package org.testng.internal;

import static org.testng.internal.Utils.isStringNotEmpty;


import org.testng.IClass;
import org.testng.ISuite;
import org.testng.ITest;
import org.testng.ITestContext;
import org.testng.ITestObjectFactory;
import org.testng.TestNGException;
import org.testng.annotations.ITestAnnotation;
import org.testng.collections.Lists;
import org.testng.collections.Objects;
import org.testng.internal.annotations.IAnnotationFinder;
import org.testng.xml.XmlClass;
import org.testng.xml.XmlTest;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

Implementation of an IClass.
/** * Implementation of an IClass. */
public class ClassImpl implements IClass { private final Class<?> m_class; private Object m_defaultInstance = null; private final IAnnotationFinder m_annotationFinder; private List<Object> m_instances = Lists.newArrayList(); private final Map<Class<?>, IClass> m_classes; private int m_instanceCount; private long[] m_instanceHashCodes; private final Object m_instance; private final ITestObjectFactory m_objectFactory; private String m_testName = null; private final XmlClass m_xmlClass; private final ITestContext m_testContext; private final boolean m_hasParentModule;
Deprecated:- This constructor is un-used within TestNG and hence stands deprecated as of TestNG v6.13
/** * @deprecated - This constructor is un-used within TestNG and hence stands deprecated as of TestNG v6.13 */
@Deprecated @SuppressWarnings("unused") public ClassImpl(ITestContext context, Class<?> cls, XmlClass xmlClass, Object instance, Map<Class<?>, IClass> classes, XmlTest xmlTest, IAnnotationFinder annotationFinder, ITestObjectFactory objectFactory) { this(context, cls, xmlClass, instance, classes, annotationFinder, objectFactory); } public ClassImpl(ITestContext context, Class<?> cls, XmlClass xmlClass, Object instance, Map<Class<?>, IClass> classes, IAnnotationFinder annotationFinder, ITestObjectFactory objectFactory) { m_testContext = context; m_class = cls; m_classes = classes; m_xmlClass = xmlClass; m_annotationFinder = annotationFinder; m_instance = instance; m_objectFactory = objectFactory; if (instance instanceof ITest) { m_testName = ((ITest) instance).getTestName(); } if (m_testName == null) { ITestAnnotation annotation = m_annotationFinder.findAnnotation(cls, ITestAnnotation.class); if (annotation != null && !annotation.getTestName().isEmpty()) { m_testName = annotation.getTestName(); } } m_hasParentModule = isStringNotEmpty(m_testContext.getSuite().getParentModule()); } @Override public String getTestName() { return m_testName; } @Override public String getName() { return m_class.getName(); } @Override public Class getRealClass() { return m_class; } @Deprecated @Override public int getInstanceCount() { return m_instanceCount; } @Override public long[] getInstanceHashCodes() { return m_instanceHashCodes; } @Override public XmlTest getXmlTest() { return m_testContext.getCurrentXmlTest(); } @Override public XmlClass getXmlClass() { return m_xmlClass; } private Object getDefaultInstance() { if (m_defaultInstance == null) { if (m_instance != null) { m_defaultInstance = m_instance; } else { Object instance = getInstanceFromGuice(); if (instance != null) { m_defaultInstance = instance; } else { m_defaultInstance = ClassHelper.createInstance(m_class, m_classes, m_testContext.getCurrentXmlTest(), m_annotationFinder, m_objectFactory); } } } return m_defaultInstance; }
Returns:an instance from Guice if @Test(guiceModule) attribute was found, null otherwise
/** * @return an instance from Guice if @Test(guiceModule) attribute was found, null otherwise */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Object getInstanceFromGuice() { Injector injector = m_testContext.getInjector(this); if (injector == null) return null; return injector.getInstance(m_class); } public Injector getParentInjector() { ISuite suite = m_testContext.getSuite(); // Reuse the previous parent injector, if any Injector injector = suite.getParentInjector(); if (injector == null) { String stageString = suite.getGuiceStage(); Stage stage; if (isStringNotEmpty(stageString)) { stage = Stage.valueOf(stageString); } else { stage = Stage.DEVELOPMENT; } if (m_hasParentModule) { Class<Module> parentModule = (Class<Module>) ClassHelper.forName(suite.getParentModule()); if (parentModule == null) { throw new TestNGException("Cannot load parent Guice module class: " + suite.getParentModule()); } Module module = newModule(parentModule); injector =, module); } else { injector =; } suite.setParentInjector(injector); } return injector; } private Module newModule(Class<Module> module) { try { Constructor<Module> moduleConstructor = module.getDeclaredConstructor(ITestContext.class); return ClassHelper.newInstance(moduleConstructor, m_testContext); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { return ClassHelper.newInstance(module); } } @Override public Object[] getInstances(boolean create) { Object[] result = {}; if (m_testContext.getCurrentXmlTest().isJUnit()) { if (create) { result = new Object[] { ClassHelper.createInstance(m_class, m_classes, m_testContext.getCurrentXmlTest(), m_annotationFinder, m_objectFactory) }; } } else { Object defaultInstance = getDefaultInstance(); if (defaultInstance != null) { result = new Object[]{defaultInstance}; } } if (m_instances.size() > 0) { result = m_instances.toArray(new Object[m_instances.size()]); } m_instanceCount = m_instances.size(); m_instanceHashCodes = new long[m_instanceCount]; for (int i = 0; i < m_instanceCount; i++) { m_instanceHashCodes[i] = m_instances.get(i).hashCode(); } return result; } @Override public String toString() { return Objects.toStringHelper(getClass()) .add("class", m_class.getName()) .toString(); } @Override public void addInstance(Object instance) { m_instances.add(instance); } }