 * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package android.graphics;

import static android.content.res.FontResourcesParser.FamilyResourceEntry;
import static android.content.res.FontResourcesParser.FontFamilyFilesResourceEntry;
import static android.content.res.FontResourcesParser.FontFileResourceEntry;
import static android.content.res.FontResourcesParser.ProviderResourceEntry;

import android.annotation.IntDef;
import android.annotation.IntRange;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.content.res.AssetManager;
import android.graphics.fonts.FontVariationAxis;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.provider.FontRequest;
import android.provider.FontsContract;
import android.text.FontConfig;
import android.util.ArrayMap;
import android.util.Base64;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.LongSparseArray;
import android.util.LruCache;
import android.util.SparseArray;

import com.android.internal.annotations.GuardedBy;
import com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.android.internal.util.Preconditions;

import dalvik.annotation.optimization.CriticalNative;

import libcore.util.NativeAllocationRegistry;

import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileDescriptor;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

The Typeface class specifies the typeface and intrinsic style of a font. This is used in the paint, along with optionally Paint settings like textSize, textSkewX, textScaleX to specify how text appears when drawn (and measured).
/** * The Typeface class specifies the typeface and intrinsic style of a font. * This is used in the paint, along with optionally Paint settings like * textSize, textSkewX, textScaleX to specify * how text appears when drawn (and measured). */
public class Typeface { private static String TAG = "Typeface"; private static final NativeAllocationRegistry sRegistry = new NativeAllocationRegistry( Typeface.class.getClassLoader(), nativeGetReleaseFunc(), 64);
The default NORMAL typeface object
/** The default NORMAL typeface object */
public static final Typeface DEFAULT;
The default BOLD typeface object. Note: this may be not actually be bold, depending on what fonts are installed. Call getStyle() to know for sure.
/** * The default BOLD typeface object. Note: this may be not actually be * bold, depending on what fonts are installed. Call getStyle() to know * for sure. */
public static final Typeface DEFAULT_BOLD;
The NORMAL style of the default sans serif typeface.
/** The NORMAL style of the default sans serif typeface. */
public static final Typeface SANS_SERIF;
The NORMAL style of the default serif typeface.
/** The NORMAL style of the default serif typeface. */
public static final Typeface SERIF;
The NORMAL style of the default monospace typeface.
/** The NORMAL style of the default monospace typeface. */
public static final Typeface MONOSPACE; static Typeface[] sDefaults;
Cache for Typeface objects for style variant. Currently max size is 3.
/** * Cache for Typeface objects for style variant. Currently max size is 3. */
@GuardedBy("sStyledCacheLock") private static final LongSparseArray<SparseArray<Typeface>> sStyledTypefaceCache = new LongSparseArray<>(3); private static final Object sStyledCacheLock = new Object();
Cache for Typeface objects for weight variant. Currently max size is 3.
/** * Cache for Typeface objects for weight variant. Currently max size is 3. */
@GuardedBy("sWeightCacheLock") private static final LongSparseArray<SparseArray<Typeface>> sWeightTypefaceCache = new LongSparseArray<>(3); private static final Object sWeightCacheLock = new Object();
Cache for Typeface objects dynamically loaded from assets. Currently max size is 16.
/** * Cache for Typeface objects dynamically loaded from assets. Currently max size is 16. */
@GuardedBy("sDynamicCacheLock") private static final LruCache<String, Typeface> sDynamicTypefaceCache = new LruCache<>(16); private static final Object sDynamicCacheLock = new Object(); static Typeface sDefaultTypeface; static final Map<String, Typeface> sSystemFontMap; static final Map<String, FontFamily[]> sSystemFallbackMap;
/** * @hide */
public long native_instance;
/** @hide */
@IntDef(value = {NORMAL, BOLD, ITALIC, BOLD_ITALIC}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) public @interface Style {} // Style public static final int NORMAL = 0; public static final int BOLD = 1; public static final int ITALIC = 2; public static final int BOLD_ITALIC = 3;
/** @hide */
public static final int STYLE_MASK = 0x03; private @Style int mStyle = 0;
A maximum value for the weight value.
/** * A maximum value for the weight value. * @hide */
public static final int MAX_WEIGHT = 1000; private @IntRange(from = 0, to = MAX_WEIGHT) int mWeight = 0; // Value for weight and italic. Indicates the value is resolved by font metadata. // Must be the same as the C++ constant in core/jni/android/graphics/FontFamily.cpp
/** @hide */
public static final int RESOLVE_BY_FONT_TABLE = -1; private static final String DEFAULT_FAMILY = "sans-serif"; // Style value for building typeface. private static final int STYLE_NORMAL = 0; private static final int STYLE_ITALIC = 1; private int[] mSupportedAxes; private static final int[] EMPTY_AXES = {}; private static void setDefault(Typeface t) { sDefaultTypeface = t; nativeSetDefault(t.native_instance); }
Returns the typeface's weight value
/** Returns the typeface's weight value */
public @IntRange(from = 0, to = 1000) int getWeight() { return mWeight; }
Returns the typeface's intrinsic style attributes
/** Returns the typeface's intrinsic style attributes */
public @Style int getStyle() { return mStyle; }
Returns true if getStyle() has the BOLD bit set.
/** Returns true if getStyle() has the BOLD bit set. */
public final boolean isBold() { return (mStyle & BOLD) != 0; }
Returns true if getStyle() has the ITALIC bit set.
/** Returns true if getStyle() has the ITALIC bit set. */
public final boolean isItalic() { return (mStyle & ITALIC) != 0; }
@hide Used by Resources to load a font resource of type font file.
/** * @hide * Used by Resources to load a font resource of type font file. */
@Nullable public static Typeface createFromResources(AssetManager mgr, String path, int cookie) { synchronized (sDynamicCacheLock) { final String key = Builder.createAssetUid( mgr, path, 0 /* ttcIndex */, null /* axes */, RESOLVE_BY_FONT_TABLE /* weight */, RESOLVE_BY_FONT_TABLE /* italic */, DEFAULT_FAMILY); Typeface typeface = sDynamicTypefaceCache.get(key); if (typeface != null) return typeface; FontFamily fontFamily = new FontFamily(); // TODO: introduce ttc index and variation settings to resource type font. if (fontFamily.addFontFromAssetManager(mgr, path, cookie, false /* isAsset */, 0 /* ttcIndex */, RESOLVE_BY_FONT_TABLE /* weight */, RESOLVE_BY_FONT_TABLE /* italic */, null /* axes */)) { if (!fontFamily.freeze()) { return null; } FontFamily[] families = {fontFamily}; typeface = createFromFamiliesWithDefault(families, DEFAULT_FAMILY, RESOLVE_BY_FONT_TABLE, RESOLVE_BY_FONT_TABLE); sDynamicTypefaceCache.put(key, typeface); return typeface; } } return null; }
@hide Used by Resources to load a font resource of type xml.
/** * @hide * Used by Resources to load a font resource of type xml. */
@Nullable public static Typeface createFromResources( FamilyResourceEntry entry, AssetManager mgr, String path) { if (entry instanceof ProviderResourceEntry) { final ProviderResourceEntry providerEntry = (ProviderResourceEntry) entry; // Downloadable font List<List<String>> givenCerts = providerEntry.getCerts(); List<List<byte[]>> certs = new ArrayList<>(); if (givenCerts != null) { for (int i = 0; i < givenCerts.size(); i++) { List<String> certSet = givenCerts.get(i); List<byte[]> byteArraySet = new ArrayList<>(); for (int j = 0; j < certSet.size(); j++) { byteArraySet.add(Base64.decode(certSet.get(j), Base64.DEFAULT)); } certs.add(byteArraySet); } } // Downloaded font and it wasn't cached, request it again and return a // default font instead (nothing we can do now). FontRequest request = new FontRequest(providerEntry.getAuthority(), providerEntry.getPackage(), providerEntry.getQuery(), certs); Typeface typeface = FontsContract.getFontSync(request); return typeface == null ? DEFAULT : typeface; } Typeface typeface = findFromCache(mgr, path); if (typeface != null) return typeface; // family is FontFamilyFilesResourceEntry final FontFamilyFilesResourceEntry filesEntry = (FontFamilyFilesResourceEntry) entry; FontFamily fontFamily = new FontFamily(); for (final FontFileResourceEntry fontFile : filesEntry.getEntries()) { if (!fontFamily.addFontFromAssetManager(mgr, fontFile.getFileName(), 0 /* resourceCookie */, false /* isAsset */, fontFile.getTtcIndex(), fontFile.getWeight(), fontFile.getItalic(), FontVariationAxis.fromFontVariationSettings(fontFile.getVariationSettings()))) { return null; } } if (!fontFamily.freeze()) { return null; } FontFamily[] familyChain = { fontFamily }; typeface = createFromFamiliesWithDefault(familyChain, DEFAULT_FAMILY, RESOLVE_BY_FONT_TABLE, RESOLVE_BY_FONT_TABLE); synchronized (sDynamicCacheLock) { final String key = Builder.createAssetUid(mgr, path, 0 /* ttcIndex */, null /* axes */, RESOLVE_BY_FONT_TABLE /* weight */, RESOLVE_BY_FONT_TABLE /* italic */, DEFAULT_FAMILY); sDynamicTypefaceCache.put(key, typeface); } return typeface; }
Used by resources for cached loading if the font is available.
/** * Used by resources for cached loading if the font is available. * @hide */
public static Typeface findFromCache(AssetManager mgr, String path) { synchronized (sDynamicCacheLock) { final String key = Builder.createAssetUid(mgr, path, 0 /* ttcIndex */, null /* axes */, RESOLVE_BY_FONT_TABLE /* weight */, RESOLVE_BY_FONT_TABLE /* italic */, DEFAULT_FAMILY); Typeface typeface = sDynamicTypefaceCache.get(key); if (typeface != null) { return typeface; } } return null; }
A builder class for creating new Typeface instance.

Examples, 1) Create Typeface from ttf file.

Typeface.Builder buidler = new Typeface.Builder("your_font_file.ttf");
Typeface typeface = builder.build();

2) Create Typeface from ttc file in assets directory.

Typeface.Builder buidler = new Typeface.Builder(getAssets(), "your_font_file.ttc");
builder.setTtcIndex(2);  // Set index of font collection.
Typeface typeface = builder.build();

3) Create Typeface with variation settings.

Typeface.Builder buidler = new Typeface.Builder("your_font_file.ttf");
builder.setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 700, 'slnt' 20, 'ital' 1");
builder.setWeight(700);  // Tell the system that this is a bold font.
builder.setItalic(true);  // Tell the system that this is an italic style font.
Typeface typeface = builder.build();

/** * A builder class for creating new Typeface instance. * * <p> * Examples, * 1) Create Typeface from ttf file. * <pre> * <code> * Typeface.Builder buidler = new Typeface.Builder("your_font_file.ttf"); * Typeface typeface = builder.build(); * </code> * </pre> * * 2) Create Typeface from ttc file in assets directory. * <pre> * <code> * Typeface.Builder buidler = new Typeface.Builder(getAssets(), "your_font_file.ttc"); * builder.setTtcIndex(2); // Set index of font collection. * Typeface typeface = builder.build(); * </code> * </pre> * * 3) Create Typeface with variation settings. * <pre> * <code> * Typeface.Builder buidler = new Typeface.Builder("your_font_file.ttf"); * builder.setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 700, 'slnt' 20, 'ital' 1"); * builder.setWeight(700); // Tell the system that this is a bold font. * builder.setItalic(true); // Tell the system that this is an italic style font. * Typeface typeface = builder.build(); * </code> * </pre> * </p> */
public static final class Builder {
/** @hide */
public static final int NORMAL_WEIGHT = 400;
/** @hide */
public static final int BOLD_WEIGHT = 700; private int mTtcIndex; private FontVariationAxis[] mAxes; private AssetManager mAssetManager; private String mPath; private FileDescriptor mFd; private FontsContract.FontInfo[] mFonts; private Map<Uri, ByteBuffer> mFontBuffers; private String mFallbackFamilyName; private int mWeight = RESOLVE_BY_FONT_TABLE; private int mItalic = RESOLVE_BY_FONT_TABLE;
Constructs a builder with a file path.
  • path – The file object refers to the font file.
/** * Constructs a builder with a file path. * * @param path The file object refers to the font file. */
public Builder(@NonNull File path) { mPath = path.getAbsolutePath(); }
Constructs a builder with a file descriptor. Caller is responsible for closing the passed file descriptor after build is called.
  • fd – The file descriptor. The passed fd must be mmap-able.
/** * Constructs a builder with a file descriptor. * * Caller is responsible for closing the passed file descriptor after {@link #build} is * called. * * @param fd The file descriptor. The passed fd must be mmap-able. */
public Builder(@NonNull FileDescriptor fd) { mFd = fd; }
Constructs a builder with a file path.
  • path – The full path to the font file.
/** * Constructs a builder with a file path. * * @param path The full path to the font file. */
public Builder(@NonNull String path) { mPath = path; }
Constructs a builder from an asset manager and a file path in an asset directory.
  • assetManager – The application's asset manager
  • path – The file name of the font data in the asset directory
/** * Constructs a builder from an asset manager and a file path in an asset directory. * * @param assetManager The application's asset manager * @param path The file name of the font data in the asset directory */
public Builder(@NonNull AssetManager assetManager, @NonNull String path) { mAssetManager = Preconditions.checkNotNull(assetManager); mPath = Preconditions.checkStringNotEmpty(path); }
Constracts a builder from an array of FontsContract.FontInfo. Since FontInfo holds information about TTC indices and variation settings, there is no need to call setTtcIndex or setFontVariationSettings. Similary, FontInfo holds weight and italic information, so setWeight and setItalic are used for style matching during font selection.
  • fonts – The array of FontInfo
  • buffers – The mapping from URI to buffers to be used during building.
/** * Constracts a builder from an array of FontsContract.FontInfo. * * Since {@link FontsContract.FontInfo} holds information about TTC indices and * variation settings, there is no need to call {@link #setTtcIndex} or * {@link #setFontVariationSettings}. Similary, {@link FontsContract.FontInfo} holds * weight and italic information, so {@link #setWeight} and {@link #setItalic} are used * for style matching during font selection. * * @param fonts The array of {@link FontsContract.FontInfo} * @param buffers The mapping from URI to buffers to be used during building. * @hide */
public Builder(@NonNull FontsContract.FontInfo[] fonts, @NonNull Map<Uri, ByteBuffer> buffers) { mFonts = fonts; mFontBuffers = buffers; }
Sets weight of the font. Tells the system the weight of the given font. If not provided, the system will resolve the weight value by reading font tables.
  • weight – a weight value.
/** * Sets weight of the font. * * Tells the system the weight of the given font. If not provided, the system will resolve * the weight value by reading font tables. * @param weight a weight value. */
public Builder setWeight(@IntRange(from = 1, to = 1000) int weight) { mWeight = weight; return this; }
Sets italic information of the font. Tells the system the style of the given font. If not provided, the system will resolve the style by reading font tables.
  • italic – true if the font is italic. Otherwise false.
/** * Sets italic information of the font. * * Tells the system the style of the given font. If not provided, the system will resolve * the style by reading font tables. * @param italic {@code true} if the font is italic. Otherwise {@code false}. */
public Builder setItalic(boolean italic) { mItalic = italic ? STYLE_ITALIC : STYLE_NORMAL; return this; }
Sets an index of the font collection. See ttcIndex.ttcIndex. Can not be used for Typeface source. build() method will return null for invalid index.
  • ttcIndex – An index of the font collection. If the font source is not font collection, do not call this method or specify 0.
/** * Sets an index of the font collection. See {@link android.R.attr#ttcIndex}. * * Can not be used for Typeface source. build() method will return null for invalid index. * @param ttcIndex An index of the font collection. If the font source is not font * collection, do not call this method or specify 0. */
public Builder setTtcIndex(@IntRange(from = 0) int ttcIndex) { if (mFonts != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "TTC index can not be specified for FontResult source."); } mTtcIndex = ttcIndex; return this; }
Sets a font variation settings.
/** * Sets a font variation settings. * * @param variationSettings See {@link android.widget.TextView#setFontVariationSettings}. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If given string is not a valid font variation settings * format. */
public Builder setFontVariationSettings(@Nullable String variationSettings) { if (mFonts != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Font variation settings can not be specified for FontResult source."); } if (mAxes != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Font variation settings are already set."); } mAxes = FontVariationAxis.fromFontVariationSettings(variationSettings); return this; }
Sets a font variation settings.
  • axes – An array of font variation axis tag-value pairs.
/** * Sets a font variation settings. * * @param axes An array of font variation axis tag-value pairs. */
public Builder setFontVariationSettings(@Nullable FontVariationAxis[] axes) { if (mFonts != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Font variation settings can not be specified for FontResult source."); } if (mAxes != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Font variation settings are already set."); } mAxes = axes; return this; }
Sets a fallback family name. By specifying a fallback family name, a fallback Typeface will be returned if the build method fails to create a Typeface from the provided font. The fallback family will be resolved with the provided weight and italic information specified by setWeight and setItalic. If setWeight is not called, the fallback family keeps the default weight. Similary, if setItalic is not called, the fallback family keeps the default italic information. For example, calling builder.setFallback("sans-serif-light") is equivalent to calling builder.setFallback("sans-serif").setWeight(300) in terms of fallback. The default weight and italic information are overridden by calling setWeight and setItalic. For example, if a Typeface is constructed using builder.setFallback("sans-serif-light").setWeight(700), the fallback text will render as sans serif bold.
  • familyName – A family name to be used for fallback if the provided font can not be used. By passing null, build() returns null. If setFallback is not called on the builder, null is assumed.
/** * Sets a fallback family name. * * By specifying a fallback family name, a fallback Typeface will be returned if the * {@link #build} method fails to create a Typeface from the provided font. The fallback * family will be resolved with the provided weight and italic information specified by * {@link #setWeight} and {@link #setItalic}. * * If {@link #setWeight} is not called, the fallback family keeps the default weight. * Similary, if {@link #setItalic} is not called, the fallback family keeps the default * italic information. For example, calling {@code builder.setFallback("sans-serif-light")} * is equivalent to calling {@code builder.setFallback("sans-serif").setWeight(300)} in * terms of fallback. The default weight and italic information are overridden by calling * {@link #setWeight} and {@link #setItalic}. For example, if a Typeface is constructed * using {@code builder.setFallback("sans-serif-light").setWeight(700)}, the fallback text * will render as sans serif bold. * * @param familyName A family name to be used for fallback if the provided font can not be * used. By passing {@code null}, build() returns {@code null}. * If {@link #setFallback} is not called on the builder, {@code null} * is assumed. */
public Builder setFallback(@Nullable String familyName) { mFallbackFamilyName = familyName; return this; }
Creates a unique id for a given AssetManager and asset path.
  • mgr – AssetManager instance
  • path – The path for the asset.
  • ttcIndex – The TTC index for the font.
  • axes – The font variation settings.
Returns:Unique id for a given AssetManager and asset path.
/** * Creates a unique id for a given AssetManager and asset path. * * @param mgr AssetManager instance * @param path The path for the asset. * @param ttcIndex The TTC index for the font. * @param axes The font variation settings. * @return Unique id for a given AssetManager and asset path. */
private static String createAssetUid(final AssetManager mgr, String path, int ttcIndex, @Nullable FontVariationAxis[] axes, int weight, int italic, String fallback) { final SparseArray<String> pkgs = mgr.getAssignedPackageIdentifiers(); final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); final int size = pkgs.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { builder.append(pkgs.valueAt(i)); builder.append("-"); } builder.append(path); builder.append("-"); builder.append(Integer.toString(ttcIndex)); builder.append("-"); builder.append(Integer.toString(weight)); builder.append("-"); builder.append(Integer.toString(italic)); // Family name may contain hyphen. Use double hyphen for avoiding key conflicts before // and after appending falblack name. builder.append("--"); builder.append(fallback); builder.append("--"); if (axes != null) { for (FontVariationAxis axis : axes) { builder.append(axis.getTag()); builder.append("-"); builder.append(Float.toString(axis.getStyleValue())); } } return builder.toString(); } private Typeface resolveFallbackTypeface() { if (mFallbackFamilyName == null) { return null; } Typeface base = sSystemFontMap.get(mFallbackFamilyName); if (base == null) { base = sDefaultTypeface; } if (mWeight == RESOLVE_BY_FONT_TABLE && mItalic == RESOLVE_BY_FONT_TABLE) { return base; } final int weight = (mWeight == RESOLVE_BY_FONT_TABLE) ? base.mWeight : mWeight; final boolean italic = (mItalic == RESOLVE_BY_FONT_TABLE) ? (base.mStyle & ITALIC) != 0 : mItalic == 1; return createWeightStyle(base, weight, italic); }
Generates new Typeface from specified configuration.
Returns:Newly created Typeface. May return null if some parameters are invalid.
/** * Generates new Typeface from specified configuration. * * @return Newly created Typeface. May return null if some parameters are invalid. */
public Typeface build() { if (mFd != null) { // Builder is created with file descriptor. try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(mFd)) { FileChannel channel = fis.getChannel(); long size = channel.size(); ByteBuffer buffer = channel.map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, 0, size); final FontFamily fontFamily = new FontFamily(); if (!fontFamily.addFontFromBuffer(buffer, mTtcIndex, mAxes, mWeight, mItalic)) { fontFamily.abortCreation(); return resolveFallbackTypeface(); } if (!fontFamily.freeze()) { return resolveFallbackTypeface(); } FontFamily[] families = { fontFamily }; return createFromFamiliesWithDefault(families, mFallbackFamilyName, mWeight, mItalic); } catch (IOException e) { return resolveFallbackTypeface(); } } else if (mAssetManager != null) { // Builder is created with asset manager. final String key = createAssetUid( mAssetManager, mPath, mTtcIndex, mAxes, mWeight, mItalic, mFallbackFamilyName); synchronized (sDynamicCacheLock) { Typeface typeface = sDynamicTypefaceCache.get(key); if (typeface != null) return typeface; final FontFamily fontFamily = new FontFamily(); if (!fontFamily.addFontFromAssetManager(mAssetManager, mPath, mTtcIndex, true /* isAsset */, mTtcIndex, mWeight, mItalic, mAxes)) { fontFamily.abortCreation(); return resolveFallbackTypeface(); } if (!fontFamily.freeze()) { return resolveFallbackTypeface(); } FontFamily[] families = { fontFamily }; typeface = createFromFamiliesWithDefault(families, mFallbackFamilyName, mWeight, mItalic); sDynamicTypefaceCache.put(key, typeface); return typeface; } } else if (mPath != null) { // Builder is created with file path. final FontFamily fontFamily = new FontFamily(); if (!fontFamily.addFont(mPath, mTtcIndex, mAxes, mWeight, mItalic)) { fontFamily.abortCreation(); return resolveFallbackTypeface(); } if (!fontFamily.freeze()) { return resolveFallbackTypeface(); } FontFamily[] families = { fontFamily }; return createFromFamiliesWithDefault(families, mFallbackFamilyName, mWeight, mItalic); } else if (mFonts != null) { final FontFamily fontFamily = new FontFamily(); boolean atLeastOneFont = false; for (FontsContract.FontInfo font : mFonts) { final ByteBuffer fontBuffer = mFontBuffers.get(font.getUri()); if (fontBuffer == null) { continue; // skip } final boolean success = fontFamily.addFontFromBuffer(fontBuffer, font.getTtcIndex(), font.getAxes(), font.getWeight(), font.isItalic() ? STYLE_ITALIC : STYLE_NORMAL); if (!success) { fontFamily.abortCreation(); return null; } atLeastOneFont = true; } if (!atLeastOneFont) { // No fonts are avaialble. No need to create new Typeface and returns fallback // Typeface instead. fontFamily.abortCreation(); return null; } fontFamily.freeze(); FontFamily[] families = { fontFamily }; return createFromFamiliesWithDefault(families, mFallbackFamilyName, mWeight, mItalic); } // Must not reach here. throw new IllegalArgumentException("No source was set."); } }
Create a typeface object given a family name, and option style information. If null is passed for the name, then the "default" font will be chosen. The resulting typeface object can be queried (getStyle()) to discover what its "real" style characteristics are.
  • familyName – May be null. The name of the font family.
  • style – The style (normal, bold, italic) of the typeface. e.g. NORMAL, BOLD, ITALIC, BOLD_ITALIC
Returns:The best matching typeface.
/** * Create a typeface object given a family name, and option style information. * If null is passed for the name, then the "default" font will be chosen. * The resulting typeface object can be queried (getStyle()) to discover what * its "real" style characteristics are. * * @param familyName May be null. The name of the font family. * @param style The style (normal, bold, italic) of the typeface. * e.g. NORMAL, BOLD, ITALIC, BOLD_ITALIC * @return The best matching typeface. */
public static Typeface create(String familyName, @Style int style) { return create(sSystemFontMap.get(familyName), style); }
Create a typeface object that best matches the specified existing typeface and the specified Style. Use this call if you want to pick a new style from the same family of an existing typeface object. If family is null, this selects from the default font's family.

This method is not thread safe on API 27 or before. This method is thread safe on API 28 or after.

  • family – An existing Typeface object. In case of null, the default typeface is used instead.
  • style – The style (normal, bold, italic) of the typeface. e.g. NORMAL, BOLD, ITALIC, BOLD_ITALIC
Returns:The best matching typeface.
/** * Create a typeface object that best matches the specified existing * typeface and the specified Style. Use this call if you want to pick a new * style from the same family of an existing typeface object. If family is * null, this selects from the default font's family. * * <p> * This method is not thread safe on API 27 or before. * This method is thread safe on API 28 or after. * </p> * * @param family An existing {@link Typeface} object. In case of {@code null}, the default * typeface is used instead. * @param style The style (normal, bold, italic) of the typeface. * e.g. NORMAL, BOLD, ITALIC, BOLD_ITALIC * @return The best matching typeface. */
public static Typeface create(Typeface family, @Style int style) { if ((style & ~STYLE_MASK) != 0) { style = NORMAL; } if (family == null) { family = sDefaultTypeface; } // Return early if we're asked for the same face/style if (family.mStyle == style) { return family; } final long ni = family.native_instance; Typeface typeface; synchronized (sStyledCacheLock) { SparseArray<Typeface> styles = sStyledTypefaceCache.get(ni); if (styles == null) { styles = new SparseArray<Typeface>(4); sStyledTypefaceCache.put(ni, styles); } else { typeface = styles.get(style); if (typeface != null) { return typeface; } } typeface = new Typeface(nativeCreateFromTypeface(ni, style)); styles.put(style, typeface); } return typeface; }
Creates a typeface object that best matches the specified existing typeface and the specified weight and italic style

Below are numerical values and corresponding common weight names.

ValueCommon weight name
200Extra Light
600Semi Bold
800Extra Bold

This method is thread safe.

  • family – An existing Typeface object. In case of null, the default typeface is used instead.
  • weight – The desired weight to be drawn.
  • italic – true if italic style is desired to be drawn. Otherwise, false
See Also:
Returns:A Typeface object for drawing specified weight and italic style. Never returns null
/** * Creates a typeface object that best matches the specified existing typeface and the specified * weight and italic style * <p>Below are numerical values and corresponding common weight names.</p> * <table> * <thead> * <tr><th>Value</th><th>Common weight name</th></tr> * </thead> * <tbody> * <tr><td>100</td><td>Thin</td></tr> * <tr><td>200</td><td>Extra Light</td></tr> * <tr><td>300</td><td>Light</td></tr> * <tr><td>400</td><td>Normal</td></tr> * <tr><td>500</td><td>Medium</td></tr> * <tr><td>600</td><td>Semi Bold</td></tr> * <tr><td>700</td><td>Bold</td></tr> * <tr><td>800</td><td>Extra Bold</td></tr> * <tr><td>900</td><td>Black</td></tr> * </tbody> * </table> * * <p> * This method is thread safe. * </p> * * @param family An existing {@link Typeface} object. In case of {@code null}, the default * typeface is used instead. * @param weight The desired weight to be drawn. * @param italic {@code true} if italic style is desired to be drawn. Otherwise, {@code false} * @return A {@link Typeface} object for drawing specified weight and italic style. Never * returns {@code null} * * @see #getWeight() * @see #isItalic() */
public static @NonNull Typeface create(@Nullable Typeface family, @IntRange(from = 1, to = 1000) int weight, boolean italic) { Preconditions.checkArgumentInRange(weight, 0, 1000, "weight"); if (family == null) { family = sDefaultTypeface; } return createWeightStyle(family, weight, italic); } private static @NonNull Typeface createWeightStyle(@NonNull Typeface base, @IntRange(from = 1, to = 1000) int weight, boolean italic) { final int key = (weight << 1) | (italic ? 1 : 0); Typeface typeface; synchronized(sWeightCacheLock) { SparseArray<Typeface> innerCache = sWeightTypefaceCache.get(base.native_instance); if (innerCache == null) { innerCache = new SparseArray<>(4); sWeightTypefaceCache.put(base.native_instance, innerCache); } else { typeface = innerCache.get(key); if (typeface != null) { return typeface; } } typeface = new Typeface( nativeCreateFromTypefaceWithExactStyle( base.native_instance, weight, italic)); innerCache.put(key, typeface); } return typeface; }
/** @hide */
public static Typeface createFromTypefaceWithVariation(@Nullable Typeface family, @NonNull List<FontVariationAxis> axes) { final long ni = family == null ? 0 : family.native_instance; return new Typeface(nativeCreateFromTypefaceWithVariation(ni, axes)); }
Returns one of the default typeface objects, based on the specified style
Returns:the default typeface that corresponds to the style
/** * Returns one of the default typeface objects, based on the specified style * * @return the default typeface that corresponds to the style */
public static Typeface defaultFromStyle(@Style int style) { return sDefaults[style]; }
Create a new typeface from the specified font data.
  • mgr – The application's asset manager
  • path – The file name of the font data in the assets directory
Returns:The new typeface.
/** * Create a new typeface from the specified font data. * * @param mgr The application's asset manager * @param path The file name of the font data in the assets directory * @return The new typeface. */
public static Typeface createFromAsset(AssetManager mgr, String path) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(path); // for backward compatibility Preconditions.checkNotNull(mgr); Typeface typeface = new Builder(mgr, path).build(); if (typeface != null) return typeface; // check if the file exists, and throw an exception for backward compatibility try (InputStream inputStream = mgr.open(path)) { } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Font asset not found " + path); } return Typeface.DEFAULT; }
Creates a unique id for a given font provider and query.
/** * Creates a unique id for a given font provider and query. */
private static String createProviderUid(String authority, String query) { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("provider:"); builder.append(authority); builder.append("-"); builder.append(query); return builder.toString(); }
Create a new typeface from the specified font file.
  • file – The path to the font data.
Returns:The new typeface.
/** * Create a new typeface from the specified font file. * * @param file The path to the font data. * @return The new typeface. */
public static Typeface createFromFile(@Nullable File file) { // For the compatibility reasons, leaving possible NPE here. // See android.graphics.cts.TypefaceTest#testCreateFromFileByFileReferenceNull Typeface typeface = new Builder(file).build(); if (typeface != null) return typeface; // check if the file exists, and throw an exception for backward compatibility if (!file.exists()) { throw new RuntimeException("Font asset not found " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } return Typeface.DEFAULT; }
Create a new typeface from the specified font file.
  • path – The full path to the font data.
Returns:The new typeface.
/** * Create a new typeface from the specified font file. * * @param path The full path to the font data. * @return The new typeface. */
public static Typeface createFromFile(@Nullable String path) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(path); // for backward compatibility return createFromFile(new File(path)); }
Create a new typeface from an array of font families.
  • families – array of font families
/** * Create a new typeface from an array of font families. * * @param families array of font families */
private static Typeface createFromFamilies(FontFamily[] families) { long[] ptrArray = new long[families.length]; for (int i = 0; i < families.length; i++) { ptrArray[i] = families[i].mNativePtr; } return new Typeface(nativeCreateFromArray( ptrArray, RESOLVE_BY_FONT_TABLE, RESOLVE_BY_FONT_TABLE)); }
This method is used by supportlib-v27. TODO: Remove private API use in supportlib: http://b/72665240
/** * This method is used by supportlib-v27. * TODO: Remove private API use in supportlib: http://b/72665240 */
private static Typeface createFromFamiliesWithDefault(FontFamily[] families, int weight, int italic) { return createFromFamiliesWithDefault(families, DEFAULT_FAMILY, weight, italic); }
Create a new typeface from an array of font families, including also the font families in the fallback list.
  • fallbackName – the family name. If given families don't support characters, the characters will be rendered with this family.
  • weight – the weight for this family. In that case, the table information in the first family's font is used. If the first family has multiple fonts, the closest to the regular weight and upright font is used.
  • italic – the italic information for this family. In that case, the table information in the first family's font is used. If the first family has multiple fonts, the closest to the regular weight and upright font is used.
  • families – array of font families
/** * Create a new typeface from an array of font families, including * also the font families in the fallback list. * @param fallbackName the family name. If given families don't support characters, the * characters will be rendered with this family. * @param weight the weight for this family. In that case, the table information in the first * family's font is used. If the first family has multiple fonts, the closest to * the regular weight and upright font is used. * @param italic the italic information for this family. In that case, the table information in * the first family's font is used. If the first family has multiple fonts, the * closest to the regular weight and upright font is used. * @param families array of font families */
private static Typeface createFromFamiliesWithDefault(FontFamily[] families, String fallbackName, int weight, int italic) { FontFamily[] fallback = sSystemFallbackMap.get(fallbackName); if (fallback == null) { fallback = sSystemFallbackMap.get(DEFAULT_FAMILY); } long[] ptrArray = new long[families.length + fallback.length]; for (int i = 0; i < families.length; i++) { ptrArray[i] = families[i].mNativePtr; } for (int i = 0; i < fallback.length; i++) { ptrArray[i + families.length] = fallback[i].mNativePtr; } return new Typeface(nativeCreateFromArray(ptrArray, weight, italic)); } // don't allow clients to call this directly private Typeface(long ni) { if (ni == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("native typeface cannot be made"); } native_instance = ni; sRegistry.registerNativeAllocation(this, native_instance); mStyle = nativeGetStyle(ni); mWeight = nativeGetWeight(ni); } private static @Nullable ByteBuffer mmap(String fullPath) { try (FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream(fullPath)) { final FileChannel fileChannel = file.getChannel(); final long fontSize = fileChannel.size(); return fileChannel.map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, 0, fontSize); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error mapping font file " + fullPath); return null; } } private static @Nullable FontFamily createFontFamily( String familyName, List<FontConfig.Font> fonts, String[] languageTags, int variant, Map<String, ByteBuffer> cache, String fontDir) { final FontFamily family = new FontFamily(languageTags, variant); for (int i = 0; i < fonts.size(); i++) { final FontConfig.Font font = fonts.get(i); final String fullPath = fontDir + font.getFontName(); ByteBuffer buffer = cache.get(fullPath); if (buffer == null) { if (cache.containsKey(fullPath)) { continue; // Already failed to mmap. Skip it. } buffer = mmap(fullPath); cache.put(fullPath, buffer); if (buffer == null) { continue; } } if (!family.addFontFromBuffer(buffer, font.getTtcIndex(), font.getAxes(), font.getWeight(), font.isItalic() ? STYLE_ITALIC : STYLE_NORMAL)) { Log.e(TAG, "Error creating font " + fullPath + "#" + font.getTtcIndex()); } } if (!family.freeze()) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to load Family: " + familyName + " : " + Arrays.toString(languageTags)); return null; } return family; } private static void pushFamilyToFallback(FontConfig.Family xmlFamily, ArrayMap<String, ArrayList<FontFamily>> fallbackMap, Map<String, ByteBuffer> cache, String fontDir) { final String[] languageTags = xmlFamily.getLanguages(); final int variant = xmlFamily.getVariant(); final ArrayList<FontConfig.Font> defaultFonts = new ArrayList<>(); final ArrayMap<String, ArrayList<FontConfig.Font>> specificFallbackFonts = new ArrayMap<>(); // Collect default fallback and specific fallback fonts. for (final FontConfig.Font font : xmlFamily.getFonts()) { final String fallbackName = font.getFallbackFor(); if (fallbackName == null) { defaultFonts.add(font); } else { ArrayList<FontConfig.Font> fallback = specificFallbackFonts.get(fallbackName); if (fallback == null) { fallback = new ArrayList<>(); specificFallbackFonts.put(fallbackName, fallback); } fallback.add(font); } } final FontFamily defaultFamily = defaultFonts.isEmpty() ? null : createFontFamily( xmlFamily.getName(), defaultFonts, languageTags, variant, cache, fontDir); // Insert family into fallback map. for (int i = 0; i < fallbackMap.size(); i++) { final ArrayList<FontConfig.Font> fallback = specificFallbackFonts.get(fallbackMap.keyAt(i)); if (fallback == null) { if (defaultFamily != null) { fallbackMap.valueAt(i).add(defaultFamily); } } else { final FontFamily family = createFontFamily( xmlFamily.getName(), fallback, languageTags, variant, cache, fontDir); if (family != null) { fallbackMap.valueAt(i).add(family); } else if (defaultFamily != null) { fallbackMap.valueAt(i).add(defaultFamily); } else { // There is no valid for for default fallback. Ignore. } } } }
Build the system fallback from xml file.
  • xmlPath – A full path string to the fonts.xml file.
  • fontDir – A full path string to the system font directory. This must end with slash('/').
  • fontMap – An output system font map. Caller must pass empty map.
  • fallbackMap – An output system fallback map. Caller must pass empty map.
/** * Build the system fallback from xml file. * * @param xmlPath A full path string to the fonts.xml file. * @param fontDir A full path string to the system font directory. This must end with * slash('/'). * @param fontMap An output system font map. Caller must pass empty map. * @param fallbackMap An output system fallback map. Caller must pass empty map. * @hide */
@VisibleForTesting public static void buildSystemFallback(String xmlPath, String fontDir, ArrayMap<String, Typeface> fontMap, ArrayMap<String, FontFamily[]> fallbackMap) { try { final FileInputStream fontsIn = new FileInputStream(xmlPath); final FontConfig fontConfig = FontListParser.parse(fontsIn); final HashMap<String, ByteBuffer> bufferCache = new HashMap<String, ByteBuffer>(); final FontConfig.Family[] xmlFamilies = fontConfig.getFamilies(); final ArrayMap<String, ArrayList<FontFamily>> fallbackListMap = new ArrayMap<>(); // First traverse families which have a 'name' attribute to create fallback map. for (final FontConfig.Family xmlFamily : xmlFamilies) { final String familyName = xmlFamily.getName(); if (familyName == null) { continue; } final FontFamily family = createFontFamily( xmlFamily.getName(), Arrays.asList(xmlFamily.getFonts()), xmlFamily.getLanguages(), xmlFamily.getVariant(), bufferCache, fontDir); if (family == null) { continue; } final ArrayList<FontFamily> fallback = new ArrayList<>(); fallback.add(family); fallbackListMap.put(familyName, fallback); } // Then, add fallback fonts to the each fallback map. for (int i = 0; i < xmlFamilies.length; i++) { final FontConfig.Family xmlFamily = xmlFamilies[i]; // The first family (usually the sans-serif family) is always placed immediately // after the primary family in the fallback. if (i == 0 || xmlFamily.getName() == null) { pushFamilyToFallback(xmlFamily, fallbackListMap, bufferCache, fontDir); } } // Build the font map and fallback map. for (int i = 0; i < fallbackListMap.size(); i++) { final String fallbackName = fallbackListMap.keyAt(i); final List<FontFamily> familyList = fallbackListMap.valueAt(i); final FontFamily[] families = familyList.toArray(new FontFamily[familyList.size()]); fallbackMap.put(fallbackName, families); final long[] ptrArray = new long[families.length]; for (int j = 0; j < families.length; j++) { ptrArray[j] = families[j].mNativePtr; } fontMap.put(fallbackName, new Typeface(nativeCreateFromArray( ptrArray, RESOLVE_BY_FONT_TABLE, RESOLVE_BY_FONT_TABLE))); } // Insert alias to font maps. for (final FontConfig.Alias alias : fontConfig.getAliases()) { Typeface base = fontMap.get(alias.getToName()); Typeface newFace = base; int weight = alias.getWeight(); if (weight != 400) { newFace = new Typeface(nativeCreateWeightAlias(base.native_instance, weight)); } fontMap.put(alias.getName(), newFace); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Didn't create default family (most likely, non-Minikin build)", e); // TODO: normal in non-Minikin case, remove or make error when Minikin-only } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error opening " + xmlPath, e); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error reading " + xmlPath, e); } catch (XmlPullParserException e) { Log.e(TAG, "XML parse exception for " + xmlPath, e); } } static { final ArrayMap<String, Typeface> systemFontMap = new ArrayMap<>(); final ArrayMap<String, FontFamily[]> systemFallbackMap = new ArrayMap<>(); buildSystemFallback("/system/etc/fonts.xml", "/system/fonts/", systemFontMap, systemFallbackMap); sSystemFontMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(systemFontMap); sSystemFallbackMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(systemFallbackMap); setDefault(sSystemFontMap.get(DEFAULT_FAMILY)); // Set up defaults and typefaces exposed in public API DEFAULT = create((String) null, 0); DEFAULT_BOLD = create((String) null, Typeface.BOLD); SANS_SERIF = create("sans-serif", 0); SERIF = create("serif", 0); MONOSPACE = create("monospace", 0); sDefaults = new Typeface[] { DEFAULT, DEFAULT_BOLD, create((String) null, Typeface.ITALIC), create((String) null, Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC), }; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; Typeface typeface = (Typeface) o; return mStyle == typeface.mStyle && native_instance == typeface.native_instance; } @Override public int hashCode() { /* * Modified method for hashCode with long native_instance derived from * http://developer.android.com/reference/java/lang/Object.html */ int result = 17; result = 31 * result + (int) (native_instance ^ (native_instance >>> 32)); result = 31 * result + mStyle; return result; }
/** @hide */
public boolean isSupportedAxes(int axis) { if (mSupportedAxes == null) { synchronized (this) { if (mSupportedAxes == null) { mSupportedAxes = nativeGetSupportedAxes(native_instance); if (mSupportedAxes == null) { mSupportedAxes = EMPTY_AXES; } } } } return Arrays.binarySearch(mSupportedAxes, axis) >= 0; } private static native long nativeCreateFromTypeface(long native_instance, int style); private static native long nativeCreateFromTypefaceWithExactStyle( long native_instance, int weight, boolean italic); // TODO: clean up: change List<FontVariationAxis> to FontVariationAxis[] private static native long nativeCreateFromTypefaceWithVariation( long native_instance, List<FontVariationAxis> axes); private static native long nativeCreateWeightAlias(long native_instance, int weight); private static native long nativeCreateFromArray(long[] familyArray, int weight, int italic); private static native int[] nativeGetSupportedAxes(long native_instance); @CriticalNative private static native void nativeSetDefault(long nativePtr); @CriticalNative private static native int nativeGetStyle(long nativePtr); @CriticalNative private static native int nativeGetWeight(long nativePtr); @CriticalNative private static native long nativeGetReleaseFunc(); }