 * Copyright 2002-2019 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.springframework.http.server.reactive;

import java.util.function.Function;

import org.reactivestreams.Publisher;
import org.reactivestreams.Subscriber;
import org.reactivestreams.Subscription;
import reactor.core.CoreSubscriber;
import reactor.core.Scannable;
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
import reactor.core.publisher.Operators;
import reactor.util.context.Context;

import org.springframework.core.io.buffer.DataBuffer;
import org.springframework.core.io.buffer.DataBufferUtils;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;

Given a write function that accepts a source Publisher<T> to write with and returns Publisher<Void> for the result, this operator helps to defer the invocation of the write function, until we know if the source publisher will begin publishing without an error. If the first emission is an error, the write function is bypassed, and the error is sent directly through the result publisher. Otherwise the write function is invoked.
Author:Rossen Stoyanchev, Stephane Maldini
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the type of element signaled
/** * Given a write function that accepts a source {@code Publisher<T>} to write * with and returns {@code Publisher<Void>} for the result, this operator helps * to defer the invocation of the write function, until we know if the source * publisher will begin publishing without an error. If the first emission is * an error, the write function is bypassed, and the error is sent directly * through the result publisher. Otherwise the write function is invoked. * * @author Rossen Stoyanchev * @author Stephane Maldini * @since 5.0 * @param <T> the type of element signaled */
public class ChannelSendOperator<T> extends Mono<Void> implements Scannable { private final Function<Publisher<T>, Publisher<Void>> writeFunction; private final Flux<T> source; public ChannelSendOperator(Publisher<? extends T> source, Function<Publisher<T>, Publisher<Void>> writeFunction) { this.source = Flux.from(source); this.writeFunction = writeFunction; } @Override @Nullable @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public Object scanUnsafe(Attr key) { if (key == Attr.PREFETCH) { return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } if (key == Attr.PARENT) { return this.source; } return null; } @Override public void subscribe(CoreSubscriber<? super Void> actual) { this.source.subscribe(new WriteBarrier(actual)); } private enum State {
No emissions from the upstream source yet.
/** No emissions from the upstream source yet. */
At least one signal of any kind has been received; we're ready to call the write function and proceed with actual writing.
/** * At least one signal of any kind has been received; we're ready to * call the write function and proceed with actual writing. */
The write subscriber has subscribed and requested; we're going to emit the cached signals.
/** * The write subscriber has subscribed and requested; we're going to * emit the cached signals. */
The write subscriber has subscribed, and cached signals have been emitted to it; we're ready to switch to a simple pass-through mode for all remaining signals.
/** * The write subscriber has subscribed, and cached signals have been * emitted to it; we're ready to switch to a simple pass-through mode * for all remaining signals. **/
A barrier inserted between the write source and the write subscriber (i.e. the HTTP server adapter) that pre-fetches and waits for the first signal before deciding whether to hook in to the write subscriber.

Acts as:

  • Subscriber to the write source.
  • Subscription to the write subscriber.
  • Publisher to the write subscriber.

Also uses WriteCompletionBarrier to communicate completion and detect cancel signals from the completion subscriber.

/** * A barrier inserted between the write source and the write subscriber * (i.e. the HTTP server adapter) that pre-fetches and waits for the first * signal before deciding whether to hook in to the write subscriber. * * <p>Acts as: * <ul> * <li>Subscriber to the write source. * <li>Subscription to the write subscriber. * <li>Publisher to the write subscriber. * </ul> * * <p>Also uses {@link WriteCompletionBarrier} to communicate completion * and detect cancel signals from the completion subscriber. */
private class WriteBarrier implements CoreSubscriber<T>, Subscription, Publisher<T> { /* Bridges signals to and from the completionSubscriber */ private final WriteCompletionBarrier writeCompletionBarrier; /* Upstream write source subscription */ @Nullable private Subscription subscription;
Cached data item before readyToWrite.
/** Cached data item before readyToWrite. */
@Nullable private T item;
Cached error signal before readyToWrite.
/** Cached error signal before readyToWrite. */
@Nullable private Throwable error;
Cached onComplete signal before readyToWrite.
/** Cached onComplete signal before readyToWrite. */
private boolean completed = false;
Recursive demand while emitting cached signals.
/** Recursive demand while emitting cached signals. */
private long demandBeforeReadyToWrite;
Current state.
/** Current state. */
private State state = State.NEW;
The actual writeSubscriber from the HTTP server adapter.
/** The actual writeSubscriber from the HTTP server adapter. */
@Nullable private Subscriber<? super T> writeSubscriber; WriteBarrier(CoreSubscriber<? super Void> completionSubscriber) { this.writeCompletionBarrier = new WriteCompletionBarrier(completionSubscriber, this); } // Subscriber<T> methods (we're the subscriber to the write source).. @Override public final void onSubscribe(Subscription s) { if (Operators.validate(this.subscription, s)) { this.subscription = s; this.writeCompletionBarrier.connect(); s.request(1); } } @Override public final void onNext(T item) { if (this.state == State.READY_TO_WRITE) { requiredWriteSubscriber().onNext(item); return; } //FIXME revisit in case of reentrant sync deadlock synchronized (this) { if (this.state == State.READY_TO_WRITE) { requiredWriteSubscriber().onNext(item); } else if (this.state == State.NEW) { this.item = item; this.state = State.FIRST_SIGNAL_RECEIVED; Publisher<Void> result; try { result = writeFunction.apply(this); } catch (Throwable ex) { this.writeCompletionBarrier.onError(ex); return; } result.subscribe(this.writeCompletionBarrier); } else { if (this.subscription != null) { this.subscription.cancel(); } this.writeCompletionBarrier.onError(new IllegalStateException("Unexpected item.")); } } } private Subscriber<? super T> requiredWriteSubscriber() { Assert.state(this.writeSubscriber != null, "No write subscriber"); return this.writeSubscriber; } @Override public final void onError(Throwable ex) { if (this.state == State.READY_TO_WRITE) { requiredWriteSubscriber().onError(ex); return; } synchronized (this) { if (this.state == State.READY_TO_WRITE) { requiredWriteSubscriber().onError(ex); } else if (this.state == State.NEW) { this.state = State.FIRST_SIGNAL_RECEIVED; this.writeCompletionBarrier.onError(ex); } else { this.error = ex; } } } @Override public final void onComplete() { if (this.state == State.READY_TO_WRITE) { requiredWriteSubscriber().onComplete(); return; } synchronized (this) { if (this.state == State.READY_TO_WRITE) { requiredWriteSubscriber().onComplete(); } else if (this.state == State.NEW) { this.completed = true; this.state = State.FIRST_SIGNAL_RECEIVED; Publisher<Void> result; try { result = writeFunction.apply(this); } catch (Throwable ex) { this.writeCompletionBarrier.onError(ex); return; } result.subscribe(this.writeCompletionBarrier); } else { this.completed = true; } } } @Override public Context currentContext() { return this.writeCompletionBarrier.currentContext(); } // Subscription methods (we're the Subscription to the writeSubscriber).. @Override public void request(long n) { Subscription s = this.subscription; if (s == null) { return; } if (this.state == State.READY_TO_WRITE) { s.request(n); return; } synchronized (this) { if (this.writeSubscriber != null) { if (this.state == State.EMITTING_CACHED_SIGNALS) { this.demandBeforeReadyToWrite = n; return; } try { this.state = State.EMITTING_CACHED_SIGNALS; if (emitCachedSignals()) { return; } n = n + this.demandBeforeReadyToWrite - 1; if (n == 0) { return; } } finally { this.state = State.READY_TO_WRITE; } } } s.request(n); } private boolean emitCachedSignals() { if (this.error != null) { try { requiredWriteSubscriber().onError(this.error); } finally { releaseCachedItem(); } return true; } T item = this.item; this.item = null; if (item != null) { requiredWriteSubscriber().onNext(item); } if (this.completed) { requiredWriteSubscriber().onComplete(); return true; } return false; } @Override public void cancel() { Subscription s = this.subscription; if (s != null) { this.subscription = null; try { s.cancel(); } finally { releaseCachedItem(); } } } private void releaseCachedItem() { synchronized (this) { Object item = this.item; if (item instanceof DataBuffer) { DataBufferUtils.release((DataBuffer) item); } this.item = null; } } // Publisher<T> methods (we're the Publisher to the writeSubscriber).. @Override public void subscribe(Subscriber<? super T> writeSubscriber) { synchronized (this) { Assert.state(this.writeSubscriber == null, "Only one write subscriber supported"); this.writeSubscriber = writeSubscriber; if (this.error != null || this.completed) { this.writeSubscriber.onSubscribe(Operators.emptySubscription()); emitCachedSignals(); } else { this.writeSubscriber.onSubscribe(this); } } } }
We need an extra barrier between the WriteBarrier itself and the actual completion subscriber.

The completionSubscriber is subscribed initially to the WriteBarrier. Later after the first signal is received, we need one more subscriber instance (per spec can only subscribe once) to subscribe to the write function and switch to delegating completion signals from it.

/** * We need an extra barrier between the WriteBarrier itself and the actual * completion subscriber. * * <p>The completionSubscriber is subscribed initially to the WriteBarrier. * Later after the first signal is received, we need one more subscriber * instance (per spec can only subscribe once) to subscribe to the write * function and switch to delegating completion signals from it. */
private class WriteCompletionBarrier implements CoreSubscriber<Void>, Subscription { /* Downstream write completion subscriber */ private final CoreSubscriber<? super Void> completionSubscriber; private final WriteBarrier writeBarrier; @Nullable private Subscription subscription; public WriteCompletionBarrier(CoreSubscriber<? super Void> subscriber, WriteBarrier writeBarrier) { this.completionSubscriber = subscriber; this.writeBarrier = writeBarrier; }
Connect the underlying completion subscriber to this barrier in order to track cancel signals and pass them on to the write barrier.
/** * Connect the underlying completion subscriber to this barrier in order * to track cancel signals and pass them on to the write barrier. */
public void connect() { this.completionSubscriber.onSubscribe(this); } // Subscriber methods (we're the subscriber to the write function).. @Override public void onSubscribe(Subscription subscription) { this.subscription = subscription; subscription.request(Long.MAX_VALUE); } @Override public void onNext(Void aVoid) { } @Override public void onError(Throwable ex) { try { this.completionSubscriber.onError(ex); } finally { this.writeBarrier.releaseCachedItem(); } } @Override public void onComplete() { this.completionSubscriber.onComplete(); } @Override public Context currentContext() { return this.completionSubscriber.currentContext(); } @Override public void request(long n) { // Ignore: we don't produce data } @Override public void cancel() { this.writeBarrier.cancel(); Subscription subscription = this.subscription; if (subscription != null) { subscription.cancel(); } } } }