 * Copyright 2002-2020 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.springframework.core.io.buffer;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.AsynchronousFileChannel;
import java.nio.channels.Channel;
import java.nio.channels.Channels;
import java.nio.channels.CompletionHandler;
import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel;
import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel;
import java.nio.file.OpenOption;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.reactivestreams.Publisher;
import org.reactivestreams.Subscription;
import reactor.core.publisher.BaseSubscriber;
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
import reactor.core.publisher.FluxSink;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
import reactor.core.publisher.SynchronousSink;

import org.springframework.core.io.Resource;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;

Utility class for working with DataBuffers.
Author:Arjen Poutsma, Brian Clozel
/** * Utility class for working with {@link DataBuffer DataBuffers}. * * @author Arjen Poutsma * @author Brian Clozel * @since 5.0 */
public abstract class DataBufferUtils { private final static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(DataBufferUtils.class); private static final Consumer<DataBuffer> RELEASE_CONSUMER = DataBufferUtils::release; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Reading //---------------------------------------------------------------------
Obtain a InputStream from the given supplier, and read it into a Flux of DataBuffers. Closes the input stream when the Flux is terminated.
  • inputStreamSupplier – the supplier for the input stream to read from
  • bufferFactory – the factory to create data buffers with
  • bufferSize – the maximum size of the data buffers
Returns:a Flux of data buffers read from the given channel
/** * Obtain a {@link InputStream} from the given supplier, and read it into a * {@code Flux} of {@code DataBuffer}s. Closes the input stream when the * Flux is terminated. * @param inputStreamSupplier the supplier for the input stream to read from * @param bufferFactory the factory to create data buffers with * @param bufferSize the maximum size of the data buffers * @return a Flux of data buffers read from the given channel */
public static Flux<DataBuffer> readInputStream( Callable<InputStream> inputStreamSupplier, DataBufferFactory bufferFactory, int bufferSize) { Assert.notNull(inputStreamSupplier, "'inputStreamSupplier' must not be null"); return readByteChannel(() -> Channels.newChannel(inputStreamSupplier.call()), bufferFactory, bufferSize); }
Obtain a ReadableByteChannel from the given supplier, and read it into a Flux of DataBuffers. Closes the channel when the Flux is terminated.
  • channelSupplier – the supplier for the channel to read from
  • bufferFactory – the factory to create data buffers with
  • bufferSize – the maximum size of the data buffers
Returns:a Flux of data buffers read from the given channel
/** * Obtain a {@link ReadableByteChannel} from the given supplier, and read * it into a {@code Flux} of {@code DataBuffer}s. Closes the channel when * the Flux is terminated. * @param channelSupplier the supplier for the channel to read from * @param bufferFactory the factory to create data buffers with * @param bufferSize the maximum size of the data buffers * @return a Flux of data buffers read from the given channel */
public static Flux<DataBuffer> readByteChannel( Callable<ReadableByteChannel> channelSupplier, DataBufferFactory bufferFactory, int bufferSize) { Assert.notNull(channelSupplier, "'channelSupplier' must not be null"); Assert.notNull(bufferFactory, "'dataBufferFactory' must not be null"); Assert.isTrue(bufferSize > 0, "'bufferSize' must be > 0"); return Flux.using(channelSupplier, channel -> Flux.generate(new ReadableByteChannelGenerator(channel, bufferFactory, bufferSize)), DataBufferUtils::closeChannel); // No doOnDiscard as operators used do not cache }
Obtain a AsynchronousFileChannel from the given supplier, and read it into a Flux of DataBuffers. Closes the channel when the Flux is terminated.
  • channelSupplier – the supplier for the channel to read from
  • bufferFactory – the factory to create data buffers with
  • bufferSize – the maximum size of the data buffers
Returns:a Flux of data buffers read from the given channel
/** * Obtain a {@code AsynchronousFileChannel} from the given supplier, and read * it into a {@code Flux} of {@code DataBuffer}s. Closes the channel when * the Flux is terminated. * @param channelSupplier the supplier for the channel to read from * @param bufferFactory the factory to create data buffers with * @param bufferSize the maximum size of the data buffers * @return a Flux of data buffers read from the given channel */
public static Flux<DataBuffer> readAsynchronousFileChannel( Callable<AsynchronousFileChannel> channelSupplier, DataBufferFactory bufferFactory, int bufferSize) { return readAsynchronousFileChannel(channelSupplier, 0, bufferFactory, bufferSize); }
Obtain a AsynchronousFileChannel from the given supplier, and read it into a Flux of DataBuffers, starting at the given position. Closes the channel when the Flux is terminated.
  • channelSupplier – the supplier for the channel to read from
  • position – the position to start reading from
  • bufferFactory – the factory to create data buffers with
  • bufferSize – the maximum size of the data buffers
Returns:a Flux of data buffers read from the given channel
/** * Obtain a {@code AsynchronousFileChannel} from the given supplier, and * read it into a {@code Flux} of {@code DataBuffer}s, starting at the given * position. Closes the channel when the Flux is terminated. * @param channelSupplier the supplier for the channel to read from * @param position the position to start reading from * @param bufferFactory the factory to create data buffers with * @param bufferSize the maximum size of the data buffers * @return a Flux of data buffers read from the given channel */
public static Flux<DataBuffer> readAsynchronousFileChannel( Callable<AsynchronousFileChannel> channelSupplier, long position, DataBufferFactory bufferFactory, int bufferSize) { Assert.notNull(channelSupplier, "'channelSupplier' must not be null"); Assert.notNull(bufferFactory, "'dataBufferFactory' must not be null"); Assert.isTrue(position >= 0, "'position' must be >= 0"); Assert.isTrue(bufferSize > 0, "'bufferSize' must be > 0"); Flux<DataBuffer> flux = Flux.using(channelSupplier, channel -> Flux.create(sink -> { ReadCompletionHandler handler = new ReadCompletionHandler(channel, sink, position, bufferFactory, bufferSize); sink.onCancel(handler::cancel); sink.onRequest(handler::request); }), channel -> { // Do not close channel from here, rather wait for the current read callback // and then complete after releasing the DataBuffer. }); return flux.doOnDiscard(PooledDataBuffer.class, DataBufferUtils::release); }
Read bytes from the given file Path into a Flux of DataBuffers. The method ensures that the file is closed when the flux is terminated.
  • path – the path to read bytes from
  • bufferFactory – the factory to create data buffers with
  • bufferSize – the maximum size of the data buffers
Returns:a Flux of data buffers read from the given channel
/** * Read bytes from the given file {@code Path} into a {@code Flux} of {@code DataBuffer}s. * The method ensures that the file is closed when the flux is terminated. * @param path the path to read bytes from * @param bufferFactory the factory to create data buffers with * @param bufferSize the maximum size of the data buffers * @return a Flux of data buffers read from the given channel * @since 5.2 */
public static Flux<DataBuffer> read( Path path, DataBufferFactory bufferFactory, int bufferSize, OpenOption... options) { Assert.notNull(path, "Path must not be null"); Assert.notNull(bufferFactory, "BufferFactory must not be null"); Assert.isTrue(bufferSize > 0, "'bufferSize' must be > 0"); if (options.length > 0) { for (OpenOption option : options) { Assert.isTrue(!(option == StandardOpenOption.APPEND || option == StandardOpenOption.WRITE), "'" + option + "' not allowed"); } } return readAsynchronousFileChannel(() -> AsynchronousFileChannel.open(path, options), bufferFactory, bufferSize); }
Read the given Resource into a Flux of DataBuffers.

If the resource is a file, it is read into an AsynchronousFileChannel and turned to Flux via readAsynchronousFileChannel(Callable, DataBufferFactory, int) or else fall back to readByteChannel(Callable, DataBufferFactory, int). Closes the channel when the flux is terminated.

  • resource – the resource to read from
  • bufferFactory – the factory to create data buffers with
  • bufferSize – the maximum size of the data buffers
Returns:a Flux of data buffers read from the given channel
/** * Read the given {@code Resource} into a {@code Flux} of {@code DataBuffer}s. * <p>If the resource is a file, it is read into an * {@code AsynchronousFileChannel} and turned to {@code Flux} via * {@link #readAsynchronousFileChannel(Callable, DataBufferFactory, int)} or else * fall back to {@link #readByteChannel(Callable, DataBufferFactory, int)}. * Closes the channel when the flux is terminated. * @param resource the resource to read from * @param bufferFactory the factory to create data buffers with * @param bufferSize the maximum size of the data buffers * @return a Flux of data buffers read from the given channel */
public static Flux<DataBuffer> read(Resource resource, DataBufferFactory bufferFactory, int bufferSize) { return read(resource, 0, bufferFactory, bufferSize); }
Read the given Resource into a Flux of DataBuffers starting at the given position.

If the resource is a file, it is read into an AsynchronousFileChannel and turned to Flux via readAsynchronousFileChannel(Callable, DataBufferFactory, int) or else fall back on readByteChannel(Callable, DataBufferFactory, int). Closes the channel when the flux is terminated.

  • resource – the resource to read from
  • position – the position to start reading from
  • bufferFactory – the factory to create data buffers with
  • bufferSize – the maximum size of the data buffers
Returns:a Flux of data buffers read from the given channel
/** * Read the given {@code Resource} into a {@code Flux} of {@code DataBuffer}s * starting at the given position. * <p>If the resource is a file, it is read into an * {@code AsynchronousFileChannel} and turned to {@code Flux} via * {@link #readAsynchronousFileChannel(Callable, DataBufferFactory, int)} or else * fall back on {@link #readByteChannel(Callable, DataBufferFactory, int)}. * Closes the channel when the flux is terminated. * @param resource the resource to read from * @param position the position to start reading from * @param bufferFactory the factory to create data buffers with * @param bufferSize the maximum size of the data buffers * @return a Flux of data buffers read from the given channel */
public static Flux<DataBuffer> read( Resource resource, long position, DataBufferFactory bufferFactory, int bufferSize) { try { if (resource.isFile()) { File file = resource.getFile(); return readAsynchronousFileChannel( () -> AsynchronousFileChannel.open(file.toPath(), StandardOpenOption.READ), position, bufferFactory, bufferSize); } } catch (IOException ignore) { // fallback to resource.readableChannel(), below } Flux<DataBuffer> result = readByteChannel(resource::readableChannel, bufferFactory, bufferSize); return position == 0 ? result : skipUntilByteCount(result, position); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Writing //---------------------------------------------------------------------
Write the given stream of DataBuffers to the given OutputStream. Does not close the output stream when the flux is terminated, and does not release the data buffers in the source. If releasing is required, then subscribe to the returned Flux with a releaseConsumer().

Note that the writing process does not start until the returned Flux is subscribed to.

  • source – the stream of data buffers to be written
  • outputStream – the output stream to write to
Returns:a Flux containing the same buffers as in source, that starts the writing process when subscribed to, and that publishes any writing errors and the completion signal
/** * Write the given stream of {@link DataBuffer DataBuffers} to the given * {@code OutputStream}. Does <strong>not</strong> close the output stream * when the flux is terminated, and does <strong>not</strong> * {@linkplain #release(DataBuffer) release} the data buffers in the source. * If releasing is required, then subscribe to the returned {@code Flux} * with a {@link #releaseConsumer()}. * <p>Note that the writing process does not start until the returned * {@code Flux} is subscribed to. * @param source the stream of data buffers to be written * @param outputStream the output stream to write to * @return a Flux containing the same buffers as in {@code source}, that * starts the writing process when subscribed to, and that publishes any * writing errors and the completion signal */
public static Flux<DataBuffer> write(Publisher<DataBuffer> source, OutputStream outputStream) { Assert.notNull(source, "'source' must not be null"); Assert.notNull(outputStream, "'outputStream' must not be null"); WritableByteChannel channel = Channels.newChannel(outputStream); return write(source, channel); }
Write the given stream of DataBuffers to the given WritableByteChannel. Does not close the channel when the flux is terminated, and does not release the data buffers in the source. If releasing is required, then subscribe to the returned Flux with a releaseConsumer().

Note that the writing process does not start until the returned Flux is subscribed to.

  • source – the stream of data buffers to be written
  • channel – the channel to write to
Returns:a Flux containing the same buffers as in source, that starts the writing process when subscribed to, and that publishes any writing errors and the completion signal
/** * Write the given stream of {@link DataBuffer DataBuffers} to the given * {@code WritableByteChannel}. Does <strong>not</strong> close the channel * when the flux is terminated, and does <strong>not</strong> * {@linkplain #release(DataBuffer) release} the data buffers in the source. * If releasing is required, then subscribe to the returned {@code Flux} * with a {@link #releaseConsumer()}. * <p>Note that the writing process does not start until the returned * {@code Flux} is subscribed to. * @param source the stream of data buffers to be written * @param channel the channel to write to * @return a Flux containing the same buffers as in {@code source}, that * starts the writing process when subscribed to, and that publishes any * writing errors and the completion signal */
public static Flux<DataBuffer> write(Publisher<DataBuffer> source, WritableByteChannel channel) { Assert.notNull(source, "'source' must not be null"); Assert.notNull(channel, "'channel' must not be null"); Flux<DataBuffer> flux = Flux.from(source); return Flux.create(sink -> { WritableByteChannelSubscriber subscriber = new WritableByteChannelSubscriber(sink, channel); sink.onDispose(subscriber); flux.subscribe(subscriber); }); }
Write the given stream of DataBuffers to the given AsynchronousFileChannel. Does not close the channel when the flux is terminated, and does not release the data buffers in the source. If releasing is required, then subscribe to the returned Flux with a releaseConsumer().

Note that the writing process does not start until the returned Flux is subscribed to.

  • source – the stream of data buffers to be written
  • channel – the channel to write to
Returns:a Flux containing the same buffers as in source, that starts the writing process when subscribed to, and that publishes any writing errors and the completion signal
/** * Write the given stream of {@link DataBuffer DataBuffers} to the given * {@code AsynchronousFileChannel}. Does <strong>not</strong> close the * channel when the flux is terminated, and does <strong>not</strong> * {@linkplain #release(DataBuffer) release} the data buffers in the source. * If releasing is required, then subscribe to the returned {@code Flux} * with a {@link #releaseConsumer()}. * <p>Note that the writing process does not start until the returned * {@code Flux} is subscribed to. * @param source the stream of data buffers to be written * @param channel the channel to write to * @return a Flux containing the same buffers as in {@code source}, that * starts the writing process when subscribed to, and that publishes any * writing errors and the completion signal * @since 5.0.10 */
public static Flux<DataBuffer> write(Publisher<DataBuffer> source, AsynchronousFileChannel channel) { return write(source, channel, 0); }
Write the given stream of DataBuffers to the given AsynchronousFileChannel. Does not close the channel when the flux is terminated, and does not release the data buffers in the source. If releasing is required, then subscribe to the returned Flux with a releaseConsumer().

Note that the writing process does not start until the returned Flux is subscribed to.

  • source – the stream of data buffers to be written
  • channel – the channel to write to
  • position – the file position where writing is to begin; must be non-negative
Returns:a flux containing the same buffers as in source, that starts the writing process when subscribed to, and that publishes any writing errors and the completion signal
/** * Write the given stream of {@link DataBuffer DataBuffers} to the given * {@code AsynchronousFileChannel}. Does <strong>not</strong> close the channel * when the flux is terminated, and does <strong>not</strong> * {@linkplain #release(DataBuffer) release} the data buffers in the source. * If releasing is required, then subscribe to the returned {@code Flux} with a * {@link #releaseConsumer()}. * <p>Note that the writing process does not start until the returned * {@code Flux} is subscribed to. * @param source the stream of data buffers to be written * @param channel the channel to write to * @param position the file position where writing is to begin; must be non-negative * @return a flux containing the same buffers as in {@code source}, that * starts the writing process when subscribed to, and that publishes any * writing errors and the completion signal */
public static Flux<DataBuffer> write( Publisher<? extends DataBuffer> source, AsynchronousFileChannel channel, long position) { Assert.notNull(source, "'source' must not be null"); Assert.notNull(channel, "'channel' must not be null"); Assert.isTrue(position >= 0, "'position' must be >= 0"); Flux<DataBuffer> flux = Flux.from(source); return Flux.create(sink -> { WriteCompletionHandler handler = new WriteCompletionHandler(sink, channel, position); sink.onDispose(handler); flux.subscribe(handler); }); }
Write the given stream of DataBuffers to the given file Path. The optional options parameter specifies how the file is created or opened (defaults to CREATE, TRUNCATE_EXISTING, and WRITE).
  • source – the stream of data buffers to be written
  • destination – the path to the file
  • options – the options specifying how the file is opened
Returns:a Mono that indicates completion or error
/** * Write the given stream of {@link DataBuffer DataBuffers} to the given * file {@link Path}. The optional {@code options} parameter specifies * how the file is created or opened (defaults to * {@link StandardOpenOption#CREATE CREATE}, * {@link StandardOpenOption#TRUNCATE_EXISTING TRUNCATE_EXISTING}, and * {@link StandardOpenOption#WRITE WRITE}). * @param source the stream of data buffers to be written * @param destination the path to the file * @param options the options specifying how the file is opened * @return a {@link Mono} that indicates completion or error * @since 5.2 */
public static Mono<Void> write(Publisher<DataBuffer> source, Path destination, OpenOption... options) { Assert.notNull(source, "Source must not be null"); Assert.notNull(destination, "Destination must not be null"); Set<OpenOption> optionSet = checkWriteOptions(options); return Mono.create(sink -> { try { AsynchronousFileChannel channel = AsynchronousFileChannel.open(destination, optionSet, null); sink.onDispose(() -> closeChannel(channel)); write(source, channel).subscribe(DataBufferUtils::release, sink::error, sink::success); } catch (IOException ex) { sink.error(ex); } }); } private static Set<OpenOption> checkWriteOptions(OpenOption[] options) { int length = options.length; Set<OpenOption> result = new HashSet<>(length + 3); if (length == 0) { result.add(StandardOpenOption.CREATE); result.add(StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING); } else { for (OpenOption opt : options) { if (opt == StandardOpenOption.READ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("READ not allowed"); } result.add(opt); } } result.add(StandardOpenOption.WRITE); return result; } static void closeChannel(@Nullable Channel channel) { if (channel != null && channel.isOpen()) { try { channel.close(); } catch (IOException ignored) { } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Various //---------------------------------------------------------------------
Relay buffers from the given Publisher until the total byte count reaches the given maximum byte count, or until the publisher is complete.
  • publisher – the publisher to filter
  • maxByteCount – the maximum byte count
Returns:a flux whose maximum byte count is maxByteCount
/** * Relay buffers from the given {@link Publisher} until the total * {@linkplain DataBuffer#readableByteCount() byte count} reaches * the given maximum byte count, or until the publisher is complete. * @param publisher the publisher to filter * @param maxByteCount the maximum byte count * @return a flux whose maximum byte count is {@code maxByteCount} */
public static Flux<DataBuffer> takeUntilByteCount(Publisher<? extends DataBuffer> publisher, long maxByteCount) { Assert.notNull(publisher, "Publisher must not be null"); Assert.isTrue(maxByteCount >= 0, "'maxByteCount' must be a positive number"); return Flux.defer(() -> { AtomicLong countDown = new AtomicLong(maxByteCount); return Flux.from(publisher) .map(buffer -> { long remainder = countDown.addAndGet(-buffer.readableByteCount()); if (remainder < 0) { int length = buffer.readableByteCount() + (int) remainder; return buffer.slice(0, length); } else { return buffer; } }) .takeUntil(buffer -> countDown.get() <= 0); }); // No doOnDiscard as operators used do not cache (and drop) buffers }
Skip buffers from the given Publisher until the total byte count reaches the given maximum byte count, or until the publisher is complete.
  • publisher – the publisher to filter
  • maxByteCount – the maximum byte count
Returns:a flux with the remaining part of the given publisher
/** * Skip buffers from the given {@link Publisher} until the total * {@linkplain DataBuffer#readableByteCount() byte count} reaches * the given maximum byte count, or until the publisher is complete. * @param publisher the publisher to filter * @param maxByteCount the maximum byte count * @return a flux with the remaining part of the given publisher */
public static Flux<DataBuffer> skipUntilByteCount(Publisher<? extends DataBuffer> publisher, long maxByteCount) { Assert.notNull(publisher, "Publisher must not be null"); Assert.isTrue(maxByteCount >= 0, "'maxByteCount' must be a positive number"); return Flux.defer(() -> { AtomicLong countDown = new AtomicLong(maxByteCount); return Flux.from(publisher) .skipUntil(buffer -> { long remainder = countDown.addAndGet(-buffer.readableByteCount()); return remainder < 0; }) .map(buffer -> { long remainder = countDown.get(); if (remainder < 0) { countDown.set(0); int start = buffer.readableByteCount() + (int)remainder; int length = (int) -remainder; return buffer.slice(start, length); } else { return buffer; } }); }).doOnDiscard(PooledDataBuffer.class, DataBufferUtils::release); }
Retain the given data buffer, if it is a PooledDataBuffer.
  • dataBuffer – the data buffer to retain
Returns:the retained buffer
/** * Retain the given data buffer, if it is a {@link PooledDataBuffer}. * @param dataBuffer the data buffer to retain * @return the retained buffer */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T extends DataBuffer> T retain(T dataBuffer) { if (dataBuffer instanceof PooledDataBuffer) { return (T) ((PooledDataBuffer) dataBuffer).retain(); } else { return dataBuffer; } }
Associate the given hint with the data buffer if it is a pooled buffer and supports leak tracking.
  • dataBuffer – the data buffer to attach the hint to
  • hint – the hint to attach
Returns:the input buffer
/** * Associate the given hint with the data buffer if it is a pooled buffer * and supports leak tracking. * @param dataBuffer the data buffer to attach the hint to * @param hint the hint to attach * @return the input buffer * @since 5.3.2 */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T extends DataBuffer> T touch(T dataBuffer, Object hint) { if (dataBuffer instanceof PooledDataBuffer) { return (T) ((PooledDataBuffer) dataBuffer).touch(hint); } else { return dataBuffer; } }
Release the given data buffer, if it is a PooledDataBuffer and has been allocated.
  • dataBuffer – the data buffer to release
Returns:true if the buffer was released; false otherwise.
/** * Release the given data buffer, if it is a {@link PooledDataBuffer} and * has been {@linkplain PooledDataBuffer#isAllocated() allocated}. * @param dataBuffer the data buffer to release * @return {@code true} if the buffer was released; {@code false} otherwise. */
public static boolean release(@Nullable DataBuffer dataBuffer) { if (dataBuffer instanceof PooledDataBuffer) { PooledDataBuffer pooledDataBuffer = (PooledDataBuffer) dataBuffer; if (pooledDataBuffer.isAllocated()) { try { return pooledDataBuffer.release(); } catch (IllegalStateException ex) { // Avoid dependency on Netty: IllegalReferenceCountException if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Failed to release PooledDataBuffer: " + dataBuffer, ex); } return false; } } } return false; }
Return a consumer that calls release(DataBuffer) on all passed data buffers.
/** * Return a consumer that calls {@link #release(DataBuffer)} on all * passed data buffers. */
public static Consumer<DataBuffer> releaseConsumer() { return RELEASE_CONSUMER; }
Return a new DataBuffer composed from joining together the given dataBuffers elements. Depending on the DataBuffer type, the returned buffer may be a single buffer containing all data of the provided buffers, or it may be a zero-copy, composite with references to the given buffers.

If dataBuffers produces an error or if there is a cancel signal, then all accumulated buffers will be released.

Note that the given data buffers do not have to be released. They will be released as part of the returned composite.

  • dataBuffers – the data buffers that are to be composed
Returns:a buffer that is composed from the dataBuffers argument
/** * Return a new {@code DataBuffer} composed from joining together the given * {@code dataBuffers} elements. Depending on the {@link DataBuffer} type, * the returned buffer may be a single buffer containing all data of the * provided buffers, or it may be a zero-copy, composite with references to * the given buffers. * <p>If {@code dataBuffers} produces an error or if there is a cancel * signal, then all accumulated buffers will be * {@linkplain #release(DataBuffer) released}. * <p>Note that the given data buffers do <strong>not</strong> have to be * released. They will be released as part of the returned composite. * @param dataBuffers the data buffers that are to be composed * @return a buffer that is composed from the {@code dataBuffers} argument * @since 5.0.3 */
public static Mono<DataBuffer> join(Publisher<? extends DataBuffer> dataBuffers) { return join(dataBuffers, -1); }
Variant of join(Publisher) that behaves the same way up until the specified max number of bytes to buffer. Once the limit is exceeded, DataBufferLimitException is raised.
  • buffers – the data buffers that are to be composed
  • maxByteCount – the max number of bytes to buffer, or -1 for unlimited
Returns:a buffer with the aggregated content, possibly an empty Mono if the max number of bytes to buffer is exceeded.
/** * Variant of {@link #join(Publisher)} that behaves the same way up until * the specified max number of bytes to buffer. Once the limit is exceeded, * {@link DataBufferLimitException} is raised. * @param buffers the data buffers that are to be composed * @param maxByteCount the max number of bytes to buffer, or -1 for unlimited * @return a buffer with the aggregated content, possibly an empty Mono if * the max number of bytes to buffer is exceeded. * @throws DataBufferLimitException if maxByteCount is exceeded * @since 5.1.11 */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Mono<DataBuffer> join(Publisher<? extends DataBuffer> buffers, int maxByteCount) { Assert.notNull(buffers, "'dataBuffers' must not be null"); if (buffers instanceof Mono) { return (Mono<DataBuffer>) buffers; } return Flux.from(buffers) .collect(() -> new LimitedDataBufferList(maxByteCount), LimitedDataBufferList::add) .filter(list -> !list.isEmpty()) .map(list -> list.get(0).factory().join(list)) .doOnDiscard(PooledDataBuffer.class, DataBufferUtils::release); }
Return a Matcher for the given delimiter. The matcher can be used to find the delimiters in a stream of data buffers.
  • delimiter – the delimiter bytes to find
Returns:the matcher
/** * Return a {@link Matcher} for the given delimiter. * The matcher can be used to find the delimiters in a stream of data buffers. * @param delimiter the delimiter bytes to find * @return the matcher * @since 5.2 */
public static Matcher matcher(byte[] delimiter) { return createMatcher(delimiter); }
Return a Matcher for the given delimiters. The matcher can be used to find the delimiters in a stream of data buffers.
  • delimiters – the delimiters bytes to find
Returns:the matcher
/** * Return a {@link Matcher} for the given delimiters. * The matcher can be used to find the delimiters in a stream of data buffers. * @param delimiters the delimiters bytes to find * @return the matcher * @since 5.2 */
public static Matcher matcher(byte[]... delimiters) { Assert.isTrue(delimiters.length > 0, "Delimiters must not be empty"); return (delimiters.length == 1 ? createMatcher(delimiters[0]) : new CompositeMatcher(delimiters)); } private static NestedMatcher createMatcher(byte[] delimiter) { Assert.isTrue(delimiter.length > 0, "Delimiter must not be empty"); switch (delimiter.length) { case 1: return (delimiter[0] == 10 ? SingleByteMatcher.NEWLINE_MATCHER : new SingleByteMatcher(delimiter)); case 2: return new TwoByteMatcher(delimiter); default: return new KnuthMorrisPrattMatcher(delimiter); } }
Contract to find delimiter(s) against one or more data buffers that can be passed one at a time to the match(DataBuffer) method.
See Also:
/** * Contract to find delimiter(s) against one or more data buffers that can * be passed one at a time to the {@link #match(DataBuffer)} method. * * @since 5.2 * @see #match(DataBuffer) */
public interface Matcher {
Find the first matching delimiter and return the index of the last byte of the delimiter, or -1 if not found.
/** * Find the first matching delimiter and return the index of the last * byte of the delimiter, or {@code -1} if not found. */
int match(DataBuffer dataBuffer);
Return the delimiter from the last invocation of match(DataBuffer).
/** * Return the delimiter from the last invocation of {@link #match(DataBuffer)}. */
byte[] delimiter();
Reset the state of this matcher.
/** * Reset the state of this matcher. */
void reset(); }
Matcher that supports searching for multiple delimiters.
/** * Matcher that supports searching for multiple delimiters. */
private static class CompositeMatcher implements Matcher { private static final byte[] NO_DELIMITER = new byte[0]; private final NestedMatcher[] matchers; byte[] longestDelimiter = NO_DELIMITER; CompositeMatcher(byte[][] delimiters) { this.matchers = initMatchers(delimiters); } private static NestedMatcher[] initMatchers(byte[][] delimiters) { NestedMatcher[] matchers = new NestedMatcher[delimiters.length]; for (int i = 0; i < delimiters.length; i++) { matchers[i] = createMatcher(delimiters[i]); } return matchers; } @Override public int match(DataBuffer dataBuffer) { this.longestDelimiter = NO_DELIMITER; for (int pos = dataBuffer.readPosition(); pos < dataBuffer.writePosition(); pos++) { byte b = dataBuffer.getByte(pos); for (NestedMatcher matcher : this.matchers) { if (matcher.match(b) && matcher.delimiter().length > this.longestDelimiter.length) { this.longestDelimiter = matcher.delimiter(); } } if (this.longestDelimiter != NO_DELIMITER) { reset(); return pos; } } return -1; } @Override public byte[] delimiter() { Assert.state(this.longestDelimiter != NO_DELIMITER, "Illegal state!"); return this.longestDelimiter; } @Override public void reset() { for (NestedMatcher matcher : this.matchers) { matcher.reset(); } } }
Matcher that can be nested within CompositeMatcher where multiple matchers advance together using the same index, one byte at a time.
/** * Matcher that can be nested within {@link CompositeMatcher} where multiple * matchers advance together using the same index, one byte at a time. */
private interface NestedMatcher extends Matcher {
Perform a match against the next byte of the stream and return true if the delimiter is fully matched.
/** * Perform a match against the next byte of the stream and return true * if the delimiter is fully matched. */
boolean match(byte b); }
Matcher for a single byte delimiter.
/** * Matcher for a single byte delimiter. */
private static class SingleByteMatcher implements NestedMatcher { static SingleByteMatcher NEWLINE_MATCHER = new SingleByteMatcher(new byte[] {10}); private final byte[] delimiter; SingleByteMatcher(byte[] delimiter) { Assert.isTrue(delimiter.length == 1, "Expected a 1 byte delimiter"); this.delimiter = delimiter; } @Override public int match(DataBuffer dataBuffer) { for (int pos = dataBuffer.readPosition(); pos < dataBuffer.writePosition(); pos++) { byte b = dataBuffer.getByte(pos); if (match(b)) { return pos; } } return -1; } @Override public boolean match(byte b) { return this.delimiter[0] == b; } @Override public byte[] delimiter() { return this.delimiter; } @Override public void reset() { } }
Base class for a NestedMatcher.
/** * Base class for a {@link NestedMatcher}. */
private static abstract class AbstractNestedMatcher implements NestedMatcher { private final byte[] delimiter; private int matches = 0; protected AbstractNestedMatcher(byte[] delimiter) { this.delimiter = delimiter; } protected void setMatches(int index) { this.matches = index; } protected int getMatches() { return this.matches; } @Override public int match(DataBuffer dataBuffer) { for (int pos = dataBuffer.readPosition(); pos < dataBuffer.writePosition(); pos++) { byte b = dataBuffer.getByte(pos); if (match(b)) { reset(); return pos; } } return -1; } @Override public boolean match(byte b) { if (b == this.delimiter[this.matches]) { this.matches++; return (this.matches == delimiter().length); } return false; } @Override public byte[] delimiter() { return this.delimiter; } @Override public void reset() { this.matches = 0; } }
Matcher with a 2 byte delimiter that does not benefit from a Knuth-Morris-Pratt suffix-prefix table.
/** * Matcher with a 2 byte delimiter that does not benefit from a * Knuth-Morris-Pratt suffix-prefix table. */
private static class TwoByteMatcher extends AbstractNestedMatcher { protected TwoByteMatcher(byte[] delimiter) { super(delimiter); Assert.isTrue(delimiter.length == 2, "Expected a 2-byte delimiter"); } }
Implementation of Matcher that uses the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm.
See Also:
/** * Implementation of {@link Matcher} that uses the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm. * @see <a href="https://www.nayuki.io/page/knuth-morris-pratt-string-matching">Knuth-Morris-Pratt string matching</a> */
private static class KnuthMorrisPrattMatcher extends AbstractNestedMatcher { private final int[] table; public KnuthMorrisPrattMatcher(byte[] delimiter) { super(delimiter); this.table = longestSuffixPrefixTable(delimiter); } private static int[] longestSuffixPrefixTable(byte[] delimiter) { int[] result = new int[delimiter.length]; result[0] = 0; for (int i = 1; i < delimiter.length; i++) { int j = result[i - 1]; while (j > 0 && delimiter[i] != delimiter[j]) { j = result[j - 1]; } if (delimiter[i] == delimiter[j]) { j++; } result[i] = j; } return result; } @Override public boolean match(byte b) { while (getMatches() > 0 && b != delimiter()[getMatches()]) { setMatches(this.table[getMatches() - 1]); } return super.match(b); } } private static class ReadableByteChannelGenerator implements Consumer<SynchronousSink<DataBuffer>> { private final ReadableByteChannel channel; private final DataBufferFactory dataBufferFactory; private final int bufferSize; public ReadableByteChannelGenerator( ReadableByteChannel channel, DataBufferFactory dataBufferFactory, int bufferSize) { this.channel = channel; this.dataBufferFactory = dataBufferFactory; this.bufferSize = bufferSize; } @Override public void accept(SynchronousSink<DataBuffer> sink) { boolean release = true; DataBuffer dataBuffer = this.dataBufferFactory.allocateBuffer(this.bufferSize); try { int read; ByteBuffer byteBuffer = dataBuffer.asByteBuffer(0, dataBuffer.capacity()); if ((read = this.channel.read(byteBuffer)) >= 0) { dataBuffer.writePosition(read); release = false; sink.next(dataBuffer); } else { sink.complete(); } } catch (IOException ex) { sink.error(ex); } finally { if (release) { release(dataBuffer); } } } } private static class ReadCompletionHandler implements CompletionHandler<Integer, DataBuffer> { private final AsynchronousFileChannel channel; private final FluxSink<DataBuffer> sink; private final DataBufferFactory dataBufferFactory; private final int bufferSize; private final AtomicLong position; private final AtomicReference<State> state = new AtomicReference<>(State.IDLE); public ReadCompletionHandler(AsynchronousFileChannel channel, FluxSink<DataBuffer> sink, long position, DataBufferFactory dataBufferFactory, int bufferSize) { this.channel = channel; this.sink = sink; this.position = new AtomicLong(position); this.dataBufferFactory = dataBufferFactory; this.bufferSize = bufferSize; }
Invoked when Reactive Streams consumer signals demand.
/** * Invoked when Reactive Streams consumer signals demand. */
public void request(long n) { tryRead(); }
Invoked when Reactive Streams consumer cancels.
/** * Invoked when Reactive Streams consumer cancels. */
public void cancel() { this.state.getAndSet(State.DISPOSED); // According java.nio.channels.AsynchronousChannel "if an I/O operation is outstanding // on the channel and the channel's close method is invoked, then the I/O operation // fails with the exception AsynchronousCloseException". That should invoke the failed // callback below and the current DataBuffer should be released. closeChannel(this.channel); } private void tryRead() { if (this.sink.requestedFromDownstream() > 0 && this.state.compareAndSet(State.IDLE, State.READING)) { read(); } } private void read() { DataBuffer dataBuffer = this.dataBufferFactory.allocateBuffer(this.bufferSize); ByteBuffer byteBuffer = dataBuffer.asByteBuffer(0, this.bufferSize); this.channel.read(byteBuffer, this.position.get(), dataBuffer, this); } @Override public void completed(Integer read, DataBuffer dataBuffer) { if (this.state.get().equals(State.DISPOSED)) { release(dataBuffer); closeChannel(this.channel); return; } if (read == -1) { release(dataBuffer); closeChannel(this.channel); this.state.set(State.DISPOSED); this.sink.complete(); return; } this.position.addAndGet(read); dataBuffer.writePosition(read); this.sink.next(dataBuffer); // Stay in READING mode if there is demand if (this.sink.requestedFromDownstream() > 0) { read(); return; } // Release READING mode and then try again in case of concurrent "request" if (this.state.compareAndSet(State.READING, State.IDLE)) { tryRead(); } } @Override public void failed(Throwable exc, DataBuffer dataBuffer) { release(dataBuffer); closeChannel(this.channel); this.state.set(State.DISPOSED); this.sink.error(exc); } private enum State { IDLE, READING, DISPOSED } } private static class WritableByteChannelSubscriber extends BaseSubscriber<DataBuffer> { private final FluxSink<DataBuffer> sink; private final WritableByteChannel channel; public WritableByteChannelSubscriber(FluxSink<DataBuffer> sink, WritableByteChannel channel) { this.sink = sink; this.channel = channel; } @Override protected void hookOnSubscribe(Subscription subscription) { request(1); } @Override protected void hookOnNext(DataBuffer dataBuffer) { try { ByteBuffer byteBuffer = dataBuffer.asByteBuffer(); while (byteBuffer.hasRemaining()) { this.channel.write(byteBuffer); } this.sink.next(dataBuffer); request(1); } catch (IOException ex) { this.sink.next(dataBuffer); this.sink.error(ex); } } @Override protected void hookOnError(Throwable throwable) { this.sink.error(throwable); } @Override protected void hookOnComplete() { this.sink.complete(); } } private static class WriteCompletionHandler extends BaseSubscriber<DataBuffer> implements CompletionHandler<Integer, ByteBuffer> { private final FluxSink<DataBuffer> sink; private final AsynchronousFileChannel channel; private final AtomicBoolean completed = new AtomicBoolean(); private final AtomicReference<Throwable> error = new AtomicReference<>(); private final AtomicLong position; private final AtomicReference<DataBuffer> dataBuffer = new AtomicReference<>(); public WriteCompletionHandler( FluxSink<DataBuffer> sink, AsynchronousFileChannel channel, long position) { this.sink = sink; this.channel = channel; this.position = new AtomicLong(position); } @Override protected void hookOnSubscribe(Subscription subscription) { request(1); } @Override protected void hookOnNext(DataBuffer value) { if (!this.dataBuffer.compareAndSet(null, value)) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } ByteBuffer byteBuffer = value.asByteBuffer(); this.channel.write(byteBuffer, this.position.get(), byteBuffer, this); } @Override protected void hookOnError(Throwable throwable) { this.error.set(throwable); if (this.dataBuffer.get() == null) { this.sink.error(throwable); } } @Override protected void hookOnComplete() { this.completed.set(true); if (this.dataBuffer.get() == null) { this.sink.complete(); } } @Override public void completed(Integer written, ByteBuffer byteBuffer) { long pos = this.position.addAndGet(written); if (byteBuffer.hasRemaining()) { this.channel.write(byteBuffer, pos, byteBuffer, this); return; } sinkDataBuffer(); Throwable throwable = this.error.get(); if (throwable != null) { this.sink.error(throwable); } else if (this.completed.get()) { this.sink.complete(); } else { request(1); } } @Override public void failed(Throwable exc, ByteBuffer byteBuffer) { sinkDataBuffer(); this.sink.error(exc); } private void sinkDataBuffer() { DataBuffer dataBuffer = this.dataBuffer.get(); Assert.state(dataBuffer != null, "DataBuffer should not be null"); this.sink.next(dataBuffer); this.dataBuffer.set(null); } } }