (route.mVolumeMax != globalRoute.volumeMax) { route.mVolumeMax = globalRoute.volumeMax; changed = true; volumeChanged = true; } if (route.mVolumeHandling != globalRoute.volumeHandling) { route.mVolumeHandling = globalRoute.volumeHandling; changed = true; volumeChanged = true; } if (route.mPresentationDisplayId != globalRoute.presentationDisplayId) { route.mPresentationDisplayId = globalRoute.presentationDisplayId; route.updatePresentationDisplay(); changed = true; presentationDisplayChanged = true; } if (changed) { dispatchRouteChanged(route, oldSupportedTypes); } if (volumeChanged) { dispatchRouteVolumeChanged(route); } if (presentationDisplayChanged) { dispatchRoutePresentationDisplayChanged(route); } } RouteInfo findGlobalRoute(String globalRouteId) { final int count = mRoutes.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final RouteInfo route = mRoutes.get(i); if (globalRouteId.equals(route.mGlobalRouteId)) { return route; } } return null; } boolean isPlaybackActive() { if (mClient != null) { try { return mMediaRouterService.isPlaybackActive(mClient); } catch (RemoteException ex) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to retrieve playback active state.", ex); } } return false; } final class Client extends IMediaRouterClient.Stub { @Override public void onStateChanged() { mHandler.post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (Client.this == mClient) { updateClientState(); } } }); } @Override public void onRestoreRoute() { mHandler.post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // Skip restoring route if the selected route is not a system audio route, // MediaRouter is initializing, or mClient was changed. if (Client.this != mClient || mSelectedRoute == null || (mSelectedRoute != mDefaultAudioVideo && mSelectedRoute != mBluetoothA2dpRoute)) { return; } Log.v(TAG, "onRestoreRoute() : route=" + mSelectedRoute); mSelectedRoute.select(); } }); } } } static Static sStatic;
Route type flag for live audio.

A device that supports live audio routing will allow the media audio stream to be routed to supported destinations. This can include internal speakers or audio jacks on the device itself, A2DP devices, and more.

Once initiated this routing is transparent to the application. All audio played on the media stream will be routed to the selected destination.

/** * Route type flag for live audio. * * <p>A device that supports live audio routing will allow the media audio stream * to be routed to supported destinations. This can include internal speakers or * audio jacks on the device itself, A2DP devices, and more.</p> * * <p>Once initiated this routing is transparent to the application. All audio * played on the media stream will be routed to the selected destination.</p> */
public static final int ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO = 1 << 0;
Route type flag for live video.

A device that supports live video routing will allow a mirrored version of the device's primary display or a customized Presentation to be routed to supported destinations.

Once initiated, display mirroring is transparent to the application. While remote routing is active the application may use a Presentation to replace the mirrored view on the external display with different content.

See Also:
/** * Route type flag for live video. * * <p>A device that supports live video routing will allow a mirrored version * of the device's primary display or a customized * {@link android.app.Presentation Presentation} to be routed to supported destinations.</p> * * <p>Once initiated, display mirroring is transparent to the application. * While remote routing is active the application may use a * {@link android.app.Presentation Presentation} to replace the mirrored view * on the external display with different content.</p> * * @see RouteInfo#getPresentationDisplay() * @see android.app.Presentation */
public static final int ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO = 1 << 1;
Temporary interop constant to identify remote displays.
@hideTo be removed when media router API is updated.
/** * Temporary interop constant to identify remote displays. * @hide To be removed when media router API is updated. */
public static final int ROUTE_TYPE_REMOTE_DISPLAY = 1 << 2;
Route type flag for application-specific usage.

Unlike other media route types, user routes are managed by the application. The MediaRouter will manage and dispatch events for user routes, but the application is expected to interpret the meaning of these events and perform the requested routing tasks.

/** * Route type flag for application-specific usage. * * <p>Unlike other media route types, user routes are managed by the application. * The MediaRouter will manage and dispatch events for user routes, but the application * is expected to interpret the meaning of these events and perform the requested * routing tasks.</p> */
Flag for addCallback: Actively scan for routes while this callback is registered.

When this flag is specified, the media router will actively scan for new routes. Certain routes, such as wifi display routes, may not be discoverable except when actively scanning. This flag is typically used when the route picker dialog has been opened by the user to ensure that the route information is up to date.

Active scanning may consume a significant amount of power and may have intrusive effects on wireless connectivity. Therefore it is important that active scanning only be requested when it is actually needed to satisfy a user request to discover and select a new route.

/** * Flag for {@link #addCallback}: Actively scan for routes while this callback * is registered. * <p> * When this flag is specified, the media router will actively scan for new * routes. Certain routes, such as wifi display routes, may not be discoverable * except when actively scanning. This flag is typically used when the route picker * dialog has been opened by the user to ensure that the route information is * up to date. * </p><p> * Active scanning may consume a significant amount of power and may have intrusive * effects on wireless connectivity. Therefore it is important that active scanning * only be requested when it is actually needed to satisfy a user request to * discover and select a new route. * </p> */
public static final int CALLBACK_FLAG_PERFORM_ACTIVE_SCAN = 1 << 0;
Flag for addCallback: Do not filter route events.

When this flag is specified, the callback will be invoked for event that affect any route even if they do not match the callback's filter.

/** * Flag for {@link #addCallback}: Do not filter route events. * <p> * When this flag is specified, the callback will be invoked for event that affect any * route even if they do not match the callback's filter. * </p> */
public static final int CALLBACK_FLAG_UNFILTERED_EVENTS = 1 << 1;
Explicitly requests discovery.
@hideFuture API ported from support library. Revisit this later.
/** * Explicitly requests discovery. * * @hide Future API ported from support library. Revisit this later. */
public static final int CALLBACK_FLAG_REQUEST_DISCOVERY = 1 << 2;
Requests that discovery be performed but only if there is some other active callback already registered.
@hideCompatibility workaround for the fact that applications do not currently request discovery explicitly (except when using the support library API).
/** * Requests that discovery be performed but only if there is some other active * callback already registered. * * @hide Compatibility workaround for the fact that applications do not currently * request discovery explicitly (except when using the support library API). */
public static final int CALLBACK_FLAG_PASSIVE_DISCOVERY = 1 << 3;
Flag for isRouteAvailable: Ignore the default route.

This flag is used to determine whether a matching non-default route is available. This constraint may be used to decide whether to offer the route chooser dialog to the user. There is no point offering the chooser if there are no non-default choices.

@hideFuture API ported from support library. Revisit this later.
/** * Flag for {@link #isRouteAvailable}: Ignore the default route. * <p> * This flag is used to determine whether a matching non-default route is available. * This constraint may be used to decide whether to offer the route chooser dialog * to the user. There is no point offering the chooser if there are no * non-default choices. * </p> * * @hide Future API ported from support library. Revisit this later. */
public static final int AVAILABILITY_FLAG_IGNORE_DEFAULT_ROUTE = 1 << 0; // Maps application contexts static final HashMap<Context, MediaRouter> sRouters = new HashMap<Context, MediaRouter>(); static String typesToString(int types) { final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); if ((types & ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO) != 0) { result.append("ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO "); } if ((types & ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO) != 0) { result.append("ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO "); } if ((types & ROUTE_TYPE_REMOTE_DISPLAY) != 0) { result.append("ROUTE_TYPE_REMOTE_DISPLAY "); } if ((types & ROUTE_TYPE_USER) != 0) { result.append("ROUTE_TYPE_USER "); } return result.toString(); }
/** @hide */
public MediaRouter(Context context) { synchronized (Static.class) { if (sStatic == null) { final Context appContext = context.getApplicationContext(); sStatic = new Static(appContext); sStatic.startMonitoringRoutes(appContext); } } }
Gets the default route for playing media content on the system.

The system always provides a default route.

Returns:The default route, which is guaranteed to never be null.
/** * Gets the default route for playing media content on the system. * <p> * The system always provides a default route. * </p> * * @return The default route, which is guaranteed to never be null. */
public RouteInfo getDefaultRoute() { return sStatic.mDefaultAudioVideo; }
Returns a Bluetooth route if available, otherwise the default route.
/** * Returns a Bluetooth route if available, otherwise the default route. * @hide */
public RouteInfo getFallbackRoute() { return (sStatic.mBluetoothA2dpRoute != null) ? sStatic.mBluetoothA2dpRoute : sStatic.mDefaultAudioVideo; }
@hidefor use by framework routing UI
/** * @hide for use by framework routing UI */
public RouteCategory getSystemCategory() { return sStatic.mSystemCategory; }
/** @hide */
public RouteInfo getSelectedRoute() { return getSelectedRoute(ROUTE_TYPE_ANY); }
Return the currently selected route for any of the given types
  • type – route types
Returns:the selected route
/** * Return the currently selected route for any of the given types * * @param type route types * @return the selected route */
public RouteInfo getSelectedRoute(int type) { if (sStatic.mSelectedRoute != null && (sStatic.mSelectedRoute.mSupportedTypes & type) != 0) { // If the selected route supports any of the types supplied, it's still considered // 'selected' for that type. return sStatic.mSelectedRoute; } else if (type == ROUTE_TYPE_USER) { // The caller specifically asked for a user route and the currently selected route // doesn't qualify. return null; } // If the above didn't match and we're not specifically asking for a user route, // consider the default selected. return sStatic.mDefaultAudioVideo; }
Returns true if there is a route that matches the specified types.

This method returns true if there are any available routes that match the types regardless of whether they are enabled or disabled. If the AVAILABILITY_FLAG_IGNORE_DEFAULT_ROUTE flag is specified, then the method will only consider non-default routes.

Returns:True if a matching route may be available.
@hideFuture API ported from support library. Revisit this later.
/** * Returns true if there is a route that matches the specified types. * <p> * This method returns true if there are any available routes that match the types * regardless of whether they are enabled or disabled. If the * {@link #AVAILABILITY_FLAG_IGNORE_DEFAULT_ROUTE} flag is specified, then * the method will only consider non-default routes. * </p> * * @param types The types to match. * @param flags Flags to control the determination of whether a route may be available. * May be zero or {@link #AVAILABILITY_FLAG_IGNORE_DEFAULT_ROUTE}. * @return True if a matching route may be available. * * @hide Future API ported from support library. Revisit this later. */
public boolean isRouteAvailable(int types, int flags) { final int count = sStatic.mRoutes.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { RouteInfo route = sStatic.mRoutes.get(i); if (route.matchesTypes(types)) { if ((flags & AVAILABILITY_FLAG_IGNORE_DEFAULT_ROUTE) == 0 || route != sStatic.mDefaultAudioVideo) { return true; } } } // It doesn't look like we can find a matching route right now. return false; }
Add a callback to listen to events about specific kinds of media routes. If the specified callback is already registered, its registration will be updated for any additional route types specified.

This is a convenience method that has the same effect as calling addCallback(int, Callback, int) without flags.

  • types – Types of routes this callback is interested in
  • cb – Callback to add
/** * Add a callback to listen to events about specific kinds of media routes. * If the specified callback is already registered, its registration will be updated for any * additional route types specified. * <p> * This is a convenience method that has the same effect as calling * {@link #addCallback(int, Callback, int)} without flags. * </p> * * @param types Types of routes this callback is interested in * @param cb Callback to add */
public void addCallback(int types, Callback cb) { addCallback(types, cb, 0); }
Add a callback to listen to events about specific kinds of media routes. If the specified callback is already registered, its registration will be updated for any additional route types specified.

By default, the callback will only be invoked for events that affect routes that match the specified selector. The filtering may be disabled by specifying the CALLBACK_FLAG_UNFILTERED_EVENTS flag.

/** * Add a callback to listen to events about specific kinds of media routes. * If the specified callback is already registered, its registration will be updated for any * additional route types specified. * <p> * By default, the callback will only be invoked for events that affect routes * that match the specified selector. The filtering may be disabled by specifying * the {@link #CALLBACK_FLAG_UNFILTERED_EVENTS} flag. * </p> * * @param types Types of routes this callback is interested in * @param cb Callback to add * @param flags Flags to control the behavior of the callback. * May be zero or a combination of {@link #CALLBACK_FLAG_PERFORM_ACTIVE_SCAN} and * {@link #CALLBACK_FLAG_UNFILTERED_EVENTS}. */
public void addCallback(int types, Callback cb, int flags) { CallbackInfo info; int index = findCallbackInfo(cb); if (index >= 0) { info = sStatic.mCallbacks.get(index); info.type |= types; info.flags |= flags; } else { info = new CallbackInfo(cb, types, flags, this); sStatic.mCallbacks.add(info); } sStatic.updateDiscoveryRequest(); }
Remove the specified callback. It will no longer receive events about media routing.
  • cb – Callback to remove
/** * Remove the specified callback. It will no longer receive events about media routing. * * @param cb Callback to remove */
public void removeCallback(Callback cb) { int index = findCallbackInfo(cb); if (index >= 0) { sStatic.mCallbacks.remove(index); sStatic.updateDiscoveryRequest(); } else { Log.w(TAG, "removeCallback(" + cb + "): callback not registered"); } } private int findCallbackInfo(Callback cb) { final int count = sStatic.mCallbacks.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final CallbackInfo info = sStatic.mCallbacks.get(i); if (info.cb == cb) { return i; } } return -1; }
Select the specified route to use for output of the given media types.

As API version 18, this function may be used to select any route. In prior versions, this function could only be used to select user routes and would ignore any attempt to select a system route.

  • types – type flags indicating which types this route should be used for. The route must support at least a subset.
  • route – Route to select
/** * Select the specified route to use for output of the given media types. * <p class="note"> * As API version 18, this function may be used to select any route. * In prior versions, this function could only be used to select user * routes and would ignore any attempt to select a system route. * </p> * * @param types type flags indicating which types this route should be used for. * The route must support at least a subset. * @param route Route to select * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given route is {@code null} */
public void selectRoute(int types, @NonNull RouteInfo route) { if (route == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Route cannot be null."); } selectRouteStatic(types, route, true); }
@hideinternal use
/** * @hide internal use */
public void selectRouteInt(int types, RouteInfo route, boolean explicit) { selectRouteStatic(types, route, explicit); } static void selectRouteStatic(int types, @NonNull RouteInfo route, boolean explicit) { Log.v(TAG, "Selecting route: " + route); assert(route != null); final RouteInfo oldRoute = sStatic.mSelectedRoute; final RouteInfo currentSystemRoute = sStatic.isBluetoothA2dpOn() ? sStatic.mBluetoothA2dpRoute : sStatic.mDefaultAudioVideo; boolean wasDefaultOrBluetoothRoute = (oldRoute == sStatic.mDefaultAudioVideo || oldRoute == sStatic.mBluetoothA2dpRoute); if (oldRoute == route && (!wasDefaultOrBluetoothRoute || route == currentSystemRoute)) { return; } if (!route.matchesTypes(types)) { Log.w(TAG, "selectRoute ignored; cannot select route with supported types " + typesToString(route.getSupportedTypes()) + " into route types " + typesToString(types)); return; } final RouteInfo btRoute = sStatic.mBluetoothA2dpRoute; if (sStatic.isPlaybackActive() && btRoute != null && (types & ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO) != 0 && (route == btRoute || route == sStatic.mDefaultAudioVideo)) { try { sStatic.mAudioService.setBluetoothA2dpOn(route == btRoute); // TODO: Remove the following logging when no longer needed. if (route != btRoute) { StackTraceElement[] callStack = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); // callStack[3] is the caller of this method. for (int i = 3; i < callStack.length; i++) { StackTraceElement caller = callStack[i]; sb.append(caller.getClassName() + "." + caller.getMethodName() + ":" + caller.getLineNumber()).append(" "); } Log.w(TAG, "Default route is selected while a BT route is available: pkgName=" + sStatic.mPackageName + ", callers=" + sb.toString()); } } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error changing Bluetooth A2DP state", e); } } final WifiDisplay activeDisplay = sStatic.mDisplayService.getWifiDisplayStatus().getActiveDisplay(); final boolean oldRouteHasAddress = oldRoute != null && oldRoute.mDeviceAddress != null; final boolean newRouteHasAddress = route.mDeviceAddress != null; if (activeDisplay != null || oldRouteHasAddress || newRouteHasAddress) { if (newRouteHasAddress && !matchesDeviceAddress(activeDisplay, route)) { if (sStatic.mCanConfigureWifiDisplays) { sStatic.mDisplayService.connectWifiDisplay(route.mDeviceAddress); } else { Log.e(TAG, "Cannot connect to wifi displays because this process " + "is not allowed to do so."); } } else if (activeDisplay != null && !newRouteHasAddress) { sStatic.mDisplayService.disconnectWifiDisplay(); } } sStatic.setSelectedRoute(route, explicit); if (oldRoute != null) { dispatchRouteUnselected(types & oldRoute.getSupportedTypes(), oldRoute); if (oldRoute.resolveStatusCode()) { dispatchRouteChanged(oldRoute); } } if (route != null) { if (route.resolveStatusCode()) { dispatchRouteChanged(route); } dispatchRouteSelected(types & route.getSupportedTypes(), route); } // The behavior of active scans may depend on the currently selected route. sStatic.updateDiscoveryRequest(); } static void selectDefaultRouteStatic() { // TODO: Be smarter about the route types here; this selects for all valid. if (sStatic.mSelectedRoute != sStatic.mBluetoothA2dpRoute && sStatic.isBluetoothA2dpOn()) { selectRouteStatic(ROUTE_TYPE_ANY, sStatic.mBluetoothA2dpRoute, false); } else { selectRouteStatic(ROUTE_TYPE_ANY, sStatic.mDefaultAudioVideo, false); } }
Compare the device address of a display and a route. Nulls/no device address will match another null/no address.
/** * Compare the device address of a display and a route. * Nulls/no device address will match another null/no address. */
static boolean matchesDeviceAddress(WifiDisplay display, RouteInfo info) { final boolean routeHasAddress = info != null && info.mDeviceAddress != null; if (display == null && !routeHasAddress) { return true; } if (display != null && routeHasAddress) { return display.getDeviceAddress().equals(info.mDeviceAddress); } return false; }
Add an app-specified route for media to the MediaRouter. App-specified route definitions are created using createUserRoute(RouteCategory)
  • info – Definition of the route to add
See Also:
/** * Add an app-specified route for media to the MediaRouter. * App-specified route definitions are created using {@link #createUserRoute(RouteCategory)} * * @param info Definition of the route to add * @see #createUserRoute(RouteCategory) * @see #removeUserRoute(UserRouteInfo) */
public void addUserRoute(UserRouteInfo info) { addRouteStatic(info); }
@hideFramework use only
/** * @hide Framework use only */
public void addRouteInt(RouteInfo info) { addRouteStatic(info); } static void addRouteStatic(RouteInfo info) { Log.v(TAG, "Adding route: " + info); final RouteCategory cat = info.getCategory(); if (!sStatic.mCategories.contains(cat)) { sStatic.mCategories.add(cat); } if (cat.isGroupable() && !(info instanceof RouteGroup)) { // Enforce that any added route in a groupable category must be in a group. final RouteGroup group = new RouteGroup(info.getCategory()); group.mSupportedTypes = info.mSupportedTypes; sStatic.mRoutes.add(group); dispatchRouteAdded(group); group.addRoute(info); info = group; } else { sStatic.mRoutes.add(info); dispatchRouteAdded(info); } }
Remove an app-specified route for media from the MediaRouter.
  • info – Definition of the route to remove
See Also:
/** * Remove an app-specified route for media from the MediaRouter. * * @param info Definition of the route to remove * @see #addUserRoute(UserRouteInfo) */
public void removeUserRoute(UserRouteInfo info) { removeRouteStatic(info); }
Remove all app-specified routes from the MediaRouter.
See Also:
  • removeUserRoute(UserRouteInfo)
/** * Remove all app-specified routes from the MediaRouter. * * @see #removeUserRoute(UserRouteInfo) */
public void clearUserRoutes() { for (int i = 0; i < sStatic.mRoutes.size(); i++) { final RouteInfo info = sStatic.mRoutes.get(i); // TODO Right now, RouteGroups only ever contain user routes. // The code below will need to change if this assumption does. if (info instanceof UserRouteInfo || info instanceof RouteGroup) { removeRouteStatic(info); i--; } } }
@hideinternal use only
/** * @hide internal use only */
public void removeRouteInt(RouteInfo info) { removeRouteStatic(info); } static void removeRouteStatic(RouteInfo info) { Log.v(TAG, "Removing route: " + info); if (sStatic.mRoutes.remove(info)) { final RouteCategory removingCat = info.getCategory(); final int count = sStatic.mRoutes.size(); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final RouteCategory cat = sStatic.mRoutes.get(i).getCategory(); if (removingCat == cat) { found = true; break; } } if (info.isSelected()) { // Removing the currently selected route? Select the default before we remove it. selectDefaultRouteStatic(); } if (!found) { sStatic.mCategories.remove(removingCat); } dispatchRouteRemoved(info); } }
Return the number of categories currently represented by routes known to this MediaRouter.
Returns:the number of unique categories represented by this MediaRouter's known routes
/** * Return the number of {@link MediaRouter.RouteCategory categories} currently * represented by routes known to this MediaRouter. * * @return the number of unique categories represented by this MediaRouter's known routes */
public int getCategoryCount() { return sStatic.mCategories.size(); }
Return the category at the given index. Valid indices are in the range [0-getCategoryCount).
  • index – which category to return
Returns:the category at index
/** * Return the {@link MediaRouter.RouteCategory category} at the given index. * Valid indices are in the range [0-getCategoryCount). * * @param index which category to return * @return the category at index */
public RouteCategory getCategoryAt(int index) { return sStatic.mCategories.get(index); }
Return the number of routes currently known to this MediaRouter.
Returns:the number of routes tracked by this router
/** * Return the number of {@link MediaRouter.RouteInfo routes} currently known * to this MediaRouter. * * @return the number of routes tracked by this router */
public int getRouteCount() { return sStatic.mRoutes.size(); }
Return the route at the specified index.
  • index – index of the route to return
Returns:the route at index
/** * Return the route at the specified index. * * @param index index of the route to return * @return the route at index */
public RouteInfo getRouteAt(int index) { return sStatic.mRoutes.get(index); } static int getRouteCountStatic() { return sStatic.mRoutes.size(); } static RouteInfo getRouteAtStatic(int index) { return sStatic.mRoutes.get(index); }
Create a new user route that may be modified and registered for use by the application.
  • category – The category the new route will belong to
See Also:
Returns:A new UserRouteInfo for use by the application
/** * Create a new user route that may be modified and registered for use by the application. * * @param category The category the new route will belong to * @return A new UserRouteInfo for use by the application * * @see #addUserRoute(UserRouteInfo) * @see #removeUserRoute(UserRouteInfo) * @see #createRouteCategory(CharSequence, boolean) */
public UserRouteInfo createUserRoute(RouteCategory category) { return new UserRouteInfo(category); }
Create a new route category. Each route must belong to a category.
  • name – Name of the new category
  • isGroupable – true if routes in this category may be grouped with one another
Returns:the new RouteCategory
/** * Create a new route category. Each route must belong to a category. * * @param name Name of the new category * @param isGroupable true if routes in this category may be grouped with one another * @return the new RouteCategory */
public RouteCategory createRouteCategory(CharSequence name, boolean isGroupable) { return new RouteCategory(name, ROUTE_TYPE_USER, isGroupable); }
Create a new route category. Each route must belong to a category.
  • nameResId – Resource ID of the name of the new category
  • isGroupable – true if routes in this category may be grouped with one another
Returns:the new RouteCategory
/** * Create a new route category. Each route must belong to a category. * * @param nameResId Resource ID of the name of the new category * @param isGroupable true if routes in this category may be grouped with one another * @return the new RouteCategory */
public RouteCategory createRouteCategory(int nameResId, boolean isGroupable) { return new RouteCategory(nameResId, ROUTE_TYPE_USER, isGroupable); }
Rebinds the media router to handle routes that belong to the specified user. Requires the interact across users permission to access the routes of another user.

This method is a complete hack to work around the singleton nature of the media router when running inside of singleton processes like QuickSettings. This mechanism should be burned to the ground when MediaRouter is redesigned. Ideally the current user would be pulled from the Context but we need to break down MediaRouter.Static before we can get there.

/** * Rebinds the media router to handle routes that belong to the specified user. * Requires the interact across users permission to access the routes of another user. * <p> * This method is a complete hack to work around the singleton nature of the * media router when running inside of singleton processes like QuickSettings. * This mechanism should be burned to the ground when MediaRouter is redesigned. * Ideally the current user would be pulled from the Context but we need to break * down MediaRouter.Static before we can get there. * </p> * * @hide */
public void rebindAsUser(int userId) { sStatic.rebindAsUser(userId); } static void updateRoute(final RouteInfo info) { dispatchRouteChanged(info); } static void dispatchRouteSelected(int type, RouteInfo info) { for (CallbackInfo cbi : sStatic.mCallbacks) { if (cbi.filterRouteEvent(info)) { cbi.cb.onRouteSelected(cbi.router, type, info); } } } static void dispatchRouteUnselected(int type, RouteInfo info) { for (CallbackInfo cbi : sStatic.mCallbacks) { if (cbi.filterRouteEvent(info)) { cbi.cb.onRouteUnselected(cbi.router, type, info); } } } static void dispatchRouteChanged(RouteInfo info) { dispatchRouteChanged(info, info.mSupportedTypes); } static void dispatchRouteChanged(RouteInfo info, int oldSupportedTypes) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Dispatching route change: " + info); } final int newSupportedTypes = info.mSupportedTypes; for (CallbackInfo cbi : sStatic.mCallbacks) { // Reconstruct some of the history for callbacks that may not have observed // all of the events needed to correctly interpret the current state. // FIXME: This is a strong signal that we should deprecate route type filtering // completely in the future because it can lead to inconsistencies in // applications. final boolean oldVisibility = cbi.filterRouteEvent(oldSupportedTypes); final boolean newVisibility = cbi.filterRouteEvent(newSupportedTypes); if (!oldVisibility && newVisibility) { cbi.cb.onRouteAdded(cbi.router, info); if (info.isSelected()) { cbi.cb.onRouteSelected(cbi.router, newSupportedTypes, info); } } if (oldVisibility || newVisibility) { cbi.cb.onRouteChanged(cbi.router, info); } if (oldVisibility && !newVisibility) { if (info.isSelected()) { cbi.cb.onRouteUnselected(cbi.router, oldSupportedTypes, info); } cbi.cb.onRouteRemoved(cbi.router, info); } } } static void dispatchRouteAdded(RouteInfo info) { for (CallbackInfo cbi : sStatic.mCallbacks) { if (cbi.filterRouteEvent(info)) { cbi.cb.onRouteAdded(cbi.router, info); } } } static void dispatchRouteRemoved(RouteInfo info) { for (CallbackInfo cbi : sStatic.mCallbacks) { if (cbi.filterRouteEvent(info)) { cbi.cb.onRouteRemoved(cbi.router, info); } } } static void dispatchRouteGrouped(RouteInfo info, RouteGroup group, int index) { for (CallbackInfo cbi : sStatic.mCallbacks) { if (cbi.filterRouteEvent(group)) { cbi.cb.onRouteGrouped(cbi.router, info, group, index); } } } static void dispatchRouteUngrouped(RouteInfo info, RouteGroup group) { for (CallbackInfo cbi : sStatic.mCallbacks) { if (cbi.filterRouteEvent(group)) { cbi.cb.onRouteUngrouped(cbi.router, info, group); } } } static void dispatchRouteVolumeChanged(RouteInfo info) { for (CallbackInfo cbi : sStatic.mCallbacks) { if (cbi.filterRouteEvent(info)) { cbi.cb.onRouteVolumeChanged(cbi.router, info); } } } static void dispatchRoutePresentationDisplayChanged(RouteInfo info) { for (CallbackInfo cbi : sStatic.mCallbacks) { if (cbi.filterRouteEvent(info)) { cbi.cb.onRoutePresentationDisplayChanged(cbi.router, info); } } } static void systemVolumeChanged(int newValue) { final RouteInfo selectedRoute = sStatic.mSelectedRoute; if (selectedRoute == null) return; if (selectedRoute == sStatic.mBluetoothA2dpRoute || selectedRoute == sStatic.mDefaultAudioVideo) { dispatchRouteVolumeChanged(selectedRoute); } else if (sStatic.mBluetoothA2dpRoute != null) { try { dispatchRouteVolumeChanged(sStatic.mAudioService.isBluetoothA2dpOn() ? sStatic.mBluetoothA2dpRoute : sStatic.mDefaultAudioVideo); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error checking Bluetooth A2DP state to report volume change", e); } } else { dispatchRouteVolumeChanged(sStatic.mDefaultAudioVideo); } } static void updateWifiDisplayStatus(WifiDisplayStatus status) { WifiDisplay[] displays; WifiDisplay activeDisplay; if (status.getFeatureState() == WifiDisplayStatus.FEATURE_STATE_ON) { displays = status.getDisplays(); activeDisplay = status.getActiveDisplay(); // Only the system is able to connect to wifi display routes. // The display manager will enforce this with a permission check but it // still publishes information about all available displays. // Filter the list down to just the active display. if (!sStatic.mCanConfigureWifiDisplays) { if (activeDisplay != null) { displays = new WifiDisplay[] { activeDisplay }; } else { displays = WifiDisplay.EMPTY_ARRAY; } } } else { displays = WifiDisplay.EMPTY_ARRAY; activeDisplay = null; } String activeDisplayAddress = activeDisplay != null ? activeDisplay.getDeviceAddress() : null; // Add or update routes. for (int i = 0; i < displays.length; i++) { final WifiDisplay d = displays[i]; if (shouldShowWifiDisplay(d, activeDisplay)) { RouteInfo route = findWifiDisplayRoute(d); if (route == null) { route = makeWifiDisplayRoute(d, status); addRouteStatic(route); } else { String address = d.getDeviceAddress(); boolean disconnected = !address.equals(activeDisplayAddress) && address.equals(sStatic.mPreviousActiveWifiDisplayAddress); updateWifiDisplayRoute(route, d, status, disconnected); } if (d.equals(activeDisplay)) { selectRouteStatic(route.getSupportedTypes(), route, false); } } } // Remove stale routes. for (int i = sStatic.mRoutes.size(); i-- > 0; ) { RouteInfo route = sStatic.mRoutes.get(i); if (route.mDeviceAddress != null) { WifiDisplay d = findWifiDisplay(displays, route.mDeviceAddress); if (d == null || !shouldShowWifiDisplay(d, activeDisplay)) { removeRouteStatic(route); } } } // Remember the current active wifi display address so that we can infer disconnections. // TODO: This hack will go away once all of this is moved into the media router service. sStatic.mPreviousActiveWifiDisplayAddress = activeDisplayAddress; } private static boolean shouldShowWifiDisplay(WifiDisplay d, WifiDisplay activeDisplay) { return d.isRemembered() || d.equals(activeDisplay); } static int getWifiDisplayStatusCode(WifiDisplay d, WifiDisplayStatus wfdStatus) { int newStatus; if (wfdStatus.getScanState() == WifiDisplayStatus.SCAN_STATE_SCANNING) { newStatus = RouteInfo.STATUS_SCANNING; } else if (d.isAvailable()) { newStatus = d.canConnect() ? RouteInfo.STATUS_AVAILABLE: RouteInfo.STATUS_IN_USE; } else { newStatus = RouteInfo.STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE; } if (d.equals(wfdStatus.getActiveDisplay())) { final int activeState = wfdStatus.getActiveDisplayState(); switch (activeState) { case WifiDisplayStatus.DISPLAY_STATE_CONNECTED: newStatus = RouteInfo.STATUS_CONNECTED; break; case WifiDisplayStatus.DISPLAY_STATE_CONNECTING: newStatus = RouteInfo.STATUS_CONNECTING; break; case WifiDisplayStatus.DISPLAY_STATE_NOT_CONNECTED: Log.e(TAG, "Active display is not connected!"); break; } } return newStatus; } static boolean isWifiDisplayEnabled(WifiDisplay d, WifiDisplayStatus wfdStatus) { return d.isAvailable() && (d.canConnect() || d.equals(wfdStatus.getActiveDisplay())); } static RouteInfo makeWifiDisplayRoute(WifiDisplay display, WifiDisplayStatus wfdStatus) { final RouteInfo newRoute = new RouteInfo(sStatic.mSystemCategory); newRoute.mDeviceAddress = display.getDeviceAddress(); newRoute.mSupportedTypes = ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO | ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO | ROUTE_TYPE_REMOTE_DISPLAY; newRoute.mVolumeHandling = RouteInfo.PLAYBACK_VOLUME_FIXED; newRoute.mPlaybackType = RouteInfo.PLAYBACK_TYPE_REMOTE; newRoute.setRealStatusCode(getWifiDisplayStatusCode(display, wfdStatus)); newRoute.mEnabled = isWifiDisplayEnabled(display, wfdStatus); newRoute.mName = display.getFriendlyDisplayName(); newRoute.mDescription = sStatic.mResources.getText( com.android.internal.R.string.wireless_display_route_description); newRoute.updatePresentationDisplay(); newRoute.mDeviceType = RouteInfo.DEVICE_TYPE_TV; return newRoute; } private static void updateWifiDisplayRoute( RouteInfo route, WifiDisplay display, WifiDisplayStatus wfdStatus, boolean disconnected) { boolean changed = false; final String newName = display.getFriendlyDisplayName(); if (!route.getName().equals(newName)) { route.mName = newName; changed = true; } boolean enabled = isWifiDisplayEnabled(display, wfdStatus); changed |= route.mEnabled != enabled; route.mEnabled = enabled; changed |= route.setRealStatusCode(getWifiDisplayStatusCode(display, wfdStatus)); if (changed) { dispatchRouteChanged(route); } if ((!enabled || disconnected) && route.isSelected()) { // Oops, no longer available. Reselect the default. selectDefaultRouteStatic(); } } private static WifiDisplay findWifiDisplay(WifiDisplay[] displays, String deviceAddress) { for (int i = 0; i < displays.length; i++) { final WifiDisplay d = displays[i]; if (d.getDeviceAddress().equals(deviceAddress)) { return d; } } return null; } private static RouteInfo findWifiDisplayRoute(WifiDisplay d) { final int count = sStatic.mRoutes.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final RouteInfo info = sStatic.mRoutes.get(i); if (d.getDeviceAddress().equals(info.mDeviceAddress)) { return info; } } return null; }
Information about a media route.
/** * Information about a media route. */
public static class RouteInfo { CharSequence mName; int mNameResId; CharSequence mDescription; private CharSequence mStatus; int mSupportedTypes; int mDeviceType; RouteGroup mGroup; final RouteCategory mCategory; Drawable mIcon; // playback information int mPlaybackType = PLAYBACK_TYPE_LOCAL; int mVolumeMax = RemoteControlClient.DEFAULT_PLAYBACK_VOLUME; int mVolume = RemoteControlClient.DEFAULT_PLAYBACK_VOLUME; int mVolumeHandling = RemoteControlClient.DEFAULT_PLAYBACK_VOLUME_HANDLING; int mPlaybackStream = AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC; VolumeCallbackInfo mVcb; Display mPresentationDisplay; int mPresentationDisplayId = -1; String mDeviceAddress; boolean mEnabled = true; // An id by which the route is known to the media router service. // Null if this route only exists as an artifact within this process. String mGlobalRouteId; // A predetermined connection status that can override mStatus private int mRealStatusCode; private int mResolvedStatusCode;
/** @hide */
public static final int STATUS_NONE = 0;
/** @hide */
public static final int STATUS_SCANNING = 1;
/** @hide */
public static final int STATUS_CONNECTING = 2;
/** @hide */
public static final int STATUS_AVAILABLE = 3;
/** @hide */
public static final int STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE = 4;
/** @hide */
public static final int STATUS_IN_USE = 5;
/** @hide */
public static final int STATUS_CONNECTED = 6;
/** @hide */
@IntDef({DEVICE_TYPE_UNKNOWN, DEVICE_TYPE_TV, DEVICE_TYPE_SPEAKER, DEVICE_TYPE_BLUETOOTH}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) public @interface DeviceType {}
The default receiver device type of the route indicating the type is unknown.
See Also:
  • getDeviceType
/** * The default receiver device type of the route indicating the type is unknown. * * @see #getDeviceType */
public static final int DEVICE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0;
A receiver device type of the route indicating the presentation of the media is happening on a TV.
See Also:
  • getDeviceType
/** * A receiver device type of the route indicating the presentation of the media is happening * on a TV. * * @see #getDeviceType */
public static final int DEVICE_TYPE_TV = 1;
A receiver device type of the route indicating the presentation of the media is happening on a speaker.
See Also:
  • getDeviceType
/** * A receiver device type of the route indicating the presentation of the media is happening * on a speaker. * * @see #getDeviceType */
public static final int DEVICE_TYPE_SPEAKER = 2;
A receiver device type of the route indicating the presentation of the media is happening on a bluetooth device such as a bluetooth speaker.
See Also:
  • getDeviceType
/** * A receiver device type of the route indicating the presentation of the media is happening * on a bluetooth device such as a bluetooth speaker. * * @see #getDeviceType */
public static final int DEVICE_TYPE_BLUETOOTH = 3; private Object mTag;
/** @hide */
@IntDef({PLAYBACK_TYPE_LOCAL, PLAYBACK_TYPE_REMOTE}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) public @interface PlaybackType {}
The default playback type, "local", indicating the presentation of the media is happening on the same device (e.g. a phone, a tablet) as where it is controlled from.
See Also:
  • getPlaybackType()
/** * The default playback type, "local", indicating the presentation of the media is happening * on the same device (e&#46;g&#46; a phone, a tablet) as where it is controlled from. * @see #getPlaybackType() */
public final static int PLAYBACK_TYPE_LOCAL = 0;
A playback type indicating the presentation of the media is happening on a different device (i.e. the remote device) than where it is controlled from.
See Also:
  • getPlaybackType()
/** * A playback type indicating the presentation of the media is happening on * a different device (i&#46;e&#46; the remote device) than where it is controlled from. * @see #getPlaybackType() */
public final static int PLAYBACK_TYPE_REMOTE = 1;
/** @hide */
@IntDef({PLAYBACK_VOLUME_FIXED,PLAYBACK_VOLUME_VARIABLE}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) private @interface PlaybackVolume {}
Playback information indicating the playback volume is fixed, i.e. it cannot be controlled from this object. An example of fixed playback volume is a remote player, playing over HDMI where the user prefers to control the volume on the HDMI sink, rather than attenuate at the source.
See Also:
  • getVolumeHandling()
/** * Playback information indicating the playback volume is fixed, i&#46;e&#46; it cannot be * controlled from this object. An example of fixed playback volume is a remote player, * playing over HDMI where the user prefers to control the volume on the HDMI sink, rather * than attenuate at the source. * @see #getVolumeHandling() */
public final static int PLAYBACK_VOLUME_FIXED = 0;
Playback information indicating the playback volume is variable and can be controlled from this object.
See Also:
  • getVolumeHandling()
/** * Playback information indicating the playback volume is variable and can be controlled * from this object. * @see #getVolumeHandling() */
public final static int PLAYBACK_VOLUME_VARIABLE = 1; RouteInfo(RouteCategory category) { mCategory = category; mDeviceType = DEVICE_TYPE_UNKNOWN; }
Gets the user-visible name of the route.

The route name identifies the destination represented by the route. It may be a user-supplied name, an alias, or device serial number.

Returns:The user-visible name of a media route. This is the string presented to users who may select this as the active route.
/** * Gets the user-visible name of the route. * <p> * The route name identifies the destination represented by the route. * It may be a user-supplied name, an alias, or device serial number. * </p> * * @return The user-visible name of a media route. This is the string presented * to users who may select this as the active route. */
public CharSequence getName() { return getName(sStatic.mResources); }
Return the properly localized/resource user-visible name of this route.

The route name identifies the destination represented by the route. It may be a user-supplied name, an alias, or device serial number.

  • context – Context used to resolve the correct configuration to load
Returns:The user-visible name of a media route. This is the string presented to users who may select this as the active route.
/** * Return the properly localized/resource user-visible name of this route. * <p> * The route name identifies the destination represented by the route. * It may be a user-supplied name, an alias, or device serial number. * </p> * * @param context Context used to resolve the correct configuration to load * @return The user-visible name of a media route. This is the string presented * to users who may select this as the active route. */
public CharSequence getName(Context context) { return getName(context.getResources()); } CharSequence getName(Resources res) { if (mNameResId != 0) { return res.getText(mNameResId); } return mName; }
Gets the user-visible description of the route.

The route description describes the kind of destination represented by the route. It may be a user-supplied string, a model number or brand of device.

Returns:The description of the route, or null if none.
/** * Gets the user-visible description of the route. * <p> * The route description describes the kind of destination represented by the route. * It may be a user-supplied string, a model number or brand of device. * </p> * * @return The description of the route, or null if none. */
public CharSequence getDescription() { return mDescription; }
Returns:The user-visible status for a media route. This may include a description of the currently playing media, if available.
/** * @return The user-visible status for a media route. This may include a description * of the currently playing media, if available. */
public CharSequence getStatus() { return mStatus; }
Set this route's status by predetermined status code. If the caller should dispatch a route changed event this call will return true;
/** * Set this route's status by predetermined status code. If the caller * should dispatch a route changed event this call will return true; */
boolean setRealStatusCode(int statusCode) { if (mRealStatusCode != statusCode) { mRealStatusCode = statusCode; return resolveStatusCode(); } return false; }
Resolves the status code whenever the real status code or selection state changes.
/** * Resolves the status code whenever the real status code or selection state * changes. */
boolean resolveStatusCode() { int statusCode = mRealStatusCode; if (isSelected()) { switch (statusCode) { // If the route is selected and its status appears to be between states // then report it as connecting even though it has not yet had a chance // to officially move into the CONNECTING state. Note that routes in // the NONE state are assumed to not require an explicit connection // lifecycle whereas those that are AVAILABLE are assumed to have // to eventually proceed to CONNECTED. case STATUS_AVAILABLE: case STATUS_SCANNING: statusCode = STATUS_CONNECTING; break; } } if (mResolvedStatusCode == statusCode) { return false; } mResolvedStatusCode = statusCode; int resId; switch (statusCode) { case STATUS_SCANNING: resId = com.android.internal.R.string.media_route_status_scanning; break; case STATUS_CONNECTING: resId = com.android.internal.R.string.media_route_status_connecting; break; case STATUS_AVAILABLE: resId = com.android.internal.R.string.media_route_status_available; break; case STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE: resId = com.android.internal.R.string.media_route_status_not_available; break; case STATUS_IN_USE: resId = com.android.internal.R.string.media_route_status_in_use; break; case STATUS_CONNECTED: case STATUS_NONE: default: resId = 0; break; } mStatus = resId != 0 ? sStatic.mResources.getText(resId) : null; return true; }
/** * @hide */
public int getStatusCode() { return mResolvedStatusCode; }
Returns:A media type flag set describing which types this route supports.
/** * @return A media type flag set describing which types this route supports. */
public int getSupportedTypes() { return mSupportedTypes; }
Gets the type of the receiver device associated with this route.
Returns:The type of the receiver device associated with this route: DEVICE_TYPE_BLUETOOTH, DEVICE_TYPE_TV, DEVICE_TYPE_SPEAKER, or DEVICE_TYPE_UNKNOWN.
/** * Gets the type of the receiver device associated with this route. * * @return The type of the receiver device associated with this route: * {@link #DEVICE_TYPE_BLUETOOTH}, {@link #DEVICE_TYPE_TV}, {@link #DEVICE_TYPE_SPEAKER}, * or {@link #DEVICE_TYPE_UNKNOWN}. */
@DeviceType public int getDeviceType() { return mDeviceType; }
/** @hide */
public boolean matchesTypes(int types) { return (mSupportedTypes & types) != 0; }
Returns:The group that this route belongs to.
/** * @return The group that this route belongs to. */
public RouteGroup getGroup() { return mGroup; }
Returns:the category this route belongs to.
/** * @return the category this route belongs to. */
public RouteCategory getCategory() { return mCategory; }
Get the icon representing this route. This icon will be used in picker UIs if available.
Returns:the icon representing this route or null if no icon is available
/** * Get the icon representing this route. * This icon will be used in picker UIs if available. * * @return the icon representing this route or null if no icon is available */
public Drawable getIconDrawable() { return mIcon; }
Set an application-specific tag object for this route. The application may use this to store arbitrary data associated with the route for internal tracking.

Note that the lifespan of a route may be well past the lifespan of an Activity or other Context; take care that objects you store here will not keep more data in memory alive than you intend.

  • tag – Arbitrary, app-specific data for this route to hold for later use
/** * Set an application-specific tag object for this route. * The application may use this to store arbitrary data associated with the * route for internal tracking. * * <p>Note that the lifespan of a route may be well past the lifespan of * an Activity or other Context; take care that objects you store here * will not keep more data in memory alive than you intend.</p> * * @param tag Arbitrary, app-specific data for this route to hold for later use */
public void setTag(Object tag) { mTag = tag; routeUpdated(); }
See Also:
Returns:The tag object previously set by the application
/** * @return The tag object previously set by the application * @see #setTag(Object) */
public Object getTag() { return mTag; }
See Also:
Returns:the type of playback associated with this route
/** * @return the type of playback associated with this route * @see UserRouteInfo#setPlaybackType(int) */
@PlaybackType public int getPlaybackType() { return mPlaybackType; }
See Also:
Returns:the stream over which the playback associated with this route is performed
/** * @return the stream over which the playback associated with this route is performed * @see UserRouteInfo#setPlaybackStream(int) */
public int getPlaybackStream() { return mPlaybackStream; }
Return the current volume for this route. Depending on the route, this may only be valid if the route is currently selected.
See Also:
Returns:the volume at which the playback associated with this route is performed
/** * Return the current volume for this route. Depending on the route, this may only * be valid if the route is currently selected. * * @return the volume at which the playback associated with this route is performed * @see UserRouteInfo#setVolume(int) */
public int getVolume() { if (mPlaybackType == PLAYBACK_TYPE_LOCAL) { int vol = 0; try { vol = sStatic.mAudioService.getStreamVolume(mPlaybackStream); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error getting local stream volume", e); } return vol; } else { return mVolume; } }
Request a volume change for this route.
  • volume – value between 0 and getVolumeMax
/** * Request a volume change for this route. * @param volume value between 0 and getVolumeMax */
public void requestSetVolume(int volume) { if (mPlaybackType == PLAYBACK_TYPE_LOCAL) { try { sStatic.mAudioService.setStreamVolume(mPlaybackStream, volume, 0, ActivityThread.currentPackageName()); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error setting local stream volume", e); } } else { sStatic.requestSetVolume(this, volume); } }
Request an incremental volume update for this route.
  • direction – Delta to apply to the current volume
/** * Request an incremental volume update for this route. * @param direction Delta to apply to the current volume */
public void requestUpdateVolume(int direction) { if (mPlaybackType == PLAYBACK_TYPE_LOCAL) { try { final int volume = Math.max(0, Math.min(getVolume() + direction, getVolumeMax())); sStatic.mAudioService.setStreamVolume(mPlaybackStream, volume, 0, ActivityThread.currentPackageName()); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error setting local stream volume", e); } } else { sStatic.requestUpdateVolume(this, direction); } }
See Also:
Returns:the maximum volume at which the playback associated with this route is performed
/** * @return the maximum volume at which the playback associated with this route is performed * @see UserRouteInfo#setVolumeMax(int) */
public int getVolumeMax() { if (mPlaybackType == PLAYBACK_TYPE_LOCAL) { int volMax = 0; try { volMax = sStatic.mAudioService.getStreamMaxVolume(mPlaybackStream); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error getting local stream volume", e); } return volMax; } else { return mVolumeMax; } }
See Also:
Returns:how volume is handling on the route
/** * @return how volume is handling on the route * @see UserRouteInfo#setVolumeHandling(int) */
@PlaybackVolume public int getVolumeHandling() { return mVolumeHandling; }
Gets the Display that should be used by the application to show a Presentation on an external display when this route is selected. Depending on the route, this may only be valid if the route is currently selected.

The preferred presentation display may change independently of the route being selected or unselected. For example, the presentation display of the default system route may change when an external HDMI display is connected or disconnected even though the route itself has not changed.

This method may return null if there is no external display associated with the route or if the display is not ready to show UI yet.

The application should listen for changes to the presentation display using the Callback.onRoutePresentationDisplayChanged callback and show or dismiss its Presentation accordingly when the display becomes available or is removed.

This method only makes sense for live video routes.

See Also:
Returns:The preferred presentation display to use when this route is selected or null if none.
/** * Gets the {@link Display} that should be used by the application to show * a {@link android.app.Presentation} on an external display when this route is selected. * Depending on the route, this may only be valid if the route is currently * selected. * <p> * The preferred presentation display may change independently of the route * being selected or unselected. For example, the presentation display * of the default system route may change when an external HDMI display is connected * or disconnected even though the route itself has not changed. * </p><p> * This method may return null if there is no external display associated with * the route or if the display is not ready to show UI yet. * </p><p> * The application should listen for changes to the presentation display * using the {@link Callback#onRoutePresentationDisplayChanged} callback and * show or dismiss its {@link android.app.Presentation} accordingly when the display * becomes available or is removed. * </p><p> * This method only makes sense for {@link #ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO live video} routes. * </p> * * @return The preferred presentation display to use when this route is * selected or null if none. * * @see #ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO * @see android.app.Presentation */
public Display getPresentationDisplay() { return mPresentationDisplay; } boolean updatePresentationDisplay() { Display display = choosePresentationDisplay(); if (mPresentationDisplay != display) { mPresentationDisplay = display; return true; } return false; } private Display choosePresentationDisplay() { if ((mSupportedTypes & ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO) != 0) { Display[] displays = sStatic.getAllPresentationDisplays(); // Ensure that the specified display is valid for presentations. // This check will normally disallow the default display unless it was // configured as a presentation display for some reason. if (mPresentationDisplayId >= 0) { for (Display display : displays) { if (display.getDisplayId() == mPresentationDisplayId) { return display; } } return null; } // Find the indicated Wifi display by its address. if (mDeviceAddress != null) { for (Display display : displays) { if (display.getType() == Display.TYPE_WIFI && mDeviceAddress.equals(display.getAddress())) { return display; } } return null; } // For the default route, choose the first presentation display from the list. if (this == sStatic.mDefaultAudioVideo && displays.length > 0) { return displays[0]; } } return null; }
/** @hide */
public String getDeviceAddress() { return mDeviceAddress; }
Returns true if this route is enabled and may be selected.
Returns:True if this route is enabled.
/** * Returns true if this route is enabled and may be selected. * * @return True if this route is enabled. */
public boolean isEnabled() { return mEnabled; }
Returns true if the route is in the process of connecting and is not yet ready for use.
Returns:True if this route is in the process of connecting.
/** * Returns true if the route is in the process of connecting and is not * yet ready for use. * * @return True if this route is in the process of connecting. */
public boolean isConnecting() { return mResolvedStatusCode == STATUS_CONNECTING; }
/** @hide */
public boolean isSelected() { return this == sStatic.mSelectedRoute; }
/** @hide */
public boolean isDefault() { return this == sStatic.mDefaultAudioVideo; }
/** @hide */
public boolean isBluetooth() { return this == sStatic.mBluetoothA2dpRoute; }
/** @hide */
public void select() { selectRouteStatic(mSupportedTypes, this, true); } void setStatusInt(CharSequence status) { if (!status.equals(mStatus)) { mStatus = status; if (mGroup != null) { mGroup.memberStatusChanged(this, status); } routeUpdated(); } } final IRemoteVolumeObserver.Stub mRemoteVolObserver = new IRemoteVolumeObserver.Stub() { @Override public void dispatchRemoteVolumeUpdate(final int direction, final int value) { sStatic.mHandler.post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (mVcb != null) { if (direction != 0) { mVcb.vcb.onVolumeUpdateRequest(mVcb.route, direction); } else { mVcb.vcb.onVolumeSetRequest(mVcb.route, value); } } } }); } }; void routeUpdated() { updateRoute(this); } @Override public String toString() { String supportedTypes = typesToString(getSupportedTypes()); return getClass().getSimpleName() + "{ name=" + getName() + ", description=" + getDescription() + ", status=" + getStatus() + ", category=" + getCategory() + ", supportedTypes=" + supportedTypes + ", presentationDisplay=" + mPresentationDisplay + " }"; } }
Information about a route that the application may define and modify. A user route defaults to RouteInfo.PLAYBACK_TYPE_REMOTE and RouteInfo.PLAYBACK_VOLUME_FIXED.
See Also:
/** * Information about a route that the application may define and modify. * A user route defaults to {@link RouteInfo#PLAYBACK_TYPE_REMOTE} and * {@link RouteInfo#PLAYBACK_VOLUME_FIXED}. * * @see MediaRouter.RouteInfo */
public static class UserRouteInfo extends RouteInfo { RemoteControlClient mRcc; SessionVolumeProvider mSvp; UserRouteInfo(RouteCategory category) { super(category); mSupportedTypes = ROUTE_TYPE_USER; mPlaybackType = PLAYBACK_TYPE_REMOTE; mVolumeHandling = PLAYBACK_VOLUME_FIXED; }
Set the user-visible name of this route.
  • name – Name to display to the user to describe this route
/** * Set the user-visible name of this route. * @param name Name to display to the user to describe this route */
public void setName(CharSequence name) { mNameResId = 0; mName = name; routeUpdated(); }
Set the user-visible name of this route.

The route name identifies the destination represented by the route. It may be a user-supplied name, an alias, or device serial number.

  • resId – Resource ID of the name to display to the user to describe this route
/** * Set the user-visible name of this route. * <p> * The route name identifies the destination represented by the route. * It may be a user-supplied name, an alias, or device serial number. * </p> * * @param resId Resource ID of the name to display to the user to describe this route */
public void setName(int resId) { mNameResId = resId; mName = null; routeUpdated(); }
Set the user-visible description of this route.

The route description describes the kind of destination represented by the route. It may be a user-supplied string, a model number or brand of device.

  • description – The description of the route, or null if none.
/** * Set the user-visible description of this route. * <p> * The route description describes the kind of destination represented by the route. * It may be a user-supplied string, a model number or brand of device. * </p> * * @param description The description of the route, or null if none. */
public void setDescription(CharSequence description) { mDescription = description; routeUpdated(); }
Set the current user-visible status for this route.
  • status – Status to display to the user to describe what the endpoint of this route is currently doing
/** * Set the current user-visible status for this route. * @param status Status to display to the user to describe what the endpoint * of this route is currently doing */
public void setStatus(CharSequence status) { setStatusInt(status); }
Set the RemoteControlClient responsible for reporting playback info for this user route.

If this route manages remote playback, the data exposed by this RemoteControlClient will be used to reflect and update information such as route volume info in related UIs.

The RemoteControlClient must have been previously registered with AudioManager.registerRemoteControlClient(RemoteControlClient).

  • rcc – RemoteControlClient associated with this route
/** * Set the RemoteControlClient responsible for reporting playback info for this * user route. * * <p>If this route manages remote playback, the data exposed by this * RemoteControlClient will be used to reflect and update information * such as route volume info in related UIs.</p> * * <p>The RemoteControlClient must have been previously registered with * {@link AudioManager#registerRemoteControlClient(RemoteControlClient)}.</p> * * @param rcc RemoteControlClient associated with this route */
public void setRemoteControlClient(RemoteControlClient rcc) { mRcc = rcc; updatePlaybackInfoOnRcc(); }
Retrieve the RemoteControlClient associated with this route, if one has been set.
See Also:
Returns:the RemoteControlClient associated with this route
/** * Retrieve the RemoteControlClient associated with this route, if one has been set. * * @return the RemoteControlClient associated with this route * @see #setRemoteControlClient(RemoteControlClient) */
public RemoteControlClient getRemoteControlClient() { return mRcc; }
Set an icon that will be used to represent this route. The system may use this icon in picker UIs or similar.
  • icon – icon drawable to use to represent this route
/** * Set an icon that will be used to represent this route. * The system may use this icon in picker UIs or similar. * * @param icon icon drawable to use to represent this route */
public void setIconDrawable(Drawable icon) { mIcon = icon; }
Set an icon that will be used to represent this route. The system may use this icon in picker UIs or similar.
  • resId – Resource ID of an icon drawable to use to represent this route
/** * Set an icon that will be used to represent this route. * The system may use this icon in picker UIs or similar. * * @param resId Resource ID of an icon drawable to use to represent this route */
public void setIconResource(@DrawableRes int resId) { setIconDrawable(sStatic.mResources.getDrawable(resId)); }
Set a callback to be notified of volume update requests
  • vcb –
/** * Set a callback to be notified of volume update requests * @param vcb */
public void setVolumeCallback(VolumeCallback vcb) { mVcb = new VolumeCallbackInfo(vcb, this); }
Defines whether playback associated with this route is "local" (RouteInfo.PLAYBACK_TYPE_LOCAL) or "remote" (RouteInfo.PLAYBACK_TYPE_REMOTE).
  • type –
/** * Defines whether playback associated with this route is "local" * ({@link RouteInfo#PLAYBACK_TYPE_LOCAL}) or "remote" * ({@link RouteInfo#PLAYBACK_TYPE_REMOTE}). * @param type */
public void setPlaybackType(@RouteInfo.PlaybackType int type) { if (mPlaybackType != type) { mPlaybackType = type; configureSessionVolume(); } }
Defines whether volume for the playback associated with this route is fixed (RouteInfo.PLAYBACK_VOLUME_FIXED) or can modified (RouteInfo.PLAYBACK_VOLUME_VARIABLE).
  • volumeHandling –
/** * Defines whether volume for the playback associated with this route is fixed * ({@link RouteInfo#PLAYBACK_VOLUME_FIXED}) or can modified * ({@link RouteInfo#PLAYBACK_VOLUME_VARIABLE}). * @param volumeHandling */
public void setVolumeHandling(@RouteInfo.PlaybackVolume int volumeHandling) { if (mVolumeHandling != volumeHandling) { mVolumeHandling = volumeHandling; configureSessionVolume(); } }
Defines at what volume the playback associated with this route is performed (for user feedback purposes). This information is only used when the playback is not local.
  • volume –
/** * Defines at what volume the playback associated with this route is performed (for user * feedback purposes). This information is only used when the playback is not local. * @param volume */
public void setVolume(int volume) { volume = Math.max(0, Math.min(volume, getVolumeMax())); if (mVolume != volume) { mVolume = volume; if (mSvp != null) { mSvp.setCurrentVolume(mVolume); } dispatchRouteVolumeChanged(this); if (mGroup != null) { mGroup.memberVolumeChanged(this); } } } @Override public void requestSetVolume(int volume) { if (mVolumeHandling == PLAYBACK_VOLUME_VARIABLE) { if (mVcb == null) { Log.e(TAG, "Cannot requestSetVolume on user route - no volume callback set"); return; } mVcb.vcb.onVolumeSetRequest(this, volume); } } @Override public void requestUpdateVolume(int direction) { if (mVolumeHandling == PLAYBACK_VOLUME_VARIABLE) { if (mVcb == null) { Log.e(TAG, "Cannot requestChangeVolume on user route - no volumec callback set"); return; } mVcb.vcb.onVolumeUpdateRequest(this, direction); } }
Defines the maximum volume at which the playback associated with this route is performed (for user feedback purposes). This information is only used when the playback is not local.
  • volumeMax –
/** * Defines the maximum volume at which the playback associated with this route is performed * (for user feedback purposes). This information is only used when the playback is not * local. * @param volumeMax */
public void setVolumeMax(int volumeMax) { if (mVolumeMax != volumeMax) { mVolumeMax = volumeMax; configureSessionVolume(); } }
Defines over what stream type the media is presented.
  • stream –
/** * Defines over what stream type the media is presented. * @param stream */
public void setPlaybackStream(int stream) { if (mPlaybackStream != stream) { mPlaybackStream = stream; configureSessionVolume(); } } private void updatePlaybackInfoOnRcc() { configureSessionVolume(); } private void configureSessionVolume() { if (mRcc == null) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "No Rcc to configure volume for route " + getName()); } return; } MediaSession session = mRcc.getMediaSession(); if (session == null) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Rcc has no session to configure volume"); } return; } if (mPlaybackType == RemoteControlClient.PLAYBACK_TYPE_REMOTE) { @VolumeProvider.ControlType int volumeControl = VolumeProvider.VOLUME_CONTROL_FIXED; switch (mVolumeHandling) { case RemoteControlClient.PLAYBACK_VOLUME_VARIABLE: volumeControl = VolumeProvider.VOLUME_CONTROL_ABSOLUTE; break; case RemoteControlClient.PLAYBACK_VOLUME_FIXED: default: break; } // Only register a new listener if necessary if (mSvp == null || mSvp.getVolumeControl() != volumeControl || mSvp.getMaxVolume() != mVolumeMax) { mSvp = new SessionVolumeProvider(volumeControl, mVolumeMax, mVolume); session.setPlaybackToRemote(mSvp); } } else { // We only know how to handle local and remote, fall back to local if not remote. AudioAttributes.Builder bob = new AudioAttributes.Builder(); bob.setLegacyStreamType(mPlaybackStream); session.setPlaybackToLocal(bob.build()); mSvp = null; } } class SessionVolumeProvider extends VolumeProvider { public SessionVolumeProvider(@VolumeProvider.ControlType int volumeControl, int maxVolume, int currentVolume) { super(volumeControl, maxVolume, currentVolume); } @Override public void onSetVolumeTo(final int volume) { sStatic.mHandler.post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (mVcb != null) { mVcb.vcb.onVolumeSetRequest(mVcb.route, volume); } } }); } @Override public void onAdjustVolume(final int direction) { sStatic.mHandler.post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (mVcb != null) { mVcb.vcb.onVolumeUpdateRequest(mVcb.route, direction); } } }); } } }
Information about a route that consists of multiple other routes in a group.
/** * Information about a route that consists of multiple other routes in a group. */
public static class RouteGroup extends RouteInfo { final ArrayList<RouteInfo> mRoutes = new ArrayList<RouteInfo>(); private boolean mUpdateName; RouteGroup(RouteCategory category) { super(category); mGroup = this; mVolumeHandling = PLAYBACK_VOLUME_FIXED; } @Override CharSequence getName(Resources res) { if (mUpdateName) updateName(); return super.getName(res); }
Add a route to this group. The route must not currently belong to another group.
  • route – route to add to this group
/** * Add a route to this group. The route must not currently belong to another group. * * @param route route to add to this group */
public void addRoute(RouteInfo route) { if (route.getGroup() != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Route " + route + " is already part of a group."); } if (route.getCategory() != mCategory) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Route cannot be added to a group with a different category. " + "(Route category=" + route.getCategory() + " group category=" + mCategory + ")"); } final int at = mRoutes.size(); mRoutes.add(route); route.mGroup = this; mUpdateName = true; updateVolume(); routeUpdated(); dispatchRouteGrouped(route, this, at); }
Add a route to this group before the specified index.
  • route – route to add
  • insertAt – insert the new route before this index
/** * Add a route to this group before the specified index. * * @param route route to add * @param insertAt insert the new route before this index */
public void addRoute(RouteInfo route, int insertAt) { if (route.getGroup() != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Route " + route + " is already part of a group."); } if (route.getCategory() != mCategory) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Route cannot be added to a group with a different category. " + "(Route category=" + route.getCategory() + " group category=" + mCategory + ")"); } mRoutes.add(insertAt, route); route.mGroup = this; mUpdateName = true; updateVolume(); routeUpdated(); dispatchRouteGrouped(route, this, insertAt); }
Remove a route from this group.
  • route – route to remove
/** * Remove a route from this group. * * @param route route to remove */
public void removeRoute(RouteInfo route) { if (route.getGroup() != this) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Route " + route + " is not a member of this group."); } mRoutes.remove(route); route.mGroup = null; mUpdateName = true; updateVolume(); dispatchRouteUngrouped(route, this); routeUpdated(); }
Remove the route at the specified index from this group.
  • index – index of the route to remove
/** * Remove the route at the specified index from this group. * * @param index index of the route to remove */
public void removeRoute(int index) { RouteInfo route = mRoutes.remove(index); route.mGroup = null; mUpdateName = true; updateVolume(); dispatchRouteUngrouped(route, this); routeUpdated(); }
Returns:The number of routes in this group
/** * @return The number of routes in this group */
public int getRouteCount() { return mRoutes.size(); }
Return the route in this group at the specified index
  • index – Index to fetch
Returns:The route at index
/** * Return the route in this group at the specified index * * @param index Index to fetch * @return The route at index */
public RouteInfo getRouteAt(int index) { return mRoutes.get(index); }
Set an icon that will be used to represent this group. The system may use this icon in picker UIs or similar.
  • icon – icon drawable to use to represent this group
/** * Set an icon that will be used to represent this group. * The system may use this icon in picker UIs or similar. * * @param icon icon drawable to use to represent this group */
public void setIconDrawable(Drawable icon) { mIcon = icon; }
Set an icon that will be used to represent this group. The system may use this icon in picker UIs or similar.
  • resId – Resource ID of an icon drawable to use to represent this group
/** * Set an icon that will be used to represent this group. * The system may use this icon in picker UIs or similar. * * @param resId Resource ID of an icon drawable to use to represent this group */
public void setIconResource(@DrawableRes int resId) { setIconDrawable(sStatic.mResources.getDrawable(resId)); } @Override public void requestSetVolume(int volume) { final int maxVol = getVolumeMax(); if (maxVol == 0) { return; } final float scaledVolume = (float) volume / maxVol; final int routeCount = getRouteCount(); for (int i = 0; i < routeCount; i++) { final RouteInfo route = getRouteAt(i); final int routeVol = (int) (scaledVolume * route.getVolumeMax()); route.requestSetVolume(routeVol); } if (volume != mVolume) { mVolume = volume; dispatchRouteVolumeChanged(this); } } @Override public void requestUpdateVolume(int direction) { final int maxVol = getVolumeMax(); if (maxVol == 0) { return; } final int routeCount = getRouteCount(); int volume = 0; for (int i = 0; i < routeCount; i++) { final RouteInfo route = getRouteAt(i); route.requestUpdateVolume(direction); final int routeVol = route.getVolume(); if (routeVol > volume) { volume = routeVol; } } if (volume != mVolume) { mVolume = volume; dispatchRouteVolumeChanged(this); } } void memberNameChanged(RouteInfo info, CharSequence name) { mUpdateName = true; routeUpdated(); } void memberStatusChanged(RouteInfo info, CharSequence status) { setStatusInt(status); } void memberVolumeChanged(RouteInfo info) { updateVolume(); } void updateVolume() { // A group always represents the highest component volume value. final int routeCount = getRouteCount(); int volume = 0; for (int i = 0; i < routeCount; i++) { final int routeVol = getRouteAt(i).getVolume(); if (routeVol > volume) { volume = routeVol; } } if (volume != mVolume) { mVolume = volume; dispatchRouteVolumeChanged(this); } } @Override void routeUpdated() { int types = 0; final int count = mRoutes.size(); if (count == 0) { // Don't keep empty groups in the router. MediaRouter.removeRouteStatic(this); return; } int maxVolume = 0; boolean isLocal = true; boolean isFixedVolume = true; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final RouteInfo route = mRoutes.get(i); types |= route.mSupportedTypes; final int routeMaxVolume = route.getVolumeMax(); if (routeMaxVolume > maxVolume) { maxVolume = routeMaxVolume; } isLocal &= route.getPlaybackType() == PLAYBACK_TYPE_LOCAL; isFixedVolume &= route.getVolumeHandling() == PLAYBACK_VOLUME_FIXED; } mPlaybackType = isLocal ? PLAYBACK_TYPE_LOCAL : PLAYBACK_TYPE_REMOTE; mVolumeHandling = isFixedVolume ? PLAYBACK_VOLUME_FIXED : PLAYBACK_VOLUME_VARIABLE; mSupportedTypes = types; mVolumeMax = maxVolume; mIcon = count == 1 ? mRoutes.get(0).getIconDrawable() : null; super.routeUpdated(); } void updateName() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); final int count = mRoutes.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final RouteInfo info = mRoutes.get(i); // TODO: There's probably a much more correct way to localize this. if (i > 0) { sb.append(", "); } sb.append(info.getName()); } mName = sb.toString(); mUpdateName = false; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(super.toString()); sb.append('['); final int count = mRoutes.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (i > 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append(mRoutes.get(i)); } sb.append(']'); return sb.toString(); } }
Definition of a category of routes. All routes belong to a category.
/** * Definition of a category of routes. All routes belong to a category. */
public static class RouteCategory { CharSequence mName; int mNameResId; int mTypes; final boolean mGroupable; boolean mIsSystem; RouteCategory(CharSequence name, int types, boolean groupable) { mName = name; mTypes = types; mGroupable = groupable; } RouteCategory(int nameResId, int types, boolean groupable) { mNameResId = nameResId; mTypes = types; mGroupable = groupable; }
Returns:the name of this route category
/** * @return the name of this route category */
public CharSequence getName() { return getName(sStatic.mResources); }
Return the properly localized/configuration dependent name of this RouteCategory.
  • context – Context to resolve name resources
Returns:the name of this route category
/** * Return the properly localized/configuration dependent name of this RouteCategory. * * @param context Context to resolve name resources * @return the name of this route category */
public CharSequence getName(Context context) { return getName(context.getResources()); } CharSequence getName(Resources res) { if (mNameResId != 0) { return res.getText(mNameResId); } return mName; }
Return the current list of routes in this category that have been added to the MediaRouter.

This list will not include routes that are nested within RouteGroups. A RouteGroup is treated as a single route within its category.

  • out – a List to fill with the routes in this category. If this parameter is non-null, it will be cleared, filled with the current routes with this category, and returned. If this parameter is null, a new List will be allocated to report the category's current routes.
Returns:A list with the routes in this category that have been added to the MediaRouter.
/** * Return the current list of routes in this category that have been added * to the MediaRouter. * * <p>This list will not include routes that are nested within RouteGroups. * A RouteGroup is treated as a single route within its category.</p> * * @param out a List to fill with the routes in this category. If this parameter is * non-null, it will be cleared, filled with the current routes with this * category, and returned. If this parameter is null, a new List will be * allocated to report the category's current routes. * @return A list with the routes in this category that have been added to the MediaRouter. */
public List<RouteInfo> getRoutes(List<RouteInfo> out) { if (out == null) { out = new ArrayList<RouteInfo>(); } else { out.clear(); } final int count = getRouteCountStatic(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final RouteInfo route = getRouteAtStatic(i); if (route.mCategory == this) { out.add(route); } } return out; }
Returns:Flag set describing the route types supported by this category
/** * @return Flag set describing the route types supported by this category */
public int getSupportedTypes() { return mTypes; }
Return whether or not this category supports grouping.

If this method returns true, all routes obtained from this category via calls to MediaRouter.getRouteAt(int) will be RouteGroups.

Returns:true if this category supports
/** * Return whether or not this category supports grouping. * * <p>If this method returns true, all routes obtained from this category * via calls to {@link #getRouteAt(int)} will be {@link MediaRouter.RouteGroup}s.</p> * * @return true if this category supports */
public boolean isGroupable() { return mGroupable; }
Returns:true if this is the category reserved for system routes.
/** * @return true if this is the category reserved for system routes. * @hide */
public boolean isSystem() { return mIsSystem; } @Override public String toString() { return "RouteCategory{ name=" + getName() + " types=" + typesToString(mTypes) + " groupable=" + mGroupable + " }"; } } static class CallbackInfo { public int type; public int flags; public final Callback cb; public final MediaRouter router; public CallbackInfo(Callback cb, int type, int flags, MediaRouter router) { this.cb = cb; this.type = type; this.flags = flags; this.router = router; } public boolean filterRouteEvent(RouteInfo route) { return filterRouteEvent(route.mSupportedTypes); } public boolean filterRouteEvent(int supportedTypes) { return (flags & CALLBACK_FLAG_UNFILTERED_EVENTS) != 0 || (type & supportedTypes) != 0; } }
Interface for receiving events about media routing changes. All methods of this interface will be called from the application's main thread.

A Callback will only receive events relevant to routes that the callback was registered for unless the MediaRouter.CALLBACK_FLAG_UNFILTERED_EVENTS flag was specified in MediaRouter.addCallback(int, Callback, int).

See Also:
/** * Interface for receiving events about media routing changes. * All methods of this interface will be called from the application's main thread. * <p> * A Callback will only receive events relevant to routes that the callback * was registered for unless the {@link MediaRouter#CALLBACK_FLAG_UNFILTERED_EVENTS} * flag was specified in {@link MediaRouter#addCallback(int, Callback, int)}. * </p> * * @see MediaRouter#addCallback(int, Callback, int) * @see MediaRouter#removeCallback(Callback) */
public static abstract class Callback {
Called when the supplied route becomes selected as the active route for the given route type.
  • router – the MediaRouter reporting the event
  • type – Type flag set indicating the routes that have been selected
  • info – Route that has been selected for the given route types
/** * Called when the supplied route becomes selected as the active route * for the given route type. * * @param router the MediaRouter reporting the event * @param type Type flag set indicating the routes that have been selected * @param info Route that has been selected for the given route types */
public abstract void onRouteSelected(MediaRouter router, int type, RouteInfo info);
Called when the supplied route becomes unselected as the active route for the given route type.
  • router – the MediaRouter reporting the event
  • type – Type flag set indicating the routes that have been unselected
  • info – Route that has been unselected for the given route types
/** * Called when the supplied route becomes unselected as the active route * for the given route type. * * @param router the MediaRouter reporting the event * @param type Type flag set indicating the routes that have been unselected * @param info Route that has been unselected for the given route types */
public abstract void onRouteUnselected(MediaRouter router, int type, RouteInfo info);
Called when a route for the specified type was added.
  • router – the MediaRouter reporting the event
  • info – Route that has become available for use
/** * Called when a route for the specified type was added. * * @param router the MediaRouter reporting the event * @param info Route that has become available for use */
public abstract void onRouteAdded(MediaRouter router, RouteInfo info);
Called when a route for the specified type was removed.
  • router – the MediaRouter reporting the event
  • info – Route that has been removed from availability
/** * Called when a route for the specified type was removed. * * @param router the MediaRouter reporting the event * @param info Route that has been removed from availability */
public abstract void onRouteRemoved(MediaRouter router, RouteInfo info);
Called when an aspect of the indicated route has changed.

This will not indicate that the types supported by this route have changed, only that cosmetic info such as name or status have been updated.

  • router – the MediaRouter reporting the event
  • info – The route that was changed
/** * Called when an aspect of the indicated route has changed. * * <p>This will not indicate that the types supported by this route have * changed, only that cosmetic info such as name or status have been updated.</p> * * @param router the MediaRouter reporting the event * @param info The route that was changed */
public abstract void onRouteChanged(MediaRouter router, RouteInfo info);
Called when a route is added to a group.
  • router – the MediaRouter reporting the event
  • info – The route that was added
  • group – The group the route was added to
  • index – The route index within group that info was added at
/** * Called when a route is added to a group. * * @param router the MediaRouter reporting the event * @param info The route that was added * @param group The group the route was added to * @param index The route index within group that info was added at */
public abstract void onRouteGrouped(MediaRouter router, RouteInfo info, RouteGroup group, int index);
Called when a route is removed from a group.
  • router – the MediaRouter reporting the event
  • info – The route that was removed
  • group – The group the route was removed from
/** * Called when a route is removed from a group. * * @param router the MediaRouter reporting the event * @param info The route that was removed * @param group The group the route was removed from */
public abstract void onRouteUngrouped(MediaRouter router, RouteInfo info, RouteGroup group);
Called when a route's volume changes.
  • router – the MediaRouter reporting the event
  • info – The route with altered volume
/** * Called when a route's volume changes. * * @param router the MediaRouter reporting the event * @param info The route with altered volume */
public abstract void onRouteVolumeChanged(MediaRouter router, RouteInfo info);
Called when a route's presentation display changes.

This method is called whenever the route's presentation display becomes available, is removes or has changes to some of its properties (such as its size).

  • router – the MediaRouter reporting the event
  • info – The route whose presentation display changed
See Also:
/** * Called when a route's presentation display changes. * <p> * This method is called whenever the route's presentation display becomes * available, is removes or has changes to some of its properties (such as its size). * </p> * * @param router the MediaRouter reporting the event * @param info The route whose presentation display changed * * @see RouteInfo#getPresentationDisplay() */
public void onRoutePresentationDisplayChanged(MediaRouter router, RouteInfo info) { } }
Stub implementation of Callback. Each abstract method is defined as a no-op. Override just the ones you need.
/** * Stub implementation of {@link MediaRouter.Callback}. * Each abstract method is defined as a no-op. Override just the ones * you need. */
public static class SimpleCallback extends Callback { @Override public void onRouteSelected(MediaRouter router, int type, RouteInfo info) { } @Override public void onRouteUnselected(MediaRouter router, int type, RouteInfo info) { } @Override public void onRouteAdded(MediaRouter router, RouteInfo info) { } @Override public void onRouteRemoved(MediaRouter router, RouteInfo info) { } @Override public void onRouteChanged(MediaRouter router, RouteInfo info) { } @Override public void onRouteGrouped(MediaRouter router, RouteInfo info, RouteGroup group, int index) { } @Override public void onRouteUngrouped(MediaRouter router, RouteInfo info, RouteGroup group) { } @Override public void onRouteVolumeChanged(MediaRouter router, RouteInfo info) { } } static class VolumeCallbackInfo { public final VolumeCallback vcb; public final RouteInfo route; public VolumeCallbackInfo(VolumeCallback vcb, RouteInfo route) { this.vcb = vcb; this.route = route; } }
Interface for receiving events about volume changes. All methods of this interface will be called from the application's main thread.

A VolumeCallback will only receive events relevant to routes that the callback was registered for.

See Also:
  • setVolumeCallback.setVolumeCallback(VolumeCallback)
/** * Interface for receiving events about volume changes. * All methods of this interface will be called from the application's main thread. * * <p>A VolumeCallback will only receive events relevant to routes that the callback * was registered for.</p> * * @see UserRouteInfo#setVolumeCallback(VolumeCallback) */
public static abstract class VolumeCallback {
Called when the volume for the route should be increased or decreased.
  • info – the route affected by this event
  • direction – an integer indicating whether the volume is to be increased (positive value) or decreased (negative value). For bundled changes, the absolute value indicates the number of changes in the same direction, e.g. +3 corresponds to three "volume up" changes.
/** * Called when the volume for the route should be increased or decreased. * @param info the route affected by this event * @param direction an integer indicating whether the volume is to be increased * (positive value) or decreased (negative value). * For bundled changes, the absolute value indicates the number of changes * in the same direction, e.g. +3 corresponds to three "volume up" changes. */
public abstract void onVolumeUpdateRequest(RouteInfo info, int direction);
Called when the volume for the route should be set to the given value
  • info – the route affected by this event
  • volume – an integer indicating the new volume value that should be used, always between 0 and the value set by UserRouteInfo.setVolumeMax(int).
/** * Called when the volume for the route should be set to the given value * @param info the route affected by this event * @param volume an integer indicating the new volume value that should be used, always * between 0 and the value set by {@link UserRouteInfo#setVolumeMax(int)}. */
public abstract void onVolumeSetRequest(RouteInfo info, int volume); } static class VolumeChangeReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { if (intent.getAction().equals(AudioManager.VOLUME_CHANGED_ACTION)) { final int streamType = intent.getIntExtra(AudioManager.EXTRA_VOLUME_STREAM_TYPE, -1); if (streamType != AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC) { return; } final int newVolume = intent.getIntExtra(AudioManager.EXTRA_VOLUME_STREAM_VALUE, 0); final int oldVolume = intent.getIntExtra( AudioManager.EXTRA_PREV_VOLUME_STREAM_VALUE, 0); if (newVolume != oldVolume) { systemVolumeChanged(newVolume); } } } } static class WifiDisplayStatusChangedReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { if (intent.getAction().equals(DisplayManager.ACTION_WIFI_DISPLAY_STATUS_CHANGED)) { updateWifiDisplayStatus((WifiDisplayStatus) intent.getParcelableExtra( DisplayManager.EXTRA_WIFI_DISPLAY_STATUS)); } } } }